59 GRAPEVINE Waco, Texas


59 GRAPEVINE Waco, Texas
Time to renew
your Chapter 59
59 GRAPEVINE Waco, Texas
3 Time National Award Winning Publication of
EAA Chapter 59 ....and the LAST WORD on Sport Aviation in Texas!
Vol. 50, No. 03
March 20, 2010
Going Strong for 50 years!
EAA Chap. 59 meets the 1st Sat. of each month at the EAA hangar (PWG)
Chapter 59 Awards Banquet
Inside this issue:
Chapter Business . . .
P. 2
Prez Sez . . . . . . . . . . .
P. 3
Announcements, etc. . . P. 4
Awards Banquet . . . . . . P. 5
Project Updates . . . . . . P. 9
Sonex Diaries . . . . . . . . P. 10
SportAir Workshop. . . P. 11
New Members . . . .. . . . P. 12
Biplane Days . . . . . . . . . P. 13
Music Night Preview . . . P. 14
Calendar of Events . . . . P. 15
Classified Ads. . . . . . . . P. 16
Held on Feb. 19, at the Chapter 59 meeting room, the annual
banquet had a good turnout & great food.
MEMBERSHIP: Full membership in EAA Chapter 59 is $24 per year, which
includes the monthly 59 Grapevine newsletter. EAA national membership is
required. Introductory membership is $12 (first year only) and includes full
privileges. EAA national membership is not required. Dues are prorated monthly
after March each year. Send check payable to EAA Chapter 59, to Charles
Chesnut, 1401 Alford Dr., Hillsboro, TX 76645.
NEWSLETTER SUBMITTALS: The next 59 Grapevine will be published on Apr. 20, 2010. Please
submit inputs by Apr. 10, 2010, to Mike McMains, 325 Bluebonnet Circle, McGregor, TX 76657, or
via e-mail to Covey534@hot.rr.com. Business card display ads available. $10 per month or $100 per
year (two months free). Contact or mail ads to Charles Chesnut, 1401 Alford Dr., Hillsboro, TX 76645.
Page 2 - 59 Grapevine - Mar. 20, 2010
2010-11 OFFICERS:
President . . . . . .
Kenny Grisham
Vice President . . . . .
Brad Moffett
Secretary . . . . . . .
Alice Young
Treasurer . . . . .
Chet Chesnut
James Young
Boyce Vardiman
Jim Hail
Pat Baucum
Gene Franklin
David Wilson
Technical Counselor:
Joel New
Flight Advisor:
Mike McMains
Membership Coordinator: Pam Brown
Building Ops. Chair:
Bob Coomes
Young Eagles Coordinator
Events Coordinator
Food Coordinator
Monty Suffern
Robert Keck
Web Editor
McGregor City Liaison
Newsletter Staff
Editor . . . . . . . .
Proofreader . . .
Steve Helm
Jon Botsford
Jon Botsford
Ron McKinley ............
Dave Clay
Billy Jack Waters
Mike McMains
Sue McMains
EAA Chapter 59 Board of Director’s Meeting
March 9, 2010
Call to order: 6:05 p.m.
Attendance: Kenny Grisham, Jim Hail, Pat Baucom, Dave
Wilson, Monte Suffern, Robert Keck, Alice Young, Jim Young,
Suellen Jacobsen, John Jacobsen, and Gene Franklin.
Treasurer’s Report: Chet Chesnut
Chet was unable to attend. The financial report was accepted in his absence.
Minutes of last meeting: Jim Young moved to accept the
minutes, and Jim Hail seconded. Passed.
Education Committee: Jim Young
Jim reported that Jenny Dixson with Region 12, Education
Service Center and a group of 50 to 60 teachers will be at the
hangar on April 13 and 14 for a workshop sponsored by the
Math Collaborative. The teachers will get experience with the
flight simulators and other educational tools and teaching
techniques the Education Team uses in presentations at area
Kenny said that there will be a headset demonstration at
the April Event. Wing Aero out of Dallas, a vendor, will be
here with their equipment.
Facilities Committee: Boyce
Boyce was unable to attend. Kenny reported that the fire
safety cabinet has been painted. The board authorized the
purchase of a shop vac and several new trash cans for the
hangar. A new coffee pot has been ordered for the kitchen.
Airplane Project: Jim Hail
The project airplane engine started. Next will be building
the cowling and installing the windshield. Kenny said that he is
still working with an attorney to cover all legal responsibilities
before printing the raffle tickets. There will be four other items
added to the raffle.
Membership: Pam Brown
Pam was unable to attend. Kenny reported that more than
120 people attended the March Pancake Breakfast & Event.
He also said that Dale Breedlove needs more kitchen help in
order to serve pancakes and sausage to that many people. A
phone tree will be established to set up “help-teams” for the
kitchen and to help Pam sell Chapter merchandise, registering
attendees and signing up new members. There were 84 membership renewals and 4 new members for March, 2010.
Public Relations Committee: Kenny
On line dues payments are being set up on the Chapter 59
web site. Chapter 59 is now on Facebook, and Suellen
Jacobsen, Facebook editor, demonstrated how Facebook will
be used.
Adjourned- 7:11 p.m.
Alice Young, Secretary
Activities Committee: Kenny
The EAA has established May 15, as Learn-To-Fly Day.
After careful discussion, Jim Young made a motion to wait a
year before participation, and Jim Hail seconded the motion.
Music Night will be Saturday, April 24, beginning in the
late afternoon. The entertainment will be half ragtime and
half country. Look in the newsletter for the exact time everything starts.
The Chapter is planning a flying event in May. Plans are
to fly to Whitney for a picnic. The date and time will be announced later.
The next general Chapter 59 meeting will be the Pancake Breakfast, April 3, followed by
various activities in the EAA hangar at McGregor Airport (PWG).
Mar. 20, 2010- 59 Grapevine - Page 3
Don’t delay! Make your reservations now for the big
music night (see p. 14)!
This is your newsletter, so how about making it better
by submitting photos or articles from your experiences? Your
fellow 59ers are interested in your aviation stories.
Many new aviation books have been recently added to
our library, We also have some great videos to check out, including the old Sky King TV series.
Annual membership dues in EAA Chapter 59 are a
bargain at $24/year, and become due for renewal each January.
Don’t miss an issue of the 59 Grapevine! Why not renew today?
Chapter 59 webmaster, Ron McKinley, will soon have
a secure members-only section of the website. Watch for
new features.
New to Chapter 59, or have a question or idea for
us? Look for the folks in red Chapter 59 shirts & you’ll go straight
to someone who may be able to help you or get your ideas in
Prez Sez –March, 2010
-Kenny Grisham
The weather is wonderful today. Just three weeks ago
there was over six inches of snow, now it’s beautiful spring
weather. You'd better hurry and get out there because the two
weeks of Texas spring will be gone before you know it.
Our March First Saturday brought another record attendance of over 120 attending and 13 airplanes. For the first time
we had a line of probably 15 people waiting for food. We registered 4 new members and took dues for old members, sold
some of the new and very stylish (I might add) shirts and
caps. We started the Cub for the first time and it ran beautifully. There's lots going on!
Thursday Lunch Bunch had probably 50 or more, eating
barbecue and enough sweets to kill a diabetic. Trash piled up
like snow drifts. Two industrious members worked on the upstairs, a little saw dust left as a memento of the work.
You've heard this before. The Chapter belongs to the members. In other words, it belongs to you. We are getting so busy
and adding so many new members that the same old 3 or 4
guys and guyets not only have a hard time keeping things in
line but sometimes just flat cannot do it. We need help. I'm
Nice day? Want to fly out somewhere with fellow members? Chapter 59 is trying out a Short Call-out List for unplanned trips to lunch or another EAA Chapter’s event. If you
want to be notified by phone for these impromptu gatherings, get
on the list by contacting coordinator
Pam Brown at
ubpc@swbell.net or 254-723-2558. She will develop a phone
tree to get the word out.
For local area flights, goodbye to TFRs (Terrorist
controlled Flight Restrictions!) The EAA flight planning web site
can still help with en-route TFRs, but be sure to call Flight Service for pop-up information. P-49 is still in effect to 5,000 ft., 3
mile radius of the Bush ranch.
The advertisers in this newsletter allow us to produce it
and the web site at a very minimal cost. They are our sponsors
and support us, so please support them. Don’t forget to tell
them you “saw it in the 59 Grapevine!”
calling on all members to find a place to lend a hand. We
need a few people to help do a little maintenance and construction at the hangar. We need some kitchen help on 1st
Saturday. We need someone who is a restroom cleaning
specialist. We need to get supplies. Someone needs to
sweep the hangar. There are a lot of little, mundane chores
that must be done. We have to have more help so our next
step is to call and ask if we don't get some assistance. Take
a minute to see when and where you could help out. If you
can do something for a month or two, great. If you can do it
only one time, at least that's one time! With the right amount
of help we can keep growing and adding to the great group of
aviation enthusiasts we all are.
Something new...go to Facebook.com and search for
EAA Chapter 59, we now have a Facebook page. It will keep
us abreast of what's happening now and other candid information for the Chapter and others to see.
Now go call someone to find something you can help
with, then get in that plane and come find me strafing the
Blue Biplane Turning Base,
Cap'm Ken
An ECI Dealer
EAA Chapter 59 Pancake Breakfast & Monthly Event –Mar. 6, 2010
EAA Chapter 59 Hangar (PWG)
Page 4 – 59 Grapevine –Mar. 20, 2010
Chapter 59 Member Projects
Jon Botsford
Aeronca 7 EC
Rich Hewgley
Don Wiltse
James Cooper
Bill Lloyd
Avid Flyer/Raven
Don Ray
Chapter 59
Piper Cub Replica
Jerry Ferrell
Alder Derryberry FLYING!
Bob Coomes
Lake Amphibian
Derick Hodges
Elwin Cook
Andrew Womack
Zenith 701
Monty Suffern
Johnnie Holick
David Clay
Ray Woodard
John Jacobsen
Jim Hail
Frank Dicorte
Star Bee Gyrocopter
Russell Hall
Lil’ Buzzard
Rick Hingtgen
Kolb Firefly
Rick Fields
Ryan PT-22
Terry Gerdes
Announcements & Condolences
Please e-mail information to Covey534@hot.rr.com
Our thoughts & prayers are with Chapter 59 member Rich
Hewgley’s brother, Warren, a pilot & airplane builder, who suffered a massive stroke in early March.
Aircraft assembly step one! Here is the Zenith 701 Andrew
Womack just purchased. Rob is shown here helping unhold.
Have a technical question about flying,
aircraft, or Chapter 59, of interest to
E-mail me at Covey534@hot.rr.com
and I’ll get the answer & put the response in the
Grapevine next issue. –Mike
Chapter 59 April Event
April 3, 2010
Pancake Breakfast 8-10:30 AM
Aviation headset comparisons & demonstrations by Wing Aero from Dallas, after breakfast.
Chapter 59 Hangar (PWG)
J. Bond Browder, M.D.
Internal Medicine
FAA Class I, II, & III Physicals
A big crowd gathered after pancakes at our Saturday event to
watch the first engine start-up for the Chapter 59 project airplane. It fired right up & sounded really good.
Always do the right thing. You will please your
friends and astonish the rest. –Mark Twain
Browder Clinic
7005 Woodway Dr. Suite 201
Waco, TX 76712 254-732-3633 FAX 732-3661
Mar. 20, 2010 - 59 Grapevine - Page 5
Chapter 59 Annual Awards
National awards were presented to Chapter 59 officers as
well as special Chapter awards. Mike Anderson (RV-7A) & Jerry
Ferrell (Alder Derryberry) were awarded Jake Parrish Keep ‘m
Flying awards. The meal was even better than usual due to the
special efforts of Jon & Annie Botsford. Around 40 people were
in attendance.
Pam Brown received the President’s
Award for outstanding work as Membership
Boyce Vardiman receives a special award for construction work on the hangar addition.
Page 6 - 59 Grapevine - Mar. 20, 2010
Banquet (cont’d.)
Top Left: Kenny & Judy Grisham
Top Right: Irv & Betty Guyer
Above Left: Jim & Ruth Frey
Above Right: Dale & Jeanie Breedlove
Right: Rob & Coranell Womack
Below right: Gene & Bobbi Franklin
Mar. 20, 2010– 59 Grapevine - Page 7
Banquet (cont’d.)
Top left: Jon & Annie Botsford
Top Right: Monty Suffern, Larry
Witt & Alvena Pocock
Above left: Richard & Ruth
Above right: Frank & Sue Dicorte
Right: Jim & Sue Hail
Below right: Larry & Lucy Witt
Frank Johnson
Page 8 - 59 Grapevine -Mar. 20, 2010
Jon & Annie drafted excellent help from their
neighbors for the fine
Above: Bob & Stella
Left: Newsletter Editor
Mike McMains receives
his annual bonus for the
59 Grapevine. This fame
& fortune could be
yours. Apply now!
Compliments of:
Aircraft oil, tools, & supplies
Brent Mattson
Brian Mattson
Blake Mattson
Mar. 20, 2010– 59 Grapevine– Page 9
More Project News
Monty’s engine cowling installed
with a nice, tight fit.
Above shows the
mounting plate
added for the
throttle quadrant
on the Chapter 59
Cub project.
At right is the engine ready for
These two photos show engine
room detail work on Monty’s Velocity. Above is the air filter mounted.
At left is the air intake routing for the
oil cooler.
Bob Coomes has built a test stand for his Lake
Amphibian’s engine now being readied to run.
Page 10– 59 Grapevine - Mar. 20, 2010
Feb. , 2010
Feb. 17
Wednesday: Still working on canopy fit. It seems to have
shrunk since I took it home for assembly.
Feb. 19
Friday: Still studying canopy fit. It appears I will need to order a larger hinge…….for starters.
Feb. 21
Monday: Because of cold weather, I have been reluctant to
work on the canopy. Instead, I have been fabricating the
gear fairings for Ray Woodard’s plane and Dale and I have
been going down to Lampasas on Saturdays to help him. He
is almost ready to fly.
Feb. 23
Wednesday: Got Ray’s wheel pants and gear fairings completed and ready for final fitting. Tomorrow is supposed to be
warm and I am eyeing the canopy again.
Feb. 25
Friday: Started preliminary fitting of canopy. Worked out
rough pattern of screw holes and started fitting new hinge.
Will have to be very careful, canopy is starting to look like
Swiss cheese.
Sonex cockpit ready for canopy installation.
Canopy looking pretty good finally in place.
Mar. 8
Monday: Been waiting on new hinge. Got it yesterday, and cut out
and fitted. Looked good, so drilled and clecoed base hinge to
Mar. 9
Tuesday: Riveted base hinge to longeron and started drilling screw
holes in the top half of the hinge, when the drill bit snapped and took
a chunk out of my left thumb nail. Spent the PM in the emergency
room. Will be out of action for a few days recuperating. -Elwin
One of the most fun parts of the first start-up of the
Chapter project was watching Jim Hail working his
way in & out of the cockpit.
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Aircraft Rental (C‐172S & M20J) Biennial Flight Reviews Primary/advanced instruction IPCs Now open with full‐time CFIs on duty ready to serve you! Mar. 20, 2010- 59 Grapevine - Page 11
EAA SportAir
Chapter 59’s outstanding facility once
again inspired EAA National to hold another
workshop here. About
16 builders and future
builders gathered for the
two day RV metal working workshop. The
SportAair workshop series covers many aspects of construction.
Check the EAA.org website for schedules & details. More workshops
will be conducted here
this summer.
Above: Calm before the storm.
Right: The storm.
The instructor (white shirt) inspects & critiques
workmanship on this airfoil section.
Page 12– 59 Grapevine - Mar. 20, 2010
Pancake Breakfast– New Members
Charles & Lou Armstrong
The March Meeting of the Pancakes was a huge success, with well over 100 in attendance. The Cub replica
project fired right up & sounded great. We had several
new members sign up as well. It’s great to see a growing interest in aviation by younger folks!
Roselyn Montgomery
Mark & Isabel Rubenstein
Aren & Christi Rivera w/Aleron & Kaira
Samip Shah
Mar. 20, 2010- 59 Grapevine - Page 13
Biplane Days
-Mike McMains
It hasn’t been long enough for me to feel it was the
“old days,” but as a duster pilot in the round motor days,
maybe I’m older than I’d like to believe. Even though it was
hard work with long hours, I can still recall clearly those endof-day flights back to the home airstrip, the open cockpit air
and exhaust flame of the Pratt & Whitney radial engine with
its blue glow against the darkening sky. It was a good feeling, a pure flying experience you just can’t get in the sealed
cockpit of the typical airplane.
The Grumman Agcat was an airplane I wore like a
suit of clothes. A big biplane, for a single-seater, the Agcat
was perfectly suited for its dusting duties. In fact, it was specifically designed to replace the surplus Stearman PT-17
preferred in the rice country for fertilizing and spraying. It
could easily operate off short, unimproved surfaces, it was
tough and protective in a crash, and it went exactly where
you pointed it. Steep approaches over high trees into small
fields were no problem for the high drag characteristics of
the biplane, and with 450 to 600 horsepower, there was usually enough power to make steep exits from those same
fields. With four ailerons and a high lift airfoil, the Agcat was
a vast improvement over the Stearman, especially when the
P & W R-985 and larger engines were installed. An important improvement over the Stearman was the wing angle of
incidence set on the Agcat to give a pitch down body angle
for an excellent forward view over the nose. Also, the top
wing incidence was set a tad higher than the lower wing to
give a noticeable burble when approaching full stall, a handy
characteristic when maneuvering with a heavy load close to
the ground. To minimize the turn radius at the ends of the
fields, I commonly used this top wing stall to pull the nose
around quickly. Paid only by the acre, we were on our own
time in the turns!
Ironically, to learn specifications of this airplane I
spent thousands of hours in and knew so well, I had to refer
to EAA Chapter 59 member, aviation author, and good
friend Nick Pocock’s Aerofax Series book on the Agcat.
How would I know what the useful load or published performance characteristics of this airplane was supposed to
be? On my first flight in this plane, I was told how to start
and warm the engine, we put on as much of a load as the
300 gallon hopper would hold, and when I asked about airspeeds, got only a smile. You see, the airspeed indicators
were either stopped up or not hooked up. Who cares, you
get what you get.
While the romance of the biplane days has great
appeal, I soon learned that those hardy souls who, in open
cockpits flew the mail, passengers and early ag flying for
long hours in all kinds of weather were indeed a very tough
breed. I started flying Agcats with Harmon Air Service of
Anahuac, Texas, owned by A.J. Harmon, a B-17 pilot in WW
II. When I was first hired, he still had some early Agcats
with totally open cockpits. I soon was assigned a Cat with a
top connecting the windshield to the headrest, and I felt like I
had died and gone to heaven. With long days of flying and
frequent skidding turns around trees and under wires, the
wind shelter provided by the top went far in keeping the
pounding wind tolerable. If fact, it provided the perfect
combination of needed breeze in the Texas heat and
great visibility out the sides of the windshield. More than
once I was thankful for the ability to stick my head out the
side to see where I was going. Rain, chemical spray, oil
from prop or engine problems and once a large bird that
shattered my windshield, could make visibility out the
front impossible.
There was a serious shortcoming of the biplane,
however, that typically is not mentioned in those great
biplane stories. With a low wing airplane, visibility is often limited looking down. With a high wing, the visibility is
limited looking up. A biplane has visual obstructions in
both zones. This fact directly contributed to the death of
two of my best cropdusting friends. In the application of
fertilizer on rice crops we worked in pairs, with one airplane exiting the field just as the next turned onto the run
into it. In a perfect trajectory one day putting both airplanes in each other’s blind spot, these two great pilots
collided mid-air and crashed in flames to their deaths.
A.J. Harmon, who flew bombing missions over Germany,
and Floyd Walters, who flew Navy jets from aircraft carriers, lost their lives in the never ending battle against nature, which goes on each growing season for farmers and
duster pilots. As I looked at fellow ag pilots at my friends’
funerals, I recalled that several had suffered serious injuries in those airplanes. I felt fortunate that I had crashed
two cropdusters without suffering a scratch.
After eight years and 4000 flight hours in that
“war,” I wasn’t really ready to quit, but circumstances and
other opportunities took me away from flying biplanes for
a living. In eighteen years of flying by that time, I had
more biplane time than the rest combined and more landings than I would match in a lifetime. Those were the
years my stick and rudder skills were by far the best, engine instruments only, no stinkin’ flight instruments
needed. I certainly became a smarter pilot in the many
years that followed, but I learned to handle an airplane
better in my duster days, and recall flying experiences
simply not found in other aviation careers. I wouldn’t
trade them for anything. -McMains
Page 14– 59 Grapevine - Mar. 20, 2010
EAA Chapter 59
Annual music evening
April 24, 2010
Mark your calendar to enjoy our 6th annual “musical aircraft
hangar” – an EAA 59 highlight and a great fundraiser for the
Chapter. We are lacing this year’s program with Ragtime,
Country and Western, a little Rock, and some patriotic
songs. A variety of artists will be helping present this musical program.
April 24, 2010
At Chapter 59 Hangar, McGregor Airport on Highway 84
A little earlier than in past years, with the music beginning at 4:00 pm.
Dinner will be served during intermission around 5:00pm, followed by another hour of entertainment
accompanied by our famous EAA 59 desserts. We’ll finish about 7:00 pm.
Maître d’ Jon Botsford will serve Fire Pit Chicken with all the trimmings!
$20 per person
To ensure you don’t miss out on your share of the festivities, please email or phone Jon Botsford
as soon as possible. However the final deadline for purchasing tickets is 9:00pm, Tuesday April 20.
Phone 254 749 1853
A final note:
Throughout the year we enjoy the company of our buddies and lots of hangar talk.
This night is different. It’s your opportunity to share our fun and hospitality with your family, friends and
neighbors, especially those in non-aviation circles. It is also your opportunity to help us raise funds
from a much wider circle. So to encourage you to do your part, for every 8 non-Chapter 59 friends you
bring, we will give you one free ticket!
Escort of P-38s -Frederic Arnold
Oh, Hedy Lamarr is a beautiful gal, and Madeleine Carroll is too,
But you'll find, if you query, a different theory amongst any bomber
For the loveliest thing of which one could sing (this side of the
pearly gates)
Is no blonde or brunette of the Hollywood setBut an escort of P-38s.
Yes, in the days that have passed,
When the tables were massed with glasses of scotch and champagne,
It's quite true that the sight was a thing of delight to us,
Intent on feeling no pain.
But no longer the same, nowadays is this game
When we head north for Messina Straits
Take the sparkling wine-every time,
Just make mine an escort of P-38s.
Byron, Shelley and Keats ran a dozen dead heats
Describing the views from the hills,
Of the valleys in May when the winds gently sway
In the air its a different story;
We sweat out our track through the fighters and flak
We're willing to split up the glory
Well, they wouldn't reject us, so heaven protect us
And, until all this shooting abates,
Give us courage to fight 'em - one other small item An escort of P-38s.
(Jim Hail was inspired to submit this poem after we helped with
the B-17 visit from EAA headquarters.)
Mar. 20, 2010- 59 Grapevine - Page 15
Every 2nd Sat.
Lufkin, TX
Fajita Fly-in Angelina County Airport (LFK) NEXT: Feb. 14
Every 3rd Sat.
Jasper, TX
Free BBQ lunch Fly-in
Every 4th Sat.
Granbury, TX
Granbury Airport Pancake Breakfast Granbury Airport (KGDJ)
Mar. 27, 2010
San Marcos, TX
Bi-plane Fly-in & Warbird Rides San Marcos Airport
Apr. 13-18, 2010
Lakeland, FL
36th Annual Sun ‘N Fun Lakeland Regional Airport (LAL)
Apr. 24, 2010
Sherman, TX
3rd Annual Texoma 100 Air Race North Texas Regional Airport (GYI) www.sportairrace.org
May 1-2, 2010
Central Texas Airshow Temple Municipal Airport (KTPL)
May 1, 2010
Abilene, TX
Dyess Big Country Airfest Dyess Air Force Base
May 22-23, 2010
Ft. Worth, TX
Cowtown Warbird Roundup Meachum Int’l Airport (KFTW) Warbirds & Classic cars
May 28-30, 2010
Ranger, TX
International Bi-plane Assoc. Fly-in/Ranger Fly-in & Airshow Ranger Airfield
July 26-Aug.1, 2010
Oshkosh, WI
Airventure 2010 Oshkosh Airport (OSH)
Jasper County Airport (KJAS) -fuel discount
USAF Thunderbirds 325-696-7468
Chapter 59 Events
Every 1st Sat.
Pancake Breakfast Fly-in
8-10 am
EAA hangar (PWG)
Every Thursday
Thursday Lunch Bunch
11:45 am
EAA hangar (PWG)
April 3, 2010
Monthly Breakfast & Event
Starts 8 am
EAA hangar (PWG)
April 6, 2010
Chapter 59 Board of Directors Meeting
6 PM
EAA hangar (PWG)
April 3, 2010
Aviation headsets demonstrations
After breakfast
EAA hangar (PWG)
Apr. 24, 2010
Chapter 59 Music Evening
(see p. 14)
EAA hangar (PWG)
Thanks to the following for contributing to this month’s 59 Grapevine:
Rob Womack
Elwin Cook, Pam Brown, Monty Suffern,
New advertiser: Performance Propellers
Application for introductory (new) membership___Renewal___Associate Membership_______
MAILING ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________
HOME PHONE:_______________________BUS. PHONE:________________________
LICENSES OR CERTIFICATES:_______________________________________________
EAA #;___________________AOPA #________________YOUNG EAGLE #:____________
HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT CHAPTER 59?____________________________________________________________
HOW CAN CHAPTER 59 MEET YOUR NEEDS?_____________________________________________________________
Having accurate, up-to-date information is important to your Chapter and to you.
MEMBERSHIP: Full membership in Chapter 59 is $24 per year, which includes the monthly publication of 59 GRAPEVINE newsletter.
Introductory memberships are available for $12 (first year only). Dues are prorated after March of each year. The year begins in January for all
members. Associate memberships are available to businesses and those interested in getting the 59 GRAPEVINE newsletter but who cannot
participate in the regular events of the year. These memberships are $12. Student memberships are available to full-time students at $6/six
months upon proof of enrollment. Regular members are also required to join National EAA after their introductory year. Forms for joining National
can be obtained from the Secretary or Treasurer. Make payment to: EAA Chapter 59
Mail to: Chet Chesnut, 1401 Alford Dr., Hillsboro, TX 76645
James Cooper
Account Executive
Page 16 - 59 Grapevine– Mar. 20, 2010
Positions Available: Staff reporters needed for Chapter 59 newsletter. Could easily lead to exalted position of editor. No
experience necessary, free training. Pay doubles each year for qualified applicants. If you can read this, you qualify.
Contact Mike McMains 254-715-4411.
BEARHAWK PLANS • $250 • FOR SALE • 4 Place High Wing .Plans Set No. 548. Includes construction photos by Mike
Meador, Russ Erb's ref. CD and BearTrack newsletters. Get started today on owning this great aircraft! Contact Donald
Wiltse Telephone: 512-415-7994 cell or 254-412-5451 Work wiltseda@gmail.com (email)
1975 Cessna 150M, TT 4,020, SMOH 2,040. Located at Mexia (LXY). $17,000. firm. Last chance. Ron McKinley 254-7298607 or rpmckinley@embarqmail.com for details.
For Sale: 1958 Piper Tri-Pacer PA22-160– complete, but needs rebuild. $12,000 OBO. Rob Womack 254-829-2593
2000 American Champion Citabria, 1260 TTA&E. This is the current model at half the price of a new one. Fresh annual
inspection Sept. Strong engine, straight flyer, ready for work or play. Buyer’s market price, only $65,000. Free
training with purchase. Contact Mike McMains 254-715-4411
Airport for sale in Robinson, Texas, 3 miles East of Interstate 35, TE17 on San Antonio Sectional. 2400' sod, 32/14.
Out of ACT 15 NM on 28 acres, house, new metal storage building and maintenance shop, enclosed hanger and wood shop,
4 rental hangers (currently all full.) and 4 open tie downs, plus maintenance equipment. $365,000.00. Contact Dan
McKee, Owner, 2495 West Moonlight Drive Robinson, Texas 76706. 254-662-3255
For Sale 5606 Aviation grade hydraulic fluid at $ 50.00 per case ( 6 gals ). Or $ 4.00 per quart. B. J. Waters- Call 254 8532426 or 495-5106.
PA-17 replica (Wag-a-Bond) Kit in Georgetown. Call Seth Hancock 512-864-5529.
Fiberglass nose bowl, unused, WagAero part number MO-47-000.
New price $272, sell $100. Bill Boyd 254 848-9227
Sport Pilot instruction now available right here in Waco, Texas. Accelerated and standard instruction along with Sport
Pilot BFRs. Tail Wheel transition training for all pilots. Tail wheel aircraft rental available. Contact Kenny Grisham at
kgrisham@hot.rr.com or 254-749-5490 for more information.
FROM: Mike McMains
EAA Chapter 59
325 Bluebonnet Circle
McGregor, TX 76657

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