2015 Annual Report - Heurtey Petrochem
2015 Annual Report - Heurtey Petrochem
A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 5 02 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | 03 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT WITH A STRONG FINANCIAL SITUATION, RECOGNISED EXPERIENCE, A BROAD INTERNATIONAL NETWORK, AN OFFENSIVE SALES STRATEGY AND A LEANER COST STRUCTURE, WE ARE POISED TO OVERCOME THE CRISIS. The year 2015 was marked by an intensification of the crisis affecting the oil and gas sector. In this context, the Heurtey Petrochem group has shown considerable resilience with the publication of firm results in 2015. Our revenue, which came out at €420 million, was in line with our objectives. It recorded a slight fall (-4%) compared to 2014 (-9% at constant exchange rates). Our current operating income, which reached €16.3 million, was also in line with our objectives. However, the situation differed between our two businesses. Indeed, in the furnaces branch, the current operating margin rate improved significantly (5.0%, compared with 4.4% in 2014). Conversely, the gas branch was affected in particular by the suspension of contracts in Venezuela, which prompted us to cancel the margins previously accounted for and to recognise provisions totalling some €3 million. Despite the solid results in 2015, the intensification of the crisis in the sector has led to a significant reduction in our markets, particularly in the upstream sector where our gas branch operates. Our order book has therefore contracted and we are expecting our revenues to fall in 2016. In this difficult environment, we implemented an action plan in 2014 to strengthen our competitiveness and optimise our commercial positioning. We have therefore extended our geographical coverage through local commercial partnerships and we have closed non-strategic offices. In parallel, we have implemented technological and business partnerships, to be better positioned in projects with high added value. We have also focused on improving our competitiveness by diversifying our supplies and rationalising project management. In view of the scale of the crisis, we deemed it necessary to intensify our efforts to reduce costs by launching a restructuring plan in 2016 which will result in around one hundred job losses across the world, thereby reducing our fixed costs by some €10 million per year from 2017. This plan will allow us to strengthen our competitiveness and thereby be better positioned to seize market opportunities. With a strong financial situation, recognised experience, a broad international network, an offensive sales strategy and a leaner cost structure, we are poised to overcome the crisis. Dominique Henri Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 04 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | 05 CONTENTS 01 BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND ORGANISATION | 06 01.1 | Group Profile | 08 01.2 | Governance | 10 01.3 | Business lines and expertise | 12 01.4 | Facilities and resources | 16 02 ACHIEVEMENTS & STRATEGY | 18 02.1 | Key events | 20 03 02.2 | Projects | 22 02.2 | Market, strategy and outlook | 26 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT | 28 03.1 | Human resources | 30 03.2 | Health and safety | 32 03.3 | Environment | 34 04 THE FIGURES | 36 04.1 | 2015 in figures | 38 04.2 | Stock market information | 40 04.1 | Consolidated financial statements at 31 december 2015 | 42 06 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND ORGANISATION 01 OUR INTERNATIONAL NETWORK, WHICH IS CONSIDERABLE GIVEN OUR SIZE, PROVIDES US WITH THE RESOURCES TO CARRY OUT PROJECTS IN MOST GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS. 08 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND ORGANISATION 01.1 GROUP PROFILE INTERNATIONAL OIL AND GAS ENGINEERING GROUP Two market segments: Process furnaces for refining, petrochemicals and hydrogen production Natural gas processing SUBSIDIARIES IN 10 COUNTRIES REVENUES OF € 420 MILLION IN 2015 09 10 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND ORGANISATION 01.2 From left to right: Dominique Henri Chairman and CEO GOVERNANCE Jacques Moulin Chief Operating Officer Françoise Peugnet Corporate Secretary Grégory Matouskoff Group Chief Financial Officer GOVERNANCE COMMITTEES BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMMITTEES AUDIT COMMITTEE The Board of Directors bases its decisions on the recommendations of three specialised Committees, each of which includes at least one independent director. The members of the Committees are designated personally and they may not be represented by others. This Committee’s members are Mr. Georges PICARD (Committee Chairman) and Ms. Claire TUTENUIT. Its role is to verify internal procedures for collecting and controlling information, examine the accounts and annual budgets before they are presented to the Board of Directors and assess financial and internal control procedures with a view to reducing the risks inherent in the Group’s activity. Heurtey Petrochem’s Board of Directors determines the Group’s strategic direction and ensures its implementation. It currently has eight members, including three independent members (*): n n n n n n n n Mr. Dominique HENRI Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Heurtey Petrochem Mr. Pascal BARTHELEMY Executive Vice President of IFP Energies Nouvelles APPOINTMENTS AND REMUNERATION COMMITTEE Mr. Jean DESEILLIGNY * This Committee’s members are Mr. Jean DESEILLIGNY (Committee Chairman), Ms. Sophie PATURLE and Mr. Georges PICARD. Its role is to make recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning the composition of the Board, the selection of candidates to the Board, the assessment of their skills and their independence, the remuneration of the key management personnel and members of the Board, the policy regarding stock options or the allocation of shares to managers and employees, monitoring of key persons within the Group and, more generally, to make any proposals about policy and tools for staff remuneration and motivation. Isabelle MULLER * Ms. General Delegate to the French oil industry association (Union Française des Industries Pétrolières – UFIP) Ms. Sophie PATURLE Member of the Management Board of DEMETER PARTNERS Mr. Georges PICARD Executive Vice President of IFP Energies Nouvelles Mr. Jean SENTENAC Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and Director of AXENS Ms. Claire TUTENUIT* General Delegate to the French environmental association EpE (Association Française des Entreprises pour l’Environnement) STRATEGY COMMITTEE This Committee’s members are Mr. Pascal BARTHELEMY (Committee Chairman), Mr. Jean DESEILLIGNY, Ms. Isabelle MULLER and Mr. Jean SENTENAC. The Committee examines the Group’s main strategic directions and gives an opinion on decisions to acquire strategic assets, strategic agreements for technological and industrial alliances and cooperation as well as on draft development plans before they are submitted to the Board of Directors. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dominique HENRI Chairman and CEO n Jacques MOULIN Chief Operating Officer n Françoise PEUGNET Corporate Secretary n Grégory MATOUSKOFF Group Chief Financial Officer n STATUTORY AUDITORS PriceWaterhouseCoopers Audit 63 rue de Villiers 92208 Neuilly sur Seine CEDEX n Ernst & Young et Autres 1-2 place des Saisons 92400 Courbevoie Paris La Défense 1 n 11 12 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND ORGANISATION 01.3 BUSINESS LINE: PROCESS FURNACES DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE OF PROCESS FURNACES Heurtey Petrochem designs and manufactures process furnaces for the refining, petrochemicals and hydrogen production industries. These furnaces can heat, vaporise or crack oil products to transform them either into directly usable products, such as fuel, or into products which are then used to produce petrochemical derivatives, such as plastics. Heurtey Petrochem is also present on the market for hydrogen production furnaces, used in refining procedures. Each furnace is unique and custom-designed by Heurtey’s teams in accordance with the client’s specific needs. Thanks to its integrated teams, Heurtey Petrochem is able to manage all types of contract for its clients ranging from feasibility studies, process and mechanical design, project management, purchasing and manufacturing, to the turnkey construction on the production sites THREE AREAS OF EXPERTISE 60 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE MORE THAN 2,000 REFERENCES REFINING PETROCHEMICALS HYDROGEN PRODUCTION 13 14 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND ORGANISATION 01.3 CUTTING-EDGE SOLUTIONS FOR GAS PROCESSING BUSINESS LINE: GAS PROCESSING Through its subsidiary Prosernat, Heurtey Petrochem offers cutting-edge solutions for the entire natural gas processing chain. When it is extracted from the well, the gas must be processed, in particular to remove certain liquids or impurities, so that it can be transported then used. Heurtey Petrochem provides both technology licences and modular units to process the gas on the field. Prosernat has a comprehensive technological portfolio, with four main areas of expertise: dehydration, deacidification, MEG reclaiming and sulphur recovery. Prosernat also works in the field of refining, particularly for sulphur recovery units which are used both in the refinery and in the gas processing units. FOUR AREAS OF EXPERTISE DEHYDRATION DEACIDIFICATION MEG RECLAIMING SULPHUR RECOVERY 15 16 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND ORGANISATION 01.4 HEURTEY PETROCHEM IN THE WORLD Established in 10 countries, Heurtey Petrochem has a large network of subsidiaries around the world: in the United States, India, Romania, South Korea, Malaysia, Russia, China and Brazil. This international network, which is considerable given the Group’s size, provides us with the resources to carry out projects in most geographic regions. FACILITIES AND RESOURCES Furthermore, to control manufacturing and optimise costs, the Group has two proprietary manufacturing units in Romania and India, with a combined production capacity of 7,000 tonnes per annum. Saint Petersburg, Russia PARIS , FRANCE Bucharest, Romania 75 % OF STAFF BASED ABROAD Buzau, Roumanie Tulsa, USA Los Angeles, USA Beijing, China Seoul, South Korea Houston, USA Baroda, India Dubai, United Arab Emirates Mumbai, India 10 COUNTRIES Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2 MANUFACTURING UNITS Rio de Janeiro, Brazil n Head office n Engineering and project management centres n Manufacturing workshops 17 18 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 ACHIEVEMENTS & STRATEGY 02 WE REMAIN VIGILANT CONCERNING THE CONTRACTS THAT WE TAKE ON AND ENSURE THAT WE EXECUTE THEM WITH THE UTMOST RIGOUR. 20 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | ACHIEVEMENTS & STRATEGY 02.1 KEY EVENTS Signature of a partnership with Ecoslops Closing the Group’s subsidiary in South Africa Backed by its refining expertise, Heurtey Petrochem has developed an innovative procedure called P2R to recycle oil residues produced by ships and to produce marketable marine fuels. This procedure, which is the result of many years’ research and development within Heurtey Petrochem, is applied by an industrial partner, Ecoslops, and the first unit is now operational. In September 2015, Heurtey Petrochem signed a partnership agreement with Ecoslops. This agreement, regarding the supply of P2R units, was concluded for a 10-year period and provides for the pooling of sales initiatives and resources for prospecting to accelerate the development of new projects. In a very reduced domestic market and in the absence of medium-took prospects in this country, the Group decided to close its subsidiary in South Africa. November Heurtey Petrochem has several gas processing projects underway in Venezuela, with some €100 million remaining. Given the financing difficulties encountered by the client, these contracts have been suspended. From a prudential perspective, the Group has decided to cancel the margins previously accounted for as technical work progresses and to recognise provisions for research not paid to date. These measures had a one-off impact on 2015 current operating income of some €3 million and on consolidated net income of around €2 million. OHSAS 18001 certification delivered 2015 July Suspension of contracts in Venezuela Heurtey Petrochem France was granted OHSAS 18001 (“Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series”) certification, the international benchmark for Health and Safety in the Workplace management systems. 2016 August Acquisition of a plot of land in India on which a new manufacturing unit has been built Extension of Heurtey Petrochem’s offering to the manufacture of air preheaters In 2015, the Group acquired land on which was built its Indian manufacturing unit, for a total of €3.5 million. Situated in the state of Gujarat, this 40,000m2 facility, which has an annual production capacity of 3,000 tonnes, complements the production facility in Buzau, Romania. This new plant, which represents a major competitive strength for reaching the Indian and Middle Eastern markets, is already operating at full capacity. Heurtey Petrochem has extended its offering, providing a fully-integrated solution for the design and manufacture of air preheaters. With these air preheaters, which are manufactured in Buzau in the Group’s Romanian plant, Heurtey Petrochem is able to provide its clients with an additional guarantee in terms of quality and efficiency. Orders have already been placed for projects in Taiwan, Kuwait and Russia. September Signature of a partnership between Prosernat and FMC Technologies Prosernat has signed a partnership with FMC Technologies, the global market leader in subsea systems and a leading provider of technologies and services to the oil and gas industry. This partnership aims to offer an integrated solution in the processing and separation of oil, water, gas and solids. December Handover of the project for Total in Antwerp In 2012, Heurtey Petrochem signed a €59 million contract with Total for the modularised delivery of two ethylene furnaces at their petrochemical platform in Antwerp, Belgium. The two furnaces were delivered shortly before Christmas. Launch of a restructuring plan Given the scale of the crisis in the sector, in the 1st quarter of 2016 Heurtey Petrochem announced the launch of a restructuring plan, which will result in around 100 job losses around the world, i.e. approximately 15% of employees in the engineering centres. In parallel, additional steps will be taken to cut general expenses. In 2016, the various measures in the plan should generate a non-recurring charge evaluated at €4.7 million and, from 2017, should allow the Group to reduce its fixed costs by some €10 million per year. With a leaner cost structure, Heurtey Petrochem will be better positioned to overcome the crisis and seize any market opportunities that may arise. 21 22 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | ACHIEVEMENTS & STRATEGY 02.2 PROJECTS THREE QUESTIONS FOR PHILIPPE BERGAULT, PROJECT DIRECTOR What did the project consist of? Our client Total placed an order for the delivery of two ethylene furnaces for their petrochemical platform, within the refinery in Antwerp. DELIVERY OF TWO ETHYLENE FURNACES FOR TOTAL IN ANTWERP Client: TOTAL OLEFINS ANTWERP (TOA) Site: Antwerp refinery, Belgium Contract amount: €59 million Project: Delivery of two modularised ethylene furnaces Technology: Technip Stone & Webster In 2012, Heurtey Petrochem signed a contract with Total for the modularised delivery of two ethylene furnaces at their petrochemical platform in Antwerp, Belgium. Did the fact that the refinery was already in operation result in any particular constraints? Yes, we had to work in a very restricted assembly area, between different units which remained in operation. To meet these constraints, we prefabricated our furnaces in our Romanian plant in around 60 modules, each weighing between 20 and 150 tonnes, and we then transported them to a yard close to the refinery. Each evening a convoy transported one module to the site where it was then installed by crane. To give you an idea of the complexity of the assembly, the person operating the crane, which was 50 metres from the assembly area, could not see the assembly site and was guided by a colleague via walkietalkie. The furnaces have now been delivered; what is your assessment of the project? We are delighted at the execution of the project and the quick, smooth start-up of our furnaces, with zero accident during the project. For us, this project is an excellent example of the modularised design and construction of large-scale furnaces in units in operation. 23 24 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | ACHIEVEMENTS & STRATEGY SULPHUR RECOVERY UNIT FOR AXION IN ARGENTINA 02.2 Client: Axion Site: Campana refinery, Argentina Project: Delivery of modules for a sulphur recovery unit PROJECTS Contract amount: €65 million Project financing secured by a buyer’s credit This contract covers the delivery of equipment and modules for a sulphur recovery unit for the Campana refinery in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The project is managed by Prosernat, the Group’s gas business, as its sulphur recovery technologies are put to use both in the refinery and in the gas processing units EIGHT ETHYLENE FURNACES IN THE US Key stages of the project Site: Petrochemical complex in Baytown, Texas, USA Scope: Delivery of a train of eight modularised ethylene furnaces Project in consortium with Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding In 2013, Heurtey Petrochem signed a contract in consortium with Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding, covering the semi-modularised fabrication and delivery of eight ethylene furnaces for the petrochemical complex in Baytown, Texas. The furnaces were manufactured in semi-modularised form from a yard in Thailand before being delivered by sea to the port of Houston. Fabrication of the modules in France n Assembly of the modules in China n Expected delivery date: Second half 2016 n 2016 Shipment of furnaces from Thailand to Houston HYDROGEN REFORMER AND 24 REFINING FURNACES FOR KNPC IN KUWAIT Client: Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) Sites: Mina Abdullah and Mina Al Ahmadi refineries, Kuwait Key stages of the project n Semi-modularised fabrication of eight furnaces in Thailand n Shipment of the furnaces to the port of Houston 2,100 16,000 8 n Construction underway on the Baytown site Kuwait’s national petroleum company KNPC launched a project called the “Clean Fuel Project” aimed to extend and modernise two refineries in Mina Abdulla and Mina Al-Ahmadi. KNPC’s aim is to reach a refining capacity of 800,000 barrels per day with a reduced environmental impact, particularly reduced sulphur content. In this project, Heurtey Petrochem is responsible for delivering one hydrogen furnace (“SMR”) and 24 refining furnaces. The engineering of these furnaces is predominantly carried out by the Group’s French, South Korean and Indian entities. Manufacturing is carried out, for the most part, within the Group’s facilities in Romania and India. Handover is scheduled for the end of 2016. Project: Delivery of a hydrogen reformer and 24 refining furnaces Contract amount: €54 million 25 26 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | ACHIEVEMENTS & STRATEGY 02.3 MARKET, STRATEGY AND OUTLOOK INTERVIEW WITH JACQUES MOULIN, CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER OF HEURTEY PETROCHEM The price of oil has been plummeting for several months. How does this affect you? When oil prices fall sharply, this affects the revenues of oil companies, who are our clients. In this context we observe a significant delay in their investments. Consequently, this reduces our opportunities and contracts our market. in Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, and significant market potential with the reopening of the Iranian market. India is also a market in which substantial investments are announced to increase the country’s refining capacities and to adapt them to the new environmental standards. Lastly, the US remains an active region. What actions have you implemented to limit the impact of the market slowdown? First of all we remain vigilant concerning the contracts that we take on and ensure that we execute them with the utmost rigour. In 2015, we succeeded in maintaining our gross margin rate at around 14%, which shows our capacity to manage our contracts well. At the same time, we are making significant efforts to improve our competitiveness by optimising our processes, diversifying our supplies and manufacturing in lowcost countries. We are also working on positioning ourselves better on projects with high added value, by implementing technological and business partnerships. However, in view of the scale and expected duration of the crisis, we deemed it necessary to intensify our efforts to reduce costs by launching a restructuring plan in 2016 which will result in around 100 job losses across the Group, thereby reducing our fixed costs by some €10 million per year from 2017. When do you expect the market to improve? The fall in oil prices was provoked by the surplus supply of oil on the market. With the decline in investments, this excess supply should fall in the medium term, but it is difficult to give a precise time scale. According to the International Energy Agency, the oil market could improve in 2017. We are prepared for two years of market slowdown, 2016 and 2017. Are all your markets affected in the same proportions? The oil companies have reduced their investments in exploration and production as a priority. Consequently, the upstream sector where our Gas branch is active is more affected than the downstream sector where our Furnaces branch operates. The refining sector, for example, is holding up quite well. In terms of geographical regions, the Middle East is a dynamic area with large-scale projects announced n OBJECTIVES 2016 Revenues: €320 to €340 million Current operating margin rate: more than 2.5% for the Furnaces branch, negative for the Gas branch EBIT: Break even (after €4.7m in restructuring fees) 2017 OBJECTIVES Positive current operating income for the two branches n 27 28 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 03 DIVERSITY IS AT THE HEART OF THE GROUP’S CULTURE AND OUR EMPLOYEES MANAGE INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS WITHIN MULTICULTURAL TEAMS. | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | 98 1 2015 10 59 HUMAN RESOURCES 2014 03.1 10 21 CHANGE IN GROUP STAFF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2013 30 GROUP WORKFORCE DISTRIBUTION OF STAFF BETWEEN PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 24 957 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES PERMANENT EMPLOYEES DISTRIBUTION OF GROUP STAFF Heurtey Petrochem had 981 employees, working in 10 countries, at 31 December 2015. Human resources form the heart of the Group, and Heurtey Petrochem is fully committed to offer its teams a safe, stimulating environment in which each employee is treated fairly and can develop his/her skills as well as benefit from development opportunities. discrimination based on criteria relative to geographic or social origins, ethnic origin, disability, religion, political convictions, trade union activities, sex, sexual orientation and family situation. Diversity is at the centre of the Group’s culture and employees are responsible for international projects that require, alongside technical skills, strong project management capacities in multicultural team settings. The Group encourages talentsharing between the different entities, particularly by favouring secondments and expatriations. The HR policy pursued by the Group aims to develop the Heurtey Group’s culture by promoting its values: n professionalism and client satisfaction n respect for the culture and environment of the countries we work in n team development and motivation. HR VALUES Heurtey Petrochem is eager to ensure equal opportunities and condemns any form of The Group encourages skills development with its employees and training initiatives aim principally to develop technical expertise. 292 324 145 90 130 FRANCE ROMANIA INDIA USA OTHER GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION 74 % 26 % MEN WOMEN GENDER DISTRIBUTION ETHICS TRAINING FOR ALL EMPLOYEES In 2015, Heurtey Petrochem launched an e-learning programme on ethical issues. This programme, which was carried out by all Group employees, dealt with the main areas of ethics such as conflicts of interest, money laundering, corruption, data protection, health and safety in the workplace, intellectual property, discrimination and harassment. 31 32 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 03.2 HEALTH AND SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE Heurtey Petrochem considers Health and Safety in the workplace to be a top priority in all the Group’s activities. Our goal is to provide our employees and our teams of subcontractors with a safe work environment, wherever it is in the world, by promoting the development of a zero accident culture. The Health and Safety in the workplace policy concerns our employees as well as subcontractors working under our responsibility in our premises, in the manufacturing workshops or on the construction sites. This policy aims to continuously improve the Health and Safety in the workplace management system (SST system) to prevent risks and reduce any negative impacts. To create a safe environment for all employees, the Group’s policy aims to: n Assess the risks at all stages of our activities, n Determine the SST objectives and indicators, n Ensure permanent monitoring of regulatory changes, n Control the application of Group procedures and standards, n Provide our employees with training relating to safety issues, n Regularly re-evaluate the Health and Safety in the workplace management system. THE GROUP’S EIGHT COMMITMENTS IN TERMS OF HEALTH AND SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE : One of the main aims for the year 2015 was to proactively implement the methods used for analysing the risks of our activities. The workstations were analysed and prevention measures decided on and implemented to avoid accidents. In addition, the level of noise and lighting was measured in the Vincennes (France) offices and in the manufacturing workshops in Pali (India) and Buzau (Romania). At the same time, the Group initiated a monthly reporting process measuring the frequency and severity rate of accidents in all the Group’s subsidiaries, workshops and sites. In parallel, Heurtey Petrochem has set up safety integration programmes, as well as training courses and awareness initiatives on the risks present in the offices, workshops and on the sites. In addition, several training sessions including “Fire evacuation alert”, “ATEX (explosive atmosphere)” and “Work at a height” have been organised for the relevant staff members. To ensure the coherence and uniformity of the health and safety standards within the Group, it has embarked upon a wideranging certification processes. Several subsidiaries are now certified OHSAS 18001 (in France, Russia, India and South Korea). Ensure that Health and Safety in the workplace requirements are considered as the top priority in all the Group’s activities: engineering, manufacturing, construction and start-up, n Implement a Health and Safety management system that responds to our clients’ requirements and international standards, n Check the understanding and the implementation of the Health and Safety policy at every level within the Group, collect Health and Safety indicators for the whole Group, analyse the data and set concrete improvement actions, n Ensure that all accidents and dangerous situations are fully reported and investigated and implement prevention measures for the future, n Define precise objectives for promoting Health and Safety and review them on a regular basis, as part of a continuous improvement process, n Consider Health and Safety requirements as a key criterion when selecting subcontractors, n Provide our teams with training to improve their understanding and commitment to the Health and Safety policy. n 33 34 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 03.3 ENVIRONMENT HEURTEY PETROCHEM IS FULLY MOBILISED TO COMBINE THE DEVELOPMENT OF ITS BUSINESS ACTIVITIES WITH THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT. With this in mind, the Group has set itself the objective of reducing the negative impact of its activities on the environment, controlling energy and raw materials consumption and efficiently managing its waste emissions. Within its business designing, manufacturing and installing industrial units, Heurtey Petrochem strives to promote the design and diffusion of environmentally-friendly technologies. Through the continuous improvement of the return on its equipment, which also minimises the atmospheric emissions, Heurtey Petrochem makes an active contribution to reducing the environmental impact of its clients, oil and gas companies. Furthermore, after several years of research and development, Heurtey Petrochem has developed an innovative procedure called P2R which enables oil residues from marine transport to be recycled and transformed into marketable marine fuels. This procedure, which falls within the MARPOL Convention (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships), offers an economically viable solution for ships to manage their waste and thereby take an active role in combating marine pollution. This procedure has been in operation since September 2015 by an industrial partner and the first unit is now operational. The Group also implements actions to control and manage its energy consumption. To this end, Heurtey Petrochem conducted various energy audits both at the Group’s head office and at Prosernat’s head office, to measure energy consumption and identify solutions for improving the energy performance of the building. Heurtey Petrochem’s commitment to the environment has been recognised through ISO 14001(*) certification which was granted to its plants in Romania and India. Prosernat was also granted ISO 14001 certification in 2015. (*) ISO 14001 is a key international standard which recognises a company’s commitment to environmental management. 35 36 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 THE FIGURES 04 IN 2015, HEURTEY PETROCHEM SHOWED CONSIDERABLE RESILIENCE WITH THE PUBLICATION OF SOUND RESULTS. 38 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | THE FIGURES Total Furnaces Gas Total 309.2 111.1 420.3 349.8 87.7 437.5 Revenues: €420 million Current operating income 15.3 0.9 16.3 15.3 5.4 20.7 Current operating income: €16.3 million % of revenues 0.8% 3.9% 4.4% 6.2% 4.7% n n Furnaces Gas 5.0% 16 .3 CURRENT OPERATING INCOME Net income, Group share: €8.3 million n Furnaces branch: rise in the current operating margin rate to 5.0% Gas branch: Current operating income impacted by an unfavourable mix of licences/EPC contracts and by the suspension of contracts in Venezuela (margins previously accounted for cancelled and provisions recognised for some €3m) n REVENUES ORDER BOOK: REFINING 51 % 15 % AMERICAS 10 % 19 % 78 .2 €M 2013 €M* 2015 11 % HYDROGEN EUROPE, RUSSIA PETROCHEMICALS ASIA, OCEANIA HYDROGEN This figure includes €107 million in contracts in Venezuela, on which the Group does not expect to achieve a significant level of completion in 2016 as the client is facing financing difficulties. 400 €M 6 % EUROPE, RUSSIA 4 % SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AT 31 DECEMBER ORDER BOOK AT 31/12/15 26 % 34 % 2014 51 .2 5. 9 NET INCOME, GROUP SHARE €M 2015 REVENUES (€M) 2014 2013 2013 42 0 43 7 40 1 8. 3 9. 2 * 100% acquisition of Prosernat from 1 June 2014 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AT 31 DECEMBER (€M) 93 .8 NET INCOME, GROUP SHARE (€M)* 2015 THE STRENGTH OF HEURTEY PETROCHEM’S RESULTS IN 2015, AGAINST A SEVERE CRISIS IN THE SECTOR, DEMONSTRATES THE GROUP’S RESILIENCE. GAS €M n 2014 2014 Revenues 16 .6 2015 2013 Audited figures, in € million (IFRS) 2014 2015 IN FIGURES A contrasting situation for our two businesses 2015 04.1 20 .7 CURRENT OPERATING INCOME (€M) 46 % 52 % AMERICAS 20 % ASIA, OCEANIA GAS 36 % PETROCHEMICALS BREAKDOWN BY BUSINESS 15 % MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA BREAKDOWN BY REGION 38 % 17 % REFINING BREAKDOWN BY BUSINESS MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA BREAKDOWN BY REGION 39 40 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | THE FIGURES 04.2 STOCK MARKET INFORMATION SHARE OVERVIEW BREAKDOWN OF CAPITAL AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Trading market: Alternext d’Euronext Paris n ISIN: FR0010343186 n Ticker symbol: ALHPC n Number of share: 4,914,725 n 1.7 % MANAGEMENT & EMPLOYEES 62.3 % PUBLIC & INSTITUTIONALS The Board of Directors of Heurtey Petrochem has decided not to pay a dividend for 2015 in the light of the weak market environment and the launch of the restructuring plan. 36.0 % IFP INVESTISSEMENTS THE CALENDAR OF FINANCIAL COMMUNICATION FOR 2016 IS AS FOLLOWS n 2015 revenues: 16 February 2016 n 2015 full year results: n 2016 1st quarter revenues: 17 May 2016 n 2016 2nd quarter revenues: 8 August 2016 n 2016 1st half revenues: 14 September 2016 n 2016 3rd quarter revenues: 14 November 2016 16 March 2016 CHANGE IN MARKET PRICE IN € OVER 1 YEAR AT MAY, 2016 MARKET DATA AT 9 MAY 2016 AND CHANGE OVER ONE YEAR PERIOD Price at 9 may 2016 : 13.80 € n Market capitalisation : 68 M€ n Share price over one year : -51% n Average daily volume over one year : 3,482 35 30 25 20 15 n 5 CONTACTS 16 20 01 6 r. ap 6 .2 01 m ar 6 15 01 .2 fe b .2 jan 5 20 c. 01 v. 2 de 15 no 5 01 20 t. oc .2 20 15 pt se g 15 au 20 20 15 ly ju ju ne 20 15 0 m ay Capital turnover rate over one year : 18% n 10 Anaïs de Scitivaux, Investor Relations / Tel.: +33 (0)1 41 93 46 42 / +33 (0)6 73 21 35 84 / invest@heurtey.com All of the Group’s financial publications are also available from the Group’s website: www.heurtey.com n 41 42 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | THE FIGURES 04.3 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 in Euro thousands 31 DECEMBER 2015 31 DECEMBER 2014 Share capital 16,415 16,354 Issue premiums 35,538 35,538 Consolidated reserves – Group share 29,268 22,985 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES I – CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION in Euro thousands 31 DECEMBER 2015 31 DECEMBER 2014 Profit for the year – Group share 8,254 9,165 Translation reserves 4,141 (5,995) 93,617 78,047 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (GROUP SHARE) ASSETS Non-controlling interests (minority interests) NON-CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Goodwill 67,100 65,282 Intangible assets 10,977 8,010 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Tangible assets 11,039 8,816 Financial debt Financial assets 1,837 1,377 Provisions Provisions for pension liabilities and similar 221 186 93,838 78,233 7,177 7,305 782 118 1,657 1,985 25 72 Other non-current assets 806 88 Interests in equity-accounted joint ventures 342 186 Derivative financial instruments 101 Deferred tax liabilities 4,375 2,333 4,135 3,779 Other non-current liabilities 2,018 2,384 96,235 87,640 16,035 14,197 2,846 3,083 28,537 26,832 Derivative financial instruments Deferred tax assets CURRENT LIABILITIES CURRENT ASSETS Inventories On-going construction contracts (assets) Trade receivables and related accounts 77,873 88,441 148,674 156,932 Current taxes (assets) 6,301 3,470 Other current assets 37,692 36,875 297 187 Derivative financial instruments Cash and cash equivalents TOTAL ASSETS 54,983 56,210 328,665 345,198 424,900 432,838 Financial debt Provisions On-going construction contracts (liabilities) Trade payables and related accounts 6,089 4,383 76,412 99,915 175,165 184,262 Current tax liabilities 2,162 2,548 Derivative financial instruments 2,154 1,147 Other current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 24,507 21,322 315,027 340,408 424,900 432,838 43 44 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 04.3 HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 | THE FIGURES CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 II – COMPREHENSIVE INCOME CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT in € thousands 2015 2014 REVENUES 420,271 437,481 Cost of sales (360,508) (376,897) GROSS MARGIN Administrative and commercial expenses CURRENT OPERATING INCOME Other operating income and expenses OPERATING INCOME Share of net income from equity-accounted joint ventures OPERATING INCOME INCLUDING THE SHARE OF NET INCOME FROM EQUITY-ACCOUNTED JOINT VENTURES Income from cash and cash equivalents Cost of gross financial debt COST OF NET FINANCIAL DEBT Other financial income and expenses OTHER FINANCIAL INCOME AND EXPENSES 59,763 60,584 (43,497) (39,860) 16,266 20,724 (575) (566) 15,691 20,158 136 (155) 20,003 495 448 (1,199) (1,371) Consolidated net income (704) (923) Actuarial gains and losses 913 (4,488) 913 (4,488) 16,036 14,592 Tax on income (7,729) (4,966) 8,308 9,626 54 462 8,254 9,165 Net income attributable to non-controlling interests (minority interests) Net income, Group share in € thousands 15,828 INCOME BEFORE TAX CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME III – S TATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY EARNINGS PER SHARE (IN €) BALANCE AT 1 JANUARY 2014 NUMBER OF SHARES CAPITAL ISSUE PREMIUMS TREASURY SHARES CONSOLIDATED INCOME AND RESERVES 3,539,568 11,822 5,617 (64) 24,015 RESERVES TOTAL FOR SHAREHOLDERS' TRANS- ACTUARIAL LATION GAINS AND FAIR VALUE EQUITY RESERVES LOSSES RESERVES (Group share) NONCONTROLLING TOTAL INTERESTS SHAREHOLDERS' (minority EQUITY interests) (3,997) 35,120 16,044 51,163 9,164 462 9,626 (85) 3 (82) 1,597 5 1,602 (2,028) 41 (1,987) 10 (2,282) 9,164 (85) Gains and losses on hedging instruments 1,597 Translation adjustments (2,028) Total other items of comprehensive income (2,028) (85) 1,597 (516) 49 (467) 9,164 (2,028) (85) 1,597 8,648 511 9,159 COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (133) Trading in own shares Share-based payments Capital increase (133) 88 1,356,834 4,532 29,921 Basic 1.68 2.12 Dividends paid (1,947) Diluted 1.68 2.11 Change in scope 1,617 30 3 167 32 938 (5 995) (73) (518) BALANCE AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 OTHER ITEMS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME in € thousands CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME Translation adjustments Cash flow hedges Deferred tax on items that will be reclassified to profit or loss TOTAL OTHER ITEMS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME THAT WILL BE RECLASSIFIED TO PROFIT OR LOSS Actuarial gains and losses Deferred tax on items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss TOTAL OTHER ITEMS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME THAT WILL NOT BE RECLASSIFIED TO PROFIT OR LOSS 2015 2014 8,308 9,626 10,142 (1,987) (809) 2,375 208 (773) 9,541 (385) 594 (135) (192) 53 402 (82) CONSOLIDATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 18,251 9,159 Of which: Group share 18,216 8,648 35 511 Net income attributable to non-controlling interests (minority interests) 4,896 402 16 354 35 538 (197) Consolidated net income 88 88 34,453 34,453 (1,947) 8,254 Actuarial gains and losses 400 Gains and losses on hedging instruments (574) (133) (480) (2,427) 1,818 (15,889) (14,071) 78 047 186 78 233 8,254 54 8,308 400 3 402 (574) (27) (601) 10,136 6 10,142 9,962 (19) 9,943 Translation adjustments 10,136 Total other items of comprehensive income 10,136 400 (574) 8,254 10,136 400 (574) 18,216 35 18,251 (30) (30) COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Trading in own shares Share-based payments (30) 18,323 61 Dividends paid Change in scope BALANCE AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 4,914,725 16,415 35,538 (226) 34 95 95 (2,703) (2,703) (2,703) (9) (9) (9) 38,514 4,141 326 (1,092) 93,617 221 93,838 45 46 | HEURTEY PETROCHEM 2015 | ANNUAL REPORT 2015 04.3 THE FIGURES CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 IV – CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT in Euro thousands CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME 2015 2014 8,308 9,626 Elimination of net income from equity-accounted joint ventures (136) 155 Elimination of amortisation, depreciation and provisions 8,393 4,049 176 356 Elimination of revaluation gains/losses (fair value) Elimination of the discounting effect 25 Elimination of other items without cash impact Elimination of income from transfers and dilution losses and profits Income and expenses in connection with share-based payments SELF-FINANCING CAPACITY AFTER THE COST OF NET FINANCIAL DEBT AND TAX Elimination of tax expenses (income) Elimination of the cost of net financial debt SELF-FINANCING CAPACITY BEFORE THE COST OF NET FINANCIAL DEBT AND TAX Impact of changes in WCR Taxes paid CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Impact of changes in scope Acquisition of tangible and intangible fixed assets Changes in loans and advances granted Disposal of tangible and intangible fixed assets CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (7) Loan repayments Shareholder transactions: partial disposals / acquisitions Net financial interests paid Dividends paid to Group shareholders 71 95 88 16,854 14,031 7,729 4,966 704 923 25,287 19,920 (10,697) (14,794) (7,976) (5,485) 6,615 (358) (279) (1,527) (6,999) (2,646) (639) 724 737 (400) (7,180) (3,849) Capital increase - other Loan issues 5 (319) 34,447 7,997 3,394 (6,857) (8,762) (8) (14,092) (629) (721) (2,703) (1,947) Dividends paid to minority interests (480) CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (2,174) 11,840 Impact of changes in foreign exchange rates 1,137 (2,658) (1,601) 4,975 CHANGE IN CASH POSITION Opening cash position 35,574 30,599 Closing cash position 33,973 35,574 (1,601) 4,975 CHANGE IN CASH POSITION Heurtey Petrochem S.A. 8, cours Louis Lumière - 94306 Vincennes CEDEX - France - www.heurtey.com
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