September`s BCM Monthly - Birmingham City Mission


September`s BCM Monthly - Birmingham City Mission
Our staff and volunteers continue to distribute
hundreds of pieces of literature and preach the
Gospel in the city centre each week. Pray for their
safety and for God-ordained conversations.
Jon Tiley and his team of volunteers will serve almost
30 homeless people at our Care Centre on Tuesday
evenings. Pray for the ones who will be sharing the
Gospel that they will be clear and relevant.
Remember the Children’s Team as they begin their
autumn term working in the primary schools across
Birmingham. The Team now has relationships with
over 140 schools and each year reaches over 40,000
children. Pray for Sue Fearon as she leads her team.
X:site for 7-11s
Saturday 1st Oct at 2.30-4.30pm
at Elim Church Centre
Exeter Rd, Selly Oak B29 6EU
Print off a registration form in advance
Now on sale, a thrilling
adventure novel set in
Roman Britain making clear
the message of a personal
faith in Christ. An ideal gift
for teenagers. Written by
BCM supporter Stan Marshall.
£5 plus P&P - all proceeds to
BCM. Call 0121 766 6603.
n a few weeks’ time on
Saturday October 8th the
Birmingham Town Hall will be
full of supporters and friends
of BCM along with staff and
volunteers alike who will be
giving thanks to God for His
goodness to the Mission during
the last 50 years. I’m sure that
it will be an exciting occasion
and certainly an historic one
as we sing our hearts out, meet
old friends, no doubt laugh a
little, maybe shed a tear or two
and, of course, hear God’s Word
brought to us through Peter
Thank the Lord for an excellent Youth Camp at the
Christian Mountain Centre. Pray for the all the young
people, that they will remember the Bible teaching
that they received during their fun-filled week.
The Children’s Team had a great time at their Solid
Rock club in July. Thank the Lord for good numbers
and good conversations. Pray that more primary aged
children will attend the five times a year ‘Xsite’ event.
Pray for the BCM staff who will be speaking at
churches tomorrow. Ask the Lord to guide them as
they make their final preparations and that the Lord
will anoint their ministry.
Please ask the Lord to meet our financial needs this
month. As we move into our new HQ we will also be
seeking the Lord about what new initiatives He wants
the Mission to engage in during the coming years.
Pray that the Lord will guide.
Tins and packets of food from your Harvest Festival
will be most welcome in our work with homeless,
elderly and needy people.
Please bring them to the Resource Centre
at ‘The Clock Tower’, 2 Langdon Street, B9 4BP,
Mondays to Thursdays in October, 10am - 4pm.
We would also appreciate help with sorting and
dating incoming items. Please telephone
07717 508281 if you are able to help. Thank you.
Centre all the year to collect and deliver clothing and
furniture on Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 9am to
4pm. Call Derek on 0121 766 6603 if you can help.
Registered Charity No. 1051023 Company Limited by Guarantee Reg. No. 3112321
‘Don’t be afraid, just believe’
We have been based at Watery Lane for some 24
years. Please pray for us in the coming weeks as we
relocate to the Clock Tower. Any move is stressful so
please pray that we may plan and execute well.
The Resource Centre continues to be very busy. We
can thank the Lord for over 100 beds that we have
received from Birmingham University and a hotel in
the city centre. Remember Chris, Andy and all the
volunteers as they engage clients who come from
around the world.
Birmingham City Mission
75 Watery Lane Middleway, Birmingham B9 4HN
Telephone: 0121 766 6603
Celebrating 50 years of Mission
Please pray especially for the Golden Jubilee
Celebration event at the Birmingham Town Hall on 8th
October. Pray that the evening will go well and that
through the event glory will be given to God. Pray for
Peter Maiden as he prepares his message.
It was great having Annina with us from Germany
on placement for two months. Pray that God will
bless her and guide her future. Pray for Elizabeth Blok
who has joined us for our Urban Challenge year-out
programme. Elizabeth is from Holland and she will
need to adjust to life in the UK.
Most of the building work has been completed at the
Clock Tower. Volunteers have been busy painting and
laying carpet. Pray for David Clark, one of BCM’s Board
Members, who has been acting as the Clerk of Works
over the last two years. Ask the Lord to bless him for
the months that he has given to this project. We still
require some £20,000 to complete this work.
Thank God for the wonderful celebration that took
place at ElderLink on 14th July. Over 100 people
attended and Rachel and her team provided an
interesting programme and wonderful food!
Pray for Derek Duke as he makes the final preparations
for the 50k walk on Saturday 17th September. Let’s ask
the Lord for good ‘walking’ weather and that all who
take part will be kept safe.
As the Bible says, we are
fearfully and wonderfully made
and it is interesting how any
one of us can experience an
array of emotions in relatively
short periods of time. I think
these past two months have
served up for us an explosive
cocktail of emotions as many
of us have no doubt watched
the highs and the lows of the
Olympics, been saddened and
disturbed by the scenes coming
out of war-torn countries, felt
for families who have been
grieving over lost loved ones
as well as navigating through
the emotional landmines of our
own personal experiences.
I am always moved as I read
and re-read the story of the
healing of Jairus’ daughter
and the woman who was
suffering from a bleed and try
to appreciate the mixtures of
emotions that they must have
experienced. Desperation,
hope, gratefulness, frustration,
embarrassment, devastation,
joy, acceptance and no doubt
many more emotions were
experienced in this narrative.
It was an unplanned encounter
between Jairus and the
woman and yet I think that
this unwanted interruption
for Jairus, as he witnessed
Jesus heal this dear woman
on the way to his beloved sick
daughter, was going to feed
his faith as he faced his family
crisis. The news to Jairus was,
“Your daughter is dead.” The
Lord Jesus told him, “Don’t be
afraid, just believe.”
It doesn’t matter who we are, or
whether we are wealthy or not
so wealthy, during our lifetimes
we will all face situations that
will test us as individuals and
also our faith. Just before the
summer I read a book called
‘Resurrection Year’ by Sheridan
Voysey, which is a very honest
account of struggles that he and
his wife had faced in their lives.
One thing that he said which
stood out to me was this: ‘The
Join with BCM to celebrate
50 years of Mission
at Birmingham Town Hall
Saturday 8th Oct at 7pm
with speaker Peter Maiden
Birmingham Community Gospel Choir
YFC street dance team Stance
0121 766 6603
gulf between head and heart
widens during pain when we
struggle to feel what we believe
to be true.’ I am sure that a
number of us can relate to what
Sheridan is expressing.
As City Missionaries we daily
encounter people who know
something of pain, poverty
and powerlessness. Many are
without faith as they struggle
through the complexities of
life and it is our privilege and
responsibility to tell them about
the Lord Jesus and hopefully
lead them to a place where
we can say to them, “Don’t be
afraid, just believe.”
Thank you once again for your
support. Please pray that during
this month we might be able
to minister ‘life and love’ into
the people that the Lord brings
along our path.
Wes Erpen,
Chief Executive
Birmingham City Mission’s
Saturday 17th September
Walk the entire length of the
Birmingham Worcester Canal:
50K to celebrate 50 years of BCM
We will meet at the Severn Lock in
Worcester at 7.45am and aim to arrive
at the BCM Care Centre in Birmingham’s
city centre at around 7.30pm.
For a sponsor form or info
call 0121 766 6603 or visit
My name is
Annina, I am
22 years old
and study
Studies in
This summer,
I have spent
two months
with BCM as a
placement for my studies. I have had
the privilege of getting to know all
the different ministries of the mission.
Every encounter with staff members,
volunteers and clients has been a
blessing and an opportunity to learn.
It has not been an easy time. God
has challenged me a lot more than
I expected, especially when joining
the evangelists for their outreach in
the city centre or door-to-door work
in different districts. However, it has
been precisely in these moments
of insecurity that God has shown
me His faithfulness and provision.
‘I have probably shared the
Gospel with more people in
these two months than ever
before in my life – and I have
seen how much joy there is to
be found in doing what God
has called every disciple to do...’
The tasks that I did not think I
would dare to do have been the
most moulding experiences. I have
probably shared the Gospel with
more people in these two months
than ever before in my life – and I
have seen how much joy there is to
be found despite all the difficulties
in doing what God has called every
disciple to do: to proclaim the Gospel
in all places and to all people.
The fact that I intended to do my
placement with an embassy and not
with a Christian organisation in the
first place shows even more how
God leads all things according to
His will. I am grateful for this time
and especially the fellowship and
conversations with people who want
to serve God and the city with all
their heart and strength.
BCM is salt and light in Birmingham,
for the glory of God, and it has been
a joy and privilege to be a part of it
this summer.
‘Golden Oldie’
from mid-October for
preparation work sorting
& checking toys ahead of
wrapping process
(wrappers needed from
Tues 22nd November)
Over 120 folk enjoyed rejoicing and
reminiscing at the Eric Holt Centre on
July 14th – the ‘Golden Oldie’ celebration
of BCM‘s 50 years and ElderLink’s 32.
Clients from all 3 clubs and friends
and contacts from past years
interacted. A salad lunch was served
up in ‘lap-friendly’ containers. Susan
Arblaster’s 50 paintings were on
display and many were sold!
Local residents loaned us a couple
of gazebos and the sunshine
encouraged some people into the
garden. The day was completed by a
programme where favourite hymns
were sung and Diane Armstrong,
Rachel McKane, Wes and Edwin
Orton all gave their thoughts about
ElderLink and the Lord’s faithfulness
to the many friends who have
used the centre. A lemon cake was
enjoyed to complete the celebration.
We want to give glory to God and
look to Him to help us continue the
work amongst the elderly.
Rachel Khan
New & nearly new
toys needed
Help us provide toys for 2,500
children in need - we are often
short of toys for ages 0-2 & 8-15
Please bring toys to:
BCM Head Office
75 Watery Lane Middleway
Birmingham B9 4HN
or contact us if you need us to
pick up large collections of toys
- ring 0121 766 6603
or email office@
Pick one up
for £5 at the
BCM shop in
or the Golden
Celebration in
Christmas shopping online?
Raise funds for BCM at the same time
without costing you a penny more!
Pack of 4: £2 or pack of 8: £3
Available at BCM HQ, BCM’s Kingstanding
shop or call 0121 766 6603 for mail order.
All proceeds go to BCM.
Non-stop variety
Volunteer help
needed for
BCM Christmas
If you shop at amazon, ebay or 1000s of
other online stores, register with Give
As You Live as a BCM supporter and a
percentage of your spending will go to
BCM without costing you a thing. Get
started at
join/birminghamcitymission. The
pennies going to BCM really do add up.
Thank you.
Laura Williams from the Youth Team
describes a hectic year
A diverse year
has been full
of new and
old activities. I
love the variety
of the work I
am involved in.
CMC: Christian Mountain Centre, here we come!
11 BCM staff and volunteers took 30 Birmingham based young people to our
regular venue, CMC Adventure, near Harlech – a unique opportunity for these
young people to experience a refreshing holiday in rural, coastal Snowdonia. Some
were from low-income or single-parent families or unchurched homes; many were
new to us, some new to the UK. Our aim was to renew and stretch them socially,
physically, educationally and spiritually.
The weather was mainly
dry and quite bright
on occasions. We went
for a long walk up to
Harlech beach on the
Sunday afternoon. Fun,
paddling, playing games.
Some leaders were
new to this camp but
everybody worked well as
a team. There were many
natural opportunities for
leaders to get to know the
young people and to get into conversation. Strong relationships were built
and a number of young people felt able to open up and share about their
personal struggles. It was a privilege to be able to support them and to see
them grow in confidence during the week. The ‘campers’ loved the instructor-led outdoor activities: kayaking, rock
climbing, gorge walking, archery, orienteering and canoeing, bushcraft and
abseiling. They also enjoyed games, bonfires and relaxing at the beach. They
engaged enthusiastically with the BCM-led activities: team games, smallsided sports games, wide games, etc.
The teaching theme was
‘Overcoming’. The evenings
covered Moses v Egypt,
David v Goliath, 3 young
men v Nebuchadnezzar,
Jesus v sin & death, Peter
v the High Priest, and Paul
& Silas in the Philippean
jail. The young people
listened respectfully to
leaders’ testimonies and
Bible stories. Leaders spoke clearly and creatively, keeping the young people
engaged. Testimonies were honest, real and relevant; the kids would often
follow up talks and testimonies with questions to leaders at mealtimes or
when out on walks. Many young people prayed freely during the week. A
number requested Bibles and Bible reading notes; one boy expressed genuine
interest in following Jesus. We work hard at putting pastoral and spiritual
support in place after Camp, connecting the kids with churches, holding a
Camp Reunion in October and encouraging them to come to the ‘Fulfil’ event
each term.
City Wide - It’s
good to meet
monthly with
other church leaders to worship,
pray and hear what God is doing
throughout our city. I have been
involved with a SACRE team writing
two new schemes of work for RE
in Secondary Schools and part of
a planning group for two Sport &
Worship events.
BCM work - It’s a privilege to help
at X:site and Solid Rock, both run by
the Children’s Team. We sometimes
meet some of the children when
they move up to Secondary School!
I support Prime Time when I can
and the Care Centre, where I’m ‘the
blonde lady who sings’. One of the
clients wanted to talk with me about
how God has changed my life. It’s
always wonderful when we start
the Christmas ToyLink work; I love
taking parcels to families and seeing
the huge smiles on their faces!
Youth & Schools Work - The
biggest change this year is that
I’ve gone back to teaching 2 days
in a local Secondary School. This
has increased John and Matthew’s
workload. I’ve managed to complete
most of what was needed to be done.
I thank God for the opportunity
of sharing His love and grace with
thousands of young people, and I’m
especially grateful for the one-to-one
conversations I’ve been party to.
For 11-18s
7.30-9.30pm, £3.50
at Mount Zion Community Church
with singer-writer CHIP K
Info & consent forms:
0121 766 6603