2013 Mangan - October - Mantokuji Soto Zen Temple of Maui


2013 Mangan - October - Mantokuji Soto Zen Temple of Maui
P.O. Box 790207
Paia, HI 96779
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Paia Mantokuji Soto Mission P.O. BOX 790207, PAIA, HI 96779
TEL: (808) 579 – 8051 FAX: (808) 579 – 8103 E-MAIL: mantokuji@hawaiiantel.net www.mantokujimauitemple.org
October 2013
Aloha Members and Friends,
I am sad to say that this will be the last Mangan that I will write. I knew
it was coming, but it is still very sad for me.
My wife Naoko and I have lots and lots of wonderful memories that we
have of our time at Mantokuji that we will treasure forever.
We knew from the start that one day we will have to leave and so we
made the most of every moment that we had together with you. It is the nature of
life that people are born and then die, arrive and depart, appear and disappear. It
is not something we can get used to, but that is why we have to try our utmost to
live each day the best we can, taking care of the people that we are with, being
mindful of ourselves and others so that we can truly appreciate life and
everything that is offered to us.
Good news is that the new minister and his wife, Rev. Shuju and Kozue
Inamura’s visa situation is progressing and they may arrive before I leave. I was
afraid I would leave the temple without a residence minister, but things are
looking better now. So that is definitely something to be happy about.
Rev. Inamura is a friend and classmate of mine that I met at Sojiji Head
Monastery. He spoke some English back then so I had always thought of him as
a possible replacement for me. He went to Italy after finishing his training at
Sojiji and so I had given up on him at that time. But when hearing that he
returned to Japan, I looked him up and began talking to him about coming to
Maui. He and his wife came to help at the 2007 bazaar and I was happy to hear
that they enjoyed their stay and it did not scare them off.
So finally, after all these years, and after all the visa issues that they
patiently waited through, they will finally be able to come to Mantokuji.
Please take care of Mantokuji and Rev. and Mrs. Inamura as they get
accustomed to learning the Hawaii style of doing things. I am sure there will be
many funny episodes that may occur because of the misunderstandings that are
bound to happen. We all need to have patience and a flexible and open mind.
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu! Thank you so much for everything!
Gratefully In Gassho,
Rev. Kenji Oyama,
Resident Minister
- MANGAN 1 -
Message from the
Resident Minister
Daruma-sama Picnic
Family Service,
In Memoriam
Fujinkai News
2013 Dues and Fees
Update on toilet project
Special Thanks
October Schedule
November Schedule
Farewell Messages
August Donation List
Contact Info for Oyama’s
O-Bon Donation List
Family Service and
Shichi-Go-San Ceremony
(Ages 7-5-3 Ceremony)
We will have a family service
together with the Shichi-Go-San Ceremony
on :
Sunday October 27 at 9 am
If you have children, grandchildren
or great grandchildren who have become or
will be ages 3, 5, and 7 this year, please
bring them for the Shichi-Go-San
Ceremony. Please call Rev. Inamura at
579-8051 by October 13 to sign up for this
The family service is a gathering for
the whole family to participate in.
Services are conducted in English.
Everyone is welcomed to join us.
Family Service on October 20
There will also be a family service
on October 20 at 9 am. We also plan to
have a study session after the service and
then a workshop presented by the Fujinkai.
In Memoriam
We express our heartfelt sympathy to
the family of the late Doris Eiko
Kumasaka, 93, who passed away on August
1, for their great loss.
We pray for her and give our utmost
support to the family during this time of
Namu Kie Butsu, Namu Kie Ho,
Namu Kie So
Fujinkai News
The Fujinkai will be having their monthly meetings
and clean up as follows:
Sunday October 6 at 8:30 am
Sunday November 3 at 8:30 am
Thank you to all who came for the monthly clean up
on July 21:
Betty Yamashiro, Setsuko Takahashi, Naomi Takahashi,
Masako Nishijo, Sachie Toyota, Yuriko Fukagawa,
Michie Tamane, Becky Kikumoto, Judy Matoi, Kay
Hanano, Cathy Murayama, Bobbie Arita, Carol Moto,
Pachi Haber, Marion Watanabe, Misa Umetsu, Wendee
Murayama, Bernice Nagato, Kathleen Davis, Gladys
Nagata, Baron Ueoka, Jerry Yager, Brian Watanabe,
Chester Kakiuchi, Meyer Ueoka, Eric Moto, Naoko
Oyama, and Rev. Oyama.
Thank you to all who came for the monthly clean up
on August 11:
Becky Kikumoto, Masako Nishijo, Judy Matoi, Yuriko
Fukagawa, Michie Tamane, Misa Umetsu, Sachie
Toyota, Marion Watanabe, Gladys Nagata, Kiyoko
Quiggle, Naomi Takahashi, Setsuko Takahashi, Carol
Moto, Bobbie Arita, Kay Hanano, Shirley Ann
Kimizuka, Kathleen Davis, Betty Yamashiro, Cathy
Murayama, Chester Kakiuchi, Brian Watanabe, Jerry
Yager, Meyer Ueoka, Baron Ueoka, and Eric Moto.
Judy Matoi will attend the UHSSWA Board
Meeting to be held at Soto Mission of Hawaii on
September 28.
Update on Ben Franklin Craft Fair
We have received news that the Ben Franklin Craft
Fair may change its location and possibly not allow food
items to be sold. Therefore, we will decide what to do and
notify all of you in the next Mangan.
Daruma-sama Service & Picnic
Sunday October 13 10 am ~ 2 pm
The Daruma-sama Service & Picnic will be held on Sunday October 13 from 10 am to 2 pm. This
event gives the members of Mantokuji a chance to thank our friends who come to help us during o-bon, the
bazaar and the craft fair, and our supporters who donate vegetables, and their professional services to us
throughout the year. Their generosity and kindness has been invaluable.
We will start with a service in honor of the Daruma-sama, or Bodhi Dharma, the patriarch of Zen
Buddhism, followed by games for children and adults to participate in.
Lunch will be served at noon. Please come and enjoy!
Donation of prizes, food, beverages, and desserts are welcomed.
Please join us for this special occasion and bring your family and friends.
Please call 579-8051 by October 6 to let the committee know if you are planning to attend so that we
can get an idea of how many people will be coming. Thank you for your cooperation.
- MANGAN 2 -
annual dues and fees fo r 2013
Please double check to see if you have paid your annual membership dues and
columbarium (nokotsudo) and cemetery fees for this year 2013.
If you are uncertain, please call 579-8051 to check to see if it has been paid.
We ask for your cooperation and promptness. Thank you very much!
Membership Dues - $50
Nokotsudo Fees - $20
Cemetery Fees - $20
(Please make note what the check is for and the name of the person or niche number to help us
record in our files)
Update on
Wheelchair accessible toilet
Special Thanks
One of the toilets in the social hall has
been remodeled so that it is wheelchair
accessible now. We are happy that this was
done and hope that more of you can come to
join us for events and services.
We thank Mitchell Ige of Ige Builders
for his work, Calvin Higuchi for his help,
Judy Matoi for coordinating the project and
to Kathleen Davis and Hans Wittenburg for
painting and cleaning the area.
Thank you to Yuriko Fukagawa,
Michie Tamane, Pachi Haber, Sachie
Toyota, Kay Hanano, Judy Matoi and
Shirley Ann Kimizuka for coming to clean
the hall and kitchen.
Thank you to :
- Kathleen Davis, Joy Ueoka, Hans Wittenburg,
Brian Moto and others for watching over the temple
while Rev. and Mrs. Oyama were in Japan.
- Rev. Ryozo Yamaguchi for his help while Rev.
Oyama was in Japan.
- Baron Ueoka for donation of lawn mower.
- Marshall Ige for donation of retaining wall and
landscaping, excavating by kitchen.
- Carol Lau for donation of Crisco.
- Jerry Yager for cutting out the tree stumps.
- Dean Wakamatsu, Kalani Wakamatsu, Joey
Wakamatsu for fixing freezer.
- Jon Hanano for donation of six bags of rice.
- Rev. Kodo Seino (Yamagata, Japan) for incense.
- Ruth Nakasone (Ameritone Maui) - 9 gal. paint
October Schedule
8:30 am
9 am
10 am
9 am
9 am
9 am
Fujinkai Meeting and Clean Up Day
Set up for Daruma-sama Picnic
Daruma-sama Service & Picnic
Kannonko and Goeika Practice
Family Service, Study Session, Fujinkai Workshop
Family Service, Shichi-Go-San Ceremony, Fujinkai Workshop
Coming up in November . . . (tentative schedule)
Nov. 3
Nov. 4
Nov. 6
Nov. 9 – 10
Nov. ?
Nov. ?
Nov. ?
Nov. ?
Fujinkai Meeting and Clean Up, Kyodan Meeting
Maui Buddhist Council Annual Meeting at Lahaina Shingon Mission
Hale Makua Kahului Maui Buddhist Council Service
Soto Mission of Hawaii Centennial Celebration, Hawaii Soto Shu 110th Anniversary
Prep for Ben Franklin Craft Fair
Ben Franklin Craft Fair
Kannonko and Goeika Practice
Fujinkai Activity/ Excursion
Zazen Sessions are on Saturday at 7am and Sunday at 5 pm.
No Zazen on November 9 and 10
Hospital and Hale Makua Visitations are scheduled during the month
- MANGAN 3 -
Farewell Message from Rev. Kenji Oyama
Aloha Friends,
First of all, I would like to thank everyone for the warm support given us during our tenure at
Mantokuji. Your love and kindness made our stay so very special. I can say with confidence that the time
spent here in Maui with the Mantokuji Ohana has been the best time of my life. It has been so very fulfilling
and gratifying and although it was just a short time, it is packed full of many wonderful memories.
I feel as though the easy going island style of Maui, the sugar cane fields and beautiful ocean by Paia,
and the relaxing and fun Mantokuji Sangha all fit perfectly with my personality and nature. So you can
imagine the great sadness that both my wife and I feel as we move on to our next assignment.
Although we are very sad to leave, we are focused on our future and are determined to do our best in
a new environment with a bundle of new challenges, and I know that the experience we gained here will help
us wherever we go and whatever obstacle we face. Whenever we are in a jam, we just have to remember the
many bazaars and o-bons, and the hard work that we did together, and that should give us courage to go
I feel very fortunate to have had the “hoen” - a karmic relationship – that brought us to Maui by pure
chance. It has been a blessing for us to have met so many extraordinary people who took us in and instantly
made us feel at home and be a part of this big family.
It was an important time in our life also as we had just gotten married and for the first time we were
out in the world on our own. At the beginning, we practically did not know anything and had to really rely
on everyone’s help, and find our way through making mistakes, asking a lot of questions, and carefully
listening and watching our seniors who have a wealth of knowledge and an amazing work ethic.
I know that the new minister and his wife will also go through a period of major adjustment as they
will be living in a land that has a culture and language entirely different from where they were born. I ask for
your patience and understanding and I know that the Mantokuji Sangha will embrace them as you did us.
The valuable time spent in Maui will never be forgotten and will always have a special place in our
heart. As we leave, we wish for the very best for Mantokuji and all of you and hope to stay in touch and visit
often. Please come to visit us in Yamagata if you have a chance to make a trip to Japan.
With Love and Gassho,
Rev. Kenji Oyama
Farewell Message from Okusan - Naoko Oyama
11年前、ハワイに来る飛行機の中で「何で ハワイに行かないといけないんだろう?」と沢山泣いてハワ
沢山の人に会う事ができました。 私にとって満徳寺は故郷です。
Translation of message:
Eleven years ago, I remember crying in the airplane on the way to Hawaii, wondering to myself, “why
do I have to go to Hawaii?” But today, it is hard to believe that it ever happened.
I did not think I would fall in love with Mantokuji so much.
Each day, each week, and each year passed by in a flash.
It was an eleven years that passed in a blink of an eye.
I was able to live to my fullest each and every day.
Each and every day was a happy day with a lot to smile about.
I was given the opportunity to learn many things and grow as a person.
I was able to experience many things that I would have otherwise not been able to if I were in Japan.
I was able to meet many wonderful people.
For me, Mantokuji is my furusato (kokyo), a special place in my heart.
I sincerely wish that this special place, Mantokuji, will continue to flourish and be full of energy.
I thank everyone for the many smiles and aloha you shared with us during the last eleven years.
Even after I return to Japan, I hope to live each day to my fullest with the Mantokuji “spirit” that is in
my heart.
Love Okusan
- MANGAN 4 -
Donations Made in July (from July 16) and August
Thank you for your very generous donations!!!
General Donations
Charlotte Fukuhara
Baron Ueoka
Phyllis Tempo and Martin Rosenblum
Addison & Henrietta Harrison
Stanley Watanabe
Hisayo Hanzawa
Carol Moto
Ross & Arlene Matoi
Brian Watanabe
Neil & Joyce Watanabe
Francis & Yoko Shimanuki
Paul & Faith Bagley
Hachiro & Susan Shimanuki
Akemi Ueoka
Shiichi Horiuchi
Pachi, Rob Haber & Family
Daniel Watanabe
Masaki Ogata
Takeji Nihei
Mr. & Mrs. Kunio Kikuta
Lorraine Katakura
Dukie & Leigh Racadio & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Michio Okuda
Calvin & Sharon Higuchi
Akio & Kinuye Nihei
Clyde Suzuki
Satoshi & Kiyoko Suzuki
Louis & Jean Wada
House Blessing Ceremony
Baby Blessing Ceremony for Matthey Agoy Matoi
Funeral Services for Ella Kimie Watanabe
Funeral Services for Ella Kimie Watanabe
Funeral Services for Tokio Shimanuki, use of hall
In Memory of Tokio Shimanuki
In Memory of Tokio Shimanuki
17 year memorial for Eiko Ueoka
Building Fund in July and August
In Memory of Yoichi, Fukino and Yoshio Matsumoto and Norbert & Lillian Haber
In Memory of Yukio Watanabe – Hatsubon
Blessing of Grave
13 year memorial for Frayon Nihei
In Memory of Frayon Nihei
In Memory of Frayon Nihei
In Memory of Frayon Nihei
In Memory of Frayon Nihei
In Memory of Frayon Nihei
In Memory of Frayon Nihei
In Memory of Frayon Nihei
In Memory of Frayon Nihei
In Memory of Frayon Nihei
Building Fund in memory of Sandra “Emi” Wada Nakagawa
Edwin Yamada and Family
Roy & Barbara Huntley
Akemi Ueoka
O-Bon Donation (after O-Bon, offering)
Allen & Mitsuko Nikaido
Masue Kimura
Judy Lindstrom
Mitzi Tanaka
Mitsuru Hirano/ Juaneva Smith Colin Watanabe
Itaru Saito
Emi Hiramoto
O-Bon Tanagyo Service
Gladys Nagata
Rev. & Mrs. Oyama’s new address
Rev. and Mrs. Oyama will be moving to the Tohoku Region of Japan.
This is their contact info:
Address: Seiryuji Soto Zen Temple
1608-1 Yoshida, Kahoku-cho,
Nishimurayama-gun, Yamagata-ken
Japan 999-3502
Phone #: (01181)237-72-2662 calling from U.S. 0237-72-2662 calling in Japan
Email: k33oyama@yahoo.com; nao_magic@hotmail.com
Thank you for
Until we meet
- MANGAN 5 -
Thank you for the generous donations for O-Bon!
2013 O-Bon Donations List July 12-13 at Choba
(includes donations received through the mail or in person during o-bon)
Abe, Colbert
Abe, Glenn & Michele
Abe, Hideo & Nobuko
Abe, Jeanne & George
Abe, Tokuko
Agena, Minoru M/M
Aguirre, Gertrude
Anbe, Louise
Anzai, Doris
Aotaki, Asaye
Arakaki, Irene & Tony
Arakaki, Ralph & Amy
Arakawa, Jean
Arakawa, Michael & Annette
Arakawa, Milton & Stacey
Arakawa, Shintoku & Sachiko
Arisumi, John
Arita, Howard & Bobbie
Blue, Amy
Bugtong, Kathleen
Cafferata, Christine
Carillo, Lori & Rodney
Chung, Eleanor
Domae, Toshi & Mabel
Edo, Keiko
Emura, Michael M/M
Figge, Mark & Diane
Fujita, George & Elaine
Fukagawa, Yuriko
Fukuda, Allen & Janet
Fukuda, Karlynn & Jeral
Fukumoto, Ronald & Kay
Fukunaga, Rikio & Jane
Furomoto, Harry & Mae
Furukawa, Ronald
Gushiken, Jean
Gusukuma, Miyoko
Hamada, Kenn
Hamai, Evelyn
Hamasaki, Norman & Charlotte
Hanada, Karen
Hanada, Paul & LaVerne
Hanano, Akio & Kay
Hanzawa, Esther
Hanzawa, Margaret
Hara, Rev. Gensho & Setsuko
Hara, Rev. John
Hashimoto, Yoneko
Hayase, Chester & Charlotte
Hedani, Ryan & Sharon
Hew, Masuye
Higa, Eric M/M
Higa, Julie
Higuchi, Calvin & Sharon
Hinau, Edward & Roxanne Ibara
Hiraga, Edith
Hiraga, Sue
Hiranaga, Tom & Miyoko
Hironaka, Sam Shiro
Horiuchi, Ellen
Horiuchi, Shiichi
Horiuchi, Tadayuki & Family
Huntley, Roy & Barbara
Igaraashi, Minoru & Ann
Ikeda, Ray & Cynthia
Imai, Jane
Ishii, Richard & Melinda
Ishikawa, Kiyoshi & Pauline
Ishikawa, Sally
Ishizu, Rogers & Karen
Itakura, Fumiko Edith
Itamura, James & Gladys
Itamura, Nolan & Family
Ito, Donald & Faith
Iwamoto, Alvin & Polo, Diane
Jack's Inn
Kajiwara, Wayne & Evelyn
Kanemitsu, Myrtle
Kasahara, Thelma
Katena-Rodrigues, Elaine
Kawachi, Dennis & Linda
Kawahara, Hideo & Joyce
Kawahara, Kimie & Family
Kawakami, Mits & Joyce
Kawamoto, Judy
Kawamoto, Tom & Marian
Kawano, Melvin & Judy
Kayona, Yoshimi
Kimizuka, Donald & Shirley Ann
Kimura, Masue
Kimura, Stella
King, Sue
Kiyabu, Lillian
Kiyabu, Nancy
Kobayashi, Shikuko
Kochi, Patricia
Kodani, Shirley
Kohatsu, Hisao & Kathleen
Komine, Elaine
Komoda, Jeffrey & Grace
Konno, June
Kono, Harue
Kumabe, Brad & Sandy
Kumasaka, Kiyoe and Wesley
Kusunoki, Ann
Langille, Dave & Allison, Sherry
Lau, William & Carol
Lee, Diane
Machida, Eleanor & Gerald
Magarifuji, Ruth Yoshino
Makishima, Tama
Mark, Doris (Kiyota)
Masuda, Joyce
Masuda, Koki & Rene
Masuda, Takashi & Eleanor
Matoi, Gary & Judith
Matsuda Family
Matsui, Leon & Renee
Matsumura, Betsy
Matsunaga, Reiko & George
Matsuoka, Janet
Mesina, Kay
Mischon, Jo
Miyahira, Lawrence & Janet
Miyamoto, Mitsuo M/M
Mizoguchi, Paul & Jessie
Mizoguchi, Lon & Terrie, Dru
Mori, Minako
Mori, Shoichi & Elaine
Morikawa, Marion
Morioka, Debra Ann
Morita, Annette
Moto, Eric
Mukai, Ruth & Tamio
Murakami, Patsy
Muraoka, Kaoru & Fujie
Murayama, Allan & Cathy
Murayama, Melina
Nagata, Fumiko
Nagata, Gladys
Nagato, Bernice
Nakagawa, Misao
Nakahara, Coleen
Nakamae, Peter & Gail
Nakamura, Toshiko
Nakamura, Roddy & Judy
Nakano, Ken & Alma
Nakashima, Tye & Melissa
Nakasone, Goro & Katherine
Napolis, Satsuki
Nashiwa, Lawrence & Gloria
Nemoto, Richard & Naomi
Nemoto, Sue
Nihei, Henry & Yukie
Nihei, Akio & Kinue
Nii, Hisako
Nikaido, Allen & Mitsuko
Nikaido, Arthur
Nikaido, Ralph & Sadako
Nikaido, Stacey
Nishida, Fujiko
Nishida, Glenda & Ray
Nishida, Paul
Nishijo, Lorraine
Nishijo, Masako
Nishiki Family
Nishimura, Mitsue
Nitta, Mildred
Ogata, Hideo & Lucille
Ogata, Edwin & Harriet
Ogawa, Joyce
Ohata, Dr. Seiya & Kiyoko
Oishi Family
Okamoto, Daphne & Chad
Okamura, Shirley
Okazaki Family
Okuda, Donald & Jeanette
Omura, Jane
Onaga, Miyoko
Ono, Noboru
Orikasa, Warren & Helen
Oshiro, Thelma
Ouchi, Betsy
Ouchi, Richard M/M
Ouchi, Ronald
Percy, Helen & Family
Pozsar, Andy & Jean
Quon, Karin
Ralens, Donna
Riyu, Katherine
Rosado, Louis M/M
Saiki, Winifred
Saito, Ayako
Saito, Clifford & Sanae
Saito, Isamu Johnny & Jeanette
Saito, Itaru
Saito, Jean
Saito, Stan
Sakae, Florence
Sakai, Walter & Takako
Sakamoto, Tad M/M
Sakuma, Colleen
Sameshima, Douglas & Marilyn
Sato, Gary
Sato, James & Ann
Sato, Mark & Lois
Sato, Robert & Natalie
Sato, Stanley
Sato, Takashi & Keiko
Shibano, Shigenobu
Shigematsu, S
Shimomura, Sandy
Shiraishi, Robert & Helen
Shiroma, Yukie & Toshio
Shishido, James & Nancy
Sodetani, Faith
Sodetani, Lauren
Sodetani, Lisa/ Zackious, Greg
Sodetani, Lloyd & Sharon
- MANGAN 6 -
Sorayama, Yasuo & Fumiko
Sorayama, Yutaka
Suehisa, Karen
Sugiki, Kazuo & Toshiko
Suzuki, Bob & Carol
Suzuki, Celia
Suzuki, Judy
Suzuki, Satoshi & Kiyoko
Suzuki, Sumiko
Taguchi, Warren & Eileen
Taira, Hisako
Taira, Russell & Wanda
Takahashi, Brian & Joyce
Takahashi, Daniel & Jane
Takahashi, Hiroshi & Shirley
Takahashi, Sally (Ambo)
Takakura, Ann
Takamiya, Betty
Takasaki, Rev. & Mrs. Tetsudo
Takehara, Wayne
Tamane, Michie
Tamayose, Sherry Misako
Tamayose, Stanley
Tanabe, Steven & Ileene
Tanaka, Michio
Tanji, Harry
Taomoto, Francis & Etsuko
Tasaka, Tamotsu & Ken
Tesoro, Edwin & Kay
Tobita, Alice & Buddy
Tobita, Ricky
Tokishi, Ione
Tom, Yvonne
Toma, Charles & Lynne (Sam Sato's)
Tomita, James & Cresen
Tomita, Janet
Toyama, Isaac & Jane
Toyomura, David & Lisa
Toyota, Sachie/ Eric
Tsubaki, Dale & Joyce
Uehara, Minoru & Betty
Ueoka, Meyer & Yukie
Ueoka, Meyer Leigh & Sharon
Ueoka, Ronald & Vivian
Ueoka, Travis
Umetsu, Misa
Umetsu, Mitsue
Umetsu, Pamela
Umetsu, Tom
Uradomo, Wayne & Ann
Uyeno, Kenneth & June
Wakakuwa, Mildred
Wakayama, Shigeo & Janet
Waki, Joyce
Wakumoto, Teruyo
Watanabe, Albert & Amy
Watanabe, Brian
Watanabe, William & Betty
Yamada, Edwin
Yamada, Satoko
Yamaguchi, Ryozo Rev
Yamamoto, Mataki & Amy
Yamamoto, Yaeko
Yamanuha, Stanley & Carol
Yamashiro, Henry & Betty
Yamashita, Robert & Patsy
Yamazaki, Kellie
Yokote, Thelma
Yoshida, Walter
Yoshina, Sally
Yoshioka, James & Marian
Zwick, Edward & Hideko

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