Doctors/Dentists - Westlake Church, Switzerland
Doctors/Dentists - Westlake Church, Switzerland
List of Recommended Doctors and Healthcare providers Offered by Know-it-all passport® Free-of-charge Remember: all these doctors have been recommended by people like you. Osteopaths, physiotherapists, and other mental and physical healthcare providers are listed in the printed edition of Know-it-all passport®. For a complete listing, please consult a phone directory. © Know-it-all passport® 2015 This list may be used WITH the prior written consent of Know-it-all passport® making sure to keep the tag at the bottom of the page with the copyright and date visible. Please contact us at PHARMACIES Most pharmacies will accept orders over the phone and will deliver to your home at no extra charge. Here is a small list of those open on Sundays and holidays. After hours and on Sundays there are a number of pharmacies open. Check the above website or look in the newspaper. These change daily. GENEVA Pharmacie Principale Geneva Airport, departure level 022 798 15 72 Open 7/7, 6h-21h. IN THIS BOOKLET Allergists Angiologists - veins Breast specialists Cardiologists Chiropractors Dental hygenists Dentists Dermatologists Ear-nose-throat Pharmacie Amavita Cornavin Train Station, Geneva 058 878 10 00 Open Monday to Saturday 7h-23h, Sunday 10h-23h, and holidays open 10h-21h30. Endocrinologists LAUSANNE Neurologists Pharmacie 24 Av. de Montchoisi 3 1006 Lausanne 021 613 12 24 Open 7/7, 8h-midnight. Ophthalmologists Pharmacie EuroFlon SA Dans la gare du Flon Pl. de l’Europe 5 1003 Lausanne 021 318 73 10 Open Monday to Thursday 7h-21h, Friday till 22h, Saturday 8h-22h, Sunday 8h-21h. Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons Sun Store Lausanne Gare 058 878 55 00 Open 7/7, 7h-23h. © Know-it-all passport ® 19.01.2015 page 1 General practitioners Gynecologists Internists Orthodontists Orthopedic surgery Pediatricians Pulmonologists Specialists for pneumonia Sports medicine, Rehabilitation Surgeons Urologists ALLERGISTS GENEVA Sietse Hogendijk Centre des Allergies et de l’Asthme de la Terrassière 7, ruelle du Couchant 1207 Genève 022 700 06 77 Speaks French, English, and Dutch. VAUD Olivier Estoppey Rue Jules Gachet 7 1260 Nyon 022 361 2928 This is what one person said about this doctor: He’s a generalist and an allergy specialist, speaks very good English and is very patient and kind! Michaël Hofer CHUV Rue du Bourgon 46 1011 Lausanne 021 314 33 24 Specialist pediatric allergist, immunologist, and rhumatologist. Annette Leimgruber Av. Rumines 27 1005 Lausanne 021 728 30 40 Speaks French and English. Camillo Ribi Service d’Immunologie et d’Allergologie CHUV Rue du Burgon 46 1011 Lausanne 021 314 07 89 Speaks French, German, and Italian. © Know-it-all passport ® 19.01.2015 page 2 ANGIOLOGISTS - VEINS CHIROPRACTORS Jean-François Luthi Av. Jomins 8 1004 Lausanne 021 311 31 45 Speaks French and English. Nicole Gozel Taylor Place des Alpes 26 1630 Bulle 026 913 88 87 Speaks French and English. BREAST SPECIALISTS Roland and Clarisse Noirat Ch. de la Jouette 5 1006 Lausanne 021 617 28 77 78 French-speaking. This is what one person said about these chiropractors: I have been to chiropractors my whole adult life and I think this woman might be the BEST! My husband goes to her husband. Magdalena Kohlik 19, rue de la Combe 1260 Nyon 022 362 60 00 This is what one person said about this doctor: Fluent English. Reassuring manner and a sense of humor... which often helps with these types of check ups! Yves Wespi 8, rue St.-Léger 1205 Genève 022 310 45 08 Breast specialist. Speaks French and English. CARDIOLOGISTS Marco Bettoni 1bis, av. J.-D. Maillard 1217 Meyrin 022 719 66 70 Speaks French, English, and Italian. Edoardo De Benedetti 1bis, av. J.-D. Maillard 1217 Meyrin 022 719 66 70 Speaks French, English, and Italian. Beatrice Veragut Davies 1a, Clos de la Fonderie 1227 Carouge 022 309 45 88 Speaks French, English, and German. DENTAL HYGENISTS In Switzerland, Dental Hygenists sometimes share offices with dentists. GENEVA Chakla Perrin Dental Hygenist ES-CRS Diploma holder SDH member 23, rue de la Fontenette 1227 Carouge 022 301 73 74 Speaks French, English, German and Arabic. This is what one person said about this hygienist: She has set up her own office and I was very pleased with the quality of work. VAUD Sigrid Kaehr place du Port 13 1180 Rolle 079 686 55 33 Speaks French, English, and German. DENTISTS GENEVA ADENT-Clinique dentaire 0800 101 800 emergencies — GENEVA - EAUX-VIVES 34, av. de Frontenex 1207 Genève 022 700 81 00 Open weekdays 7h-21h, Saturdays 8h-16h, Sunday and holidays 14h-17h. — GENEVA - C1 Charmilles 87, rue de Lyon 1203 Genève 022 338 02 00 Open weekdays 7h-21h, Saturday 8h-16h, Sunday and holidays 9h-12h. Open 365/year for emergencies, call first. — MEYRIN CC Meyrin Centre 24, av. de Feuillasse 1217 Meyrin 022 989 80 00 Weekdays 7h-21h, Saturday 8h-16h. Charles Beard Centre Commercial La Praille 10, rte des Jeunes 1227 Carouge 022 300 53 80 076 384 47 24 emergencies Trained in North America. Treats adults and children. Will accept emergencies 24h/7. Normal office hours are Monday to Thursday 8h-18h, Friday 8h-14h, Saturday 8h30-14h. This is what one person said about this doctor: Here is a great address for people looking for an English-speaking dentist trained in North America. He even offered my kids Crest toothpaste! Yasmine Ciucchi 18,ch. des Clochettes 1206 Genève 022 310 03 43 Near the Clinique Générale-Beaulieu. Speaks French and English. Clinident — Clinique Dentaire de Malombré 5, ch. de Malombré 1206 Genève 022 346 64 44 Open weekdays 8h18h15, Saturday 9h-11h30, and Sundays every other weekend. — Clinique Dentaire de la Servette 60, av. Wendt 1203 Genève 022 733 98 00 Open weekdays 8h-12h and 14h-18h30, weekends 9h-12h. Clinique Dentaire de Genève www.cliniquedentairede Open weekdays 7h-20h30, Saturday 8h-14h or by appointment for emergencies 24h/7. Treats cavities, bleeding gums, dental hygiene, implants, prostheses, teeth whitening, and teeth straightening. — 29, av. de France 1202 Genève 022 735 73 55 — 58, rue de la Terrassiere 1207 Genève 022 735 73 55 — 6, rue de la Gabelle 1227 Carouge 022 735 73 55 Yves Delessert, DDS - MS 1, av. Cardinal Mermillod 1227 Carouge 022 300 67 60 Fax 022 300 67 61 Prosthodontist. Dental degree from the University of Geneva, and Doctoral Degree in Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment). Graduate from UCLA with a Postdoctoral Degree in Prosthodontics, earned a Master of Science in Education from USC and a DDS. Homeopathic dental medicine. Open weekdays 7h-15h. Cressida Dawson 1, av. Cardinal Mermillod 1227 Carouge 022 343 33 20 British nationality and qualified in London in 1988 and has worked in Geneva since 2002. Call Monday and Thursday 8h30-14h30, Tuesday 8h30-18h, Wednesday 10h-17h30. This is what one person said about this doctor: FANTASTIC! Very pleasant demeanor and extremely knowledgeable, state of the art equipment, convenient location. Thanks so much for your tip... we’ve found our family dentist! Didier Dietschi 2, quai Gustave-Ador 1207 Genève 022 700 78 56 Speaks French, English, and German. Other dentists at this location also speak Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. Manuel Etchepareborda 26, rte. de Sauverny 1290 Versoix 022 755 68 88 Speaks French, English, Spanish, and Italian. This is what one person said about this doctor: English-speaking and is great with kids. Catherine Gontard 4, blvd. James-Fazy 1201 Genève 022 732 73 18 Speaks French and English. © Know-it-all passport ® 19.01.2015 page 3 Nicolas Karsegard 13, rue Santter 1205 Genève 022 347 16 14 Speaks French and English. Jean-Maurice Marti 101, ch. de la Mère-Voie 1228 Plan-les-Ouates 022 794 42 44 English speaking dentist who treats adults and children. Pascal Méan 76, rte. de St. Julien 1212 Grand Lancy 022 343 77 61 Speaks French and English. Canadian-trained. Pierre Pittet 9, rue du Mont-Blanc 1201 Genève 022 738 90 73 Speaks French and English. Massimo Romelli 10, ch. des Colombettes 1202 Genève 022 740 45 88 Speaks English and Italian. Adèle Ruh 1, carrefour de Rive 1207 Genève 022 786 95 88 Speaks French and some English. Gilles & Simin Sauvin 38, rue de Chêne-Bougeries 1224 Chêne-Bougeries 022 349 60 46 Recommended for Englishspeakers. Voula Theophilou 1, Carrefour de Rive, 2nd floor 1207 Genève 022 736 26 52 Offers a full dental service including check ups, cleaning, periodontal treatment, oral hygiene, white fillings-composites and inlays, tooth whitening, aesthetic dentistry, veneers, crowns, bridges, dentures, and implants as well as Telescopic Bridge Dentures. Offers Oralift dental facelift, a non-surgical method aiming at rejuvenating the face and delaying the signs of ageing. Open 9h-19h30 and alternate Saturdays from 10h-14h. www. knowitall. ch Local news info New shop openings Events Calendar Activities Calendar Holiday Calendar Free Classifieds and more! Sign-up at to receive a weekly email with ideas of things to do this week! VAUD Service de garde de la Société Vaudoise des Médecins-dentistes (SVMD) For emergencies in Vaud in the evening and weekends call 0848 133 133. ADENT-Clinique dentaire 0800 101 800 emergencies — ALLAMAN Rte de la Gare 11 1165 Allaman Weekdays 7h-21h, Saturday 8h-16h. — ECUBLENS CC Croset Ch. du Croset 7 1024 Ecublens 021 694 20 00 Weekdays 7h-21h, Saturday 8h-16h. — LAUSANNE Rte du Châtelard 54b Blécherette 1018 Lausanne 021 644 20 00 Located on the ground floor of the building. Use the main entry of building 54. Weekdays 7h-21h, Saturday 8h-16h, Sunday by appointment between 15h-18h. Patrick Assal Av. du Théâtre 7 1005 Lausanne 021 321 15 15 Speaks English. Robert Brodmann Rue du Simplon 18 1800 Vevey 021 921 11 90 Speaks French, English, and German. Clinident — Clinique dentaire de Nyon 4b, rue de la Morâche 1260 Nyon 022 990 02 02 — Clinique dentaire de Gland Rue Mauverney 19 1196 Gland 022 995 02 02 — Permanence dentaire de Bel-Air Place Bel-Air 1 1003 Lausanne 021 320 32 81 Weekdays 8h-19h, Saturday 9h-12h, Sunday 9h-12h (emergencies only). Clinique dentaire de Chauderon Place Chauderon 16 1003 Lausanne 021 341 03 41 Open weekdays from 7h19h; emergencies on weekdays 8h-18h. The receptionist speaks French and some English. Adad Rémi Cohen Ch. de Lucinge 16 1006 Lausanne 021 312 25 50 Speaks French and some English. Good with kids too. Timothy Divorne SVMD-SSO Av. Louis Ruchonnet 2 1003 Lausanne 021 323 32 33 Speaks some English. Pierre Gaumet Rue du Grand Pont 12 1003 Lausanne 021 323 75 64 Trained in the US. Speaks excellent English. Philippe Hediger Av. Georgette 8 1003 Lausanne 021 323 98 15 Speaks French, English, and German. Policlinique dentaire Rue de Bugnon 44 1005 Lausanne 021 314 47 47 Appointments 8h-11h30 and 13h45-17h30. FRANCE Gilbert Rollet 45, rue de Genève 10210 Ferney-Voltaire France 0033/450 40 88 77 Speaks French and English. Valérie Vuong 6, rue de Meyrin 01210 Ferney-Voltaire France 0033/450 28 04 51 Speaks French and English. This is what one person said about this doctor: She’s very gentle when she probes and cleans around the teeth, and she has a TV screen on the ceiling to distract patients. DERMATOLOGISTS GENEVA Anne-Marie Calza 5, Rond-Point de Plainpalais 1205 Genève 022 807 2789 Speaks French and English. Pediatric Dermatologist for children up to age 10 only. Isabelle Philippe 3, Quai du Cheval Blanc 1227 Carouge 022 300 01 30 Toys in the waiting room and in her office to let children play with while you have your consultation. Speaks French and English. Bernadette Schaer 9, blvd. des Philosophes 1205 Genève 022 329 86 00 For children and adults. French-speaking. VAUD Alice Krayenbuhl Rue de la Poste 3 1009 Pully 021 729 77 88 Speaks English. Claudia Ricci Grand-Rue 37 1095 Lutry 021 791 69 14 Speaks French and English. EAR-NOSE-THROAT GENEVA Aude Bettex 7, rue Ferdinand-Hodler 1207 Genève 022 786 88 08 Doctor speaks French and English (current receptionist doesn’t speak English). Claudia Châtelain 11, rue du Conseil-Général 1205 Genève 022 320 33 20 This is what one person said about this doctor: Friendly, fluent American-English. Vincent Hsieh 2, rue Benjamin Franklin 1201 Genève 022 340 40 00 This is what one person said about this doctor: Very gentle and patient with kids. Speaks French, English, Chinese, Spanish, and German. Nicolas Pochon 3, rte. de Loex 1213 Onex 022 879 50 52 Speaks French and English. VAUD Charles Baud 7D, av. Alfred-Cortot 1260 Nyon 022 362 12 10 Speaks French and English. ENDOCRINOLOGISTS Patrick-Olivier Rosselet Bellefontaine 2 1003 Lausanne 021 312 07 01 Speaks French and English. Anne Zanchi Ch. des Croix-Rouges 5 1007 Lausanne 021 312 04 42 Speaks French and English. GENERAL PRACTITIONERS GENEVA Riad Kini 98, rte de Chancy 1213 Onex 022 709 00 17 Speaks French and English. At the moment only takes appointments on Thursday, but this may change. Christer Malmberg 18, ch de Chambésy 1292 Chambésy 022 758 33 33 Speaks French, English, German, and Swedish. Richard Sommer 17, ch. de Saule 1233 Bernex 022 757 37 18 English mother, speaks fluent English and French. This is what one person said about this doctor: I would highly recommended this doctor. Tristan Tosco 112, Rte du Pas de l’Echelle 1255 Veyrier 022 784 27 83 Speaks French and English. © Know-it-all passport ® 19.01.2015 page 4 VAUD Silvi Antonini Rewaz Centre Médical de Vidy Rte de Chavannes 11 1007 Lausanne 021 622 88 50 or 88 Speaks French and some English. Eva Boss (-Kucera) Dr spéc. FMH Av. des Jordils 5 1006 Lausanne 021 617 60 90 Speaks French, English, German, and Czech. Ivano Ceschin Place Dufour 3 1110 Morges 021 801 63 55 Speaks French and Italian. Laurent Christin 15, ch. Monastier 1260 Nyon 022 994 62 26 Speaks French and English. Catherine Extermann Rte d’Oron 1 1010 Lausanne 021 653 25 05 Located in Sallaz area above the CHUV. Her office is not far off the hospital exit, just one past the Blecherette exit. Speaks French, English, and German. Karen Hofmann, MBBS DRCOG MRCGP 12, rte de Burtigny, 1268 Begnins 022 366 86 20 This is what one person said about this doctor: She is thorough and very patient and her first language is English which I find reassuring when dealing with medical matters. The practice in Begnins is lovely and the staff are very friendly and helpful. English trained doctor (St Georges Hospital medical school, London university) and worked as a generalist for 8 years in the UK. Special interest in women’s health (smears) and children. Speaks French and English. Closed on Thursdays. Alain Michaud 7, rue Neuve 1260 Nyon 022 365 67 10 Has toys for kids. Speaks English and German. Sara Taddei Ch. Neuf 2 1028 Préverenges 021 802 30 86 Thomas Thurneysen Ch. du Lacuez 8 1807 Blonay 021 943 77 57 Speaks French and English. Marc Von Rotz 2, ch. des Repingonnes 1297 Founex 022 960 5050 This is what one person said about this doctor: This is my husband’s doctor, who is now practicing in Founex. He also sees children and was excellent with my young son when he was sick. He speaks fluent English, French, and German. François Weber Rue des Deux-Marchés 30 1800 Vevey 021 921 91 11 Speaks French, English, and German. FRANCE Philippe Fargier 4, ch. de la Cure 74140 Messery France 0033/450 94 73 06 Speaks French and some English. Drop-ins welcome weekdays 10h-11h30 and 16h30-18h30. Call for regular appointment. GYNECOLOGISTS GENEVA Eric Antonelli 12, ch. Beau-Soleil 1206 Genève 022 347 6252 Speaks French and English. This is what one person said about this doctor: Speaks English, friendly, patient, understanding, sympathetic, and has a sense of humor. I have complete faith in him taking me through my pregnancy. Jean-Luc Anguenot 11, av. J.-D. Maillard 1217 Meyrin (next to Hôpital de La Tour) 022 719 66 63 Speaks French and English. This is what one person said about this doctor: I can highly recommend my gynecologist. He is very kind and his English is very good :-) He delivered my son a couple of months ago - and both the pregnancy and the delivery - with him as my doctor - was a very good experience. Blaise Bourrit 12, rue Adrien-Lachenal 1207 Genève 022 786 25 86 Speaks English. Specializes in infertility. Aline Bruckner-Bouvier Marilyse Bader 81, rue du Lyon 1201 Genève 022 344 44 70 Both speak French and English. © Know-it-all passport ® 19.01.2015 page 5 Prosper Dubouloz 11, rue d’Italie 1204 Genève 022 311 24 20 Speaks French, English, and German. Patrick Dupont 110, rte. de Chêne 1224 Chêne-Bougeries 022 736 70 11 Speaks English, Italian, and some German. Leila Vollenweider 22, ch. Beau-Soleil 1206 Genève 022 839 33 60 Speaks French and English. Lancelot Voûte 32, ch. du Vieux-Vésenaz 1222 Vésenaz 022 752 57 52 Speaks French, English, German, and some Spanish. VAUD Jean-Luc Huttenmoser 1, rte. de Florissant 1206 Genève 022 347 10 31 Speaks French and English. Martine Fankhauser Av. Louis-Ruchonnet 41 1003 Lausanne 021 311 38 42 Speaks French and English. Pascal Mock 5, rd-pt de Plainpalais 1205 Genève 022 320 20 00 Speaks English. Specializes in infertility. Sylviane Fonjallaz 4bis, rte de St-Cergue 1260 Nyon 022 362 46 23 Speaks French and English. This is what one person said about this doctor: She is very nice. They have always been kind to my young children while I see her and it is never a problem for them to wait in the waiting room. Nancy Newsom Medical Center of Meyrin 24, prom. des Artisans 1217 Meyrin 022 719 74 95 American. Speaks French, English, and some Spanish. Near the La Tour hospital. Heidrun Stadali-Ullrich Centre Medicale des Eaux-Vives 4, rue du Nant 1207 Genève 022 718 03 80 Speaks English, German, basic Italian and Spanish. Pierre-Michel Genolet Av. Général Guisan 44 1009 Pully 021 721 10 10 Speaks French and English. Magdalena Kohlik 19, rue de la Combe 1260 Nyon 022 362 60 00 This is what one person said about this doctor: Fluent English. Reassuring manner and a sense of humour... which often helps with these types of check ups! Pierre Kovaliv Ch. des Retraites 11 1004 Lausanne 021 312 88 21 Speaks French, English, and German. NOTE: Bus number 18 stops just outside. René Lysek Av. Alexandre-Vinet 29 1004 Lausanne 021 646 46 46 Speaks French, English, and German. Jean-Claude Rossinelli Ch. de la Batelière 4 1007 Lausanne 021 616 26 57 Speaks French and English. Dominik Schmid Rue Louis de Savoie 29 1110 Morges 021 803 50 05 Speaks French, English, and German. Norman Schmidt Ch. des Croix-Rouges 2 1007 Lausanne 021 312 73 37 Speaks French, German, English, and Italian. FRIBOURG AREA Louis Burgener Hopital Daler Rte. de Bertigny 34 1700 Fribourg 026 429 99 95 Speaks French, German, and English. INTERNISTS GENEVA France Le Broccard 35, rue de la Prulay 1217 Meyrin 022 782 39 89 Speaks French, English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Caroline Burgan-Colberg 26, rue des Contamines 1206 Genève 022 704 32 23 English mother-tongue. Speaks French and German. Suzanne Clémençon 35, av. du Gros-Chêne 1213 Onex 022 793 55 90 Speaks French and English. This is what one person said about this doctor: Excellent with children and also practices homeopathy. Razvan Donath Homeopathic Doctor 8, rue Barthélemy-Menn 1205 Genève 022 329 33 47 Specialist in internal medicine with a sub-specialization in homeopathy. Speaks French and English. NOTE: The access code for the front door will be given to you when you make the appointment. Nasser Madi 19, av. de Beau-Séjour 1206 Genève 022 830 00 45 This is what one person said about this doctor: Speaks English, actively consults other doctors to whom he has referred you, will follow-up after a visit with a phone call at home. Makes himself completely accessible 24h/7, and has never once refused a same/next day appointment my husband or our friends have requested. You’ll never wait in his waiting room longer than a few minutes. In fact, if you’re like me, you’ll be disappointed that you didn’t get to wait longer - his wife picks out the English language magazines in his waiting room, and I show up extra early just to get some extra time to go through them! You’ll get used to having open lines of communication and corresponding by e-mail on a regular basis. His receptionist is very friendly, and when she realizes that you speak English, she will transfer your call to him. After that initial call, you’ll be able to email him or call directly. VAUD Jean-Pierre Boss Av. des Jordils 5 1006 Lausanne 021 617 60 90 Speaks French, English, German, and Italian. Lydia Markham 7, rue Neuve 1260 Nyon 022 365 67 10 Speaks French and English. This is what one person said about this doctor: She is very professional, result driven, and is native English. André Michel Av. du Tribune Fédéral 2 1005 Lausanne 021 320 92 92 Also practices rheumatology and acupuncture by appointment. Speaks French, German, and English. Jean-Paul Rathgeb 15, rue De-Livron 1217 Meyrin 022 782 73 23 Pediatric Neurologist. Speaks French and English. Kristiana Nesa Rte du Village 10 1807 Blonay 021 943 23 23 Speaks French, English, Russian, and Lithuanian. Sébastien Botteron Anestis Mavropoulos —36, av. du Cardinal-Mermillod 1227 Carouge 022 301 87 81 and —Rue Saint-Jean 12 1260 Nyon 022 362 91 00 Speaks French and English. This is what one person said about this doctor: He’s wonderful because he consults directly with the child/patient - the parents are only present to hear the directions, but the child is making a commitment with the orthodontist to get the task done. NEUROLOGISTS Pierre-Antoine Jauslin 14, rue de Candolle 1205 Genève 022 320 48 48 Speaks English, German, and Spanish. This is what one person said about this doctor: He is a very friendly doctor that explains medical terminology very well. I went to see him in order to get a nerve test done on my hand since I was diagnosed with CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome) after pregnancy. He seems to be very interested in the best treatment for the patient and not the most expensive. Peter Myers 7, ruelle du Couchant 1207 Genève 022 736 37 55 Speaks English and French. © Know-it-all passport ® 19.01.2015 page 6 ORTHODONTISTS Fiona De Kalbermatten Othodontist Yves De Kalbermatten Dentist Place de l’Ancien-Port 1, 1800 Vevey 021 922 82 53 Speak French, English, and German. Sophie Favero Centre d’Aumard 41, av. du Jura 01210 Ferney-Voltaire France 0033/450 40 00 40 Speaks French and English. This is what one person said about this doctor: She’s patient, punctual, very modern, does traditional and modern orthodentistry (Invisalign for example), and parking is easy: the underground parking spaces of the Carrefour supermarket are next door. Werner Fiederer “Les Florentines” 5, av. de Sablonnières 01210 Ferney-Voltaire France 0033/450 42 88 44 Speaks French, English, and German. Vilma Lazarevski 26, rte. de Sauverny 1290 Versoix 022 755 69 88 Speaks French and English. Francis Pribula Orthodontist 40D, rte de Malagnou 1208 Genève 022 738 20 80 Speaks French and English. ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY VAUD Philippe Zangger Orthopedic surgeon Av. des Bergieres 2 1004 Lausanne 021 683 12 13 This is what one person said about this doctor: He speaks perfect English and has a great bedside manner. OPHTHALMOLOGISTS GENEVA Florence Leuba Fink MédiCentre de Balexert 27, av. Louis-Casaï 1209 Genève 022 748 49 70 Speaks French and English. This is what one person said about this doctor: She is very good with children and adults, and even has a booster seat. The center is conveniently located in Balexert next to the Florist and there is a Visilab in the center too. Optique Duvillard Centre d’Optométrie 34, av. de Frontenex, 1st floor 1207 Genève 022 735 92 75 Speaks French, English, and Italian. This is what one person said about this doctor: Dr Duvillard is experienced, attentive, engaging and comforting. He specializes in children’s vision issues, and also can take care of general adult issues like contact lenses, multi-focal needs, and so on. It’s a one stop shop because you know you’re seeing a doctor, not a technician. And he has contact lenses and various eyeglass frames right there. Good for driver’s licence test. Sylvain Roy Occulist 2, quai du Cheval-Blanc 1227 Carouge 022 343 12 25 Speaks French, German, Swiss-German, and English. Joel Salzmann MD FRCOphth Opthalmologist 12, ch. Beau Soleil 1206 Champel/Genève 022 343 15 48 Speaks French, English, and Italian. Friendly Anglo-Swiss ophthalmologist, ophthalmic surgeon. UK-trained including 3 years at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London; Consultant at Geneva University Hospital; in private practice since March 2010. Specialist in retinal diseases, cataract and retinal surgery; extensive experience in general ophthalmology. Open weekdays 8h30-12h, 13h-17h30. Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (UK) 1995; Fellow in medical retina and inflammatory eye diseases, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London 2000; Fellow in vitreoretinal surgery, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne 2001; Postgraduate Diploma in cataract and refractive surgery, University of Ulster, 2009; Consultant ophthalmic surgeon, Geneva University Hospitals 2002-2009. Alessandra Sansonetti Opthalmologist 2, quai du Cheval-Blanc 1227 Carouge 022 301 88 01 Speaks French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Has a play area for children. Eva Sendersky 1, rue Emile-Yung 1205 Genève 022 346 26 78 Speaks French and English. VAUD Donata Beati Rue Delafléchère 4 1260 Nyon 022 990 18 50 Auguste Chiou Ophtalmologist Av. de Montbenon 2 1003 Lausanne 021 351 29 00 Speaks French and English. LSU Eye Center USA. American-trained. PEDIATRICIANS GENEVA Consultation Center for Pediatric Emergency at the Clinique des Grangettes 022 305 05 55 Open to all patients including those with only basic insurance, it will provide consultations for both emergency medicine and pediatric surgery. Open 10h-22h, 7 days a week, without the need to make an appointment beforehand. Group of Pediatricians at 55, ch. Moïse-Duboule 1209 Genève — Denis Aladjem 022 791 76 11 — Virginie Desmangles 022 791 76 13 Speaks French, English, some German. — Christophe Hegi 022 791 76 12 Speaks French, Spanish, and English. — Claire Leresche 022 791 76 14 Speaks French and English. — Pierre Wacker 022 791 76 15 Speaks French and English. Samuel Amselem 29, av. Petit-Lancy 1213 Petit-Lancy 022 879 57 01 Speaks French, Spanish, and English. © Know-it-all passport ® 19.01.2015 page 7 Jean-François Babel Groupe Médico-Chirurgical des Trois-Chêne 97, rue de Genève 1226 Thonex 022 349 64 13 Speaks French and English. Receives patients Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday and Friday all day. Dr. Dounia Cruzado 64, rte. de Florissant 1206 Genève 022 347 05 62 Speaks French, English, and Spanish. Stéphane Guinand 1, rue Emile-Yung 1205 Genève 022 346 25 53 Pneumonia specialist. Speaks French and English. You must be referred by your pediatrician. If not pneunomia-related, he will take regular patients living in this area without referral. Daniel Halpérin 1, rue Emil-Yung 1205 Genève 022 346 61 61 Speaks French and English. Yaelle Hamdan 1, rue Pedro-Meylan 1208 Genève 022 735 07 35 Speaks French and English. Pierre Klauser 92, rte. de Frontenex 1208 Genève 022 786 35 21 Speaks French, English, and German. Vincent Liberek 97, rue de Genève 1226 Thônex 022 869 18 66 Speaks French and English. Corinne De Moerloose 9, rue John-Grasset 1205 Genève 022 320 64 00 Speaks French, English, and Spanish. Antoinette Mossaz-Mozer 9, rue John-Grasset 1205 Genève 022 320 61 21 Speaks French and English. Filippo Motta 68, rte. du Vélodrome 1228 Plan-les-Ouates, 022 880 44 44 Speaks French, English, and Italian This is what one person said about this doctor: Always smiling and fun with children. Vivianne Niksic-Stuber Valérie Paris 30, rte. d’Aïre-la-Ville 1233 Bernex 022 757 46 00 Both speak French and English. Alexandra Kathryn Reverdin Hôpital de la Tour 3, av. J-D Maillard 1217 Meyrin 022 719 75 50 Speaks French and English. Mario Schuhmacher Groupe médical des Avanchets 15, rue du Grand-Bay 1220 Les Avanchets 022 979 09 10 Speaks French, English, German, Italian, and Dutch. Josiane Racine Stamm 6, rte. de Sauverny 1290 Versoix 022 755 49 10 Speaks French and English. This is what one person said about this doctor: We think she’s great, has plenty of toys in office and waiting room, and, as an extra bonus, her receptionist/secretary also speaks English. Véronique Vandenberghe 64, rte. de Florissant 1206 Genève 022 347 18 02 Speaks French, English, and German. Véronique Vlékova 12, Cité Vieusseux 1203 Genève 022 340 12 40 Speaks French and English. Maya von Planta 20, rue du Mont-Blanc 1201 Genève 022 715 02 60 Speaks French, English, German, and Spanish. This is what one person said about this doctor: She has a very gentle, kind, respectful manner with children, tells them what she is going to do, allows them to play with a toy or look at a book in her office as appropriate. Marie-Line Zimmermann 6, rte. de Sauverny 1290 Versoix 022 755 49 10 Speaks French and English. VAUD Nada Chamaa-Salame Av. de Beaulieu 33 1004 Lausanne 021 643 75 25 Speaks French and English. Jean-Marie Choffat Ch. de Joulens 10 1110 Morges 021 801 89 93 Speaks French and English. Rohina Darmal Av. de Cour 36 1007 Lausanne 021 601 60 46 021 601 31 04 Speaks French and English. Christophe Gapany Chirurgien pédiatrique FMH Rue Langallerie 11 1003 Lausanne 021 312 7963 Pediatric surgeon. Speaks French, English, Spanish, and German. Lahcène Regagba Ch, du Joran 8B 1260 Nyon 022 362 32 11 Speaks French, English, and Arabic. Receptionist does not speak anything but French but will transfer you to doctor. Cosima Givry Av. Alfred Cortot 7D 1260 Nyon 022 361 51 25 Speaks French, English, and Italian. Marie-Thérèse Rossier Sentier de l’Arzillier 2 1066 Epalinges 021 653 07 53 Speaks French and English. This is what one person said about this doctor: Very gentle and communicative. Yvon Heller 34, La Levratte 1260 Nyon 022 361 43 00 Speaks French and English. Esther Thurneysen Ch. du Lacuez 8A 1807 Blonay 021 943 77 57 Speaks French and English. Catherine Libanska-Wehrle 49B, ch. d’Eysins 1260 Nyon 022 362 05 04 Speaks French and English. FRIBOURG Sylvia Mottet Ch. des Roches 9 1009 Pully 021 728 79 48 021 728 81 62 Speaks French, English, and German. Dominique Girardet Av. de la Gare 5 1630 Bulle 026 912 33 15 Speaks French, German, Italian, and English. PLASTIC AND AESTHETIC SURGEONS Balwi Elias Plastic and aesthetic surgeon — 112, rte de Florissant 1206 Genève 022 347 26 10 —Clinique de Genolier 1272 Genolier (VD) 022 366 91 90 Speaks French, English, and Arabic. This is what one person said about this doctor: Works like an artist. Xavier Tenorio 18, ch. Rieu 1208 Genève 022 732 22 23 Speaks French, English, Spanish, and some Italian. This is what one person said about this doctor: I have just had a very positive experience with a cosmetic surgeon in Geneva and would like to recommend this doctor for his skill, professionalism and value. PULMONOLOGISTS Philippe Kehrer 21, rue de Chantepoulet 1201 Genève 022 738 30 20 Speaks French, English, and German. This is what one person said about this doctor: specializes in sleep disorders as well as asthma and other lung disorders. He is very sympathetic. The treatment has transformed me. SPECIALISTS FOR PNEUMONIA Stéphane Guinand 1, rue Emile-Yung 1205 Genève 022 346 25 53 Pneumonia and pediatrician specialist. Speaks French and English. You must be referred by your pediatrician to make an appointment. SPORTS MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION Marc Kaplun Pediatric sports medicine 1, av. Calas 1206 Genève 022 788 11 11 Speaks French and English. La Tour Sport 3, av. Maillard 1217 Meyrin 022 719 65 65 — Laurent Koglin — Alexandre Lädermann — Finn Mahler — Per Bo Mahler — Souheil Sayegh Speak French and English. © Know-it-all passport ® 19.01.2015 page 8 Tom Jacques Etienne 23b, ch. de Grange-Canal 1208 Genève 022 840 07 40 Surgeon. Speaks French and English. Jean-Marc Heinicke Specialiste FMH Chirurgie viscerale, générale et de traumatologie 95B, rte de Suisse 1290 Versoix 022 950 99 00 Speaks French, English, German, and Italian. This is what one person said about this doctor: My 4 year old daughter broke her arm. He made a very stressful time much easier for me, dealt with my daughter in such a nice manner and made sure that she healed fully. Jean-François Bolle 56, av. Wendt 1203 Genève 022 733 83 40 Speaks French and English. One-month wait for appointment. “ Nicholas Reverdin 23, Beau Sejour 1206 Genève 022 346 98 22 Speaks French and English. This is what one person said about this doctor: This is a very competent doctor. I purchased Know-it-all passport last summer before we came out for an adults-only vacation to see if we could live here while my husband completed a graduate program. The book was amazing to us then and now that our family is here, it’s become my bible! I’m so tickled with its comprehensiveness and refer to both functionally as well as aesthetically appealing. We’ve already ‘earned’ back the price of the book just in using some of the tips for purchases and transportaDEB tion. Great value, all the way-around. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” A friend from Lausanne recommended this book to us ... and we Switzerland. Charles-Henry Rochat 12, ch. de Beau-Soleil 1206 Genève 022 347 47 15 Speaks French and English. AUDREY What a great ‘bible’ for those Anglophones in the region. I haven’t seen this much collected information in one place in such detail before. It provides a valuable resource for professional PAUL and personal use. I honestly can’t imagine what life would have been like here for the last few months since we moved to Geneva without your book. My husband and I made many purchases before this move, and your book was probably the most valuable one to make our transition go well. TAMARA Thank you! VAUD Alain Mottaz Ch. de Pré-Fleuri 6 1006 Lausanne 021 614 60 70 Speaks French, English, German, and Italian. We read a couple of other books about Switzerland before coming here at the end of March. We did not get this one until after we were here for about a lot easier for us and the children. We will certainly recommend it to other new ANDRE arrivals. Remember: all these doctors have been recommended by people like you. Osteopaths, physiotherapists, and other mental and physical healthcare providers are listed in the printed edition of Knowit-all passport®. For a complete listing, please consult a phone directory. © Know-it-all passport ® 19.01.2015 page 9 I am very impressed and have immediately ordered a second copy for a friend. I thought I knew the Leman area but this book has opened my eyes to a wealth of ANNE information! THE Bible of Geneva. Probably the best and most complete Geneva and area information for families. It contains absolutely everything on every subject one needs to know. A reference ‘par excellence’. There are many information booklets on the market but Know-it-all passport pushes the bar very high. BERNARD ” KNO W We don’t have to promote our book... our clients do it for us! GENEVA -ALL PAS -IT Since 1999 Make sure to pick up your copy of Know-it-all passport as well! A new edition is released every 2 years. We also have a book dedicated to schools in Switzerland that provide education in English: Education Guide Switzerland. Check out Christian Droz 4, ch. Beau Soleil 1206 Genève 022 702 07 30 Hand surgeon. Speaks French and English. This is what one person said about this doctor: He is a good hand doctor. I had surgery with him and he was very efficient and likes to follow up after surgery for recuperation. UROLOGISTS O RT SP SURGEONS