August 2015
August 2015
Chronicle Published by the King Farm Citizens Assembly Volume 15, Issue 8 What’s News In the Name of Peace City leaders and special guests gather for peace and a birthday, story on page 10. Expansion on the Horizon Ingleside at King Farm plans to expand their facility, learn more on page 16. Back to School Time School bells will be ringing in a few weeks, be sure to turn to page 7 to get all the important details. Hula Shaking Fun By Andrea Escher T here was quite a bit of concern when the City of Rockville made the announcement that their annual Independence Day celebration, including fireworks display, was being moved to the Mattie J.T. Stepanek Park in King Farm. The King Farm Board of Trustees held multiple meetings with City staff months before the July 4 event to prepare and plan to ensure the event would not create issues within the community. Notices were sent to residents via e-mail, open meetings where held at Board meetings to hear and address resident concerns, parking passes were issued, and everyone sat back and waited to see if the event would go off with a “boom” or end in a “bust.” City crews arrived at the Park during the early morning hours of Saturday, July 4. By noon parking barricades were erected in Phases II and III of the community and road closures went into effect. By 7:30 p.m. King Farm residents were spotted walking in large groups with their blankets and chairs to the Park site, looking to grab the perfect viewing spot. Shortly after 9:00 p.m. the fireworks began. After the event was over the high praises began rolling in! King Farm residents not only enjoyed the fireworks this summer, they can’t wait for it to return next year. The King Farm Board of Trustees solicited feedback from residents on their thoughts on the event and King Farm General Manager Jennifer Gilmore says the response was overwhelmingly positive. Many King Farm residents commented that while the fireworks display was just overall fantastic, it was the convenience of being able to walk a few blocks with their friends and family to enjoy the event. One resident even posted online, “Welcome Rockville fireworks to your new home in King Farm!” It has been suggested that just over 5,000 people attended the Independence Day Celebration, but official numbers have not yet been released. City staff held an after-action meeting in late July with the King Farm Board and General Manager to discuss what worked and didn’t work this year, and what changes will be implemented if the fireworks return to King Farm in July 2016. Photo Courtesy: Tom Robinson Developer Proposes Townhouse Community Adjacent to King Farm By Andrea Escher An aerial view of the proposed site of the townhouse development. H Swim Season Ends for King Farm Screamin Geese Swim Team Return Address: 300 Saddle Ridge Circle • Rockville, MD 20850 August 2015 City Fireworks Celebration Goes Off with a Bang In King Farm PRSRT-STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Gaithersburg, MD Permit #2666 Be sure to turn to page 8 to see photos of all the summer Hawaiian Luau in the Farm. By Andrea Escher A fter weeks of daily swim practice, Wednesday and Saturday swim meets, Friday evening special events and an end of season banquet, the Screamin Geese Swim Team concluded their 2015 swim season last month. The Geese did not have quite the winning season they were hoping for, as they fell 0-5 in their weekly meets, but the Team will continue to practice and gear up to dominate the pool next Summer. The Geese will be swimming in Division F next year, against the tough competition of Franklin Knolls, Mohican, Damascus, Stonebridge and Rock Creek swim teams. The Team would like to thank this year’s sponsors, all the families and children who participated as well as the many volunteers and neighbors who continue to come together to make the team a fun and enjoyable experience for the children in King Farm. Good luck next year, Geese! ome builder and developer Michael Harris Homes is looking to expand the housing market by developing a townhouse community adjacent to King Farm. The site, currently known as the Rockville Corporate Center, sits at the corner of Rockville Pike and Gude Drive and is occupied by two large office buildings leased by Montgomery County Public Schools. According to the owner of the proposed site, Dan Cain of the Matan Companies, the current plan calls for the construction of two additional office buildings and a parking garage. Unfortunately according to Cain, the commercial office building market is not proving to be profitable for Montgomery County at this time. Matan was approached by Howard Katz of Michael Townhouse community Continues on page 7... 2 King Farm Chronicle August 2015 See additional photos and amazing HD Video walk-through at: w ww.K i n gFar m . t v 405 Deer Meadow Ln. King Farm - SOLD $755,000 ! Sold 305 Redland Blvd. #102 King Farm - SOLD $445,000 ! t trac ! Sold ve Acti ! Sold Rockville Rockville Rockville ve ve Acti Silver Spring Rockville Sold ! ! Rockville ! Sold Germantwon Rockville Sold Sold Silver Spring Sold Rockville ! Sold Con Rockville 315 Ridgemont Ave - King Farm King Farm - $560,000 ! Sold ! Sold Derwood ! e v Acti ! Sold ! Sold Acti Montgomery Village Rockville Urbana Ca l l Dav i d Power s for a n o - o bl i g a t i o n ma rket eva l u a ti o n of you r h om e. See listings for MD, DC, and VA at DAVID POWERS Cell: 301.466.3223 Office: 301.424.0900 x128 August 2015 King Farm King Farm Chronicle Calendar of Events for August & september August 4 King Farm National Night Out Block Party & Concert on the Lawn, 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. August 10 King Farm Board of Code Compliance Meeting, 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. August 11 King Farm V Condominium (1001 Gaither Road, 722 Garden View Way, 301 King Farm Blvd, 201 Poplar Spring Road and 200 Ridgemont Ave), 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. August 12 King Farm Architectural Design Trust, 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. August 13 Bailey’s Commons Condominium I, 7:30 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. August 18 Baileys Commons Condominium II (401, 403, 411 and 413 King Farm Boulevard), 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. advertisements for the September King Farm Chronicle. Contact Andrea Escher at August 28 King Farm Summer Concert on the Lawn featuring “The Digits,” 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. August 31 External Affairs Meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. September 5 King Farm Summer Concert on the Lawn featuring “Lloyd Dobler Effect,” 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. September 7 End of Summer Pool Party, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. September 8 City Master Plan Meeting to Discuss Future of King Farm, 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle September 9 King Farm Architectural Design Trust, 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. August 22 Back to School Pool Party, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge pool, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. September 10 Bailey’s Commons Condominium I, 7:30 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. August 25 Deadline for submissions of articles and S 3 ’s o far this has been an interesting year for King Farm and the City of Rockville. We have faced changes in the Adequate Public Facility Standards for school m capacity, the Mayor and Council vote on Far nt g n Animal Control changes and the Fourth of Ki ide an, Pres m July. While we have had differing views of r y l b She the APFS changes, they went into place and ail Assem G By izens we will have to deal with the capacity issues as Cit they arise. The Animal Control Ordinance covers more than just chickens, which thus far, we have not found in King Farm, as most of the property lines are not large enough to accommodate coops. This Ordinance covers other topics such as tethering of animals, and licensing of cats and ferrets. We can certainly provide additional information on these specifics to those interested. We weathered the 4th of July at the Mattie Park, and all in all (based on residents’ feedback) this was a successful event. We have been collecting comments from King Farmers and are sharing them with City staff so that we can make this event even better if the Park site is chosen in the future. King Farm General Manager Jennifer Gilmore and I meet regularly with the City Manager of Rockville and City staff on issues that impact the maintenance and integrity of our community. This has helped move things along with the City. Over the next few years we will be dealing with development on our community borders which may increase traffic and create yet more issues for residents, especially pedestrians. We as a community, need to stay on top of potential problems to keep our residents in a safe environment. Other transportation issues still on the table are the Corridor Cities Transitway (CCT) and the County Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). The City is currently working on its Master Plan for 2040. King Farm is a neighborhood planning area, which really has no Master Plan, as our plan was a concept plan in 2002 when the last Master Plan was approved. The City is conducting a series of listening sessions in the neighborhoods. King Farm’s meeting on this issue will be held on September 8 at 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center. Residents are encouraged to put this on their calendars and come with ideas. All of this gets me to a big and major point… the City of Rockville elections are coming up in the Fall, November to be exact. We don’t know yet who is running or what candidate positions are on issues that may be of interest to King Farm residents. We have requested a Candidate Forum to be held in King Farm in October, so start thinking of questions you would like to ask the candidates. The term of office is four years, so if we don’t vote, we have to live with the decisions of the Mayor and Council, right or wrong for King Farm, for that period of time. If you are not registered to vote, you can obtain registration information from the Rockville City website – - register and vote. Rockville will host early voting the last weekend in October at City Hall. There is also the opportunity to do same day registration and voting at City Hall. You will be able to vote in King Farm at the Saddle Ridge Community Center on Election Day. It is often said that if King Farm voted, we could run the City – wouldn’t that be nice? I will try to keep this column going with future updates in The Chronicle on issues of interest to our residents. Enjoy the rest of the summer and get ready for fall activities in “the Farm.” r esident r ne P or C 4 King Farm Chronicle ’s r ge r, ne ore Mana r ilm G Co nifer nager Jen Ma By eral n Ge Summer is Almost Over August is already here, how the summer has gone by so quickly, Labor Day is approaching, and there are only a few weeks left to enjoy the Assembly’s two pools. After Monday, September 7, both Saddle Ridge and Baileys Commons pools will close during the week, but will reopen for the weekends of September 12 and 19. The last day the pools will be open is Sunday, September 20. We hope everyone has enjoyed using the pools during the summer, and we would also like to thank everyone repainting your house the same color, lawn edging, accent lights and synthetic porch railing replacements that conform to the guidelines found in the design guide at are some examples of things that do not need approval by the Architectural Design Trust. Also, if you’ve done work in the past and didn’t get approval, you’ll need to obtain retroactive approval, so make sure you fill out that application! If you have questions about the process or want to find out if your installation needs approval, feel free to contact the Community Manager’s office by phone, email, or in person; remember, we’re here to help you out. August 2015 ley lights once a month. Please remember to keep a check than your light goes on at dusk and off at dawn. Doggie Stations As everyone knows it is a law to clean up after your pet but some still do not practice this rule. There are several Doggie Stations around the community that have bags and a place to dispose of the bags, once you have cleaned up after your pet, to help keep the community pet waste free. Please utilize these dog pots and help keep King Farm a clean environment for all. Reminders: Trash and Recycle Containers Remember to put your trash and recycle containers inside your home or garage on non-collection days. Safety Children who are riding bikes or rollerblading also need to be cautious; parents, Trees We would also want to remind everyone that trees that are on your property are your If you have any home improvement projects you’re thinking about doing this fall, remember that you’ll need to submit a design review application if you’re going to be doing any work that changes the outside appearance of your property, with a few exceptions. for submitting comments and concerns regarding the pools. Your comments are very much appreciated! Helpful Design Guide Information If you have any home improvement projects you’re thinking about doing this fall, remember that you’ll need to submit a design review application if you’re going to be doing any work that changes the outside appearance of your property, with a few exceptions. Small flower installations, remind your kids to slow down at intersections and blind corners and follow the old rule of “look both ways before you cross the street.” Simple safety measures like this will help keep everyone’s recreational activities danger-free. Alley Lights Remember to check your alley light on a periodical basis to make sure the bulb has not burned out or to make sure it is still working. Inspections are done on the al- responsibility. As the tree gets older it needs some pruning especially if the branches are hanging over the sidewalk. Resident’s love to take walks throughout the community so please make sure you keep an eye on your trees and prune them as necessary so that people walking don’t need to duck down to walk on the sidewalk. Should you have any questions regarding the inspection process, please contact us at 301-987-0122 or via e-mail at King Farm Citizens Assembly Board Meeting Summary July 15, 2015 The King Farm Citizens Assembly Board of Trustees met on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. The following items/issues were discussed in detail: The Board approved (4-0) the minutes from the June 17, 2015 Trustees meeting. The Board heard concerns from members of the King Farm Condominium Association on Piccard Drive concerning the proposed development plan for the expansion of the Ingleside Retirement community on King Farm Blvd. Mr. Howard Katz of Michael Harris Homes and Dan Cain of MATAN presented a new proposed townhouse development plan for the Rockville Corporate Center bordering King Farm. The General Manager advised that she had solicited feedback from residents concerning the City’s Independence Day Celebration/Fireworks program. There was an overwhelming positive response from the community in favor of the event. She will be forwarding the responses on to the City and will be meeting with the event coordinators for an after-action meeting in the near future. The General Manager advised she is currently working on the 2016 Budget and will host a meeting in late July with the Budget & Finance Committee to review and discuss. The next Board of Trustees meeting will be held on September 16, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Chronicle King Farm Citizens Assembly President Gail Sherman Board of Trustees Tom Curtis Paul Stankus Bruce Cox Mel Willis Stan Schwartzbart General Manager Jennifer Gilmore 301-987-0122 x4 Assistant General Manager Jackie Villegas 301-987-0122 x2 King Farm Chronicle Staff Editor & Advertising Manager Andrea Escher 301-519-1678 Staff WriterGraphic Design Kate Myers Cristina Strigel Staff Photographer Kathy McKee The King Farm Chronicle© is the monthly means of communicating information of interest to King Farm residents. The paper is published by the King Farm Citizens Assembly, Inc., which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The newspaper addresses items of legitimate interest to the citizens of King Farm. It does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service. Articles and letters may be edited for length and content. The opinions contained in published letters are not intended to express the opinions of this newspaper. Letters will be published, or not, in the discretion of this newspaper. Writers should include their names, addresses, and telephone numbers, and may include email addresses as well. This newspaper reserves the right not to print letters, or parts of letters, which, in its sole judgment it deems to be inappropriate for publication. Articles relating to either health or finance issues reflect only the views and opinions of the authors and are for informational purposes only. These articles should not be construed as offering medical or financial advice. Neither, the King Farm Chronicle, nor the King Farm Citizens Assembly, Inc. endorse the products or services advertised therein, nor are they responsible for any claims made by the advertisers. The deadline for submissions for the next edition of the King Farm Chronicle is August 24, 2015. August 2015 King Farm Chronicle 5 6 Activities and Events King Farm Chronicle By Andrea Escher Back to School Pool Party Summer is winding down and we are going to send summer off with a special “Back to School” Pool Party on Saturday, August 22, 2015 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge pool. The inflatable “Treasure Island Obstacle Course” will be floating in the pool as well as music and fun games. We hope to see you there. August 2015 2015 King Farm Calendar of Events August 2015 National Night Out 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m..........................Tuesday, August 4 Back to School Pool Party 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m...................... Saturday, August 22 King Farm Concert on the Lawn 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. .......................Friday, August 28 Friday Night Summer Concert Featuring “The Digits” Their June summer concert was rained out but we found a new date for them to “rock” King Farm. Come join your neighbors for a special FRIDAY night concert on the lawn, Friday, August 28, 2015 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. “The Digits” is a local Rockville favorite band and we hope you will pack your dinner, beverages and bring your blankets and chairs for a fun Friday of music. Concert on the Lawn Movie Night on the Lawn Summer Concert Series Finale Featuring “Lloyd Dobler Effect” It’s time to close out the summer of concerts in King Farm and we’ve welcome a new band to the Saddle Ridge Stage, the DMV’s popular band Lloyd Dobler Effect. Join us on Saturday, September 5, 2015 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. We hope you will pack your dinner, beverages and bring your blankets and chairs for the final concert of the season. Fall Festival 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m...............Sunday, October 4/18 Oktoberfest Happy Hour 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. ............. Saturday, October 17 Halloween Magic Show & Parade 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.................. Saturday, October 31 September 2015 6:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m......................Saturday, September 5 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. ......... Saturday, September 19 October 2015 End of Summer Pool Party Let’s celebrate the end of summer with our final pool party of the pool season in King Farm with a surprise “pop up pool party” on Monday, September 7 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Bailey’s Commons pool. We will have music, games for the kids and lots of fun! November 2015 Vendors Needed for the Fall Festival! We have received a number of vendors who have already signed up to participate in the Business Fair portion of the 9th annual King Farm Fall Festival. The Festival will be held on Sunday, October 4, 2015 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and will feature a pumpkin patch, horse-drawn hayrides, face painters, food vendors, games and activities for the kids and more! A special part of the Fall Festival is the Business Fair. If you are an area professional or know of local businesses in the area, who would like to host a booth at the Fall Festival, please have them contact Activities Director Andrea Escher at activities@ for more information. Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Children’s Holiday Party Happy Hour 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m........... Saturday, November 14 December 2015 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m......................Friday, December 4 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m..........Saturday, December 12 Pool Hours Extended into September By Andrea Escher T here are only a few nice weekends left before the onset of fall! Soon it will be falling leaves, chilly weather, long pants and coats. The King Farm Pool Committee and King Farm Citizens Assembly Board of Trustees would like you to enjoy the remainder of summer and the pools for a few extra weeks in September. After Monday, September 7, both the Saddle Ridge and Baileys Commons pools will close during the week, but will reopen for the weekends of September 12 and 13 and September 19 and 20. The last day the pools will be open is Sunday, September 20. A special thank you to all the residents and the RSV Pool Lifeguard staff for a great pool season! August 2015 King Farm Chronicle 7 2014/2015 Montgomery County Public Schools Calendar Monday, August 31......................... First day of school for students Monday, September 7.....................................................No School Monday, September 14....................................................No School Wednesday, September 23..............................................No School By Andrea Escher C an you believe King Farm children will head back to school later this month? That’s right, school is back in session starting Monday, August 31. Montgomery County Public Schools as well as other local private schools remind parents the much needed school supplies for the coming year have been posted on your child’s school website. If you have any questions regarding busing, school supplies, etc. please contact your child’s school directly. The King Farm Chronicle will continue the annual tradition of featuring your back to school photos in the September edition. So be sure to send us your back to school photos to by September 2. We wish everyone a safe and successful back to school year! Townhouse community Continued from page 1... Harris Homes with the concept of turning the parcel into a townhouse community. “We feel a townhouse community would be a great compliment for the area,” said Katz. “We know there is a demand for more housing and we feel this would be a desirable location.” Cain said they have not yet approached or presented the City of Rockville with their development plans but anticipate submitting formal plans in the Fall. “We know in the past there was an issue with the buffer of trees between this property and the King Farm community, and a former developer who wanted to build on the property. We are sensitive to this issue and wanted to take the time to come and meet with the community and explain our plans to assure residents we are not trying to destroy trees or the sightline for neighbors in King Farm.” Cain said in order to ensure residents are not concerned with the tree issue they have tailored their designs plans to maintain at least 3.3 acres of tree preservation between the communities. “We would even like to consider dedicating the buffer area to the City as designated parkland.” Design plans are expected to showcase a community with approximately 130 townhouses with front-loading and rear-loading garages. Approximately fourteen of the townhouses will be a part of the Moderately Price Dwelling Unit program with the City of Rockville. Katz estimated the market value of the townhouses would range from the mid $600,’s to the mid $700’s. The aesthetics and feel of the community will be blended with the existing exterior color scheme of the office complex. There will not be any cut-through traffic through King Farm as the two communities would not connect. The residential entrance to the community would be situated on Rockville Pike/Route 355. Cain noted that a traffic analysis and noise study will be completed in the coming weeks. If approved, the community would be at least a three year project from final completion. Friday, October 2............................................... Half Day of School Friday, October 16...........................................................No School Monday, November 2......................................................No School Wednesday, November 11 .................................. Early release days, K–8 parent conferences December 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31 ............................... Winter Break No School Friday, January 1, 2016............................................... Winter Break No School Monday, January 18.........................................................No School Monday, January 25........................................................No School Monday, February 15......................................................No School Friday, February 26............................................ Half Day of School Thursday, March 24.........................................................No School Thursday November 12....................................... Early release days, March 25, 28, 29, 30, 31 & April 1............................ Spring Break No School K–8 parent conferences Tuesday, April 26.............................................................No School Wednesday, November 25................................ Half Day of School Monday, May 30..............................................................No School Thurs, Nov 26 and Fri Nov27...................... Thanksgiving Holiday No School Friday, June 17.................................. Half Day of School (Last Day) 8 King Farm Chronicle August 2015 King Farmers Celebrate Summer Hawaiian Luau Style By Andrea Escher E ach summer the crowd who attends the King Farm Hawaiian Luau on the lawn just keeps getting bigger and bigger, and this year was no exception. Hundreds of neighbors arrived dressed in their Hawaiian best on Saturday, July 11 in celebration of the community’s biggest summer event. Neighbors of all ages were treated to an authentic Hawaiian luau performance by a new group, Tino’s Hawaiian Shows. The show included special performances by the hula dances with amazing costume changes and an entertaining fire dance. The kids and even the dads couldn’t resist going up on stage to shake a little hula for the crowd. We received lots of feedback on this summer’s event and plan to make some changes for next year’s Luau. We hope to bring back the regular performer’s from year’s past (Tuika and his family) and realize that as this event grows larger and larger each year it becomes more difficult to see the performers. Plans are in the works to erect staging next summer so that everyone on the lawn will be able to sit and enjoy the show without any obstructions. Photos Courtesy: Kathy McKee August 2015 King Farm Chronicle 9 Rain Reschedules King Farm 4th of July Parade & Carnival I t was a less than ideal morning for the celebration of the 4th of July as a rainstorm swept through the area on Satur- day, July 4. But thanks to our fabulous vendors, the annual parade and carnival was quickly rescheduled for Sunday, July 5. The rescheduled event was welcomed by sunny skies and warm temperatures which provided a great afternoon for the parade and carnival on the lawn. Neighbors met at King Farm Park where our friends from Rockville Volunteer Fire Station and Travilah Fire Station 32 arrived with two fire trucks to safely lead the parade. Adults and kids rode their bikes, trikes, strollers and roller blades down the parade route waving to the many neighbors who enjoyed all the action from their front porches. The Saddle Ridge Community Center lawn and rear parking lot was transformed into a carnival with a giant obstacle courses, moonbounces, mechanical rides, face painting and more. Residents also participated in the “Screamin Geese” swim team BBQ fundraiser, where swim team dads grilled up an old fashioned BBQ of hot dogs and hamburgers. A special thanks to all the swim team parent volunteers who served food on such short notice with the rescheduled rain date. A special thank you to all who came out to enjoy the event and for your continued support for helping keep community spirit alive and well in King Farm. Photos Courtesy: Kathy McKee of Story Images By Andrea Escher 10 King Farm Chronicle August 2015 A Celebration of Peace, A Birthday and Fireworks By Andrea Escher O Photos Courtesy: Tom Robinson and Maureen Freeman n June 22, the City of Rockville Council declared July 17, the 25th birthday of Mattie J.T. Stepanek, a day of peace for local citizens. The City was the first community to publicly support the petition sponsored by Maryland Senators and Mattie’s Foundation asking U.S. President Barack Obama to declare July 17 a nationally recognized Peace Day for citizens of the entire country. But before the official “day of peace,” the Mattie J.T. Stepanek Foundation hosted a Peace Gathering to celebrate Mattie’s birthday and peace day. Open to everyone of all ages, the event was held at the Mattie Park in the Peace Garden on Saturday, July 4, to coincide with the City’s Independence Day celebration and fireworks. The Peace Gathering included “Play after the storm” peace games, featured artist Jan Deiden on the wooden flutes, the Huneven Music Studio violins, Jacob Jones on the bells, Barry McConatha and Laura Bauer on guitar and vocals and more. Special guests Mayor Bridget Newton of Rockville, and members from the Rockville City Council spoke a few words, as well as Kathleen Matthews. Jenni Stepanek, Mattie’s mother, provided final words of reflection, hope and the importance of continuing to spread the message of peace. The evening concluded with cake, conversation and fireworks! August 2015 Meet Your Neighbors By Kate Myers King Farm Resident Finds the Perfect Fit King Farm resident and personal stylist Tracy Smith W hen most people hear the words “custom clothing” they see dollar signs, and lots of them. Not so, insists Tracy Smith, a personal stylist for men’s custom clothier J.Hilburn. Smith says she can fit men for a custom dress shirt for as little as $99 and a full suit for less than $1,000. The secret? J.Hilburn cuts out the middleman to buy material directly from the manufacturer and then passes on those savings to the consumer. Founded in 2007 by two former Wall Street workers, the company boasts a network of thousands of independent stylists nationwide who meet with clients in person. Last year’s revenues totaled $53 million. A King Farm resident, Smith joined J.Hilburn this past spring after admiring the shirt a friend’s husband was wearing. “He told me he purchased it through J.Hilburn. I got interested in the company and thought to myself, ‘I can do this.’ I spent hours in my mom’s sewing room growing up, and I’ve always loved fashion and textiles, so it’s the ideal creative outlet for me,” says Smith, who has about half a dozen J.Hilburn clients right here in the community. For new clients, Smith offers a free consultation and personal styling session to gauge their clothing needs and personal style. She then takes detailed measurements and helps clients sort through the dizzying array of custom options, including fabric type (many from premier Italian mills), pattern, pocket and collar type and thread color. There’s even an option for a larger cuff size to accommodate a watch. “If you buy a shirt off the rack, oftentimes it will fit great in one area but be too loose or tight in another. We make sure it fits great everywhere, no matter what your size and shape,” says Smith. Each shirt features the client’s initials printed on the inside collar, and all clothing items are hand-delivered to the client by Smith. J.Hilburn also sells suits, sport coats, pants, cashmere sweaters, outerwear, AG denim, ties, formal wear, shorts and shoes. “Many men hate to shop and don’t have the time,” explains Smith. They also don’t like to be fitted in the middle of a busy store. I can meet clients at their home, office or wherever is most convenient for them.” Smith says she never tires of the end result, a perfectly tailored, custom clothing item. “Everyone deserves to have a shirt that really fits them and makes them feel good. When you look good, you feel good,” she says. For more information, call 301-7877683 or e-mail Smith will also have a booth at the King Farm Fall Festival on Sunday, October 4. King Farm Chronicle Great Season, Screamin’ Geese! 11 12 King Farm Chronicle Reach thousands of King Farm residents with a low-cost ad in the King Farm Chronicle. Contact us today at for more information. August 2015 August 2015 King Farm Chronicle 13 14 King Farm Chronicle New Kiddie Academy Feeds Children’s Bodies and Brains By Kate Myers I t took four years and countless hours spent crisscrossing the State, but Namita Shah and her husband finally found the perfect space for Kiddie Academy, their brand-new childcare center, located just down the street from King Farm on Gaither Drive. The 10,000-square-foot facility, a former Blockbuster warehouse, has been completely gutted and remodeled to accommodate the educational, social and physical needs of children ages six weeks through 12 years. “We worked hard to give it a welcoming, home-like feel with lots of windows and natural light,” says Shah. The finished product includes nine bright, colorful classrooms and a large multipurpose room for special events and indoor play. As a franchise, all Kiddie Academy interiors must follow corporate standards; however, the Shah’s had free reign on the playground. Namita Shah, a former interior August 2015 designer, spent three months putting her creative stamp on a fun, safe outdoor space with separate areas for toddlers and older children. In a town overflowing with childcare options, Shah highlights two aspects that set Kiddie Academy apart: its focus on healthy eating and its state-of-the-art remote monitoring system for parents. On the food front, all meals and snacks are prepared on-site and served family style to create a more social eating experience. The Shah’s even hired a holistic health coach from New York City to design Kiddie Academy’s menu, which changes every Continues on facing page... What’s Happening With King Farm Community Service? By Josh Cheatwood, Chairman Manna Food Warehouse On the third Saturday of every month we package boxes of food for needy families. Volunteers begin working 9:00 a.m. and are usually finished by 11:00 a.m. depending on the number of volunteers. The warehouse is located at 9311 Gaither Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. This is a great opportunity for graduating seniors to fulfill their service credits! New volunteers are always encouraged and welcomed. Please contact Gail Singer at or call 301-990-1808 for more information. Interfaith Clothing Center (ICC) The ICC is a popular community service project. The center distributes new or gently used, clean clothing and household goods to low-income families. Our volunteers help one day a month putting items on hangers, neatly displaying items and assisting customers. We are always in need of volunteers who are at least 12 years of age (ages 1215 must have a parent or guardian present). Students can receive community service credits if needed. The ICC is located at 751 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD 20851. Anyone interested in partaking in this project should contact Ira at or call 301990-1808. Planning Meeting Our next planning meeting will be held at the King Farm Community Center on Saddle Ridge Circle on August 17, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. We welcome new residents as well as current residents to come and see what the King Farm Community Service is doing for King Farm and the surrounding area. If you need further information about the King Farm Community Service or would like to be added to the member list please contact Josh Cheatwood at Time to start thinking of the Fall Festival. Stop by and check out the booth to learn what you can do for your community. We would love to tell you about all that we do and all that we will be doing! Please remember the Coat Drive is coming soon! Start saving all your gently used or new coats, hats, gloves, shoes, and all other cold weather gear so we can again help those in need get thru winter a little easier!! August 2015 King Farm Chronicle 15 Continued from previous page... two weeks. “This is not a heat and serve kitchen,” says Shah. “We serve familiar recipes with a healthy twist.” Examples include whole-wheat pasta with “hidden” veggies, quinoa black bean burgers and macaroni and cheese made with coconut milk. Instead of Goldfish and graham crackers, children snack on Greek yogurt with granola and fresh berries, cucumbers and dip or hummus with whole-wheat crackers. Shah says most children are receptive to the fruit- and vegetable-heavy dishes and snacks and no one is pressured to clean his or her plate. The biggest fans, however, are parents. “Most working parents love the fact that meals and snacks are included in tuition. It’s one less thing for them to worry about in the morning, and it’s a great strategy for picky eaters,” says Shah, who adds that Kiddie Academy is competitively priced. Parents who want to see if their child really did eat their vegetables can log on to Kiddie Academy’s WatchMeGrow live streaming service that allows them to monitor their child in their classroom anytime from a Wi-Fi enabled device or Web browser. The feature costs an extra $10 a month and parents who enroll receive four passwords that they can share with grandparents or other relatives. Since opening last month, Shah has been busy conducting tours for prospective parents. She expects enrollment to rise dramatically as fall approaches and hopes to build a strong relationship with the King Farm community. “We were so happy to find such a convenient location,” says Shah. “It’s a great option for King Farm families. We want everyone to know that we’re here for the long haul.” Kiddie Academy offers childcare from six weeks to five years, beforeand after-school care for children through age 12, a preschool program and a pre-K option for children who miss the cut-off date for kindergarten. Full- and half-day options are available for ages two through five, and discounts are offered for siblings. Kiddie Academy is located at 15895 Gaither Drive. Hours are 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. For more information, call 301-978-7468 or visit www. 16 King Farm Chronicle What’s Happening at Ingleside at King Farm? Ingleside to Break Ground on Dining Services Expansion In September August 2015 ditional dining space. During phase two, the new construction portion of the project, Ingleside will add a brand-new kitchen and bistro. Once this phase is complete in early 2018, Today’s Bistro will become the formal dining room. Ingleside, which owns 11 acres in King Farm and currently occupies less than half of that, will use its existing land to construct the kitchen and bistro. The new bistro will be much larger and residents will not be required to make a reservation. Leist said Ingleside worked closely with its food service provider, FLIK, to design the new spaces and added that the changes reflect an overall industry trend toward more casual dining. “Dining experiences and food quality have always been major priorities for us,” says Leist. “Most Continuing Care Retirement Communities change their menus every six months; we change ours every six weeks.” Leist alluded to more construction on the horizon but declined to elaborate before receiving approval from the City and Department of Aging. CITY News & Events By Kate Myers I ngleside at King Farm will embark on a two-and-a-half-year expansion and renovation effort in September to expand and modernize its dining services. According to Executive Director Marilyn Leist, the project, which has received approval from the City of Rockville and the Department of Aging, will be completed in two phases. While Ingleside still waits on some permit approvals from the City, Leist says their residents thrilled about the upcoming enhancements. Since reaching capacity in 2012, just three years after opening its doors, Ingleside has been feeling the squeeze in its eating areas. Ingleside currently offers three dining options for its 370 residents: the Marketplace Café, the Bistro and a formal dining room. In order to accommodate residents comfortably at mealtimes, two of those options, the Bistro and formal dining room, require reservations. Leist says residents prefer reservation-free dining and often elect to eat at the Marketplace Café, leading to long lines and overcrowding at the light-fare, self-serve eatery. Phase one of the project, which should take approximately six months, will double the size of the Marketplace Café and give it a more contemporary look and feel. While the café is closed during construction, Ingleside will use its multipurpose room for ad- Feinberg Announces Re-Election Campaign, Certified for Rockville City Council Race Rockville City Councilmember Beryl L. Feinberg, a longtime public servant, civic leader, and 20-year Rockville resident, announced today that her campaign has formally completed all filing requirements and will appear on the ballot for the November 3, 2015 City election. Feinberg is a proven, independent-minded leader, providing a strong voice for sound fiscal policy, economic development, and preserving Rockville’s neighborhoods and quality of life. “I am thrilled with the broad support I have received for this reelection campaign. I value my engagement with residents and businesses as we look to the future - helping shape what our community will look and feel like in the coming years; our key budget and service priorities; our shared commitment to responsibly managing growth in Rockville; and achieving the kind of transparent and responsive government we all deserve,” Feinberg stated. During her service on the Rockville City Council, Feinberg has distinguished herself by raising the bar of professional, informed discourse with her colleagues on the City’s governing body. “It’s important to take time to understand all facts about matters affecting the lives of our residents and other stakeholders, to listen carefully, and debate respectfully, without judgment or rancor,” added Feinberg. “I am pleased that, in this effort, I’ve been able to guide our City with more responsible budget practices, while ensuring topquality services to our residents and business community.” Councilmember Feinberg offers a vision for Rockville consistent with her proven, skillful service on the City Council. She will continue to work to grow the City’s business and economic base, proCity news & events Continues on page 18... We have everything your pet needs right here! We are also an AAHA accredited practice. Doggie Daycare Dog & Cat Boarding Summer Pool Play Spacious and comfortable amenities for your pet Vet Appointments Laser Surgery Dentistry Digital X-rays Ultrasound K-Laser Therapy August 2015 King Farm Chronicle K ing Farm Real Estate Listings FOR SALE Address............................................. Home Type....................... List Price..............Days on Market 217 Creek Valley Lane................................Single Family..............................$750,000.................................. 20 1001 Elmcroft Blvd #G102.......................Condominium .........................$379,000.................................. 24 1023 Gaither Road.....................................Townhouse................................$513,000.................................. 20 1029 Gaither Road.....................................Townhouse................................$580,000.................................. 79 716 Garden View Square...........................Townhouse................................$649,900.................................. 60 1110 Grand Champion Drive..................Townhouse................................$619,000.................................. 60 905 Havencrest Street...............................Townhouse................................$538,800.................................. 19 1000 Havencrest Street.............................Single Family..............................$849,000.................................. 42 1003 Heritage Fields Avenue....................Single Family..............................$739,500.................................. 28 502 King Farm Blvd #305..........................Condominium .........................$360,000.................................. 47 502 King Farm Blvd #404..........................Condominium .........................$369,900................................. 159 503 King Farm Blvd #304..........................Condominium .........................$419,000................................... 3 500 Lawson Way ........................................Townhouse................................$695,000.................................. 57 125 Pasture Side Place #M........................Townhouse................................$329,900.................................. 21 801 Pleasant Drive #102...........................Condominium .........................$339,900.................................. 20 801 Pleasant Drive #23.............................Condominium .........................$315,000.................................. 43 909 Pleasant Drive......................................Townhouse................................$628,000.................................. 57 316 Redland Boulevard..............................Townhouse................................$559,000.................................. 20 801 Reserve Champion #302..................Condominium...........................$429,900................................... 7 315 Ridgemont Avenue..............................Townhouse................................$560,000.................................. 67 820 Royal Crescent ...................................Townhouse................................$599,000................................. 107 101 Watkins Pond Blvd #206...................Condominium .........................$368,000.................................. 75 UNDER CONTRACT Address............................................. Home Type....................... List Price..............Days on Market 1014 Crestfield Drive................................Townhouse................................$629,000.................................. 79 106 Dunloggin Street.................................Single Family..............................$885,000.................................. 24 403 King Farm Blvd #203..........................Condominium...........................$519,000.................................. 88 500 King Farm Blvd #302..........................Condominium...........................$379,000.................................. 37 502 King Farm Blvd #208..........................Condominium...........................$399,999................................. 259 1625 Piccard Drive #202..........................Condominium .........................$399,000.................................. 16 504 Pleasant Drive......................................Single Family..............................$725,000.................................. 77 1106 Pleasant Circle...................................Single Family..............................$759,000.................................. 11 303 Redland Blvd #403..............................Condominium...........................$380,000................................... 7 17 UNDER CONTRACT (continued) Address............................................. Home Type....................... List Price..............Days on Market 614 Ridgemont Avenue..............................Townhouse................................$598,000.................................. 11 406 Redland Boulevard..............................Townhouse................................$540,000................................... 2 SOLD Address...................................Home Type............List Price ....... Sold Price ........ Days on Market 537 Longhorn Crescent............... Townhouse...................$654,900............... $645,000..............................6 503 Pleasant Drive......................... Single Family................$722,000............... $712,000.............................42 903 Pleasant Drive......................... Townhouse...................$587,500............... $570,000.............................48 305 Redland Blvd #14-201........... Condominium.............$429,500............... $420,000.............................91 711 Rolling Fields Way.................. Townhouse...................$549,000............... $549,000..............................6 FOR RENT Address................................................................ Home Type..........................................List Price 507 Falcon Park Lane........................................................ Townhouse..........................................................$2,750 1141 Gaither Road............................................................ Townhouse..........................................................$2,800 1302 Gaither Road............................................................ Townhouse..........................................................$3,190 609 Garden View Square.................................................. Townhouse..........................................................$2,700 722 Garden View Way #H................................................ Condominium ...................................................$1,750 501 Grand Champion Drive............................................ Single Family.......................................................$3,800 630 Grand Champion Drive............................................ Townhouse..........................................................$2,750 1017 Heritage Fields Ave.................................................. Single Family.......................................................$3,500 101 King Farm Blvd #302................................................. Condominium ...................................................$1,650 1219 Maple Grove Lane................................................... Townhouse..........................................................$2,900 1223 Maple Grove Lane................................................... Townhouse..........................................................$3,000 112 Pasture Side Place ..................................................... Townhouse..........................................................$2,600 125 Pasture Side Place #M............................................... Townhouse..........................................................$2,050 1705 Piccard Drive............................................................ Townhouse..........................................................$3,300 903 Pleasant Drive............................................................. Townhouse..........................................................$2,880 1112 Pleasant Drive........................................................... Townhouse..........................................................$3,300 206 Poplar Spring Road ................................................... Townhouse..........................................................$2,000 908 Reserve Champion Drive......................................... Townhouse..........................................................$2,800 705 Ridgemont Avenue..................................................... Townhouse..........................................................$2,700 500 Saddle Ridge Lane...................................................... Single Family.......................................................$3,600 305 Silver King Lane.......................................................... Single Family.......................................................$4,500 312 Watkins Circle............................................................ Single Family ......................................................$3,850 Information obtained from MRIS as of 07/28/15 deemed reliable, but not guaranteed Loan Programs I Offer a Wide Variety of Mortgage Options for my Clients • Conventional, 30, 20, 15 Year Fixed Rate Products up to $417,000 • Conforming/Jumbo Loan Programs up to $625,500 • Jumbo Loan Programs • VA Fixed Rate Mortgage Products • • Products Refinancing Options – Rate Reduction – Cash Out – Debt Consolidation Home Equity Loans up to 90% CLTV!! • FHA Fixed & Adjustable Rate Mortgage Jason Zamoiski Vice President/Asst. Branch Manager NMLS #204705 Vice President/Asst. Branch Manager 1st Portfolio Lending Direct: 301.917.2225 Cell: 301.536.6976 E-Fax: 301.917.2245 Email: Email: Website: State of North Carolina Offi ce of the Commissioner of Banks: L-152918 Virginia State Corporation Commission MC-4367 Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation #16309 Government of District of Columbia DISB #7098 State of Delaware Offi ce of the State Bank Commissioner #011730 State of Florida Offi ce of Financial Regulation #MLD739 Your Neighborhood’s Lender of Choice For more details and CURRENT RATES, call me today!! 18 city news & events Continued fron page 16... mote responsible and sustainable development, and protect and preserve neighborhoods through responsive leadership. City Hosts ‘Rockville 2040’ Listening Sessions What Do You Want Rockville to be Like in 2040? The city is updating its 2002 Comprehensive Master Plan, which describes the vision for the city’s future. The plan’s goal is to preserve and improve the quality of life in Rockville by guiding development and conservation, and assuring the city’s ability to provide high-quality community facilities. Community members, businesses and others are invited to get involved in Rockville 2040 – the process to update the master plan and express their vision for the community’s future. The city will host listening sessions, throughout Rockville over the next few months, at which city staff will share information about the master plan update and hear views regarding the future of Rockville neighborhoods. Stop by a session to learn more about Rockville 2040 and to share thoughts on your area of the city and Rockville as a whole. The schedule of listening sessions and more Rockville 2040 information is at, where you can also sign up to receive email up- King Farm Chronicle dates on the master plan update. Questions? Please contact Ann Wallas at or Hjarman Cordero at or call 240-314-8200. Rockville Voters to Elect Mayor and Council in November Deadline for Candidates to File is Sept. 4 Rockville residents interested in running for mayor or a council seat may view the candidate information packet online at or pick up a copy from the City Clerk’s Office. The deadline to file as a candidate is Friday, Sept. 4. The 2015 election will see three key changes: Four-Year Term: For the first time, Rockville voters will elect a Mayor and Council to serve a fouryear term. This change was favored by a majority of voters in a 2013 ballot question and then enacted by the current Mayor and Council. After 2015, the next city election will take place in 2019. New Voting Machines: Rockville is the first community in Maryland to pilot a new optical scan voting system, which allows voters to feed their hand-marked paper ballot into an optical scanner for tabulation. The new system is used by many other states and will be implemented throughout Maryland in April 2016. August 2015 District 7 Polling Place Moving: Residents in the city’s District 7 voting area (roughly west of I-270 and south of Route 28) will no longer vote at Ritchie Park Elementary School. The new polling place will be at the Latvian Lutheran Church, 400 Hurley Ave. Learn more about the election and how you can register to vote at www.rockvillemd. gov/election15 The Best Kept Secret By Rabbi Arnold Saltzman This coming September 2015, Hevrat Shalom Congregation of King Farm will be holding its High Holy Day services at Bohrer Center, 506 S. Frederick Avenue, Gaithersburg. This is a “first” since Hevrat Shalom will have more folks attending than at their usual location, Ingleside, as the new site will be able to accommodate. Leading these services will be Rabbis Arnold Saltzman and Devorah Lynn. These services promise to be authentic and spiritually uplifting and will be adorned by the CLASSIFIEDS For Sale: For Sale: Earthlite massage table for sale. Used twice. All attachments. Great price! Please call Cindy 301-300-8865, or email ProForm 595Le, EKG Treadmill: $75: features push-button controls for adjusting incline and speed. The 595Le deck folds up against the console for storage. Combined with the treadmill’s front wheels, this feature allows you to move the treadmill around without additional help. If interested, please email General: Ride Share Needed: Looking for commuters working in the Northwest area of DC to share a ride downtown. Please email for more info. Shared Housing: Current King Farm resident looking for shared housing in a new King Farm home (SFH, townhouse, condo or apartment). Single older woman seeks a private room with kitchen privileges. Available to exchange childcare, provide companion care for an elder, or beautifully sung liturgical melodies of Cantorial Soloists Caron Dale and Beth Rubens. Residents of Ingleside, King Farm, Gaithersburg, and Darnestown enjoy the participatory congregational melodies, traditional and contemporary, of our services that engage our members and guests. The “BEST KEPT SECRET” is that our Hevrat Shalom congregation has been flourishing for several years, yet few people are aware of the beautiful Shabbat services offered regularly at the Ingleside theater facility. Besides regular services we have a “Distinguished Guest Speaker” series and a number of events throughout the year. Children will benefit from the personalized religious instruction of Rabbis and adults enjoy classes designed to expand their knowledge of Judaism and religious practice. High Holy Day tickets are available and membership is affordable. Contact us at 240-767-6518 and visit our website , www. regular pet care as part of living arrangement. Please call or text 301 801 0679. September availability preferred. Services Available: Part-Time Wellness Coaches and Supervisors Needed: Seeking positive, teachable and responsible people who want to help others and themselves to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Must enjoy working with people. No experience required. Training provided. Call Kelly at (301) 618-9018 or visit us at Private Duty: CNA/CPR certified is currently available and seeking a new position to assist in Elder Care Day/Night/ Full time/Part/time Local references available Call Connie @ 240-425-2221. Available Services: Housecleaning, laundry, dog walking, pet or babysitting, rates negotiable. Please call Cindy at 301-300-8865, or email richards.cindy@” If you are interested in placing a free classified e-mail your classified to by the 25th of the month. Business Card Corner August 2015 King Farm Chronicle 19 20 King Farm Chronicle August 2015 King Farm ving and Selrlming Li n King Fa i Realty FOR SALE Martin Green Associate Broker RE/MAX Realty Services 1110 grand Champion Dr. Updated kitchen and appliances. Enclosed rear yard. 4 BR and 3.5 baths. Asking $619,000 15020 Shady Grove Road, Suite 400 Rockville, MD 20850 Over 7,000 Offices and 117,000 Associates under contract under contract 1106 Pleasant dr. Lots of curb appeal. 10K in recent upgrades. All new stainless steel appliances. 4 BR and 3.5 baths. Asking $759,000 SOLD 1104 Crestfield dr. Four level Mitchell & Best built townhome with hardwoods on two levels. Home theatre. 3,700 sq. ft. of finished space. Asking $649,900 SOLD 305 Redland Blvd. 201 Shows like a model with 2 bedrooms and 2 full baths plus garage. SOLD for $419,000 SOLD 1215 Maple grove lane Loaded End unit with lots of recent upgrades. SOLD 801 Reserve Champion Dr. 102 537 Longhorn Crescent Ground floor home with over 1,800 sq Offers 2,600 square of living space with feet of living space and patio. 4 Bedrooms and 3.5 baths. SOLD for $420,000 SOLD for $645,000 301.802.4841 • 240.403.2202 15020 Shady Grove Rd., Rockville, MD 20850 For photos and tours on each of these listings go to