Florida Antique Biplane Association June 2010
Florida Antique Biplane Association June 2010
Copyright 2009-2010 - Newsletter Editor: Larry Robinson Editor In Chief: Kathy Robinson C HA L E T SU Z A N N E The last of the official functions for the 2009-2010 season has come and gone. The season is history. With any luck, there is always next season to make up for lost time. The reality is that you can NEVER make up for lost time. Miss an opportunity and it's gone forever. 1 Those of us who did take to the air and roadways to meet at Chalet Suzanne were rewarded with good camaraderie and an excellent breakfast. We took over and filled the private dining room and were well served by the staff. Eric Hinshaw is now a full time Innkeeper of Chalet Suzanne as he's given up flying the silver tubes. He welcomed us upon arrival and made sure our needs were accommodated. It is always a pleasure to revisit the Chalet Suzanne. 2 The N2S wasn't really inverted. I was just seeing if you were paying attention. We had a fair showing of antique biplanes at this perfect venue for our type of flying. And, as usual, there was no lack of yakking going on. The other guests at the Chalet for the morning all came out to see our birds and joined in the gabbing. It is always good to get together our members from all quadrants and catch up. We would probably never have made these friends if it weren't for the Florida Antique Biplane Association. Next year, make the commitment to come join us and get to know the very interesting folks involved with this cult. As for the rest of the summer, we'll be meeting at air conditioned airport restaurants around the State. These are opportunities to invite your friends who would not normally be involved in our membership activities during the regular season. The summer meetings are "Dutch Treat" functions and not supported by the treasury. If you think you'd like to organize one of these meetings, let me know and I'll put out the word. 3 Thanks to all the wonderful hosts for making our functions possible. Without them, we would not operate within the great parameters we are privileged to realize. The 2010-2011 season will commence in late October or early November with an overnight function at River Ranch. Stay tuned for details. Until then, the official newsletter will be silent. Y A N K E E D IV ISIO N O F F A B A EEdd KKaattzzeenn Check out this you tube site: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k6DllxA8RA Elinor Smith, a pioneer aviatrix recently passed away. She used to come here to Bayport/Long Island, New York once in a while and had owned a Bird. Two weeks ago her son asked us to scatter her ashes over Calverton National Cemetery. A flight of five biplanes, 2 Birds, 2 Stearmans, and an N3N carried out his wishes. Her son flew as a passenger. That's my 1930 Brunner Winkle Bird BK with a Kinner engine in the foreground. 4 B IR T HD A Y P A R T Y AVIATOR’S 94TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION ON JUNE 13TH , A SUNDAY, AT OUR HOUSE/HANGAR. WHERE: TREASURE COAST AIRPARK. TAKE NORTH ENTRANCE LOOK FOR OLD AIRPLANES. 15351 Navion Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34987 IT IS FOR MY WIFE’S (JAN) FATHER JOHN BOYCE WHO IS A RETIRED EASTERN AIRLINE PILOT AND FABA MEMBER. HE RETIRED IN 1976. FLEW EVERYTHING AND STARTED OUT IN AERONCA C3 BATHTUB AND FINISHED IN LOCKHEED L1011 WHAT TO BRING? YOUR FAVORITE SANDWICH, WE WILL PROVIDE EVERYTHING ELSE. TIME: 11:30 TO WHENEVER A PICNIC BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION WE WILL PROVIDE COLD DRINKS, WATER, SODA, ETC., POTATO SALAD, CAKE, DEVILED EGGS, CHIPS AND SALSA. PLATES, FORKS, KNIVES, TABLES AND CHAIRS. WE WILL MORE THAN LIKELY BE INSIDE WITH THE AIR CONDITIONER ON IN THE HANGAR. SIDE DOOR WILL BE UNLOCKED. PARK ON THE WHITE ROCK ROAD IF BY CAR AND NOT ON THE TAXIWAY OR THE GRASS UNLESS INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. PULL ALL THE WAY IN AND DON’T WORRY ABOUT WHEN TO LEAVE. PROBABLY FINISH AROUND 3PM. RSVP IS APPRECIATED: rstjulien@sikorsky.com 5 R O C K Y M O U N T A IN HIGH A D V E N TU R E On June 16, a gaggle of three Cubs with three "mountain goat" pilots will be lifting from Aspen, CO on the way to Johnson Creek, Idaho for the annual bush plane/outback fly in. I'm lucky enough to be included in this adventure and learning experience of flying "in" the Rocky Mountains. It's 600 miles, as the crow flies, but I doubt we'll be taking a direct route. You can track us on a SPOT that will be along for the ride. User Name: geoapsen Pass Word: snowmass2 (all lower case) There is also a web cam at Johnson Creek for you to access to take a look at the airplanes that inhabit the airfield during the function. http://www.ruralnetwork.net/~yellowpinecm/ This place is remote to say the least. Bush planes from all over the NW come to this fly-in every year. 6 Once at Johnson Creek, Cully Culwell (Chief Pilot) has made arrangements for us to stay at the Yellow Pine Ritz in town. All the others attending this function will be camping under the wings of their aeroplanes at the field. Our accommodations include full access to the general store which directly adjoins our luxury suite. The "Roman Baths" are out back. 7 DDIISSCCLLAAIIM MEERR NNOOTTIICCEE & & M MIISSSSIIOONN SSTTAATTEEM MEENNTT:: All information contained herein is believed to be correct. However, it is intended to be for informational purposes only and is not to be relied upon. You are reminded that Federal Air Regulations Part 91 places primary responsibility for ensuring the airworthy condition of an aircraft on the owner or operator. Any person who maintains, modified or otherwise changes an aircraft must do so in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and all applicable FAA regulations. You should independently verify any of the information contained herein. No warranty is expressed or implied. The Florida Antique Biplane Association Inc. does not project or accept any responsibility for participation by readers of the “Flying Wire”, non members or members at fly-ins listed in this issue. This publication is produced as a medium of communication for those antique biplane enthusiasts and members of Florida Antique Biplane Association, Inc. The Florida Antique Biplane Association Inc. is a 501C6 corporation incorporated in the State of Florida. It’s purpose is to promote the preservation, restoration and safety of flying antique biplanes. Membership in FABA Inc. is open to all antique biplane owners, whether or not the airplane is airworthy. An antique biplane is defined as one having had its original type certificate issued on or before 1950. EE--M Maaiill DDiissccllaaiimmeerr The FABA newsletter and meeting notices are distributed via e-mail on the Internet. These transmissions contain information, which is intended for the sole use of the recipient or authorized representative. Any person who receives these e-mails by mistake shall immediately notify the sender and destroy it. E-mail transmissions cannot be guaranteed to be error-free as information could be intercepted, altered, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept any liability for damages caused by the fraudulent alteration of this message including, without limitations, damages caused by any virus transmitted by it. FABA MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION NAME:__________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:________________________________________________________ CITY: _____________________COUNTY:______________ STATE:____________ ZIP CODE:___________PHONE:_(_____)_________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS:______________________________FAX#:______________ CELL PHONE:________________ OCCUPATION : (If Retired, From What?)__________________________________ AIRCRAFT OWNED:__________________________________________________ Must Be An Antique Biplane With Original Type Certification Prior to 1950. IS THE AIRCRAFT LICENSED?: ______ “N” NUMBER:___________ NAME & A/C LOGO TO APPEAR ON YOUR NAME BADGE: _______________________________________________________________ YOUR SPONSOR IS:_________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP DUES: $48.00 PER YEAR PAYABLE TO FLORIDA ANTIQUE BIPLANE ASSOCIATION,INC. SECOND YEAR’S DUES ARE PRO-RATED IF YOU JOIN DURING THE YEAR. SSEENNDD CCHHEECCKK TTOO 1100990066 DDEENNOOEEUU RROOAADD--BBOOYYNNTTOONN BBEEAACCHH,, FFLLOORRIIDDAA 3333447722 8 FA BA L EA D ER S H I P 2 0 0 9 - 20 10 DDIIRREECCTTOORRSS // OOFFFFIICCEERRSS JOHN LUMLEY-President 561-499-1115 Captainapache@aol.com DAVID GAY-Vice President 407-234-6986 Stearmom@aol.com CAROLYN MYERS-Secretary/Treasurer 813-995-9313 RLCKMYERS@msn.com JON RISING-Immediate Past President 352 245 3834 Stearman220@gmail.com HERB CLARK-North Division Executive Director 352-821-2618 Herbco@worldnet.att.net LARRY ROBINSON-South Division Executive Director 561-732-3250 Beyeview@aol.com Pattie Duffy – Photographer 954 977-8038 Padufs@aol.com 9
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