February - EAA Chapter 59


February - EAA Chapter 59
Hey You
It’s Time to renew
Dues are due
We need your dough, too
This is your clue
Be one of the proud, the
If you don’t we’ll be blue
At lunch as we chew
Without you! -Air Wrapper
59 GRAPEVINE Waco, Texas
3 Time National Award Winning Publication of
EAA Chapter 59 ....and the LAST WORD on Sport Aviation in Texas!
EAA Chap. 59 meets the 1st Sat. of each month at the EAA hangar (PWG)
February, 2016 Edition
Inside this issue:
BOD Minutes. . . . . . . .
P. 2
Phil Davis in his single seat Onex on a Texas winter day.
NOTAMS. . . . . . . . . . . .
P. 3
Prez Sez. . . . . . . . . . . .
P. 3
What do you mean
”nothing happens in the winter!”
Havelka RV-10 . . . . . . .
P. 5
Canon Kitfox . . . . . . . .
Flights of Fancy . . . . . . . P. 9
WASP Museum . . . . . . . . P. 9
February Special
Events . . . . . . . . P. 10
Calendar of Events . . . . P. 11
Classified Ads . . . . . . . . P. 12
Check out the February calendar of events on page 11 of this issue!
MEMBERSHIP: Full membership in EAA Chapter 59 is $25 per year, which
includes the monthly 59 Grapevine newsletter. EAA national membership is
required. Introductory membership is $15 (first year only) and includes full
privileges. EAA national membership is not required. Send check payable to EAA
Chapter 59, to Kenneth Langley, 1103 Evening Sun Lane, McGregor, TX 76657 .
NEWSLETTER SUBMITTALS: The next 59 Grapevine will be published on Feb. 20, 2016. Please
submit inputs by Feb. 10, 2016 to Homer Dale Cox: hdcox1940@att.net Business card display ads
available. $10 per month or $100 per year (two months free). Contact or mail ads to Kenneth Langley,
1103 Evening Sun Lane, McGregor, TX 76657.
Page 2 - 59 Grapevine - February, 2016
2016-17 OFFICERS:
President . . . . . .
Monty Suffern
Vice President . . . . .
Colleen Lawson
Secretary . . . . . . .
Janevah Waterbury
Treasurer . . . . .
Kenneth Langley
Kenny Grisham
John Lawson
John Fry
Phil Perry
Richard McCance
Jon Botsford
Technical Counselor:
Joel New
Flight Advisor:
Mike McMains
Membership Coordinator: Pam Brown
Building Ops. Chair:
Bob Coomes
Activities Coordinator
Kenny Grisham
Ron Porter
BJ High
EAA Chapter 59 Board of Director’s Meeting
January 6, 2016
Meeting called to order: 6:31pm
Attendance: Colleen Lawson, Homer Dale Cox, Ken Langley,
Pam Brown, Jon Botsford, Phil Perry, Pat Baucom, Kenny
Grisham, B.J. High, Jay Powel, Suzie Suffern, Bob & Stella
Coomes, Bob Stack, John Fry, Janevah Waterbury
Minutes of October meeting: accepted and passed. John
Botsford/Pat Baucom
Business Arising from Previous Minutes: N/A
Memberships: Total paid members for 2016 as of January 6th
Treasurer’s Report: accepted and passed on a motion by,
Monty Suffern/Kenny G
Expenses since last report: $874.72
Deposits since last report: $959.00
Checking account balance as of January 5th = $17,327.75
Savings account balance as of January 5th = $15,113.60
PayPal Balance as of January 5th = $1,724.42
Other Financial Information:
Reimbursement approved and issued to: Homer Dale Cox for
supplies to repair hangar door.
After extensive discussion on increasing the hangar rent, Ken
Langley motioned to increase hangar rent to $75.00 per
month effective March 1st 2016, seconded by Pat Baucom.
Motion was voted on and unanimously passed.
If you have any questions, please contact Ken Langley.
Young Eagles:
~ Kenny Grisham after willingly supervising and directing the
Young Eagle activities every Sunday since Mr. Bob Mangus’
passing, submitted his resignation as Young Eagle coordinator
due to personal obligations which preclude him from continuing
to serve in this area. If anyone feels to step in and responsibly coordinate and supervise our dedicated Young Eagles,
please contact President Monty Suffern or Kenny Grisham.
This is an urgent need and we owe it to our young group of
aviation enthusiasts to be there to offer guidance and organize
activities for their further participation in their aviation pursuits.
~ Kenny did contact a gentleman and will be meeting with him
to review and or troubleshoot the computer systems for our
simulators upstairs.
~ AED Trainer unit acquisition update - Pat Baucom is monitor-
Food Coordinator
Young Eagles Coordinator
Newsletter Staff
Editor . . . . . . . . . . .
Assistant Editor. . .
Assistant Editor. . .
Assistant Editor. . .
Assistant Editor. . .
All Chapter 59 members.
Victoria Waterbury
Jay Powell
Homer Dale Cox (254)315-5605
Mike McMains
John Fry
Suzi Wiseman
Anne Grisham
If you like this newsletter, you can make it better. Send your
input to: Homer Dale (hdcox1940@att.net) or Mike
ing available sources, awaiting to take advantage of the best
deal before purchasing this unit.
~ Items in need of repair in the hangar:
• Electrical outlets upstairs along one wall not operable
• Fire extinguishers need to be examined – Kenny
Grisham will call to check the status.
• First Aid kit signs created and posted to identify their
location – Kenny Grisham will complete printing needed
signs before next meeting
~ Upstairs completion progress report deferred to next meeting
Activities:~ The topic for January’s Third Thursday Training on
January 21st, What you need to know about the hazards involved
in icing conditions, presented by: B.J. High
~ Cola Flight – January 17th, meet in Gatesville (KGOP) at 3pm
(Anyone available to take along an eager Young Eagle please
contact Kenny Grisham to coordinate times for pickup).
~ AOPA Pinch Hitter Course will be held during our Saturday Pancake Breakfast February 6th starting promptly at
9am, please be seated prior to 9am. Snacks and a lunch will
be provided. Anyone who has not registered for the course
or has any questions please contact Suzi Suffern by email
at smwiseman@gmail.com as soon as possible or go to this
website for more details at http://
houstonpinchhitter.weebly.com/. Please pass along the info to
anyone who you know who could benefit from the experience
and knowledge. We still have seats to fill.
~ The Jake Parrish Fly-by will be held on Sunday, February 14,
2016 at 2pm, services officiated by: B.J. High
(More on page 4)
The next general Chapter 59 meeting will be the 8:00 AM Pancake Breakfast Feb 6th,
during which the AOPA PINCH HITTER’S COURSE beginning at 9:00 AM and continuing
until 4:00 PM will be held.
59 Grapevine - February, 2016 -Page 3
Our Annual Awards Banquet will be held February
18th, 6:30 pm at the EAA59 Hangar. Please come and
share this special time with your fellow aviators!
On Saturday, January 2, our cook staff arrived bright
and early for our First Saturday Breakfast to find the
kitchen sinks clogged. Ouch! Still the pancakes and sausage were as good as ever. Thanks to all who helped to
make that possible, especially to the Lawsons and Bob
Coomes who kept to the schedule of preparing the meal
while others worked on the drain problem. It is truly
amazing how many folks it takes to make this monthly
event a success. Rumor has it that the Waterbury girls
flew to Chapter 59 as fully qualified, ATP rated angels.
We are sure you appreciate the hard work of those
volunteers in the kitchen. Please remember to thank
them for they great job they do, while the rest of us do
what we do best- eat, socialize and eat some more.
Be a contributor to the Chapter 59 Grapevine. Please
send articles and/or photos to Homer Dale Cox by the
10th of the month at hdcox1940@att.net and copy Mike
McMains, covey534@hot.rr.com. Please use single
spacing and indented paragraphs for text. The plan is for
Homer Dale to edit text, crop photos and do whatever he
can to ready the items for publishing with the assistance
of Mike. This process takes time and must be completed
several days before the publication date to get the newsletter out on time.
Anytime our U.S. President is traveling, TFRs go with him.
TFRs also go into place at sports and special events. A quick
& handy source of planned TFRs can be found on the
internet. Just type in www.faa.gov, then click on
TFRs. Mapped details are available there. It just takes a
minute to do this before each flight. P-49 is still at Crawford but has shrunk to a 2 mile radius up to 2,000 feet
The advertisers in this newsletter allow us to
produce it and the web site at a very minimal cost. They
are our sponsors and support us, so please support
them. Don’t forget to tell them you “saw it in the 59
Prez Sez –January 13, 2016
It is said that the success of an organization can
be measured by how it operates when key figures are
missing – either temporarily or otherwise. On that basis,
congratulations EAA Chapter 59 for the handling of a
few crises while I was in Australia for most of December
and part of January. I hear that we had some storms while
I was away, one strong enough to quite severely damage
our large hangar door. A number of people stepped in and
made the necessary repairs – one broken cable, two broken latches, and one bent door plus a few odds and ends.
Many thanks to Homer Dale, Ernie, Pat, Phil, and likely a
couple of others I have not heard about at this stage (I
have only been back 4 days). This really is how great organizations operate. My special thanks to Colleen Lawson
also who presided over two Board meetings in my absence.
My time in Australia was mostly family oriented,
along with catching up with a few friends from time to
time. Our Christmas celebration on the Saturday before
Christmas day was hot (over 100 degrees), so we spent a
lot of the day in the swimming pool. I guess that is different from Waco. My family of four children is spread over
about 250 miles in the State of Victoria (capital city, Melbourne), so that kept me busy with lots of driving (mostly
on the wrong side of the road), although I did also visit
friends in Sydney and my brother in Brisbane for two
days. I caught up with ex colleagues at Swinburne Univer-
sity in Melbourne, and talked with the person who took
over the Aviation programs from me who reported that this
too is doing very well, and without my help. It now has over
500 students in the program, and I must admit to a certain
degree of pride to have helped establish such a vibrant
program which continues to grow and flourish.
The trip to Australia is not as daunting as you all
might think. The direct flight from DFW to Sydney was less
than 15 hours, and the return flight had a good tail wind
and took 14 hours 35 minutes. Going over, takeoff from
DFW was about 8:30pm, so by the time they served dinner
while I watched two movies (Bridge of Spies and Mission
Impossible – rouge nation) and read a few pages from a
book, it was 1:30am Waco time, which is the time I normally go to bed. I managed to sleep around 7 hours, albeit
rather fitfully, so we are now at about my normal waking
time of 8:30am Waco time (even though we are now high
over the Pacific Ocean). Watch a few episodes of the Big
Bang back to back with no ads (alright then, six episodes)
and breakfast is served prior to landing in Sydney at 6:01
am local time. My body figures it is about 1 pm. A quick trip
through customs and immigration and a visit with two
friends in Sydney, and then another 1 hr flight down to
Melbourne, arriving at 4pm (or 11pm Waco time). Now the
hard part is to resist the temptation to fall asleep for the
next 4 hours, which is a bit of a struggle, but important. If I
can make it through until 8 or 8:30 Melbourne time, I will
(cont’d. on page 3)
EAA Chapter 59 Pancake Breakfast & Monthly Event – Feb. 6, 2016
EAA Chapter 59 Hangar (PWG)
Page 4 –59 Grapevine – February, 2016
BOD Minutes cont’d. from p.2
Chapter 59 Awards Banquet
~ Awards Banquet Thursday, February 18 at 6:30pm – A full
dinner will be catered, no one is obligated to bring food.
~ Discussion on printing and postage costs of the Newsletter
each month was deferred until next meeting.
New/Other Business:
~ Approval was granted from the Board to organize a scholarship committee which will consist of John Lawson as Chair,
Colleen Lawson, Bob & Stella Coomes and Craig Cross. This
committee will collaborate and write up a proposal which they
plan to submit to the Board at a later date.
MEMBERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT: There is currently accessible WiFi available for all members. The password to connect is,
with no caps or spaces: go59go59.
~ Please send any submissions both written (.txt format is preferred) and photographs (JPEG, PNG format is preferred) to
hdcox1940@att.net by the 10th of each month. For all photographs please include name(s) and date as appropriate.
~ When anyone within our membership notices or diagnoses an
area or item in need of repair please notify Monty Suffern in
order that proper attention or delegation of the task is done to
resolve the issue.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:04 pm
Janevah Waterbury, Secretary
Prez Sez (cont’d. from page 3)
sleep for 12 hours and wake up at 8am with my body
pretty much adjusted to local time. It is a little more difficult
on the return journey, but I think after 3 or 4 days, I am
back on Waco time. BTW, the 6:01am landing in Sydney is
because of a strict curfew due to the close proximity of the
airport to the City Center. No aircraft may takeoff or land in
Sydney between 10:30pm and 6:00am.
I hope I have not bored you too much with my
travel tales. We have a few important things happening in
the Chapter in the next few weeks with the Jake Parish
flyby on Feb 14, the awards banquet on Feb 18, and the
Pinch Hitters course on Feb 6, coinciding with our first Saturday pancake breakfast. Details of each of these events
are elsewhere in this newsletter. We are drawing closer to
J. Bond Browder, M.D.
Internal Medicine
FAA Class I, II, & III Physicals
February 18th, 6:30 pm at the EAA59 Hangar.
Please come and share this special time with
your fellow aviators!
Our menu served with Sweet/Unsweet Iced Tea:
Beer Can Chicken w/ Dirty Rice, Green Beans, Rolls, Green
Salad. Dessert: Banana Pudding
The cost will be $12 a plate.
RSVP (Victoria) Ruth Waterbury as soon as possible at (254)652-2301 or email victoria@10aviators.com with the number you expect
to be coming and save the date!
It is important we get the correct number of the
party we will be serving, so please make it a priority to let me know how many to expect in your
party! Thank you!
these events, and certain deadlines are looming large. I am
still amazed at the number of people who claim they do not
know about the upcoming pinch hitters course which has
been planned for months now. There have been emails explaining it, newsletter articles about it, it has been mentioned
in previous Prez Sez articles, and still people say they have
not heard about it. How much do we have to do? Some of
those who have heard about it and indicated an intention to
come have not yet registered, and I would urge them to take
advantage of the early bird registration which offers a 25%
discount. Tell your friends about it also, and let us make this
a great day of learning and education.
I wish you tail winds both coming and going.
Monty Suffern, President
Browder Clinic
7005 Woodway Dr. Suite 201
Waco, TX 76712 254-732-3633 FAX 732-3661
59 Grapevine - February, 2016 -Page 5
Member’s Projects
Lambert Havelka RV-10
The experimental homebuilt category of airplanes
has become amazing in the last few years with aircraft like
the RV-10 and the Velocity proving that these custom aircraft
are not just toys. These airplanes put ordinary production
four seaters in the “has been/antique” category. Here’s another RV-10 progress report from long-time member, Lambert Havelka.
This was the year for wiring. I retired in February 2015 so you would think I would spend 40 hours a
week on the project. Wrong! Retirement is good for the
soul so maybe 10 hours a week are spent at the hangar,
the rest with my soul mate and doing yard chores. Besides, I am a believer that the journey is as much fun as
the destination!
The dual Dynon Skyview 1000, plus com radio,
transponder, ADSB, Engine Management System and
dual ADAHRS arrived in February. Reading the massive
manuals made me realize I must learn to draw electrical
schematics, and I did. Thank heavens!
I left enough space to eventually install autopilot if I so desire. Right now, I believe the plane
should be “hands on” to let the pilot/co-pilot
So December 2015 has me completing
panel installation, wiring, electrical door ajar
warning, engine information wiring, overhead
console, and static, pitot and AOA air systems.
Some of it took my 8 year old grandson working
in the tail section, the elevator trim required the
steady hands of an eye doctor, Dr. Karl Stottlemyre, and the rest required I become a contortionist! First time construction leaves one with a
lot of experience!
I just received my FAA registration so the
aircraft now has a tail number of N817LH. Had to
stick my initials in there somewhere just for vanity’s sake. Plus it will help my son’s remember me
when I’m gone!
The battery went in Jan 3, 2016 and she
came to life. The only bug is that the co-pilot and
pilot intercom wires are crossed and that is an
easy fix. All other systems are fully functional.
This year will be spent doing detail work with first
flight planned for Fall of 2016 or Spring of 2017!
What a pleasure to see this come to life!
(more photos next page)
Page 6 - 59 Grapevine –February, 2016
Havelka RV-10
More Photos
Jacob Havelka is also excellent at holding
the ground probe of the meter when verifying
Getting the elevator trim lines and tail strobe/nav light
wiring to the back requires a small frame. Child labor
sure is helpful!
a. This is where wiring diagrams, electrical schematics
are a must!
The Stick
controls are
fun but this
much delicate
with old
shaky hands
is not easy!
Above: Installed pitot with Angle of Attack feature. For safety, I also installed the Van’s Pitot
which runs to a steam gage. It powers two steam
gages (airspeed and altitude), with independent
air lines.
Red Oak
59 Grapevine - February, 2016 -Page 7
Havelka RV-10
More Photos
With helpful advice from Mike
McMains and Gary
Drepela, engine
wiring got done,
redone and then
No matter how hard you try, wires just
keep building up. This rat’s nest got
combed and secured behind the panel but
I’m sure a craftsman could find some
faults with it.
Each Skyview has about 37 wires so
it made sense to make a harness so
that after panel installation, each unit
could be independently removed
with ease, leaving the harness in the
Love is a misnomer. The DG clamp gets
called a GD clamp many times during
installation in tight spaces. Am I the only
one that sometimes struggles with these
Seats installed! Now I
can sit in it and make
airplane sounds.
Static lines
Not much to
say here, except that it’s
tight (and
uncomfortable) in there.
Compliments of:
Brent Mattson
Brian Mattson
Blake Mattson
59 Grapevine - February, 2016 -Page 8
Kitfox—Model 1
Brad Canon is apparently taking lessons from the USPO because neither
sleet nor snowQ He is moving right
along on his Model 1 Kitfox. We understand that his is actually the 264th
kit produced by the original manufacturer. Wings are stored in a different
part of the hangar and the airplane is
Chapter 59 Members’ Projects
If your project isn’t listed, let us know. We would like
an update and photo for the newsletter.
This list includes total restorations or construction projects unflown.
Brad Canon
Phil Davis
Rick Fields
Terry Gerdes
Russell Hall
Lambert Havelka
Rick Hingtgen
Johnnie Holick
John Lawson
Phillip Perry
Ron Porter
Eddie Poteet
James Rekieta
Monty Suffern
Andrew Womack
Ryan PT-22
Lil’ Buzzard
Kolb Firefly
Maule M6-235
Zenith 750
Rans S-7S
Zenith 701
completely covered now.
He is confident that the
horizontal stabilizer and
elevators shown on the
upper left have enough
surface to hold the tail up
in flight while the 65 hp 2
stroke Rotax 532 pulls him
along at a leisurely cruise
of 75 mph.
The first airplane
Brad built was an all-metal
RV-6 and I’m sure he’s
looking forward to slowing
down and experiencing a
longer look at the scenery.
Be looking for
Brad’s Kitfox on the apron
at Chapter 59 in the future.
10% Discount For EAA Chapter 59 Members
Frank Johnson
59 Grapevine - February, 2016 -Page 9
I’ll admit that the view from the passenger’s seat is not as gratifying as that of the pilot’s, but still, on an a clear
day you can see a long ways, if not forever. Creature comfort also goes a long way in making an enjoyable plane ride
even better and my recent ride in a new Cirrus SR 22 was very enjoyable.
I was in Springdale, Arkansas for a Granddaughter’s graduation when a family acquaintance offered my son and
me a sightseeing trip around the area. Razorback Stadium, Beaver Lake, etc. was nice, but I had a difficult time keeping
my eyes off the glass cockpit and the luxurious interior of this aircraft. Soft music coming from the Bose headset didn’t
hurt and after you’re finished sightseeing, a 200+ mph cruise gets you home in a hurry. This isn’t your Grandpa's usual
Spam Can!
There is a downside to be sure, but if you can handle the $750,000 purchase price and a qualified A & E, you
probably could learn to like this airplane. ~ Homer Dale
Women’s Air Service Pilots
and dedicated to the Women Air Service Pilots who served during WWII.
The vision of this museum was presented to community
leaders in the fall of 2002 by WASP Deanie Bishop Parrish and
daughter Nancy Parrish. The vision came to fruition when the
site was incorporated in July of 2003. It has continued to grow
since then and now has a hangar
of its own housing historical memorabilia from the early years.
EAA Chapter 59 was honored to have Deanie Parrish,
the former WASP, visit our hangar at PWG and share a meal
with us several months ago. It was a pleasure meeting one of
these brave women.
The WASP museum located on Avenger Field in
Sweetwater is 200 air miles and would require more
Sweetwater, TX (SWW) appears to be a great place to fly
time than one of our usual “cola flights”, but wouldn’t this trip be
and visit. Hours of operation are Wed.—Sat., from 10:00
interesting? I’m sure a visit to this museum would prove enjoyam to 5:00 pm and on Sundays, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
able as well as educational. -Homer Dale
Admission is free. This museum is manned by volunteers
Page 10– 59 Grapevine - February, 2016
33rd Annual Jake Parrish Fly-by
Sunday Feb. 14 at 2 PM
Each year, Chapter 59 remembers its members who have “gone west.” We honor those
members with a short ceremony at our brick memorial followed by a fly-by over the Parrish
airstrip (TX52) in the scenic area just east of Cranfils Gap (27 nm from PWG). We will start at
2:00pm and then have a flight briefing at 2:20 pm with the slower aircraft scheduled for engine
start between 2:30 and 2:35 pm.
Jake was “before our time” for most of our current members, but he was one of the early
pioneers in the homebuilt airplane movement in Texas & Chapter 59. For years, his family has
helped sponsor our “Keep ‘em Flying” awards presented each year to completions &
restorations in the Chapter. This is a brief but unique and very enjoyable flying event by our
EAA chapter. It only takes 13 minutes to get over there from PWG at 130 kts., or 18 minutes at
90 kts. The event will be thoroughly briefed for safety & efficiency. Follow the directions & you
won’t get lost. We are looking for maximum participation this year. Following the flyby airplanes will return to McGregor airport for coffee and cookies. This is a time honored Chapter
59 tradition, so please come and participate.
LAST CHANCE for Pinch Hitters’ 25% Discount
Register and pay by January 29th for anyone you’d like to encourage to fly with you so they can attend
the AOPA Pinch Hitters’ course, to be hosted by Chapter 59 on February 6th, for just $30. Thereafter the
price will rise to $40. It includes tuition, lunch and materials and is still a bargain thanks to Chapter 59,
since elsewhere the course costs $55.
The oneone-day ground school is specially tailored for pilots’ companions, and for anyone who is curious
about or perhaps wary of flying, either in general aviation or commercially. It will explain the fundamentals of
flying, radios, talking with air traffic controllers, navigation, and basic emergency procedures. It aims to give
sufficient information to make companions more comfortable in the airplane and more interested in the
flight itself. Suitable for teens as well as adults. But beware: Sometimes students want to start flying lessons,
at least to solo!
This is the only time AOPA instructors will bring their school to Central Texas.
9am – 4pm on February 6, 2016, while pilots continue their pancake breakfast and hangar chat.
For further information, to register and to pay:
NOTE: For the course to cater to the needs of the most people, it is crucial that participants complete all the
information requested on the registration website. If you have already paid without completing the requested information, please submit it either via the website, or email it directly to smwiseman@gmail.com
59 Grapevine - February, 2016 -Page
Every 1st Sat.
Every 2nd. Sat.
Waco, TX
Groesbeck, TX
Pancake Breakfast Fly-in McGregor Airport (PWG) 8-10 am followed by occasional programs
Second Saturday Sundaes (seasonal) Fort Parker Flying Field 2000’ grass 122.8. Ice cream social
Every 3rd Sat.
Jasper, TX
Free BBQ lunch Fly-in
Every 4th Sat.
Granbury, TX
Granbury Airport Pancake Breakfast Granbury Airport (KGDJ)
Every 5th Sat.
Cleburne, TX
Pancake Breakfast Fly-in - Jan 30, 2016 8 am-11:00 Cleburne Municipal Airport (CPT)
Jan. 20-23, 2016
Sebring, FL
U.S. Sport Aviation Expo Sebring Regional Airport (KSEF)
Feb. 6, 2016
Waco, TX
AOPA Pinch Hitters Seminar McGregor Executive Airport (KPWG) EAA Hangar (see page 10)
Feb. 14, 2016
Waco, TX
Jake Parrish Memorial Fly-by Chapter 59 Hangar, McGregor Airport (PWG) (see page 10)
Mar.16-19, 2016
Conroe, TX
MODAERO NextGen Aviation Festival Lone Star Executive Airport KCXO)
Apr. 5-10, 2016
Lakeland, FL
SUN ‘n FUN Lakeland Regional Airport (KLAL)
Apr.16, 2016
San Marcos, TX
Antique Cars & Airplanes Fly-in San Marcos Municipal (KHYI)
June 3-5, 2016
Sulphur Springs
Ladies love taildraggers fly-in/splash-in
July 25-31, 2016
Oshkosh, WI
Airventure 2016 Whitman Field (KOSH)
Jasper County Airport (KJAS) -fuel discount
Sulphur Springs Airport (KSLR)
Check this website out.
Chapter 59 Events
Every 1st Sat.
Pancake Breakfast Fly-in
8-10 am
EAA hangar (PWG)
Every Thursday
Thursday Lunch Bunch
11:45 am
EAA hangar (PWG)
Feb. 6, 2016
Monthly Breakfast & Event
Starts 8 am
EAA hangar (PWG)
Feb. 6, 2016
AOPA Pinch Hitters Seminar
(see p.4)
EAA hangar (PWG)
Feb. 14, 2016
Jake Parrish Memorial Fly-by
EAA hangar (PWG)
Feb 18, 2016
Chapter 59 Awards Banquet
6:30 pm
EAA hangar (PWG)
Thanks to the following for contributing to this month’s 59 Grapevine:
Lambert Havelka, John Lawson, Phil Perry,
Rich Hewgley and the 59 Grapevine staff.
Application for introductory (new) membership___Renewal___Associate Membership_______
MAILING ADDRESS:_____________________________________________________
HOME PHONE:_______________________BUS. PHONE:________________________
LICENSES OR CERTIFICATES:_______________________________________________
EAA #;___________________AOPA #________________YOUNG EAGLE #:____________
HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT CHAPTER 59?____________________________________________________________
HOW CAN CHAPTER 59 MEET YOUR NEEDS?_____________________________________________________________
Having accurate, up-to-date information is important to your Chapter and to you.
MEMBERSHIP: Full membership in Chapter 59 is $25 per year, which includes the monthly publication of 59 GRAPEVINE newsletter.
Introductory memberships are available for $15 (first year only). The year begins in January for all members. Associate memberships are
available to businesses and those interested in getting the 59 GRAPEVINE newsletter but who cannot participate in the regular events of the
year. These memberships are $15. Student memberships are available to full-time students at $6/six months upon proof of enrollment. Regular
members are also required to join National EAA after their introductory year. Forms for joining National can be obtained from the Secretary or
Treasurer. Make payment to: EAA Chapter 59
Mail to: Kenneth Langely, 1103 Evening Sun Lane, McGregor, TX 76657
Page 12 - 59 Grapevine – February, 2016
Classified ads are free but please be brief. They will run for three months only unless an extension is requested.
Email your ad to Homer Dale Cox: hdcox1940@att.net
Your ad goes here!
For Sale: 1929 Travelair 4000 Speedwing with low time Warner 180 hp radial engine. $800. cash. Contact Roscoe
Turner, c/o Lincoln Beachley’s Flying Circus, Roosevelt Field, NY.
FROM: Monty Suffern
EAA Chapter 59
3901 N. 30th
Waco, TX 76708

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