Paia Mantokuji Soto Mission - Mantokuji Soto Zen Temple of Maui
Paia Mantokuji Soto Mission - Mantokuji Soto Zen Temple of Maui
PAIA MANTOKUJI SOTO MISSION P.O. Box 790207 Paia, HI 96779 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Paia, HI Permit No. 20 _ _ MAN GAN ຬئ Mantokuji Newsletter Paia Mantokuji Soto Mission P.O. BOX 790207, PAIA, HI 96779 TEL: (808) 579 – 8051 FAX: (808) 579 – 8103 E-MAIL: – Aloha everyone, September 2016 President’s Message Pa’ia Mantokuji has entered a transition period between Reverend Shuju Inamura's departure and the arrival of a new resident minister. Your board of directors is actively working on finding that new minister for you all, and has developed a plan for addressing your church-related needs and requests in the interim. Please look over this month’s Mangan for more specific information or call us at 579-8051. A special mahalo goes out to the Kyodan officers and board members, as well as some other dedicated and concerned members and volunteers who are stepping up to meet the challenging demands of keeping our temple and all of its activities running as smoothly as possible. Please contact us if you are willing or able to come and help. Your time and efforts will be very much appreciated. We’re happy to announce an upcoming visit by our former minister, Reverend Kenji Oyama from Japan. He has graciously agreed to conduct our Autumn Ohigan and Daruma-ki services on Sunday, September 25 and Sunday, October 2, respectively. We hope to have good news for you in the near future and will keep you informed of our progress in the search for your new minister. In the meantime, we ask that you continue to give us your support. We look forward to seeing you at the temple. Take care. Sincerely, INSIDE THIS ISSUE Kyodan President’s Message 1 Special Thanks 2 Autumn O-Higan/Ryosoki Service 2 Fujinkai News 2 Ackowledgments 3 O-Bon Donations Eric Moto President Mantokuji Kyodan - MANGAN 1 - Calendar of Events 4-5 6 Thank you for your Support during O-Bon 2016! We would like to thank all of the members, volunteers, donors, and participants who make it possible to hold our O-Bon Festival and especially those who came from other islands and even from the mainland to help. We are blessed to have so many people in the community that come to support us. The kindness and selflessness of all the people that come and help can be felt strong and deep and it brings out the best in all of us. We believe that it is important to continue holding this annual event so that the values, ethics, and traditions that we received from our ancestors and departed loved ones will be passed on to the next generation and the feelings of gratitude, honor and love for our loved ones will give us direction and meaning as we live our lives in this ever changing world. Please take care. Autumn O-Higan & Ryosoki Service You are cordially invited to attend the Autumn O-Higan and Ryosoki Service on Sunday, September 25 at 10:30am The O-Higan ceremony is observed to honor our departed loved ones and also an occasion to review the six paramitas that we use as our guidelines for a healthy peaceful life. The Ryosoki ceremony is a memorial service for the two founders of Soto Zen Buddhism in Japan, Dogen Zenji and Keizan Zenji. The official day of the Ryosoki is September 29 as both founders had passed around this time. Rev. Oyama will be officiating these services. Fujinkai News The Fujinkai will be having their monthly meeting and clean up as follows: September 11, 2016 at 8:00am October 9, 2016 at 8:00am Thank you to all who came to help with clean up on Sunday, July 17, 2016. Your help was very much appreciated, especially after the busy O-Bon weekend. Tokuko Abe, Kathleen Davis, Yuriko Fukagawa, Kay Hanano, Shirley Ann Kimizuka, Judith Matoi, Eric Moto, Cathy Murayama, Bernice Nagato, Michie Tamane, Sachie Toyota, and Misa Umetsu. Guest: Rev. Inamura - MANGAN 2 - Acknowledgments Thank you to the following for all your help in preparing the food, helping with the food booth, choba, parking and other areas before, during and after the O-Bon Festivities. We truly appreciated your help for cleaning, setting up, decorating the temple buildings, and constructing and dismantling of the yagura. Colbert Abe, Janice Abe & James Char, Tokuko Abe, Miki Agoy, Janice Aquinde, Bobbie & Howard Arita, Robin Arita & Justin & Grayson Braga, Ryan Arita & Jennifer Kuo, Larry Bernades, Oscar Boyken, Lori & Rodney Carillo, Audrey Cordeiro, Cathy Davenport, Kathleen Davis, Joanne DeCoite, David Diven, Demetrious Diven, Yuriko Fukagawa, Karlynn & Jeral Fukuda, Gigi, Jon Hanano, Kay Hanano, Trudy & Peter Hanano, Margaret Hanzawa, Reiko & Isaac Haupt & Mari Park, Julie Higa, Sue Hiraga, Leigh Hokama, Kozue Inamura, Ray Ikeda, Jason, Arthur & Allison Johnston, Jotham, Chester Kakiuchi, Julie & Tsukasa Kamekaneya & Chesna, Joyce & Hideo Kawahara, Becky Kikumoto, Shirley Ann & Donald Kimizuka, Jayne & Kevin Kimizuka, Shirley Kodani, Sandy Kumabe, Dave Langille & Sherry Allison, Becky Lau, Brian Lieberman, Arlene & Ross Matoi, Grant Matoi & Priscilla Rafferty, Judith & Gary Matoi, Sandy & Wayne Matsuda, Elaine & Eric Miyajima, Lyman Morikawa, Brian Moto, Carol Moto, Eric Moto, Cathy & Allan Murayama, Melina Murayama & Erick Domingo, Bernice Nagato, Alton, Bryant, Brad & Brent Nakagawa, Elsie Nakagawa, Bert Narimasu, Naomi & Richard Nemoto, Jennifer Nishiki, Marilyn Nishiki, Kaoru Nozawa, Diane Orikasa, Kiana & Monique Pante, Jean Pozsar, Rev Inamura, Rev Koshin Cherin, Nicole Saito, Doreen & Rory Sarceda, Janet Sato, Lois Sato, Isabelle Scholl, Ty Shimabuku, Faith Sodetani, Sharon & Lloyd Sodetani, Baron Sumida, Ann Takakura, Kelcie, Keely & Rylee Takayama, Eileen Taketa, Nora Takeuchi, Michie Tamane, Ileene, Madelyn & Corinna Tanabe, Kim, Chaysen & Brennan Tanaka, Sachie Toyota, Akemi Ueoka, Celia Ueoka, Gertrude Ueoka, Jeff Ueoka, Joy Ueoka, Paul Ueoka, Ron Ueoka, Ryan & Judy Ueoka, Sharon & Meyer Leigh Ueoka, Travis Ueoka, Glenda & Albert Ujiie, Sharon & Jon Umeno, Misa Umetsu, Pamela Umetsu, Thomas Umetsu, June & Kenneth Uyeno, Paul Verzosa, Lynette Viela, Aileen Waite, Diane & Leigh Wakamatsu, Brian Watanabe, Colin Watanabe, Kerry & Donna Watanabe, Neil Watanabe, Betty & William Watanabe, Debbie & Lester Yokote. Thank you to Jennifer Matsumoto for designing our flyer, to Maui Taiko and Zenshin Daiko for their energetic performances, to drummers, singers and dancers from Futaba, Japan, for once again sharing their local Bon Dance song and playing the taiko, to Sensei Ken Tasaka and Maui Minyo Kai dancers who instructed dance practices and led the dancers in the circle, to Kahului Hongwanji for the use of their parking area for dancers riding the bus and Janet Tomita for coordinating, to Ty Shimakubu and Dave Langille for drawing the parking lines, to Kay Hanano and Eric Moto for the beautiful flower arrangements, Kathleen Davis for the upkeep of the buildings. Thank you to all who we may have inadvertently missed and have given so much of your time to make our O-Bon a great success! - MANGAN 3 - O-Bon Donations Payments of Dues and Fees are not included George and Jeanne Abe, Janice Abe and James Char, Colbert Y. Abe, Tokuko Abe, Masako Abe, Gertrude Aguirre, Louise Y. Anbe, Doris Anzai, Irene and Tony Arakaki, Ralph Arakaki, Michael Arakawa, Sandra Arisumi, Setsuko H. Asato, Kathleen Bugtong, T.L. and Ann R. Burd , Christine M. Cafferata, Fumiko Crozier, Toshiharu Domae, Michael M. Emura, Carole K. Endo, Mark Figge, Therese Fitzgerald, Yuriko Fukagawa, Karlynn Fukuda, Allen A. and Janet Fukuda, Charlotte Fukuhara, Ronald and Kay Fukumoto, Richard Fukumura, Mae M. Fukunaga, June Fukunaga, Ryan M. Fukushima, Lydia Furomoto, Jean Gushiken, Miyoko Gusukuma, Evelyn S. Hamai, Tomone K. Hanada, Margaret M. Hanzawa, Reverend Gensho Hara, Carl and Nancy Hasegawa, Yoneko Hashimoto, Charlotte S. Hayase, Hatsumi Hayashi, Masuye Hew, Julie Higa, Eric Higa, Joan T. and Brandon S. Higashi, Calvin Higuchi, Edith Hiraga, Mae M. Hirai, Wallace Hirai, Emi Hiramoto, Paul Y. Hiranaga, Tom T. Hiranaga, Ed Hirata (Takahashi), Meiji and Toshiko Hirose, Debra and Chad Hiyakumoto, Ted M. Hori, Hisashi Horiuchi, Shiichi Horiuchi, Patricia Hoskin, Barbara Huntley, Sandra S. Ichikawa, Lucille M. Ichimura, Minoru Igarashi, Cynthia Ikeda, Diane S. Ino, Reiko Irimata, Richard and Melinda Ishii, Ayako Ishikawa, Sally S. Ishikawa, Rogers and Karen Ishizu, Itamura, Faith Ito, Alvin T. Iwamoto, Evelyn M. Kajiwara, Evelyn Kamasaki and Cynthia McCarthy, Faith Kasahara, Thelma Kasai, Linda and Dennis Kawachi, Hideo and Joyce Kawahara, Tom and Marian Kawamoto, Yoshimi Kayona, Rebecca Kikumoto, Donald and Shirley Ann Kimizuka, Sue K. King, Shikuko Kobayashi, Kunio and Lillian Kobayashi, Shirley Kodani, Hisao Kohatsu, Elaine Komine, Grace and Jeffrey Komoda, Kiyoko Komoda, Ron and Maytyle Kono, Alice Kono, Brad and Sandy Kumabe, Gwen Kunishige, Ann S. Kusunoki, David M. Langille and Sherry Allison, Carol U. Lau, Judy Lindstrom, Eleanor Machida, Yoshino Magarifuji, Sarah Marlow and Peter Weymouth, Grace Masagatani, Anne K. Masuda, Takashi Masuda, Michelle Masuda-Koga, Judith and Gary Matoi, Leon K. and Renee A. Matsui, Paul Matsui, Nancy Matsumoto, Betsy Matsumura, Rena T. and Ronald S. Matsunaga, George H. and Reiko Matsunaga, Janet Matsuoka, Barbara Mende, Gerald and Dawn Mijo, Ian Miyagawa, Calvin Miyahira, Mitsuo Miyamoto, Paul and Jessie Mizoguchi, Elaine Mori, Misako Mori Mori, Marion H. Morikawa, R. Morikawa, Debra Ann N. Morioka, Harold Morioka, Eric Moto, Michie Moto, Mel Mukai, Ruth O. Mukai, Richard H. Mukogawa, Eunice Muraoka, June Murata, Melina Murayama, Allan and Cathleen N. Murayama, Tsutomu Nagata, Gladys H. Nagata, Bernice Nagato, Misao Nakagawa, Gail K. and Peter A. Nakamae, Kenneth F. Nakamura, Roddy and Judy Nakamura, Lynn C. Nakamura-Tengan, Tye T. and Melissa K.T. Nakashima, Satsuki Napolis, Lawrence and Gloria Nashiwa, Richard and Naomi K. Nemoto, Sue Nemoto, Hisako Nii, Robin Nikaido, Sadako Nikaido, Allen T. and Mitsuko Nikaido, Paul K. Nishida, Glenda M. and Ray A. Nishida, Jennifer M. and Marilyn Nishiki, Mildred Nitta, Ralph Norman, Hideo Ogata, Harriet H. Ogata, Peter and Napua Ohashi, Daphne M. Okamoto, Jeanette Okuda, Jane Omura, Annette Omuro, Noboru Ono, Rose Ono, Helen and Warren K. Orikasa, Susan Oshiro, Lorrayne Otsu, Betsy Ouchi, Ronald and Carol Ouchi, Susan Oyama, Anna Pamplona, Jean Pozsar, Kiyoko Quiggle, Karin Quon, Elaine Katene Rodrigues, Louis Rosado, Jill Ross, Clifford Saito, Itaru Saito, Ayako Saito, Florence Sakae, Walter S. and Takako H. Sakai, Tad Sakamoto, Terry Sakugawa, Douglas and Marilyn Sameshima, Stanley T. Sato, Lois and Mark Sato, Sandra H. and Glenn K. Sato, Keiko Sato, Robert and Natalie Sato, Arlyne Shibata, Warren and Joanne Shibuya, Alan and Susan Shimada, Sandra Shimomura, Adele N. and Valney H. Shirk, Toshio Shiroma, James Shishido, Kris Shishido, Lloyd K. and Sharon L. Sodetani, Lisa K. Sodetani, Douglas and Clara Sodetani Family, Faith and Garth Sodetani, Yutaka Sorayama, Fumiko M. Sorayama, Carolyn C. and Kenneth Suda, Kazuo and Toshiko Sugiki, Mervin T. and Akemi Suyama, Robert and Carol Suzuki, Celia Suzuki, Satoshi and Kiyoko Suzuki, Sumiko Suzuki, Warren and Eileen Taguchi, Russ and Wanda Taira, Sally Ambo and Bruce Takahashi, Hiroshi and Shirley Takahashi, Greg A. Takahashi, Robert S. Takahashi, Daniel T. and Jane R. Takahashi, Ann K. Takakura, Katherine Takatani, Wayne Takehara, Eileen E. Taketa, Nora H. Takeuchi, Michie Tamane, Stanley M. Tamayose, Ileene R.K. and Steven M. Tanabe, Scott and Kim Tanaka, Michio Tanaka, Mitzi H. Tanaka, Thomas T. Tanaka, Kristi Tanaka, Kirk Tanaka, Hideo Tanimoto, Carol Tanji, Michael and Nancy Tanji, Harry Tanji, Francis S. and Etsuko N. Taomoto, Tamotsu Tasaka, Reyn K. Tateyama, R. Tobita, Alice M. Tobita, Kelly S. Tobita, Charles Tomita, Janet Tomita, Kasunojo Tomita, Patricia Toyama, Jane Toyama, June and Eric Toyota, Dale and Joyce Tsubaki, Betty and Minoru Uehara, Joy Ueoka, Travis Ueoka, Meyer Leigh and Sharon Ueoka, Ronald and Vivian Ueoka, Sharon A. Ueoka, Norbert N. and Laura R. Ujiie, Albert A. and Glenda T. Ujiie, Tom Umetsu, Misa Umetsu, Pamela N. Umetsu, Mitsue Umetsu, Charles M. and Sandra H. Uyeda, June and Kenneth Uyeno, Aileen Waite, Teruyo Wakumoto, Betty A. Watanabe, Janice T. Watanabe, Albert Watanabe, Allen and Kay Watanabe, Brian Watanabe, Gordon Watanabe, Neil I. and Joyce C. Watanabe, Kerry and Donna Watanabe, Valentina Stewart Watson, Satoko Yamada, Gayle and Darlene Yamada, Edwin Yamada, Rene J. Yamafuji, Lester and Danna Yamaguchi, Linda Y. and Roy S. Yamaguchi, Yaeko and Kenneth Yamamoto, Mataki and Amy Yamamoto, Betty K. and Henry Yamashiro, Robert A. and Patsy K. Yamashita, Jane and Richard Yonamine, Amy Ma-chan Yonashiro, Norma Yonezawa, Marian Yoshioka. - MANGAN 4 - Donations made in July We would like to sincerely thank you for your very generous donations General Donations Kay Hanano, Chieko Hiwatashi, Joyce & Hideo Kawahara, Perl Saito, Yoshiko Takemura, Sharon Taniguchi, Harriet O. Yoshimori Paniolo Group Bud Harrison & Family Richard S. Ishii Gwen Kunishige Carol Loescher Michael Miyahira Lon & Terrie Mizoguchi Sadako Nikaido Jane Omura Charlene Sato Mark & Lois Sato Sandra H. Sato Michie Tamane Scott & Kim Tanaka Meyer Leigh & Sharon Ueoka Albert & Glenda Ujiie Stella Yamada Use of Hall Memorial Service for Henrietta Harrison Kahului House Blessing Memorial Services for Masako Nishijo, Mark Nishijo & Michie Sato 7 year Memorial Service for Frances Ono Services for disinterment & interment of Saito ancestors In Memory of Itsuo Suzuki In Memory of Ralph Nikaido In Memory of Marion Watanabe In Memory or Tadao Sato & Yukiko Sato In Memory of Marion Watanabe In Memory of Tadao Sato In Memory of Masako Nishijo In Memory of Henrietta Harrison In Memory of Henrietta Harrison In Memory of Henrietta Harrison In Memory of Enzo & Kimi Yumen O-Bon Service, Toba-kuyo on July 8 and July 9 Masako Abe, Tokuko Abe, Linda Decker & Karen Morrow, Yuriko Fukagawa, Patricia Haber, Margaret Hanzawa, Addison “Bud” Harrison & Family, Mitsuru Hirano & Juaneva Smith, Ellen Horiuchi, Roy & Barbara Huntley, Kainuma & Hee Families, Faith Kasahara, Elaine Komine, Alice Kono, Gwen Kunishige, Gary Matoi, Harold Morioka, Eric Moto, Marion Watanabe’s Family, June Morata, Bernice Nagato, Takeji Nihei, Sadako Nikaido, Seiya Ohata, Susan Oshiro, Perl Saito, Glenn Sato, Satoshi & Kiyoko Suzuki, Robert S Takahashi, Michie Tamane, Sharon Taniguchi, Carol Tanji, Setsuko Toyooka, June S Toyota, Betty Uehara, Akemi S. Ueoka, Gertrude Ueoka, Joy Ueoka, Albert & Glenda Ujiie, Norbert & Laura Ujiie, Misa Umetsu, Pamela Umetsu, Gayle Yamada, Satoko Yamada, Robert Yamashita, Harriet Yoshimori, Linda Yoshioka, Edward & Hideko Zwick. O-Bon Tanagyo (House Visitation) Service Keiko Sato, Mitsue Suehisa, Michie Tamane, Joy Ueoka, Meyer Leigh & Sharon Ueoka, Misa Umetsu, Satoko Yamada Donation of Temple Supplies Faith Kasahara In Memoriam We express our heartfelt sympathy to the family of the late Florence Tomiko Ueoka, 99, who passed away on July 23 at Hale Makua, Kahului. We pray for her and give our utmost support to the family during this time of great loss. Namu Kie butsu, Namu Kie Ho, Namu Kie So - MANGAN 5- Announcement Nokotsudo (columbarium) Hours effective August 8, 2016 9:00am – 6:00pm Daily If you need assistance please call 579-8051. Office Hours (effective August 8, 2016) Morning Mondays Afternoon 9:00– 12:00 Tuesdays 4:00 – 7:00 Wednesdays 9:30 – 12:30 Thursdays Sunday Monday September 4 11 8:00am Cleanup 10:00 Fujinkai meeting 11:00 Kyodan meeting 18 25 10:30am Autumn O-Higan Service & Ryoso-ki Service Tuesday 5 6 5:00-6:00pm Taiko Shorinji Kempo 4:00-5:15pm Kids 5:30-7:00pm Adults 12 13 5:00-6:00pm Taiko Shorinji Kempo 4:00-5:15pm Kids 5:30-7:00pm Adults 19 20 5:00-6:00pm Taiko Shorinji Kempo 4:00-5:15pm Kids 5:30-7:00pm Adults 26 27 5:00-6:00pm Taiko Shorinji Kempo 4:00-5:15pm Kids 5:30-7:00pm Adults Fridays 9:00 – 12:00 Saturdays 9:00 – 12:00 Sundays 9:00 – 12:00 Wed. 7 14 21 28 4:00 – 7:00 Thursday 1 Shorinji Kempo 4:00-5:15pm Kids 5:30-7:00pm Adults 8 Shorinji Kempo 4:00-5:15pm Kids 5:30-7:00pm Adults 15 Shorinji Kempo 4:00-5:15pm Kids 5:30-7:00pm Adults 22 Shorinji Kempo 4:00-5:15pm Kids 5:30-7:00pm Adults 29 Hospital and Hale Makua Visitations are scheduled during the month. Coming up in October (tentative Schedule) October 2nd Daruma-ki and Daruma-sama Picnic October 9 Cleanup & Fujinkai meeting October 15-16 Hilo Taishoji Centennial Celebration, HSMA & UHSSWA Fall Meetings - MANGAN 6 - Friday Saturday 2 3 9 10 10:00am:Kannonko & Goeika Practice 16 17 23 24 30 31
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