The 1976 - Archive Aspen
The 1976 - Archive Aspen
The 1976 Within ... Seniors Individuals Enthusiasm Athletics Involvement Educators Investors 14 40 66 82 102 116 130 . Dedicated To .. . Aspen Her Her The The The Past, Present, Future People, Places, Ideas Way She Was Way She Is Way She Is Yet To Be .. . The 1976 Silver Aspen High School Aspen, Colorado 2 Queen J We've only just begun To learn, to live, to love. A wish for luck, and we'll be on our way To meet a shining sun. We'll try So many different lives to live. We start out wondering, asking why. For, yes, we've just begun Sharing adventures that are new to us: Learning to work, learning to play. Talking it over just a few of us, Growing wiser day by day. And when the year is done - we'll smile, For all of life is just ahead. We'll find a place where there's room to grow. We've only just begun. 4 11 We've only just begun 0 0 0 13 Seniors , SUZAJ\'NE ELIZABETH COMCOWICH JACK CHARLES ANDERSO!'o There Is No Time Like Now. L. TO R. --Paul Bartel, Vice-Pres.; Mrs. Mills, Sponsor; Kix Nystrom, P~s.; Carrie Moebius, Sec. -Treas.; Mr. Orcutt, Sponsor. JERRY ALEXANDER RUTHERFORD DOUGLAS KEITH MAl\'UEL Kl~iBERL Y KAYE HOWE DANA LYl\'N ~ALL SCOTT ALAI\ LOHR PAUL i\LLEN BARTEL CHRISTOPHE LYSTER PHll.LIPS DO'r\"'\A RAE Kll'\G 18 GRANT CUR TIS TIM ROTH DEBORAH JANE DOLLE KIM VICTORIA STAPLETON NILS HENRIK HEYERDAHL 19 ROSAMOND SALTONSTALL LEE MICHAEL KEITH ADAMS PETER VanDOMELEN If You Want You Make Them Laugh, To Love You, KRISTIN PATRICIA EPLER 20 THOMAS CLAYTON FEELEY People To Like If You Want People Make Them Cry. KIX NYSTROM DIANE LOUISE FARNY JERI ANN GOLDE 21 NICHOU.S EDWARD GUST CARRIE L~'!\ KEITH SHA:-..'E ~10EBIUS BROUGHTO~ KIM ANN LUTZ - [iJ" 22 ClAUDE MILTON CONNER BRADFORD RICE MOORE ROBIN GALlAHER The Place Is There, All I Journey To Find It. STEPHEl'\ ERl\EST CRISTANELLI DEBBIE LOUISE ERICKSON ANTHONY NEIL PALAZZI Have To Do Is Begin The STEVE!'\ HAROLD L\NGLEY LANDRY LANE LITTRELL REBECCA LYNN WILSON SCOTT CUR TIS LUCIE A:-.~ DESMOND We Have A Thousand Lives To Lead KRISTIE KAY GOODHARD GORDON RAINEY BANKS MICHELLE YVONI\E MONTGOMERY !':ORBERT JOSEPH RUNG TURK CHARLES WIEGNER FRANK EDWARD LINZA LINDA KAY BERGMAN HARRIS C. SONDAK I Shall Be Like A Tree, I Shall LAURA LEE WRIGHT 26 HARVEY BADGEROW HOFF LINDA BETH SHULDENER MICHAEL GREGORY FORBES Die At The Top. LESLIE RACHEL DICKSON 29 CYNTHIA JOAN KIRK\\000 BRIAl>. OOKALD ROGERS Why Did I Laugh Tonight? RUSSEll SCOTT WRITER I ... ANDREW NELSON DOUGHERTY No Voice Will Tell KAREN LEE SHECHTER KATHLEEN LOUISE JOHNSON 31 , SCOTT LEE DORE STACY SUE SAUNDERS JAvtES HENRY SI\1\fONS IV What Makes The Dese Somewher KATRINA ANNE PEIRCE MARK ALLEN LEWY eautiful Is That t Hides A Well MARY SYNDONIA HUBBARD KIM SUE DEFRIES JAMES FINLEY FLAVEL BASCOM LOIS KATHLEEN SPRINGER SCOTT PETIT BAKER BRADLEY SCOTT DOWLER If Your Deeds Go Unnoticed Know In Your JOHN MICHAEL RANYAN 34 LAURA HARRIS RUSSELL EDWARD FLORANCE COLIN WHITTEN SPENCE Isn't It Enough That You Head You Did It! GRETCHEN MARY ROSOLACK 35 LONNIE DEAN WHITMIRE LESLIE ANN HINELINE RANDY KING RUGGLES Hold Fast To Dreams, Life Is A Broken Cannot Fly. MELODY SUE NORTON 36 CLAUDIA LEONE GANZ For If Dreams Go Winged Bird That MATHEW ERWIN MARTIN JON STEN WESTERLIND AMY LOillSE KNIGHT 37 Let Us Love Life And Feel CHRISTI~A MONIKA ZIEGLER ]AMES CLAYTON HAYES GREGORY CHARLES GOMON LAURIE ANN LOUGHRY The Value Of It JENNIFER ANNE HOFFMANN TODD WILLIAM FROELICH LYDIA ANN VAGNEUR JAMES BEE HAMOUZ Class Officers Ann De:-.tuth, President Anne Anderson. Sec.-Treas. julie Stutsman, Vice-Pres. :Vtr. Rhinehart, Sponsor Juniors Stefan Albouy Deborah Beck :\1r. :-.tasters, Sponsor Scot Broughton Kenneth Carpenter 42 Belinda Bro\\"nell Anne Caudill Shane Burton Alison Colony Curt Caparrella jeanne Colver jill Card Katheryn Comcowich Dalene Alcorn !\cal Beidleman Stephan Carlson '\hrtin Cristanclli Anne Andcn;on Charles Berger ,\tike Armstron,::: Linda Blomquist Stacr ,\u~cnstein Kathy Bowman Beth Bartel Paul Britvar Judith Crosby Beach Edwards Laura Crosby Tony Ericksen Debra DcKramer Greg Freshour Cathleen DeMuth Mike Gerbaz Wendy Dickson Tony Gordon Charlie Guy David Hovdesven Scott Douglass Cary Guy Dirk Hale Dana Jones Mickey Hartman Kim Keluche Mike Hembel Lauren Laboe Sam Henry Wendy Langdon Butch Holman Anne Lee 45 Lindsey Littrell Libette Mathias Bets} :-..torgen David Popish 41) Star :-..tuir Greg Poschman Tammie :-..tullikin Betty Pratt Karen Pedersen Chris Preusch Jim Perry Farish Rivers John Gothard John Gardner Michele Goodhard Mike Hale Mary Gile Valone Graves Jeff Golde Roxanne Hines Chip Heldman Eric Kallstrom Carolyn Hyde Heidi Kuhn Kim Henke Mary Ann Kelly Donna Hougland Dana Knight Heather Lee Robin Lewy Karen Lohr David Marsh Robby Lipton Cindy Madsen Wendy Lutz 54 Mike Lull Larry Mayer Sara Melahn Valerie Morse Frank Melville Jim Morgan John Pratt Kristen Moebius Tina Munds Chris Montgornety Vicki Nall Maty Reese 55 Kandy Rivers • F.mily Reichman Carl Skeele Denise Selby Steve Springer Henry Thurston Doug Valley 56 Dwight Shellman Peggy Thorpe Barbara Ulrych Julie Van Domelen John Voigt Jeff Vroom Kimberly Ward Kathy West Cabby Warkentin Lauri W esterlind Steve Wenzel Joy Whitmire Becky Wiggins Leslie Wright 57 Tracy Albright Dale Alcorn Cullen >.lorse. Treasurer Heather Gallaher, President Freshmen :\irs. jordan, :\1r. Marsh, Sponsors :\larlis :\larolt, Secretary Evans Clements Brenda Carlson, Vice-President jon Cohen Adrian Armstrong Kent Bowman Robi Ca .. c Mark Comcowich Doug Beck Andrea Brinkman Heidi Chase Lisa Crisci Betsr Bell Ingrid Buck Steve Chestnut Kristen Dahlander Cindy Bickell Ian Burkcc Dou~ Cipriano .\\ike Dalrymple Shawnee Blackwell Brenda Carlson Timmr Clapper Laurel Douglas \1ike Edlin Greg Gerbaz ~tatt Harland Bucky Herron 60 Chris Feeley Randy Gibbons Sara Harland jeff Hill judy flowers Eric Codal Steve Haroldson Tod Hobcrccht Scott fuller Gina Gould Cathy Hembel Paul Hoffmann Heather Gallaher Cheryl Hamouz Chris Herrera Carl Holman Rod Garcia Bridget Gardner Gary Hudson Ray Johnson bl Claudia jones Patrick Kelley Anna Lauriski :-.lark i\.!enscher 62 Bijan :\!issaghi Steve Kelley ~Hke Linza Kim Marshall Becky Moore Julie Kirk Paul Luciani ~like Langley C.C. Luhnow Piper ~1artell Tracy Moore Cookie ~1azhari Cullen Morse Miles Langley Bob Lutz Julie Mcgahan Stacy Kewbcrry Ke\"in Lauck ~tarlis ~tarolt t-:ancy \1clville Kim O'Flinn 63 64 Amy Parry Jonathan Ronay Daina Piper Karen Rutherford Dean Stapleton John Wall \.1ark Stewart Craig Weaver John Popish Stanley Shechter Hamilton Tharp Debbie West Lisa Reich Kim Speck Lisa Timroth Cheri Vvhitmire :\iary Reichman Heather Spence Lisa Valley Paul Wirth Leslie Resnick Jennifer Woodward Bill Ziegler Can you really learn yearbook layout by cutting up magazines???? Shve day brought out the Freshmen in all of us------ Carrie Moebius, Stacy Saunders, Robin Gallaher, Kristi Epler, Queen Candidates, 1975 Bill Archibeque donates some hot air to the homecoming parade . Coke Spence climbs the last rock for outdoor ed. Student Council prepares itseli for the Craig conference 1 1975. Aleyoooooooooops, Mrs. :Mills! Too many pancakes during homecoming week. Good hustle, volleyball team. The Nurses Aides spread a little comfort to the Senior Citizens. It Happened in '75 The year that was at AHS, 1975-76. During their trip to ~farble the faculty enjoyed nature and the peaceful serenity of our great out-of -doors, and were very adventurous, as one of our more experienced climbers, ~1rs. ~1ills, proved her perfect balance to Mr. ~tasters. Members of the Nurses Aide class, along with Senior Citizens of Aspen enjoyed some of the goodies of life in Mrs. jordan's home economics room. The homecoming pancake-eating contest seemed to provide pancakes that stuck to the stomach at the wrong time and place. It was a year of volleyball to 16 girls at AHS. Leading the girls in their first season of NWL action was Page French, who doubles as secretary to Mr. Way. The first snowballs of the season are let loose---right in the face . Winter without snow is like a day without sun and we had our share of white flakes fall. Everyone enjoyed burying each other in the snow. In many ways 1975-76 was like any other year, but those of us who leave Aspen High this year know how much it meant to be a part of the great activities around us. 69 Winter Of "76" The year continued--and Christmas season arrived. The Sophomore class remembered the "Twelve Days of Christmas" in a skit for the annual program. Equally original skits were presented to an enthusiastic student body by the Senior, Junior and Freshman classes as well as the basketball team. The Student Council presented the faculty and staff with appropriate ''gifts" to show student appreciation. Students participated in contests to decorate areas of the building and all students assisted in the decorating of the "cloud high" tree in the commons. Mr. Orcutt proved that "math can be fun" to students who sought help on their unscheduled time. Music students continued their on-going fund raising campaign by selling candy to hungry students. Physical conditioning for sports and in PE classes found student participating in jogging throughout the year . Cross- country skiing and Alpine events played a big part in the lives of the skiing students as AHS, as well as ski instructing for profit. Amid the various activities, students still managed to squeeze in time for study (especially during finals week). YARDAGE! Homecoming 1975 The week of Homecoming proved to be the most active--if not the most exciting, week of the year. Each day saw a new fad explored and presented as everyone took part in the week's activities. "NOW USTE:!'\, HOT LIPS" Activities included a 1950's Day, and the pep rally on Friday was exciting, with contests and games. After hours of labor the floats, featuring Devil destruction, were assembled at the old Middle School for entrance in the 1975 Homecoming Parade. Along with the floats the Aspen High Band marched to "Father of Victory" as it delighted the people who formed the usual long lines on Main Street. BOOOM EEEV.EN ! ! ! Saturday afternoon the Homecoming game resulted in a 28 to 0 shut-out by the Skiers. The Homecoming dance finished the week in a style which only the Aspen Skiers could appreciate. LEFT UUUH, RIGHT UUUH, LEFT UUUH ... 1975 HOMECOMil'G ROYALTY King -- Paul Bartel. Queen -- Robin Gallaher SCARF • . • SCARF • . . SCARF • . . O}:E AND A . •• TWOANDA •• • THREE AND A ••. MR. IRRF.SISTABLE Would the real :-.1rs. Fiedler, please raise her hand' AHS BAND, ROW 1: Mary Hubbard, Nancy Baxter, Debbie Erickson, Debbie West, Paul Luciani, Doug Beck, Neal Beidleman, Eric Kallstrom, Sam Henry, Lisa Farr, Tracy Moore, Heather Spence ROW 2: Marlis Marolt, Lee Thurber, Kathy Whitmire, Melody Norton, Lydia Vagneur, Lonnie Whitmire, Sydney Stapleton, John Ranyan, Cheryl Hamouz, Heather Gallaher ROW 3: Kenyon Johnson, David Popish, Rod Garcia, Brad Moore, Todd Froelich, Nick Gust, Gary Hudson, Scott Baker, Tom Thorpe, Gina Gould, Denise Selby, Debbie Beck, Michele Goodhard Banding Together To Make Music & Good Vibrations The 3 8 student members of the AHS band participated in all four home football games this year, in addition to marching in the Homecoming, Christmas and Winterskol Parades. Band members participated in Winter and Spring Concerts, the NWL Band Contest in April, and the Solo and Ensemble Contest in January, and they received 3 first prize awards. During the Annual May Music Department Banquet, the John Phillip Sousa Award is given for the best band student as selected by all music students, as well as Outstanding Boy and Girl Band and Choir Awards, and Musical Awards. Jazz Band The Jazz Band has always been an integral part of the music program at AHS. 1\velve students, along with Mr. Mac, make up this swinging musical group. While the group is not designed to be highly professional, it provides education and entertainment. The highlight of the year is the Annual May Dance which is sponsored by the Aspen Music Boosters. AHS JAZZ BAND, ROW 1: Brad Moore, Sam Henry, John Gardner, Nick Gust ROW 2: Todd Froelich, Kathy Whitmire, Bill McEachern, Debbie Erickson, David Popish, Lydia Vagneur, Scott Baker Choir Makers of Golden Tones The 1975-76 AHS Choir is one of the largest ever- -41 students enrolled in vocal music. Choir is an intense program aimed at individual progress and accomplishment. Both the choir and the modern choir, which are by audition only, performed in winter and spring concerts, as well as at the State Lions Convention, and were filmed in concert for the Grassroots Telethon. Choir received 9 firsts at the solo and ensemble contest in Rifle and attended CHS Activities Association ' s Western Slope Competition at the end of April. MODERN CHOIR, ROW 1: Denise Selby, Todd Froelich, Nancy Baxter, ROW 2: Heather Lee, Kim Ward, Brad Moore, Carrie Click, Laura Crosby, Lisa Farr ROW 3: Tammy Baar, Scott Baker, John Ranyan CONCERT CHOIR, ROW 1: Butch Holman, Tammy Baar, Dalene Alcorn, "\1ark Barbee, Laura Crosby, Carrie Click, Beth Bartel, Debbie Beck, 1\ancy Baxter ROW 2: Brad Moore, Debbie Cohen, Suzi Comcowich, Heather Gallaher, Leslie Dickson, Leonard Kuper, Becky Ganz, Kathy Comcowich, Kim Howe, Lisa Farr, Todd Froelich ROW 3: Heather Lee, Judy Crosby, Cindy :'\1adsen, Ann Lee, Carl Holman, Betsy Morgan, Denise Selby, John Ranyan, Joy Whitmire, Melody Norton ROW 4: Kim Ward, .\Hke Langley, Lauri \\'esterlind, Scott Baker, Donna Hougland, Scott LeDuke, Laura Campbell, Bob Isakson Folk Music In Overdrive AHS Bluegrass class consists of students who gain enjoyment from playing basic instruments , such as the mandolin, guitar, and fiddle . Three students, along with instructor Sandy Munro, have formed their own group which is known as Homegrown. It includes Chris Phillips, Lee Satterfield and Linda Shuldener. Chris, a senior, took second place at this year's National Guitar Flat Picking Contest in Kansas City, Missouri. Chris is also the first student to receive a Rotary Scholarship to study classical guitar with the MAA. The group has also recorded TV commercials for the Colorado Beef Growers' Association in California. BLUEGRASS: Carolyn Hyde, Laurel Douglas, Chris Phillips, Lee Satterfield, Sandy Munro, Linda Shuldener, Tammy Baar 77 Play Tryouts You've Got To Hand It To Little Mary Sunshine R1ch Bcsoyan's Off-Broadway hit, LITTLE ~1ARY SUNSHINE, borrowing from Strauss, Friml, and Herbert, presented a saga of Colorado when good meant good, bad meant bad, virtue was all, and justice always triumphed. A highly dedicated and talented group of 40 students worked days and nights to present four performances of this delightful and airy musical that concentrated on rehearsals and developed skills in dancing, acting, and singing, as well as being involved in lighting, set construction and make up. Aspen High Music Director Bill McEachern assumed overall responsibility with john Dillon acting as director. Coral Dillon and Kay Walbye assisted in the arrangement of musical numbers and planned all choreography. The art department was responsible for the stage sets and the business department provided tickets and programs. Make up artist: Come on. Time to make up . 'Nhere's Kix? Actress: Could I look a little younger tonight? My parents are in the audience. Actor: My pants are too long. Wardrobe keeper: Check the label. You've got Baker's. Actor: Wait a minute. What's that? Make up artist: Mascara. Actor: No way . . . don't come near me with that stuff! Make up artist: Hold still! \Vhere's Kix? Director: Places everybody. Curtain in 5 minutes. 8:00 Curtain rises. \\bere is Kix? Make-Up Is Important It Ended In '76 Fall fell, winter followed with former AHS'er Andy Mill winning a 6th in the Downhill Skiing at the '76 Olympics. The flakes continued and so did studying and sleeping in "Poole's Pit. " Student Council election speeches soon brought on a sprung spring with baseball, climbing, track and rodeo events. As the days dwindled, the rays shone on the sun bathers and ashes fell from the year's last cigarettes ... 80 Westerlind pounds out 40 yards. 3 1/2 TONS OF SKIER POWER 84 Head Coach: Peter DeGregorio Assistant Coaches: Tim Comstock and Willard Clapper, Jr . Manager: Charlie Guy and Beach Edwards Trainer: Millard Kelley kOW ONE: Turk Wiegner, Jon Westerlind ROW TWO: Jim Hamouz, Paul Bartel ROW ONE: Paul Hoffman, Ray Johnson, Gary Spence, Dick Lyons, Gary Hudson, Bill Ziegler, Martin Cristanelli, J. J. Clapper, Dean Stapleton, Patrick Kelley, Dave Marsh, Doug Throm, Jeff Fulginiti, Carl Holman, Tim Clapper, Kevin Lauck. ROW TWO: Mr. Willard Clapper, Jr. , Mike Dalrymple, Mark Comcowich, Scott Writer, Mark Tache', Dave Stapleton, Lonnie Whitmire, Frank Linza, Claude Conner, Turk Wiegner, Jack Anderson, Randy Block, Rich Roth, Ken Lum, Mike Armstrong, Scott Edel, Dave Martin, Butch Holman. ROW THREE: Doug Manuel, Steve Cristanelli, Randy Gibbons, Evans Clements, John Westerlind, Paul Bartel, Paul Brityar, Scott Baker, Kix Nystrom, Jim Simmons, Mr. Tim Comstock, Jim Hamouz, Drew Daugherty, Luke Stong, ~1ark Mayer, Jan Stenstadvold, Steve Carlson, Jim Perry, Matt Martin, Mike Gerbaz, Charlie Guy, Mr. Pete DeGregorio. 85 WIEGNER PLOWS THROUGH. NUTCRACKER SUITE, BALLET AT ITS BEST . . . When The Going Gets Tough SE:t-;IORS 69 70 71 73 75 79 81 84 UNDERCLASSI\1EN 52 14 Mike Dalrymple 61 15 Randy Block 62 16 Scott Edel 63 20 David Stapleton 65 22 Gary Hudson 67 23 Gary Spence 72 24 Dean Stapleton 78 26 Jeff Fulginiti 82 28 Ken Lum 84 34 Ray Johnson 85 36 Jan Stenstadvold 86 41 Mike Armstrong 87 42 Doug Throm 88 47 Marty Cristanelli 90 50 Mike Gerbaz 51 Bill Ziegler 14 Jon Westerlind 24 Claude Conner 30 Turk Wiegner 33 Jim Simmons 40 Lonnie Whitmire 52 Frank Linza 64 Jim Hamouz 66 Paul Bartel jack Anderson Doug Manuel Kix Kystro m Scott Baker Steve Cristanelli Mat Martin Scott Writer Drew Daugherty Carl Holman Evan Clement Patrick Kelley Wes Holman Luke Stong Rich Roth Paul Britvar David Martin Mark Mayer jim Perry, Jr. Mark Tache Greg Gerbaz Steve Carlson Mark Comcowich Randy Gibbons Aspen High School Skiers finished their 1975 football season with a 5 and 4 record and tied for fourth place in the Northwest League. For the second season in a row, the Skiers had the strongest defense in the League, holding their opponents to 100 points in nine games. Skier defense was one of the most experienced since every player had seen action for the past two seasons. The defense featured seven seniors and four juniors. Skier offense had its ups and downs this year. The first problem was picking the starting quarterback for Aspen this season. The choice was between senior Jon Westerlind, starting quarterback last season, or Randy Block, junior. For the most part, the job of quarterbacking for Skiers was split between these two athletes and each one had good games along with bad ones. Another dilemma facing the Skiers this season was the lack of experience in the offensive line. Though all five of the starting linemen were seniors, only two players had seen starting action last season. DEFENSIVE TEAM, 1975 BREAKAWAY! GO FOR IT! BOOMP! The Tough Get Going!!! The team backs were able to grind out good yardage this season and they did an excellent job of blocking for each other. The team had four primary receivers, but they did more blocking than receiving. This was due to the use of a grind-it-out offense as opposed to a quick-scoring, passoriented attack. To have a winning football team, there must be eager, aggressive players as well as high-spirited, well-skilled coaches. Without doubt the Skiers' trio of coaches met these criteria and ranked as one of the better coaching staffs in the state. This dynamic threesome was headed by coach Pete DeGregorio who has led the Skiers to five winning seasons in six years of NWL action including playoff action in both 1973 and 1974. Aspen had its usual quota of enthusiastic fans this season including a large group of pretty girls known as the Pep Club, and the Aspen High Booster Club, a large and reliable group of parents who are concerned not only with Aspen High athletics now, but also in the future. HIQH SCHOOL FOOTBALL SCHEDULE 1975 September 5 Roaring Fork September 12 Glenwood Springs September 20 Eagle Valley September 26 Craig October 3 Meeker Battle Mountain October 10 Rangely October 17 October 24 Steamboat Springs Rifle at October 31 Glenwood Away WON Away Home Away Away Home Away LOST WON LOST LOST WON WON Home WON Away LOST OFFENSIVE TEAM, 1975 87 Bump, Set, Spike! Completing its first year of !\orthwest League action, the Aspen High Girls' Volleyball Team finished its season with a six and five record and fourth place in the 1:\"WL tourna ment held at the end of October. They finish ed the regular season with a 5 and 3 record The squad consisted of 16 girls, six being seniors. A strong contingent of freshmen was on hand to power the JV team to an identical 5 and 3 record. ROW 1: Vicki Nall, Manager ROW 2: Heidi Kuhn, Karen Lindsey, Page French, Debbie West, Brenda Carlson, Mary Ann Kelley, Tina Zordel ROW 3: Laurel Douglas, Kim Stapleton, Dana Nail, Carrie Moebius, Amy Knight, Kim Howe, Linda Shuldener 88 Coach Danny Poole Girl's Basketball Becomes Sanctioned Sport! Aspen High Girls Varsity and coach made a unified effort with a 3 and 7 record in the first year of NWL action, and finished in fourth place. After a loss to Glenwood, there were three wins over Battle ~tountain, Eagle Valley and Rifle, with losses to Roaring Fork, Glenwood, Battle ~1ountain , Eagle Valley, Rifle, and Roaring Fork. The JV's finished their season with a 5 and 5 record beating Battle Mountain, Eagle, Battle ~1ountain, Rifle & Roaring Fork, and dropping games to Glem\ood, Rifle, Roaring Fork, Glenwood & Eagle. ROW 1: Tracy Moore, Mary Hubbard, Laurie Loughry, Kathy Springer, Heather Spence, Tammy Tacker, Manager ROW 2: Karen Lohr, Kristin Dahlander, Lisa Farr, Kathleen De\.1uth, Lauri Westerlind, Carrie Moebius, Danny Poole, Coach, Penny Millard, Amy Knight, Dodie Famy, Bridget Gardner, Dana Nail, Brenda Carlson, Laurel Douglass 89 ;o..Hcflub Doc Week Co-captain Gusto Skip Co-captain Hank Aspen High School Hoopsters; Something Special, Tall And Tough The Skiers' Varsity finished sixth place for the 1975-76 League basketball play. They tallied a 5 and 8 KWL record and an 8 and 8 over-all mark. It all began on Dec. 6 when the varsity, missing the services of center Steve Langley and forward Landry Littrell, defeated a well-organized faculty squad by a 51 to 42 margin. This game marked the only time this season when the Skiers were not led in scoring by either Langley or Littrell. The next outing for Aspen was on Dec. 12 against 13asalt High. The Skiers pulled out win number two by a convincing 69 to 35 score. Steve and Landry accounted for 40 points and prompted the nickname "the dynamic duo." Dec. 13 the Skiers traveled to Hotchkiss where they handed the Bulldogs a 70 to 57 defeat for win number three. Then the Skiers entered NWL action and dropped a close game to the Roaring Fork Rams on Dec. 19 with a 52 to 48 score. Skiers were beaten 66 to 56 by the Rangl ey Panthers on Jan. 10. Sporting an 0 and 3 League record the Skiers hit a 3 game winning streak. First it was 75 to 60 over Battle Mountain, a 69 to . Edelowits Bake Pablo Snauz Set it up 55 defeat of Eagle Valley, and a 55 to 41 win over the Meeker Cowboys. Between Jan. 24 and Feb. 12 the Skiers dropped five League games: Glenwood 58 to 47, Rifle 70 to 51, Craig 58 to 50, Glenwood 84 to 55 and Roaring Fork 62 to 38. The Skiers finished their regular season with back to back wins against Battle Mountain on Feb. 14 (56 to 31) and Feb. 19 over Eagle Valley (75 to 66). With a season of close games, hopes were high as Skiers entered League Tourney games. Critter BOYS' BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1975-76 AHS Faculty Horne WON Dec. 5 WON Basalt Horne Dec. 12 Hotchkiss Av-.'ay WON Dec. 13 Roaring Fork Horne LOST Dec. 19 Rangely LOST Horne Jan. 9 Steamboat Away LOST Jan. 10 Battle Jan. 16 Mountain WON Away Eagle Valley Horne WON Jan. 17 Meeker WON Away Jan. 23 Glenwood LOST Horne Jan. 24 Rifle Horne LOST Jan. 30 Craig Away LOST Jan. 31 LOST Glenwood Away Feb. 5 Roaring Fork Away LOST Feb. 12 Battle Feb. 14 WON Mountain Horne Eagle Valley Away WON Feb. 19 Feb. 26-27-28 League Tournament ROW 1: Bob Masters, Assistant Coach; Frank Linza, Manager; Erik Wolter, Head Coach ROW 2: Paul Bartel, Mike Gerbaz, Jon Westerlind, Scott Baker, Nick Gust, Steve Langley, Landi)' Littrell, Steve Cristanelli, Turk Wiegner, Mike Forbes, Sam Henry, Jim Bascom J.V. A Small Step From Varsity! For the Junior Varsity it was a season that ranged from low 20 and 38 point losses to Glenwood to two breathtaking overtime victories over the Roaring Fork Rams . The season evolved into a solid 7 won and 8 lost record. The JV's suffered from inexperience which is in the process of being rectified by a strong Frosh contingent. JV may well become a top league team for the 1977 season. KNEELING: Coach Bob ~taste~ RO\\' 1: Greg Gerbaz, :-.tark Comcowich, Steve Springer, Mike Dahymple ROW 2: 1\ick :-.1unds, :-.Hke Lull, John Gardner, Jim :-.torgan, Randy Gibbons ROW 1: Craig Weaver, Kevin Lauck, Patrick Kelley, Mark Comcowlch, Greg Gerbaz, Tim Clapper, Dale Alcorn, Rod Garcia ROW 2: Coach Mickey Lantz, David Ledingham, :'1.1iles Langley, Stanley Shcchter, Randy Gibbons, \.Hke Dahymple, Mike Langley, Doug Cipriano, Kourash Mazhari Fresh Frosh Come Through! Coach Mickey Lantz's Frosh squad compiled a 7 and 1 record that resulted in third place in the League. The Frosh beat Roaring Fork, Rifle, Eagle Valley, Battle ~1ountain and Basalt, while dropping only one game to Basalt. As the regular season unfolded, several Frosh saw duty on JV and were contributing factors in a strong JV program. ROW 1: Brad Dowler, Mickey Hartman, Brad Caldwell, Paul Wirth, Scot Broughton, Charles Burger, Manager ROW 2: Bill Ziegler, Stan Hall, Butch Holman, Craig Hayslip. Shane Broughton, Jim Hughes, Coach Winning Isn't Everything: Giving Your All Is. Although wrestling has been a required League sport for the past five years, this year was the first in which it received significant interest. Because the team was incomplete in the various weight classes, forfeitures were at least a twenty point penalizing factor in every meet. In spite of this, several of Aspen's wrestlers picked up numerous victories during the season. Junior Mickey Hartman, 132 pounds, took third place in the League Tournament. Bill Ziegler and Scot Broughton were also cons istent performers. In wrestling the pain barrier is a very real entity, and the degree of concentration neees sary is perhaps unequaled in any other sport. A split second let-down generally means defeat. In Aspen matmen must deal with formidable enemies and apathy among local fandom . Both athletes and their unique sport deserve a bit better, and team members are working to improve this. CROSS-COUNTRY SKI TEAM L. TOR.: Kirk vanian, Cullen Morse, Alexi Grewal, Anne Caudill, Valerie Morse, Grant Timroth Continuous Motion, Conspicuous Grade Nordic Skiing Six individuals should be recognized for their efforts in Nordic Skiing in 1976. Anne Caudill dominated her class all season and was selected for Junior National Competition. Valerie Morse also placed well and completed in the Junior Nationals. Kirk Vanian was first in his class and he participated in the Junior Nationals. Neither Caudill nor Vanian placed lower than third in any of their races. Strong performances were also turned in by Cullen Morse, Grant Timroth, and Alexi Grewal. ALPINE "B" TEAM ROW 1: Peter Knights, Neal Seidelman, Robin Caudill, Cary Guy, Cary Spence, Mike Armstrong, Laurie Montgomery, Lisa VJtti, Barbara Ulrych, Coach Ron Lamaster. RO\\o 2: johnny Bresnitz, Steve Carlson, Colin Spence, Mike Maple, Paul Britvar, Doug Throm, Shane Burton, Laura Campbell, Scott Writer Alpine Skiing Aspen High School fielded 39 athletes to participate in Alpine Skiing for the 1975-76 season. Overall the team was strong but certain individuals should be recognized for their outstanding accomplishments this year. In the girls division it was Belinda Brownell who set the stage for skiing this season. Belinda placed in the top ten several times this season, both in U. S. National and Canadian National Ski Races . She was selected for Senior Nationals, and finished in first ALPINE "A" TEA:O.l RO\\' 1: Coach Peter Loorum, Ted ~larolt, Cindy Suplicio, Belinda Brownell, Sarah Hoyt, Kelley Swales, David Stapleton, Mike Farny, Kurt Hammond, ROW 2: Cre~ Kissler, Keith Adams, Jan Stenstafvold, :-:eil Dougherty, Ned Canz, jeff Mann. Cliff Gerber, ~lark Tache', Chris Pravda, .Marlo Johnson, Cordon Banks. :-:oT PICTURED--Charlie Guy place in the Albert Trophy Series covering the Rocky ~lountain Division. For the boys it \\as Keith Adams and David Stapleton \\ho led the way. Adams finished first in the Albert Trophy series and competed in several of the Senior series races where he usually finished in the top ten. David Stapleton finished in the top 20 twice in the Western Can-Am Giant Slalom races . I Ie also ranked well in the National and International Standings. Sponsored By: Aspen Ski Corp. Photos by Brownell Photo -- Aspen Icemen Have Hot Season Hockey began at Aspen High only one year ago and has grown into a sport which features ove1 20 boys. The team's home games were held at the Aspen Ice Garden. The pucksters traveled to Denver and Colorado Springs to play most of their games, and played Ogden, Utah, and Casper, Wyoming, in home games this season. A main reason for Skier success in hockey during this season was the excellent coaching. Strong scoring by Randy Block, along with fine goal-tending by Mike Hale and Tony Gordon, kept Skier opponents at bay throughout the season. ROW 1: Farish Rivers, Eric DeVos, Kent Bowman, Frank Melville, Steve Kelley, Mike Hale ROW 2: Coach Ric Hess, Dave Marsh, Mike Squair, Doug Bayer, Rob Lipton, Hemy Thurston, Randy Block, Alex DeWolf rI Amy Knight, Volleyball Carrie Moebius, Basketball jon Westerlind, Basketball Effort Joining Spirit Uncovers Admirable Athletes When that extra bit of blood was requested, the final effort, the boost to team moral, the lick and promise in the locker room, the funny moment to break the tension, the willingness to endure the extra moment---these are the athletes chosen by the coaches for their willingness to participate to the fullest without necessarily receiving the cheers of the crowd. From the Coaches--- Hats off! Three Cheers! Sponsored By: Aspen High Boosters Club Paul Bartel Football LETTERMEN'S CLUB RO\\ 1 Frank Linza, Carrie Moebius, Kix Kystrom, Amy Knight ROW 2: Matt Martin, Drew Dougherry, jack Anderson, Claude Conner, jim Hamouz, Dodie Farny, Beth Bartel, !\tary Hubbard, Brenda Carlson, Heidi Kuhn RO\\ 3: Shane Broughton, jon Westerlind, Laurel Douglass, Lonnie \\bitmire, Penny Millard, Kathy Springer, Kim Howe, Steve Cristanelli, Butch Holman, Randy Block RO\\ 4 : Landry Littrell, Steve l1ngley Pitch, Hit, Run Spring brought us baseball. This year promised to be the best ever with a core of seven players returning from last year' s varsity squad that finished second in the League. In addition, 12 athletes returned from the 1975 JV team which also finished second. In all, the Skiers played 15 games this season including 10 varsity and 5 JV contests. Spring training for Aspen began on March 1st and less than three weeks later the Skiers played their first game against Eagle Valley. Since Aspen did not have a field of their own they played all of their home games in Glenwood Springs. During the past five years the Skiers never placed lower than second and won the League in 1973. Coaches: Al Cluck, Willard Clapper, Jr. ROW 1: Mike Hale, Doug Valley, Gaty Hudson, Timmy Clapper, Kent Bowman, Chip Simmons ROW 2: Doug Throm, Randy Block, Mark Tache', Mike Armstrong, David Stapleton, Dana Stevens, Mike Forbes, Harvey Hoff, Coach Clapper, Coach Cluck ROW 3: Jim Bascom, Kix Nystrom, Jim Hamouz, Martin Christanelli, Farish Rivers, Russell Florance, Claude Conner 100 ROW 1: Coach Sid Baxter, Mark Comcowich, Doug Beck, Randy Gibbons, Greg Gerbaz, Matt Harland, Rod Garcia, Mark Menscher, Carl Holman ROW 2: David Marsh, David Hovdesven, Paul Bartel, Shane Broughton, Scott Baker, Jon Westerlind, Frank Linza, Butch Holman, Mike Gerbaz If You Can Walk, You Can Run Boys track team participated in 6 meets and District and State competitions in 1976. Events for the strong squad included high and low hurdles, 220 and 440 individual runs, 440 and 880 relays, mile relays, high jump, one and two mile runs. Over 40 girls came out for track this season allowing coach Myra Lewis to fill all events. Several girls returned from last season when they participated in the State Tournament. Discus, shot put, hurdles, and 440, 880 and mile relays were the events for girls meets. ROW 1: Brenda Carlson, Adrienne Armstrong, Bridget Gardner, Heidi Chase, Cindy Bickel, Debbie West, Lisa Valley, Tracy Moore, Sarah Harland, Kristin Dahlander, Kathy Hemble, Laurel Douglass, Myra Lewis, coach. ROW 2: Joy \Vhitmire, Tammy Tacker, Emily Reichman, Kelly McMahon, Anne Anderson, Carrie Moebius, Laurie Loughry, Cathleen DeMuth, Dodie Farny, Kathy Springer, Dana Nall, Chris Montgomery, Kristen Moebius, Amy Knight, Dana Jones, Tina Munds, Gabby \'•arkentin, Lisa Farr, Tina Zordel, Nancy Baxter. ROW 3: Janet Crosby, Cindy Madsen, Kathy West, Suzie Comcowich, Kim Ward, Kathy Comcowich, Beth Bartel, Miss Chaloupka, assistant coach, Becky Ganz, Mary Gile, Sarah Melahn, Mary Reese, Lauri Westerlind. ROW 1: Julie Stutsman, Kix Nystrom, Mr. Comstock, John Ranyan ROW 2: Claude Conners, Paul Bartel, Carrie Moebius, Laura Harris, Raz Lee, Cathleen DeMuth ROW 3: Beach Edwards, Scott Baker, Greg McPherson, Larry Beer, Frank Melville, Dwight Shellman Trying To Make The Best Better An integral part of life at Aspen High is led by the Student Council. Dances, fund raising projects, and student activities are but a few of the tasks assigned to the council each year. This year's activities included the Homecoming Dance and Parade, the NWl Fall Workshop in Craig during October, the NWL WinterWorkshop in Glenwood in February, and the NWL Spring Workshop in Carbondale in May. The Student Council is in charge of Christmas decorations for the Commons and in spiriting class participation in decorating the school. OFFICERS: Scott Baker, Beach Edwards, Laura Harris, Raz Lee 104 The Council engaged in student exchanges this year including one with Lakewood High School in March and with other NWL schools during the school year. Members also worked with other N\VL schools in recognition of the Bicentennial Celebration. FRONT ROW: Scott Lohr, Ingrid Booke, Heather Gallaher, Greg Gomon B.\CK RO\\': Jennifer \\oodward, Robin Lewy, Larry Beer, Heidi Kuhn, Dwight Shellman, Cindy Madsen, Verena Bent. Judges, Debaters, I Stand Resolved Officers: Verena Bent, ;\!iss Hopkins, Robin Lewy Four years ago Jill Hopkins organized a Speech and Debate Club at Aspen High. Members compete \\ith schools around the state in debate tournaments during the winter and spring . The Debate Team attended eight tournaments before the district qualifying event in Grand Junction in February. Those students who qualified at the District Meet advanced to the State Tournament in Denver during March. Although debate is not a spE>ctator sport, it is an important event each year and with continued support from the school , debate has become an integral part of life at AHS. ROW 1: Steve Langley, Julie Stutsman, Lisa Timroth, Heather Gallaher, Karen Rutherford, Nancy Melville, Heidi Chase, Adrienne Armstrong, Claudia Jones ROW 2: Miles Langley, Judy Crosby, Lisa Farr, Becky Ganz, Kristen Moebius, Tina Zordel, Kim Howe, Gabby Warkentin, Sheri Whitmire, Bridget Gardner, Tammy Baar, Debbie Cohen, Cathy Comcowich ROW 3: Laura Crosby, Beth Bartel, Stacy Saunders, Kim Ward, Robin Gallaher, Suzee Harris, Wendy Langdon, Donna King, Janet Crosby, Mike Langley, Joy Whitmire, Leslie Wright, Roxanne Hines, Aleta Broughton, Carrie Click, Nancy Baxter, Heather Logefeil, Cindy Madsen, Lauri Westerlind, Mary Gile , Sarah Melahn A Lot Of Pep, A Lot Of Steam Behind every good school team there is a good pep club, and Aspen High is no different. Pep Club acts as a built-in-rooting section for football and basketball games during the year. They learn cheers so they can assist the cheerleaders in driving the team on. Pep Club is mainly responsible for posters which appear around school before each game, and they help to organize the crowd-pleasing pep rallies each Friday during the season. They also sponsored a Christmas Dance on December 20. Mrs. Judy Gerbaz and Mrs. Pegge Logefeil, sponsors, have initiated many Pep Club activities and projects during the year. OFFICERS: Julie Stutsman, Nancy Baxter, Carrie Click, Mary Gile, Lauri Westerlind 106 Outing Club Trucks On AHS Outing Club is comprised of a group of people who enjoy each other 1s company and who go out and get into the outdoors through hiking, skiing and camping experiences. Philosophically the club provides a chance for students and teachers to break the barriers and communicate. This year there was a hike to American Lake, skiing to Van Horn Park, and to the back of Buttermilk, with an overnight at Little Annie Basin, and a mjor spring trip to Lake Powell. OUTING CLUB ROV. 1: Linda Bergman, Dodie Farny, Penny Millard, Mary Hubbard RO\'V 2: Katrina Peirce, Mrs . Mills, Miss Chaloupka, Anne Caudill SUMl'vtER SAIL Somewhere in the tree: Laura Campbell, Julie VanDomelen, Landry Littrell. l\1rs. Hopkins, l\lr. Comstock, Mark Lewy, Tom Thorpe, Scott Lohr, John Gardner And So Sails Summer Sail The Summer Sail Program is designed to combine the academic with the ex periential, offering an alternative learning environment. Dur ing the year, the group has been involved in three quarter courses : Man 1 s Sear ch for Identity, European History, and Navigation and Fundamentals of Sailing. The trip will have its sailing embarkation from Athens on a rented 60 1 yawl. The sailing trip will last approximately 6 weeks at a cost of $1, 500 per student. VICA Constructive Alternative To Doodling On Tables YIC \ Club involves students from auto mechanics and cabinet making classes under the direction of Ken Larson. A Fall Winterizing Clinic gave auto mechanics members valuable e:-..-pcrience in car maintenance and service. Officers attended a Fall Leadership Council and learned how to direct a meeting, how to usc money-making projects to advantage, and other functions of a VICA club. The club meets occasionally to enjoy breakfast at local restaurants. Members partipate in student work-nights, which allow the individual student to work by himself on a project which he needs to finish . Two field trips were taken to local auto repair shops to learn basic as well as advanced techniques. ROW 1: 1\orman Rung, Mr. Ken Larson, Scott Curtis RO\\' 2: Mickey Hartman, Charles Berger, Scott Broughton, Tony ~1addnlone ROW 3: :0.1ike Thullier, Steve Langley, Joel :0.1elahn Future Business Leaders of America members are students of the Business and Office Education classes at Aspen High. Activities are planned to develop competent, aggressive business leadership, improve scholarship, and promote good citizenship. Regional leadership meetings, district, state and national contests arc held throughout the year when students test their knowledge of business. FBLA OFFICERS: Kix Nystrom, Kathy Springer, Amy Knight, Jim Bascom, Melody Norton, Claude Conner ROW 1: Tammy Tacker, Linda Bloomquist ROW 3: Springer, Melody Norton Zelnick ROW 2: Wendy Dickson, Amy Saunders, Mike Forbes, Kathy Bowman, 4: Barbara Langley, Jim Bascom, Claude ROW 1: Sydney Stapleton, Joy Whitmire, Cheri Whitmire, Amy Knight, Anna Lauriski, Tammy Tacker, Kathy Whitmire, Leslie Wright, Roxanne Hines, Kathy Springer, Teresa Fitzpatrick ROW 2: Joel Melahn, Stan Hall, Neil Palazzi, Dale Alcorn, Bill Ziegler, Miles Langley, Tony Maddalone, Steve Springer, Mark Stewart, Lonnie Whitmire Rodeo Club Grows In '75 Aspen High Rodeo Club has grown to 24 members since 1973, and is one of the school's largest organizations. By participating in the state sponsored rodeos, each member has a chance to win various prizes and to enter into the state finals the next year. The club also holds dances during the year. In January the club attends the National Western Stock Show in Denver. OFFICERS ROW 1: Kathy Whitmire, Secretary Kathy Springer, Treasurer ROW 2: Joel Melahn, Vice President Lonnie Whitmire, President ROW 1: Mrs. Myra Lewis ROW 2: Laurie Loughry, Dana 1\all, Kathy Springer, Amy Knight, Cindy Kirkwood ROW 3: Judy Crosby, Tammy Tacker, Penny Millard, Tina Zordel, Betty Pratt, Beth Bartel, Karen Lohr ROW 4: Kim O'Flynn, Vicki Nail, Teresa Fitzpatrick, Mary Ann Kelley, Denise Selby, Colleen Collins, Heidi Kuhn, Aleta Broughton, Donna Hougland, Joy ~itmire, Lauri Westerlind, Kristen Moebius, Becky Ganz, Lisa Farr, Becky Wiggins, Barbara Ulrych, Janet Crosby, Cmdy Madsen Aspen High School GAA activities are somewhat inactive this year so that sanctioned sports for girls will have every opportunity to get started. GAA has a culminating activity at the end of each six- week unit in the GAA class. These units are: volleyball, handball, basketball, softball and swimming. GAA will have a year-end softball game with the mothers as in the past. Intermurals for girls will return next year in an active way. A Woman's Place Is In Her Sweatsuit And Tennies GAA Yearbooks Are Not Just Born And Delivered They Are A Labor Pain For Nine Months I\ like E.dlin. Tamie Mullikin, l"cd \\ ilson. \ erena Bent. Kim Defries, Donna King Sweating, smiling, laughing, crying and groaning for nine months put together the 1976 Silver Queen. The people on staff and in the labor room are one exhausted but happy family. Editors, assistants, advertising staff and photographers, with mid -wife photographer Cory Selby, all took part in the creating, and agonized in the final labor. The entire staff was totally inexperienced and only the editor Donna King was a returnee from last year ' s group. All three advisors ''ere also new to the Aspen yearbook techniques, and ministered to the staff through the production and delivery. Randy Ruggles, Katrina Pierce, Jennifer Hoffman, Raz Lee, Anne Anderson. Steve Langley 1975-76 SIL\ER QUEE!\' STAFF EDITOR ASSISTA!\T EDITOR PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Assistants ADVERTISING l\1A:\AGER Assistants SPORTS EDITOR Assistants SEt\IOR EDITOR JUl'\IOR EDITOR Assistant SOPHOMORE EDITOR FRESH \11\t\ EDITOR Assistant FACULTY SECTION EDITORS 1!\\'0LVE:\t£1\T EDITOR THE\1F SECTIOf' EDITOR El\THUSI~S~I EDITOR BUSI!\ESS \tANAGER CREATIVE WRITER Donna King Kim Stapleton Raz Lee Mike Edlin Mary Hubbard Katrina Peirce Randy Ruggles Cory Selby, Lay Assistant Donna King Anne Anderson Kathy Bowman Penny :-.HUard 1\'ed \\ ilson Steve Langley Tamie Mullikin Kim Stapleton Kim DeFries Donna Hougland Claudia Ganz Lauri Westerlind Nea Vance \1 crena Bent Carolyn Hyde Claudia Ganz Jennifer Hcffman Donna Hougland Kim Stapleton Penny :\Iillard Jennifer Hoffman Raz Lee Kathy Bowman John Rayan SPOJ'\SORS Kathy Bowman, Mary Hubbard. Nea \ ance. Donna Hougland, Penny .Millard, Kim Stapleton Barbara Langley ~1illie \lorrison Barbara Smith Cory Selby· Mid-wife Photographer Claudia Ganz, Carolyn Hyde Donna King, Editor FOOTBALL QfEERLEADERS: (FRONT TO BACK) Suzee Harris, Donna King, Stacy Saunders, Robin Gallaher JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL CHEERLEADERS: Kim Ward, Janet Crosby, Debbie Cohen, Kristen Moebius 1H VARSITY BASKETBALL CHEERLEADERS: Kathy Comcowich, Suzi Comcowich, Beth Bartel, Julie Stutsman WRESTLING CHEERLEADERS: FRONT Joy Whitmire , ROW 2: Aleta Broughton Roxanne Hines , BACK: Leslie Wright Look Out! Here We Come! Sixteen girls earned the honor of cheering the athletes on this year. There were four varsity football , four JV basketball, four varsity basketball and four wrestling cheerleaders performing for the fans this season. FOOTBALL-- Seniors Donna King, Robin Gallaher and Stacy Saunders along with Junior Suzee Harris made up the nucleus of the football cheering for AHS this season. Donna was in her 1st year of cheerleading, while Stacy and Robin were in their 2nd year of varsity football cheerleading. Suzee was a JV cheerleader last year. BASKETBALL--Due to a new rule this year a cheerleader can only cheer in one sport. Senior Suzi Comcowich was in her second year of varsity basketball cheerleading and Juniors Kathy Comco\vich, Beth Bartel and Julie Stutsman were all JV cheerleaders last year. JV BASKETBALL--Four girls, all sophomores, were picked for JV cheerleading this season. Kim Ward, Kristen Moebius , Janet Crosby and Debbie Cohen led the JV squad. Kristen was a Freshman cheerleader last season and Janet, Kim, and Debbie were new to cheering this year. WRESTLING- -The four wrestling cheerleaders featured all sophomores: Joy Whitmire, Leslie Wright, Roxanne Hines , and Aleta Broughton. Aleta was the only returning wrestling cheerleader from last season, while Joy, Leslie , and Roxanne were first year cheer leaders . 115 FRill'\'K :.\1ELVILLE School Board President RICHARD LEE Surerintendcnt LEE BUCHAI\AN Secretary To Superintendent Competent Commanders MARY PERKINS WILLARD CLAPPER, SR. School Board PETER GUY 118 DORTHEA FARRIS Walter Way PRINCIPAL Byron Lewis VICE PRINCIPAL Eileen Ilgen, Noreen Inman, BUSINESS OFFICE PERSONNEL Robert Elliott AD.Iv1JNISTRA TIVE ASSISTANT Wesley Holman, WAREHOUSEMAN 119 I Remember Your Name Perfectly, But I Just Can't Think Of Your Face. Spooner PAGE FRENCH Secretary BEVERLY FROME Secretary JANICE DUROUX Secretary ADOLPH BARRAILLER CLARENCE ENDSLEY Custodians 120 DELFORD ZORDEL OAK RYAI'\ Student Counselor BARBARA LA:i:'\G ELY Business Education Enlightenment Energizers TERRY ORCUTT Mathematics BARBARA JORDAl\ Home Economics DA~ POOLE Hub Supervisor Inspiration Instillers PETE DeGREGORIO Physical Education 122 DOUG RHI::\EHART & SHERI ?\!ILLS ROBERT ;..L\RSH English Science French JOHI" FISHER Industrial Arts Pedagogical Purveyors ... }.lYRA LEWIS Physical Education JAMES HUGHES Industrial -Arts GRAt'\T and JENNY FIEDLER Co-oped. & ~1alhcmatics Media Merchants MILDRED Librarian 124 ~10RRISON SAi'\DY MUNRO Mathematics & Science Information Imparters WAVA TURi'\ER Student Counselor :; I ~- DO?\ ALEXAl\DER Spanish .. , f - ~ KATHY CHALOCPKA Science KEf\ LARSO~ Auto 1\lechanics Scholastic Stimulators BARBARA S;\1ITH Art l\IKOLAUS BEZRUC ZKO Special Education Lore Ladlers WILLIAM McEACIIERI\: ERIK WOLTER Music Social Studies CINDY STROBEL Social Studies INA :\leTAR0:AGHAL\ t\ursing JILL HOPKI~S English Erudition Energizers 128 ROBERT MASTERS English TIM COMSTOCK Social Studies Knowledge Kommunicators 129 THE GAZEBO GERANIUMS N' SUNSHINE PEGGY AND JERRY GOLPHENEE HOBBY SHOP HELEN KAUN KLANDERUD KSNO MARY PERKINS PATTIE'S POTPOURRI SCANDINAVIAN DESIGN TOM'S MARKET TOM MIX FLYING SCHOOL WALNUT HOUSE FILMS DR. AND MRS. ROBERT WILSON c~ngralulalicn~ ~~ Cia~~ ()/ 197~ 1/Je Aspen Blue Printing Bethune and Moore Broughton Electric Mike and Terry Cagnoni Fothergill's Outdoor Sportsman Don Froelich's Masonary Inc. The Hedgehog, Children's Boutique Donie and Tom Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Hyde Little Annie's Maroon Creek Lodge Mary H. Millard Moore Realty The Sewing Bee The Swiss Gift Shop Congratulations to the class of '76 FINECRAITS by THE FIRST AMERICANS at THE SQUASH BLOSSOM ARKA ABODE ADORNMENTS Durant at Gal(•na ~?'l/tmt'ntd / t'/{t' lilorn rgranatr Best Wishes to the Class of '7 6 SABBA TINI SPORTS Dexter & Stephanie Wi I Iiams Roy Vroom Realtor Wishes You All the Luck 1n the World Congratulatton:, to the class of 1976 LEW LOU'S BOARDING KENNELS lj~i:i!lliijlijjjjjjjjjjjjjjtllijljjjljll!tiliiljijljjlliiji:lliiiiiilii:iliilliiiiili:liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijliiiijjiijiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiijiiiiilliiiiiiiiillillllllliiiiii:iiii:iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:i:jiiljljjfiiiiiii: lJS.!l MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT 11\lSl.JRANCE CORPORATION 119 S. MILL Where Your Money Works for Your Community General Offices 925-2500 Bookkeeping 925-2508 ASPEN'S OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK THE ASPEN MEADOWS ALPINE HARDWARE COMPANY Congratulations Class of 1976 A Complete Lme of Ski a11d Tennis Wear and Equipment BEST WISHES SENIORS WILLIAM C. STAPLETON AGENCY, INC. Profess1onal Building P.O. Box 676 Aspen, Colorado 8161 I Full Service Insurance Agenc) Life IS an adventure in which we may not know exactly what is going to happen just beyond the turn of the road However, too often the day in which we live IS filled w1th regrets over the past and uncertainty about the future. What a happy outlook it would give us if we could find some way to convince ourselves that the limitations of the past need not be earned into the future! Ernest Holmes BERNIE'S AND LARRY'S HAIRSTYLING Box 221 616 E. Hyman Aspen, Colorado Ph. 925-2155 arp!ll furniture sl;r;p ASPEN UNLIMITED, LTO. ~ ~ OE~fGIET~ PHONE 925-2488 615 COOPER ST. ASPEN, COLORADO 81611 BOB SC HETTER "With Love'' Look Towards Your Future Hori7.on LODG~ & GuEST RAJ\CH Your Supporters Pat and Larry Clark Jim and Janet Hurting ASPEN JEWELERS BUSINESSES SK I LODGES CONDOM INIUM IIOM ES BUll DING S ITES RANCHES AND ACREAGeS TRADI::.S TRII FITZGIR.&I.D 1141. IITATI GO. 520 E. Cooper Ave. P.O Box 3557 Aspen. Colorado 81611 Phone 303 - 925-1630 Congratulations Class of 7 6 Congratulations Classof Congratulations to the Class of '7 6 1976 ByJafama of Sweden \~ MASON & MORSE Real Estate BEST WISHES - ..a..; • - l·- ~-~ / Houses :s :s :s :s ~ ~ :s :s ~ ~ ~ Condominiums :s ....,_. Ranches Commercial e&t. l9SfJ ~ )o~ 202 East Main Street block west of the Hotel Jerome ~one ASPEN TRASH SERVICE, INC. ~ )o~ ~ Onen Sundavs 925-353 WISHES THE BEST FOR THE '76 GRADUATES!! CARL'S PHARMACY Prompt service - Easy parking BAKERY Located in the Jerome Block TV- Radio Gifts - Sporting Goods - Liquor T oys - Groceries - Natural Foods Prescriptions 141 ~~~~~ : ~~~ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r~··· . ~~~~~~~~~~-.· II.. I PITKIN APPLIANCE THE EMPORIUM COMPLETE LINE OF SALES AND SERVICES GENERAL ELECTR IC KITCHENAID • AMANA THERMADOR • F INE CA BI NETRY CORN ING • SUBZERO Sales • 925-7808 Services • 925-5294 FABRICS Al\JD THil\JGS BEST W ISHES AND CONGRAT ULATIONS CLASS OF 1976 FROM CONNER CHEVRON Hi Remember Us A~pcn's Exciting Ladtes Specialty Store Hunter & Hopkins 10- 6 925-5050 ~ THE MOUNTAIN SHOP ~ ~~ Compliments to the Class ~'-'E that has tj/f_ The Spirit Of '76 Special Congra t u Ia lions to Kath} Springer Steve l .anglc} and The Class of 1976 RAINBOW PLUMBING AND HEATING Dick Spnnger P.O. Box 287 925-7085 Congratulations Graduates Come celebrate with us at BUSTER McGEE'S ~ Congratulations to the Class of 1976 THE ASPEN CLINIC P.C. LTD YOUNG LIFE IN ASPEN JILL'S TOT & TEEN We Have Everything You Need for Your Ray & J aynie Donatucci P.O. Box 2859 Boys or Girls, Infants to Size 16 ARTHUR'S RESTAURANT FAMILY DINING BREAKFAST LUl\!CH 01"-J~ER THE SUN RECORDS WITH ASPEN'S LOWEST PRICES A RECORD CLUB & TRADE-I""J POLICY THAT SAVE YOU MO""JEY Ill S. \110"-JARCH - ACROSS FROM THE CHEVRON Congratulations From The SALVATION CIRCLE ATHLETIC CLUB Best Wishes ~tl€ ARROW snop 1~~~~ft.o. FR.HtlC"( AffO ~ETEf\ MCM4~f'l Congratulations And Best Wishes to the class of 1976 PYRAMID BUILDERS INC. 925-3811 Aspen Airport Business Center Best Wishes Bicentennial Class Of '76 ASPEN HIGHLANDS SKIING CORPOrATION Wishes The Class Of 1976 and Their Fellow Aspen Skiers Rots Of Ruck LA TORTUE GALLERY AND GIFTS = = Best \\ 1shes From C0\1PLJME'\ TS of SAY AT NOVA RESTAURANT ARMEN IAN CU IS INE rXCF LLENT FOOD TIMBERLINE BOOK AND POSTER 415 E Hyman "On T he Mall" Open Late Ever} Evening Complete Selection of Books & Posters Special Book Orders Handled ror Most Anything in Print Also Y1s1t HOTH JEROME Phone 925-6627 CO'\ F- ECTIO'\ CO'\'\ ECTIO'\ Ice Cream & Candies Corner Cooper & Galena L A p u ANTIQU:E PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAI TS .. . ._. M ...,._.... Your photocraph ........ "While you Most costun1es elip your e t . - t c lothes. Aepen'e onqr aatiq\M photo s tu<lio. Locat" in •~ J!trancl Building. 1\00BI\ KEI\1\ .. STEVE COOLIDGE PKOTOOJ\APKEI\8 ~ . . . &.~Q @~~~~GJS~t.X ~ ~_.;;, ~....:::. ·'· . ·· ~·~~-~·~®J~~~ A Fashions for Women "' S< ~a ~ .~-:: ~ ~ ~ 1 r. ~ ~ ~ ,.(,.. ~ ~~ ~ 1<49 " '"' CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF "76" SPONSORED BY TH E ASPEN VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT J ········- PLOPL E EVERYWHERE READ THE \SPE:. '\, T l 'v1 ES DISTRIBLITE:D EVERY THuRSDAY BOX E ASPE'-. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS THE YEARBOOK STAFF WISHES TO THANK THOSE WHO HELPED US IN TIMES OF NEED; WITHOUT THEM WE COULD HAVE NEVER PRODUCED OUR "SILVER QUEEN." COVER PHOTO: ASPEN HIGH SCHOOL 1900 - 1942 DIVISION PAGES: THE ASPEN HISTORICAL SOCIETY CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: Linda Bergman Chris Cassatt Kristi Epler Cindy Farny Tony Gordon i\1ike i\1cAlister Tim i\1ullikin Doug Rhinehart Jon Westerlind FRIENDS IN NEED: The Aspen Historical Society Caudill Associates Le Cabaret People's Photo