COCA Notes v19 Issue 2
COCA Notes v19 Issue 2
http://notes v 2.0/Introduction.html > introduction Welcome ladies and gentlemen, one and all to the greatest association on earth (and it’s “Notes”)! COCA Notes v 2.0 is ready (just in time) to celebrate you! Each and every member of COCA works hard to make sure students all across Canadian campuses are partying more creatively, more professionally and having more fun each and every year. For some of us, this time of year is a time to do major reflecting on our past year, our careers and our goals. For many this means leaving the schools we love or the jobs we sunk our heart and souls into. For other this means growth, new people, new places and of course new adventures. For this COCA Notes v 2.0, everyone was asked to look back and reflect on this awesome year and to look forward and contemplate on changes and ideas for next year. Some of you did a great job, others forgot to send me anything. But, through it all here it is… I hope you enjoy it. See you all in Montreal! Cheers, Crystal Adair & the COCA Communications Committee http://notes v 2.0/Contents.html > contents Board Notes Past Chair Associate Representative Awards Committee Chair Communications Committee Chair 1 1 2 2 Conference Update 3 Memeber Notes Eastern Dalhousie University 4 Central Carleton University Durham College Lampton College McMaster University Mippising University/Canadore College Ryerson University Sir Wilfred Laurier University 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 Western BCIT Lethbridge College Red River College 10 11 12 Associate Notes 13 Alumni Notes 25 http://notes v 2.0/BoardNotes1.html > board notes PAST CHAIR As my term as Past Chair with the COCA Board of Directors comes to a close, I reflect fondly on the many dedicated and passionate volunteers that I have had the chance to work with over the last two years. It has been a very fulfilling experience for me, one that has afforded a deeper appreciation for the strengths and benefits of our unique organization. I highly recommend all COCA members consider getting involved on any level, as it is the enthusiasm and commitment of our membership that continues to make COCA the premiere campus events and activities association in Canada. Jay Duggan ASSOCIATE BOARD REP Hi Everyone! I hope & trust this finds you well, and that everyone has had a busy & successful year!! I would like to welcome the many new Associate Members to COCA this year, I look forward to seeing you in Montreal at the National. On the topic of the National in Montreal, it is just around the corner now, and I would like to stress that if you have not yet made your arrangements for accommodations already that you do so soon!!! As well, I would again like to point out two items in the schedule that break from tradition. Due to a prior commitment of the hotel's, the Biz Hall is scheduled for Tuesday June 3rd, and the Associate Meeting, Associate Board Member Election & Awards Night will be Monday June 2nd. These events usually happen on Sunday & Monday but are out of our control for this and shouldn't be an issue with the 4 months notice we've had. I hope we have a great turnout for the elections, and I would encourage anyone interested in running for the Board to do so! I have thoroughly enjoyed the past two years on the Board and look forward to taking a step back and allowing someone else the great opportunity I've had. If you have any questions about the Associate BoD position or duties feel free to contact me. As always, should you have any questions or concerns, big or small, don't hesitate to let me know. Take Care & See you in Montreal, Chris Newell http://notes v 2.0/BoardNotes2.html > board notes COCA AWARDS COMMITTEE CHAIR It is time again that I write an updated report on what is going on with the Awards Committee. We have got 50% of the ballots back. Thanks very much to the people who sent them back, with out your efforts in this process nothing would get done and there wouldn’t be any recognition to the people or acts that deserve recognition. There has been a steady stream of nominations coming in for the other awards that COCA offers and I am glad to see that everyone seems to be interested in these awards. I am currently working with Earle and Mike Anderson on designing the Awards booklet for the National Conference. I might be in attendance it is still up in the air but I hope everyone is happy with the outcome of the Awards Committee. I appreciate all the people who have been helping me. Good luck to everyone in the future. Daina Bowman VP Activities Lethbridge Community College Students’ Association Chair, COCA Awards Committee COCA COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR So, how are the Notes so far? Are you enjoying them? Great! There are a few people you should be thanking for all their hardwork on this! That’s right – the Communications Committee! Without them, this production would not have happened once, nevermind twice. So please be sure to send an email, a hug, flowers, chocolate, jewelry or other good stuff to James Waynor, Brad Beamish, Stacy Danielson, Jon Levesque and of course moi! Enjoy the rest of the notes and we’ll see you in Montreal! Cheers, Crystal Adair COCA Communications Chair Ex Ryerson VP Student Life & Events http://notes v 2.0/ConferenceUpdate.html > conference update Hey everyone, The excitement in mounting in Montreal and the wheels are in motion. We have already begun to receive both school and associates memberships. I’ve ordered the poutine and smoke meat and the Casino has assured me that everyone will go home richer (maybe not financially but certainly richer for attending COCA 2003). On behalf of Olga and myself and the whole team here in Montreal we are looking forward to seeing you all in Montreal…… With all the events in the world today a week of letting our hair down and de-stressing is well deserved by us all. Remember we are still a SARS free zone. I realize many people have real concerns about traveling and that some may decide to remain home. But to those who do venture to “La Belle Province” we promise you that you will be treated well, fed well, and will carry memories of the events and friends well into your senior years. So from Montreal all that remains is to “DO IT ALL IN MONTRÉAL COCA 2003 JOIE DE VIE” Ray & Olga co-chairs http://notes v 2.0/EasternNotes.html > eastern notes DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY This past year saw major renovations in the Student Union Building. The campus bar The Grawood was relocated from the basement to the main floor of the building. This major project not only updated all the equipment and facilities of The Grawood but increased the capasity from 365 to 525. We ran an extremely successful Wednesday night Open Mic where we gave away a cash prize of $100 each week to the best act. We featured many local performers through out the year and had two wicked nights with Tony Lee.We also had a great St. Patricks day where we gave away a trip for two all inclusive to the Dominican Republic. We have had a change in staff as I (Michael Pope) have taken over the Director of Campus Activities position from Angela Kelly. We are extremely excited looking forward to the upcoming school year. Our programming will feature many new events and promotions. We are planning at this point to have a very large Monday Night Football promo that will run all football season and culminate with us giving away a trip for two to the Superbowl. Tuesdays will be movie night. Wednesday's will continue to be Open Mic Night. Thursday's will be Pub Night. We have purchased a giant screen and projector to play videos to enhance the atmosphere withour resident D.J's. Fridays will be Residence night, where each week a residence house is the host for the evening. The proceeds from the door cover charge are given to the host house each week. Saturday's will be reserved for special events and parties. Thank You Mike Pope Director Campus Activities http://notes v 2.0/CentralNotes1.html > central notes CARLETON UNIVERSITY With the big rock shows already out of the way from the fall (Matthew Good, I Mother Earth, Swollen Members), we tried a few different events over the winter - and they actually worked. 'Saved By The Bell' comedian Dustin Diamond sold out (450 tickets – thanks to John b. Young for the tip), business was great for an evening with Sarah Slean and we capped the term by doing 13 bands in one night for CME '03. Also showcasing in our Spotlight Series were John Ford, Touchtone Gurus, Lovemethod, Jacob Two-Two, Andy Stochansky, Pigeon Hole and Craig Cardiff. Listening parties for the new records from Linkin Park and Ben Harper were also mildly successful. By all means try this at home - our February Beach Party had ten tons of real sand dumped on the floor of the bar. It hurt cleaning it up at 2:00am, but I'll do it again for the measly $200 for the sand delivery. Oliver's was also our championship sports lounge, as we used our big screen to draw crowds for Grey Cup, Super Bowl and the CIS Men's Basketball. It's always a good party when your team wins. See everyone in Montreal Kevin Duffy, CUSA Programmer. DURHAM COLLEGE My name is Ken Swan and I am the Vice President of Social Affairs this year for the Durham College Student Association. I am returning next year as President; however, our organization is changing names to reflect the new University of Ontario Institute of Technology which will have a shared campus and Student Association with Durham College. The new name for the time being will simply be "Student Association at Durham College and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology." This year was an exciting year for programming at Durham! We had three concerts, Sloan, Bif Naked, and I Mother Earth. In addition to this we had Tony Lee (X-rated Hypnotist) twice, James Cunnigham (Funny Money), and B.J. Woodbury (Comic). Our pub nights were strong with themed nights and live band nights feat. local bands. Lunch time programming was also very successful with Yuk Yuk's on Mondays, Show Day on Tuesdays, Karaoke on Wednesdays, 'Shwa Talk (our very own talk show) on Thursdays, and Movie Day on Fridays. I hope this is what you were looking for, see you in Montreal! Ken Swan VP of Social Affairs/President Elect http://notes v 2.0/CentralNotes2.html > central notes LAMBTON COLLEGE The 2002/2003 school year was a huge success for the SACtivities department. From the infamous Welcome Week Boat Cruz, to the Winter Games to the yearend Semi-Formal Affair, SAC put out all the stops and the students responded with total enthusiasm. We ran twice-weekly College Hours that gave the students a much-needed relief from the rigors of studies. Bands, Comedians, Variety Shows and our SAC Survival Games, kept the students tapping their toes, laughing out loud and competing nose to nose all year long. All the while the SAC and its students have been excitedly and impatiently awaiting the completion of their new Student Centre. I will be back for a 6th year to continue the programming and run the new special events area/pub/games room while Katie Cajka will be the new Director of Activities for the coming year. We look forward to all the new options opening up to us with our own facility on campus along with all the new and young students joining us because of the doublecohort. We are sorry to say we won’t be attending COCA this year. Hopefully in the future we will get a chance to put a face to all the great people in the Organization that we deal with. Thanks COCA, for letting us back into the organization after an unintentional layoff and we look forward to a long and exciting relational for years to come. Bye for now and good luck next year to everyone! Drew Bestard Student Life Coordinator Lambton Students Association’ http://notes v 2.0/CentralNotes3.html > central notes MCMASTER UNIVERSITY As is the case every year at this time for us full-timers (or lifers as John Young likes to be called), we bid adieu to one assistant and welcome another new student aboard. This year I had the opportunity to work with the wonderful and talented Erica Ainsworth (Assistant Director of Campus Events) who is leaving us to pursue pretty much anything to not do with me. I would at this time like to introduce Ms. Christina Burns who will be taking Erica’s position and will be a brilliant addition to our current Campus Events team. Highlights this year included: Charity Ball raising $15,000.00 and selling out at 1000 tickets, over the top regular comedy series, campus cinema, annual psychic fair, Not by Choice, Tony Lee(haven’t we all seen enough chair humping already?), I Mother Earth, Big Sugar, CME – battle of the bands, open stage nights, The Trews, Sex with Sue, Ian Wright, and GOB(almost), oh and Tom Kemp’s face as his “ride” rolled up to bring him to our annual Battle of the Bands final. Lowlight: University “Snow Day” that cancelled year-end Gob concert (not SARS, as was the rumor). A student judge for our Battle of the Bands Final, that didn’t show up because, as he told me the next day after limping into my office, “I uhhhh, kinda hurt the uhhhh “little guy” last night uhhhh, bleeding and stitches involved uhhh….” Okay vacuum humper out of my way! The new campus bar at McMaster which ended up with the thickest pillars in the middle of the room being closest to the stage…final words from bar designers mouth “look, you’ll love it, trust us”. The look of horror on the innocent students faces after Dustin Diamond “a.k.a. Screech” said something about having sex with someone’s grandmother for money during his a.k.a. “comedy routine” at MAC. Looking forward to Montreal. JDOG Director of Campus Events McMaster Students Union http://notes v 2.0/CentralNotes4.html > central notes NIPISSING UNIVERSITY/CANADORE COLLEGE The Wall has remained the same. The students of Canadore College & Nipissing University have remained die hard through the snow, sleet and rain. Our theme parties have become legendary. Thousands of people turned out for our Halloween, Oktoberfest, $2.25 Corona Turkey Party, New years, Mardi Gras (Some of you know Madame Mardi Gras), St Paddy's and Last Bash. We also had an amazing line up of shows with Bif Naked, Simple Plan/Not By Choice and Swollen Members all selling out. There was also the Clear Channel IME fiasco but lets not dwell on it. Tony Lee and Comedy continue to do well and our Tuesday and Friday Pub nights were unbelievable. The highlite of our year was the explosive foam party...Love Ya DJ Daryl! Next year we plan to have even more stories of Debauchery and fun from the frozen north. Chad “Buddah” Cardinal RYERSON UNIVERSITY Well the end of the year is here and my first two months at Ryerson have been interesting and very busy! Our Battle of the Bands competition was a huge success with hundreds in attendance. Competition was tough, but Friday Morning's Regret took the prize both at Ryerson and at the CME RegionaFinals. I look forward to hearing the other winners from Fanshawe and St.Francis Xavier at the CME Showcase in Montreal. RyeFEST 2003 happened on Thursday, April 10. This year end festival took place on the patio of Oakham House and in the Ram and the Rye. An ice storma few days earlier complicated the event and both Crystal and I were shoveling heavy ice and snow for over 2.5 hours so that load in could happen the next morning (I remember cursing about how much I loved my new job here at RyeSAC). The event was a success with DJ Aural, Denise Benson, and DJ Lil Jaz spinning all day and night. Performances included the Funky Teknicianz and our headliner Spek from Montreal. And, we only had two visits by the police regarding noise complaints... RyeFEST also included a student groundbreaking event for the new Student Campus Centre slated to be open in late 2004. The excitement is growing about having a new building and new facilities to work in. Now on to planning events for September and beyond. Ryerson is not going to know what has hit them once I'm done with them! See you all in Montreal and maybe a few of you at CCSA in Halifax in May...jeff Jeff Zoeller Events Coordinator - RyeSAC Director at Large AMICCUS-C http://notes v 2.0/CentralNotes5.html > central notes WILFRED LAURIER UNIVERSITY The year of 2002/2003 was a diverse year for WLUSU to say the least. We saw a wide variety of talent come to campus to entertain the masses, and we discovered some great talent that already existed here. Our on-campus pub saw live entertainment four nights a week, which grew to five in the winter term with the addition of an open jam night. The Turret Nightclub re-opened after a long summer of renovations and brought in large crowds for our regular bar nights. As a part of the re-opening celebrations we hosted a formal dinner for the friends of WLUSU, along with hosting our version of the Molson Blind Date concert, where I Mother Earth surprised and entertained a full house. This was a promotion where all in attendance won their tickets through various contests around campus, definitely one of the highlights of the year. We saw success with our regular programs, such as the annual Charity Ball, Fashion ‘n’ Motion, Boar’s Head Dinner to name a few. The A-Team ran a life size version of Monopoly, which saw contestants become the pieces of the board. A truly unique sight, to say the least. All in all, it was a year that saw its ups as well as some downs. Through it all the Students’ Union stood tall in the face of adversity and provided for the needs of its Students to the best of its abilities, and I’d say we came out on top. Phil Champagne http://notes v 2.0/WesternNotes.html > western notes BRITISH COLUMBIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Hey COCA! This year has been great at BCIT with a variety of new events happening with more to come! It all began with the hiring of Marie Halfnights as our new Events & PR CoOrdinator for the BCIT SA. New at BCIT: ß ß ß ß ß Live Band Tuesdays, The Amazing Race – our primary fundraiser for Shinerama, Cut-for-the-Cure – our main fundraiser for the BC Cancer Foundation, Sue Johanson came …. Ms. Sunday Night Sex Show live! and our most highly anticipated … a new look student pub “re-opening” in the summer! Live Band Tuesdays Acts included: ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß Ten Ways From Sunday Touchtone Gurus Currently Unknown The Flairs McCuaig The Orchid Highway The Drycleaners Tim Hughes & Friends Ten Ways From Sunday, The Flairs and The Orchid Highway have all been accepted into the New Music West festival happening right here in our own backyard, May 21 - 25, 2003. Congratulations to all three groups on this achievement! In January 2003 Sue Johanson, host of the acclaimed Sunday Night Sex Show spoke at BCIT to a full house and rave reviews. If you haven't had the opportunity to have Sue at your school, get on it! Sue is a fabulous speaker and the students LOVE her! That's it for now...we can't really tell you what’s coming up because we don't really know yet! One thing is for sure though. Elfina Luk will be the new VP of Campus Life starting June 1st and I hope everyone gives both her, and Marie, the usual great COCA welcome in Montreal that I received in Guelph! Thanks again COCA … it’s been a blast! Daniel Boffo VP Campus Life http://notes v 2.0/WesternNotes2.html > western notes LETHBRIDGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Well another semester goes by and another programmer leaves LCCSA. It has been a wonderful year; I have learned so much from other programmers in Canada that will help me out in the rest of my life. This year LCCSA will be sending 2 delegates to COCA, Kris Bouchard the new VP Activities and Craig DeJong who is the Event Coordinator/Barn Manager for the LCCSA. Kris is the main contact for Entertainment and Programming and Craig will be helping him along. They don’t have to go by themselves like I did, lucky guys! We had a couple live acts this semester there were The Travezty, Downtyme, Dated Delay and Starcollector. All of these bands were great and the people in Lethbridge loved them all. There is one thing that adds to a great band and that is great personalities. All of these bands have been incredible to work with and I hope that they come back to LCC in the future. Daina Bowman VP Activities Lethbridge Community College Students’ Association http://notes v 2.0/WesternNotes3.html > western notes RED RIVER COLLEGE Darwin was an idiot. If man evolved to adapt to his surroundings, I would be able to function on 4 hours of sleep. I don’t know why I even have eyelids. I should at least be able to go into hibernation over the summer months to prepare for the following year. I definitely won’t miss the swarms of mosquitoes that will be hatching in less than a month. But I like Winnipeg…I really do, and this has been a good year at Red River College. Our winter carnival week in February, otherwise known as “Meltdown Week”, went off without any hitches. New programs such as a huge floor hockey tournament and a city wide “Great Race” event using text messaging phones were very successful. The week started with a ski trip to Asessippi in Manitoba and ended on Valentines Day at a popular watering hole known as “Mardi Gras.” Bronson and Ljungberg came in to keep the students in stitches and we dolled out enough free bagels and pizza to feed a small suburb in Baghdad. In March, I joined 38 students on our annual Spring Break trip to Mazatlan, Mexico. A clean, naked, and semi-rowdy good time was had by all. By the end of the week our reputation had spread among many resorts in town. What can I say? …Canadians know how to party. Next year should be another great year. We are currently planning to implement an operating agreement with the college and we will be making many renovations around the two main campuses including a workout space, convenience store, study lounge, social hall renovations and lounge spaces. Adapting the programming schedule between two campuses will be a challenge which I look forward to. Stay tuned… same bat time… same bat channel. Michael Blatherwick Program Director Red River College Students' Association http://notes v 2.0/AssociateNotes.html > associate notes THE ACROMANIACS From the renowned SunPlaza stage in Fukuoka, Japan to Canada's Barenaked Ladies, The AcromaniAcs have performed everywhere and with just about everyone in 2002! Brothers Brett and Dan spliced their high level acrobatics together with hilarious banter and mesmerized audiences everywhere they went. Highlights : The good people of Singapore got all excited about us and asked us to per form for their President during our Asian tour. Real phone message on our machine : "Hey guys, it's Tyler Stewart of Barenaked Ladies calling. You guys rock! We want you guys to jam with us at The Molson Amphitheater this Saturday. Here's my home phone number, call me and we can sort out the details." Performing with The Imponderables at Second City's Tim Simms Theater. Impoderables: "You guys are awesome!" AcromaniAcs: "No you guys are awesome!" Impoderables: "No no, you guys are awesome!" Yeah...I guess they're right! (Cheers to Unkie Tone for all his help) Dan healed his injured shoulder relatively quickly thanks to modern science. Doctor: "Dan, I think your Scapula is cracked." Dan: "No offense, but I want a second opinion." Doctor: "All right then...I think you bruised your Humerus" Feel free to drop us a line at or check us at http://notes v 2.0/AssociatelNotes2.html > associate notes BREAKAWAY TOURS We would like to THANK all of the schools and individuals that made Breakaway Tours Canada's #1 Student Tour Operator again this year!! We could not have had the year we did without all of your help and support!!! We have just completed another successful season and had over 25 000 Students partying in Daytona Beach, Miami/South Beach, Panama City Beach, Acapulco, Cancun, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Montreal and Quebec City. You can see the fun times that were had at With the double cohort upon us, we have some new dates & destinations in the works for next year that should help with under-age programming. If you haven't spoken with us yet about what is happening at your school next year give us a call right away and we'll happily go over everything with you!!! Also, if you are looking for a Council team builder; we have packages for White Water Rafting on the Rouge River, as well as off-season deals for Daytona Beach this summer. Once again, THANKS to everyone who promoted us this year, we couldn't have done it without your loyalty and support!!! We can't wait for Montreal to see some familiar faces and to meet all the new ones!!! Chris Newell Account Manager http://notes v 2.0/AssociatelNotes3.html > associate notes DAMIAN THE HYPNOTIST Thanks for the emails, and it was great to see some of you guys in Acapulco during spring break. My most memorable performance had to have been at Il Alabrea, for a crowd of 3 500 wild spring breakers. One of the unexpected highlights of the show was the kid who never made it up on stage, but ended up streaking right into the hands of the Mexican police -- none of which was under the influence of hypnosis. Maybe it was overindulgence at the open bar... See you all in Montreal at the upcoming conference. Be sure to check out clips of the shows at my website, You can reach me at my new telephone number, (613) 220 - 8032, or via email at Damian The Hypnotist DAN VALKOS Happy spring everybody…Hope everything has been great for all of you. As you may know, my television show is still going great. (They are continuing it for another season) but even more importantly, a literary agent has contacted me about publishing my next book. It will be not out for this year’s COCA in Montreal but I should have it out by fall. (With every booking, you get an autographed copy of the next book. Hey it may be worth something someday!) Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing everybody in Montreal this year and may have some insight into your future. Take Care Dan Valkos 519-683-2076 http://notes v 2.0/AssociateNotes4.html > associate notes EXPLOSIVE ENTERTAINMENT We would like to thank all of the schools and individuals that made Explosive Entertainment’s first year a successful one!! Without all of your help and support we would not have been able to get our name out as widely as we did across Ontario, the Maritimes and Quebec. Explosive Entertainment is coming to the close of our first season with over 300 shows under our belt, including some big year-end shows at different University and College campuses. For more information about booking shows at your campus or Explosive Entertainment in general please visit us on the web at: Since this year was so successful for us we will also be having some new sponsors on board for next year making our events even better! Give us a call this summer to start planning, and booking your Orientation week parties. As well, keep your eyes open for exciting events and parties that we will be putting on in your area this summer. For those schools that run weekly events such as pubs, DJ / MC competitions, or any other sort of event, remember that Explosive Entertainment can deliver the right talent at the right price for any occasion no matter how big or small. Once again; we’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of the individuals who booked our DJ’s at your schools this year, we appreciate your support! We can’t wait to see everyone in Montreal! Mike Krulicki Sales Consultant Explosive Entertainment 10 Kingsbridge Garden Circle, Suite 400 Mississauga, ON Phone: (905)-712-8017 ext. 314 Toll Free: 1-866-564-5348 Fax: (905)-501-9979 http://notes v 2.0/AssociatelNotes5.html > associate notes THE IMPONDERABLES Last year was their first experience with COCA, and the overall reception has been fantastic. Everyone involved from the top down has been both friendly and professional. With the hiring of a full time booking agent, business manager, and Director, everything is running smooth for The Imponderables. But even with the profound steps made as professionals, stuffing themselves into a car like sardines and driving for days at a time is still the only way to get to gigs. Therefore, most of their boldest memories are from passing time together -- in a car. Killing Jokes: The Imps spent hours at a time interviewing each other after imaginary hockey games. “Am I happy we lost the game? No, of course not. Should we have drank so much whisky before the game? Probably not.” Blowing farts: A classic! Someone farts. Someone says; “what stinks?” The windows get rolled down. Someone admits to it. Revenge comes shortly after. Punching themselves in the face: After spending too much time in a car, anything becomes funny. So hitting themselves in the heads brings great moments of pain and laughter. Once they get to the show there's certainly more than enough energy to spend on stage, and each and every performance has been memorable for all parties involved. But this year - for their own personal healthy and safety - The Imps are asking Tony Lee to hypnotize them and drive us to all of our shows in his Hummer. What do you say Tony? http://notes v 2.0/AssociatelNotes6.html > associate notes LEG EVENT MANAGEMENT Well it’s that time again, we all will gather for the purpose of raising the status quo of student life. For some it is time to see faces we only get see once a year, shake hands with those that we are going to be providing mere services to and for others it is a time of realizing great potentials within a community nonexistent to the majority and experienced only by a lucky few. Friendships are cultivated within the COCA environment as we watch some truly great people move in and out of our lives and grow to achieve things they never thought impossible within themselves. To me COCA is a foundation where today’s youth are able to exercise individual creativities and gain the confidence to move on as tomorrows industry leaders. Someone once said to me, “The entertainment industry is an industry with the greatest fulfillments and rewards; at the same time with the greatest risks and losses - choose your mentors well”. Take off that dull old thinking cap powered by the anemic batteries of purely rational thought, and replace it with the one you discarded during childhood – the one powered by the lightening bolts of imaginative thought… It’s COCA time! LEG this year successfully brought over 200 shows to campus across Canada and we look forward to serving you even more in 2003! See you in Montreal! Kyle Long Turning ordinary events into powerful marketing tools LEG Event Management Inc. 519.885.9940 http://notes v 2.0/AssociatelNotes7.html > associate notes THE MINIATURES Hello there It's Ryan from The Miniatures....Our Contact info has changed...Here's the new info... Cheers, Ryan Allen Website Management S.M.I. Paul Shull ph 519-897-8303 fax 416-946-1815 Booking S.L. Feldman & Associates Jeff Craib ph 416-598-0067 fax 416-598-9597 Publicity Busted Flat Publicity Jason Schneider NEWAD MEDIA NEWAD is growing bigger every year. As Canada's largest indoor advertising and urban event marketing company, we have coverage on over 80 campuses across the country. This past school year, we co-ordinated events on campuses for such clients as Herbal Essences Hair Colour and Shampoo, ob tampons and we distributed a sample bag from Procter & Gamble containing Crest toothpaste, Pantene, and Tampax products. Our College & University network now includes over 4,000 MiniBoards and 200 BigBoards installed on campuses and in student centres. Our products provide EXTRA REVENUE for each school! Look for our booth in Montreal, meet our team, and find out what exciting opportunities we can bring to your school!! http://notes v 2.0/AssociatelNotes8.html > associate notes SECOND CITY Second City has had another great year (2002/2003). Last summer and fall saw our 51st review "Family Circus Maximus" held over for the busy fall/Christmas season to rave reviews and packed houses. Just after Christmas our 52nd review, "Insanity Fair" was launched and recently (April 1) the new show, "The Bush League of Justice" has opened to much laughter and critical acclaim. This show, particularly due to the state of the world, showcases the House of Satirical Comedy that is The Second City. Proud to be celebrating it's 30th year in Toronto. Also playing at 56 Blue Jays Way is the ever popular "Tony n' Tina's Wedding. Where you are part of the show in Toronto's wildest interactive theatre experience. This is a wedding like you've never been to before. Furgetabout the Soprano's, this is real Italian. Don't forget the Tim Sims Playhouse, where you can see some of Toronto's up and coming sketch comedy acts and troupes every night of the week. And on Sunday's on the main stage or at a College or University near you our National Touring Company brings you the "best of Second City" for your laughing pleasure. Coming this June is the 3rd annual Alumni Week celebrations, where you can see some of the best Second City actors of today and yesterday that have graced our stage, performing some of the classic skits that made them famous. For further info on all of this and more visit http://notes v 2.0/AssociatelNotes9.html > associate notes SEMS ENTERTAINMENT What’s up COCAholics! Big up to everyone who made The Arrival Tour 2002 happen across Ontario last year; having locked 10 dates, we brought top quality entertainment to every venue to hit! We traveled 10,000 grueling kilometers through Northern Ontario’s roughest highways, got lost on Canada’s largest campus in the 613, even did some sick radio interviews in Ontario Tri-Cities. This year we’re very excited to bring The Arrival Tour across Canada for the first time in fall of 2003. The national conference is a time to reflect and have a good time with those you haven’t seen or talked to in months. I personally enjoy this annual affair for numerous reasons, but most importantly it allows students and associates the opportunity to get to know each other on a real level before the madness of September hits. All this wouldn’t be possible without the diligence of our hardworking COCA members that volunteer hours of time outside the office to keep the well-oiled machine going. My personal regards to the COCA communications committee, national conference committee and Earle Taylor who works diligently at keeping COCA closely knit. You make our jobs a much more enjoyable. This wraps up COCA notes for SEMS Entertainment this time around. Look forward to seeing you all in Montreal the most ‘liberal’ city in Canada; any city where the legal age is 18 has gotta have some good parties! Jon Levesque http://notes v 2.0/AssociatelNotes10.html > associate notes TNT TOURS TNT Tours would like to thank all of our COCA-member clients for making our trips for New Year’s and Spring Break very successful over the past school year! While the industry standard of Montreal for New Year’s was another fantastic blow-out, we were especially pleased with the increase in travelers to our “signature” destinations – New York City for New Year’s Eve and New Orleans for Mardi Gras! While the world situation has made travel more challenging than we have seen it in our fifteen years (war, health concerns, economy) we were encouraged to see the large number of students still traveling. In New Orleans, we added a day to the beach with a “booze cruise” on a Catamaran in the Gulf of Mexico! Now you have a beach day during your trip to one of Wild-On’s favourite locations! Imagine, parades, beads, happy hours, sun, sites, history, culture, food, shopping and now BEACH! We would like to pass on our best wishes to all of our clients who may be leaving their positions as they move on to “bigger and better” things and we would like to congratulate all newly-elected members and welcome the new and incoming COCA delegates. We look forward to seeing you in Montreal in May 2003! Come by our booth and find out what is so special about New Orleans for your Reading Week/March Break! David Temple, Hon. B.A. Director TNT Tours http://notes v 2.0/AssociatelNotes11.html > associate notes CRYSTAL & TONY LEE Hey Everyone, Crystal and Tony Lee in the house!!! Just wanted to say the most important thing of all. THANK YOU for a wonderful year. THANK YOU to all the schools that have taken the chance to support the show over these past years!!! We did close to 180 campus dates in Canada and Europe. Give yourself a pat on the back for helping make our team a continuing success. We would like to personally name all of you right now but they only gave us 250 words. So I hope you will except this as a token of our gratitude. You know who you are. This year has been one exciting, unpredictable ride once again. Now its time to take it easy for the summer as we are expecting our second C.O.C.A. baby!!! To fill those of you in that don’t know; we met at a C.O.C.A. conference!!! If it weren’t for this great and wonderful conference there would be no Charlize or other on the way!!! What a great way to network! So we would also like to extend our thanks there. Thumbs up to practicing the fine art of procreation!!! So a note from Crystal: Many, many thanks to all of you and I will be thinking of you and missing the great fun as I will not personally be able to attend this year’s conference. A note from Tony: Raw fish is good with rice!!!! http://notes v 2.0/AssociatelNotes12.html > associate notes TRAVELCUTS Travel CUTS, Canada’s student travel experts, continues to grow! In the past twelve months, Travel CUTS opened shops in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa and Montreal, Oakville and will soon be opening on campus at the University of Ottawa. Travel CUTS’ is also psyched about its new stores in the United States. Now you can check us out while you’re on the road in San Francisco CA, Los Angeles CA, New York NY, Champaigne IL., Plantation FL., and Cambridge MA. And Portland OR! Every year, Travel CUTS helps hundreds of thousands of Canadian students and budget travellers explore the world. Established in 1967, Travel CUTS is owned by the Canadian Federation of Students. Travel CUTS is proud to support COCA and wishes you all a fantastic year! TWE The 2002/2003 season has been very busy for Twin Wrestling Entertainment. A very successful tour took place in September/October 2002 which visited many College and Universities across Canada. The past few months have been really busy for TWE. TWE has been revamping various departments within the company and staying up to date on the latest trends in order to continue providing corporate clients and sponsors with the best live sports entertainment product in Canada. Starting in the fall TWE will be once again visiting many campuses across Canada, providing them with TWE’S new experience to entertainment. TWE will be providing schools with a new and improved wrestling show which is suited for all types of audiences along with a new line up of other entertainment. TWE’S new entertainment roster will be offering campuses some of the worlds best DJ’s, Dancers and Entertainers. TWE is also proud to announce the addition of two new team members; Rafael Turcios and Daniel Rinzler. Rafael Turcios was the former Event Coordinator for the Toronto Raptors who joined the TWE team in early September. Daniel Rinzler has been running TWE’S parent company MBE as the Marketing Director but will now be in charge of TWE marketing as well. Make sure to stop by our booth to discuss all of our new and exciting options and of course to say hello two our new team members. The 2003/2004 year promises to be the best one yet, so stay tuned for more information. Regards, Daniel Rinzler Marketing Director Magen Boys Entertainment http://notes v 2.0/AlumniNotes.html > alumni notes CRYSTAL ADAIR (FORMERLY RYERSON UNIVERSITY) As with most things in life - change is eminent. As of May 1st, no longer do I reside in my light purple corner office but now in a warm cream office in the “Ivory Tower” of Ryerson. My new title is Ryerson Risk Management & Events Consultant. Long hours spent designing manuals and forms, digging through legal issues and “consulting” with people. So, my work life is ultimately changing, as so many of ours has. And, my personal life is changing. Yes, one of the “crazy Ryerson girls” is finally settling down (and I don’t mean Dawn). But, you’ll have to track me down in Montreal to find out more… I look forward to many more years of service with COCA as an alumni member and I fondly think of my time spent here. To my fellow alumni and current members congratulations on the successfulness of COCA. To those who are new here, welcome home, because as I truly now know, COCA becomes like family. Sometimes you argue, many times you disagree, but together you all have one purpose – to support each other and the efforts we all make for students. Cheers, Crystal Adair STACY DANIELSON (FORMERLY FANSHAWE) Bonjour Mes Amie! Well things are long underway for COCA '03, which, by the way, is fast approaching. I have been traveling to London every weekend to help out at head office, to get things organized with registration and my duties as this years Volunteer Coordinator. I am very excited about this years conference there is an excellent selection for the Educational Sessions. The showcase selection committee did a fantastic job at picking out some excellent Canadian talent as well as some superb International talent. Through out the year I have had the chance to attend some of my local area member schools, Centennial, York and Ryerson to check out some of their events. Which have included the Funky Technizans, Sam Roberts and James Cunningham's Funny Money. Congratulations on very successful year! I would also like to congratulate all the happy things that are happening out in COCA land. These include babies, new houses and engagements. Good luck to all! I hope to see you all in Montreal! Stacy Danielson
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