The Flyer, July 2009
The Flyer, July 2009
The Flyer Antique Airplane Association of Colorado, Inc. Volume 85 July 2009 Number 7 Sat. June 27 FREE Spaghettilunch and Presentation by ACE Avakian at Platte Valley. Sat. July 11 Fly In Picnic At Dan and Linda Murray’s LMO July 27-Aug. 2 OSHKOSH Aug. 5 meeting and speaker TBA Aug. 22-23 Sat-Sun Rocky Mtn Regional BJC Aug. 29 Longmont Airport Expo 2009 Aug. 28-29-30 AAA of Neb. Minden Fly-In on the way to Blakesburg. Sept. 2-7 AAA/APM Blakesburg Fly In Sept. 7-13 National Stearman Fly In, Galesburg, Ill. Sept. 11-13 MAAC Fly In Brodhead, Wisc. Sept. 24-27 Int’l Cessna 195 at Creve Coeur, Mo. Forth of July Hangar Pot Luck Picnic! SAT. JULY 11 at Dan and Linda Murray’s Hangar 44A at LMO See bulletin inside! Thoughts from the “Pres” In spite of the “goofiest” late spring weather I can ever remember we’ve struggled through it relatively unscathed. On the Sunday of the most serious tornadoes Mary and I flew to GXY for breakfast and then I gave some dual at FTG. Coming home from FTG that afternoon was “interesting”. It seems that most of the fly-ins were able to happen, although they may have had sparse attendance. Perhaps the rest of the flying season will be more cooperative. Mary and I are looking forward to seeing all of you Remember to bring your aircraft with you, or if that doesn’t work you’re welcome to drive in. Most Imporat the Independence Day fly-in and pot luck at Murray’s hangar, #44A at the Longmont airport, on tant, Be There! There’s lots of parking available. Bill Mitchell the 11th of July starting at about 11:00 AM. “Over There...Over There...Say a Prayer and Beware Over There......” It was 1918 all over again. The Lafayette Foundation Vintage Aero Flying Museum, driven by Andy Parks and his dedicated crew, has evolved into a First Class WWI and WWII museum. The monthly free spaghetti/bratwurst lunches, with outstanding speaker presentations, has attracted aviation crowds all through the spring weather...and they are just picking up momentum. On May 16-17 there was a two-day Spring FlyIn featuring WWI and WWII aircraft and genuine Army Corp military equipment, restored and preserved by individuals who hold a deep love of history and an equally deep sense of honor for those who have paid for our freedom and way of life. Everything from a 1918 Nash “Four-Wheel” army actual army the famous Fokker fighters of WWII BT-13 the China-Burma-India Veteran’s Association Stinson L-5 and even a T-28 of the Viet Nam era were on display. All operational and being displayed in motion. The guest speaker, Mary Feik, Master Mechanic from WWII, was invited to a ride in one of her favorites, the BT-13 “Vultee Vibrator” and she did not hesitate to accept that invitation. She looked right at home as the BT made several passes over the field. These monthly events are a most appreciated booster for the AAA of Colorado. Our group and the Lafayette Foundation have established a mutually beneficial relationship which is a win-win for all. The next event will be on Saturday, June 27 at noon. The featured speaker, will be lifetime aviator Ace Avakian, who will share some of his many aviation experiences. 2 For more information about the free spaghetti lunch and presentation call: 303-502-5347 Mark and Cindy Beam and their L-5 Andy helps Mary Feik into the BT for a Sentimental Journey back in time. Dave Callender’s very rare 1939 Harlow PJC-2 #3 3 From Behind the Power Curve...... Just back from Bartlesville and what a great time that was! Seems like Jack Greiner has a twin somewhere because he shows up everywhere! Platte Valley had a two day air show and fly in which drew national attention. The efforts by Andy Parks and company are really making a difference and a welcomed tradition of a monthly Antique Airplane/WWI fly in is now established. As the summer begins to gain speed, there is a need to be in more than one place at the same time. Did anyone get to the St. Francis Stearman Fly In? I was unable to be there...again. If you were there, please send in a report for those of us who missed it. Meanwhile, I am trying to catch up on reports from Antiques at Sun ‘n Fun, Platte Valley and the last ever Biplane Expo. So many Fly little time. Thanks to Mike Gugeler for a fine presentation at the last AAA meeting. Informed sources tell me it was well attended and everyone enjoyed it very much. I missed it due to the early morning flight the next day and the three hour drive to attend, but Herrill Davenport made a DVD for all who were not there. Check with Herrill to see it. Quest has high-speed internet access for $14.95/month now...about five bucks more than dial-up....about the price of a salad at the Parkway Cafe. If you’re still on dial-up you might want to skip one salad a month to enjoy high speed. RH On the Horizon...More Mark your Calendars June 27 Sat. Free Spaghetti lunch at Platte Valley July 11 Sat. Fly In Picnic at Dan and Linda Murray’s hangar Longmont. July 27-Aug. 2 OSHKOSH Aug. 5 Wed. AAA Meeting and speaker TBA Aug 22-23Sat-Sun Rocky Mtn Regional BJC Aug. 29 Longmont Airport Expo 2009 Aug 28-29-30 AAA of Neb. Minden Fly In (Just before and on the way to Blakesburg) Sept. 2-7 AAA/APM Blakesburg Fly In. Sept 7-13 National Stearman Fly In, Galesburg, Ill. Sept. 11-13 MAAC Fly In Brodhead, Wisconsin Sept. 24-27 International Cessna 195 Convention at Creve Coeur, Mo. A hotbed of AAA activity. Sept. 26 Fall Fly In Greiner-Becker Antique Field. Rain date first Saturday in October. Oct. 7 Wed. AAA Meeting TBA (start thinking about nominations for club officers) Oct. 22-25 Copperstate Fly In Casa Grande Nov. 4 Wed AAA Meeting TBA (Start thinking about nominations for club officers) Nov. 11 56th Fairview Veteran’s Day Fly In. Dec. 2 Wed. AAA Meeting and Election Antique and Classic airplanes. Every 10th plane Planning will start for the annual AAA banquet dinto land gets a turkey. Oldest Free Fly-In in the USA. ner and presentation. 4 Last Month’s Plane was: The Trekker (Piaggio) Royal Gull. Piaggio has been building airplanes since back in 1915. It would be in the same general class as the Grumman “Widgeon”, but there the comparison ends. Labeled as the P.136 the prototype Piaggio airplane first flew in August of 1948, and the first 20 or so went to the Italian Air Force for search and patrol work that only a good amphibian can do. Piaggio negotiated with several manufacturers to sell the aircraft here in the U.S. The nod finally went to the Royal Aircraft Corp. Of Milwaukee, WI. Royal Aircraft was a subsidiary of Kearney and Trekker, the well known manufacturer of “Milwaukee” milling machines and other fine machine tools. The first three airplanes came completely assembled from Genoa, Italy by boat to New York City and Carl G. Koeling,, Chief Pilot for Kearney and Trekker, flew them to Milwaukee. Twenty nine more came in crates to be assembled here. Much of the airplane took on an American flavor as it went together because it was equipped with American engines, props, with many operating components and accessories manufactured in this country. Deliveries began in 1955, but no one was beating a path to the company’s door. There were orders, mostly from business-houses, but they were few and far between. Definitely a rich man’s airplane, it’s potential was rather limited. The Royal Aircraft Corp. Was reorganized into the Trekker Aircraft Company and an improved model marketed, but still no go. Trekker Aircraft discontinued the aircraft assembly operation in 1960 and dissolved entirely in 1964. It carried 5 people with ample room and performed well as a boat and airplane. It was powered by tow 6 cyl. Geared Lycoming GO-480-B1B engines of 260-270 hp. Wingspan was 44’5”, empty weight was 4400 lbs, usefull load was 1600 lbs and payload with 100 gal. Fuel 784 lbs (4 pass at 170 lbs ea. And 105 lbs baggage) gross weight was 6000 lbs. Max speed 183 at SL, redlined at 222, cruising speed (65% power) 164 at 8000 feet. It had very good takeoff and landing characteristics. There are apparently some still flying. (Photo and words from Jupiter U.S. Civil Aircraft Series.) 5 The Last Ever Bartlesville Biplane Expo June 5-6, 2009 “The Grand Finale” With the patience of Job and a keen sense of humor, Charlie Harris put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. I had just asked him the same question everyone else had already asked. "Will you change your mind next year and keep this fly-in going?" His good natured reply was "I'll ask this slowly......What part of ‘NO’ don't you understand?" "Don't be sad", he said, "consider it to be a Grand Finale." And Grand it was! Ever since I was just an eight year old kid, running through the sticker patch in bare feet to watch a crop duster at daybreak, I have had a deep love for biplanes. To miss this last event in Bartlesville would have created a regret too heavy to bear. Others share my feelings and they too could not let this pass. It was a record setting convention as far as attendance count goes....414 airplanes and so many people that the food ran out at the evening dinners. Some had to go out for food and then hurry back to listen to the speaker. Guest of Honor was Dick Rutan. How many pilots do you know who have had to eject out of a F100...twice. His credentials and accomplishments form a lengthy line leading right up to the incredible around-theWorld- non-stop and un-refueled flight of the Voyager. As he pointed out..."technically, the Voyager is...a Biplane. Count 'em...two wings." His Thursday night presentation lead off with an account of an expedition from Anchorage, Alaska, to the North Pole in the last ever built Antonov AN-2 biplane with a Cessna 185 on skis as a support plane. The plan was to land the Cessna at the North Pole...check the thickness of the ice before the AN-2 landed to make sure it was safe. Instead, the AN-2 pilot landed before the ice was checked...and in an escape attempt broke through. The plane slowly sank through the ice. If you need parts for an AN-2, there is a complete airplane resting on the bottom of the Arctic Ocean right at the North Pole. The story of the Voyager flight kept us on the edge of our chairs. Not unlike the Apollo 13 mission, the Voyager was beset with malfunctions and adversities not then realized by those watching. I remember getting the word from ATC when the Voyager had successfully landed back at Edwards AFB…not knowing any of the details of the flight. Nine days and three minutes in the air…”And with no potty” was my thought at the time. They almost didn’t make it but we just didn’t know. Perhaps not so well known, but just as much of an adventurer, John Proctor flew his sky-blue and white Hatz biplane all the way in from Glide, Oregon. And on amphibious floats too. While that may seem like a fairly long flight…Oregon to Oklahoma…John’s longer flight was around the Pacific Rim. Not in the Hatz, but in his restored Albatross. He flew 42,500 miles from the Arctic to the Antarctic with 52 water landings. Now, after successfully fighting off cancer, he takes his “Sky Dancer” all over the West and Southwest. A Hatz on amphibious floats is a rare sight, indeed. Good on you, John! (see cover photo) Built for carrying passengers, not for speed, the New Standard biplane carried passengers from early morning until the last light of the day. Not just occasionally, but constantly. I figured each flight took about ten minutes and with ground time there would have been five flights per hour. Makes me need to stand up, just thinking about it. I wonder how many of those folks were on their very first airplane ride. All of them were smiling big wide grins. 6 One of the most unusual aircraft to be seen was a Fokker DVII replica. Splendidly painted in a “Flying Circus” theme with multi-colored quilt patches and a bright yellow nose cowl, it featured an in-line Ranger engine. Most Ranger engines, as you already know, are mounted with the cylinders hanging down. Oil consumption wasn’t an issue in days gone by, but now most have converted the rings to make a better seal in that configuration. This installation places the cylinders upright and keeps the drive shaft properly aligned at the bottom of the engine. It makes for a more accurate replica and certainly had me fooled for a moment. Equally unusual and on my list of airplanes to own is the 1929 Zenith Z6A biplane flown in from Creve Coeur, Mo. by Glenn Peck and Don Parsons. The only survivor of five built, it is a flying Stage Coach! What if Wells Fargo had had one of these…. When I load my Cessna 195 I eventually run short of room…three dogs….my wife and her necessary items…tables and chairs…camping equipment…guitars...banjo…etc. This airplane can take it all and in a graceful manner at that. Check out the history of this airplane at (Cover photo) The Oklahoma winds can become brisk in the afternoon. One of the fly out events was a morning flight up to Beaumont, Kansas to taxi through town and dine at the hotel. Unfortunately for a pair of Champ flyers, the winds made it impossible to get back. They left the airplane in Emporia and rented a car for the return trip. There was a time when I could tell you of all the variations of the Weaver Aircraft Company or WACO biplanes. Each one is different it seems, as the designations change with each engine option. They now run together and I have to look closer. In my mind there is nothing so nice as the red WACO UPF-7 which drew me back again and again. From the stately Staggerwings to the tiny Baby Great Lakes they all came for this “last roundup”. Just one more time at Bartlesville, that’s all I could ask for. The Grand Finale is now over and all the biplanes have gone home. There’s nothing left on the field but stamped out airplane shapes in the grass. I know there will be a movement to keep this event from ending. It’s too good to let it pass. Stay tuned for an update next year. Keep the Antiques Flying! Richard Hawley Just prior to submerging at the North Pole...the Last AN-2 off the production line. Need parts? Dick Rutan...Biplane Flyer 7 8 Antique Airplane Association of Colorado General Meeting Minutes June 3, 2009 The General Meeting was held at Casa Alvarez and was called to order at 7:00 pm by William (Billy) Mitchell, President. There were over 50 people in attendance. The attendance list is in the club records. There wasn’t a meeting in May because of the fly in at Antique Field and no minutes were taken. Dave Shank moved to approve the minutes from the April meeting and it was seconded by Carol Leyner. The Agenda: 1. Announcements 2. Treasurer’s Report 3. Taylorcraft Project Status Report 4. Old Business 5. New Business 1. Announcements It was with great sadness that Bill Mitchell informed us of Joye Baker’s passing. Our condolences go out to John and his family. Bill announced that Terry Edwards situation with the FAA is ongoing. We all wish Terry the best outcome. 2. Treasurer Report a. Allan Lockheed provided a written report to the secretary and a verbal report to the club. He said the Lowe account is a net loss year to date, but it had a small recovery last month. We need to plan for money for the Longmont Airport Expo. Pat Spears moved to approve the Treasurer Report and it was seconded by Jack Greiner. b. Fund Balances: · General Membership – Operations Fund 1,115.05 · Scholarship fund 789.34 · Spl Events Fund, outreach educational Fly-ins 330.53 · May 31, 2009: Lowe Fund 35,544.41 TOTAL: 37,779.33 (continued on next page) 9 A motion to accept the treasurer report was made by Pat Spears and seconded by Jack Greiner. 3. Taylorcraft Project Report. · The left wing is almost done · The main fuel tank is going in this weekend. 4. Old Business. Longmont Airport Expo is planned for August 29, 2009 from 10am to 3pm. Volunteers are still needed to donate either money or time. Our club will be selling pop as a fund raiser. Please contact Carol Leyner if you can volunteer or donate. 5. New Business. a) An American Airlines DC3 will be at the Longmont Airport on June 26th and 27th. This beautiful plane was restored by American Airline pilots and mechanics. It is privately owned. You can purchase a membership for $150. There will be 30 minutes rides available in which you can get left seat time. When Jack Greiner worked for American Airlines he flew the DC3, he is the local contact for this event. b) There won’t be a general meeting in July. There will be a pot luck at Dan and Linda Murray’s hangar on July 11, 2009. c) On June 27, 2009 there will be a fly-in in Ft. Morgan, Colorado. d) Bob Leyner informed everyone there will be an auction in California that will include a Lockheed 12 and a 190. Contact Bob for more information. A motion was made for the meeting to be adjourned by Bill Mitchell, it was seconded by Dave Shenk. Mike Gugeler gave us a terrific presentation of his flying days in Alaska. It was really great. Respectfully submitted: Pat Spears Secretary, AAA of Colorado 10 First Class AAA of Colorado, Inc. 526 Leona Dr. Denver, Colorado 80221 The purpose of the Antique Airplane Association of Colorado is to promote the preservation, restoration and flying of the antique and classic airplanes and other Flying machines. Also to encourage young people to become interested in flying old aircraft. Any communication issued by the Antique Airplane Association of Colorado, regardless of the format and/or media used, is presented only in the context of a clearing house of ideas, opinions and personal experience accounts. The Antique Airplane Association of Colorado does not project or accept responsibility of participation by any member or newsletter reader at any fly-in function or event that may be publicized in this newsletter. Any ideas or opinions presented in this newsletter do not necessarily represent those officially held by the Association. Please submit any stories and photos to Got E-Mail? You can save the AAA a lot of money by printing your own copy at home. Association Officers Association Directors President William (Bill) Mitchell, 303-427-4025 Vice President Jeff Cain, 303-722-4311 Treasurer Allan Lockheed, Jr., 303-238-2414 Secretary Pat Spears, 303-684-9626 Newsletter Editor Richard Hawley, 303-838-4670 Carol Leyner (2010) 303-442-5002 Jack Greiner (2010) 303-652-0676 Dave Walmsley 303-284-3132 Dan Murray (2009) 303-682-1294 Dave Shenk (2009) 303-772-2202 Mike Gugeler (2011) 720-890-0552 Jon Youngblut (2011) 970-532-4323
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