product catalogue
product catalogue
P RO DUC T CATALO G UE 1 Ladies and Gentlemen, We are the biggest Polish producer of flat-rolled products from aluminum and its alloys. A fifty-year presence of Impexmetal SA Aluminium Konin on the world market and gathered experience give assurance of the highest quality products and customer service. Thanks to modernity, innovation and professionalism our stable market position is evidenced by long-term cooperation and trust of our customers all over the world. We use the gathered knowledge and experience at every stage of our production, which transforms into high quality products appreciated by many customers in various industries. Continuous improvement of the production process and the product itself, benefit in introducing new, highly-processed products, used among others in industries with very high quality requirements, such as automotive and food industry. The multimilliondollar investment program realized for many years, provides us with modern equipment and production lines, enabling the production of technologically advanced products that meet all the requirements of our customers. Integrated Management System owned by us, according to ISO 9001, ISO TS 16949, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ensures repeatability and at the same time maintaining of the highest quality standards in the implementation of all production processes and customer service. We are distinguished mainly by: wide industry knowledge, many years of experience, commitment transformed onto the parameters and products quality, perfect research and development center, reliable service and timely delivery of orders. Details about our product offer can be found in this catalogue or on our website 2 Alumi ni um AND Alumi n ium ALLOYS GE N E R A L C OMME R C IAL O F F E R HOT-ROLLED SHEETS AND STRIPS COLD-ROLLED SHEETS AND STRIPS A l u miniu m allo ys: series 1XXX: 1050A 1100 1200 1350A series 3XXX: 3003 3004 3005 3103 3104 3105A series 5XXX: 5005A 5006 5049 5052 5083 5086 series 8XXX: 8006 8011 8079 5182 5251 5754 Tempers F, O/ H111, H12, H 1 4 , H 1 6 , H 1 8 , H 1 9 , H 2 2 , H 24, H 26, H 28, H 32, H 34, H 36 GE N E R A L S IZE R A N G E Thickness [mm] Width [mm]* Length [mm] Strips – cold-rolled 0,05 – 2,0 12 – 1500 L Sheets – cold-rolled 0,20 – 5,0 500 – 1500 500 – 6000 Strips – hot-rolled 6,0 – 9,0** do 1700 L Sheets – hot-rolled 10,0 – 25,0 1000 – 1700 2000 – 10000 * The width according to the thickness. ** It is possible to produce other range of dimensions after previous agreement of technical requirements. ADD IT ION A L TR E ATME NT Strips [mm] Sheets [mm] Tension levelling Thickness 0,1 – 2,0 Thickness 0,1 – 2,0 Surface degreasing Thickness 0,1 – 2,0 Thickness 0,1 – 2,0 Conversion layer Thickness 0,1 – 0,6 Thickness 0,1 – 0,6 Greasing / Lubricating Thickness 0,07 – 0,4 – Technical Anodizing* Thickness 0,5 – 2,0 Thickness 1,0 – 2,0 One side PVC foil surface application Thickness 0,5 – 2,0 Thickness 0,5 – 3,0* – Thickness 0,2 – 4,0* Paper interleaving * It is possible to produce other range of dimensions after previous agreement of technical requirements. 3 Alloys 1XXX Series FEATURES 1xxx series alloys are characterized by a very good corrosion resistance and a very good formability because of their lower mechanical properties. Considering its purity, they have high thermic and thermal conductivity. alu foil for foods contaniers for food industry heat exchangers reflectors truck spoilers architecture applications transformers car number plates 4 Alloys 1XXX Series C H EMIC A L C OMP O S IT ION EN AW-1050A Si [%] Fe [%] Cu [%] Mn [%] Mg [%] Zn [%] Al [%] 0,25 0,40 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,07 99,50 EN AW-1100 0,95 Si + Fe 0,05÷0,20 0,05 - 0,10 99,00 EN AW-1200 1,00 Si + Fe 0,05 0,05 - 0,10 99,00 0,05 0,01 - 0,05 99,50 EN AW-1350A 0,25 0,40 It is possible to produce other alloys from this series, after previous agreement of technical requirements. AL L O YS US A BL E F E AT URES Corrosion resistance Strength Weldability Anodizing EN AW-1050A EN AW-1100 EN AW-1200 EN AW 1350A very good good sufficient not recommended T empers O/H111 H12 H14 H16 H18 H19 H22 H24 H26 H28 EN AW-1050A EN AW-1100 EN AW-1200 EN AW 1350A It is possible to produce other tempers from the 1xxx series, after previous agreement of technical requirements. Sheets hot-rolled sheets cold-rolled sheets 5 Thickness [mm] Width [mm] Length [mm] 10,0÷25,0 1000÷1700 2000÷10000 0,2÷0,5 500÷1500 500÷2500 0,5÷3,0 1000÷1500 800÷6000 3,0÷4,0 1000÷1500 1400÷6000 4,0÷5,0 1000÷1500 1400÷6000 Alloys 1X X X Series ST R I PS Thickness [mm] Width [mm] 0,10÷0,40 12÷1500 0,40÷0,60 25÷1500 0,61÷2,00 50÷1500 ID [mm] Core* Ø 150 Ø 300 Ø 305 Ø 406 Ø 500 Ø 150 Ø 406 Ø 500 Ø 500 S, T, B T, B A, B T, B T, B S, T, B T, B T, B B Max. OD [mm] 1700 1300 / 1600 ** 1450 * S – steel core, T – cardboard core, A – aluminium core, B – without core ** slit coil 1300, unslit coil 1600 Patterned sheets five bar sheets EN AW 1050A stucco sheets EN AW 1050A Tempers Thickness [mm] Width [mm] Length [mm] H144, H184, H244 2,0÷4,0 1000÷1500 2000÷6000 H114, H144, H184 H224, H244, H264 0,40÷0,80 1000÷1500 2000÷6000 H114, H144 H224, H244 0,81÷1,20 1000÷1500 2000÷6000 Patterned strips stucco strips EN AW 1050A Tempers Thickness [mm] Width [mm] H114, H144, H184 H224, H244, H264 0,40÷0,80 100÷1350 H114, H144 H224, H244 0,81÷1,20 100÷1350 Strips are delivered without core, ID 500 mm. SH E E T S F OR A N OD IZING From among 1xxx series alloys, we recommend 1050A grade in quality “for anodizing”. This standard ensures high quality of surface and susceptibility for applying natural and dyed oxide coats process. sheets, STRIPS EN AW – 1050A* EN AW – Al 99,5 Material especially recommended to obtain decorative coats in architecture applications – used for applying of natural and dyed coats. * After agreement of technical requirements it is also possible to offer this assortment in form of coils slit into suitable widths. 6 Alloy s 3XXX Series FEATURES 3xxx series alloys contain manganese as the main alloy component, which ensures significantly higher strength parameters in comparison to 3xxx series alloys. Such properties are achieved with maintaining very good plasticity, high corrosion resistance and susceptibility to different methods of joining (welding, soldering, brazing). heat exchangers 7 food cains containers for food products under plaster angle baseboards light composite panels coat application Series 3X X X Alloys C H EMIC A L C OMP O S IT ION Si [%] Fe [%] Cu [%] Mn [%] Mg [%] Zn [%] Al [%] EN AW-3003 0,6 0,7 0,05÷0,20 1,0÷1,5 – 0,10 rest EN AW-3004 0,3 0,7 0,25 1,0÷1,5 0,8÷1,3 0,25 rest EN AW-3005 0,6 0,7 0,30 1,0÷1,5 0,20÷0,6 0,25 rest EN AW-3103 0,5 0,7 0,10 0,9÷1,5 0,30 0,20 rest EN AW-3104 0,6 0,8 0,05÷0,25 0,8÷1,4 0,8÷1,3 0,25 rest EN AW-3105A 0,6 0,7 0,30 0,30÷0,8 0,20÷0,8 0,25 rest It is possible to produce other alloys from the 3xxx series, after previous agreement of technical requirements. AL L O YS US A BLE F E AT URES Corrosion resistance Strength Weldability Anodizing EN AW-3003 EN AW-3004 EN AW-3005 EN AW-3103 EN AW-3104 EN AW-3105A very good good sufficient not recommended T empers O/H111 H12 H14 H16 H18 H19 H22 H24 H26 H28 EN AW-3003 EN AW-3004 EN AW-3005 EN AW-3103 EN AW-3104 EN AW-3105A It is possible to produce other tempers from the 1xxx series, after previous agreement of technical requirements. 8 Alloys 3XXX Series SH E E T S Thickness [mm] Width [mm] Length [mm] 10,0÷25,0 1000÷1700 2000÷10000 0,2÷0,5 500÷1500 500÷2500 0,5÷3,0 1000÷1500 800÷6000 3,0÷4,0 1000÷1500 1400÷6000 4,0÷5,0* 1000÷1500 1400÷6000 hot-rolled sheets cold-rolled sheets * We offer sheets in thickness 5.0 mm in 3003 and 3103 grade with tempers O,H111. ST R I PS Thickness [mm] Width [mm] 0,1÷0,40 12÷1500 0,40÷0,60 25÷1500 0,61÷2,00 50÷1500 ID [mm] Core* Ø 150 Ø 254 Ø 300 Ø 305 Ø 406 Ø 500 Ø 150 Ø 406 Ø 500 Ø 500 S, T, B A, B T, B A, B T, B T, B S, T, B T, B T, B B Max. OD [mm] 1700 1300 / 1600 ** 1450 * S – steel core, T – cardboard core, A – aluminium core, B – without core ** slit coil 1300, slit coil 1600 S H E E T S A N D S T R IP S FOR SPECIAL APLICATION The high thermal conductivity of aluminium also aluminium alloys in combination with low specific gravity cause that this material is ideal for manufacturing heat exchangers for the automotive sector. Specially designed, modified alloys are used for the production of heat exchangers: fins, pipe (tube), manifold, header. 9 stopy serii 3XXX Alloys 5XXX Series FEATURES 5xxx series alloys contains magnesium as the main alloy component. In order to improve properties of such alloy, various alloy additives like chromium and manganese are often used. 5xxx series alloys have high strength properties, they are easy welded – because of that, such alloys are willingly used as a structural material. In spite of high mechanical properties, such alloys have good forming ability, especially in soft tempers. Such alloys have excellent corrosion resistance also in atmosphere of sea water. structural material in building and shipbuilding industries pressurized containers in transport and automotive industry anodized decorative materials in facade applications (especially 5005A) structural material in railroad engineering car body construction parts packaging components 10 Alloys 5XXX Series C H EMIC A L C OMP O S IT ION Si [%] Fe [%] Cu [%] Mn [%] Mg [%] Zn [%] Cr [%] Al [%] EN AW-5005A 0,30 0,45 0,05 0,15 0,7 – 1,1 0,20 0,1 rest EN AW-5006 0,40 0,80 0,10 0,40 – 0,8 0,8 – 1,3 0,25 0,1 rest EN AW-5049 0,40 0,50 0,10 0,50 – 1,1 1,6 – 2,5 0,20 0,3 rest EN AW-5052 0,25 0,40 0,10 0,10 2,2 – 2,8 0,10 0,15 – 0,35 rest EN AW-5083 0,40 0,40 0,10 0,40 – 1,0 4,0 – 4,9 0,25 0,05 – 0,25 rest EN AW-5086 0,40 0,50 0,10 0,20 – 0,7 3,5 – 4,5 0,25 0,05 – 0,25 rest EN AW-5182 0,20 0,35 0,15 0,20 – 0,50 4,0 – 5,0 0,25 0,1 rest EN AW-5251 0,40 0,50 0,15 0,10 – 0,50 1,7 – 2,4 0,15 0,15 rest EN AW-5754 0,40 0,40 0,10 0,50 2,6 – 3,6 0,20 0,3 rest It is possible to produce other alloys from the 5xxx series after previous agreement of technical requirements. AL L O YS US A BL E F E AT URES Corrosion resistance Strength Weldability Anodizing EN AW-5005A EN AW-5006 EN AW-5049 EN AW-5052 EN AW-5083 EN AW-5086 EN AW-5182 EN AW-5251 EN AW-5754 very good good sufficient not recommended T empers O/H111 H12 H14 H16 H18 H19 H22 H24 H26 EN AW-5005A EN AW 5006 * EN AW-5049 EN AW-5052 EN AW-5083 EN AW-5086 EN AW-5182 EN AW-5251 * EN AW-5754 It is possible to produce 5xxx series alloys in other tempers, after previous agreement of technical requirements between a customer and a manufacturer. * In another range of tempers after previous agreement of technical requirements. 11 H28 Alloys 5X X X Series SH E E T S Thickness [mm] Width [mm] Lenght [mm] 10,0÷25,0 1000÷1700 2000÷10000 0,2÷0,5 500÷1500 500÷2500 0,5÷3,0 1000÷1500 800÷6000 3,0÷4,0 1000÷1500 1400÷6000 4,0÷5,0 * 1000÷1500 1400÷6000 hot-rolled sheets cold-rolled sheets * We offer sheets in such thickness range in 5005A, 5251, 5754, 5052, 5049, alloys in another range of tempers after previous agreement of technical requirements. ST R I PS Thicknes [mm] Width [mm] 0,05÷0,40 12÷1500 0,40÷0,60 25÷1500 0,61÷2,00 50÷1500 ID [mm] Core* Ø 150 Ø 254 Ø 300 Ø 305 Ø 406 Ø 500 Ø 150 Ø 406 Ø 500 Ø 500 S, T, B A, B T, B A, B T, B T, B S, T, B T, B T, B B Max. OD [mm] 1700 1300 / 1600 ** 1450 * S – steel core, T – cardboard core, A – aluminium core, B – without core ** slit coil 1300, unslit coil 1600 SPECIAL OFFER FOR SERIES 5XX X Patterned sheets five bar sheets EN AW 5005A EN AW 5049 EN AW 5052 EN AW 5251 EN AW 5754 stucco sheets EN AW 5005A EN AW 5049 EN AW 5052 EN AW 5251 EN AW 5754 Tempers Thickness [mm] Width [mm] Length [mm] H144, H184, H244 2,5÷4,0 1000÷1500 2000÷6000 H114, H144, H184 H224, H244, H264 0,40÷0,80 1000÷1500 2000÷6000 H114, H144 H224, H244 0,81÷1,20 1000÷1500 2000÷6000 12 Alloys 5XXX Series Patterned strips EN AW 5005A EN AW 5049 EN AW 5052 EN AW 5251 EN AW 5754 stucco strips Tempers Thickness [mm] Width [mm] H114, H144, H184 H224, H244, H264 0,40÷0,80 100÷1350 H114, H144 H224, H244 0,81÷1,20 100÷1350 * After agreement the strip can be provided on a cardboard core Ø 500 mm. S H E E TS A N D S TR IP S F O R A NO DI Z I NG Apart from 5xxx series alloys, we recommend two grades 5005A and 5754 as suitable “for anodizing”. They are produced according to a special formula which ensures high quality of surface and susceptibility to applying of natural and dyed oxide coats process. EN AW – 5005A EN AW – AlMg1 Specially recommended alloy to obtain decorative coats in architecture applications – used for applying of natural and dyed coat. EN AW – 5754 EN AW – AlMg3 Alloy recommended for putting thin protective coats, used also in decorative applications – obtaining more dark coats shade in comparison with 5005A alloy. 13 Alloy s 8XXX Series FEATURES 8xxx series alloys are characterized by a very good shape forming ability because of their fine grained structure. Main alloy additives are Fe and Si. They raise mechanical properties of the material in comparison to pure aluminium with maintaining high plasticity at the same time. heat exchanger parts foils for food products containers for food industry (trays) packaging components (bottle caps) flexible ventilation ducts multi-tubes 14 Alloys 8XXX Series C H EMIC A L C OMP O S IT ION Si [%] Fe [%] Cu [%] Mn [%] Mg [%] Zn [%] Al [%] EN AW-8006 0,40 1,2 – 2,0 0,30 0,30 – 1,0 0,10 0,10 rest EN AW-8011A 0,40 – 0,8 0,50 – 1,0 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 rest EN AW-8079 0,05 – 0,30 0,7 – 1,3 0,05 - - 0,10 rest AL L O YS US A BL E F E AT URES Corrosion resistance Strength Weldability Anodizing EN AW-8006 EN AW-8011A EN AW-8079 very good good sufficient not recommended T empers O/H111 H12 H14 H16 H18 H19 H22 H24 H26 H28 EN AW-8006 EN AW-8011A EN AW-8079 It is possible to produce 8xxx series alloys with other tempers, after previous agreement of technical requirements. SH E E T S Thickness [mm] Width [mm] Length [mm] 10,0÷25,0 1000÷1700 2000÷10000 0,2÷0,5 500÷1500 500÷2500 hot-rolled sheets cold-rolled sheets It is possible alloys modification after previous agreement of technical requirements. ST R I PS Thickness [mm] Width [mm] 0,05÷0,40 12÷1500 0,40÷0,60 25÷1500 0,61÷2,00 50÷1500 * S – steel core, T – cardboard core, A – aluminium core, B – without core ** slit coil 1300, unslit coil 1600. 15 ID [mm] Core* Ø 150 Ø 254 Ø 300 Ø 305 Ø 406 Ø 500 Ø 150 Ø 406 Ø 500 Ø 500 S, T, B A, B T, B A, B T, B T, B S, T, B T, B T, B B Max. OD [mm] 1700 1300 / 1600 ** 1450 A P P L IC AT IONS AUTOMOTIVE The high thermal conductivity of aluminium and aluminium alloys in combination with low specific gravity causes that the is ideal for the manufacturing of heat exchangers in the automotive sector. In the whole series of 3XXX alloys the most popular is the 3xxx alloys because of its good resistance corrosion, high strength properties and excellent ductility. heat exchanges car bodyconstruction parts heat exchangesr components tubes engines cowlings 16 AUTOMOTIVE High heat conductivity of aluminum and aluminum alloys in combination with low density cause, that such material becomes ideal for heat exchangers manufacturing in an automotive sector. From the whole 3xxx series, the most interesting is 3003 alloy because of its good corrosion resistance, high strength properties and excellent shape forming. The current trend in the automotive market is to reduce the size and weight of heat exchangers, as well as their production cost reduction which, forces aluminum producers to search for new solutions in the field of metal properties improvement. The improvement of 3003 alloy in terms of corrosion resistance, strength after soldering and resistance to high temperatures became a main goal of aluminum producers for automotive sector. Nowadays aluminum alloys used for heat exchangers production are modified in terms of client’s technical requirements. Such assortment is available in the form of strips or sheets with dimensions, like in general offer, both in cladded and uncladded versions. 3 XX X S E R IE S EN AW-3003 Alloys intended for the manufacture of different part heat exchangers. Offered in claded or uncladed verisions. EN AW-3003 +1,5% Zn Alloys intended for the manufacture of different part heat exchangers. Offered in claded or uncladed verisions. H F I M PE XME TA L “L ON G LIF E” SERIES ALLOYS HF420 Alloys for the production of claded fins. HF421 Alloys for the production of claded fins. HF422 (+0,7% Zn) Alloys intended for the production uncladed fins with the addition of zinc in the range of 0.5 ÷ 0.9% HF424 (+2,5% Zn) Alloys intended for the production uncladed fins with the addition of zinc in the range of 2.3 ÷ 2.7% S E R I E S LH Impex metal stop “ long life” LH436 17 Alloys intended for the production of automotive tubes, heat exchangers, andother thicker elements (header, manifold). AUTOMOTIVE A L LY S US A BLE F E AT UR ES CORROSION RESISTANCE STRENGTH WELDABILITY EN AW 3003 seria HF - Impexmetal seria LH - Impexmetal VERY GOOD GOOD SUFFICIENT NOT RECOMMENDED corrosion potential EN AW-3003 EN AW-3003 +1,5% Zn HF 420 HF421 HF422 HF424 LH436 -720 -810 -790 -800 -760 -890 -700 mechanical properties DELIVERY STATUS AFTER SOLDERING Stan Rm [MPa] R02 [MPa] A50 [%] Rm [MPa] R02 [MPa] EN AW-3003, EN AW-3003+1.5% Zn O H14 H16 95÷135 145÷185 170÷210 min 35 min 125 min 150 min 20 min 1 min 1 105 35 HF 420 H14 170÷210 min 160 min 1 130 50 HF421 HF422 HF424 H14 190÷230 min 180 min 1 145 55 LH436 H14 H24 O* 150÷190 190÷230 min 140 min 135 min 160 min 60 min 4 min 5 min 20 140 50 * Material intended for the production of thick section of heat exchangers. These alloys are offered in various states to strengthen according to individual requirements. C L AD E D MAT E R IA L EN AW-4343 EN AW-4045 Modification alloys EN AW 4343+1% Zn 18 AUTOMOTIVE C L A D D E D MAT E R IA L T H ICKNESS 5% 7.5% 10% 12% (the range of the thickness is possibile after agreement) 15% AL L O YS F O R D IF F E R E N T AUTOM OTIVE C O M PO N E N T S P R O D UC TIONS EN AW-1050A EN AW-5754 Alloys for the production of various types of thermal and acoustic shielding for exhaust systems and engines. EN AW-5754 EN AW-5182 Alloys for the production of internal body parts, car door structural components. It is possible to produce other temper after previous agreement of technical requirements. C H EMIC A L C OMP O S IT ION D I F F ER E N T A UTOMO T IV E COM PONENT Si [%] Fe [%] Cu [%] Mn [%] Mg [%] Zn [%] Al [%] EN AW-1050A 0,25 0,40 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,07 min 99,50 EN AW-5754 0,40 0,40 0,10 0,50 2,6 – 3,6 0,20 rest EN AW-5182 0,20 0,35 0,15 0,20 – 0,50 4,0 – 5,0 0,25 rest EN AW-5052 0,25 0,40 0,10 0,10 2,2 – 2,8 0,10 rest C L AD E D A N D UN C L A D E D STRIPS THICKNESS [mm]* 0,050-3,0 WIDTH [mm] TEMPER 12-1500 O, H14/H24, H16/ H26 It is possible to produces sheets after previous agreement of technical requirements. 19 ID OD [mm] APPLCATION 150÷500 PRODUCTION OF HEAT EXCHANGERS COMPONENTS (fins, headers, manifolds, tubes) A P P L IC AT IONS BUILDING INDUSTRY Aluminum and its alloys are used in industrial and commercial building, applications its lightness and the possiibilities to reach various visual forms, the alloys have unlimited functional uses. Additionaly, aluminium has greater design possibilities than other materials, such as strength combined with plasticity, which provide its wider range use. under plaster angle facades constructions roofing 20 building INDUSTRY C H EMIC A L C OMP O S IT ION Si [%] Fe [%] Cu [%] Mn [%] Mg [%] Zn [%] Al [%] EN AW-1050A 0,25 0,40 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,07 min 99,50 EN AW-3005 0,6 0,7 0,30 1,0 – 1,5 0,20 – 0,6 0,25 rest EN AW-5005A 0,30 0,7 0,20 0,20 0,50 – 1,1 0,25 rest EN AW-5049 0,40 0,50 0,10 0,50 – 1,1 1,6 – 2,5 0,20 rest EN AW-5251 0,40 0,50 0,15 0,10 – 0,50 1,7 – 2,4 0,15 rest EN AW-5754 0,40 0,40 0,10 0,50 2,6-3,6 0,20 rest There is a possibility to modify the alloy after prior arrangement of technical requirements. AP P L IC AT IO N S Alloy Temper Thickness [mm] PROPOSED APPLICATION EN AW-1050A EN AW-3005 EN AW-5005A EN AW-5754 Complies with standard and customer requirements 0,4÷2,00 Material for painting EN AW-1050A EN AW-3005 EN AW-5049 EN AW-5754 Complies with standard and customer requirements 0,4÷1,2 Material with STUCCO surface for the production of facades and roofing EN AW-1050A EN AW-5049 EN AW-5251 EN AW-5754 Complies with standard and customer requirements 2,5÷4,0 The material with five bars surface for the construction elements AP P LIC AT ION S , F UN CTIONAL QUALITY FEATURES OF ALLOY S EN AW-1050A EN AW-3005 EN AW-5005A EN AW-5754 Sheets and strips of aluminum and aluminum alloy produced by direct casting method ensure good corrosion resistance and adhesiveness of lacquer layer. These alloys provide good properties ensuring easy molding and maintaining and holding firm mechanical properties after the painting process. EN AW-1050A EN AW-3005 EN AW-5049 Material with STUCCO surface for facades facade and roofing production. Sheets and strips of aluminum and aluminum alloys with STUCCO pattern have good corrosion resistance. These alloys provide very good plastic properties allowing easy molding while maintaining required mechanical properties. EN AW-1050A EN AW-5049 EN AW-5251 EN AW-5754 Material with five bars pattern surface is used for components production. Sheets and strips of aluminum and aluminum alloys with “five bars pattern” have good corrosion resistance. These alloys provide proper plasticity during the processes like bending. 21 building INDUSTRY PATTE R N E D S TR IP S stucco strips Tempers Thickness [mm] Width [mm] H114, H144, H184 H224, H244, H264 0,40÷0,80 100÷1350 H114, H144 H224, H244 0,81÷1,20 100÷1350 After agreement the strip can be delivered on ID Ø 500 mm. PATTE R N E D S H E E TS five bar sheets stucco sheets Tempers Thickness [mm] Width [mm] Length [mm] H144, H184, H244 H114, H144, H184 H224, H244, H264 H114, H144 H224, H244 2,5÷4,0 1000÷1500 2000÷6000 0,40÷0,80 1000÷1500 2000÷6000 0,81÷1,20 1000÷1500 2000÷6000 22 A P P LIC AT IONS electrotechnics Aluminum and its alloys have very good plastic properties allowing easy forming. The mechanical properties, heat resistance and technical parameters modified to meet specific customer requirements are widely used in electrical engineering. transformer windings 23 coverhousing housing collectors frame drivesshafts of light bulbs electrotechnics C H EMIC A L C OMP O S IT ION Si [%] Fe [%] Cu [%] Mn [%] Mg [%] Zn [%] Al [%] EN AW-1050A 0,25 0,40 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,07 min 99,50 EN AW-1350A 0,25 0,40 0,02 0,03 0,05 0,05 min 99,50 EN AW-3004 0,3 0,7 0,25 1,0 – 1,5 0,8 – 1,3 0,25 rest EN AW-3104 0,6 0,8 0,05 – 0,25 0,8-1,4 0,8 – 1,3 0,25 rest EN AW-5005A 0,30 0,45 0,05 0,15 0,7 – 1,1 0,20 rest EN AW-5754 0,40 0,40 0,10 0,50 2,6-3,6 0,20 rest It is possible alloys modification after previous agreement of technical requirements. AP P LIC AT ION S , F UN CTIONAL FEATURES OF THE ALLOYS EN AW-1050A EN AW-1350A Transformer windings. Pure aluminum alloys ensuring high dielectric conductivity. EN AW-3004 EN AW-3104 EN AW-5754 Light and fluorescent bulbs. These alloys provide very good plastic properties allowing easy forming and mechanical properties and heat resistance in the process of casting glass. Alloys providing proper plasticity processes such as bending. The alloys dedicated for such production are the subject for further surface treatment, eg. the application of coatings. The material may be supplied in sheets or strips. EN AW-5005 EN AW-5754 AP P L IC AT ION S TEMPER THICKNESS [mm] proposed use according to customer requirements 0,25÷1,40 Transformer windings EN AW-3004 EN AW-3104 O 0,2÷0,5 Light and fluorescent bulbs EN AW-5754 O 0,2÷0,5 Light bulbs EN AW-5005 EN AW-5754 according to customer requirements 0,4÷2,0 Electrical cabinets, solar panels EN AW-1050A EN AW-1350A ST R I PS F O R electrotechnics 3xxx series Alloys for electrical applications, eg. production of light and fluorescent bulbs we recommend alloy 3104 (3004) providing very good plastic properties allowing easy forming the product and the required mechanical properties and heat resistance in the process of glass flooding / potting (at bulb production). In this regard, technical parameters are modified according to as per customer’s specific requirements. THICKNESS [mm] WIDTH [mm] ID [mm] OD [mm] 0,18÷0,50 40÷1200 Ø 150, Ø 305, Ø 406, Ø 500 1700 It is possible maked another parametiers after previous agreement of technical requirements. 24 A P P L IC AT IONS PACKAGING INDUSTRY/ HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY Aluminum is tough, lightweight and resistant to corrosion. It is because of these properties aluminium is commonly used in the packaging industry. Plasticity makes creating interesting forms easy, which aims at easthetic features growth. In connection with good physical and chemical properties aluminum is used in the production of household appliances. containers 25 dishes kettles cups / clousers alu goil for foods PACKAGING INDUSTRY/HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY C H EMIC A L C OMP O S IT ION Si [%] Fe [%] Cu [%] Mn [%] Mg [%] Zn [%] Al [%] EN AW-1050A 0,25 0,40 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,07 min 99,50 EN AW-3003 0,6 0,7 0,20 1,0-1,5 – 0,10 rest EN AW-3005 0,6 0,7 0,25 1,0 – 1,5 0,8 – 1,3 0,10 rest EN AW-3105 0,6 0,7 0,30 0,30 – 0,8 0,20 – 0,8 0,10 rest EN AW-8006 0,40 1,2 – 2,0 0,30 0,30-1,0 0,10 0,10 rest EN AW-8011A 0,40 – 0,8 0,50 – 1,0 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,10 rest It is possible to modify alloys after previous agreement of technical requirements. AP P L IC AT ION S TEMPER THICKNESS [mm] PROPOSED USE according to customer requirements 0,060÷0,120 Containers for food industry. EN AW-3005 O 0,070 Aluminum molds for t-light. This alloy provides very good plastic properties allowing easy forming and required mechanical properties and heat resistance in the process of wax pouring. EN AW-3105 EN AW-8011A according to customer requirements 0,19÷0,30 Sheets and strips of aluminum and aluminum alloy for the production of caps. Alloys covered with a layer of titanium phosphate facilitate lacquerring layers coating. The material used for caps production. EN AW-1050A EN AW-3003, 3005 EN AW-8006, 8011A PATTE R N E D S TR IP S STUCCO STRIPS TEMPER THICKNESS [mm] WIDTH [mm] H114, H144, H184, H224, H244, H264 0,40÷0,80 100÷1350 H114, H144, H224, H244 0,81÷1,20 100÷1350 Deliveries on core ID 500 mm is possible after previous agreement of technical requirements. PATTE R N E D S H E E TS FIVE BAR SHEETS STUCCO SHEETS TEMPER THICKNESS [mm] WIDTH [mm] LENGTH [mm] H144, H184, H244 2,5÷4,0 1000÷1500 2000÷6000 H114, H144, H184, H224, H244, H264 0,40÷0,80 1000÷1500 2000÷6000 H114, H144, H224, H244 0,81÷1,20 1000÷1500 2000÷6000 26 TEMPER Sated strengthened cold rolling RAW SYMBOL ACCORDING TO STANDARDS 27 TERM CURRENT PREVIOUS F pg, pz, pw, pp, pc, pt, ps, pm, pk, pe, pi 0 r annealed - for products getting fixed properties after hot-rolling process 01 m heat treated in the recommended time and temperature for products oversaturated and slowly cooled to room temperature 02 - treated thermo-plastically to improve formability 03 j homogenized H11 - slightly strengthened H12 z2 1/4 H14 z4 1/2 H16 - H18 z6 4/4 H19 z9 – H22 z2r 1/4 H24 z4r H26 - H28 - 4/4 H32 z2s 1/4 H34 z4s (raw) - applies to shaped articles in processes, in which there is no special control of thermal and mechanical conditions strengthened cold rolling strengthened and partially annealed strengthened and stabilized hard 3/4 1/2 hard 3/4 1/2 hard H36 - H38 z6s 4/4 H42 - 1/4 H44 - H46 - H38 - strengthened and painted or lacquered extra hard 3/4 1/2 hard 3/4 4/4 TEMPER NOTES ON TEMPERS’ DESIGNATIONS and DIGITAL DEFINITIION COMPLETION In this case the limits of mechanical properties are not defined. Annealing to the lowest strength. Applied for products that are machined before supersaturation, mechanical properties are not determined. Applied for products that are plastically formed before supersaturation. Used for wire rod and tape casted on a continuous basis, which are exposed to annealing at high temperature in order to reduce segregation. Strengthened cold-rolling tempers are applied to articles treated with the cold plastic forming after annealing, and pp hot or p.p. cold and after; partial annealing or stabilizing. The level of mechanical properties is defined. The digits after the letter H means: first - the type of heat treatment, second - strengthening degree to be identified with a minimum Rm value. Min. Rm in the annealed temper [MPa] Rm increase up to Hx8 Rm [MPa] To 40 55 45÷60 65 65÷80 75 85÷100 85 105÷120 90 125÷160 95 165÷200 100 205÷240 105 245÷280 110 285÷320 115 325 above 120 28 ALUMINUM AND ALUMINIUM ALLOYS SYMBOLS OF ALUMINIUM and ALUMINIUM alloys EN EN PN ASTM GOST DIN A2 A1 A2 1050 - A/A0 A5 A/A0 Al 99 Al 99,5 Al 99 PA PA5 PA16 3003 - AMc - Al MnCu Al Mn1 Al Mn1Mg0,5 Al Mn0,5Mg0,5 PA43 PA2 PA11 PA13 - 5005 5052 5083 5086 AMg1 AMg2 AMg3 AMg4 Al Mg1 Al Mg2Mn0,3 Al Mg2,5 Al Mg3 Al Mg2Mn0,8 Al Mg4,5Mn Al Mg4Mn PA0 - - - 8006 8011A 8079 SE R I E S A l (10 0 0 ) EN AW-1100 EN AW-1350A EN AW-1050A EN AW-1200 Al 99,0Cu EAl 99,5(A) Al 99,5 Al 99,0 SE R I E S A l-Mn (3 0 0 0 ) EN AW-3003 EN AW-3103 EN AW-3004 EN AW-3005 EN AW-3105 Al Mn1Cu Al Mn1 Al Mn1Mg1 Al Mn1Mg0,5 Al Mn0,5Mg0,5 SE R I E S A l-Mg (50 0 0 ) EN AW-5005A EN AW-5251 EN AW-5052 EN AW-5754 EN AW-5049 EN AW-5083 EN AW-5086 Al Mg1 Al Mg2 Al Mg2,5 AlMg3 Al Mg2Mn0,8 Al Mg4,5Mn0,7 Al Mg4 S E R I E S A l-F e (80 0 0 ) EN AW-8006 EN AW-8011A EN AW-8079 Al Fe1,5Mn Al FeSi(A) Al Fe1Si A list of standards OF aluminium and aluminium alloys CHEMICAL COMPOSITION EN 515 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Wrought products. Temper designations. EN 573-1 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and the kind of wrought products. Part 1: Numerical designation system. EN 573-2 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and the kind of wrought products. Part 2: Chemical symbol based designation system. EN 573-3 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and the kind of wrought products. Part 3: Chemical composition. EN 573-4 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Chemical composition and the kind of wrought products. Part 4: Forms of products. EN 602 Aluminum and aluminum alloys. Wrought products. The chemical composition of semi-products used for production of articles intended for contact with food. 29 SH E E T S , S T R IP S , P LATES EN 485-1 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery. EN 485-2 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Part 2: Mechanical properties. EN 485- 3 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Part 3: Tolerances on dimensions and shape for hot-rolled product. EN 485-4 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Part 4: Tolerances on dimensions and shape for cold-rolled product. EN 541 Aluminum and aluminum alloys. Rolled products for cans, closures and lids. Technical Specifications. EN 546-1 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Foil. Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery. EN 546-2 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Foil. Part 2: Mechanical properties. EN 546-3 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Foil. Part 3: Tolerances on dimensions. EN 546-4 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Foil. Part 4: Special property requirements. EN 683-1 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Finstock. Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery. EN 683-2 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Finstock. Part 2: Mechanical properties. EN 683-3 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Finstock. Part 3: Tolerances on dimensions and form. EN 1386 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Tread plate. Specifications. EN 1396 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Coil coated sheet and strip for general applications. Specifications. 30 PRODUCTION PLANT: Impexmetal SA ALUMINIUM KONIN ul. Hutnicza 1 62-510 Konin t: +48 63 247 44 22, +48 63 247 44 88 e-mail: Headquarters: Impexmetal SA ul. Łucka 7/9 00-842 Warszawa, Poland AUTOMOTIVE AND ELECTROTECHNICS INDUSTRY +48 63 247 4608 +48 63 247 4628 BUILDING, PACKAGING AND HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY +48 63 247 4637 +48 63 247 4953 DISTRIBUTORS AND SERVICE CENTERS +48 63 247 4954 +48 63 247 4956 +48 63 247 4649
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