The Flyer Newsletter, July 2012


The Flyer Newsletter, July 2012
Upcoming Events
June 30 Sat. CPA Kelly
Airpark Fly-In Pancake
Breakfast. 0700-1100
Unicom 123.05 AWOS 134.375
or 719-683-5371. Come see
Sean’s Cub! Please bring tie
July 12-15 Thu.-Sun. The
Rimowa JU-52 Tour stops at
Front Range Airport. Display
starts Friday, July 13 08004:00 p.m. Again Sat-Sun.
Then departs for OSHKOSH!
July 14, Sat. AAA of CO
Pot Luck Fly In (see rt.)
July 23-29 2012 EAA
Airventure Oshkosh!
See you there!
July 28 Sat. Erie Spirit of
Flight Day
Antique Airplane Association of Colorado
Volume 88
July 2012
Number Seven
AAA of Colorado July Pot Luck Fly In!
(NO JULY First Wed. AAA of Colorado Meeting)
Saturday, July 14, 2012...Longmont Airport (LMO) 1100- Until
the food runs out and the hangar (or real) flying is done! Location:
South Side of J.D. Gleitz and Al Manley’s hangar. Enter off
Airport Road on Rogers to the Emissions Station. Please bring
your favorite side dish to share (No Lutefisk please). You can’t miss and
airplanes parked everywhere. See you there!
I have to believe - from looking at the amount of wear on the tires
– that our 170 has traveled an equal distance on the ground as it
has in the air. That poor airplane, there must be at least 300 miles
of driving up and down runways on it, in just the last year alone.
Between myself and my dear wife, Gail we keep that old airplane
exercised. I am elated to announce that all that driving around
has helped Gail pass her biennial flight review. That's right, she's
current again! And I and many around us both pray that she keep
the gap between biannual flight reviews more to the biannual
range, because a flight review every 35 years is just is not often
Congratulations Gail!
Now you can imagine that I was hoping having the two of us in the same cockpit would somehow be different
than having the two of us in the same car. (Note to self………….. dream on Jim) But that's just not the case.
Now all honesty aside, I am elated that the two of us can now begin to fulfill our dreams of traveling about by
airplane. We started out with a celebratory trip up to Greeley for a pancake breakfast. And then we flew down
the Platte Valley to catch the end of the chapter 43 visit to the Vintage Aero museum. What fun! Last weekend
we went out and did a few bounce and goes in a couple of pogo sticks to a full stop! Yee Haw! Next weekend
it's off to Kelly Park to partake in their blueberry pancake breakfast!
And then there will be the long trip from Erie all the way to Longmont for the antique aircraft Association of
Colorado’s annual picnic. That's coming up Saturday, July 14!
Next it will be off to Canada to celebrate the 100th anniversary of flight in that great country! The plan as it
currently exists is to fly Carl Bucks 1936 Waco Cabin out to Oshkosh to catch the last two days of Air Venture.
Then over to the sea base on Lake Winnebago. Where will pick up the Waco and put her on straight floats. Of
course, from then forward until the end of the trip she will either be in the air or on the water. There will be
four of us out on this trip, two in the Waco and, two in a Cessna 185 on amphibious floats. Although the Waco
made this trip last time on her own, it will be a great margin of safety to have the 185 along this time. Just a
little bit better margin in case we have to set the Waco down and run around in the 185 to hunt for fuel to bring
The plan takes us up to Anglin Lake for a few days and then down to Prince Albert airport to celebrate Canada's
Centennial of flight. Then, back to Lake
Winnebago, back on wheels and back home to Colorado. This will be the first time in 16 years that I've packed
two weeks of vacation time back to back. And I think four good buddies and two airplanes; well let's just say
that would be beyond my wildest dreams come true!
Now if that were not highlight enough for one summer, Blakesburg follows just a few short weeks after we
return. And this year Gail plans to attend with me! I feel as giddy as a kid waiting for summer break!
If you have not been out to a Taylor craft project weekend recently, you best put it on your calendar because the
restoration is progressing rapidly! Painting is all but complete, the fuselage is sitting on the gear, and the engine
is being assembled. It is not unthinkable that the plane may fly this fall. Wow!
Well that's it for now. I hope to come back with stories of a grand adventure and I'll fill you in soon.
Keep your airspeed till you're on the ground!
See you in Blakesburg,
From Behind the Power Curve...
There are plain ol’ sins...and there are Capital Sins.
Leaving an annual
inspection to be done during good flying weather rates as the Ultimate
Capital Sin. Lucky for me the Cub was up to standard anyway...and it
is now ready for the Kelly Air Park Annual Pancake Fly In Breakfast!
Sean Hillis will be there with his recently restored Cub....and I hope we
can park next to him. This year’s EAA Airventure theme will include
an influx of Cubs...not unlike the Monarch butterfly migration to
Mexico. I dread that....but will be there in a Cub anyway...before the
rest arrive. Meanwhile...the Kelly Airpark Fly In is a very nice way to
spend a Saturday morning. Thanks go out to the CPA folks for having
this event.
Thanks also to the generosity of J.D. Gleitz and Al Manley, we will
have our annual “Fourth of July-But Not On the Fourth of July” Pot
Luck Fly In....on July 14. It will be in conjunction with the Longmont
Hangar Owner’s we pool our resources together. Hope to
see you all there too!
As we all know, Colorado has had a heat wave of epic proportion as
well as a flurry of uncontrolled forest fires. Density altitude has gone
off the scale around here, leaving certain diminutive airplanes to “cool
it” in the hangar. Please be patient and do not take chances in the heat
of the day. Up here in Conifer, anything not turbo-charged stays put.
Not even turbo-mosquitos can fly this high. This too shall pass.
To those who do not get this “rag” by electronic means...sorry you will
have missed the reminder about the Kelly Air Park breakfast.
Technical difficulties have delayed (again) the publication of “The
Flyer”. We will try to do better in the future.
If your airplane just happens to be an
Experimental airplane, you now have a
great publication to enjoy, thanks to
the efforts of Robert Taylor at
Nationall AAA in Iowa. “Legacy Log
of Homebuilt Airplanes” captures the
early age of aviation, when virtually
all airplanes were homebuilts first.
Photos in the latest issue include a
Rotec powered Hatz, very interesting
to see.
The third issue of this publication is
now out and back issues are available.
For only $21 you get three issues per
year, full of homebuilt antiques and
their stories. 641-938-2773
See you at the Airport!
(Please be very specific with your answer.)
Not all of the aircraft evaluated by the Navy at Anacostia were combat types. Occasionally, the
Navy’s need for general transport airplanes led to evaluation and purchase of off-the-shelf civilian
models. Such was the case with the Kinner XRK-1, a civilian Kinner Envoy with a classic 1930’s
look, in Navy markings. There was little difference between civilian and Navy airplanes.
and overall length was 28 ft. 7 5/16 inches
Wingspan was 39 ft. 8 7/8 inches (
Three XRK-1's were purchased by the Navy (No.s 9747, 48, and
49) and interestingly, appeared to have retained their “X” designation throughout their service life,
whereas other types shed their experimental designation in service, some even before the completion
of their Anacostia tests. A Kinner C-7 300 hp engine powered the Envoy/XRK-1 although one
XRK-1 (9747) was later modified with a 400 hp P&W R-985.
Full load weight was 4090 pounds, useful load was 1455 pounds. Fuel capacity was 116 gallons,
maximum speed at 1800 rpm was 160 mph. Minimum speeds (flaps down) was 55.5 mph, and
flaps up, 61mph. These speeds were at a gross weight of 4,000 lbs. Service ceiling was 15,000 ft.
The general flying characteristics of the airplane were satisfactory, although better control near
stalling speed with flaps down was desirable. After the airplane was on the ground the action of the
oleo struts was quite rough, the airplane having a bad tendency to bounce, caused apparently by
lack of oleo action and strong taxi springs.
After a list of discrepancies were taken care of, it was considered suitable for use as a light
Gene Horsman, Aviation Historian
Every Wednesday the Colorado Pilot’s Association has a lunch fly-out, decided on the night before, to a nottoo-far-away destination. Arrival time is the same for all, usually 11:15 a.m., so the slow airplanes can get a
head start. If you are in a Pietenpol, you may still beat a Staggerwing to lunch. If the weather turns bad, there
is always another lunch fly-out the following Wednesday. Walter Bell, Meteorologist and pilot, makes the
decision the Tuesday night before and sends out a notice to those aviators who enjoy some fun flying to
different airports. If you would like to join in, contact Walter Bell at 303-886-4575 or
On the first and third Saturday of every month the Antique Airplane Association of Colorado meets at
Jack Greiner’s hangar, Antique Airfield, between Boulder and Longmont, to work on the Taylorcraft
Restoration Project. Much progress has been made...Much is still to be done. Meeting time is 0900 and
work continues until Noon...or later, if you can stay. Sandwich fixin’s are provided. Contact Jack Greiner
June 30, Sat. CPA Pancake Breakfast Fly In, Kelly Airpark, (CO15) 0700-1100 Unicom
123.05 AWOS 134.375, or 719-683-5371. Please bring your own tie downs.
July 14, Saturday, AAA of CO/Longmont Hangar Owners Pot Luck Fly In
LMO, hosted by J.D. Gleitz and Al their hangar on the South side of the runway. Please
bring a dish, dessert, or something tasty to share. 1100-until the flying is done and the food is gone!
July 12-13-14-15, Thu-Sun. The Rimwoa Luggage Company Junkers JU-52 Tri-Motor
comes to Front Range Airport (FTG) all the way from Germany. This North American
Tour will arrive from LAX on Thursday and be available for tours and flights through
Sunday. From FTG it will proceed to Oshkosh.
July 23-29 EAA AirVenture 2012...or “Oshkosh!” Featuring the 75th anniversary of the
Piper J-3 Cub. Over 250 will be flying in on Sunday, July 22. Colorado State Aeronautics
will have a booth. Stop by and visit!! See you there!
July 28, Sat. ERIE 4th Annual Spirit of Flight Day....c’mon out!
August 1 Wed., AAA of CO First Wednesday meeting...........TBA...nobody knows nuttin’...and probably
haven’t even thought that far ahead. (Incompetence has it’s advantage....indecision is the key to
August 18, Saturday, Eighth Annual Classic Aircraft and Car Show! Front Range
Airport (Not in or near the Boulder County Bermuda Triangle...but it’s still too close to be an X-C).
Pancake Breakfast! 0700-0900 Show runs to 3:00 p.m. With over 500 collectible cars on display...some
for sale. Come see the AAA of Colorado Link Trainer on display at Richard Hawley’s hangar. Try out
the “cuisine” at the Aviator Bar and Grill. Like old airplanes? Like old cars? C’mon out!
$$$ Treasurer’s Report $$$
AAAC is now up to 96 paid members, which is great news. As has
been noted elsewhere, we need a Secretary though- especially now
that we have enough people and projects to continue growth as a
viable leader in our specialties, among the civil and GA aviation
community. AAAC is playing a leadership role already in our work
with kids, to transfer knowledge and skills of aircraft maintenance,
repair, building, and restoration. I believe what we are doing is a
vital and necessary foundation stone to preserve the joy of flight
against bureaucratic predation.
Allan and Britney
As many of you know, along with some other members, I have
maintained relationships with EAA 301 and Jacqueline Withers’ TFLA/BCFG organization. At the
last EAA 301 meeting, I was tickled to learn their membership of approximately 100 folks, has raised
and granted $4,300+ in scholarship funding this year. Our TFLA/BCFG friend, Britney Wilson, has
been a beneficiary, of course. AAAC has some up and coming candidates for aviation and space
scholarships as well.
When EAA 301 inherited Jack Bonberg’s hangar, tools, and 5151 5/8-scale Mustang project, they
apparently re-organized management and accounting in a very smart way! In fact, they implimented
multiple instances of management standards which AAAC first successfully applied with the
Teach/Train program. EAA 301 has multiple programs, and each program has a designated
program manager and team, responsible for funds, activities, budget management, and operations.
Programs include Young Eagles, the hangar at FTG inherited from Jack Bongberg, Scholarships,
Banquet, and others.
AAAC applied this management strategy for the Teach/Train program, without institutionalizing it.
With leadership from Jack Greiner and Bob and Carol Leyner, we established:
A budget for acquisition and restoration of the T-Craft. That the value of the aircraft would approx.
Equal or exceed the investment. That AAAC has the skills and resources to complete this project.
That participants, aviation in CO, and AAAC would clearly benefit from the time and $ investments.
And that management responsibility could be identified and maintained for the project.
May 02, 2012: AAAC Trs Report, Fund Balances:
General Membership - Operations Funds
Scholarship Fund
Spl Ev'ts, Fly-Ins
Lowe Fund 05/02/12 (Liquidation Fee's TBD)
That hopeful forecast has been achieved in all regards, and
in good ways we did not foresee. Now EAA 301 has
demonstrated how the technique can be successfully
applied to further expand and extend young folks ability
to learn and apply the joy of flight to success in their lives.
And, like AAAC I hope, continue to preserve and defend
civil, antique, and GA activities into a hpoeful future-even
beyond the Earth.
$ 70,722.09
Allan H. Lockheed, AAA of CO Treasurer
The Third Annual National Biplane Fly-In
Junction City, Kansas May 31- June 3, 2012
It’s been four years since Charlie Harris passed the Biplane Fly-In “torch” over to Jim Clark, Waco
Aviator and businessman, in Junction City, Kansas. We were all very happy to know that the
“Bartlesville” tradition would continue on. Someone, we hoped, would step up to take the point
position, and Jim Clark has done so in an exemplary fashion. The “Standard” has been raised. The
“Junction City” tradition now has been firmly established. It just gets better and better.
Arriving a few days early, we were surprised to find the very first biplane had already landed. Using
the “shotgun” theory of weather avoidance, i.e., the more days allowed for travel, the more days there
will be with blue skies, Bob Weeks had flown in from the far northwestern Washington State. “Any
farther and you’d have to be in Canada”, says Bob. He said his wife had wondered aloud just when he
would depart, and then he looked out to see a sun
appear. Those two events were his cue.
His Hatz biplane was labeled a “Bratz” by the
gentleman who had built the airplane. His last name
being, Brooks, builder’s license came into play.
Climbing to almost 12,000 MSL to cross over
mountain passes Bob discovered that while beauty is
only skin deep, frigid cold goes right to the very
marrow of your bones. He won the award for longest distance flown, but not by much. There was no
award given for frozen body parts.
Russell Williams, Webmaster for the National Antique Airplane Association in Blakesburg Iowa, flew
over from the Seattle area in a very nicely restored Bellanca “Cruisemaster” or “Cardboard
Constellation” as it is often affectionately named. Comfortably smooth and warm, not to mention
efficient, the Cruisemaster is not a biplane and was therefore parked with the other monoplanes. You
might want to join the National AAA to see his good work displayed.
A window-rattling squall line had passed through on Wednesday afternoon, but the sunset it left
behind showed a promise for nice weather over the following three days. The promise was somewhat
slow to materialize, and it was late Friday before we really enjoyed the good weather. That was just
fine as many were not yet in the air.
The Friday “fly-out” activity was a hangar lunch served by the Abilene EAA chapter, not far away,
followed by a tour of the Eisenhower Museum. Many just drove over in cars, or rode the shuttle bus,
while some flew part way and intelligently turned back due to rain....and then came on the shuttle.
And there was one fool who pressed on to land in an open cockpit shower stall. We were all very
impressed by this act, but not in the way he intended. We were all glad the cell phone towers were
still operational. (What was that line in “Forrest Gump? Not the one about chocolates….the other
Not being in a biplane usually means you are short a
couple of wings. It was amusing to see a Fokker DR1 TRI-Plane arrive to “trump” everyone by wearing
an extra set of wings. The replica was extremely well
done and included a plaque with the Baron Von
Richtofen quote, “It Climbs Like a Monkey and
Maneuvers Like the Devil!” It was powered by a
Continental 220 and had twice the power of the
original model. Our thanks go to Richard Curtis of
Valley Center, Kansas, for bringing this very
interesting DR-1 to Junction City…even though it is
more than “just” a biplane.
In the “Olden Days”, when a Stinson Voyager
had a wooden-paneled back seat 8 feet wide, I
had a “hideout” in the fuselage of a Knight
Twister…the wings were in the rafters of
Harold Kennedy’s crop duster hangar. It was a
wonderful time for a kid who listened to
“Speed Gibson” on the radio. Things have
changed considerably since then. And much to
everyone’s enjoyment, Mark Holliday, from
Platte Valley Airport (18V) just northeast of
Denver, flew in with his white-and-red Knight
Twister. It is one of just a couple still flying and
looks like it is racing…just sitting there. They
could have put wings on it instead of those tiny
little fins…but then, as Mark says..”It wouldn’t be a Knight Twister anymore.” A Knight Twister
Historian, C.L. Westerman, ( was there with historical photographs of this
amazing little Vernon Payne design. If you happen to have any information at all about other Knight
Twisters, please contact C. L. Westerman. Plans are still available…but I no longer fit inside.
Mark asked me how tall I was…as I contemplated the task of entering the cockpit…and my “six-feetone-and-a-half” answer proved to be disqualifying. Dang! Might just get in there…and have to have
the airplane disassembled to get back out. It appeared to be going about 300 mph as Mark flew it
around the airport. The small size, like a BD-5 makes speed appear to be much greater than it actually
is. Mark says it does 175 mph in cruise and in two hours you are really ready to get out.
There are old Wacos…there are NuWacos…but have you ever seen a Waco built just from the original
plans and proverbial “scratch” by one passionate individual? Crazy? Maybe. Really Crazy? Probably.
(I know...this is also on the cover...but it is just too pretty not to see it twice!)
But there it was, every stick and nut and bolt and wood piece and fabric and leather and aluminum
part…all just from plans. Everything but the spit, sweat and blood from Weaver Aircraft Company line
workers. The Waco, a UMF-5, built by John V. Hudec, is identical to a factory airplane…as if a Cadillac
were put together from hand made parts in someone’s garage! (Anybody got plans for a DTS?) The
present proud owner is Donald W. Grundstrom of East Moline, Illinois. The clue that it is not a factory
product comes with the X in the registration number.
Bob Punch, Aviation photographer
after a “tee-rif-ick” ride
The centerpiece of the fly-in is always Jim
Clark’s beautifully restored Cabin Waco EGC8, with it’s gleaming orange and black color
scheme. You have seen it at Oshkosh,
Blakesburg and Sun-n-Fun. What you might
not know is that the restorer, Marvin
Hornbostel, of Junction City, Kansas, is the
2012 recipient of the FAA’s Charles Taylor
Master Mechanic award. Marvin, along with
his son, Jon, owns Raven Aero Service on
Freeman Field. He has been an A&P for over
50 years, and has held an AI for 40 of those
years. This year’s Airventure at Oshkosh will
be the venue for the presentation of this
national honor by the FAA.
There are always “one-of-a-kind” aircraft, and that makes for very interesting discussions. “My Daddy
used to have one of those…” “Looks like a Helio met a Mooney…” “Maybe it’s a secret project from
Area Fifty-one…” It’s always fun when you have already sneaked up to read the data plate, and can
then win a beer.
One such aircraft is “The Gold Nugget’ owned by Herrill Davenport out here in Colorado. Herrill’s
father, Brad Davenport, had built the airplane many years ago. Although Brad had sold the airplane,
Herrill was able to re-purchase it and keep it in the family. It is very unusual in that it has a round
cowling, but a horizontally opposed engine. With a bubble canopy to keep you warm, it sports a
slightly swept back upper wing that gives it a
Great Lakes/Bucker look. Naturally, it is
painted a metallic gold color.
Another never-seen-before airplane was a blue
and white biplane with a lower gull wing,
Corsair style, a swept back upper wing, and a
long pointed in-line engine. The tall vertical fin
looked very “Helio” in style. It is a Merkel Mark
II…from Wichita, Kansas. It prompted many
unfinished sentences…”What the…” How
the…” “It’s a…hmmm…”
Winner of the Judges Choice award was a 1935
Waco YOC Custom Cabin biplane, once owned by R.
J. Hardin of Grand Prairie, Texas. It is now being
carefully tended to by Jeff Skiles, of Hudson River
Fame, who keeps it at Brodhead, Wisconsin. Jeff,
who was our featured guest speaker, brought us all
up to date on EAA developments and answered
many questions regarding EAA advocacy topics. It is good to see him care-taking such a fine Cabin
Waco. (Did you know the EAA Young Eagles program has already invested over $300,000 this year?)
The Saturday events featured a fly-out to Prairie Cottage Airport, for an ice-cream social. The weather
was perfect for such an event and we discontinued any weight-and-balance computations afterwards.
Being centrally located, this National Biplane Fly In, sponsored in part by the Flint Hills EAA Chapter
1364, is growing into a major event of the year. Aircraft were flown in from Washington State, Florida,
California, Colorado, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and I am probably leaving some states out. The
Central location and grass runways make it a perfect site. It is always held on the first weekend of
June, easy to remember that, and you should make plans now for next year. The dates are May 30 –
June 2, 2013. For a complete list of the awards winners and more information, check out
Just a few more scenes from The 3rd Annual Biplane Fly In...
June 18, 2012
AAAC gave Coramia Chavez $150 total towards
plane tickets to Tuskegee Legacy Flight Academy in
Tuskegee, Alabama. Allan Lockheed
Mr. Allen Lockheed and Colorado Antique Airplane Association
P.O. Box 5142
Golden, CO 80401-0501
Dear Members of the Colorado Antique Airplane Association,
My name is Coraima Chavez, I am 16 years old, and I am in the Take Flight Leadership Aviation program. In this program i have been privileged of having
the opportunity of getting closer to my dream of becoming an aviator. So far I have had two successes now going on three thanks to you. My first success was
winning a national essay contest with SouthWest Airlines. In this contest I was one out three to be selected out of the west region of the United States, to go to
SouthWest’s headquarters in Dallas, Texas, to have hands on training with simulators, and meeting three honorable Tuskegee Airmen. My second success was
going to Chicago to visit Bessie Coleman's Fly Over, in Chicago, Illinois. Now recently I have been accepted in the Legacy Flight Academy in Tuskegee, Alabama.
I am so happy and extremely excited to attend the academy for two weeks. I am proud of myself for actually making the effort to achieve my dreams. I would
like you to know that I am most thankful for your help in accomplish my dream. Without your support, I would not be able to go on this trip! I hope to bring back
photos of all the great activities I will be able to do on the trip and share them with you. Thank you again!
Coraima Chavez
We are really excited to announce that two of your local Colorado female pilots
have been selected to participate in an exclusive and historical 84th, “All Women’s
Transcontinental Air Race!” Only 55 all-women aircrews from throughout the
entire nation are accepted, but we need your help…
This summer, we will have the opportunity to fly in this cross-country air race
that will give us the necessary experience of real world flying, planning, and
navigation that will prepare us as pilots for our careers as professional airline
This amazing tradition started back in 1929 as the “First Women’s Air Derby”
(History:, and during World War Two became known as
the All Women’s Transcontinental Air Race (AWTAR). Now, it is our chance to
become a part of that American history and help continue the tradition of
advancing women’s roles in aviation.
For us to participate as pilots in this historic event, we need your help through our financial support outreach to
help cover our expenses such as: aircraft rental, aviation fuel, overnight lodging, training for the race, air race
registration and fees, and other unexpected expenditures throughout our adventure. Our goal is to receive
$8,500 to cover the estimated expenses; any amount donated helps! With your help and support, you can make
our dream of flying in this historic air race possible.
As a sponsor, you can receive full recognition and be included in all materials, printed and electronic, as well
as featured on our Facebook Page: For more
information on how you can participate as a sponsor and help us make history, please contact: Emily or Zia at
720-369-9577 or email
Checks can be made payable to: Colorado Air Race Team 51 and sent to Zia Safko,
18856 East Powers Drive, Aurora, CO 80015.
With our utmost appreciation and gratitude:
Your team of Colorado female pilots: Emily Applegate, and Zia Safko.
We have the passion for flying and adventure.
At press time: The girls placed 10th overall and were the only “firsttimers” in the top 10! They also scored 4th as a Collegiate Team
representing Metro State. Way To Go!
Riveting Workshop
Adventure Zone & Space Pavilion
Rocky Mountain Airshow
Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport
August 25-26, 2012
Come share your skills by helping kids with a couple of simple riveting projects at the Airshow!
Receive a free day-pass into the Airshow, enjoy a lunch on us, and see the F-22 Raptor flight demo &
much more (see Promote EAA Chapter 301. Most of
all, receive the joy of teaching a youth a new skill!
Name plate
Cell phone stand
Emily Griffith Technical College – Roy Gloria, Co-Lead
West High School – Dave Yuskewich, Co-Lead
EAA Chapter 301 –
Staffing Needs for shifts to assist Roy and Dave by running individual work stations:
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Saturday, August 25
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Sunday, August 26
Equipment Needs
Air Compressor, adequate for rivet gun and air drill
Rivet Squeeze
Hot Glue Gun
Label Maker
EAA Chapter 301 banner or sign
Provided: 6-to-12 kid-sized safety glasses. Rivet guns & rivet sets, air drills, deburring tools,
aluminum cut to size, rivets, tables, and chairs.
Scott McEwen
Adventure Zone & Space Pavilion Coordinator
First Class
AAA of Colorado, Inc.
5557 Aspen Ave. Erie,
Colorado 80516
The purpose of the AAA of Colorado is to promote the preservation and flying of the antique and classic airplanes and other flying machines. Also to
encourage young people to become interested in flying old aircraft. Any communication issued by the AAA of Colorado, regardless of the format
and/or media used is presented only in the context of a clearing house of ideas, opinions and personal experience accounts. The AAA of Colorado
does not project or accept responsibility of participation by any member or newsletter reader at any fly-in function or event that may be publicized in
this newsletter. Any ideas or opinions presented in this newsletter do not necessarily represent those officially held by the Association.
Please submit any stories and photos, classified ads, complaints, or suggestions to
Association Officers
Association Directors
Jack Greiner (2014) 303-652-0676
Jim Sutton 303-775-1690
Dave Walmsley (2013) 303-284-3132
Vice President
Dan Wine (2012) 303-465-2825
Dan Smith 303-709-3140
Rick Spears (2012) 720-560-5275
Don Singer (2013) 303-485-0977
Allan Lockheed 303-238-2414
Dan Smith (2014) 303-709-3140
Secretary ... vacant
Newsletter Editor
Richard Hawley 303-838-4670

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