EL More than Mosaics - School of Journalism


EL More than Mosaics - School of Journalism
1976 ~ 32 Years of Service ~ 2008
South Tucson’s Bilingual Newspaper
Vote Counts
October 24 / 24 de octubre 2008
More than Mosaics
15 or less
25 - 50
Information from the U.S. Census Bureau.
50 plus
Protecting Perritos
Should South Tucson place
restrictions on what to feed
greyhounds, and how long
they can be caged? The voters
will decide.
15 or 25
By Michael K. Rich
‘Hispanic Vote’/see page 6
...see page 4
Hay niños que
necesitan familias
Una familia y sus hijos adoptivos.
Las Artes student Patrick Corella admires one of his mosaics made in the school’s design studio.
Las Artes Offers
GED Students
Skills and Pride
By Leila Abu-Saada
support himself financially.
“It just clicked in my head,”
he says. “I was tired of looking
for jobs all the time and not getting one job because I didn’t
have an education.”
Corella wasn’t enticed by an
education, rather he was drawn
to money and wanted a job
instead of a diploma, an ideal
that his two older brothers and
sisters also had—neither of
Corella’s siblings have high
Patrick Corella stands proudly
next to his tiled skulls. In honor
of Day of the Dead, he has
painted different skull faces on
four tiles in shades of bright
greens and deep reds.
The white skulls with tangled flower wreaths winding
through their faces seem to stare
back at him.
Corella created the tiles for
the eight-week art portion of his
classes at Las Artes Art and
Education Center.
But this is not his favorite
work. That title goes to his personal mosaic of the Virgin
Mary, with the words, “shed too
many tears” next to the name of
Las Artes student Patrick Corella
his brother and RIP.
Corella’s brother was shot designed three different skull faces
and killed last year on St. for the Day of the Dead.
Patrick’s Day in gang violence.
Corella was almost headed school diplomas and only one
of his sisters received her GED.
down that path himself.
“We all wanted to have
At 13 he was kicked out of
his house for using drugs and things for ourselves,” he says.
partying. He dropped out of “So we wanted money.”
Seeing the tile work of stuboth Catalina and Rincon High
Schools by his sophomore year. dents from Las Artes Art and
“I was ditching, I didn’t care Education Center splashed
about responsibility. I went and across South Tucson, Corella
got high with my friends, just was spurred to change his path.
wanted to be apart of the He needed to go back to school
and Las Artes was his destinacrowd,” says Corella.
The gang influences that tion.
“This is the last stop for
plagued Catalina High School
almost had Corella hooked. He many of these students and they
says though he was not official- know it,” says Michael Gates,
ly in a gang, he did associate Las Artes Art and Education
case manager. “This is the best
with various members.
“I hanged around with them game in town.”
To enroll at Las Artes, stuand represented them pretty
dents must be between the ages
much,” says Corella.
It became clear for the now of 16 and 21.
They must also take an
19-year-old that without a
diploma he would not be able to assessment test to determine
The 2008 election cycle promises
to be one of change.
The country will emerge with
new faces at both the state and
national level, and one demographic will have an increased impact
from years past.
A record 11.9 million HispanicAmericans are expected to vote in
this year’s presidential elections,
according to the New Democratic
Network, a progressive think tank
and advocacy group.
This number represents a
staggering 59 percent increase
from 2004.
One place that growth is evident
is Arizona.
During the 2000 presidential
election, the Hispanic vote
accounted for 15 percent of the
Arizona’s turnout. 247,000 votes
were cast out of 304,000 registered
Hispanic voters.
Fast forward to 2008, and the
number of registered Hispanic voters has risen to 673,000, according
the Arizona Recorder’s Office.
“To say that Hispanics are going
to have an impact on the vote is an
understatement,” said John Garcia,
a professor of political science
Minority Politics at the
University of Arizona.
Several years ago the percentage of Hispanics registered compared to that of all other racial
groups was low, Garcia said. But
thanks to “get out to vote campaigns,” that number has increased.
Arizona Democrats hope that the
influx of Hispanic voters, an increasingly negative view of President
Bush and the actions of Republicans
like Maricopa County’s Sheriff Joe
Arpaio will help the Democratic
Party return to power in both state
and national offices.
“I think Hispanics are just as
tired of the Republican policies as
the rest of America, and we will see
that this election cycle,” said Emily
DeRose, spokesperson for the
Arizona Democratic Party.
In 2006, 69 percent of Hispanic
voters backed Democratic candidates nationwide, while 30 percent
voted Republican. That was a shift
from the 2004 elections, when
Republican candidates drew 40
percent Hispanic support and
Democrats received 59 percent,
according to exit poll data assembled by NDN.
A recent study by the Pew
Hispanic Center concluded that
Hispanics are leaning toward
Democratic Presidential candidate
their educational placement at
the school.
The lowest level a student
can place is at the BE-1 or fifth
grade level.
Corella enrolled in March
2007 and placed into the BE-1
“I felt dumb,” he says. “I felt
like where have I been? Have I
been hiding under a rock?”
At the BE-1 level, students
like Corella are enrolled at Las
Artes for 32 weeks. Each level
of classes are eight weeks.
After BE-1 students advance
to BE-2 and the art portion of
the curriculum, they then move
into GED preparation before the
Students at Las Artes also
get paid each week for each
level of classes. BE-1 classes
pay $50 and BE-2 classes garner $75. Some students will
receive a bonus of up to $450
after completion of the GED
“It’s a motivation factor,”
says Gates. “It’s like a work
environment and their families
need the money.”
The art portion of the curriculum serves as work-study
where students learn valuable
time maintenance skills, teamwork and respect.
“It’s more like a work place
than a school,” says Gates.
“You have to be respectful, no
tolerance for drug use and attendance is given a lot of weight.”
The academic courses at Las
Artes are rigorous.
According to Gates, students attend class for 30 hours a
week. But classes are small with
about 15 students, and the
school will only hold 60 students at a time which allows
teachers and students more oneon-one time.
The smaller atmosphere and
more personal teaching method
works for Corella.
‘Artes’/see page 6
...vea página 2
City Threatens
Funding Cut
for Tourism
By Ashley Villarreal
The Metropolitan Tucson Convention & Visitors Bureau, facing a
possible 25 percent cut in city
funding, argues it is one of few
agencies actually generating revenue for the city and wants their
budget spared the axe.
With a possible $51 million
budget deficit, the Tucson city government is considering slashing the
funding of all outside agencies by
at least 10 percent.
The visitors bureau would be
happy if that were all it was cut.
MTCVB has found support
from some council members.
Regina Romero and Rodney
Glassman wrote to Mayor Bob
Walkup and City Manager Mike
Hein, to encourage the council
to rethink the visitors bureau
funding cut.
“One reason we asked the city
manager to consider cutting it to 10
percent,” Romero said, “is that
everybody is receiving a 10 percent
cut, and this would be a disservice
because the MTCVB helps bring
people to the region and (into the)
Romero said she understands
funding must be limited to offset
the city’s budget deficit but points
out that the bureau “helps spur economic development.”
Promotion of the city’s tourism
‘Tourism’/see page 6
Page / Página 2
October 24 / 24 de octubre 2008
Se buscan: padres de acogida o adoptivos
Marc Anthony tenía menos de un
mes de edad cuando padeció una
fractura de cráneo y una apoplejía y
lo colocaron con los Servicios de
Protección al Menor (Child
Protective Services).
Actualmente, el menor de cuatro años, ríe y juega con sus padres
Brian y Verónica Imblum.
Anthony esperó más de dos
años para tener una familia propia,
a lo mejor por los efectos potencialmente prolongados de sus
“En cuanto lo vimos, dijimos
‘vamos a hacerlo’ y si algo pasa
más adelante, lo afrontaremos”,
dijo Brian.
Hasta el momento, todo está
Y todo está bien para Annabel y
Damian, de 4 y 5 años respectivamente. A estos alegres hermanos
les gusta pasear en bicicleta y ver
caricaturas, disfrutando al pasar
tiempo con sus padres de acogida
Manuel y Lorraine Fimbres y sus
hijos mayores, Vanessa, Jessica y
Manuel en el rancho de la familia.
A ellos les gusta jugar, especialmente con los becerros y los gatitos.
La vida no siempre fue así para
Annabel y Damian. Hace un par de
años los Servicios de Protección al
Menor los apartaron de su madre
“Cuando llegaron con nosotros
era como una cultura diferente”,
dijo Lorraine.
“Damian y Annabel no sabían
Por Colleen Keefe
Traducido por Alejandra
Annabel y Damian (en frente) con los Fimbres, su familia adoptado.
nada”, agregó Manuel. “Comían de
la basura. Parece como que vivían
en armarios. Los días eran noches
para ellos, y las noches eran días”.
La historia de Annabel y
Damian tiene un final feliz, pero no
todos los niños son tan afortunados.
En Arizona, alrededor de 4.362
niños vivieron en situación de crianza temporal desde octubre del
2007 hasta marzo del 2008, según
el Informe de Protección al Menor
(Child Welfare Report). De ese
South Tucson’s Bilingual Newspaper
El Independiente encourages letters from all its readers, but reserves the
right to edit correspondence for grammar, style, clarity and length.
UA Journalism
P.O. Box 210158B
Tucson, AZ 85721
Phone: 621-3618
Maggy Zanger
Graphics and Layout Adviser
John deDios
Managing Editor
Ari Wasserman
Colleen Keefe
Gerald R. Zimmer III
Ashley Villarreal
Tanya Radisavljevic
Tess Martinez
News Editor
Claire Conrad
Spanish Editor
Ashley Villarreal
Design Chief
Matthew Garcia
Summer Watterson
Tess Martinez
Photo Editor
Jenny Mayer
Community Events Editor
Tanya Radisavljevic
News Room Manager
David Rodriguez
Copy Chief
Leila Abu-Saada
Elena Cruz
Colleen Keefe
Tess Martinez
Jenny Mayer
Dana Pfeiffer
Tanya Radisavljevic
Michael K. Rich
David Rodriguez
Leila Abu-Saada
Summer Watterson
Ari Wasserman
Copy Editors
Dana Pfeiffer
Colleen Keefe
Rob Zimmer
Gemma Figueroa
Alejandra Torres
Nabil Hourieh
Anders T. Peterson
ernesto almaya
Translation and Interpretation
of Spanish and Portuguese and Mexican
American Studies
total, 618 niños están en centros
residenciales de tratamiento, albergues, centros de detención u hospitales.
Eso deja un restante de 959
niños que viven en hogares de
acogida mientras esperan por
padres de acogida o adoptivos.
El entorno ideal para los niños
es “aquel que tenga el ambiente
más familiar”, según la división del
Económica de los Servicios para la
Juventud y la Familia (Youth and
Family Services).
Un objetivo adicional es mantener a los niños apegados a sus
vecindarios y culturas.
El número de niños apartados
de sus casas en el sur de Tucsón
excede el número de casas de
acogida disponibles en las inmediaciones, según Ángela Martínez,
una especialista de reclutamiento
del cuidado de crianza temporal del
distrito II del Departamento de
Seguridad Económica de los servicios para la Juventud y la Familia.
“Para un niño en esa área,
aumenta la probabilidad de que
tenga que dejar su escuela, vecindario, comunidad, iglesia, sus amigos, cualesquiera personas que
sean un apoyo o recursos que ellos
puedan tener y, probablemente de
igual importancia, perder el vínculo con su cultura”, explica
Usualmente los niños son
apartados debido al abuso, la negligencia, al abuso de una sustancia o
del alcohol, al abuso sexual o la
enfermedad mental del padre,
según Nancy Larison, directora
asociada del Centro de Adopción
de San Nicolás de Bari (St. Nicolas
of Myra Adoption Center).
Hay 13 agencias en el condado
de Pima que proveen cuidado de
crianza temporal. Algunas de ellas,
tal como San Nicolás, también fungen como agencias de adopción.
“Trabajamos con niños de edad
escolar que han experimentado un
trastorno terrible en sus vidas”, dijo
Larison. “Ellos tienden a tener
problemas de conducta como consecuencia del historial traumático
que tienen”.
Esto hace que sea más difícil
colocarlos en casas de acogida o
Los padres con experiencia, los
que están a punto de convertirse en
‘padres cuyos hijos ya abandonaron el nido’ y no se lo toman
personalmente cuando surgen
problemas de conducta, están bien
capacitados para este tipo de crianza, dice Larison.
Los Fimbres, cuyos hijos mayores tienen 21, 19 y 17 años, son
padres con experiencia y este es
exactamente el tipo de crianza que
les dan a Annabel y Damian, dice
Joanna Marroquín, un reclutador
de recursos de familias de acogida
para la Asociación de Niños de
Arizona (Arizona Children’s
Cuando Annabel y Damian llegaron a la casa de los Fimbres no
sabían hablar, pero han recibido
terapia para el habla y ahora son
bilingües. Ahora comen con una
cuchara y un tenedor, se levantan
por las mañanas y tienen una hora
de acostarse regular. Annabel asiste
al programa educativo Head Start
y Damian está en preescolar.
La necesidad de casas de acogida o adopción es especialmente alta
para grupos de hermanos y adolescentes.
Martínez, la especialista de
reclutamiento del Departamento de
Seguridad Económica, observa que
en hogares abusivos o negligentes,
los hermanos y las hermanas a
menudo se cuidan el uno al otro Es
traumático cuando son apartados
de su hogar y sus padres, y de la
situación empeora cuando son separados.
Ella agrega que es muy raro que
aparten a sólo un niño del grupo de
Los adolescentes también tienen
necesidades únicas porque muchos
han estado en el sistema por algún
tiempo y les resulta difícil tener
confianza y formar lazos.
“Están en la cúspide para llegar
a la edad adulta y si no se integran
a una familia cuando salgan del sistema, no van a tener a nadie a quien
recurrir”, dice Martínez. “Muchas
personas, cuando piensan en cuidado de crianza temporal, piensan en
bebés y niños pequeños. El cuidado
de crianza temporal incluye a
niños, adolescentes, grupos de hermanos y grupos grandes de hermanos”.
Entonces, ¿quiénes son las personas adecuadas para el cuidado de
crianza temporal o la adopción?
“Las familias normales no
proveen cuidados de crianza temporal”, dijo Rick Simpson, director
de ministerios comunitarios en la
Agencia Cristiana de Cuidado
Familiar (Christian Family Care
Agency). “No buscamos familias
Simpson dijo que busca padres
que reconozcan que ellos no
pueden hacer esto solos.
Van a necesitar solicitar ayuda
por parte de la familia, los amigos,
los miembros de la iglesia y su trabajador a cargo de la adopción o
del cuidado de crianza temporal.
“Las personas solitarias no
logran entrar en este negocio”,
advierte Simpson.
Económica va a seguir por este
camino. A través de la Iniciativa de
Familia a Familia (Family to
Family Initiative), la agencia trabajará con las familias para crear una
infraestructura fuerte para la mejora de la comunidad, relacionándose
con líderes, iglesias y negocios y
pidiéndoles su ayuda y apoyo para
las familias de cuidado de crianza
Por ejemplo, iglesias cercanas
podrían ofrecer grupos de apoyo
para padres de acogida mientras
sus hijos asisten a actividades especiales organizadas por voluntarios
No todos pueden ser padres de
acogida o adoptivos. Esto requiere
dedicación emocional y una serie
de habilidades inusuales dijo
“Las personas que tienen
vocación, soportan el dolor con
entereza”, el dijo. “Ésta es su
En cuanto a Annabel y Damian,
este verano se hicieron miembros
oficiales de la familia Fimbres. Su
adopción se concretó el 4 de agosto.
Información de
Las familias y los individuos
interesados en convertirse en
padres de acogida o adoptivos
pueden obtener información adicional al asistir a una orientación.
Para inscribirse, llame al
Las orientaciones se llevan a
cabo en:
Emmanuel Baptist Church
1825 N. Alvernon Way
14 de octubre de 2008
11 de noviembre de 2008
7 p.m.
Arizona Children’s Association
800 S. Eighth Ave. Edificio 13
28 de octubre de 2008
25 de noviembre de 2008
Al mediodía
Centro de
Información sobre
El Centro de Información sobre
Adopción (Adoption Information
Center) es una instalación a la
que el público puede acudir para
aprender sobre el proceso de
adopción y sobre algunos niños
de Arizona que esperan su adopción. El centro, dirigido por las
Familias de Arizona para los
Niños (Arizona Families For
Children) produce el Libro de
Intercambio para la Adopción en
Arizona (Arizona Adoption
Exchange Book), una colección
de fotos y descripciones de niños
necesitados de un hogar. El libro
actualmente tiene 79 niños e
incluye nueve grupos de hermanos.
El personal y los voluntarios
del centro ofrecen apoyo educativo a familias que esperan adoptar
y las ayuda a relacionarse con las
agencias de Arizona que tienen
El Centro de Información sobre
Adopción está ubicado en el 1011
N. Craycroft Road y lo puede
contactar llamando al 327-3324.
October 24 / 24 de octubre 2008
Page / Página 3
When Desert View head coach Jim
Monaco decided to take the job as
the leader of the Desert View football program before last season, he
had three goals.
The first was to increase the participation numbers. Monaco’s mission was to get as many kids
involved in the football program as
possible, whether it be at the varsity, junior varsity or freshman level.
The second was to keep all the
kids eligible. It is of utmost importance that players involved with the
Desert View football program
also live up to their academic
The final goal was to create better men out of all his players. While
football is a game, Monaco came to
the realization that it is more useful
as a steppingstone toward life lessons rather than just taking it at
face value.
There was no mention of the
word “winning.”
“If you look at wins and just
wins, you are done,” Monaco said.
“You need to look at kids graduating, putting young kids into college and bettering their lives.
And once you can build that
type of self-esteem, then the
wins will come.”
Despite not making the 4A-I
state playoffs since 1996, Monaco
already made a monstrous impact
on the Desert View program and it
came in the form of getting players
into college.
Desert View missed the playoffs
yet again last season, but Monaco
had six of his players sign national
letters of intent to play college
football. Monaco, who used to
coach at Pima Community College,
got on the phone with old colleagues and rivals which drew
interest in his program.
Though other teams were snagging the headlines in terms of playoff success, Monaco’s team sent
the most players to college in
Southern Arizona.
Four players went to play at
Mesa Community College, one went
to Fort Hays State (Kansas), and the
other went to Wabash (Ind.).
“What good is football if a kid
doesn’t learn how to play it or go
on to (the next level of) school, or
help mold his life? It is nothing. It
can’t just be a sport, it has to be a
life skill,” Monaco said. “So at this
place, that’s what we have made
football — a life skill.”
Being a former police officer in
both Boston and Tucson,
Monaco knows how to get his
point across. Visually, he is the
typical football coach.
Monaco wears a tight T-shirt on
a muscular build and a whistle gently dangles off of his neck.
The look is just about right.
Catch a glimpse of any Desert
View game or practice and Monaco
can be seen getting in players’
faces, raising his voice — flat out
wearing his emotions on his sleeve.
Monaco said this may be
because of his Italian background,
but his colleagues see it differently.
“He is a yeller and a screamer,
and a lot of people are actually
attracted by that,” said Daniel
Linden III, offensive coordinator of
the Desert View varsity squad.
“He is passionate and he truly
cares, and I think once the kids see
that, they latch on to him and go for
the ride.”
There is no secret, however, that
an ultimate goal of coaching is
winning and Monaco doesn’t stray
away from that concept.
The coach will tell you all day
that grades and integrity are far
more important than winning a
game, but perception of the program and the kids who play in it are
also something Monaco holds dear
to himself.
But with the achievement of the
aforementioned goals, winning has
started to come.
Monaco finally has all three
squads —varsity, junior varsity and
freshman — fully fielded for the
first time in six years and the total
By Ari Wasserman
Desert View Coach Cares About More Than Winning
Jim Monaco, Desert View head football coach, teaches his defensive ends how to get around blockers as his team practices on a baseball field on the school’s campus.
number of kids in the program
increased from 85 to 125.
That being said, only six players
in the entire program are flirting
with ineligibility after 14 fell below
the required “C” last year, because
the lessons taught at practice are
helping the kids on and off the field.
His goals have been accomplished.
“You can be good on talent
alone,” Monaco said.
“But without passion and character, you are going to back down.
When I got this job I believed in
character, intelligence and passion.
I would take that any day of the
week over just talent.”
Jose Alguna, a junior defensive
tackle on the varsity squad said he
takes every lesson received from
Monaco seriously.
“I had two different coaches my
freshman and sophomore year, but
when (Monaco) came I immediately
noticed a difference,” Alguna said.
“His intensity just rubs off on us
during games and practice. It makes
us want to always get better.”
“He helps us with off the field
stuff too,” Alguna added. “He talks
about integrity and hard work. If
you work hard and have it in your
heart and the ambition, you can
accomplish anything on and off
the field.”
Before Monaco’s arrival, Desert
View football was always an afterthought. Opposing teams felt they
could walk in and cruise to a victory — and they did.
After not being close to
playoff contention in what
seemed like forever, last season
Desert View barely missed the
postseason with a 4-6 record.
This season the Jaguars are 2-3,
but with a few extra breaks, it could
have easily been 4-1.
The program, both academically
and competitively, has turned
around in Monaco’s short time as
the head coach.
“I think teams really need to
prepare for us now. We are not just
a bland offense and defense, and I
think scheme-wise we have added
some good things,” Monaco said.
“But if I am going to be proud
about something, it’s that I
helped put six kids in college,
because they did the work. I
just made calls.”
“Wins will come,” Monaco said.
The Primavera Foundation… 25 Years and Counting
Actors perform a dramatic piece of Voices of Success and
Struggles, based on the lives of several people who have
recieved services from Primavera.
By David Rodriguez
It’s been a big year for the Primavera Foundation. The group
has started new programs, is helping more people than ever
and in October celebrated a milestone – 25 years serving the
needs of Tucson’s poor and disenfranchised.
Primavera Foundation began in 1984 to help the homeless
and has since expanded its programs to include job training
and transitional housing.
Last year alone, Primavera served more than 10,000 people in various programs at 12 different locations around
Tucson, according to Peggy Hutchison, executive director of
One of their newest programs is “Safe Start,” which finds
housing for recently released prisoners who do not have a
history of violence or sex offenses.
“The program was started because we know the difficulty
of getting back on your feet,” said Reneé Bibby, marketing
coordinator of Primavera. “We also know that surrounding
them with a positive atmosphere will help them. They won’t
fall back into their old habits.”
Bibby said that in addition to locating safe and affordable
housing, they also provide educational and financial programs for the former prisoners.
Shelters run by Primavera are open year-round for both
men and women and case managers are on hand to refer people as needed.
Case managers help form a plan that aids people in finding jobs and shows them how to save money. She said it’s an
ongoing process, and the case managers keep in contact with
everyone they assist.
Primavera focuses their work on providing services for
people who may not be able to find help elsewhere. And with
the downward spiral of the U.S. economy, they expect more
people will need assistance.
“We focus on starting programs that are not addressed in
other communities and we know we can help,” said
Because Primavera is a nonprofit organization, some of
their projects are funded by grants from federal and state governments, but local fundraising is a year-round effort.
One of the biggest fundraising events this year was
Primavera’s 25th celebration in October which was held at
the Tucson Convention Center Leo Rich Theater. More than
300 people attended and the event brought in an estimated
The Community Gratitude Campaign, which is
Primavera’s ongoing gift campaign honoring the 25th
anniversary, raised an additional $36,000, according to
Both Bibby and Hutchison say one of the major challenges for the organization is dispelling the stereotype of
homeless people and poverty-stricken families.
“Not everyone out there is lazy and are bums,” Bibby
said. “Many want to work and earn a living and once again
contribute to society.”
Hutchison agrees.
“There are some incredibly gifted people out there who
have many assets and we want to support them,” said
She said they helped 99 families purchase their first home
and 283 with rental assistance.
They are able to provide all this assistance because of the
many employees and volunteers.
“I’ve never worked with a staff with so much passion for
what they do and that really makes a difference,” said Bibby.
“I’m very fortunate to have the opportunity to work in an
environment like this, where we all have the same mission
and goals in mind.”
For more information on Primavera, call 623-5111 or visit
their Web site, www.primavera.org.
Primavera’s major highlights,
the last 25 years:
1984: Gordon Packard and Nancy Bissell form the
Primavera Foundation
1987: The men’s shelter opens, despite community
1990: The innovative Primavera Building Program starts,
which offers affordable housing
1996: Casa Paloma, a transitional housing for women,
1998: Primavera Works starts, a job placement program
to hire temp or temp-to-hire basis
2001: The Jim and Vicki Click Primavera Builders Training
Center opens
2005: The U.S. Department of Labor gives Primavera a
grant to begin the Safe Start program, which helps
recently released prisoners
2007: Primavera endowment hits $1 million
Page / Página 4
“Para presentar
una demanda,
debería estar
–Steve Chucri de la
Asociación de
Restaurantes de Arizona
trabajadores que están legalmente
en los Estados Unidos.
La propuesta también eliminará el sistema de “avisos anónimos” que permite que cualquier
persona demande anónimamente
a negocios que emplean a inmigrantes ilegales.
“Para presentar una demanda,
debería estar firmada”, dice Steve
Chucri, de la Asociación de
Restaurantes de Arizona.
Pero los adversarios de la
propuesta 202 dicen que la iniciativa fue escrita por los
empleadores de los trabajadores
indocumentados, que los pagándoles menos del salario mínimo.
Además, dicen que las alegaciones de que los empleados
perderían sus licencias de negocio después de hacer todo lo posible para seguir las leyes son una
Hasta la fecha, ningún negocio
ha sido acusado bajo la ley, que
fue aprobada en enero, y los
adversarios dicen que el proyecto
de ley hará lo opuesto de lo que
estaba previsto.
“Algunos de los miembros de
la industria agrícola y de comida
rápida no quieren verificar el
estatus de sus empleados”,
comentó el antiguo congresista
republicano del estado, Randy
“Están acostumbrados al viejo
sistema, que consistía en un
guiño y nunca se les hacían preguntas”, dice Graf.
Where to Vote
Find your polling place online by
searching on the city’s webpage:
find it though the Pima County
Recorder’s office:
South Tucson voters will be asked
to vote on a change to the city code
pertaining to the treatment of dogs
in the municipality.
Proposition 401, the Tucson
Dog Protection Act, will make it
illegal to feed a dog certain types of
raw meat, ban the use of anabolic
steroids and mandate that dogs may
spend a maximum of 18 hours a
day in a specific sized cage.
The measure, while applicable
to all dogs in South Tucson, was
mainly intended to regulate the
care of dogs at the Tucson
Greyhound Park, said Susan Via,
chair of the Tucson Dog Protection
The track houses an estimated
400 to 500 dogs, said Tom Taylor,
CEO of the Tucson Greyhound
The animals at the Tucson
Greyhound Park are kept in good
conditions that are in line with current law, Taylor said.
The first change to the code
regards feeding dogs “4D meat,” or
meat from diseased, dying, dead or
disabled animals. Via argues that
this meat has been shown to cause
gastrointestinal diseases in animals
that can potentially spread to handlers. Cooking 4D meat would
reduce the risk of human and animal disease.
There have been no incidents of
illness at the park due to meat and
this type of meat is suitable for a
dog’s digestive system, said Taylor.
The meat also represents a small
portion of the animals’ diet, only
about a pound a day, added Taylor.
La Propuesta 202, también conocida como “Alto al empleo de
inmigrantes ilegales,” trata de
aclarar el lenguaje en las leyes
existentes sobre la responsabilidad de los empleadores al
emplear trabajadores indocumentados.
Los partidarios de la propuesta
dicen que las leyes estatales existentes podrían cerrar negocios
que, aparte de esto, llevan a cabo
actividades legales, y que hacen
todo lo que pueden por emplear
By Claire Conrad
Por Tess Martinez
Traducido por Nabil Hourieh
Proposition 401: The Tucson Dog Protection Act
Prop. 202:
¿quiéns son
para empleo
de ilegales?
October 24/ 24 de octubre 2008
Proposition 401 is aimed at the racing dogs at Tucson Greyhound Park, 2601 S. 3rd Ave.
The second change mandates
that dogs must be able to run free
from their cages at least six hours
of every day. Keeping the dogs in
small cages does not allow them
time to socialize, Via said.
The dogs at the park are let out
four times a day, according to
Taylor, which is in line with industry-wide dog park regulations.
The time they are allowed out is
short, usually only to relieve themselves, Via said.
The third change concerns anabolic steroids, which are used at
dog tracks to prevent females from
going into heat. Proponents of the
proposition state that the dogs can
simply be separated by gender
when they go into heat, as they
used to be in racing before steroid
use, Via said.
If the proposition passes, Taylor
said, the track would have no problem cooking the meat and allowing
the dogs out for the mandated six
But banning steroids would
cause chaos.
Separating the animals, he said,
would not be effective.
“If you live within two houses
of a dog in heat, your dog would
know it,” Taylor said. “If I had 250
females in heat, every dog in
Tucson would be in my back
The track maintains that they
treat the dogs as athletes. “If it was
helping the dogs we’d do it,”
Taylor said. “It’s like a stock car
racer, you think it’d help him to put
bad fuel in his car?”
But according to Via, supporters
of the proposition, which includes
over 100 veterinarians, argue that
the track should reinvest some of
their profits into better treatment of
the dogs.
Ultimately, it’s up to South
Tucson voters to decide.
Propuesta 401 para la protección de perros
Por Claire Conrad
Traducido por Nabil Hourieh
Los votantes del sur de Tucsón serán llamados a
votar sobre un cambio en el código de la ciudad
relativo al tratamiento de perros del municipio.
La Propuesta 401, o el Proyecto de Ley para
la Protección de Perros en Tucsón, ilegalizará la
alimentación de perros con ciertos tipos de carne
cruda, prohibirá el uso de esteroides anabólicos
y obligará que los perros pasen un máximo de
18 horas al día en una jaula de dimensiones predeterminadas.
Esta medida se tomó para regula0r el cuidado de los perros del Tucson Greyhound Park
(Canódromo de Tucsón) y se aplicará a todos
los perros del sur de Tucsón, dice Susan Via, la
presidenta de la Iniciativa para la protección de
los perros de Tucsón.
Tom Taylor, consejero delegado del Tucson
Greyhound Park, comenta que en las perreras
del parque hay alrededor de 400 a 500 perros.
Estos se encuentran en buenas condiciones
que cumplen con las leyes actuales, dice Taylor.
El primer cambio del código referencia la
alimentación de perros con “carne 4D”, o de
animales moribundos, incapacitados o enfermos.
Via argumenta que se ha demostrado que este
tipo de carne causa enfermedades gastrointestinales en los animales y que potencialmente
pueden ser transmitidas a las personas con las
que mantienen contacto.
Por el momento no se han dado casos de
enfermedad y Taylor afirma que la carne que se
suministra es adecuada para el sistema digestivo
de los perros.
Taylor tambien dice que la carne representa
una parte reducida de la dieta del animal, aproximadamente una libra al día.
Asimismo, Taylor hace hincapié en que la
carne representa una parte reducida de ladieta
del animal, aproximadamente una libra al día.
El segundo cambio hace alusión a que los
perros puedan correr en libertad al menos seis
horas diarias, ya que el enjaulamiento impide
que puedan socializar, dice Via.
Según Taylor, los perros del parque se
sueltan cuatro veces al día atendiendo a una
práctica colectiva de los canódromos, pero
Susan Via asegura que el tiempo que los dejan
salir es breve y únicamente para dejarlos orinar.
La tercera modificación hace alusión a los
esteroides anabólicos que se usan en los canódromos para evitar que las hembras entren en
En este sentido se propone que en épocas de
celo, los animales sean separados por género
como se venía haciendo antes del uso de
esteroides, dice Via.
Si esta propuesta fuera aceptada, Taylor dice,
los trabajadores de los canódromos no tendrían
problemas en cocinar la carne y permitir la salida de los perros durante seis horas. Pero Taylor
afirma que prohibir el uso de esteroides causará
el caos.
Separar a los animales no sería efectivo ya
que, afirma, “Si vives a dos casas de un perro en
celo, tu perro lo sabrá” y “Si yo tuviera 250
hembras en celo, todo los perros de Tucsón
estarían en mi portón de atrás”.
El canódromo mantiene que los perros son
tratados como atletas y que, en palabras de
Taylor, “Si fuera beneficioso para los perros, lo
“Es como un piloto de carros de carreras:
¿cree que le ayudaría poner gasolina de mala
calidad en su auto?” el dice.
Según Via, los partidarios de esta propuesta,
entre los que se incluyen más de 100 veterinarios, argumentan que los canódromos deberían
reinvertir alguna de sus ganancias en tratar
mejor a los animales.
En estos momentos, la decisión está en las
manos de los votantes del sur de Tucsón.
Propuesta 105: gana la mayoría
Por Tess Martinez
Traducido por Nabil Hourieh
Propuesta 105 requerirá
que más de la mitad de
todos los votantes registrados tengan que votar para
de iniciativas relacionadas
con gastos del estado o con
Los adversarios argumentan que la iniciativa no
representará a los votantes
que no votan, porque contarán como votos en contra
de la iniciativa.
“Estamos en contra de la
propuesta porque, esencialmente, les pide a los
votantes que se eliminen a
sí mismos en iniciativas
que requieren cualquier
tipo de financiación”, dice
Steve Arnquist, de la Liga
de Votantes Conservadores
de Arizona.
Arnquist añadió que si
se adopta la propuesta, será
casi imposible adoptar iniciativas relacionadas con
impuestos o gastos obligatorios, porque, por lo general, hay una baja asistencia
de votantes.
Según Arnquist, la liga
considera que un 65% de
de votantes es bueno, y
que el 23% de los votantes
deja en blanco la sección
de la boleta con las propuestas.
“Es una de las peores
propuestas que he visto”,
dice Arnquist.
Pero partidarios de la
propuesta, que incluyen a la
Agencia Agrícola
Arizona y la Asociación de
Restaurantes de Arizona,
argumentan que hasta dos
tercios de los ingresos del
estado están sujetos a gastos obligatorios que han
sido establecidos por iniciativas similares, basadas
en el número de votantes.
Además, la legislatura
es incapaz de desviar tales
fondos porque hacerlo
supondrá el cambio de los
resultados del voto de los
ciudadanos de Arizona.
“Es relativamente fácil
incluir una iniciativa en la
votación”, dice Joe Siggs,
de la Agencia Agrícola de
“¿Es justo que un 25%
de los votantes puedan
imponer un impuesto en el
100% de la población?”
dice Siggs. “Es preocupante que tengamos que
poner algo así en la
October 24 / 24 de octubre 2008
Page / Página 5
Danielle Cariglio and David Machado walk a stretch of neighborhoods, knocking on voters’
doors and leaving flyers on Prop 200.
Proposition 200: Pushed
by Payday Businesses
Los prestamistas del día de pago
procuran mantenerse en el negocio
Por Summer Watterson
Traducido por Anders T.
By Summer Watterson
La Propuesta 200, conocida como
la iniciativa la reforma del préstamo del día de pago, incluye algo
más que la reforma que anuncian
los proponentes. Un voto de “sí”
cambiaría los reglamentos de la
industria de los préstamos del día
de pago, mientras que un voto de
“no” eliminaría la industria.
La propuesta, que está financiada
por los miembros de la industria, pretende que los prestamistas del día de
pago sigan haciendo negocios, al
revocar una exención del los códigos
estatales de Arizona que recibieron
los prestamistas del día pago. Ese
código limita la cantidad que las
instituciones financieras pueden
cobrar a un 36% o menos de la tasa
de porcentaje anual de los préstamos.
Stan Barnes, director de la campaña del Sí para 200 (“Yes on 200”),
dice que la reforma en la iniciativa
sería beneficiosa para los consumidores, al reducir las tarifas y al
mismo tiempo, conservarndo al
mismo tiempo esta opción de préstamo.
Kelly Griffith, subdirectora del
Centro del Suroeste para la
Integridad Económica (Southwest
Center for Economic Integrity,
SCEI) —una de las principales oponentes a la iniciativa, dice que los
prestamistas del día de pago tienen
la opción de reducir sus tasas de
interés al 36% o menos en el 2010 si
no quieren perder el negocio.
“Si no pueden conseguir ganancias al 36% o menos, eso mismo es
señal de que algo está mal”, dice
El SCEI calcula que las actuales
tasas de interés anuales de la mayoría de los prestamistas del día de
pago son superiores al 400%.
Barnes dice que esos números
engañan, porque por naturaleza los
préstamos no son anuales, sino que
más bien por un par de semanas.
El porcentaje que cobran muchos
locales de préstamo es de $15 por
cada $100 prestados, pero con los
reglamentos actuales en estos
locales de préstamo, se puede prorrogar un préstamo, o renovarlo, tres
veces, con otro cargo de $15 en cada
In Hispanic communities with historically low voter
participation rates, one organization is sending out volunteers to educate registered voters on the importance
of going to the polls.
Mi Familia Vota (My Family Votes), a voter mobilization effort based in Arizona and Colorado, is knocking on doors of people who are registered to vote but
haven’t participated much in recent elections. Their
goal is to encourage the Hispanic community to cast
their ballots on Nov. 4.
“We’ve knocked on thousands of doors and talked
to a couple hundred people,” said Amy McQuillen, lead
organizer for Mi Familia Vota in Tucson. “We’re out
there seven days a week.”
Each year, both on foot and by phone, Mi Familia
volunteers focus on a key ballot proposition that will
affect Hispanic voters to motivate them to get involved.
This year the organization chose Proposition 200,
the payday loan reform initiative, because it targets
people with fewer resources and those unfamiliar with
state laws.
“We are non-partisan as far as candidates go,”
McQuillen said. “All that is important is that they
vote.” But the organization also hopes to convince voters to “take a vote on a proposition that affects the
Latino and many other communities.”
McQuillen added that the more voters know about
different measures that affect them, the more likely
they are to vote.
Volunteer Hector Espriu, a student at Pima
Community College studying sociology, said he gets
to talk with voters on a day-to-day basis about voting
and Prop 200.
“Most people don’t really know about it, but they’re
pretty receptive,” Espriu said. “When we’re there we
just give up information and then they can make up
their own mind.”
McQuillen said the majority of people she has met
know less about the proposition, but at least something
about payday loans.
“If it’s not their family, it’s someone they know or
another family with a payday loan, and there’s always
a story about it,” she said. “They say ‘we don’t like it,
but we’ve borrowed.’”
David Machado, an interdisciplinary studies major
at the University of Arizona, said canvassing for voters
is not the most glamorous job but it gives back to the
“I guess I just see it as if you get more Latinos out
there voting, a lot of the politicians will have to cater to
the Latinos’ needs, and they’ll see that they are a big
part of voting and deciding the vote,” he said.
Machado said if a demographic is not voting as a
community, then politicians are more prone to ignoring
that community’s needs.
“I figure if a lot of Latinos go out there then they’re
going to start seeing the numbers and be like ‘oh wow,
you know, we really need to start hitting the Latino
community,’” he said.
Espriu said meeting with voters firsthand has been a
unique experience and what Mi Familia Vota does is
help raise political awareness, especially during a time
when most information comes from a barrage of mailings and TV advertisements.
“When we talk it’s face to face,” Espriu said. “I
think that it’s way more productive.”
More information about Mi Familia Vota can be
found at www.mifamiliavota.net.
By Ashley Villarreal
Mi Familia Vota Hits the Streets to Get Out the Vote
Money Mart, en la esquina del Avenida 12 y Calle Irvington por el oeste, es una tienda del
día de pago que puede cerrar si pasan Propuesta 200.
instancia, lo cual resultaría en un
cargo de interés del 60% si se
extiende el préstamo al monto máximo.
Griffith dice que el problema es
que mucha gente que solicita préstamos el día de pago no puede
devolver el dinero en la fecha límite.
El SCEI preparó un informe en el el
2003; que demostrómostraba que el
31% de la gente tardaba una a dos
semanas en pagar su préstamo, el
17% pagó al cabo de tres o cuatro
semanas, el 17% tardó de siete a
ocho semanas y el 15% necesitó
nueve o más semanas para pagar su
“La probabilidad de que tengan
la cantidad completa cuando cobren
su próximo cheque? Ees muy baja o
nada”, dice Griffith.
El estudio también descubrió que
en el 2003, la gente en el Condado
Pima pagó $20 millones en cargos
de préstamos de día de pago.
Barnes argumenta que SCEI
debería completar un estudio sobre
la cantidad de dinero que sale del
Condado Pima en cargos por cantidades impagadas a los bancos
Una de las reformas incluidas
en la iniciativa impediría que los
clientes prorroguen los préstamos.
Sin embargo, si la Propuesta 200
se aprueba, la gente tendría la
opción de sacar un nuevo préstamo un día después de pagar el
Barnes dice que la cláusula de
“no renovación” (“no rollover”)
haría que se cobre un máximo del
15% sobre un préstamo, lo cual es
más barato que tener que pagar por
un cheque sin fondos o un cargo
para reestablecer los servicios públicos. “La gente está tratando de evitar otras opciones más costosas
cuando van a una tienda de préstamos del día de pago”, dice Barnes.
“El argumento a favor del ciclo de
deudas no se entiende cuando se
compara con las reformas de la
Propuesta 200”.
Otra reforma en la iniciativa
incluye requerir a los prestamistas
del día de pago que ofrezcan a los
clientes que no pueden pagar sus
préstamos un plan para pagar sin
ningún cargo.
La propuesta también impediría
que la gente obtuviera préstamos en
más de un local al requerir que los
prestamistas establezcan una base
de datos de la industria, y requeriría
que los prestamistas nacionales de
Internet sigan las leyes estatales de
Arizona relacionadas con los préstamos del día de pago.
“Todo el tema (de las reformas)
es una ilusión”, dice Griffith. “La
estructura del producto es
“Ellos (la oposición a la
Propuesta 200) creen que la gente es
demasiado tonta para tomar una
decisión racional”, dice Barnes, “lo
cual es un insulto”.
Proposition 200, known as the payday loan reform initiative, includes
more than the reform’s proponents
advertise. A “yes” vote would
change regulations on the payday
loan industry while a “no” vote
would eliminate the industry.
The proposition, which is funded
by members of the industry,
attempts to keep payday lenders in
business by repealing an exemption
payday lenders received to the
Arizona state codes. That code limits financial institutions to charging
36 percent or less APR on loans.
Stan Barnes, chairman of the
“Yes on 200” campaign, says the
reforms in the initiative would make
the payday loan industry better for
consumers by lowering fees while
preserving this type of loan option.
Kelly Griffith, deputy director
for Southwest Center for Economic
Integrity—one of the main opponents to the initiative—says payday
lenders have the option of lowering
their interest rates to 36 percent or
less in 2010 if they don’t want to go
out of business.
“If you can’t make a profit at 36
percent or less, there’s something
wrong right there,” Griffith says.
The SCEI calculates the current
annual interest rates of most payday
lenders at more than 400 percent.
Barnes says those numbers are
deceiving because by nature the
loans are not annual but rather a
couple of weeks.
The fee at many loan sites is $15
per $100 borrowed, but with the
current regulations on payday loan
sites, a loan can be extended, or
“rolled over,” three times with
another $15 fee each time, which
could end up equaling a 60 percent
interest rate if a loan is extended the
maximum amount.
Griffith says the problem is many
people who take out payday loans
can’t pay them back by the due date.
The SCEI produced a report in 2003
that showed 31 percent of people
took one to two weeks to pay back
their loan, 17 percent paid within
three to four weeks, another 17 percent took seven to eight weeks and
15 percent needed nine or more
weeks to pay back their loan.
“What are the chances you’ll
have the full amount by your next
paycheck? Slim to none,” Griffith
The study also found that in
2003, people in Pima County paid
$20 million in payday loan fees.
Barnes argues the SCEI should
complete a study on how much
money leaves Pima County in overdraft fees to national banks.
One of the reforms included in
the initiative would prevent cus-
The point of these
reforms is smoke and
mirrors. Payday loans
are structured as
- Kelly Griffith, deputy director for
Southwest Center for Economic Integrity
tomers from extending their loans.
However, if Proposition 200 is
passed people would have the
option of taking out a new loan one
day after they pay back the first one.
Barnes says the “no rollover”
clause would make 15 percent the
maximum charged on one loan,
which he argues is cheaper than
bouncing a check or a fee to reinstate utility services. “People are
trying to avoid other more costly
options when they go into a payday
loan store,” Barnes says. “The cycle
of debt argument falls when held up
against 200 reforms.”
Another reform in the initiative
includes requiring payday lenders to
offer customers who can’t pay back
their loans repayment plans at no
additional fee.
The proposition would also stop
people from taking out loans at
more than one location by requiring
the lenders to set up an industry
database and it would require that
national internet lenders follow
Arizona state laws regarding payday
“The whole point (of the
reforms) is smoke and mirrors,”
Griffith says. “The product is structured as deceptive.”
“They (the opposition to proposition 200) believe people are too
dumb to make a rational decision,”
Barnes says, “which is an insult.”
October 24 / 24 de octubre 2008
Page / Página 6
Tucson Visitors Bureau Faces Disproportionate Funding Cut Las Artes
helps students
get GEDs
‘Tourism’ Continued from page 1
‘Artes’ Continued from page 1
ing agency, Centro Oficial de
Visitantes de Tucson (Official
Center for Tucson Visitors) in
Hermosillo, Son., to provide services for Mexican business investors
who may be enticed to set up shop
in Tucson.
The office will begin by hiring
lawyers and accountants to help
investors set up bank accounts
and acquire tax ID numbers to
start new businesses in the United
“We want there to be one-window ready for them because it’s an
unfamiliar process,” said Garcia.
“We want to make it easy for them
to streamline.”
Monteverde, the director at El
Centro de Visitantes de Tucson,
said their agency in Hermosillo is
working to fund a new shuttle service from Mexico to bring visitors to
medical centers in Tucson.
A packaged weekend trip, for
example, is in the works that will
give discounted wellness exams
for women at Tucson Medical
“We’re trying not only to get
them to go to Tucson, but to stay
there and spend more time and
have medical services and personal
services like going to a spa,”
Monteverde said.
Shawn Page, administrator for
international services and relations
sector should receive more and not
less money for its efforts, she said.
Felipe Garcia, vice president for
community affairs at MTCVB, said
the cuts come at a time when advertising efforts should increase, not
He points out that other cities
are now investing more in tourism
promotion because of the dollars
visitors bring into a city.
“We have to compete with more
cities with more funding for marketing tourism.”
Advertising efforts are critical at
a time when the U.S. dollar is now
the lowest it has been to the peso
since 2002.
Mexican shoppers have an
incentive to spend money in the
United States, Garcia said.
Tourism is a revenue-producing
vehicle that brings in over $2.3 billion in revenue to Tucson from not
only sales tax, but a bed tax collection paid when tourists stay at area
hotels, said Garcia.
Since 2005, the visitors bureau
has been marketing hotel stays,
casino trips, and concert packages
and is further expanding promotion
beyond typical tourist venues.
In upcoming months, MTCVB
has plans to offer new promotions
for Mexican businesses and medical patients, Garcia said.
The visitors bureau has been
working with its Mexican partner-
Patty Burger, an employee at the bureau’s Tucson Visitor Center, shows
Todd Bender, a German native, a map of the city and calendar of upcoming
at the hospital, said TMC has consistently advertised to this
“untapped market” with the potential to have “a cascade effect on
Tucson’s economy.”
The future of these new projects
is uncertain with the bureau’s
budget threatened.
“Ten percent is a challenge,”
Garcia said. “But 25 percent would
be critical.
We would have to cut some
marketing programs and several of
our community contributions.”
But cutting services in the
Hermosillo office would be the last
the agency would consider, Garcia
Deputy City Manager Mike
Lechter said he understands council
member appeals to the 25 percent
cut, but the city must make compromises to deal with its deficit.
“We are doing things we wouldn’t have contemplated years ago,”
but as far as re-evaluating the cut,
Lechter said, “there’s always room
for negotiation.”
Coveted Hispanic Vote Crucial, Especially in General Election
‘Hispanic Vote’ Continued from page 1
Barack Obama at a rate of three to one. But the
surge in Democratic votes may not affect
“This is McCain’s home state and it will be
very difficult for Obama to overtake him in it,”
Garcia said.
He sees the number of Hispanics voting for
McCain to be in the 40 percent range. McCain
has name recognition and Hispanics are familiar
with him.
However, some members of the Democratic
Party say a win in the presidential election in
Arizona is possible.
“If you look at the primary results, McCain
only pulled 47 percent of the vote amongst his
own party,” said DeRose. “I think he may be
more vulnerable here than some people think..”
Democrats are optimistic that Arizona may
lean toward Obama in the presidential election,
they are confident that they will gain seats in
both U.S. Congress and the State Legislature.
“Where there is not that name recognition,
Hispanics are going to be more likely to vote for
the Democratic candidate,” Garcia said.
However, state GOP members are hoping
that the success of Presidential Candidate John
McCain in Arizona will trickle down the ticket.
“We believe we have qualified candidates up
and down the ticket and should win some of
those battles,” said Sean McCaffrey, executive
director for the Arizona Republican Party.
All eight seats in the U.S. House of
Representatives are up for election this year.
Currently, Democrats and Republicans each
hold four seats.
“Right now we have three of the top ten congressional battles occurring in the state of
Arizona,” McCaffrey said.
Those battles are U.S. Congressional
Districts 1, 5 and 8. Congressional District 1 has
a majority of Democratic voters, 16 percent of
which are Hispanic.
Republican incumbent Rick Renzi is not running for re-election so the battle is tight between
candidates Republican Sydney Hay and
Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick.
“Many of the people who live in this district
are low income families who need representation at the national level. I am the person to give
them that representation,” Kirkpatrick said.
She said the same problems facing Hispanics
are those facing all people in the district.
In Congressional District 5, GOP member
David Schweikert is taking on Democratic incumbent Harry Mitchell.
The district includes the northeastern suburbs
of Phoenix, where Hispanics make up 13.3 percent of the population.
Hispanic voters could also impact
Congressional District 8, where former
Republican State Senate President Tim Bee is
challenging Democratic incumbent Gabrielle
The district is 18 percent Hispanic and only
has a 6 percent difference between the number
of registered Democrats and Republicans.
The district includes Cochise County and
portions of Santa Cruz and Pima Counties.
Republicans hold a slight edge in the number of
registered voters and Hispanics make up 18.2
percent of the population in the area.
This is McCain’s home
state and it will be very
difficult for Obama to
overtake him in it.
–John Garcia
UA Political Science department
“A lot of people in the area are not happy
with the job Giffords has done, but she is a very
polished politician and it may be difficult to
overtake her,” McCaffrey said.
In Congressional District 4, 57 percent
Hispanic, Republican Don Karg is challenging
Democrat Ed Pastor, who has represented the
district since 1991.
Congressional District 7 has the second highest Hispanic population, at 50 percent.
Republican Joseph Sweeney is challenging
Democrat Raul Grijalva, who has represented
the Congressional District 7 since 2003.
State Level
The national elections are not the only race in
which Hispanic voters may play a new role.
Arizona Legislative Districts 23 through 30
make up southern Arizona, and with one
exception, District 30, all of these districts
have Hispanic populations of greater than 20
If Democrats want to regain a majority in the
State Legislature, these will be key battles areas.
Currently in these eight Legislative Districts
there are 19 Democrats and five members of the
In Arizona there are 13 Democrats and 17
Republicans in the State Senate and 27
Democrats and 33 Republicans in the House.
Four incumbents, Rep. Jennifer Burns (R-
District 25), Rep. Pete Rios (D-District 23),
Rep. Marian McClure (R-District 30) and Sen.
Tim Bee (R-District 30), have decided not to run
for re-election this year or have decided to run
for a different position.
Legislative District 25 spans almost all of
Cochise County and extends to parts of Pima,
Pinal, Santa Cruz and Maricopa Counties. It
also includes the border towns of Douglas and
There are 28,910 registered Republicans,
38,337 Democrats and 24,474 independents,
with Hispanic residents representing 43 percent.
“We have lost our incumbent in the district,
so it may be difficult to get that seat back in such
a heavy Democrat area,” McCaffrey said. He
said that Republicans should do well in Districts
29 and 30.
Democratic incumbents Tom Prezelski and
Linda Lopez will be up against Republican Juan
Ciscomani in District 29 for state House.
“He is a very promising candidate, he has
gotten volunteers from all the parties and is running a privately funded campaign,” McCaffrey
District 30 includes eastern Tucson, Green
Valley and Sierra Vista. It is home to about
44,200 Republicans, 31,300 Democrats and is
about 13 percent Hispanic.
“Although this has been historically a
Republican district we feel we can make take at
least one seat,” DeRose said.
This district has undergone a major shuffle of
the legislative team, with one incumbent deciding
to run for the Arizona Corporation Commission,
another deciding to run in the U.S. Congressional
race and the third attempting to make the transition from state House to state Senate.
The candidates for state Senate in District 30
are former state House member Republican
Jonathan Paton who will face off against
Democrat Georgett Valle.
Three candidates are vying for two empty
state House seats in the district. They are
Democrat Andrea Delasandro and Republicans
David Gowan and Frank Antenori.
The deciding factor in this district is whether
the independent voters sway Republican or
Democrat, McCaffrey said.
No matter who Hispanics vote for,
McCaffrey said it may be some time before the
winners of these races are know.
“Because of the large amount of mail-in
votes, the closeness of the presidential race and
some counties not electronically transmitting
votes, we may not have the results of the election on the state level for two to three weeks,”
McCaffrey said.
“The way they talk to you, the
way that they push you to strive
for everything, that’s what I like
about this place,” he says.
Apart from the traditional
classrooms is the large studio that
occupies Las Artes. It is the workshop for the current art class of 1519 students.
Every wall, shelf and floor
space in the studio is covered in
past mosaics or current projects
destined to be displayed in
Arizona cities including South
Tucson, Sahuarita and Catalina.
The diversity of projects is
vast. At any time, the students
could be working on a number of
commissioned projects for public
buildings, libraries, events or
signs. These works have created
respect and notoriety among many
Past projects include wall
mosaics of Native American
dancers displayed at the Tohono
O’odham Reservation and Day of
the Dead inspired tiles displayed at
the Tucson Children Museum.
“We’ve had people come in
here and ask, ‘this is where this art
comes from?’” says Art Instructor
Saul Ortega.
The current class of art students
is working on a 24 x 4 ft. wall
mosaic for the Pima County
Animal Care Center to be completed in 24 weeks. The design
was created in collaboration with
the instructors and students.
“We let them know that some
of the art work is going to be in the
public 20, 30 years, so that encourages them,” says Ortega.
A former airbrush artist, Ortega
has been with Las Artes for more
than six years. He roams the studio
assisting students, motivating
some to keep focused and instructing others how to safely handle the
According to Ortega, every student is assigned a role in producing a public mosaic but students
also create a personal mosaic to
give away to a person of their
Students handle saws, cut
materials and have access to the
five kilns in the studio.
“We do silk screening, glazing…a lot of them are really interested in the techniques we use,”
says Ortega.
He is quick to point out that
students don’t need previous art
experience to be successful in the
art class.
“We’re not teaching them to be
tile setters. We’re teaching them to
work with other students, following instructions, being on time.
These are the same things you’ll
see in the real world,” says Ortega.
These skills will help students
like Corella follow their goals.
Corella’s hope is to find a job
specifically with Parks &
Recreation where he can receive
On Oct. 17, Corella graduated.
He is the first male in his family to
do so.
“ I always told myself, I could
do it,” he says. “I wasn’t going to
fail again.”
Excited isn’t a big enough word
for Corella when describing his
“I’m stoked. That’s all I keep
telling people is that I’m stoked.”
he says proudly. “I’m happy.”
Coming soon!
October 24 / 24 de octubre 2008
Page / Página 7
Youth On Their Own Get Guidance, Mentoring Bilingual
By Matthew Garcia
By Dana Pfeiffer
Last school year, 133 high school
students received a diploma with
support from a local organization
dedicated to helping Tucson teens
Youth On Their Own (YOTO),
a nonprofit organization, was created at Amphitheater High School in
1986. Since its start it has helped
more than 9,000 homeless youth
graduate by providing financial
support, academic guidance, mentoring and by helping with basic
needs like food and clothing.
“The help that you don’t have
from parents, they are there to help
you,” says Philip Barreras, a recent
graduate who joined YOTO after
dropping out of Pueblo High
At age 16, Barreras was homeless after his relationship with his
mother deteriorated. As she went
through her second divorce,
Barreras found himself hopping
around the homes of friends and
relatives while trying to maintain
his job at Discount Tire.
He eventually attended Pima
Vocational High School where a
counselor told him about YOTO.
He decided to take advantage of
their offerings. A high school diploma later, Barreras is preparing for
barber school and entertaining the
thought of a psychology degree
from the University of Arizona.
Last school year, YOTO served
578 students like Barreras, an
increase in 21 students from the
year before.
The organization receives students from every social and ethnic
background in the city, says Gina
Babunovic the communications
and development director for
As the number of students has
increased, the percentages of every
minority group and Caucasian students has risen slightly. Although
the percentage of Hispanic students
decreased by 7 percent they still
make up about half of the students
in the program.
Students who come into the program are displaced from their
Gloria Damian,14, a freshman at Flowing Wells High School and member of Youth On Their Own, takes food from shelves
at the program office.
homes for various reasons,
Babunovic. But the most common
are parents who use drugs or the
absence of a parent or guardian
YOTO wants people to understand that many homeless students
want to succeed, but they are challenged by negative situations at
home that make survival a full-time
effort—often to the loss of their
“The community doesn’t understand the number of students that
are in this situation,” Babunovic
says. “They are not kids under the
Many of the young people in the
program live with friends or relatives. Some are always on the move
and even resort to sleeping in public places when they have no where
to go for the night.
YOTO assists students who are
in grades 8 to 12 or until they are
21 (or 22 for students with disabilities). Before YOTO accepts young
people into the program, they must
show they are enrolled in a public,
charter or alternative school so the
program has an indication that educational success is a priority.
Students receive a $125 stipend
per month if their school attendance and performance is adequate.
They also get food, clothing,
hygiene kits, school supplies, furniture and even computers.
Mary Gruensfelder-Cox, executive director of YOTO says, the
hardest job for them is identifying
students who need help.
Most of the time, they appear to
be average students who don’t
draw attention to themselves until
they drop out. YOTO spent all of
2007 addressing this challenge by
educating nurses, coaches, security
guards and food service workers
about how to identify potential
troubled students and how to direct
them to the program.
YOTO is also looking to
improve services for teens once
they enter the program. They hope
that a Facebook account or an
interactive Web site will promote
communication among students as
well as with YOTO staff.
YOTO’s new bond with Touch
Point Connection will provide
one-on-one coaching to students
by volunteers who are screened
and professionally trained to
In the program, students will
meet with their coaches once a
week, and after graduation the
coaches will help students make a
successful transition to a job or
higher education.
YOTO is looking for coaches
who could make the one-year commitment and Gruensfelder-Cox
would specifically like to see more
Hispanic men and men in general
in the program.
Barreras encourages teens to
make use of this life changing
resource. “If there is an opportunity
for help, why not take it,” he says.
La juventud por su propia cuenta obtiene tutoria
Por Matthew Garcia
Traducido por Anders T. Peterson
El pasado año escolar, 133 estudiantes de la secundaria recibieron un
diploma, gracias al apoyo de una
organización local que se dedica a
ayudar a los adolescentes de
Tucsón a graduarse.
La juventud por su propia cuenta (Youth On Their Own, YOTO),
una organización sin ánimo de
lucro, fue creada en Amphitheater
High School en 1986. Desde su
comienzo han ayudado a más de
9.000 jóvenes sin hogar a graduarse
de la secundaria, al brindarles
apoyo financiero, orientación
académica, asesoría y ayudándoles
con las necesidades básicas como
alimento y ropa.
“La ayuda que no recibes de los
padres, allí están ellos para ayudarte”, dice Philip Barreras, un
graduado reciente de la secundaria,
que se unió a YOTO después de
abandonar Pueblo High School.
A los 16 años de edad, Barreras
no tenía hogar después de que se
deteriorara la relación con su
madre. Mientras ella se divorciaba
por segunda vez, Barreras pasaba
de casa en casa de sus amigos y
parientes mientras trataba de mantener su trabajo en Discount Tire.
Finalmente asistió a la Pima
Vocational High School donde un
asesor le contó sobre YOTO y
decidió aprovechar esa oportunidad.
Un diploma de secundaria
después, Barreras se está preparando
para la escuela de peluquería y pensando en un diploma de psicología de
la Universidad de Arizona.
El pasado año escolar YOTO
ayudó a 578 estudiantes como
Barreras, un aumento de 21 estudiantes sobre el año anterior.
La organización recibe a estudiantes de cualquier área social y
étnica en la ciudad, dice Gina
Babunovic, la directora de comunicaciones y desarrollo de YOTO.
A medida que el número de
estudiantes aumentó, los porcentajes de cada grupo de minoría así
como también estudiantes caucásicos
Aunque el porcentaje de estudiantes hispanos disminuyó en un
siete por ciento, todavía constituyen más o menos la mitad de los
estudiantes del programa.
Los estudiantes que entran en el
programa están fuera de sus hogares por muchas razones, dice
Babunovic. Pero en general, las
razones más comunes son padres
que usan drogas o la ausencia de un
padre o un tutor.
YOTO quiere que la gente
entienda que muchos estudiantes
sin hogar quieren tener éxito, pero
enfrentan situaciones negativas en
sus casas que hacen que el sobrevivir sea un esfuerzo de tiempo
completo, y que a menudo, supone
la pérdida de su educación.
“La comunidad no entiende el
número de estudiantes que se
encuentra en esta situación”, dice
Babunovic. “No son niños que
vivan debajo de los puentes.”
Muchas de las personas jóvenes
en el programa viven con sus amigos o parientes. Algunos siempre se
están mudando e incluso se conforman con dormir en lugares públicos cuando no tienen a dónde ir a
pasar la noche.
YOTO ayuda a estudiantes en
los grados 8-12 o hasta que tengan
21 años (o 22 para estudiantes con
discapacidades). Antes de que
YOTO acepte gente joven en el
programa, los cadidatos deben
demostrar que están matriculados
en una escuela pública o alternativa, de manera que YOTO tenga
pruebas de que el éxito académico
es una de sus metas.
Los estudiantes reciben una
remuneración de $125 por mes si
su asistencia y desempeño
También reciben alimento, ropa,
botiquines higiénicos, artículos
escolares, muebles e incluso computadoras.
Mary Gruensfelder-Cox, la
directora ejecutiva de YOTO, dice
que el trabajo más difícil para ellos
es identificar a los estudiantes que
necesitan ayuda.
La mayoría del tiempo, parecen
ser estudiantes comunes que no llaman la atención sobre sí mismos
hasta que abandonan sus estudios.
YOTO dedicó todo el 2007 a tratar
de solucionar esta situación, educando a enfermeras, entrenadores,
guardia de seguridad y trabajadores
de la cocina sobre cómo identificar
a los estudiantes que pudieran tener
problemas y cómo referirlos a
YOTO también está tratando de
mejorar sus servicios para adolescentes una vez que ingresan en el
Esperan que una cuenta en
Facebook o un sitio Web interactivo promueva la comunicación
entre los estudiantes, así como
entre el personal de YOTO.
El nuevo vínculo de YOTO con
Touch Point Connection brindará
capacitación personalizada a los
estudiantes, por medio de voluntarios seleccionados y profesionalmente capacitados para asesorar.
En el programa, los estudiantes
se reunirán con sus capacitadores
una vez por semana y después de la
graduación éstos ayudarán a los
estudiantes a hacer una transición
exitosa a un trabajo o a educación
YOTO está buscando capacitadores que puedan comprometerse
por un año, y a Gruensfelder-Cox
le gustaría específicamente ver a
más hombres hispanos, y más hombres en general en el programa.
Barreras anima a los adolescentes a aprovechar este recurso
que cambia vidas. “Si hay una
oportunidad de ayuda, por qué no
tomarla”, dice él.
Rory Mendoza’s professional life
has come full circle.
He moved back to Tucson from
Phoenix in 2002, started a business
and is now heading north again to
expand his company that is one of
only two bilingual employment
agencies in the nation.
Bilingual Employment Services
opened its doors at 3508 N.
Seventh St. in 2005, after Mendoza
followed his instincts.
“I saw the need for bilingual
individuals was at an all-time
high,” Mendoza says. “And I saw
that these individuals needed
opportunities for employment
and there was no one else providing this service. I started
doing the research and came up
with the concept.”
After months of working various construction jobs while
researching, he opened up shop. It
was an instant success.
Within a year, he placed 100
people in permanent positions and
about five people per week in temporary positions.
“Seventy percent of the
time, people are placed the next
day,” says Ruby Romero,
Mendoza’s executive assistant.
“Just give it a day.”
Romero adds that since the economic downturn, business has
increased because more people are
looking for temporary employment
after being laid off.
There are numerous positions to
be filled, from construction to
reception to cell phone kiosks at
Park Place and Tucson Malls.
The positions, which pay $10 an
hour, turn into full-time jobs 50
percent of the time, Romero says.
“If you do well in your job and
they [the client] see that you’re
working hard, they don’t want to
lose you,” Romero says.
Bilingual Employment Services
makes sure that employees meet
the standards that clients require.
The company drug tests and
conducts state and national criminal background checks on all
employees. They also verify that
employees are legal to work in the
United States.
The company also provides
affordable classes.
All employees are required to
pass an English proficiency test.
Resume building, interviewing
skills and computer classes are
available for a small fee ranging
from $5 to $25.
Mendoza says his move to
Phoenix is the first phase of
He hopes to open offices in
California, Nevada, Texas and New
Mexico by the end of 2009.
He says that since his move
north, he hasn’t “had a chance to
breathe, the demand is just so high
He points out that “When you
pick up the phone for any service
industry, it says ‘press one for
English, two for Spanish.’”
“There’s no one else doing what
I’m doing, and the success rate for
placing bilingual individuals is
always going to be hot, considering
that we are in the Southwest.”
Coming soon!
Page / Página 8
By Tanya Radisavljevic
Traducido por ernesto amaya
October 24 / 24 de octubre 2008
los Nauhi Ollin Aztec Dancers.
Cada baile cuenta una historia
diferente, que comparte la historia
y la cultura de este pueblo indígena. El ingreso es gratuito. Las presentaciones tendrán lugar los
viernes, sábados y domingos a las 2
y las 4 p.m. Si desea más información, llame al 623-5787.
Oct. 31
Howlin’ Halloween
Come and enjoy the Halloween
festivities hosted by Tucson Parks
and Recreation, with costume
parades, trick-or-treat bags, a
haunted house and free giveaways
for the entire family. Admission is
free and food will be sold. The
event will take place at 4825 S.
Sixth Ave. from 6:30 to 9 p.m. For
more information, call 791-5909.
6 de nov.
Música para el alma
Venga y disfrute de este acto cultural en el cuarto concierto anual
“Música para el alma”.
Actuarán una gran variedad de grupos que incluyen desde músicos
indígenas americanos a grupos
budistas, para celebrar la diversidad de la música en Tucsón.
El concierto será en el Fox Tucson
Theatre, 17 W. Congress St. Los
boletos cuestan $20 y están
www.icstucson.org. Si desea más
información, llame al 297-2738,
extensión 209.
Oct. 27
Livin’ la Vida Verde!
Go green, and enjoy this festival to
help make the world greener. This
festival includes family activities,
music, food and ideas on how to
save the earth. Learn how to contribute to conservation and improving environmental issues. At
Mission Manor Park, 6100 S. 12th
Ave., from 12:30 to 5 p.m.
Admission is free and anyone is
welcome. For trip planning assistance, call 792-9222.
1 de nov.
Día de los Muertos
From top, left: The Mariachi Brillante Juvenil band plays at
Tucson Meet Yourself, Oct. 12.
Lowrider Show & Shine Car show displays rides with the
Suavecitos and Tucson's Finest Car Clubs.
Danna Teoc dances with Antonio Corrales along with the
Ritmos Latinos Dancers.
Marco Quiroz, 14, plays the trumpet along with the rest of the
Mariachi Brillante Juvenil band.
Venga y disfrute de los espectáculos de iluminación, música y comida en la celebración de este año de
una antigua costumbre mexicana,
el Día de los Muertos.
Las festividades tendrán lugar en
los patios y las galerías del Tucson
Museum of Art, 140 N. Main Ave,
a las 5 p.m. Animamos a los participantes a traer flores y fotos para
añadirlas al altar comunitario.
Si desea una lista completa de
eventos, visite www.allsoulprocession.org. El ingreso es gratuito y
abierto al público. Si desea más
información, llame al 616-2687.
Photos by Jenny Mayer
25 de nov.
Nov. 5 – 16
Picasso at the Lapin
Tucson Meet Yourself
Sit back, relax and enjoy an exciting and hilarious performance of
Steve Martin’s play “Picasso at the
Lapin Agile.” The play is a fantasy
story based on when Albert
Einstein met Pablo Picasso. The
performance will be held at Pima
Community College Center For the
Arts Black Box Theatre located at
2202 W. Anklam Road. Show
times are Thursday through
Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday
at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15. For more
information, call 206-6986.
Día de Acción de
Gracias en el Barrio
Oct. 31- Nov. 2
Tolteca Tlacuilo
Celebrate El Día de los Muertos at
Old Town Artisans, 186 N. Meyer
Ave., with a dance performed by
the Nahui Ollin Aztec Dancers.
Sharing the history and culture of
their native people, each dance tells
a different story. Free admission.
Performances will be Friday,
Saturday and Sunday at noon, 2
and 4 p.m. For more information,
call 623-5787.
Nov. 6
Music for the Soul
Come and enjoy a cultural experience at the fourth annual “Music
for the Soul” inter-faith concert.
Performing groups range from
Native American musicians to
Buddhist groups in celebration of
the diversity of music in Tucson.
The concert is at the Fox Tucson
Theatre, 17 W. Congress St. Tickets
are $20 for general admission and
available online at www.icstucson.org. For more information, call
297-2738, extension 209.
Nov. 1
Día De Los Muertos
Come and enjoy light displays,
music and food at this year’s celebration of an ancient Mexican
custom, Día de los Muertos. The
festivities will take place in the
courtyards and galleries at the
Tucson Museum of Art, 140 N.
Main Ave., at 5 p.m. Visitors are
encouraged to bring flowers and
pictures to add to the community
altar. For a full list of events, visit
w w w. a l l s o u l s p r o c e s s i o n . o rg .
Admission is free and open to the
public. For more information, call
Valencia Branch Library
202 W. Valencia Road
Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30
Nov. 25
For more information, go to
Thanksgiving in
the Barrio
Join in on the 11th annual
Thanksgiving in the Barrio dinner.
Enjoy live entertainment, a
resource fair and a fun zone for the
children. Dinner is free and will be
held at El Pueblo Neighborhood
Center, 101 W. Irvington Rd. The
event is from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30
p.m. For more information, call
Bilingual Story Time
For Families
Every week bilingual story time for
families with children from infancy
to preschool is held at the following libraries:
Sam Lena South Tucson Branch
1607 S. Sixth Ave.
Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.
Quincie Douglas Branch
1585 E. 36th St.
Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.
mundo más ecológico. Este festival
incluye actividades familiares,
música, comida e ideas sobre cómo
salvar la tierra. Aprenda cómo
puede contribuir a la conservación
de energía y la mejora del medio
ambiente. En Mission Manor Park,
6100 S. 12th Ave., de las 12:30 a
las 5 p.m. El ingreso es gratuito y
todos son bienvenidos. Para planear su viaje, llame al 792-9222.
5-16 de nov.
Únase a la undécima cena del Día
de Acción de Gracias en el Barrio.
Disfrute de actuacipnes en vivo,
una feria de recursos y una zona
infantil de juegos.
La cena es gratuita y tendrá lugar en
El Pueblo Neighborhood Center,
situado en 101 W. Irvington Rd. El
evento se celebrará de las 11:30 a.m.
hasta las 3:30 p.m. Si desea más
información, llame al 294-7620.
En curso
Todas las semanas
31 de oct.
Cuento bilingüe para la
Festival de la víspera
del día de Todos los Siéntese, relájese y disfrute de una
presentación emocionante e hila- La Hora Semanal de lectura de
rante de la obra de Steve Martin, cuentos bilingües para familias con
Vengan y disfruten de las festividades de la víspera del día de Todos
los Santos presentadas por Tucson
Parks and Recreation, con desfiles
de disfraces, bolsas de dulces, una
casa embrujada y regalos para toda
la familia. El ingreso es gratuito y
se venderá comida. El evento tendrá lugar en 4825 S. 6th Ave.,
desde las 6:30 hasta las 9:30 p.m.
Si desea más información, llame al
27 de oct.
Sea más ecológico, y disfrute con
este festival para ayudar a hacer el
“Picasso at the Lapin Agile”. La
obra es una historia de ficción
basada en el encuentro entre Albert
Einstein y Pablo Picasso. La
actuación tendrá lugar en el Black
Box Theatre de Pima Community
College Center For the Arts, situado en 2202 W. Anklam Road. Las
horas de actuación son de jueves a
sábado, a las 7:30 p.m., y los
domingos a las 2 p.m. Los boletos
cuestan $15. Si desea más información, llame al 206-6986.
niños pequeños hasta edad
preescolar tiene lugar en las siguientes bibliotecas:
31 oct. – 2 de nov.
Tolteca Tlacuilo
Quincie Douglas Branch
1585 E. 36th St.
Los miércoles a las 11:00 a.m.
Celebre el Día de los Muertos en
Old Town Artisans, 186 N. Meyer
Ave., con un baile presentado por
Si desea más información, visita
Sam Lena South Tucson Branch
1607 S. Sixth Ave.
Los jueves a las 10:30 a.m.
Valencia Branch Library
202 W. Valencia Road
Los martes a las 6:30 p.m.
Los jueves a las 10:30 a.m. y las
6:30 p.m.