JTMGB Vol 6 No 3 Desember 2014 web


JTMGB Vol 6 No 3 Desember 2014 web
Web Publishing
ISSN 2088-7590
Jurnal Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Desember 2014
Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia
Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers
Vol. 6
No. 3
Hal. 98-167
Desember 2014
ISSN 2088-7590
Keterangan gambar cover:
Fasilitas produksi di offshore.
Jurnal Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi
ISSN 0216-6410
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Desember 2014
Jurnal Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi adalah majalah ilmiah diterbitkan setiap kwartal
yang menyajikan hasil penelitian dan kajian sebagai kontribusi para professional ahli teknik
perminyakan indonesia yang tergabung dalam Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia
(IATMI) dalam menyediakan media komunikasi kepada anggota IATMI pada khususnya dan
mensosialisasikan dunia industri minyak dan gas bumi kepada masyarakat luas pada umumnya.
NO: 003/SK/IATMI/II/2013
Penanggung Jawab : Ir. Bambang Ismanto
Pemimpin Redaksi
: DR. Ir. Ratnayu Sitaresmi
Redaktur Pelaksana : DR. Ir. Usman, M.Eng.
Peer Review
: Prof. DR. Ir. Septoratno Siregar (Enhanced Oil Recovery)
Prof. DR. Ir. Pudjo Sukarno (Integrated Production System)
Prof. DR. Ir. Doddy Abdassah, PhD. (Teknik Reservoir)
DR. Ir. RS Trijana Kartoatmodjo (Teknik Produksi)
DR. Ir. Arsegianto (Ekonomi & Regulasi Migas)
DR. Ir. Bambang Widarsono (Penilaian Formasi)
DR. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat, DEA (Well Stimulation and Hydraulic
DR. Ir. Sudarmoyo, SE, MT (Penilaian Formasi)
DR. Ir. Aris Buntoro, MT (Teknik Pemboran)
Senior Editor
: Ir. Andry Halim
Ir. M. Taufik Fathaddin
Ir. Junita Musu, M.Sc.
Ir. Boni Swadesi
Ir. Candra Sugama
: Ir. Bambang Pudjianto (IATMI)
Layout Design
: Alief Syahru Syaifulloh, S.Kom. (Sekretariat IATMI)
: Abdul Manan, A.Md. (Sekretariat IATMI)
Alamat Redaksi: Patra Office Tower Lt.1 Ruang 1-C
Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 32-34
Jakarta 12950 – Indonesia. Tel/Fax: +62-21-5203057
website: http://www.iatmi.or.id email: pusat@iatmi.or.id
Jurnal Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi (ISSN 0216-6410)
diterbitkan oleh Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia, Jakarta
Didukung oleh Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan ITB
Jurnal Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi
ISSN 0216-6410
Volume 6 Nomor 3 Desember 2014
Two stages Cutting Structures of Bi-center PDC Bit provides two phases of Destroying
Volume of the Rock, results faster Penetration Rate through Deep Section of Carbonates
Formation in Kuwait
....................................................................................................................... 98 - 107
Reservoir Fluid Characterization Determination In Old and Depleted Reservoir in
Kalimantan oilfield
Andry Halim
.................................................................................................................. 108 - 117
Fracture Closure Pressure Identification During Calibration Treatment
Sudjati Rachmat, Mochammad Abdul Hadi
.................................................................. 118 - 131
Online Quick Looked Plan Of Development Untuk Mempercepat Proses Persetujuan Plan
Of Development
Tutuka Ariadji, Rian Maryudi
....................................................................................... 132 - 149
Optimasi Pemanfaatan Gas Suar Secara Komprehensif
Tutuka Ariadji, Pomto Jaya
........................................................................................... 150 - 167
JTMGB Edisi Desember 2014
Para Pembaca JTMGB yang budiman,
Tidak terasa dua tahun masa kepengurusan IATMI Pusat periode 2012-2014 berakhir dengan telah
terlaksananya Simposium Nasional dan Kongres Nasional IATMI XIII (SIMGRESNAS IATMI
XIII) pada tanggal 3 - 5 Desember 2014. SIMGRESNAS IATMI XIII telah berhasil memilih dan
menetapkan Ketua Pengurus IATMI Pusat periode 2014-2016.
Pada kesempatan ini atas nama segenap Pengurus IATMI mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru 2015,
dengan doa dan harapan semoga di tahun 2015 kita semua diberikan kesehatan, kebahagiaan dan rizki
yang barokah.
Melalui media ini, dengan senang hati kami bisa kembali menjumpai para pembaca dengan aneka
materi bacaan ilmiah yang tersaji dalam JTMGB Edisi Desember 2014 ini.
Pada JTMGB edisi Desember 2014 ini, kita ingin membahas persoalan-persoalan (parameter) yang
sederhana tetapi yang memiliki implikasi signifikan terhadap hasilnya. Tulisan di bidang pemboran
mengkaji penggunaan pahat bor “Polycristaline Diamond Compact” (PDC) dirancang dapat
menambah efisiensi proses pemboran dalam upaya menambah kecepatan bor (ROP) pada sumursumur dalam dan berdiameter lebih kecil atau sama dengan 6 inch. Dari bidang penilaian formasi
mengupas penggunaan formation tester dengan downhole fluid analyzer modules untuk menganalisa
fluida reservoir dan mengidentifikasi lapisan terbaik untuk diperforasi. Tulisan yang menyangkut
bidang produksi memaparkan upaya mendapatkan operasi pemompaan yang efisien dan operasi
frackpack optimal, kalibrasi perekahan perlu dilakukan untuk mengkonfirmasi pengaruh parameter
rekah seperti tekanan penutupan rekahan dan efisiensi fluida. Tulisan lain yang tidak kalah pentingnya
adalah membangun Metode Quick Looked Plan Of Development (POD) untuk mempermudah proses
persetujuan PO. Tulisan ini mengembangkan lebih lanjut dengan memvalidasi menggunakan data
lapangan sebenarnya dan mengembangkan ke dalam bentuk website sehingga dapat diterapkan
berbasis online. Dalam bidang gas, dibahas secara komprehensif dari segi teknik, bisnis, dan legal
mengenai ekonomi dari penjualan gas suar yang akan dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber energi.
Dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas majalah JTMGB, kami sedang mempersiapkan pengajuan
akreditasi JTMGB ke LIPI, sesuai dengan peraturan LIPI yang baru, pengajuan akreditasi tahun 2015
akan dimulai setelah terbitnya JTMGB edisi Desember 2014.
Selamat menikmati bacaan edisi kali ini. !***
(Alfi Rusin)
Jurnal Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi
ISSN 0216-6410
Date of issue: 2015-04-24
The descriptors given are free terms. This abstract sheet may be reproduced without permission or charge.
Two stages Cutting Structures of Bi-center PDC Bit
provides two phases of Destroying Volume of the
Rock, results faster Penetration Rate through Deep
Section of Carbonates Formation in Kuwait
Sintesa Dua Tahap Penghancuran Batuan Oleh Dua
Fase Struktur Pemotongan Pada Pahat Pdc Untuk
Interval Dalam Formasi Karbonat
JTMGB. December 2014, Vol. 6 No. 3, p 98-107
To drill deepening hole below 7” liner through
deep section of compact interbedded carbonate formation
results slow rate of penetration (ROP). Beside the
limberness of BHA configuration (which is stiffer for
the larger sizes of BHA) thus generates various string
vibrations, the used of heavier mud weight can also effect
overbalance pressure thus reduces drilling ROP.
This paper outlines the two stages diameter PDC
bit, that proficiently increases drilling efficiency in order
to produce faster ROP through small hole, deep section
drilling. When the PDC bits cutting structure is separated
into two stages of hole diameters, the mechanical energy
that is required to destroy a given volume of the rock to
drill can be significantly reduced. This energy reduction
can be equivalent to the percentage of the hole size
reduction relative to the final hole diameter. The reduced
hole diameter that is described as pilot hole will be drilled
by the first stage of the bit. The second stage of the bit
that is called as reamer section simply enlarges a stress
relieved pilot hole, to a final hole diameter.
The Mechanical Specific Energy (MSE) concept
that is defined as work that is required to fail a given
volume of rock has been formulated proportionally with
formation rock strength. MSE can also be defined as
input energy to result ROP. The ROP to drill a smaller
hole is faster than ROP to drill larger hole although with
similar BHA, whilst ROP to enlarge a pilot hole always
faster than ROP to drill the pilot hole.
Because the bi-center bit has a pilot section
that can be used for drilling a smaller pilot hole and a
reamer section for enlarging pilot hole to a final hole
size, therefore it shoud be able to produce faster ROP
compared to conventional one stage PDC bit. The field
results revealed that all of 5-3/4” x 6-1/2” and 6” x 7”
bi-center bits that were run below 7” casing by Kuwait
Oil Company in the state of Kuwait - through deep wells,
have drilled the intervals more than 30% faster than
conventional PDC bit.
Keywords: two stages hole diameter drilling.
Andry Halim
Reservoir Fluid Characterization Determination In
Old and Depleted Reservoir in Kalimantan Oilfield
Karakterisasi Fluida Reservoir di Lapangan Minyak
Tua dan Depleted di Kalimantan
JTMGB. December 2014, Vol. 6 No. 3, p 108-117
Fluid identification is play an important role in order to
ascertain the completion zone/layer program prior to perforation
in the complex matured multilayered and lenses reservoir in a such
“X” field in Eastern Kalimantan. This paper explains how using
a formation tester equipped with two downhole fluid analyzer
modules helped understand reservoir fluid characteristics, identify
production zones in order to optimize and to get the best selected
zone to perforate/produced from existing zone discovered.
Sometimes if we relying only on open hole log data
analized/ interpretation (for new well) and well correlations can
bring us to a misperception/ improper result and will lead to
wrong/inconclusive conclusion on the reservoir/zone we found
since the channel sands have limited lateral extent and hard to
correlate, as was happen in “X” oilfield. In this field, from several
new well drilled, we can found several layers which can be a
potential pay zones (may contain oil or gas) and sometime we
can found some virgin oil/gas zone/layers as well . However,
water zones and secondary gas cap formation in a few layers are
also common. Nonetheless, unexpected fluid production, such as
water or excessive gas is an undesirable outcome.
To solve the above mention problem, since 2006, we
propose to apply MDT tool in this “X” oilfield to characterized
the reservoir fluid for the new well before we can decide to
propose selected oil zone to completed (perforated./produced).
This tool (formation tester), which is consist of a combination of
an extra large diameter probe and two downhole fluid analyzer
modules, was used to identify reservoir fluids in newly drilled
wells. Two fluid analyzers were placed above and below
the downhole pump module. The fluid analyzers monitored
downhole oil based mud filtrate contamination, free gas presence,
water or oil flow at selected depths. The surveys identified the
downhole fluids and clarified oil, gas and water bearing zones.
Some zones were identified to have gas and possible oil presence.
Few stations, which were clearly identified as oil were perforated
and produced oil/dry oil with natural flow. The survey helped
optimize perforation zone selection, avoided unwanted fluid
production and helped the operator to find and produce oil in a
complex setup in such “X” oilfield.
Keywords : DFA (Downhole Fluid Analysis), LFA (Live
Fluid Analyzer), CFA (Composition Fluid Analyzer), MDT
(Modular Formation Dynamics Tester), OCM (Oil-Based Mud
Contamination monitoring), OBM (Oil-Based Mud), Fluid
Identification, Wireline Formation Tester (WFT).
Sudjati Rachmat (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Mochammad Abdul Hadi (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Fracture Closure Pressure Identification During
Calibration Treatment
Penentuan Tekanan Penutupan Rekahan Pada Saat
JTMGB. December 2014, Vol. 6 No. 3, p 118-131
In order to get an efficient pumping operation
and optimum frackpack,a fracture calibration treatment
is performed to confirm the fracturing parameter
such as fracture closure pressure and fluid efficiency.
Previous calibration treatment was complicated by the
inability to correctly characterize calibration test for
estimating fracture closure pressure or fluid leak off and
corresponding fluid efficiency value. The presence of
non-ideal fracture behavior such as pressure dependent
leak off further compounded the difficulties in analyzing
calibration treatment pressure. Consequently the pumping
job was screened out prematurely or the frac fluid volume
was too excessive which causes higher completion skin.
The alternative method to identify the fracture
closure pressure has been developed. The method involves
several diagnostic plots such as square-root of time plot,
G-function plot and its derivative and also G dP/dG plot.
The protocol of fracture closure identification is created
to avoid misinterpretation. Case study for implementing
the protocol is provided by fracture calibration treatment
of frackpack completion in DW field. Eight cases from
6 subsea wells in DW field are analyzed. The fracture
calibration treatment is performed with Step Rate Test
and mini-frac. Evaluation on each diagnostic plot is made
to identify fracture closure and determine fluid efficiency.
The proposed method successfully identifies the
fracture closure on all eight cases. The closure pressure
resulted has good agreement between each other. The
result is also consistent with the existing closure pressure
data. The non-ideal fracture behavior such as pressure
dependent leak-off (PDL) is successfully identified and no
misinterpretation occurred. The database is constructed
from eight cases for future reference for subsequent
fracturing job.
Keywords: fracture closure pressure, fracture calibration
treatment, square-root of time plot, G-function plot, G
dP/dG plot, step rate test, mini-frac, non-ideal behavior.
Tutuka Ariadji (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Rian Maryudi (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Online Quick Looked Plan Of Development
Untuk Mempercepat Proses Persetujuan Plan Of
Online Quick Looked POD To Foster The Approval
Process Of A Plan Of Development
JTMGB. December 2014, Vol. 6 No. 3, p 132-149
Metode Quick Looked POD dibangun untuk
mempermudah proses persetujuan POD dengan cara
memberikan skor pada data-data yang digunakan dalam
pembuatan POD, kemudian dari skor yang telah didapat
dilakukan pembagian kelas menggunakan simulasi
Monte Carlo. Klasifikasi tersebut mengindikasikan
tingkat kesiapan dokumen POD untuk disampaikan
guna mendapatkan persetujuan. Studi pertama dilakukan
dengan cara mengembangkan metode perhitungan cepat
berdasarkan parameter data statik (Rommy, 2011) dan
data dinamik (Rinno, 2011). Studi kedua dikembangkan
dengan menambahkan parameter berupa komersialitas
sehingga didapat matriks kelayakan POD (Ramadhan,
2012). Studi ketiga dikembangkan dengan menambahkan
parameter kinerja lapangan (Doniberatus, 2013).
Dalam tulisan ini, tabel Quick Looked POD
diambil dari tulisan yang telah dibuat sebelumnya dan
dijadikan referensi untuk melakukan penilaian dari suatu
POD. Tulisan ini mengembangkan lebih lanjut dengan
memvalidasi menggunakan data lapangan sebenarnya
dan mengembangkan ke dalam bentuk website sehingga
dapat diterapkan berbasis online. Hasil penilitian ini
diberi nama Online Quick Looked POD yang akan lebih
mempermudah proses penilaian dan persetujuan POD
secara online.
Kata Kunci: POD, Quick Looked POD, Monte Carlo,
Online Quick Looked POD.
Tutuka Ariadji (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Pomto Jaya (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Optimasi Pemanfaatan Gas Suar Secara Komprehensif
A Comprehensive Optimization of Flare Gas
JTMGB. December 2014, Vol. 6 No. 3, p 150-167
Gas Suar merupakan istilah untuk gas buangan sisa
produksi yang dibakar ke udara karena kurangnya kapasitas
fasilitas permukaan atau karena kelebihan pasokan.
Konsiderasi yang menyebabkan gas hidrokarbon ini
langsung dibakar ke udara adalah ketidakekonomisannya
jika diproduksikan dengan pertimbangan fasilitas-fasilitas
permukaan yang perlu dipersiapkan untuk memproses gas
tersebut. Dari sisi kontrak jual-beli gas suar sendiri, suplai
gas suar hanya ditentukan sepihak dari penjual sehingga
pemanfaatan gas suar ini semakin berisiko.
Pada studi ini dibahas secara komprehensif dari
segi teknik, bisnis, dan legal mengenai ekonomi dari
penjualan gas suar yang nantinya akan dimanfaatkan
sebagai sumber energi oleh pihak pembeli. Dalam studi
ini dilakukan optimasi terhadap penjualan gas suar dengan
pertimbangan parameter keekonomian yaitu Net Present
Value dan Internal Rate of Return. Tinjauan pertama untuk
skenario optimasi tersebut adalah melakukan pendekatan
terhadap prediksi kinerja reservoir dengan simulasi secara
sederhana untuk menjadi pertimbangan dalam pengadaan
kontrak. Kemudian tinjauan kedua dari aspek teknis yaitu
optimasi terhadap kandungan pengotor pada gas suar
yang dalam hal ini terdiri dari CO2 dan H2S, kemudian
disusul dengan optimasi dari aspek bisnis dan legal dengan
melakukan uji sensitivitas terhadap waktu kekosongan
pasokan gas selama kontrak dan menghitung keuntungan
maksimal untuk waktu kontrak minimal dari kasus-kasus
Hasil optimasi tinjauan pertama didapat model
reservoir yang mendekati keadaan reservoir pada studi
dengan nilai OOIP sebesar 16.732 MMSTB, porositas
17%, laju alir gas rata-rata selama waktu kontrak sebesar
1.99 MMSCFD. Kemudian dari uji sensitivitas terhadap
kandungan zat pengotor menunjukkan untuk penambahan
fasilitas treatment yang ekonomis, laju alir rata-rata
minimal yang disarankan adalah 1.20 MMSCFD dengan
kadar pengotor minimal 21.96%. Dari aspek bisnis dan
legal sendiri didapat nilai-nilai batas waktu toleransi
maksimal kekosongan pasokan gas untuk tiap laju alir
pada kandungan kadar pengotor tertentu maupun dengan
treatment, serta didapat nilai-nilai keuntungan maksimal
dari skenario yang memenuhi kriteria IRR pada masa
kontrak yang lebih singkat. Dengan memperhatikan
faktor-faktor optimasi tersebut, prospek dari segmen
pemanfaatan gas suar dapat dievaluasi dari berbagai segi
secara komprehensif.
Kata Kunci: Gas Suar, Keekonomian, Kadar CO2 dan
H2S, Laju Alir Gas Suar, Reservoir, Net Present Value,
Internal Rate of Return
Two stages Cutting Structures of Bi-center PDC Bit provides two phases of
Destroying Volume of the Rock, results faster Penetration Rate through Deep
Section of Carbonates Formation in Kuwait
Sintesa Dua Tahap Penghancuran Batuan Oleh Dua Fase Struktur Pemotongan
Pada Pahat Pdc Untuk Interval Dalam Formasi Karbonat
Kompleks Bina Marga Cipayung No. 66 Kelurahan Cipayung Jakarta Timur
Phone: +6221 8441388 Mobile: +6282161998158
To drill deepening hole below 7” liner through deep section of compact interbedded carbonate
formation results slow rate of penetration (ROP). Beside the limberness of BHA configuration (which is stiffer
for the larger sizes of BHA) thus generates various string vibrations, the used of heavier mud weight can also
effect overbalance pressure thus reduces drilling ROP.
This paper outlines the two stages diameter PDC bit, that proficiently increases drilling efficiency in
order to produce faster ROP through small hole, deep section drilling. When the PDC bits cutting structure is
separated into two stages of hole diameters, the mechanical energy that is required to destroy a given volume of
the rock to drill can be significantly reduced. This energy reduction can be equivalent to the percentage of the
hole size reduction relative to the final hole diameter. The reduced hole diameter that is described as pilot hole
will be drilled by the first stage of the bit. The second stage of the bit that is called as reamer section simply
enlarges a stress relieved pilot hole, to a final hole diameter.
The Mechanical Specific Energy (MSE) concept that is defined as work that is required to fail a given
volume of rock has been formulated proportionally with formation rock strength. MSE can also be defined as
input energy to result ROP. The ROP to drill a smaller hole is faster than ROP to drill larger hole although with
similar BHA, whilst ROP to enlarge a pilot hole always faster than ROP to drill the pilot hole.
Because the bi-center bit has a pilot section that can be used for drilling a smaller pilot hole and a
reamer section for enlarging pilot hole to a final hole size, therefore it shoud be able to produce faster ROP
compared to conventional one stage PDC bit. The field results revealed that all of 5-3/4” x 6-1/2” and 6” x
7” bi-center bits that were run below 7” casing by Kuwait Oil Company in the state of Kuwait - through deep
wells, have drilled the intervals more than 30% faster than conventional PDC bit.
Keywords: two stages hole diameter drilling
Kecepatan bor (rate of penetration atau ROP) sumur-sumur dalam dari formasi kabonat yang compact
dan interbedded setelah pemasangan casing liner 7”, umumnya terlalu lambat. Hal ini diakibatkan oleh
kondisi rangkaian peralatan pipa pengeboran (Bottom Hole Assembly –BHA) yang sangat lentur. Kelenturan
BHA ini menyebabkan problema vibrasi pada rangkaian pemboran. Selain itu penggunaan lumpur berat
yang umumnya diperlukan untuk pemboran interval dalam juga sangat mempengaruhi lambatnya kecepatan
pengeboran akibat adanya pengaruh “overbalance pressure”.
Riset ini akan merinci bagaimana pahat bor “Polycristaline Diamond Compact” (PDC) yang khusus
dirancang untuk mempunyai dua (2) tingkatan diameter, sehingga dapat menambah efisiensi proses pemboran
dalam upaya menambah kecepatan bor (ROP) pada sumur-sumur yang dalam dan berdiameter lebih kecil atau
sama dengan 6 inch. Karena struktur atau pola pemotongan (cutting structure) pahat PDC ini terbagi menjadi
dua tahapan diameter lubang bor, maka energi mekanik yang diperlukan untuk menghancurkan sejumlah
volume batuan (rock) yang dibor akan dapat jauh berkurang. Perubahan jumlah energi yang berkurang
sangat signifikan ini, setara dengan perubahan diameter lubang bor yang berubah dari diameter akhir lubang
bor menjadi diameter pahat tahap pertama (berdiameter lebih kecil). Diameter lubang tahap pertama yang
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 98-107
lebih kecil ini disebut lubang pilot (pilot hole). Sedangkan diameter tahap kedua dari pahat dua (2) tingkat
ini disebut bagian “reamer” yang berfungsi untuk memperbesar lubang yang sudah di bor dan sudah tidak
mempunyai ketegangan batuan (rock-stress) menjadi diameter lubang bor yang diinginkan.
Sementara itu konsep Mechanical Specific Energy (MSE) adalah konsep yang mendefinikan bahwa
kerja yang diperlukan untuk merusak sejumlah volume batuan (rock) secara proporsional dapat dirumuskan
setara dengan kekuatan-batuan (rock-strength) dari formasi yang dibor. MSE dapat juga didefiniskan sebagai
energi yang menjadi input untuk menghasilkan kecepatan pengeboran (ROP) sebagai output. Kecepatan
bor (ROP) diameter lubang kecil, lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kecepatan bor lubang yang berdiameter
lebih besar. Sementara kecepatan (ROP) untuk memperbesar diameter lubang pasti lebih cepat dari proses
pengeboran itu sendiri karena lubang pilot yang sudah dibor sudah tidak mempunyai ketegangan batuan (rock
Namun demikian kenyataan di lapangan menunjukan bahwa perubahan diameter juga dapat
mempengaruhi kontribusi parameter-parameter pemboran lain seperti: Weight on Bit (WOB), Rotation
per Minute (RPM), drilling Torque, serta kecepatan pengangkatan cutting-pemboran (potongan batuan
pengeboran yang di alirkan ke permukaan) terhadap hasil kecepatan pemboran total secara keseluruhan.
Kontribusi parameter-parameter bor yang ternyata jauh lebih besar pengaruhnya terhadap kecepatan
bor (ROP) dari pahat bor dua tahap ini pada hasil studi lapangan di Kuwait.
Kata kunci: pemboran dua tahap diameter lubang
PDC bits, are required to drill the entire 5-7/8”
or 6” hole intervals to section TD before the biKuwait Oil Company Deep Well Division center bit was introduced to be applied on this
have drilled several deepening hole below the deepening hole drilling applications. Besides low
7” liner in order to produce hydrocarbon from of penetration rate, severe additional trip had to
the lower intervals of the existing production be done for changing the bit that was suffered
wells through several fields that were explored from several premature damages.
in 1950’s decade. These deepening well drilling
campaigns have been actively performed through
the oil field located on the northern area of the
state of Kuwait that is shown on map, Figure 1.
The wells have been deepened starting
from depth-in around 14,500 ft – 16,000 ft
down to around total depth of 18,500 ft vertical
depth by using the 6” range of drill bit diameter
to pass thru 7” liner. The interval that is drilled
on these deepening sections mostly comprising
Marrat Limestone formation that predominantly
consist of Cretaceous Carbonate sediments with Figure 1. Kuwait Oil Field Map.
some anhydrite streaks and Minjur Formation
that consist of cemented sand interbeded with The bi-center PDC bit was introduced to KOC
siltstone, lignite and shale stringer; although Deep Well team in 2005, then a 5-3/4” x 6-1/2”
a deeper Sudair formation and Kuff have also bit was picked up and the bit was able to drill
been reached for some reasons. The well profiles the entire deepening hole section in one run. The
various from vertical well to 50° inclination of main purposed of the used of bi-center bit was to
provide a larger hole diameter in order to allow
tangent section wells.
Several drawbacks had been experienced the 5” liner to be run below 7” easily as well as
when the drill bit selection had been executed to provide better quality of cement behind the
in order to provide an appropriate drill bit to casing with a larger annulus area. Actually the
drill those deepening holes with a single run or/ performance of 5-3/4” x 6-1/2” bi-center PDC bit
and with adequate rate of penetration (ROP). was also better than the conventional 5-7/8” PDC
In average of 3 (three) drill bits - including 2 bit performances through the direct offset wells.
Two stages Cutting Structures of Bi-center PDC Bit provides two phases of Destroying Volume of the Rock,
results faster Penetration Rate through Deep Section of Carbonates Formation in Kuwait (Hendrazid)
An increment of 40% actual faster ROP
compared to the conventional PDC bit was
revealed after observing the performance of 6 (six)
bi-center bits that were run on 4 (four) different
fields through deep well drilling applications
located in northern Kuwait. On these deep wells
beside resulted higher ROP, the bi-center bits
have also drilled longer section compared to the
conventional bit thus resulting significant cost
reduction from the total drilling cost of the well.
Two stages PDC Bit cutting structures
Figure 3. Bi-center Bit Design.
The two stages PDC bit have actually
been developed in order to meet various drilling
application requirements since the last 40 years.
There are two types of two stages PDC bit designs,
i.e; concentric two stages PDC bit and eccentric
two stages PDC bit. The eccentric two stages
PDC bit is more acknowledged as bi-center bit.
These two stages bit designs is basically divided
into two stages cutting structures. The first stage
is a pilot bit and the second stage is a reamer
(Figure 2).
pass through, and drill-hole diameters (Figure 4).
These diameters are interrelated variables that
define the final geometry of the bi-center bit.
These variables interact and result some changes
on other variables if one variable is modified; and
the bi-center bit geometry does not follow typical
traditional drill bit design applications.
Cutter positioning is the primary area
where good design practices cannot be applied.
Normally bit designs have cutters positioned in
a fairly even pattern around the bit. A bi-center
bit however, has its cutters positioned in a nonsymmetrical arrangement that causes cutting
action and cutter forces to be unusual.
With all of the cutters on the reamer
section of a bi-center bit moved to one side, we
get a detrimental cutter arrangement where the
cutter spacing causes the leading blade of the
reamer to have a very high depth of cut compared
to other blades on the reamer1.
Figure 2. Two Stages PDC Bit Design.
Figure 4. Three diameters.
There are several variations of basic
design of two stages PDC bit including bi-center.
Typically a bi-center design consists of a pilot bit
that is similar to conventional drill bits design
and a reamer section that has all cutters located to
one side of the bit (Figure 3).
The pilot bit and reamer section have
design features that can be varied to conform to
the formation to be drilled but the dominant design
features are determined by the required pilot bit,
This excessively high depth of cut on the
leading reamer blade results in abnormal forces
and excessive torque making bi-center bits highly
susceptible to whirl. This explains the high shock
and torque values and frequent cutter impact
damage that are typical of traditional bi-center
runs in general, and the stalling and orienting
problems seen when using a motor.
Besides the problem with excessively
high depth of cut, having all the cutters on one
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 98-107
side of the reamer causes a second design problem
which is an extremely high force imbalance
(Force imbalance refer to the situation were the
vector sum of the all cutting forces is not zero.
All PDC bits have at least some imbalance but a
high force imbalance causes detrimental drilling
characteristics1. Basically, the reamer section
pushes the pilot bit into the hole wall. This push is
hard enough to make the pilot bit dig into the hole
wall causing the pilot hole to become oversized.
Since the force imbalance continues to push the
pilot bit into the hole wall even when the pilot
hole is oversized the bi-center bit begins to rotate
off-center thus generates severe inconsistent open
hole size resulted by the reamer.
Several solutions has been generated and
updated progressively especially on the last 10
years in order to provide stabilized design that is
required to prevent this excessive cutting action,
thus providing cutting forces to help centralize
the reamer resulting smooth cutting action into
the wall bore.
The latest generation of bi-center PDC bit
design has been cutter forced balance as well as
completed with several stabilizing element like
mid-reamer features. Thus this stabilized design
has been able to help bi-center bit to eliminate
destabilized problem during reaming while
drilling operation. This smooth drilling mode
produces a smooth borehole quality (Figure 5)
similar to the borehole quality that is produced
by a standard PDC bit design.
pilot bit drills a smaller size of hole (less energy
is required to drill a smaller hole) and the reamer
simply reams the “stress relieved portion” of hole
in the formation, as illustrated on the Figure 6.
Figure 6.
Using Mechanical Specific Energy concept to
approach Rate Penetration Model
The concept of mechanical Specific
Energy (MSE) was originally developed by
Teale (1965)3 and has been used effectively in
lab environments by Pessier and Fear (1992)4 to
evaluate the drilling efficiency of drill bits. MSE
analysis has also been used in limited cases to
investigate specific inefficiencies in the field
The Mechanical Specific Energy (MSE)
concept that is defined as work that is required to
fail a given volume of rock has been formulated
proportionally with formation rock strength.
Equation 1 shows Teale’s Specific Energy
equations for rotary drilling at atmospheric
........................ (1)
Figure 5. Actual hole drilled by a bi-center bit.
Since this bi-center bit design has two
stages of PDC cutting structures therefore the
smooth drilling mode that is able to be provided
by bi-center bit should generate more efficient
drilling condition thus result faster ROP. This
drilling efficiency can be happened because the
MSE : Mechanical Specific Energy (psi)
: Bit surface area (in2)
WOB : Weight on bit (lbf)
: Torque (ft-lbf)
ROP : Rate of Penetration (ft/hr)
Two stages Cutting Structures of Bi-center PDC Bit provides two phases of Destroying Volume of the Rock,
results faster Penetration Rate through Deep Section of Carbonates Formation in Kuwait (Hendrazid)
On the equation (1), torque is used as
a variable to calculate MSE. Torque at the bit
can be measured by a LWD tool, however in
most cases the bit torque measurement does
not exist. Therefore, a bit specific coefficient of
sliding friction (µ) was introduced to express
torque (T) as a function of weight on bit (WOB)
and to allow the MSE can be calculated in the
absence of reliability of torque measurement.
The bit sliding friction coefficient had been
evaluated as a function of rock strength for
various type of bit by Plessier (1992)4 and
Caicedo et al (2005)5 based on the test data that
was developed.
................................................ (2)
: Bit specific coefficient of sliding
DB : Bit diameter (in)
: Torque (ft-lbf)
WOB : Weight on bit (lbf)
By coupling the equation (2) into equation
(1) the MSE can be written as the following:
.................. (3)
On the other hand the equation can be
mentioned as the following:
................................... (4)
then can be summarized as follows:
...................................................... (5)
Where K is constant and the value is
independent of changes in drilling parameters
(WOB, RPM, Torque, etc…), hence it shows
there is a linear relationship between the ROP
and drill bit diameter :
if DB2 < DB1 therefore ROP2 > ROP1,
otherwise if DB2 > DB1 therefore ROP2 <
When similar drilling parameters are being
applied consistently, the reductions of the drill bit
diameter will result increment of ROP or vice versa.
However each incremental on drilling parameters
value will also results an increment on the ROP.
Data Analysis
On this study the pilot diameter that is
drilled by a bi-center PDC bit is assumed as a “drill
bit” diameter in order to compare the ROP between
a bi-center bit and a “standard/conventional PDC
The MSE to drill the pilot hole (by the
pilot bit) is always higher than the MSE value to
underream the rest of open hole area which is
actually “stress relieved” (Figure 6). The area of the
hole to be enlarged (undereamed area) is also less
than the pilot hole surface area (Table 1).
Therefore the ROP to underream the open
hole is always faster than the ROP of drilling the
pilot hole. Hence the overall ROP of reaming
while drilling performed by a bi-center bit can be
represented by the ROP of a pilot bit when a bicenter bit is drilling the pilot hole.
The pilot bit diameter of a bi-center PDC bit
is on the range of 11% - 23% smaller than its final
drill hole size. While the drill hole diameter of a bicenter bit is about 10% - 19 % larger than diameter
of the standard PDC bit of hole to drill with standard
casing program. Refer to Table -2, the percentage of
diameter hole reduction that is given by the pilot bit
bi-center bit compared to the diameter of the hole
drilled by a standard bit is various depending on the
hole size of the drilling phase sizes.
On the surface hole sections i.e.: 17½”
– 26” range of drilling applications, the pilot bit
diameter of bi-center bit for drilling these sections
is about 19% less than the standard bit diameter.
A much smaller percentage has been given to the
small size of bits like the range of 6” – 8½” hole
drilling applications.
On this study the observation have been
conducted to the range of 5-3/4” x 6-1/2” and 6” x
7” drilling hole size only. On this case the hole size
that is reduced from the standard drill bit diameter
into pilot bit diameter of bi-center bit is around
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 98-107
Table 1. Bi-center bit drill hole areas comparison.
Refer to the equation (5), the reduction of
11% of bit diameter (DB) will results increment
of 11% of drilling ROP without considering other
increment on drilling parameters (K) like WOB,
RPM, depth of cut, mud weight, etc…
On this study it is revealed that the
5-3/4” x 6-1/2” and 6” x 7” bi-center PDC bits
drilled in average 40% faster than the 5-7/8” or
6” standard PDC bit thru vertical or long tangent
wells of deep well drilling application in the state
of Kuwait (Table 3 and Table 4). Total of 6 (six)
5-3/4” x 6-1/2” and 6” x 7” bi-center PDC bits
were used to drill the deepening hole though deep
well drilling application on 4 (four) different
fields in northern Kuwait oil field. For this reason
we can conclude, beside bit diameter (DB), other
drilling parameters (K) have also contributed
their portion to produce higher increment on
ROP when reaming while drilling a smaller
hole activity is performed. On this case the ROP
Table 2. Diameter Comparison: Bi-center Bit vs Standard Bit.
Two stages Cutting Structures of Bi-center PDC Bit provides two phases of Destroying Volume of the Rock,
results faster Penetration Rate through Deep Section of Carbonates Formation in Kuwait (Hendrazid)
increases from 11% (that is affected by the bit
diameter reduction factor only) to 40%.
If WOB can be increased during drilling
(without neither effect other parameters nor
drilling performance), the WOB would be the
most potential factor to be used to generate more
energy thus results faster drilling ROP. As long
as the hole cleaning can be well maintained,
a higher WOB can be applied to bi-center bit
drilling application because the specific energy
that is required to drill the small pilot bit is
less than the specific energy that is required
Table 3. Performance comparison Bi-center PDC bit vs Conventional PDC bit.
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 98-107
to drill the standard hole size. Thus in order
to get similar ROP, it is required less WOB to
drill the smaller hole intervals than it is that
normally drilled by a standard size bit. On this
study the observation had been conducted to
a drilling operation that is performed through
a deep section of limestone formation where
the hole cleaning has not been considered as a
Based on different observation that was
conducted by NOV drilling bit engineering
section on the lab environment, it is found
that drilling data can be plotted to show
different slope of increment on ROP (sharper
slope is shown by the two stages concentric
bit compared to conventional standard bit) is
related to the increment of WOB value - Graph
1. By using a bi-center PDC bit a higher WOB
could be transferred to the bottom of hole
compared to WOB that is able to be transferred
to bottom of hole when using a standard
PDC bit. The reason is because a larger hole
diameter that is produced by bi-center bit BHA
will significantly reduce the drilling drag that
is normally generated by BHA components
(especially full gage stabilizers) throughout a
conventional bit BHA. The BHA configuration
for drilling vertical hole or tangent section has
always been designed to include numbers of
stabilizers. Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) have
also applied this stabilization design for their
6” bit range BHA’s through vertical or long
tangent section holes.
In addition, NOV drilling bit
engineering also revealed on the lab that
through drilling with value less than 1 mm/
rev of “depth of cut”, a significant reduction of
Mechanical Specific Energy can be achieved if
standard bit cutting structure is replaced by a
two stages bits (Graph 2). If depth of cut can
be defined as ratio between ROP and RPM
in mm/rev, therefore certain value of “depth
of cut” that is provided by different types of
drill bit cutting structure could also be able to
increase the ROP. Both 5-3/4” x 6-1/2” and 6”
x 7” bi-center PDC bits that were observed on
this study had depth of cut values lower than
1 mm/rev. The ROP’s were on the range of 15
ft/hr with RPM various between 100 rotation
per minute (without using mud motor) to 180
rotation per minute (by using motor).
Table 4. Performance Summary Comparison.
Graph 1.
Graph 2.
The bi-center bit is a two stages cutting
structures bit, comprising a pilot bit to drill a
smaller pilot hole and simultaneously providing
reamer part to ream the “stress relieved” portion
of formation. These two simultaneous cutting
actions have resulted more efficient drilling
performance. This drilling efficiency can be
shown through a deep section of 6” x 7 “ hole
Two stages Cutting Structures of Bi-center PDC Bit provides two phases of Destroying Volume of the Rock,
results faster Penetration Rate through Deep Section of Carbonates Formation in Kuwait (Hendrazid)
drilling range at KOC Deep vertical well, consist
of mainly limestone formation. The bi-center
PDC bit drilled faster than standard PDC bit
through this drilling section and explanation can
be fairly detailed by using Mechanical Specific
Energy concept. The ROP can be calculated
linearly based on the size of a bit diameter
besides another “constant” where it’s value is
independent of changes in drilling parameters
(WOB, RPM, Torque, mud weight, depth of cut,
Theoretically the ROP of a 6” x 7” bicenter PDC bit is higher about 11% compared to
a 6” standard PDC bit’s ROP simply because of
the bit diameter size reduction that is provided
by pilot bit of the bi-center bit. Additional
percentage of increased ROP can be achieved
(in conjunction with the bi-center bit type of run)
when other drilling parameters can be optimized.
It is revealed that the actual average ROP of 6 pcs
bi-center bits with the sizes of 5-3/4” x 6-1/2”
and 6” x 7” that were run through deep well
drilling application in the state of Kuwait have
been 40% faster than direct offsets average ROP
resulted by standard PDC bits. The additional
29 % of increment on the average ROP was
expected contributed from WOB increment that
is allowable to be applied since the BHA drag
could be reduced though a larger hole drilling
diameter because diameter of BHA components
are smaller than diameter of the hole.
Additionally, the bi-center PDC bits that
were observed comprising small size of cutters
resulting ROP on the range of 15 ft/hr with RPM
of between 100 rotation per minute (without
using mud motor) to 180 (by using motor). These
applied ROP and RPM produce depth of cut
less than 1 mm/rev, thus the MSE value can be
reduced significantly then the increment of ROP
can be maximized.
Sketchler, B.C., Fielder, C.M., and Lee, B.E.:
“New Bi-Center Technology Proves Effective
in Slim Hole Horizontal Well,” SPE/IADC
29396 presented at 1995 SPE/IADC Drilling
Conference, Amsterdam, 28 February – 2
March 1995.
Myhre, K.: “Application of Bicenter Bits in
Well-Deepening operations: SPE Drilling
Engineering (June 1991) 105.
Teale, R.”The concept of Specific Energy in Rock
Drilling”, InTL, J. Rock Mech. Mining Sci.
(1965) 2, 57-73.
Pessier, R.C., Hughes Tool Co, and Fear.M.J.,
BP Exploration, “Quantifying Common
Drilling Problems With Mechanical Specific
Energy and Bit Specific Coeficient of Sliding
Friction”, SPE 24584, presented at the 67th
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
of the Society of Petroleum Engineering held
in Washington, DC, October 4-7, 1992.
Caicedo, H., Calhoun, W.M.., Russ, T.E.: “Unique
ROP Predictor Using Bit-Specific Coeficient of
Sliding Friction and Mechanical Efficiency as
a Function of Confined Compressive Strength
Impacts Drilling,” SPE/IADC 92576, presented
at 2005 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference,
Amsterdam, 22-25 February 2005.
Cooley, C.H., Pastusek, P.E. and Sinor, L.A., “The
Design and Testing of Anti-Whirl Bits”, 1992,
SPE 24586.
DEA 43 Phase IV, “Proposal to Study Effects of
Bit/Rock Interaction on Bit Walk and Hole
Deviation”, Prepared by: TerraTek’s Drilling
Research Laboratory for presentation to DEA,
Feb. 18, 1992.
Neil Robertson Shell Expro, Lester Clark and
Bob Laing, “New PDC Designs Doubles
ROP on Kingfisher Project Well”, Central
North Sea, National Drilling Technical
Conference, presented at the AADE 2001
National Drilling Conference, in Houston,
Texas, March, 2001.
Jamal Al Thuwaini, Mohamed Emad, Hendrazid,
Wahby Mohamed, Ridha Chafai and Andy
Murdock, “Combination of a unique stabilized
Bi-Center bit and Vibration Dampening Tool
improve hole opening performances through
interbedded formations in Saudi Arabia”
presented at the 2008 ADIPEC held in Abu
Dhabi, UAE, 3–6 November 2008.
Clegg, J.: “Faster, longer, and more reliable bit
runs with New-generation PDC cutter” paper
SPE 102067, presented at the 2006 Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition, San
Antonio, 24-27 September.
Denham, D., Fielder, C.: “Bi-Center innovations
impact Deepwater drilling” paper SPE/
IADC 59239, presented at the 2000 Drilling
Conference, New Orleans, 23-25 February.
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 98-107
Reservoir Fluid Characterization Determination In Old and Depleted Reservoir
in Kalimantan Oilfield
Karakterisasi Fluida Reservoir di Lapangan Minyak Tua dan Depleted
di Kalimantan
Andry Halim
Pertamina, Gedung Kwarnas,
Jl. Merdeka Timur No. 6 Jakarta
Fluid identification is play an important role in order to ascertain the completion zone/layer program
prior to perforation in the complex matured multilayered and lenses reservoir in a such “X” field in Eastern
Kalimantan. This paper explains how using a formation tester equipped with two downhole fluid analyzer
modules helped understand reservoir fluid characteristics, identify production zones in order to optimize and
to get the best selected zone to perforate/produced from existing zone discovered.
Sometimes if we relying only on open hole log data analized/ interpretation (for new well) and well
correlations can bring us to a misperception/ improper result and will lead to wrong/inconclusive conclusion
on the reservoir/zone we found since the channel sands have limited lateral extent and hard to correlate, as was
happen in “X” oilfield. In this field, from several new well drilled, we can found several layers which can be
a potential pay zones (may contain oil or gas) and sometime we can found some virgin oil/gas zone/layers as
well . However, water zones and secondary gas cap formation in a few layers are also common. Nonetheless,
unexpected fluid production, such as water or excessive gas is an undesirable outcome.
To solve the above mention problem, since 2006, we propose to apply MDT tool in this “X” oilfield to
characterized the reservoir fluid for the new well before we can decide to propose selected oil zone to completed
(perforated./produced). This tool (formation tester), which is consist of a combination of an extra large diameter
probe and two downhole fluid analyzer modules, was used to identify reservoir fluids in newly drilled wells. Two
fluid analyzers were placed above and below the downhole pump module. The fluid analyzers monitored downhole oil based mud filtrate contamination, free gas presence, water or oil flow at selected depths. The surveys
identified the downhole fluids and clarified oil, gas and water bearing zones. Some zones were identified to have
gas and possible oil presence. Few stations, which were clearly identified as oil were perforated and produced oil/
dry oil with natural flow. The survey helped optimize perforation zone selection, avoided unwanted fluid production and helped the operator to find and produce oil in a complex setup in such “X” oilfield.
Keywords: DFA (Downhole Fluid Analysis), LFA (Live Fluid Analyzer), CFA (Composition Fluid Analyzer),
MDT (Modular Formation Dynamics Tester), OCM (Oil-Based Mud Contamination monitoring), OBM (OilBased Mud), Fluid Identification, wireline formation tester (WFT)
Identifikasi fluida merupakan hal yang penting dalam usaha untuk mendapatkan kepastian
Hidrokarbon dalam usaha untuk usulan program komplesi zona/lapisan yang akan diperforasi pada reservoir
multilayer yang kompleks seperti halnya di lapangan “X: di Kalimatan Timur. Pada tulisan ini akan dikupas
mengenai penggunaan formation tester yang dilengkapi dengan downhole fluid analyzer modules guna dapat
menganalisa fluida reservoir dan mengidentifikasi lapisan produktif guna mengoptimasi dan mendapatkan
lapisan terbaik untuk diperforasi/diproduksikan dari lapisan-lapisan yang ditemukan/ada.
Jika kita hanya mendasarkan pada analisa/interpretasi data log sumur dan dari korelasi sumur,
maka kita akan bisa mendapatkan hasil yang tidak tepat dan mendapatkan kesimpulan yang salah terhadap
reservoir yang ditemukan dimana beberapa lapisan mempunyai keterbatasan pelamparan dan terkadang sulit
dikorelasikan seperti ditemukan di lapangan minyak “X”. Pada lapangan ini, dari beberapa sumur baru
yang dibor kita bisa mendapatkan beberapa lapisan prospek hidrokarbon (bisa mengandung minyak atau
gas) bahkan beberapa diantaranya merupakan lapisan virgin. Namun kadang-kadang kita juga menemukan
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 108-117
beberapa lapisan air dan lapisan secondary gas cap. Akibatnya kita bisa memproduksikan lapisan yang tidak
dikehendaki seperti lapisan air atau lapisan gas yang tidak dikehendaki.
Guna mengatasi masalah diatas, maka sejak tahun 2006 diusulkan untuk memakai MDT di sumur
minyak baru di lapangan “X” dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan lapisan minyak yang akan dikomplesi/
diproduksikan. Peralatan ini yang terdiri dari kombinasi extra large diameter probe and 2 buah downhole
fluid analyzer module digunakan untuk identifikasi fluida reservoir di sumur bor baru. Fluid analyzer berfungsi
memonitor kontaminasi filtrat lumpur OBM, keberadaan free gas, minyak dan air yang didapat. Alat ini dapat
mengidentifikasi dan mengklarifikasi lapisan minyak, air dan gas yang dianalisa. Dengan survei ini akan
membantu mengoptimalkan pemilihan lapisan minyak yang akan diperforasi dan menghindarkan kesalahan
pemilihan lapisan fluida yang tidak dikehendaki diproduksikan (air / gas) di lapangan “X”
Kata Kunci: DFA (Analisa Fluida di dalam sumur), LFA (Analisa Fluida secara langsung), CFA (Analisa
komposisi Fluida), MDT (Modul Uji Formasi secara Dinamik), OCM (Pemantauna kontaminasi terhadap
OBM), OBM (lumpur Bor berbasis Minyak), Identifikasi Fluida, wireline formation tester (WFT)
In developed and ageing fields, it
is essential to understand the reservoir and
fluid characteristics for optimum reservoir
Missing productive intervals
in a new well, zones with unexpectedly low/
high pressures, undesirable fluid production
and presence of additional reserves or bypassed
hydrocarbons are common occurrences in
complex reservoirs. At a given location, layer
or compartment, reservoir fluids may change
with time; water encroachment, secondary gas
cap formation/gas cap expansion, reservoir repressurization are some of the reasons of changing
fluid characteristics. For certain fluids, pressure
decline causes thermodynamic changes (such as
solids precipitation or significant liquid dropout)
which can significantly alter well productivity,
ultimate recovery and project economics.
In order to characterized and identify
reservoir fluid, there are some technique that
already available in the market. 7)
By enabling full formation testing in all
deviated and horizontal wells, including extendedreach and deepwater wells, the FASTrak LWD
service provided BP with a safe, cost-effective
alternative to wireline that can be used in even
the most challenging test environment. The
service also provides an enhanced understanding
of reservoirs once considered too risky or costly
to test. The benefit of this method is 7) :
• Increased reservoir knowledge through realtime analysis of downhole fluid properties
• Acquired fluid samples immediately after
drilling, minimizing mud filtrate invasion and
pump-out time
• Provided accurate pressure testing
Tsutomu Yamate, 8) also discuss about the
aplication of ths Fiber-Optic Sensor inexploration
well. In this circumstances, the tool must have
the capability to operate under high pressure (up
to 20,000 psi) dan high temperature (up to 175
oC). In the exploration activity in increasingly
deeper wells, sensors that can function in highertemperature and other hostile environments are
required. Fiber-optic technology is a one of the
solution with its higher temperature capacity,
multiplexing and distributed sensing capability,
and small space requirements to meet these
demanding applications.
Figure 1. Fluid Analysis of Gas Condensate well. 7)
This tool is applied in the deepwater wells
as well, to identify the fluid and compositional
grading. This phenomenon drawn a little attention
until 1980’s when sufficiently advanced analytical
methods became available in the market. Hani
Elshahawi, et.al. 9) has discussed the use of the
combined of geochemistry, downhole fluid, and
mud gas analyses to have avaluable insights of
the compositional grading phenomenon. Sage and
Lancey (1938) define the compositional grading
as “Variations in the composition of the liquid
Reservoir Fluid Characterization Determination In Old and Depleted Reservoir in
Kalimantan Oilfield (Andry Halim)
As seen here that fluid composition of this
zone is vary due to depth position (gravity)
Figure 5. Fluid Distribution vs depth. 12)
Figure 2. Fluid Analysis Spectrometer. 8)
phase of natural reservoirs, which are continuous
through significant ranges in elevation”. So, the
reservoir should be interconnected and the fluid
properties (GOR, Saturation Pressure, API, etc)
is varies along with elevation, which is depending
on the geological and geochemical history of the
A reservoir fluid composition are often
graded due to: 12)
1. Gravity
2. Biodegradation
3. Active charging
4. Vharge history
5. Water washing
6. Convection
7. Seal leaking
8. Thermal diffusion
A module of DFA in Halliburton is
called Reservoir Description tool (RDT)
which is combined with the MRILab. It takes
measurements on fluid pumped from the reservoir
formation and determines fluid characteristics
such as relaxation times, hydrogen index,
viscosity, and gasoil- ratio in real-time (Bouton
et al., 2001). MRILab measures the fluids under
in-situ condition. 10)
Figure 3. PVT fluid property trends vs depth (indicated
compositional grading) . 9)
Figure 6. MRIL-WD tool configuration . 10)
The tool is virtually eliminates the risk
of irreversible change of fluid properties due to
the changes in temperature or pressure when the
Figure 4. Pressure gradient indicative of light oil and fluid samples are taken and transported from the
compositional grading vs depth. 9)
reservoir to the offsite laboratory. 10)
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 108-117
This kind of tool at the earlier days is can
be use to analyse downhole water sample as well
as conducted at the Salton Sea scientific Drilling
Project (SSSDP) well during 1ate Decemher
1985 and 1ate march 1986 to obtain unflashed
samples of Salton Sea brine.Three sampling runs
were made to depths of approximately 1800 m
and temperatures of 300 oC and 10 sampling runs
were made to depths of approximately 3150 m
and temperatures of 350 oC. 12)
In brief, the Los Alamos tool obtained
samples from four of eight runs; the Lawrence
Berkeley tool obtained samples from one of one
run; the Leutert Instruments, Inc., tool obtained
samples from zero of three runs; and the USGS
quartz crystal experiment was lost in the well.
The most complete sample was obtained from
run #11, using the Los Alamos sampler and
Sandia battery pack/controller on a wireline.
About 1635 m of brine, two noble gas samples,
and two bulk gas samples were collected from
this run.
Figure 7. The Los Alamos Downhole Sampling tool. 12)
In our paper here, we will discuss about
direct measurement application with the lattest
generation of DFA (direct pressure and fluid
identification measurements) using a wireline
formation tester (WFT) tool. The Modular
Formation Dynamics Tester (MDT)* tool and its
downhole fluid analysis methodology using Live
Fluid Analyzer (LFA)* and Composition Fluid
Analyzer (CFA)* were used in the ageing “X”
The main objective of this application
is to clarify and identify downhole fluids and
detecting water, gas and oil zones and oil bearing
formations with a secondary gas cap as well.
Well test results following WFT surveys from
four wells are presented here.
Figure 8. MDT Downhole Fluid Analysis. 12)
Downhole Fluid Analysis 1)
Downhole Fluid Analysis (DFA) refers to
a concept rather than a specific tool, Betancourt
et al. (2004), ElShahawi (2004), ElShahawi
(2005). It includes an array of downhole data
where the basic measurement relies on nearinfrared spectroscopy (NIR). Some of the
WFT downhole fluid analysis tools use optical
spectrometers to analyze the NIR spectrum of
light passing through the flowline fluid. The
spectrometer utilizes transmitted light to evaluate
the light absorption characteristics of a fluid. The
unit of light absorption, or optical density (OD),
is the logarithm of the ratio of incident light to
transmitted light intensity. A 1-unit increase
in OD represents a factor of 10 decrease in
transmittance. Dark fluids have higher OD values
than light fluids. The OD of a fluid also varies
with the wavelength of incident light.
In LFA, the spectrum of transmitted light
is evaluated at 10 wavelengths in the visible and
NIR spectrum at which absorption peaks are
observed. Figure 3 shows the optical density
spectra of different type of fluids. Water can easily
be distinguished from oil as the absorbance peaks
for both of them are in two different wavelengths.
A gas detector also present in the LFA confirms
the presence of free gas in the flowline. It uses
light from a diode that is reflected off a sapphire
window to identify the fluid phase in a flowline.
At the designed angle of incidence, the reflection
coefficient is much larger when gas contacts the
window than when oil or water contacts it. In
summary, by pumping fluids through flowline
and letting them passes through the LFA, we can
easily distinguish the type of fluid in the flowline
either gas, oil and/or water. LFA spectrometer
Reservoir Fluid Characterization Determination In Old and Depleted Reservoir in
Kalimantan Oilfield (Andry Halim)
is also tuned to detect methane and monitor its
presence in the flowline fluid, whether it dissolved
in a liquid or gas phase.
A more recent development in the field
of DFA measurements was the Composition
Fluid Analyzer (CFA)*. The (CFA) provides
a detailed analysis of C1, C2-C5, and C6+
weight fractions as well as water fraction. The
CFA focuses on the vibrational overtone of
hydrocarbon molecules between 1600 – 1800
nm wavelength range to resolve the composition
of C1, C2-C5 and C6+. See Figure 4 for details.
The spread of the OD channels allows the tool
to measure OD at the peaks corresponding to
methane (C1), ethane to pentane group (C2C5), C6+, C02 and water. At high pressure,
the OD values are approximately a function of
density alone, so they can be transformed to a
partial density for each component.
In addition to fluid composition (C1,
C2-C5, C6+) measurement, a fluorescence
detector is also utilized in the CFA module.
The principles of fluorescence spectroscopy
are related to those for light absorption.
After a molecule is excited by a photon, this
energy can be released in the form of light
after a discrete amount of time (nanoseconds),
known as fluorescence. If hydrocarbon liquids
drop out from the gas phase, the dew that is
formed can be detected by an increase in the
fluorescence level. All OD values also increase
at about the dewpoint because of the clouding
of the fluid. The fluorescence ensures that the
sample is above the dewpoint and in singlephase conditions for gas sampling. Note that
most oil based mud filtrates (as well as water
or free gas) have little or no fluorescence and
most reservoir liquids fluoresce.
Based on spectroscopy measurement
results (Optical Density) of LFA and CFA,
GOR (Gas Oil Ratio) of hydrocarbon fluids
inside the flowline can be computed. The LFA
can measure GOR in the range of 0-2500 scf/
bbl, while the CFA is designed to handle fluids
in the range of 1500-20,000 scf/bbl. In general,
CFA is more accurate for GOR determination in
fluids with GOR>2000 scf/bbl, while the LFA
is more accurate for GOR<1500 scf/bbl. Thus,
the two tools together provide compositional
analysis over a broad range of crude oils and
Usually water can easily be observed
from LFA and CFA. Light transmittance will
be reduced at the channels targeting water
peaks as outlined in Figure 3. This response is
then transformed into water mass fraction and
it is shown by the blue shading in LFA liquid
detection track. In Figure 6, in the topmost
water zone, water presence was clearly
identified with the blue water shading. Note
that in this shallow depth, pumpout time was
quite short and mobilities were low. The test
was repeated and confirmed water presence
with LFA and CFA.
The presence of gas will be detected
by LFA gas detector. Free gas will cause
gas reflection and the reflected light will be
registered by the sensor. The gas response is
shown by gas flags. The gas flags color code
(light red to dark red) semi-quantitatively
shows the amount of gas present in the flowline.
As can be seen in Figure 6, two gas zones
were observed. Meanwhile, CFA identifies
the presence of gas by showing high fraction
of methane (C1). Note that the main objective
was fluid identification; hence the weight
percentage of methane (C1), C2-C5, and
C6+ are still highly affected by OBM filtrate
contamination early in the pumpout.
Several studies to reduce the
uncertainties in evaluating, identifying and
proving additional hydrocarbon zones have
been conducted to find remaining bypassed
oil by integrating petrophysical log and core
analysis data with ELAN (Elemental Analysis)
Downhole Fluid Analysis in “X” Field,
In the developments well of “X” field
(Figure 9), wireline formation testing programs
were designed to obtain zone pressures and
to perform downhole fluid analysis. In these
wells, MDT configuration with two downhole
fluid analyzers (LFA and CFA) was chosen.
See Figure 5 for details of tool string used.
In one survey, the tool also had an extra large
diameter probe, developed specifically for East
Kalimantan fields. The larger probe diameter
makes pumping and pressure testing easier in
tighter zones.
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 108-117
In Figure 10, the third DFA station from
top shows gas flags. In CFA composition track
we, sequentially observe full C6+ wt percentage
(dark green) in the log track. This indicates
gas and OBM filtrate segregation in the pump;
hence we can clearly see alternating composition
changes in the CFA log.
The fourth DFA station indicates oil
presence in the flowline. Note that full data from
all DFA sensors are presented in Figure below.
The pumpout was performed in 22 minutes.
Pretest drawdown mobility is around 30 md/cp.
During the pumpout period, LFA color channels
as well as methane channel show some increase
of OD values. See the topmost part of Figure 10 –
LFA Log. The contamination level is continuously
monitored using OCM technique as plotted in
middle part of Figure 11 – OCM monitoring.
Figure 9. “X” field location.
Case Studies-Fluid Identification
Well A 1)
The main objective of running MDT
with two fluid analyzers is to clearly identify the
formation fluid type and resolve the uncertainties
of open hole logs. As can be seen in Figure 10,
Figure 11. LFA-CFA Log and OCM plot, oil zone, well A.
six DFA stations were performed in well A; 1
zone with water, 2 zones with gas, 2 zones having
The increase of OD channels indicates
water, gas and oil and one dry oil zone were
oil presence, which was the main objective of the
Figure 12 shows the OH log analysis
from this zone with considerable water saturation
having an Rt of 13.3 Ohm-m, porosity of 16.4%
and a water saturation of: 63 %. Formation
pressure determined from the MDT was 1653 psia
indicating no depletion. Note that this zone from
1133.5 to 1136 m was perforated as the first choice.
Figure 13 shows the production
performance of oil zone with 5 months of
production to May 2007. A net total cumulative
7000 bbl of oil has been produced after the
perforation. Currently, this well is flowing with
Figure 10. Fluid identification results – well A.
natural flow around 24 BLPD (with 4% water cut).
Reservoir Fluid Characterization Determination In Old and Depleted Reservoir in
Kalimantan Oilfield (Andry Halim)
Figure 12. OH log analysis of the perforated oil zone, well A.
Figure 13. Production performance of oil zone in well A
after perforation.
The last two deeper zones shows water
and gas presence in the flowline together with
OBM filtrate if only LFA is used for interpretation.
However, some oil presence can be identified
using the CFA as described below. A detailed
look at the LFA and CFA logs can reveal more
information in these two bottommost zones.
Figure 14 shows the CFA and LFA responses from
the oil zone at 1133.5 m. The CFA composition
changes with time showing lighter components.
Similarly, both CFA and LFA GOR increase
with time. Moreover, both LFA and CFA optical
densities in the color range show an increase.
These all indicate oil presence. As noted in
Fig.14, the pumped fluid has significant OBM
filtrate contamination, around 60 %. A parameter
to note that the increase in Fluorescence with
pumping time, to a level around 1.5V as more
oil is pumped. Though 60 % contaminated oil,
this fluorescence level may be used to assess oil
presence in other zones with CFA, while pumping
multiple phases.
Figure 14. CFA-LFA-composite plot, oil zone, well A.
Note the increase in light components in CFA, CFA GOR
and CFA fluorescence. CFA/LFA OD’s also increase, all
indicating oil.
gas presence with LFA gas detector and CFA
composition and were not perforated. One zone
was quite tight so no fluids could be pumped.
This zone was later perforated and upon water
production, it was squeezed. The last zone
surveyed with the MDT detected gas and some oil
was also a possibility, which was later perforated
after the squeeze job. Figure 15 shows the open
hole log analysis for the perforated zone. The
analysis shows an Rt of 14.0 Ohm-m, a porosity
of 24% and a water saturation of 51%. Formation
pressure from the tester indicated 512.1 psia, a
zone with high depletion.
Well B 1)
The survey objectives and tool string
used in B were similar to well A, however a
large diameter probe was used instead of the
extra large diameter probe. This made pumping
fluids harder in tighter zones. Four DFA stations
were performed in well B; two clearly identified Figure 15. OH log analysis of the perforated oil zone, well B.
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 108-117
Figure 16 shows the CFA and LFA log
of this station. The LFA detects free gas, which
is also identified with the CFA with pump
segregation. The pumpout pressures are quite
low, meaning low flow rates. The increasing
pressure during the pumpout indicates some
cleanup and pumping fluids with higher
mobility. Unfortunately the pumpout out time
is not enough to make further analysis, though
some hints of water presence can be observed
on CFA.
Figure 16. CFA-LFA-composite plot, oil zone, well B. Gas
is clearly identified in this low pressure zone. Though oil is
possible with some water, longer pumpout is required for
A subtle increase in fluorescence
indicated some oil presence as well. Figure
17 shows the production performance of this
oil zone after 4 months of production till May
2007. A net total cumulative 2300 bbl of oil
has been produced after perforation. Currently,
this well is flowing naturally with net oil flow
around 30 BLPD with 70% water cut, which
increased from the initial water cut of 12 %
with time.
Well C 1)
The survey objectives and tool string
used in C were the same as B. Four DFA
stations were performed in well C; two clearly
identified oil presence with CFA and LFA, one
showed gas presence and one proved to be a
water zone. In one oil zone, the pumpout time
was shorter then optimum and oil presence
was mainly inferred from CFA with increasing
fluorescence level. Figure 18 shows the CFA
and LFA response at one oil zone. Note the
increase in CFA-GOR, CFA Fluorescence and
lighter components clearly detecting oil. No
gas or water indications are present during the
pumpout period.
Figure 18. OH log analysis of the perforated oil zone, well C.
Figure 19 shows the open hole log
analysis of this zone with an Rt of 64.32 ohm-m,
a porosity of 24% and a water saturation of
Figure 20 shows production performance
of the oil zone detected with 3 months of
production history till May 2007. A net total
cumulative 2300 bbl of oil has been produced
after perforation. Currently, this well is flowing
Figure 17. Production performance of oil zone in well B with natural flow with around 82 BOPD and
very minor water cut.
after perforation.
Reservoir Fluid Characterization Determination In Old and Depleted Reservoir in
Kalimantan Oilfield (Andry Halim)
flowing with natural flow around of 160 BOPD
and very minor water cut.
Figure 21. Production performance of oil zone in well D
after perforation.
Application of MDT-DFA methodology,
has helped to identify fluids in a complex setup
in such an “X” oilfield in kalimantan. Issues with
unwanted fluids production and open hole log
uncertainties due to log misinterpretation were
avoided/minimized. Tests results after perforating
confirmed the identified fluids in this ageing asset,
resulting in increased oil production. Production
of the four wells where DFA was applied showed
that 33,000 Bbl of oil has been produced within
Figure 19. CFA-LFA-composite plot, oil zone, well C. Oil five months after their perforation and production.
is clear from CFA composition and Fluorescence.
The authors would like to express their
gratitude to Pertamina and Schlumberger to
publish this paper.
Figure 20. Production performance of oil zone in well C
after perforation.
Well D 1)
The survey objectives and tool string
used in D were the same as previous wells. Five
DFA stations were performed in well D; two
clearly identified oil presence with CFA and LFA,
one showed gas presence and one proved to be a
water zone.
In one oil zone, the pumpout time was
shorter then optimum and fluids could not be
determined clearly. Figure 21 shows production
performance of detected oil zone with 3 months
of production history till May 2007. A net total
cumulative oil production of 20300 bbl was
recorded after perforation. Currently, this well is
Andry Halim, Nicolas Orban, Elin Haryanto, Cosan
Ayan, “Reservoir Fluid Characterization using
Downhole Fluid Analysis In Kalimantan
oilfield”, paper SPE 108925 presented at the SPE
APOGCE, Jakarta, 2007
Betancourt, S., Fujisawa, G., Mullins, O.C.,
Eriksen, K.O., Dong, C., Pop, J., Carnegie, A.
2004. Exploration Applications of Downhole
Measurement of Crude Oil Composition and
Fluorescence: Paper SPE 87011 presented at
the SPE Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated
Modeling for Asset Management held in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, 29-30 March 2004.
ElShahawi, H., Hashem, M., Mullins, O.C., Fujisawa,
G. 2005. The Missing Link-Identification of
Downhole Fluid Analysis: Paper SPE 94709
presented at the SPE Annual Technical
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 108-117
Conference and Exhibition held in Dallas, Texas,
U.S.A, 9-12 October 2005.
ElShahawi, H., Hashem, M., Dong, C., Hegeman,
P., Mullins, O.C., Fujisawa, G., Betancourt,
S. 2004. Insitu Characterization of Formation
Fluid Samples – Case Studies: Paper SPE
90932 presented at the SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition held in Houston,
Texas, U.S.A., 26-29 September 2004.
Mullins, O.C., and Schroeter, J. 2000. Real Time
Determination of Filtrate Contamination
During Openhole Wireline Sampling by Optical
Spectroscopy: Paper SPE 63071 presented at the
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
held in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., 1-4 October 2000.
Suwardji., Buhari, A., Kukuh, K., Prayitno, R., 1994.
Low Resistivity Reservoir Study: Sangatta Field
Kalimantan: Proceedings Indonesia Petroleum
Association, 23rd Annual Convention, October
Baker Hughes, “FAStrack LWD Service Acquires
Downhole Samples in Challenging Well”, Baker
Hughes Inc, 2012
Tsutomu Yamate, “Fiber-Optic Sensors for the
Exploration of oil and Gas”, Schlumberger,
Kanagawa, Japan,
ElShahawi, H., Melton, H, Cheng Li Dong, Lalitha
V, Oliver C.M., Daniel McKinney, Mohammed
Hashem, “Integration of Geochemical, Mud Gas,
and Downhole-Fluid Analysis for the Assessment
of Compositional Gading – Case Studies”, paper
SPE 109684, presented at the SPE Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition held in
Anaheim, California, U.S.A, 11-14 November
Stefan Menger, “Borehole NMR : Different problems –
different solutions”, Haliburton, http://www.liaghannover.de/fileadmin/user_upload/dokumente/
Fraser Golf, J Archuleta, et.al., “Downhole Fluid
Sampling at the SSSDP California State 2-14
Well Salton Sea, California”, Los Alamos
National Laboratory, New mexico, USA.
Adriaan Gisolf,”Real Time Integration of reservoir
Modeling and formation Testing”, Schlumberger,
Norway, 2010.
Fracture Closure Pressure Identification During Calibration Treatment
Penentuan Tekanan Penutupan Rekahan Pada Saat Kalibrasi
Sudjati Rachmat(1), Mochammad Abdul Hadi(1)(2)
Petroleum Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Conocophillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd., Jakarta, Indonesia
In order to get an efficient pumping operation and optimum frackpack, a fracture calibration treatment
is performed to confirm the fracturing parameter such as fracture closure pressure and fluid efficiency. Previous
calibration treatment was complicated by the inability to correctly characterize calibration test for estimating fracture closure pressure or fluid leak off and corresponding fluid efficiency value. The presence of non-ideal fracture
behavior such as pressure dependent leak off further compounded the difficulties in analyzing calibration treatment
pressure. Consequently the pumping job was screened out prematurely or the frac fluid volume was too excessive
which causes higher completion skin.
The alternative method to identify the fracture closure pressure has been developed. The method involves
several diagnostic plots such as square-root of time plot, G-function plot and its derivative and also G dP/dG plot.
The protocol of fracture closure identification is created to avoid misinterpretation. Case study for implementing
the protocol is provided by fracture calibration treatment of frackpack completion in DW field. Eight cases from 6
subsea wells in DW field are analyzed. The fracture calibration treatment is performed with Step Rate Test and minifrac. Evaluation on each diagnostic plot is made to identify fracture closure and determine fluid efficiency.
The proposed method successfully identifies the fracture closure on all eight cases. The closure pressure
resulted has good agreement between each other. The result is also consistent with the existing closure pressure data.
The non-ideal fracture behavior such as pressure dependent leak-off (PDL) is successfully identified and no misinterpretation occurred. The database is constructed from eight cases for future reference for subsequent fracturing job.
Keywords: fracture closure pressure, fracture calibration treatment, square-root of time plot, G-function plot, G dP/
dG plot, step rate test, mini-frac, non-ideal behavior.
Dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan operasi pemompaan yang efisien dan operasi frackpack yang optimal,
kalibrasi perekahan perlu dilakukan untuk mengkonfirmasi pengaruh parameter rekah seperti tekanan penutupan
rekahan dan efisiensi fluida. Kalibrasi sebelumnya sangat rumit karena ketidakmampuan untuk menentukan uji
kalibrasi yang baik untuk memperkirakan tekanan penutupan fraktur atau menentukan kebocoran cairan/leak off
yang sesuai dengan nilai efisiensi fluida. Perilaku rekahan yang tidak ideal seperti terjadinya kebocoran akan
menyebabkan berbagai kesulitan untuk membuat analisis tekanan perekahan.. Akibatnya akan terjadi screen out
yang prematur atau volume cairan perekah yang terlalu berlebihan, yang menyebabkan kerusakan formasi komplesi
yang lebih besar.
Metode alternatif untuk mengidentifikasi tekanan penutupan rekahan telah dikembangkan. Metode ini
melibatkan beberapa bidang diagnostik seperti akar kuadrat plot waktu, plot fungsi G dan plot derivatif dan juga
G dP / dG nya. Identifikasi penutupan rekahan dibuat untuk menghindarkan kesalahan penafsiran. Studi kasus
untuk menerapkan protokol ditentukan oleh kalibrasi perekahan setelah selesai operasi frackpack di lapangan DW.
Delapan kasus dari 6 sumur di bawah permukaan air laut (subsea) di lapangan DW dianalisis. Kalibrasi rekahan
dilakukan dengan Step Rate Test dan mini-frac. Evaluasi setiap plot diagnostik dibuat untuk mengidentifikasi
penutupan fraktur dan menentukan efisiensi fluida.
Metode yang diusulkan berhasil mengidentifikasi penutupan rekahan dari delapan kasus yang ada.
Penentuan tekanan penutupan memperoleh hasil perhitungan yang baik. Hasil yang diperoleh juga sesuai dengan
data tekanan penutupan yang ada. Perilaku rekahan yang tidak ideal seperti pressure dependent leak-off (PDL)
berhasil diidentifikasi dan tidak terdapat kesalahan penafsiran yang terjadi. Basis Data yang diperoleh dari delapan
kasus ini bisa dipergunakan sebagai referensi untuk pelaksanaan perekahan berikutnya di masa mendatang.
Kata Kunci: fracture closure pressure, fracture calibration treatment, square-root of time plot, G-function plot, G
dP/dG plot, step rate test, mini-frac, non-ideal behavior
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 118-131
Field Overview
Frackpack completion was applied
in an offshore field in Indonesia due to the
producing zone contains high permeability
unconsolidated formation which is susceptible
to sand production. The purpose of applying
frackpack is to consolidate the formation and
bypassing near-wellbore damage to provide
better connectivity with reservoir. In order to get
efficient pumping operation and most optimum
frackpack, the fracture calibration treatment was
performed to confirm the fracturing parameter
such as fracture closure pressure and fluid
Previous calibration treatment was
complicated by the inability to correctly
characterize calibration test for estimating
fracture closure pressure or fluid leak off and
corresponding fluid efficiency value. The
presence of non-ideal fracture behavior such as
pressure dependent leakoff further compounded
the difficulties in analyzing calibration treatment
pressure. Consequently the pumping job was
screened out prematurely or the frac fluid
volume was too excessive which causes higher
completion skin.
Currently there is no appropriate
method used to evaluate fracture closure which
cause misinterpretation of fracture closure
event. Lack of fracture closure pressure data
from previous treatment in such field cause the
fracture closure pressure evaluation is difficult
to be validated, because no reference can be
This paper discusses the alternative
method to interpret the fracture closure
pressure and then apply the method for DW
field frackpack completion. A fracture closure
pressure database base on the formation
is also generated as reference for future
hydraulic fracturing or frackpack design.
The outcome from this research can be used
as fracture closure database as reference for
future treatment analysis. By having good
approximation of fracture closure pressure
and fluid efficiency, the most optimum
pumping schedule or job design can be
achieved thus it can minimize premature
wellbore screen out event or excessive volume
of frac fluid.
DW field is shallow & low-pressure gas
field. The reservoir is dry gas reservoir with
vertical gas pay thickness of approximately 140
ft which is distributed into 4 main producing
zones (multizone) vertically. The producing
zones are located between 2300 and 4000 ftTVDSS depth. The reservoir pressure is 1000
psig at the shallowest depth to 1700 psig at the
deepest depth with normal pressure gradient. The
reservoir is sandstone reservoir with permeability
varied between 7 to 400 mD and porosity varied
between 0.20 to 0.28 values. Table 1 below shows
the summary of individual reservoir properties
of each zone.
Table 1. DW Reservoir Properties.
DW field is developed as subsea field
which total of 7 producing wells which is
expected to produce gas up to 150 MMscfd. The
gas from all subsea wells in DW field is delivered
to the existing platform in nearby field. Figure 1
below shows the layout of all subsea wells.
Figure 1. Layout of DW Field Subsea Wells.
Rock mechanical properties and reservoir
data of DW field was used to model formation
failure under various wellbore conditions such
as production rate and drawdown and determine
the sanding potential. The result is that the
major interval is very weak which may lead to
sand production and it will be more severe as
Fracture Closure Pressure Identification During Calibration Treatment
(Sudjati Rachmat dan Mochammad Abdul Hadi)
the reservoir pressure depletes. Moreover high
variety of particle size and permeability over the
interval is observed. Then cased-hole frackpack
was chosen as the sand control completion. This
technique separates each producing interval or
zone so it allow the frackpack treatment to be
performed on individual zone basis instead of
perform the treatment commingly. The goal of
frackpack completion for DW field is to:
• Ensure the casing-screen annulus is packed
with high-perm proppant as the primary sand
• Achieve high near-wellbore conductivity for
the flowpath from reservoir into the well by
bypassing near-wellbore damage
• Placing high-perm proppant in perforation
All wells are designed for flowing high-rate
gas well so this lead to the need of high density
perforation using TCP (Tubing Conveyed
Perforation) gun with big hole charges in order
to mitigate flow convergence and non-Darcy
pressure losses associated with high-velocity gas
flow. The TCP gun used in this completion type is
7” gun with 14spf 138deg phase, with 56.5 gram
charges, with average entrance hole diameter
(EHD) of 1.1 inch. Figure 2 below shows the
typical well schematic which consists of 4 zones
treated individually.
Table 2. Detail Specification of Screen and Proppant.
Frac fluid used for frackpack treatment in
DW field is VES (Visco-Elastic Surfactant) fluid.
VES has unique rheological characteristic when
it has adequate viscosity at low temperature but it
fades out as the temperature continue to increase.
Figure 3 below shows VES rheological plot at
various temperatures.
Figure 3. Rheological Plot at Various Temperatures. 5
Frackpack treatment is complex job which
involve multidisciplinary parties. It requires
extensive adequate engineering planning such
as gathering log and formation data, simulation
in software, laboratory testing, and equipment
preparation. The preliminary job design is created
based on the available log and formation data.
The Mechanical Earth Model (MEM) is created
and stress is calculated. However the stress needs
to be calibrated, and also some well doesn’t
have core data so the Young Modulus need to
be calibrated also. All this parameter will be
calibrated during fracture calibration treatment.
Figure 2. Typical Well Schematic.
So the objective of calibration treatment is to
calibrate the model including stress and then reScreen and proppant is combined together simulate it in order to get optimum job design
to provide sand exclusion system in frackpack and generate the optimum treatment pumping
completion. The detail specification of the schedule. Figure 4 below shows the process of
screen and proppant used in DW field frackpack calibration treatment which result the treatment
completion is summarized in the Table 2 below. pumping schedule.
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 118-131
Literatures Overview
1. Analysis during Fracture Closure
Basic decline analysis is initially
presented by Nolte (1979). Fracture behavior
during shut-in and prior to closure is governed
by the fluid-loss characteristics and the materialbalance relation. A mathematical description of
the pressure during the fracture closing period
can be developed by also incorporating the
fracture compliance relation. Compliance term is
used for solid materials which is analogous to the
compressibility used for fluid systems. These two
relations and fluid loss are combined to develop
the specialized G-function, which describes the
pressure response during shut-in. G-function
represent elapsed time after shut-in normalized
to duration of fracture extension. G-function is
shown in the equation 1 to equation 3 below.
................................. (1)
...... (2)
................................. (3)
Where ∆tD is the ratio of the shut-in time
to the pumping time, ∆tD = ∆t / tp
The fluid efficiency also can be obtained
from dimensionless closure time which is
constructed from G-function plot with the
equation 4 below.
................................................ (4)
2. Closure Pressure Diagnostic Plots
2.1 Horner Plot
The pressure is plotted with BottomHole pressure as the Y-axis on a linear scale, and
Horner time
Figure 4. Calibration Treatment Proses.
, as the X-axis on a logarithmic scale. The example
of Horner plot of pressure decline is shown in
Fracture Closure Pressure Identification During Calibration Treatment
(Sudjati Rachmat dan Mochammad Abdul Hadi)
figure 5 below. If a semi-log straight-line is
starting to develop as shown in figure 5 below,
and if this line extrapolates to a reasonable value
for reservoir pressure, then pseudo-radial flow
may be affecting the pressure decline behavior.
In order for this pseudo-radial flow effect to start
developing, the fracture must already be closed,
thus the pressure data falling on the semi-log
straight line is excluded from the closure stress
2.2 Log-log plots of Semilog Derivative
A log-log plot of the semilog derivative is
used to evaluate characteristic slopes that indicate
the pressure response which is being strongly
influenced by various flow regimes. This plot
considers the difference from the shut-in pressure
and the pressure derivative, plotted against the
time since shut-in (∆tshut-in) both on a logarithmic
scale. This plot can be used to identify closure
pressure by investigating linear flow through the
fracture after shut-in. Positive trending slopes
occur during the fracture closure period. The
positive unit slope is characteristic of wellbore
or fracture storage, possibly indicating that a
closing secondary fracture set is supplying fluid
to the primary fracture. Fracture height recession
and closing transverse fractures is two potential
fracture storage mechanisms. The positive ½ slope
trend is indicative of linear flow and suggests the
presence of an open fracture. A departure from the
positive ½ slope suggests the fracture has closed.
Negative trending slopes occur during the afterclosure period and verify that hydraulic fracture
closure has occurred. The negative ½ slope and
unit slope trends are characteristic of pseudolinear and pseudo-radial flow, respectively. Figure
5 below shows the example of log-log plots of
semilog derivative which is conducted in a low
permeability reservoir which shows the semilog
derivative (red line) and pressure change (ISIP)
which measured wellbore/ sand-face pressure
(blue line) versus time.
Figure 5. Log-log Plots of Semilog Derivative 6
non-wall building fluids are used. With field data,
closure can be approximated by the intersection
of the two straight lines. Square root of total time
is used to magnify slope changes. A change in
slope indicates a drastic change in the linear flow
behavior which also indicates fracture closure.
Figure 6 below shows the square-root of time
plots for fracture closure identification.
2.4 G-Function & G dP/dG Derivative plot
G-function plots are used for the
identification of fracture closure and fracture
complexity. The pressure is plotted with bottomhole pressure as the Y-axis and G-function (Eq.14) as the X-axis both on a linear scale. The G
dP/dG derivative plot is used together with
G-function plot to determine fracture closure
pressure and to identify any non-ideal behavior.
This plot considers the pressure difference
against G-function difference, plotted against the
G-function time both on a linear scale. Figure 7
below shows the both G-function and G dP/dG
derivative plots for fracture closure identification.
2.3 Square Root of Time plot
Square-root of time plot illustrates the
pressure during decline versus the square root of
pumping time plus shut-in time. This plot proves
to be a more accurate analysis for closure when Figure 6. Square-Root of Time Plot 2
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 118-131
Figure 7. G-function and G dP/dG Derivative Plot 6
Figure 8 above shows the step-rate test
result fracture extension of 3440 psi. The gel
mini-frac pressure decline (square-root of time
plot) shows possible closure event at 3530 and
3220 psi. However the extension pressure at 3440
psi confirms the 3220 psi as closure pressure. And
the 3530 psi indicates the end of height recession.
Figure-9 shows the G dP/dG curve falling below
the final decline line is fairly unique indication
of fracture height recession. This case also shows
that the fracture extension pressure from StepRate test confirms the correct closure pressure.
Using guidelines introduced by Barree
et.al (2007), fracture closure is indicated by the
break-off from the origin-rooted tangent line
in the derivartive (G dP/dG) plot and the stable
declining trend from the plateau region in the
primary derivative (dP/dG) plot. Since during
this straight line decline the derivative dP/dG
is constant, then the function G dP/dG is also a
straight line. This line will originate at the origin
and increases as “G” increases. However at the
first deviation from linearity on the “G” plot, the
G dP/dG function deviates sharply from linearity,
thus giving a much more identifiable indicator for
fracture closure.
3. Non-Ideal Behavior
3.1 Fracture Height Recession
This is case where the fracture length
which is initially confined until near the end of
pumping the net pressure increases to a level
where significant height growth occurred into
“zero” fluid loss shale, and at that point, the
pumping stops and the fracture in shale close first
prior main pay interval fracture closes. Figure
8 and figure 9 below shows the Step-Rate test
(SRT) result and G dP/dG plot of the fracture
height recession case respectively.
Figure 8. SRT of Height Recession Case 2
Figure 9. G dP/dG of Height Recession Case 2
3.2 Pressure Dependent Leak-Off (PDL)
This is case where the fluid loss rate
changes as pressure decline. Commonly PDL is
only apparent when there is a substantial stress
dependent permeability in a composite dualpermeability reservoir. An example of PDL is
shown in figure-10 below. In this case, step-rate
test is conducted prior to gel mini-frac and shows
fracture extension pressure of 7325 psi. This
suggests fracture closure pressure in the range of
7100 to 7200 psi. Then the pressure decline after
cross-link gel mini-frac is plotted versus squareroot of time and “G” plot. Both analysis plots
identify possible closure at 7250 psi. The G dP/
dG plot shows an initial “hump” with the G dP/
dG curve lying above the straight line. Closure is
then identified at G = 9.2 at a pressure of 7260 psi.
The end of PDL is then identified where the G dP/
dG curve begins ideal, straight line behavior at
about G = 7 at a pressure of 7360 psi. However
this analysis is not unique. Without step-rate test
Fracture Closure Pressure Identification During Calibration Treatment
(Sudjati Rachmat dan Mochammad Abdul Hadi)
result the G dP/dG plot could be analyzed with of each zone are shown in figure 12.
closure pressure at 7530 psi as seen in the bottom
right-hand plot. This example also shows the
importance of step-rate test to be taken prior to
gel mini-frac.
Figure 10. Example of PDL Case 2
Data Processing And Analysis
1. Proposed Decline Analysis Method
The proposed method used in this Figure 11. Method of Closure Determination
research came from evaluation method presented
by Barree et.al (SPE 107877). The other
consideration which is taken is that the Step-Rate
Test must be done prior to Mini-Frac in order to
determine fracture extension pressure as an upper
limit of closure pressure. And then Mini-Frac is
done and pressure decline is monitored, and shut
in pressure is evaluated. The complete proposed
method for this research is summarized in figure
2. Case Study Well-E (Zone-2)
Figure 12. Well-E Perforation Interval Properties 12
2.1 Zone-2 Step-Rate Test (SRT)
Well-E consists of 2 zones, zone-1 and
zone-2. Each zone will be evaluated individually.
SRT was performed by injecting KCl
Only zone-2 will be discussed in this paper. The brine 8.6 ppg up to 20 bpm. SRT data & analysis is
perforation interval and the reservoir properties shown in figure 13 below, which the upper figure
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 118-131
is the plot of pumping rate versus bottomhole pressure decline versus time. Each analysis plot
pressure, and bottom figure is the analysis plot.
is shown in figure 15 thru figure 20.
Figure 15. Well-E Zone-2 Horner Plot.
Figure 13. Well-E Zone-2 SRT and Analysis.
2.2 Zone-2 Mini-Frac
Figure 16. Well-E Zone-2 Semilog Derivative.
Mini Frac is performed by pumping VES fluid
with total of 6,286 US gallons (150 bbls) at rate
of 22 bpm. Figure 14 below shows the plot of
Figure 17. Well-E Zone-2 G dP/dG Derivative Plot
Figure 14. Well-E Zone-2 SRT and Analysis.
Base on the analysis plots above, the
closure pressure obtained from all derivative plot
is close each other, and the value is in between
fracture extension pressure and pseudo-radial
Fracture Closure Pressure Identification During Calibration Treatment
(Sudjati Rachmat dan Mochammad Abdul Hadi)
pressure. The fluid efficiency obtained from
dimensionless closure time from all derivative
plots has good agreement between them, but it
is on the G-function method, the fluid efficiency
obtained from dP* and Ps is way off than
dimensionless closure time. Besides that, all
dimensionless closure time based efficiency is
slightly higher compare with curve matching
method. All derivative plots show no non-ideal
behavior observed.
3. Case Study Well-F’ (Zone-2)
Well-F’ consists of one zone only which
will be analyzed, which is zone-2. The perforation
interval and the reservoir properties of each zone
are shown in figure 21.
Figure 21. Well-F’ Perforation Interval Properties.
3.1 Zone-2 Step-Rate Test (SRT)
Figure 18. Well-E Zone-2 G-function Plot.
SRT was performed by injecting KCl
brine 8.6 ppg up to 20 bpm. SRT data & analysis is
shown in figure-22 below, where the upper figure
is the plot of pumping rate versus bottomhole
pressure, and bottom figure is the analysis plot.
Figure 19. Well-E Zone-2 Square-root of Time Plot.
Figure 20. Well-E Zone-2 Fluid Efficiency Summary
Figure 22. Well-F’ Zone-2 SRT and Analysis.
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 118-131
3.2 Zone-2 Mini-Frac
Mini Frac is performed by pumping VES
fluid with total of 10,550 US gallons (251 bbls) at
rate of 32 bpm. Figure 23 below shows the plot of
pressure decline versus time. Each analysis plot
is shown in figures 24 thru -29.
Figure 26. Well-F’ Zone-2 G dP/dG Derivative Plot.
Figure 23. Well-F’ Zone-2 SRT and Analysis.
Figure 27. Well-F’ Zone-2 G-function Plot.
Figure 24. Well-F’ Zone-2 Horner Plot.
Figure 28. Well-F’ Zone-2 Square-root of Time Plot.
Figure 25. Well-F’ Zone-2 Semilog Derivative.
Figure 29. Well-F’ Zone-2 Fluid Efficiency Summary.
Fracture Closure Pressure Identification During Calibration Treatment
(Sudjati Rachmat dan Mochammad Abdul Hadi)
Based on the analysis plots above, the
closure pressure obtained from all derivative plot
is close to each other, and the value is in between
fracture extension pressure and pseudo-radial
pressure. The fluid efficiency obtained from
dimensionless closure time from all derivative
plots and also compare with curve matching
method has good agreement. The G dP/dG plot
shows an initial “hump” which indicates PDL
behavior, as well as square-root of time plot and
G-function plot, both plots shows obvious PDL
type phenomenon.
the closure time on G dP/dG doesn’t allow
picking in closer G-time interval. However this
difference will not give significant impact on
the fracture geometry simulation to obtain final
pump schedule.
This particular attention need to be
addressed also into the estimated closure pressure
obtained from step-rate test. Most of estimated
closure pressure from SRT is much higher than the
diagnostic plots. This is because of the different
fluid was used during SRT and mini-frac. SRT
uses KCl brine while mini-frac uses VES gel as
the actual frac fluid. This difference will result
4. Discussion and Analysis
difference in fracture geometry and fluid leakoff. However SRT result the fracture extension
Total of 8 zones was analyzed from pressure (Pext) which successfully indicate the
6 wells however only 2 zones (2 wells) was upper bound of closure pressure which assists the
included in this paper. The remaining 6 zones (4 diagnostic plot for picking closure pressure.
wells) were attached in the appendix in table A-1.
However the final value of closure pressure and 4.2 Non-Ideal Behavior Identification
fluid efficiency of each zone is summarized in
table 2 below.
There is some non-ideal behavior
observed during fracture closure identification.
Well-E zone-1 shows a late “hump” on G dP/
dG plot, which indicates PDL behavior. Squareroot of time plot also shows this phenomenon.
Well-F’ zone-2 also shows an initial “hump”
which indicates PDL behavior, as well as squareroot of time plot and G-function plot, both plots
shows obvious PDL type phenomenon. However
even the non-ideal behavior observed, the closure
pressure can be picked with good agreement
among all diagnostic plots which indicate nomisinterpretation occurred.
Table 2. Summary of Closure Pressure all zones.
4.1 Closure Pressure Identification
Refer to appendix table A-1 that all
diagnostic plots
indicate fracture closure
pressure. All diagnostic plots have good
agreement of closure pressure with close pressure
number. Particular attention for well D, where
the closure pressure obtained from G dP/dG plot,
which is 1307 psi, has significant difference with
G-function plot, which is 1398 psi, and also has
significant difference with square-root of shut
in time plot, which is 1389 psi. This is because
the graphical method of analyzing and picking
4.3 Closure Time and Fluid Efficiency
Refer to appendix table A-1 that all
diagnostic plots have good agreement of
fluid efficiency. This is because all diagnostic
plots have good agreement of picking closure
pressure, which also determine the closure time.
The efficiency is derived from dimensionless
closure time. Beside that the dimensionless
closure time derived efficiency has also good
agreement with efficiency obtained from type
curve matching.
The particular attention need to be
addressed for well C, the efficiency obtained
from G dP/dG plot, which is 7%, is far away
below G-function plot, which is 42% and
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 118-131
46%, and also far away below square-root of the nearby field data.
shut in time plot, 44%. The type curve match
efficiency also gives 45%. This because the
graphical method of picking the closure
time on G dP/dG doesn’t allow of picking in
closer G-time interval, so it give ambiguous
closure time which result significant different
of closure time. The detail analysis of this is
explained in appendix A. However by having
several efficiencies from different diagnostic
plot and also from different method (type curve
match) could assist QA/QC of the efficiency .
The accuracy of fluid efficiency is important
because it will be used to calculate pad volume Figure 30. Closure Pressure vs Nearby Field Data.
and generate pumping schedule.
There are two zones used in this
research among the 6 wells, zone-1 and zone4.4 Closure Pressure Database and Consistency 2, where the zone-1 is shallower than zone-2
and can be found only in well-D, well-E and
A database of closure pressure from well-F. Figure-31 below shows the closure
all 8 zones can be created for future reference pressure plot base on zones category. It is
of fracturing job by plotting closure pressure shown that zone-2 which is deeper, has higher
on the Y axis and mid-perforation depth in ft- closure pressure than zone-1.
TVDKB on the X axis. This database can be
shown in figure 29 below.
Figure 29. Closure Pressure vs Mid-perforation Depth.
Figure 31. Closure Pressure Zone-1 and Zone-2 only.
All closure pressure data from all
8 zones falls under the linear y = 0.6663x –
248.23 line. It shows that all closure pressure
data is consistent which indicate the proposed
method of fracture closure identification is
Beside that the closure data is overlaid
on the closure pressure data from nearby field
and it shows that the closure pressure is also
close with nearby field data which means the
closure pressure estimate is close. It indicates
the proposed method for closure pressure
identification work well. Figure 30 below
shows the closure pressure of 8 zones overlaid
Analysis can be done also by comparing
zone-1 and zone-2 against zone-3 and zone4 closure pressure from 7 wells in DW field
to evaluate the consistency of the proposed
diagnostic method. Beside that the comparison
also can be done against zone-1 and zone-2
analyzed by other party (service contractor)
with different method. The comparison can
be shown in figure 32. This figure shows
that closure pressure of zone-1 and zone-2
analyzed by proposed diagnostic method has
good agreement with analysis by other party,
and also it is consistent with zone-3 and zone-4
which follows the same gradient.
Fracture Closure Pressure Identification During Calibration Treatment
(Sudjati Rachmat dan Mochammad Abdul Hadi)
closure pressure of nearby field, consistent
with gradient of zone-3 and zone-4 and also
has good agreement with closure pressure
analyzed by other party.
2. Recommendations
Figure 32. Closure Pressure all Zones.
Conclusions and Recommendations
1. Conclusions
Some recommendations can be made from
this research, which are summarized below.
1. The number of sample or well as the case
study need to be increased to evaluate the
consistency of this proposed method.
2. A limited number of non-ideal behavior is
observed. Only two PDL cases are observed.
This proposed method need to be evaluated
with wide variety of reservoir properties such
as permeability and Young Modulus (E).
3. This proposed method need to be evaluated for
very low permeability formation and different
properties of frac fluid such as wall building
fluid in order to evaluate its consistency and
its ability to identify other non-ideal behavior.
Some conclusions can be obtained from
this research, which are summarized below.
1. The proposed method of closure pressure
identification by diagnostic plots successfully
indicates fracture closure pressure. All
diagnostic plots have good agreement of
closure pressure and fluid efficiency.
2. Final closure pressure and fluid efficiency of
each zone obtained using the proposed method
is summarized in the table 3 below.
Table 3. Summary of Closure Pressure all zones.
3. Non-ideal can be identified by proposed
method and the closure pressure can be picked
with good agreement among all diagnostic
plots which indicate no-misinterpretation
occurred. PDL behavior is successfully
identified by diagnostic plot on well-E zone-1
and well-F’ zone-2.
4. Fracture closure pressure obtained by
proposed method also has consistency with
Economides, Michael J., and Kenneth G. Nolte. (1989)
: Reservoir Stimulation, Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey 07632.
Smith, Michael B. (2012) : Fracture Pressure Analysis
Training Module, NSI Technologies, Inc., Tulsa,
OK 74136.
Nolte, Kenneth G. (1979) : Determination of Fracture
Parameters from Fracturing Pressure Decline,
paper SPE 3841, presented at the Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Las Vegas, NV.
Barree, R.D., V.L. Barree, Barree&Assocs. LLC, and
D.P. Craig. (2007) : Holistic Fracture Diagnostic,
paper SPE 107877, presented at the 2007
SPE Rocky Mountain Oil & Gas Technology
Symposium held in Denver, Colorado.
Pandey, Vibhas J., Robert C. Burton and Manabu
Nozaki. (2014) : Evolution of Frack-pack Design
and Completion Procedures for High Permeability
Gas Wells in Subsea Service, paper SPE 168636,
presented at the SPE Hydraulic Fracturing
Technology Coneference held in The Woodlands,
Cramer, Dave and Dung Nguyen. (2012) : Hydraulic
Fracture Injection / Pressure Fall-off Testing
Basics, ConocoPhillips Company, Houston,
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 118-131
Table A-1. Summary of Closure Pressure of All Wells.
Online Quick Looked Plan Of Development Untuk Mempercepat Proses
Persetujuan Plan Of Development
Online Quick Looked POD To Foster The Approval Process Of A Plan Of
Tutuka Ariadji, Rian Maryudi
Petroleum Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Metode Quick Looked POD dibangun untuk mempermudah proses persetujuan POD dengan cara
memberikan skor pada data-data yang digunakan dalam pembuatan POD, kemudian dari skor yang telah
didapat dilakukan pembagian kelas menggunakan simulasi Monte Carlo. Klasifikasi tersebut mengindikasikan
tingkat kesiapan dokumen POD untuk disampaikan guna mendapatkan persetujuan. Studi pertama dilakukan
dengan cara mengembangkan metode perhitungan cepat berdasarkan parameter data statik (Rommy, 2011) dan
data dinamik (Rinno, 2011). Studi kedua dikembangkan dengan menambahkan parameter berupa komersialitas
sehingga didapat matriks kelayakan POD (Ramadhan, 2012). Studi ketiga dikembangkan dengan menambahkan
parameter kinerja lapangan (Doniberatus, 2013).
Dalam tulisan ini, tabel Quick Looked POD diambil dari tulisan yang telah dibuat sebelumnya dan
dijadikan referensi untuk melakukan penilaian dari suatu POD. Tulisan ini mengembangkan lebih lanjut
dengan memvalidasi menggunakan data lapangan sebenarnya dan mengembangkan ke dalam bentuk website
sehingga dapat diterapkan berbasis online. Hasil penilitian ini diberi nama Online Quick Looked POD yang
akan lebih mempermudah proses penilaian dan persetujuan POD secara online.
Kata Kunci: POD, Quick Looked POD, Monte Carlo, Online Quick Looked POD.
Quick Looked POD is built to makes POD approval process easier by giving score to data which
use to create POD, then from score that have been obtained is conducted class division using Monte Carlo
Simulation. The classification indicates the level of preparedness of documents POD to submitted for approval.
First study was done by developed quick count method based on static data parameter (Rommy, 2011) and
dynamic data parameter (Rinno, 2011). Second study was developed by adding commerciality parameter thus
obtained feasibility matrix of POD (Ramadhan, 2012). Third study is developed by adding field performance
parameter (Doniberatus, 2013).
In this paper, Quick Looked POD’s table is taken from previous paper and become reference to do
POD valuation. This paper further develops by validate using real field data and develops into the form of
website so it can be applied online. The result of this study is named Online Quick Looked POD which make
valuation easier and POD approval online.
Keyword: POD, Quick Looked POD, Monte Carlo, Online Quick Looked POD.
1. Pendahuluan
Perencanaan Pengembangan (Plan of
Development, POD) merupakan suatu rencana
pengembangan lapangan minyak dan gas (migas)
yang bertujuan untuk menambah nilai perolehan
hidrokarbon dengan memperhatikan aspek teknis,
ekonomi, serta kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja.
Setelah itu SKK Migas melakukan penilaian kepada
POD yang telah dibentuk dan membutuhkan waktu
1 tahun tanpa adanya halangan. Waktu penilaian
yang lama membuat data yang digunakan saat
studi menjadi kadaluarsa.
Studi pertama dilakukan dengan cara
mengembangkan metode perhitungan cepat (quick
count) berdasarkan parameter data statik (data
litologi, dan lain-lain) yang dimiliki (Rommy,
2011). Setelah itu ditambahkan parameter data
dinamik (data produksi, dan lain-lain) pada Quick
Looked POD (Rinno, 2011).
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 132-149
Studi kedua dikembangkan dengan cara
menambahkan parameter berupa komersialitas
(fasilitas permukaan, HSE, dan keekonomian)
sehingga didapatkan matriks kelayakan POD
dengan komersialitas (Ramadhan, 2012).
Studi ketiga dikembangkan dengan cara
menambahkan parameter kinerja lapangan (faktor
perolehan, withdrawal rate, dan faktor risiko)
untuk melihat kelayakan POD (Doniberatus,
Studi keempat berupa implementasi Quick
Looked POD secara terintegrasi pada lapangan
hidrokarbon untuk validasi dan melakukan
penilaian secara online melalui website Quick
Looked POD.
1. Studi ini dibatasi untuk lapangan – lapangan
yang berada di Indonesia.
2. Tidak memperhitungkan jenis mekanisme
pendorongan reservoir.
3. Hanya untuk reservoir minyak.
4. Data yang digunakan pada parameter kinerja
lapangan merupakan update terakhir sampai
2012 dan masih akurat sampai saat ini
(Februari 2014) serta data tersebut berasal
dari perusahaan yang bersangkutan.
5. Cekungan dengan nama yang identik
mempunyai karakteristik reservoir yang
hampir sama.
6. Belum termasuk tahap pengembangan
tertiary recovery.
1.1 Rumusan Masalah
2. Metodologi
Pengembangan Quick Looked POD telah
dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali dan setiap studi
menambahkan parameter-parameter yang penting
dalam penilaian POD. Tabel Quick Looked POD
dibuat untuk mempermudah seseorang untuk
menilai POD. Implementasi Quick Looked POD
perlu dilakukan untuk melihat apakah Quick
Looked POD layak dipakai dalam menilai POD
dari suatu lapangan dan melihat penilaian POD
secara online melalui website Quick Looked POD.
Quick Looked POD juga dapat digunakan untuk
memvalidasi apakah lapangan tersebut layak
untuk dilakukan POD atau tidak. Hasil validasi
tersebut juga membantu seseorang melihat
kelayakan suatu lapangan untuk dilakukan POD.
sebagai berikut:
1.2 Tujuan
Studi ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki
dan memvalidasi tabel Quick Looked POD untuk
mempermudah penilaian dengan metode Quick
Looked POD. Implementasi metode Quick Looked
POD dilakukan dengan cara mengisi tabel Quick
Looked POD yang telah dibuat sebelumnya.
Untuk lebih mempermudah pengisian tabel Quick
Looked POD, maka dibuatlah website Quick
Looked POD agar tabel dapat diisi secara online.
1.3 Asumsi
2.1 Studi Literatur
mempelajari tabel Quick Looked POD terdahulu
serta memahami maksud dari tabel tersebut.
Selain itu mempelajari juga metode-metode yang
akan digunakan dalam pembuatan tabel Quick
Looked POD seperti monte carlo, dan lain-lain.
2.2 Pengumpulan Data Lapangan “B”
Data yang dibutuhkan dalam melakukan
penilaian POD adalah data sebelum pengeboran
(seismic, dan lain-lain), data ketika melakukan
pengeboran (logging, dan lain-lain), data setelah
pengeboran/saat produksi (komplesi, dan lainlain), data fasilitas produksi, HSE, dan ekonomi
Selanjutnya data tersebut dapat dibagi
menjadi data di bawah permukaan, data di
permukaan (fasilitas produksi, dan lain-lain),
HSE, keekonomian, dan kinerja lapangan (faktor
perolehan, dan lain-lain).
2.3 Pendefinisian dan Panduan Pengisian
Tabel Quick Looked POD
Pendefinisian dan panduan pengisian
Asumsi yang digunakan pada Quick
Looked POD sebagai berikut (Doniberatus, 2013): tabel dilakukan kembali untuk mencegah adanya
Online Quick Looked Plan Of Development Untuk Mempercepat Proses Persetujuan Plan Of Development
(Tutuka Ariadji, Rian Maryudi)
kesalahpahaman parameter yang dibutuhkan
ketika mengisi tabel Quick Looked POD. Dengan
adanya definisi dan panduan, diharapkan tidak
ada lagi kesalahan ketika mengisi tabel Quick
Looked POD. Panduan tersebut dilakukan secara
umum, tetapi terdapat data yang panduannya
secara khusus. Panduan tersebut dapat dilihat
pada Tabel 1 dan Tabel 2.
2.4 Pembuatan Online Quick Looked POD
dilakukan atau masih ada beberapa data yang
harus ditambahkan. Hasil penilaian tersebut
akan dianalisis dan dievaluasi lalu diberikan
kesimpulan terbaik untuk POD Lapangan “B”.
3. Hasil dan Pembahasan
3.1 Pengisian
Data pada Online Quick
Looked POD
Online Quick Looked POD merupakan
metode baru yang digunakan untuk memvalidasi
apakah lapangan tersebut layak dilakukan
POD. Cara pengisian tabel Quick Looked POD
yaitu dengan memberikan skor pada tabel yang
diberikan. Skor maksimum yang dapat diberikan
adalah 4 dan skor minimum yang dapat diberikan
adalah 1. Secara umum, skor 4 menunjukkan
bahwa kualitas dan kuantitas data tersebut baik dan
skor 1 menunjukkan data kualitas dan kuantitas
kurang baik dan masih perlu ditambahkan.
Masing-masing parameter telah diberikan
panduan untuk mengisi tabel Quick Looked POD.
Seperti contoh pada parameter kontak fluida, skor
1 diberikan ketika data yang digunakan tidak jelas,
skor 2 diberikan ketika diketahui Lowest Known
Oil (LKO) tetapi tidak bisa dikorelasikan dengan
sumur lain, skor 3 diberikan ketika diketahui
2.5 Pengisian Tabel Quick Looked POD pada Lowest Known Oil (LKO) dan bisa dikorelasikan
Lapangan “B”
dengan sumur lain, dan skor 4 diberikan ketika
terlihat jelas batas kontak dan bisa dikorelasikan
Pengisian tabel dilakukan dengan cara dengan sumur lain.
memberikan angka 1 – 4 dengan definisi secara
umum angka 1 menunjukkan data yang dipunya 3.2 Pre-Drilling
tidak baik/jelek secara kualitas dan kuantitas
serta angka 4 menunjukkan data yang dipunya
Pre-Drilling adalah bagian awal dari
baik secara kualitas dan kuantitas.
sektor upstream, di mana biasanya pada tahapan
Pengisian tabel dilakukan oleh expertist ini ilmu yang terlibat adalah geologi dan
yang artinya penilaian data dilakukan dengan geofisika. Tujuan dari Pre-Drilling adalah untuk
expert judgement yang dibantu oleh panduan menentukan bentuk/struktur dan posisi reservoir
khusus skoring sehingga skor yang diberikan akan serta menentukan perkiraan Original Oil in Place
tetap berada pada koridor yang telah ditentukan (OOIP) dan/atau Original Gas in Place (OGIP).
secara akurat dan memiliki tingkat justifikasi data Pre-Drilling merupakan salah satu bagian dari
yang tinggi dan valid (Ramadhan, 2012).
tahapan eksplorasi pada sektor upstream.
Ilmu geofisika dipakai untuk menentukan
2.6 Evaluasi Lapangan
menggunakan seismik. Pada Quick Looked POD,
Setelah pengisian tabel di website, maka seismik dinilai berdasarkan kualitas dan kuantitas
secara otomatis website akan mengeluarkan dari waktu, kecepatan/impedansi, amplitudo, dan
hasil penilaian apakah POD tersebut layak karakter dari seismik.
Tujuan pembuatan website adalah untuk
mempermudah seseorang dalam melakukan
penilaian POD. Selain itu dengan website maka
kedua belah pihak antara pengembang lapangan
dengan SKK Migas tidak perlu bertemu untuk
melakukan penilaian. Hal ini menguntungkan
karena mempercepat waktu penilaian.
Penilaian melalui website dilakukan
dengan menggunakan simulasi monte carlo
dan menggunakan 4000 bilangan acak (random
number) untuk simulasi. Lalu 4000 data tersebut
dilakukan distribusi segiempat sehingga dari
data tersebut bisa dilihat bentuk distribusinya.
Distribusi segiempat dilakukan pada simulasi
monte carlo karena data hanya memiliki nilai
maksimum (skor 4) dan nilai minimum (skor 1).
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 132-149
Ilmu geologi ketika Pre-Drilling
digunakan untuk melihat struktur geologi secara
keseluruhan untuk daerah pada Lapangan “B”
seperti lingkungan pengendapan, peta geologi
pada daerah Lapangan “B”, dan lainnya. Pada
Quick Looked POD, geologi saat Pre-Drilling
dinilai berdasarkan regional daerah, lingkungan
pengendapan, dan studi geologi untuk daerah
tersebut. Jika regional dan lingkungan
pengendapan telah diketahui, petroleum system
dari Lapangan “B” juga bisa ditentukan.
Pada Lapangan “B”, seismik dan
geologi dapat menentukan depth markers dan
struktur area. Berdasarkan expert judgment,
depth markers dan struktur area yang didapat
secara seismik dan geologi mendapat nilai/skor
3. Struktur area berdasarkan seismik mendapat
nilai/skor 4 sedangkan struktur area berdasarkan
ilmu geologi mendapat nilai/skor 3. Petroleum
system berdasarkan ilmu geologi mendapat nilai/
skor 4 karena bisa menjelaskan dengan baik.
3.3 During Drilling
During Drilling merupakan bagian
dari sektor upstream yang berfungsi untuk
menghubungkan bagian permukaan (surface)
dengan bagian bawah permukaan (sub-surface).
Pada tahapan ini, ilmu yang terlibat adalah
ilmu pengeboran (drilling) dan logging, Ketika
pengeboran (during drilling), data yang bisa
didapat adalah data log, cutting, dan core.
Data log dapat digunakan untuk
menentukan depth markers dari reservoir,
ketebalan reservoir, litologi, kontak antar-fluida,
porositas, dan saturasi. Data tersebut dapat
diambil dengan menggunakan berbagai macam
log seperti log resistivitas, gamma ray log, dan
Data cutting dapat digunakan untuk
menentukan litologi batuan dan indikasi adanya
hidrokarbon. Indikasi hidrokarbon dapat dilihat
dari fluorescence pada litologi. Fluorescence
dapat dianalisa pada lab. Selain itu data litologi
dapat digunakan untuk pengeboran selanjutnya.
Data core dapat digunakan untuk
menentukan derajat sementasi dan turtuosity
dari batuan. Nilai saturasi air pada reservoir juga
dapat dinilai dengan memakai Metode Archie,
yaitu menentukan nilai saturasi air berdasarkan
resistivitas air dan batuan pada reservoir.
Analisis core bisa digunakan untuk Special Core
Analysis (SCAL) dan mendapatkan data seperti
permeabilitas relatif, tekanan kapiler, kebasahan
batuan, mempelajari Enhanced Oil Recovery
(EOR), dan corefloods.
Pada Lapangan “B”, data log dapat
digunakan untuk menentukan depth markers,
faktor sementasi, ketebalan, litologi, Water/
Gas Oil Contacts, porositas, dan saturasi fluida.
Berdasarkan expert judgment, depth marker
dan litologi mendapat nilai/skor 4, faktor
sementasi, ketebalan, dan saturasi mendapat
nilai/skor 2, serta Water/Gas Oil Contacts dan
porositas mendapat nilai/skor 3. Data core dapat
digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai porositas
dan permeabilitas. Nilai/skor dari porositas dan
permeabilitas adalah 4.
3.4 Post Development
Post development adalah bagian
pengembangan dari sektor upstream yang
perolehan hidrokarbon dari suatu lapangan.
Post development biasanya dilakukan ketika
pengeboran telah selesai dan mulai memasuki fasa
produksi. Terdapat beberapa hal yang dilakukan
ketika memasuki fasa post development, yaitu
well testing, well completion, well injection,
sejarah, dan simulasi reservoir.
Well testing berfungsi untuk mengetahui
apakah reservoir tersebut dapat diproduksikan
secara ekonomis. Secara engineering, ekonomis
selain keuntungan berupa nilai permeabilitas
yang tidak terlalu kecil, nilai skin yang tidak
terlalu besar, dan radius investigasi yang cukup
besar. Jenis well testing yang biasa dilakukan
berupa pressure transient analysis (PTA)
dan deliverability test untuk gas. Jenis dari
deliverability test berupa backpressure test,
isochronal test, dan modified isochronal test.
Well completion adalah penyelesaian
akhir sebuah sumur agar sumur tersebut bisa
berproduksi dengan baik. Well completion berupa
sistem engineering yang meliputi pengaturan
casing produksi, penyemenan, perforasi,
pemasangan tubing, penyelesaian akhir, dan
membuat sumur dapat memproduksikan
hidrokarbon (Wan Renpu, 2011).
Simulasi reservoir adalah representatif
dari reservoir hidrokarbon dengan membuat
Online Quick Looked Plan Of Development Untuk Mempercepat Proses Persetujuan Plan Of Development
(Tutuka Ariadji, Rian Maryudi)
model reservoir tersebut dan bertujuan untuk
memprediksikan performa dari reservoir dan
hasil tersebut dapat digunakan untuk mengambil
keputusan (Sutopo, 2013). Pembuat model dan
prediksi performa reservoir tidak terlepas dari
3 persamaan fundamental, yaitu Hukum Darcy,
Pesamaan Material Balance, dan properti fluida
(PVT atau EOS).
Pada Lapangan “B”, data yang dipunya
ketika post development data sejarah dan simulasi
reservoir. Data sejarah pada Lapangan “B”
meliputi data tekanan, laju alir, jenis fluida yang
diproduksikan, serta nilai faktor perolehan. Data
tekanan mendapat nilai/skor 3, data laju alir dan
jenis fluida yang diproduksikan mendapat nilai/
skor 4, dan nilai faktor perolehan mendapat nilai/
skor 2.
Untuk simulasi reservoir, model simulasi
yang dibuat merepresentasikan bentuk dan
struktur area sehingga mendapat nilai/skor 4.
Nilai saturasi dan permeabilitas yang diinput
sangat jelas sehingga mendapat nilai/skor 4.
3.5 Fasiilitas Permukaan (Surface Facilities)
Fasilitas yang berada di permukaan berupa
flowline, separator, dan stock tank. Fasilitas
tersebut digunakan untuk mengalirkan fluida dari
wellhead menuju storage tank. Sebelum masuk
menuju stock tank, fluida harus diolah terlebih
dahulu untuk memenuhi spesifikasi.
Penilaian fasilitas permukaan difokuskan
kepada optimasi desain dan kelengkapannya.
Optimasi desain adalah melakukan optimasi
pada fasilitas permukaan dengan menggunakan
software. Salah satu contoh software yang
digunakan adalah GAP. Kelengkapan dari
fasilitas permukaan meliputi separator, fluid
treating system (gas sweetening, hydrocyclone,
gun barrels, dan sebagainya), dan storage
tank. Pada Lapangan “B”, optimasi desain dan
kelengkapan mendapatkan nilai/skor 2.
3.6 Kesehatan, Keselamatan Kerja, dan
Lingkungan (Health, Safety, and
Environment, HSE)
Kesehatan, Keselamatan Kerja, dan
Lingkungan (K3L, HSE) merupakan aspek
penting yang harus ada dan kewajiban setiap
komponen yang terlibat dalam K3S. Sesuai
dengan namanya, K3L difokuskan untuk
memperhatikan keadaan pekerja yang terlibat
serta dampak lingkungan yang terjadi.
Penilaian HSE difokuskan kepada data
dan prosedur pengolaan lingkungan serta health
and safety. Pada Lapangan “B”, prosedur HSE
tidak dicantumkan dalam POD sehingga tidak
ada nilai/skor yang diberikan.
3.7 Data Keekonomian
Keekonomian diartikan sebagai berapa
harga yang harus dikeluarkan dan keuntungan
yang diperoleh ketika memproduksikan
hidrokarbon selama kontrak berlangsung.
Analisis keekonomian merupakan salah satu
bagian terpenting dari POD karena menyangkut
keuntungan dari suatu perusahaan. Selain itu
analisis keekonomian merupakan komponen
terpenting ketika mengajukan POD kepada SKK
Data keekonomian difokuskan kepada
data dan prosedur evaluasi serta asumsi parameter
evaluasi. Data dan prosedur evaluasi mencakup
harga peralatan untuk produksi hidrokarbon dan
banyaknya hidrokarbon yang diproduksikan.
Asumsi parameter evaluasi mencakup asumsi
harga minyak, discount factor, MARR, DMO,
dan biaya operasi. Parameter-parameter tersebut
bergantung terhadap kebijakan pemerintah
saat itu. Pada Lapangan “B”, data dan prosedur
evaluasi serta asumsi parameter evaluasi
mendapatkan nilai/skor 4.
3.8 Evaluasi Kinerja Lapangan
Evaluasi kinerja kerja merupakan analisis
dari suatu perusahaan untuk melihat performa
reservoir selama reservoir tersebut berproduksi.
Evaluasi ini mencakup faktor perolehan,
withdrawal rate, dan analisis faktor resiko.
Faktor perolehan adalah rasio antara
jumlah hidrokarbon yang diproduksikan dengan
IOIP/IGIP. Nilai faktor perolehan yang layak
untuk lapangan di Indonesia dapat dilihat pada
Tabel 9 (Doniberatus, 2013).
Withdrawal rate adalah rasio antara
produksi hidrokarbon tahunan dengan cadangan
yang berada di reservoir. Nilai withdrawal rate
yang layak untuk dan lapangan di Indonesia
dapat dilihat pada Tabel 10 (Doniberatus, 2013).
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 132-149
Faktor risiko yang dimaksud adalah risiko
dari suatu pekerjaan yang bisa dikuantifikasikan,
seperti properti fluida, data ketidakseragaman
geologi, faktor perolehan, dan lainnya
(Doniberatus, 2013).
Pada Lapangan “B”, data withdrawal
rate dan analisis faktor risiko tidak dapat dinilai
karena data yang tidak ada. Berdasarkan Tabel 9,
nilai/skor yang diberikan untuk faktor perolehan
adalah 2.
3.9 Evaluasi Lapangan
Setelah pengisian tabel Quick Looked
POD Lapangan “B”, maka terbentuklah seperti
Tabel 3. Data kuantifikasi Lapangan “B” dapat
dilihat pada Tabel 4, Tabel 5, dan Tabel 6.
Dari hasil analisa dan pengisian tabel Quick
Looked POD, kita bisa menggunakan distribusi
segiempat dengan menggunakan 4000 bilangan
acak. Rumus distribusi segiempat bisa dilihat
pada persamaan berikut (Sudjati Rachmat, 2001):
Xf = XL + RN ( XH - XL ) ................................. (1)
Xf : Nilai “X” yang dicari.
XL : Batas nilai “X” yang terkecil.
XH : Batas nilai “X” yang terbesar.
RN : Bilangan acak.
bertujuan untuk melihat frekuensi relatif dan
frekuensi kumulatif relatif berdasarkan selang
nilai/skor yang diinginkan. Persebaran data
tersebut dapat dilihat pada Tabel 7.
Dengan menggunakan simulasi monte
carlo, distribusi/persebaran data bisa dilihat
cukup jelas dengan pembagian-pembagian kelas
sebagai berikut:
1. Pembagian kelas berdasarkan nilai/skor tetap.
2. Pembagian kelas berdasarkan perubahan
grafik persebaran data dengan simulasi monte
Kelas pada nilai/skor tetap dibagi menjadi
4, yaitu: kelas 1, kelas 2, kelas 3, kelas 4. Kelas
1 merupakan kelas dengan data yang kurang
baik dari segi kualitas dan kuantitas. Kelas 2
merupakan kelas dengan kualitas data yang baik
tetapi kuantitas data kurang mencukupi. Kelas
3 merupakan kelas dengan kuantitas data yang
mencukupi tetapi kualitas data yang kurang baik.
Kelas 4 merupakan kelas dengan kualitas dan
kuantitas data yang baik.
Kelas pada monte carlo dibagi menjadi
3, yaitu: kelas A, kelas B, dan kelas C. Kelas C
menunjukkan bahwa POD yang diajukan belum
layak dijalankan karena dari segi kualitas dan
kuantitas data yang kurang baik. Kelas B
menunjukkan bahwa POD layak dijalankan
tetapi dibutuhkan data tambahan untuk
menunjang pengambilan keputusan. Kelas A
menunjukkan bahwa POD layak dijalankan
karena dari segi kualitas dan kuantitas data
sudah baik (Rommy, 2011).
Dengan langkah-langkah yang telah
disebutkan sebelumnya, maka grafik distribusi/
persebaran data dapat dlihat pada Gambar
2 dan Gambar 3. Lapangan “B” memiliki
data sebanyak 60 dan total nilai/skor sebesar
191. Berdasarkan Gambar 2 dan Gambar 3,
diketahui bahwa Lapangan “B” berada pada
kelas 3 berdasarkan skor tetap dan kelas A
berdasarkan monte carlo.
Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa
Lapangan “B” sudah layak untuk dikembangkan
lebih lanjut karena data yang dimiliki cukup
banyak dan rata-rata kualitas data Lapangan
“B” cukup baik. Rata-rata kualitas data
yang dimiliki dapat diperbaiki dengan cara
menambahkan kuantitas data yang cukup tetapi
dengan kualitas data yang baik.
4. Kesimpulan
1. Penggunaan metode Quick Looked POD
mempermudah untuk menilai POD dengan
melihat kuantitas dan kualitas data.
2. Pengisian tabel Quick Looked POD dengan
cara memberikan nilai 1,2,3, dan 4. Nilai
4 berarti kualitas dan kuantitas data baik
sedangkan nilai 1 berarti kualitas dan
kuantitas data buruk.
3. Penilaian tabel Quick Looked POD
menggunakan distribusi segiempat dan
simulasi monte carlo.
4. Pembagian kelas pada Quick Looked POD
berdasarkan nilai/skor tetap dan perubahan
grafik distribusi/ persebaran data.
5. Lapangan “B” layak untuk dikembangkan
lebih lanjut dan disarankan untuk menambah
kuantitas dan kualitas data .
Online Quick Looked Plan Of Development Untuk Mempercepat Proses Persetujuan Plan Of Development
(Tutuka Ariadji, Rian Maryudi)
5. Saran
1. Definisi dan kriteria penilaian dari tabel¬
Quick Looked POD harus diperbaharui
sebanyak mungkin sesuai dengan kondisi dan
keadaan saat itu.
2. Tabel Quick Looked POD bisa diperbaharui
untuk memperkirakan kelayakan dari suatu
lapangan ketika lapangan tersebut akan
dilakukan tertiary recovery.
3. Untuk mencegah terjadinya kecurangan
pada pengisian Tabel Quick Looked POD,
pengisian tabel lebih dianjurkan dengan
menggunakan artificial intelligent dengan
mempertimbangkan definisi dan panduan
pengisian Tabel Quick Looked POD.
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Permeability on Oil Recovery from Oil-wet
Chalk. Energies: 2008.
Hernansjah, Diktat Analisa Log Sumur, Teknik
Perminyakan ITB: 2008
Imantoro, Doniberatus; Metode Quick Look POD
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Lithology, Earthquake Glossary. US Geological
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Oilvoice – Pressure Volume and Temperature
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Rachmat, Sudjati: Simulasi Monte Carlo dan
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Ramadhan, Muhammad; Kuadran Kelayakan
versus Komersialitas POD untuk Mempercepat
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Metode Quick Look POD, ITB: 2012.
Renpu, Wan: Advanced Well Completion
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Online Quick Looked Plan Of Development Untuk Mempercepat Proses Persetujuan Plan Of Development
(Tutuka Ariadji, Rian Maryudi)
Table 1. Definisi dari setiap parameter pada tabel Quick Looked POD
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 132-149
Online Quick Looked Plan Of Development Untuk Mempercepat Proses Persetujuan Plan Of Development
(Tutuka Ariadji, Rian Maryudi)
Table 2. Panduan skor untuk pengisian tabel Quick Looked POD
Table 3. Tabel Quick Looked POD untuk Lapangan “B”
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 132-149
Table 4. Analisa kuantitatif dan kualitatif Quick Looked POD untuk Lapangan “B”
Table 5. Analisa kuantitatif dan kualitatif Quick Looked POD untuk Lapangan “B” (lanjutan)
Table 6. Analisa kuantitatif dan kualitatif Quick Looked POD untuk Lapangan “B” (lanjutan)
Online Quick Looked Plan Of Development Untuk Mempercepat Proses Persetujuan Plan Of Development
(Tutuka Ariadji, Rian Maryudi)
Table 7. Frekuensi relatif dan frekuensi relatif kumulatif pada Lapangan “B”
Table 8. Pembagian kelas Quick Looked POD untuk Lapangan “B”
Table 9. Tabel nilai/skor faktor perolehan untuk lapangan di Indonesia (Doniberatus, 2013)
Table 10. Tabel nilai/skor withdrawal rate untuk lapangan di Indonesia (Doniberatus, 2013)
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 132-149
Gambar 1. Metodologi Penelitian.
Gambar 2. Pembagian kelas berdasarkan skor tetap
dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel
Gambar 3. Pembagian kelas berdasarkan Monte Carlo
dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel
Gambar 4. Pembagian kelas berdasarkan skor tetap
dengan menggunakan Online Quick Looked POD
Gambar 5. Pembagian kelas berdasarkan Monte Carlo
dengan menggunakan Online Quick Looked POD
Gambar 6. Tampilan Online Quick Looked POD untuk bagian definisi dan panduan
Online Quick Looked Plan Of Development Untuk Mempercepat Proses Persetujuan Plan Of Development
(Tutuka Ariadji, Rian Maryudi)
Gambar 7. Tampilan Online Quick Looked POD untuk bagian tabel
Gambar 8. Tampilan Online Quick Looked POD untuk bagian tabulasi data
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 132-149
Tabel L 1. Bilangan acak dan distribusi segiempat untuk Lapangan “B”
Tabel L 2. Bilangan acak dan distribusi segiempat untuk Lapangan “B” (lanjutan)
Online Quick Looked Plan Of Development Untuk Mempercepat Proses Persetujuan Plan Of Development
(Tutuka Ariadji, Rian Maryudi)
Tabel L 3. Bilangan acak dan distribusi segiempat untuk Lapangan “B” (lanjutan)
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 132-149
Optimasi Pemanfaatan Gas Suar Secara Komprehensif
A Comprehensive Optimization of Flare Gas Utilization
Tutuka Ariadji, Pomto Jaya
Petroleum Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Gas Suar merupakan istilah untuk gas buangan sisa produksi yang dibakar ke udara karena kurangnya
kapasitas fasilitas permukaan atau karena kelebihan pasokan. Konsiderasi yang menyebabkan gas hidrokarbon
ini langsung dibakar ke udara adalah ketidakekonomisannya jika diproduksikan dengan pertimbangan fasilitasfasilitas permukaan yang perlu dipersiapkan untuk memproses gas tersebut. Dari sisi kontrak jual-beli gas suar
sendiri, suplai gas suar hanya ditentukan sepihak dari penjual sehingga pemanfaatan gas suar ini semakin berisiko.
Pada studi ini dibahas secara komprehensif dari segi teknik, bisnis, dan legal mengenai ekonomi
dari penjualan gas suar yang nantinya akan dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber energi oleh pihak pembeli. Dalam
studi ini dilakukan optimasi terhadap penjualan gas suar dengan pertimbangan parameter keekonomian yaitu
Net Present Value dan Internal Rate of Return. Tinjauan pertama untuk skenario optimasi tersebut adalah
melakukan pendekatan terhadap prediksi kinerja reservoir dengan simulasi secara sederhana untuk menjadi
pertimbangan dalam pengadaan kontrak. Kemudian tinjauan kedua dari aspek teknis yaitu optimasi terhadap
kandungan pengotor pada gas suar yang dalam hal ini terdiri dari CO2 dan H2S, kemudian disusul dengan
optimasi dari aspek bisnis dan legal dengan melakukan uji sensitivitas terhadap waktu kekosongan pasokan
gas selama kontrak dan menghitung keuntungan maksimal untuk waktu kontrak minimal dari kasus-kasus
Hasil optimasi tinjauan pertama didapat model reservoir yang mendekati keadaan reservoir pada
studi dengan nilai OOIP sebesar 16.732 MMSTB, porositas 17%, laju alir gas rata-rata selama waktu kontrak
sebesar 1.99 MMSCFD. Kemudian dari uji sensitivitas terhadap kandungan zat pengotor menunjukkan untuk
penambahan fasilitas treatment yang ekonomis, laju alir rata-rata minimal yang disarankan adalah 1.20
MMSCFD dengan kadar pengotor minimal 21.96%. Dari aspek bisnis dan legal sendiri didapat nilai-nilai batas
waktu toleransi maksimal kekosongan pasokan gas untuk tiap laju alir pada kandungan kadar pengotor tertentu
maupun dengan treatment, serta didapat nilai-nilai keuntungan maksimal dari skenario yang memenuhi kriteria
IRR pada masa kontrak yang lebih singkat. Dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor optimasi tersebut, prospek
dari segmen pemanfaatan gas suar dapat dievaluasi dari berbagai segi secara komprehensif.
Kata kunci: Gas Suar, Keekonomian, Kadar CO2 dan H2S, Laju Alir Gas Suar, Reservoir, Net Present Value,
Internal Rate of Return
Flare Gas is a production residual gas that directly flared into air because lack of surface facility or
excessive gas production. The reason why this hydrocarbon gas being flared is because the economic factor
which is unprofitable to produce gas, with the consideration of required surface facility to treat the gas. From
the flare gas contract of sale itself, flare gas supply unilaterally determined only from the suppliers so that the
utilization of flare gas is getting more risky.
This study comprehensively discuss the economics of gas flare sales from the technic aspect, business
aspect, and legal aspect which will be used as a source of energy by buyers. This study consist of optimization
for flare gas sales by considering the economic parameters such as Net Present Value and Internal Rate of
Return. First observation is conducting an approach to the reservoir performance prediction by simulation for
the consideration in the procurement of contract. Then, the second observation for the optimization aspects are
from the technical aspect which is represent by content of impurities in flare gas that consist of CO2 and H2S,
followed by third observation for the optimization in business aspect by doing a sensitivity test to the absence
of gas supply related to the problem of flare gas and calculating maximum profit of minimum contract time
from the specific cases.
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 150-167
The first observation resulting the reservoir model that close to the reservoir condition in this study
with value of 16.732 MMSTB for OOIP, 17% porosity, and average gas rate around 1.99 MMSCFD during
contract period. Result from sensitivity test regarding to impurities content shows that for economical treatment
facility procurement, minimum average rate of gas suggested is 1.20 MMSCFD with minimum impurities
content 21.96%. From the business side obtained the values of maximum time limit of gas supply absence
for every value of average gas rate and specific impurities content or with treatment, as well as the values of
maximum profit from specific scenario that meet the IRR criteria on a shorter contract term. By considering
such optimization factors, the prospect of flare gas utilization segment can be evaluated comprehensively.
Keywords: Flare Gas, Economy, CO2 dan H2S content, Flare Gas Rate, Reservoir, Net Present Value, Internal
Rate of Return
1. Pendahuluan
teknik maupun bisnis, dihubungkan dengan nilai
keuntungan yang direpresentasikan oleh nilai Net
Gas Suar merupakan istilah untuk gas Present Value (NPV) dan Internal Rate of Return
buangan sisa produksi yang dibakar ke udara (IRR).
karena kurangnya kapasitas fasilitas permukaan
atau karena kelebihan pasokan. Konsiderasi 1.1 Studi Literatur
yang menyebabkan gas hidrokarbon ini langsung
dibakar ke udara adalah ketidakekonomisannya
Pada Studi Literatur dijelaskan mengenai
jika diproduksikan dengan pertimbangan fasilitas- indikator-indikator keuntungan yang digunakan
fasilitas permukaan yang perlu dipersiapkan pada penelitian ini.
untuk memproses gas tersebut.
Net Present Value dapat diartikan
Berdasarkan data dari Dirjen Migas sebagai nilai saat ini dari suatu proyek selama
pada tahun 2008 volume gas flare di Indonesia waktu tertentu dengan bunga (discount rate)
telah mencapai 113 MMSCFD, yang merupakan sebesar tingkat pengembalian minimum yang
jumlah yang besar untuk gas hidrokarbon yang diinginkan. Rumus umum yang digunakan
terbuang percuma. Nilai tersebut seharusnya adalah:
dapat memberikan keuntungan yang besar jika
dimanfaatkan, dengan kata lain kita telah membuang
salah satu aspek sumber daya yang berharga.
...................................................................... (1)
Pemanfaatan gas suar seringkali
terkendala akibat volume dari gas suar yang
terlalu kecil, ataupun kadar pengotor dari gas XN
: Cashflow di tahun ke N,
suar yang terlalu besar sehingga mempengaruhi i
: discount rate
heating value dari gas tersebut. Dari sisi kontrak
jual-beli gas suar sendiri, suplai gas suar hanya
Internal Rate of Return merupakan
ditentukan sepihak dari penjual (misalnya indikator tingkat efisiensi dari suatu investasi.
Pertamina). Dengan demikian, dari sisi pembeli Hal ini berarti suatu proyek/investasi dapat
juga perlu dilakukan perhitungan keekonomian dilakukan jika Internal Rate of Return lebih
yang matang dengan mempertimbangkan besar daripada laju pengembalian apabila
berbagai aspek.
melakukan investasi di tempat lain, misalnya
Berdasarkan fakta tersebut, diperlukan deposito bank, reksadana, dan lain-lain. Dalam
analisa mendalam terhadap faktor-faktor yang persamaan diatas, Internal Rate of Return
mempengaruhi keekonomian dari pemanfaatan digambarkan sebagai nilai i yang menyebabkan
gas suar, untuk melihat adanya kemungkinan Net Present Value bernilai 0.
pemanfaatan gas suar secara ekonomis, sehingga
Pay Out Time merupakan periode
dapat memberikan nilai tambah terhadap segmen pengembalian, waktu yang diperlukan agar
tercapai nilai kumulatif penghasilan bersih yang
Pada studi ini, dilakukan analisis terhadap sama dengan biaya investasi. Dengan kata lain,
keekonomian gas suar yang dilihat dari aspek waktu disaat nilai Net Present Value 0.
Optimasi Pemanfaatan Gas Suar Secara Komprehensif (Tutuka Ariadji, Pomto Jaya)
1.2 Rumusan Masalah
2. Metodologi Penelitian
Gas suar merupakan salah satu aset
Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan
berharga yang masih dapat dimanfaatkan, tetapi pada studi ini ditampilkan pada Gambar 1 sebagai
pemanfaatan terhadap gas suar ini terkendala berikut:
pada nilai ekonominya. Padahal, tidak semua
gas suar tidak ekonomis untuk dimanfaatkan
dan diperlukan adanya analisis terhadap
keekonomiannya dengan mempertimbangkan
berbagai aspek mulai dari teknis, bisnis, serta
legal kontraknya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut
muncullah pertanyaan “Bagaimana cara menilai
apakah pemanfaatan gas suar pada suatu lapangan
ekonomis dengan meninjau berbagai aspek secara
komprehensif ?”.
1.3 Tujuan
Pemanfaatan gas suar dilakukan dengan
menelaah secara ekonomi dari sisi teknik dan
bisnis-legal dengan menerapkannya pada suatu
kasus dasar yang ditentukan sebelumnya, serta
sensitivitas pada laju alir gas suar yang ditetapkan,
kemudian dengan memprediksi kinerja reservoir
asal gas suar dengan simulasi. Tujuan dari
studi ini adalah untuk melakukan optimasi Gambar 1. Metodologi Penelitian
pemanfaatan gas suar pada berbagai kondisi serta
memberikan pandangan mengenai keuntungan 2.1 Pengumpulan Data
yang bisa diperoleh dalam pemanfaatan gas suar
Pada studi ini, sebagian data-data yang
secara komprehensif.
digunakan berasal dari proyek pemanfaatan
gas suar dari suatu lapangan di Indonesia. Data
1.4 Asumsi / Batasan
yang menjadi referensi berupa biaya-biaya
Asumsi dan Batasan yang digunakan operasi yang terdiri dari biaya pembelian lahan,
konstruksi, fasilitas pemrosesan gas, fasilitas
pada studi ini yaitu:
1. Perhitungan keekonomian yang dibuat hanya pendukung, serta biaya tidak langsung seperti
gaji pekerja. Untuk data biaya dalam pengadaan
berlaku untuk gas suar di indonesia.
2. Perhitungan biaya dari segi daya listrik yang fasilitas treatment CO2 dan H2S juga diambil
dari data salah satu lapangan di Indonesia yang
dipakai selama proses diabaikan.
3. Seluruh gas suar yang dimanfaatkan tidak memiliki fasilitas tersebut.
mengandung fasa cair (minyak dan air).
2.2 Penetapan Kasus Dasar
4. Segi Teknik
• Investasi tambahan untuk fasilitas
treatment hanya berupa alat pemrosesan
dilakukan meliputi penentuan laju alir kasus
CO2 dan H2S.
• Tidak ada perubahan laju alir gas suar dasar, penentuan kapasitas maksimal yang
setelah dilakukan pemisahan CO2 dan H2S. direpresentasikan dengan laju alir maksimal gas
• Penurunan kadar pengotor pada gas akan suar, serta penentuan nilai kandungan gas suar.
diikuti dengan kenaikan pada komponen Kemudian dari data-data yang ada akan dibuat
lain dari gas secara linear, berbanding cashflow sebagai parameter untuk optimasi yang
akan dilakukan kemudian.
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 150-167
2.2.1 Penentuan Komposisi Gas Suar
Penentuan komposisi gas suar perlu
dilakukan di awal karena komposisi dari gas suar
akan mempengaruhi keuntungan yang diperoleh
melalui Heating Value dari gas tersebut. Penentuan
diawali dengan mengatur komposisi gas suar
dengan kadar CO2 sebesar 35%, sementara kadar
H2S berada pada ambang batas maksimal yang
diperbolehkan, sehingga nantinya sensitivitas
untuk kadar pengotor direpresentasikan dari kadar
CO2. Penurunan kadar CO2 pada sensitivitas akan
diikuti dengan kenaikan komponen lain secara
linear/berbanding lurus.
dalam hal ini direpresentasikan oleh kadar
CO2 dalam gas suar sehingga didapat hasil
keekonomian untuk kasus dasar. Kemudian
dilakukan uji sensitivitas kombinasi antara kadar
pengotor dan laju alir gas suar rata-rata dengan
batas laju alir maksimal 2.0 MMSCFD dengan
selang sebesar 0.1 MMSCFD. Dari hasil ini
akan didapatkan batas-batas kadar pengotor
yang disarankan terhadap perlunya penambahan
fasilitas treatment gas. Parameter keekonomian
utama yang diperhatikan pada analisa sisi teknik
yaitu Net Present Value dan Internal Rate of
2.5 Analisa Keekonomian dan Evaluasi Aspek
2.2.2 Perhitungan Keekonomian Kasus Dasar Bisnis dan Legal: Toleransi Waktu Ketiadaan
Gas & Waktu Kontrak
Setelah data-data yang diperlukan untuk
keekonomian kasus dasar terkumpul, maka dibuat
Dari aspek bisnis dan legal, uji sensitivitas
cashflow perbulan selama tiga tahun. Terdapat kasus dasar dilakukan terhadap lamanya waktu
fasilitas permukaan yang mengalami depresiasi kekosongan gas untuk kasus dasar dengan kadar
dan dimasukkan kedalam biaya investai setelah pengotor yang bervariasi. Kemudian dilakukan
dihitung terhadap faktor depresiasi dengan uji sensitivitas kombinasi antara laju alir ratametode Straight Line Depreciation. Hasil rata gas dengan kadar pengotor dari gas serta
cashflow dimunculkan pertahun dengan nilai pada waktu kekosongan pasokan gas yang
akhir berupa Net Present Value, Pay Out Time, berbeda-beda. Dari hasil uji sensitivitas, dibuat
Internal Rate of Return, serta Productivity Index. beberapa skenario dengan mengubah waktu
Discount Factor ditetapkan sebesar 12%.
kontrak gas suar untuk dibandingkan hasilnya.
Hasil dari sensitivitas segi bisnis adalah toleransi
2.3 Pembuatan Model Reservoir Prediksi
waktu kekosongan gas maksimal sebagai upaya
antisipasi dalam kontrak penjualan gas suar serta
Model reservoir dibuat dengan software waktu kontrak minimal yang dapat menjadi
simulasi dan diatur berbentuk kubus. Penentuan alternatif pilihan.
model reservoir ini dititikberatkan terhadap laju
alir gas dari reservoir dan dilakukan dengan 3. Hasil Dan Pembahasan
merubah ukuran reservoir untuk mendekati
keadaan reservoir pada studi ini.. Pembuatan 3.1 Perhitungan Keekonomian Kasus Dasar
model reservoir prediksi ini bertujuan untuk
Dalam perhitungan keekonomian, ada
memberikan gambaran sederhana mengenai beberapa batasan serta asumsi yang diterapkan
kinerja reservoir yang akan memasok gas suar. yaitu:
Dengan adanya model reservoir prediksi kita 1. Kontrak penjualan gas suar berlangsung
dapat memperkirakan kemampuan reservoir,
selama 3 tahun 1 bulan.
apakah mampu berproduksi secara optimal 2. Satu bulan terakhir pada masa kontrak
sampai masa kontrak berakhir, ataupun membuka
dimasukkan kedalam cashflow tahun ke-3.
kemungkinan perpanjangan masa kontrak.
3. Kapasitas produksi gas maksimal adalah 2
Analisa Keekonomian dan Evaluasi 4. Nilai tukar rupiah tetap sebesar Rp 9,600.00/
Aspek Teknik: Kadar Pengotor Gas Suar
5. Harga beli gas dari pemasok sebesar US$ 3.00/
Dari aspek teknik, uji sensitivitas kasus
MMBTU, harga jual gas sebesar US$ 8.00/
dasar dilakukan terhadap kadar pengotor yang
MMBTU, dan tol fee US$ 1.10/MMBTU.
Optimasi Pemanfaatan Gas Suar Secara Komprehensif (Tutuka Ariadji, Pomto Jaya)
Untuk perhitungan keekonomian kasus
dasar, dari data-data yang telah dikumpulkan
sebelumnya didapat daftar biaya investasi kasus
dasar. Daftar biaya investasi tercantum pada
Tabel 1 hingga Tabel 9. Tabel 1 merupakan
pekerjaan persiapan yang terdiri dari pembelian
lahan, pengurusan izin-izin, mobilisasi alat,
dan beberapa alat-alat awal dengan besar biaya
mencapai Rp 470,609,120.59.
Tabel 3. Procurement Pipa Konstruksi
Tabel 4 menampilkan biaya investasi
untuk konstruksi yang terdiri dari pekerjaan
sipil pipa, pekerjaan sipil lapangan, serta
pekerjaan mekanis dengan biaya total sebesar Rp
Tabel 1. Pekerjaan Persiapan
Tabel 2 menampilkan biaya investasi
untuk engineering secara umum yang terdiri dari
survey konstruksi, konstruksi teknik, prosedur,
analisa resistivitas tanah dan analisa gas, serta
gambar konstruksi dengan biaya total mencapai
Rp. 94,269,729.00.
Tabel 2. Engineering
Tabel 3 menampilkan biaya investasi Tabel 4. Konstruksi.
untuk procurement pipa konstruksi yang terdiri
Tabel 5 menampilkan biaya investasi
dari berbagai desain, instalasi, pipa, gas meter,
coating material, dan lain-lain dengan biaya total yang terdiri dari biaya testing serta sertifikasi
dengan total biaya mencapai Rp 408,726,116.96.
Rp. 1,635,724,638.00.
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 150-167
Tabel 9 menampilkan biaya investasi
yaitu biaya fasilitas kantor serta overhead
yang terdiri dari laptop, printer, peralatan
tulis untuk kantor, transportasi, kendaraan,
peralatan keselamatan, seragam personil,
dapur, serta tunjangan proyek dengan total Rp
Tabel 5. Testing dan Sertifikasi
Tabel 6 menampilkan biaya investasi
yang terdiri dari kompresor gas, filter gas, FAT,
serta biaya pengiriman kompresor dengan total
biaya mencapai Rp 3,765,605,450.00.
Tabel 6. Unit Gas Kompressor dan Aksesoris.
Tabel 7 menampilkan biaya investasi yang
Tabel 9. Fasilitas Office dan Overhead
terdiri dari kompresor udara, dan tank penampung
udara dengan biaya total Rp 200,906,550.00.
Biaya investasi total untuk kasus
dasar dari Tabel 1 hingga Tabel 9 adalah Rp
Selain biaya di atas, terdapat fasilitas
lainnya berupa peralatan permukaan dari
pengelola terdahulu yang akan dihitung nilai
setelah depresiasinya berdasarkan lama waktu
Tabel 7. Unit Air Compressor dan Aksesoris
pemakaian. Alat-alat tersebut dapat dilihat
pada Tabel 10. Tabel 10 berisi data mengenai
Tabel 8 menampilkan biaya investasi
peralatan permukaan yang dipengaruhi oleh
yaitu biaya tidak langsung yang terdiri dari
faktor depresiasi, peralatan permukaan tersebut
biaya personil seperti project manager,
terdiri dari fasilitas kompresor, fasilitas separator,
project supervisor, administrasi, hubungan
pipeline dan metering skid.
masyarakat, dan keamanan dengan biaya total Rp
Kemudian harga fasilitas diatas akan
disesuaikan dengan waktu pemakaiannya
dengan menghitung nilai depresiasinya.
Fasilitas pada tabel 10 merupakan pembelian
pada tahun 2008, maka sampai tahun 2012 alatalat tersebut telah berumur 4 tahun. Dengan
menetapkan umur ekonomis selama 12 tahun,
maka penyusutan yang terjadi adalah sebesar
33%. Dari perhitungan didapat hasil yang
tertera pada Tabel 11. Tabel 11 terdiri dari nilainilai peralatan permukaan pada Tabel 10 setelah
mengalami depresiasi.
Tabel 8. Indirect Cost.
Optimasi Pemanfaatan Gas Suar Secara Komprehensif (Tutuka Ariadji, Pomto Jaya)
Tabel 12. Biaya Operasi
Tabel 10. Daftar Fasilitas Permukaan
Untuk kasus dasar ini, kadar pengotor
dibuat 20% dengan Heating Value sebesar 974.89
MMBTU/MMSCF. Cashflow yang ditampilkan
memperhitungkan faktor depresiasi selama masa
kontrak. Hasil berupa cashflow dari perhitungan
keekonomian untuk kasus dasar dapat dilihat
pada Tabel 13.
3.2 Pembuatan Model Reservoir Prediksi.
Pada bab ini dijelaskan mengenai
pendekatan keadaan reservoir terhadap skenarioskenario pada bagian-bagian sebelumnya.
Model reservoir diprekdiksi dengan
membuat reservoir berbentuk kubus. Data
reservoir yang ditetapkan dan dijaga konstan
adalah sebagai berikut:
: 17%
: 100 md (Horizontal),
10 md (Vertikal)
Tekanan Reservoir Awal : 4000 psi
Tabel 11. Nilai Fasilitas Permukaan Setelah Depresiasi
Bubble Point
: 4000 psi
Gambar 2 menunjukkan bentuk reservoir
Maka perkiraan nilai total dari fasilitas prediksi yang dibuat.
permukaan setelah penyusutan adalah US$
1,589,333.00 yang jika diubah kedalam rupiah
bernilai Rp 15,257,600,000.00.
Selanjutnya dibuat cashflow untuk
kontrak selama tiga tahun. Biaya operasi untuk
kontrak ini dapat dilihat pada Tabel 12. Tabel 12
terdiri dari biaya-biaya operasi yang meliputi gaji,
transportasi, komunikasi, makan, akomodasi,
hiburan, dan lain-lain.
Gambar 2. Model Reservoir
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 150-167
Tabel 13. Cashflow Perhitungan Keekonomian Kasus Dasar
Tabel 13. Cashflow Perhitungan Keekonomian Kasus Dasar (lanjutan)
Optimasi Pemanfaatan Gas Suar Secara Komprehensif (Tutuka Ariadji, Pomto Jaya)
Tabel 13. Cashflow Perhitungan Keekonomian Kasus Dasar (lanjutan)
Tabel 13. Cashflow Perhitungan Keekonomian Kasus Dasar (lanjutan)
Tabel 13. Cashflow Perhitungan Keekonomian Kasus Dasar (lanjutan)
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 150-167
Kemudian dilakukan uji sensitivitas
terhadap ukuran reservoir berdasarkan grid,
yaitu 15x15x4, 20x20x4, 25x25x4, serta
30x30x4 yang menghasilkan laju alir ratarata yang berbeda-beda pada periode kontrak
(2012 sampai 2014). Hasil dari uji sensitivitas
diperlihatkan pada Tabel 14. Hasil uji
sensitivitas pada Tabel 14 terdiri dari laju alir
rata-rata, OOIP, ukuran grid reservoir, serta
volume reservoir.
3.3 Analisa Keekonomian dan Evaluasi Aspek
Teknik: Kadar Pengotor Gas Suar.
Aspek ekonomi dari segi teknik yang
dibahas adalah mengenai pengaruh kadar
pengotor, yang dalam hal ini kadar CO2 dan H2S
terhadap Net Present Value serta Internal Rate of
Kandungan CO2 dan H2S pada gas suar
merupakan faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya
Tabel 14. Hasil Uji Sensitivitas Terhadap Ukuran Reservoir
Dari hasil di atas, keadaan reservoir yang
paling mendekati studi ini adalah model nomor
tiga dengan OOIP sebesar 16.732 MMSTB.
Dengan demikian dapat dilihat perkiraan
nilai cadangan dari reservoir serta properti
reservoir pada bahasan ini yang nantinya akan
menyuplai gas suar. Pembuatan model reservoir
ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan gambaran
sederhana mengenai kinerja reservoir yang akan
menyuplai gas suar serta perlunya dilakukan
prediksi kinerja reservoir dengan membuat
model reservoir dalam pertimbangan untuk
pengadaan kontrak jual-beli gas suar. Dibawah
ini merupakan Gambar 3 yang memperlihatkan
prediksi performa dari model reservoir 3.
Gambar 3. Performa Laju Alir Gas pada Model Reservoir 3
heating value pada gas tersebut, sehingga hal
ini akan berdampak kepada harga jual gas itu
sendiri, oleh karena itu keberadaan komponen
tidak diinginkan pada gas. Untuk menghilangkan/
mengurangi kadar zat tersebut dilakukan suatu
proses yang dikenal dengan sweetening.
Sweetening yang biasa digunakan
melibatkan proses absorpsi secara kimiawi.
Untuk CO2 dan H2S sendiri, biasanya digunakan
larutan amine sebagai absorban karena sifatnya
yang mudah bereaksi dengan CO2 dan H2S. Ada
beberapa jenis larutan amine, yaitu diethanol
amine (DEA), diglycol amine (DGA), monoethanol
amine (MEA). Dari beberapa jenis larutan diatas
digunakan diethanol amine sebagai absorban,
karena selain dari kelebihannya (selektif terhadap
H2S, non-korosif, non-volatile), biaya operasinya
paling tinggi sehingga sensitivitas terhadap
keekonomian dilakukan dengan biaya operasi
maksimal. Selanjutnya terdapat biaya lainnya
yaitu untuk proses dehidrasi setelah penghilangan
CO2 dan H2S, menggunakan Triethylene glycol
(TEG). Perlu diketahui bahwa spesifikasi yang
berlaku untuk kadar CO2 dan H2S yaitu 10 ppmmol H2S (±0.001%-mol) dan 1-2%-mol CO2.
Dalam perhitungan fasilitas maupun
harga-harga alat untuk treatment CO2 dan H2S,
digunakan data ekonomi dari perancangan pabrik
Optimasi Pemanfaatan Gas Suar Secara Komprehensif (Tutuka Ariadji, Pomto Jaya)
sweet gas (Sudarwoto, 2010). Pada perancangan
pabrik tersebut kapasitas produksi adalah sebesar
122 MMSCFD. Untuk koreksi biaya dalam
perhitungan biaya pada treatment gas suar ini
digunakan rumus sixth-tenths-rule. Kapasitas
produksi pada gas suar ditetapkan sebesar 2
MMSCFD. Rumus korelasinya yaitu:
............................................................ (2)
A1 = Kapasitas Produksi 1 (dalam hal ini 122
A2 = Kapasitas Produksi 2 (dalam hal ini gas
suar sebesar 2 MMSCFD)
C1 = Biaya pada kapasitas produksi A1
C2 = Biaya pada kapasitas produksi A2
n = 0.6 (sixth-tenths-rule)
Untuk kasus penambahan fasilitas
treatment CO2 dan H2S, rincian biaya-biaya yang
terdiri dari alat-alat treatment ditampilkan pada
Tabel 15.
1. Tidak dilakukan treatment terhadap CO2 dan
H2S (kadar total dari pengotor 35%)
2. Tidak dilakukan treatment terhadap CO2 dan
H2S (kadar total dari pengotor 30%)
3. Tidak dilakukan treatment terhadap CO2 dan
H2S (kadar total dari pengotor 25%)
4. Tidak dilakukan treatment terhadap CO2 dan
H2S (kadar total dari pengotor 20%)
5. Tidak dilakukan treatment terhadap CO2 dan
H2S (kadar total dari pengotor 15%)
6. Tidak dilakukan treatment terhadap CO2 dan
H2S (kadar total dari pengotor 10%)
7. Tidak dilakukan treatment terhadap CO2 dan
H2S (kadar total dari pengotor 5%)
8. Dilakukan treatment terhadap CO2 dan H2S
(kadar total dari pengotor menjadi 1%)
Semua skenario dijalankan sesuai kasus
dasar dengan rate yang sama yaitu 0.5 MMSCFD
pada tahun pertama, 1 MMSCFD pada tahun
kedua, dan 2 MMSCFD pada tahun ketiga.
Skenario ini dijalankan dengan asumsi komposisi
gas yang ditampilkan pada Tabel 16.
Tabel 16. Komposisi Gas
Diasumsikan kadar H2S tetap kecuali
pada skenario 8 setelah dilakukan treatment
terhadap gas suar. Kadar dari kandungan gas lain
berbanding lurus dengan pengurangan CO2 untuk
skenario 2 sampai 5, skenario 1 merupakan kasus
dimana kadar CO2 dan H2S maksimal.
Skenario diatas akan berpengaruh
terhadap heating value dari gas suar yang nantinya
mempengaruhi harga gas suar yang akan dijual. Dari
Tabel 15. Daftar Biaya Fasilitas Treatment CO2 dan H2S
hasil perhitungan ekonomi kasus dasar didapat hasil
Dalam optimasi keekonomian dari sisi yang ditampilkan pada Tabel 17. Hasil perhitungan
fasilitas treatment CO2 dan H2S dibuat beberapa ekonomi pada Tabel 17 terdiri dari NPV, POT, IRR,
serta PI untuk berbagai skenario kadar pengotor.
skenario, yaitu:
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 150-167
Tabel 17. Hasil Perhitungan Keekonomian Kasus Dasar
Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan pada
Tabel 17, dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk
skenario empat sampai tujuh, Net Present
Value yang dicapai lebih tinggi dari skenario
dengan tambahan CO2 dan H2S Treatment. Dari
interpolasi polinomial diketahui bahwa untuk
kadar pengotor kurang dari 23.18%, penambahan
fasilitas treatment tidak ekonomis jika kita hanya
melihat dari NPV.
Di sisi lain, dilihat dari nilai IRR sebenarnya
untuk kasus dasar dengan menambahkan fasilitas
treatment cukup berisiko karena nilai IRR yang
dicapai hanyalah 24.41%, lebih kecil dari ambang
batas nilai IRR yang disarankan yaitu 30.00%.
Oleh karena itu untuk kasus dasar pemanfaatan
gas suar dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas treatment
tidaklah disarankan. Sedangkan jika tanpa
skenario treatment, disarankan nilai kadar CO2
maksimal berkisar antara 20-25%. Jika didekati
dari hasil pada tabel di halaman sebelumnya hasil
interpolasi polinomial memberikan nilai batas
maksimum kadar CO2 sebesar 23.78%.
Kemudian dilakukan sensitivitas kadar
pengotor ekuivalen. Kadar pengotor ekuivalen
dimaksudkan sebagai kadar pengotor minimal
yang disarankan untuk ditreatment berdasarkan
pertimbangan keuntungan / Net Present Value.
Kadar pengotor ekuivalen ditentukan berdasarkan
Net Present Value dari skenario treatment (dengan
kadar pengotor menjadi 1 persen) pada laju alir
gas suar rata-rata yang tetap. Didapatkan hasil
yang ditampilkan pada Tabel 18 yang terdiri dari
nilai kadar pengotor ekuivalen terhadap skenario
treatment pada laju alir tertentu serta dilengkapi
dengan nilai IRR, POT, dan PI untuk kasus
treatment maupun tanpa treatment.
Dari hasil pada Tabel 18 dicari persamaan
yang menggambarkan perubahan kadar pengotor
ekuivalen terhadap laju alir gas suar rata-rata dari
grafik yang ditampilkan pada Gambar 4. Gambar
4 merupakan grafik hubungan antara laju alir gas
suar rata-rata terhadap kadar pengotor ekuivalen.
Tabel 18. Hasil Sensitivitas Kadar Pengotor Ekuivalen
terhadap Skenario Treatment
= dengan treatment
= tanpa treatment
Dihasilkan persamaan dengan R = 1, yaitu:
y = 0.2613x-0.948 .............................(3)
Dengan demikian kita dapat menentukan
perlu atau tidaknya ditambahkan fasilitas treatment
pada sistem produksi gas suar berdasarkan laju
alir dan kadar pengotor yang terdapat pada
gas suar tersebut sebagai pertimbangan untuk
optimasi keekonomian dari sisi CO2 dan H2S.
Dari hasil sensitivitas terhadap laju
alir gas suar, didapatkan hasil bahwa laju alir
minimum untuk mencapai nilai IRR sebesar 30%
adalah 1.20 MMSCFD dengan kadar pengotor
ekuivalen sebesar 21.96%. Dengan kata lain
pemanfaatan dengan treatment disarankan untuk
dilakukan dengan syarat laju alir gas suar ratarata sebesar 1.20 MMSCFD dan kadar pengotor
lebih dari 21.96%.
Namun, di sisi lain kandungan CO2 dan
H2S yang besar selain mempengaruhi harga jual
gas karena kandungan BTU yang rendah juga
akan mempengaruhi peralatan permukaan seperti
pipa karena bersifat korosif. Pada kasus yang
ditinjau di paper ini, kontrak yang dibuat berjalan
selama tiga tahun, tetapi jika direncanakan adanya
perpanjangan kontrak opsi skenario 8 sebaiknya
dipilih diantara skenario lainnya karena dengan
kandungan CO2 dan H2S yang minim masa pakai
peralatan permukaan akan lebih lama, sedangkan
pada skenario lainnya jika kontrak dilakukan
cukup lama maka akan diperlukan penggantian
beberapa peralatan permukaan yang berdampak
kepada penurunan Net Present Value.
Optimasi Pemanfaatan Gas Suar Secara Komprehensif (Tutuka Ariadji, Pomto Jaya)
Analisa Keekonomian dan Evaluasi
Sensitivitas kemudian disusul dengan
Aspek Bisnis dan Legal: Toleransi skenario kadar pengotor CO2 sebesar 35%
Waktu Ketiadaan Gas & Waktu sehingga heating value menjadi 792 BTU
serta dengan biaya investasi yang lebih rendah
dibanding skenario treatment. Kemudian
Aspek ekonomi dari segi bisnis yang dilanjutkan dengan skenario kadar pengotor CO2
dibahas adalah pengaruh dari kekosongan sebesar 20% (975 BTU), 10% (1097 BTU), serta
pasokan gas flare selama kurun waktu tertentu 5% (1158 BTU).
selama kontrak terhadap keuntungan dari
Hasil sensitivitas untuk kasus base case
penjualan gas serta keuntungan maksimal untuk berupa grafik ditampilkan pada Gambar 5 dan
waktu kontrak yang lebih singkat.
Gambar 6. Gambar-gambar tersebut merupakan
Dalam proses penjualan gas flare, salah grafik hubungan antara NPV dan waktu toleransi
satu masalah yang mungkin dihadapi yaitu kekosongan pasokan gas dan hubungan IRR
kekosongan pasokan gas flare, akibat reservoir dengan waktu toleransi kekosongan pasokan gas
itu sendiri maupun alasan-alasan teknis seperti untuk skenario treatment, kadar pengotor 5%,
kerusakan fasilitas penunjang transportasi gas kadar pengotor 10%, kadar pengotor 20%, serta
maupun treatment gas (jika ada). Hal ini akan kadar pengotor 35% pada rentang nilai laju alir
berdampak terhadap keuntungan, yang dapat gas rata-rata dengan batasan selama nilai NPV
digambarkan oleh nilai Net Present Value (NPV) positif.
serta Internal Rate of Return (IRR).
Dalam studi ini akan dibahas mengenai
pengaruh penghentian pasokan gas terhadap
keekonomian. Sensitivitas dilakukan dengan
membuat skenario kekosongan pasokan gas
perbulan mulai dari kekosongan selama 1 bulan
yang terus dinaikkan dan sensitivitas dihentikan
ketika nilai NPV menjadi negatif. Sensitivitas
dilakukan mulai dari rate maksimum yaitu
2.00 MMSCFD, terus turun 0.1 MMSCFD dan
dihentikan hingga NPV bernilai negatif. Skenario Gambar 5. Net Present Value vs Jumlah Bulan tanpa
kekosongan pasokan gas ini dimunculkan dari Produksi (Base Case).
belakang yang berarti dimulai dari bulan terakhir
tahun ketiga. Hal ini bertujuan agar Pay Out
Time (POT) dapat dicapai terlebih dulu sebelum
kekosongan gas sehingga POT tidak terkesan
terlalu lama.
Untuk skenario Base Case, sama seperti
bab sebelumnya, laju alir gas diatur 0.5 MMSCFD
pada tahun pertama, 1.0 MMSCFD pada tahun
kedua, dan 2.0 MMSCFD pada tahun ketiga.
Sensitivitas pada skenario base case dilakukan
terhadap kadar pengotornya, termasuk dengan Gambar 6. Internal Rate of Return vs Jumlah Bulan tanpa
treatment. Selanjutnya dilakukan sensitivitas Produksi (Base Case).
terhadap laju alir rata-rata
Sensitivitas laju alir rata-rata yang pertama
Untuk skenario base case, terlihat dari
dilakukan pada skenario menggunakan gas grafik pada halaman sebelumnya bahwa toleransi
treatment facility yang menghasilkan gas dengan jumlah bulan untuk kekosongan pasokan gas
kandungan CO2 hanya 1%, dengan heating maksimal sampai NPV bernilai 0 hanya sekitar
value bernilai 1206 BTU. Untuk kadar H2S 11 bulan, pada kadar CO2 sebesar 5%. Batas
sendiri, seperti yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya, toleransi maksimal terus menurun seiring
dibiarkan tetap pada ambang batas maksimal.
kenaikan kadar CO2.
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 150-167
Pada skenario base case dengan treatment,
NPV yang didapat tergolong kecil, setara dengan
20-25% kadar CO2 (seperti yang telah dijelaskan
bab sebelumnya) tetapi terdapat perbedaan dalam
hal laju penurunan NPV terhadap kekosongan
pasokan gas. Hal ini disebabkan oleh perbedaan
nilai investasi serta heating value dari gas.
Dilihat dari Nilai IRR, dengan menetapkan
ambang batas minimal sebesar 30% hanya 4 nilai Gambar 8. Internal Rate of Return vs Jumlah Bulan tanpa
kadar CO2 yang memenuhi kriteria ekonomis, yaitu Produksi (Treatment).
5% CO2, 10% CO2, 15% CO2, dan 20% CO2. Batas
maksimal kekosongan pasokan gas untuk masingmasing kadar CO2 ditampilkan pada Tabel 19.
Gambar 9. Net Present Value vs Jumlah Bulan tanpa
Produksi (35% CO2)
Tabel 19. Batas Waktu Toleransi Maksimal Kekosongan
Pasokan Gas untuk Kasus Dasar
Seperti pada pembahasan sebelumnya,
kasus dasar dengan treatment hanya menghasilkan
IRR sebesar 24.41%. Hal ini menyebabkan tanpa
adanya kekosongan pasokan gas pun skenario
ini berisiko untuk diterapkan karena nilai IRR
maksimal yang lebih kecil dari target minimal.
Kemudian hasil sensitivitas untuk
berbagai nilai laju alir gas rata-rata berupa grafik
ditampilkan pada Gambar 7 hingga Gambar
16. Gambar-gambar tersebut merupakan grafik
hubungan antara NPV dan waktu toleransi
kekosongan pasokan gas dan hubungan IRR
dengan waktu toleransi kekosongan pasokan gas
untuk skenario treatment, kadar pengotor 5%,
kadar pengotor 10%, kadar pengotor 20%, serta
kadar pengotor 35% pada rentang nilai laju alir gas
rata-rata dengan batasan selama nilai NPV positif.
Gambar 7. Net Present Value vs Jumlah Bulan tanpa
Produksi (Treatment)
Gambar 10. Internal Rate of Return vs Jumlah Bulan tanpa
Produksi (35% CO2)
Gambar 11. Net Present Value vs Jumlah Bulan tanpa
Produksi (20% CO2)
Gambar 12. Internal Rate of Return vs Jumlah Bulan tanpa
Produksi (20% CO2)
Optimasi Pemanfaatan Gas Suar Secara Komprehensif (Tutuka Ariadji, Pomto Jaya)
Gambar 13. Net Present Value vs Jumlah Bulan tanpa
Produksi (10% CO2)
Tabel 20. Hasil Sensitivitas Batas Waktu Toleransi Maksimal
Terhadap Kekosongan Pasokan Gas pada Internal Rate of
Return 30% di berbagai nilai Kadar Pengotor dan Laju Alir
Dari tabel di atas terlihat bahwa makin
kecil laju alir gas, toleransi penghentian pasokan
gas semakin kecil. Hal ini masuk akal karena
semakin kecil laju alir gas berarti semakin sedikit
volume gas yang terjual.
Untuk skenario dengan treatment sendiri,
Gambar 14. Internal Rate of Return vs Jumlah Bulan tanpa walaupun pada tabel terlihat bahwa toleransi
Produksi (10% CO2)
waktu maksimal kekosongan pasokan gasnya
paling kecil diantara yang lain, tetapi akan terlihat
perbedaan yang cukup signifikan dalam nilai NPV
karena adanya perbedaan terhadap nilai investasi
awal. Biaya investasi pada skenario penambahan
fasilitas treatment lebih besar dari skenario tanpa
treatment. Hal ini berarti bahwa dengan nilai IRR
yang sama antara dua skenario tentu NPV yang
dicapai skenario treatment akan lebih besar dari
skenario tanpa treatment.
Selain itu faktor lainnya yang
Gambar 15. Net Present Value vs Jumlah Bulan tanpa
adalah heating value dari gas
Produksi (5% CO2)
tersebut yang berhubungan dengan kadar
pengotor, yang telah dibahas pada bab sebelumnya
bahwa nilai kadar pengotor ekuivalen terhadap
skenario treatment berubah berdasarkan laju alir
rata-rata dari gas. Berikut merupakan Tabel 21
yang menunjukkan rasio IRR kasus treatment
terhadap tanpa treatment (ekuivalen):
Gambar 16. Internal Rate of Return vs Jumlah Bulan tanpa
Produksi (5% CO2)
Berdasarkan hasil dari Gambar 7 sampai
Gambar 16, dengan asumsi IRR minimal sebesar
30%, didapat perbandingan toleransi jumlah
bulan maksimal penghentian pasokan gas untuk
setiap laju alir antara skenario treatment dengan Tabel 21. Rasio Internal Rate of Return antara Skenario
Treatment terhadap Tanpa Treatment (Ekuivalen).
skenario kadar CO2 35%, pada Tabel 20.
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 150-167
Dari tabel di atas, terlihat nilai rasio yang
terus menurun seiring dengan kenaikan laju alir gas
rata-rata, yang berarti bahwa perbedaan nilai NPV
akan semakin besar pada nilai IRR yang sama.
Untuk skenario lainnya yaitu skenario
tanpa treatment dengan kadar CO2 yang tidak
dihitung (30%, 25%, 15%) akan menghasilkan
grafik dengan tren yang sama dengan skenario
diatas, tetapi toleransi waktu penghentian
pasokan gas akan semakin tinggi dengan semakin
berkurangnya kadar CO2 untuk rate yang sama.
Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh heating value dari gas,
sementara skenario-skenario ini memiliki nilai
investasi awal yang sama.
keekonomiannya, data dengan waktu toleransi
kekosongan pasokan gas yang berkisar antara
13-25 bulan masuk ke kategori waktu kontrak
2 tahun, sedangkan data dengan toleransi waktu
kekosongan pasokan gas yang berkisar antara
25-37 bulan masuk ke kategori waktu kontrak 1
tahun. Dilihat dari Tabel 20, ternyata tidak ada
data yang memenuhi kriteria untuk kontrak 1
tahun sehingga hanya dilakukan perhitungan
keekonomian untuk waktu kontrak 2 tahun.
Hasil perhitungan keekonomian untuk
waktu kontrak 2 tahun dengan asumsi gas tersedia
sepanjang kontrak dapat dilihat pada Tabel 22
dibawah ini. Tabel 22 menampilkan nilai IRR dan
Tabel 22. NPV dan IRR Maksimal Masa Kontrak 2 Tahun.
Berdasarkan hasil uji sensitivitas terhadap
waktu toleransi maksimal terhadap kekosongan
pasokan gas, maka dapat dibuat beberapa skema
kontrak untuk melihat kemungkinan lama masa
kontrak minimal yang diperbolehkan untuk
kasus-kasus tertentu. Opsi waktu kontrak yang
diajukan ditetapkan pada satuan tahun, sehingga
kemungkinan opsi waktu kontrak yang akan
diajukan adalah 2 tahun atau 1 tahun. Untuk
waktu kontrak 3 tahun sesuai kasus awal, semua
hasil yang tertera pada Tabel 20 memenuhi kriteria
berdasarkan Internal Rate of Return yang dicapai.
Untuk kasus dasar, waktu kontrak
3 tahun merupakan waktu kontrak minimal
yang disarankan, terlihat dari toleransi waktu
kekosongan pasokan gas terkecil pada kadar
pengotor 20% yang hanya sekitar 1.23 bulan.
Untuk kasus uji sensitivitas, terdapat
dua kategori yang mungkin diterapkan, yaitu
waktu kontrak 1 tahun dan waktu kontrak 2
tahun. Untuk klasifikasi data yang akan dihitung
NPV maksimal yang akan dicapai oleh skenario
terpilih untuk masa kontrak 2 tahun.
Dari hasil perhitungan diatas didapat
nilai keuntungan maksimal yang diperoleh jika
kontrak hanya berlangsung selama 2 tahun.
Dengan melakukan hal ini, maka pertimbangan
terhadap lama waktu kontrak dapat dilakukan
dengan menghubungkannya ke target keuntungan
dan waktu. Jika target keuntungan dapat dicapai
hanya dengan waktu kontrak kurang dari yang
seharusnya (dalam hal ini 3 tahun waktu kontrak
ke 2 tahun waktu kontrak), maka dapat dipilih
waktu kontrak yang lebih singkat sehingga lebih
efisien dalam hal waktu. Pada Tabel 22 diatas,
terdapat salah satu data yang tidak memenuhi
kriteria karena nilai IRR yang lebih kecil dari
30%. Hal ini mungkin terjadi karena pada hasil
uji sensitivitas sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa
skenario tersebut memiliki waktu toleransi sebesar
13.02 bulan yang berarti tepat pada ambang batas
minimal untuk dapat masuk ke kategori kontrak
Optimasi Pemanfaatan Gas Suar Secara Komprehensif (Tutuka Ariadji, Pomto Jaya)
2 tahun sedangkan pada skenario 3 tahun faktor
depresiasi (yang kemudian dikurangi biaya
operasi pada tahun ke-3) ikut berperan dalam
pencapaian nilai IRR 30%. Faktor depresiasi
tahun ke-3 inilah yang menimbulkan perbedaan
tersebut. Nilai perbedaannya adalah sekitar Rp
Dari hasil sensitivitas didapat data
toleransi waktu penghentian pasokan gas pada
laju alir gas tertentu yang digambarkan pada
grafik dan tabel yang tertera diatas, selain itu
juga didapat nilai keuntungan maksimal jika
kontrak hanya berjalan selama 2 tahun dengan
mempertimbangkan faktor IRR minimal sebesar
30%. Dengan melakukan sensitivitas terhadap
faktor ini, maka dalam pengadaan kontrak
penjualan gas dapat dibuat perjanjian ataupun
kesepakatan untuk menghindari terjadinya
kemungkinan-kemungkinan terburuk terkait
ketiadaan pasokan gas, serta dapat dilakukan
efisiensi waktu kontrak sesuai target keuntungan.
Dengan demikian faktor ini dapat menjadi
pertimbangan untuk optimasi.
4. Kesimpulan
1. Untuk kasus dasar dengan kadar pengotor
sebesar 20%, didapat bahwa penambahan
fasilitas treatment tidak ekonomis baik dari
NPV maupun IRR. Kasus dasar menghasilkan:
• Aspek Teknik, Pemanfaatan dengan
treatment disarankan dengan syarat:
Laju Alir gas suar rata-rata minimal 1.20
Kadar Pengotor lebih dari 21.96%.
• Aspek Bisnis dan Legal, didapat nilainilai batas waktu toleransi maksimal
kekosongan pasokan gas untuk tiap laju
alir pada kandungan kadar pengotor
tertentu maupun skenario dengan
treatment, serta didapat prediksi
keuntungan maksimal untuk kontrak 2
tahun dengan mempertimbangkan faktor
IRR minimal sebesar 30%.
5. Saran
Beberapa saran yang diajukan untuk
penelitian selanjutnya sehingga studi optimasi
gas suar ini dapat lebih lengkap dan komprehensif
adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Perlu dilakukan studi lebih lanjut mengenai
optimasi dari segi kadar CO2 dan H2S dengan
mempertimbangkan perubahan laju alir gas
sesudah treatment sehingga akan didapat
hasil yang lebih mendekati kenyataan.
2. Perlu dilakukan optimasi dengan waktu
kontrak yang lebih lama untuk melihat
pengaruh dari penambahan fasilitas-fasilitas
permukaan dalam jangka waktu yang lama
serta dapat dikaitkan dengan keekonomian
skenario treatment.
Net Present Value Rp 11.049.681.409.00,
Internal Rate of Return 32.61%,
Provitability Index 1.48 Referensi
Pay Out Time 2.16 Tahun
Batas Waktu Toleransi Maksimal Kekosongan
Pasokan Gas sebesar 1.23 Bulan.
2. Studi Komprehensif dengan uji sensitivitas
untuk optimasi gas suar pada studi ini
menghasilkan optimasi:
• Model Reservoir Prediksi, didapat
properti reservoir yang mendekati
keadaan reservoir pada studi ini dengan
16.732 MMSTB
Volume Reservoir
9.6 x 108 cuft
Tekanan Awal Reservoir
4000 psi
Bubble Point
4000 psi
Laju Alir Rata-rata
Arnold, K.; Stewart, M.: 1999. Surface Production
Operations Volume 2 : Design of Gas-Handling
Systems and Facilities. Elsevier Science : USA
h t t p : / / w w w. l e m i g a s . e s d m . g o . i d / i d /
McCain, W.D.: 1990. The Properties of Petroleum
Fluids 2nd edition. PennWell Books: Tulsa,
Partowidagdo, W.: 2009. Migas dan Energi
di Indonesia : Permasalahan dan Analisis
Kebijakan. Development Studies Foundation :
Sudarwoto, R.: 2010. Kajian Konseptual Terpadu
Kinerja Reservoir, Perancangan Fasilitas
Permukaan, dan Keekonomian Lapangan Gas
Kondensat yang Memproduksikan Gas Ikutan
CO2 dan H2S
JTMGB, Vol. 6 No. 3 Desember 2014: 150-167
Ucapan terima kasih kepada para Mitra Bestari yang telah mengevaluasi, mereview dan
memberikan saran perbaikan tulisan-tulisan yang dimuat di majalah Jurnal Teknologi Minyak dan
Gas Bumi (JTMGB) edisi penerbitan Volume 6 Nomor 3, Desember 2014.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Pudjo Sukarno
Prof. Dr. Ir. Septoratno Siregar
Dr. Ir. Sudjati Rachmat
Dr. Ir. Trijana Kartoatmojo
Dr. Ir. Bambang Widarsono
air formasi 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
Amplitudo sesaat 92, 93, 94
brigth spot 92, 95, 96
cairan rumen 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38
coal bed methane gas 31
CBM 25, 26, 29
candidate well 62
CO2 EOR 72
CO2 sequestration 72, 73, 74, 76, 77
CO2 80, 81, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90
coal 92, 95
CFA (Composition Fluid Analyzer) 108, 109,
111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116
DST 41, 42, 43, 45, 46
deterministic 25, 26, 29
data sonik 2
dissolved solids 62, 64
DFA (Downhole Fluid Analysis) 108, 109, 110,
111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116
efisiensi ecovery 80, 82, 86, 88, 89, 90
formation water 31, 32
Fracturing Fluid 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23
Fluid Identification 108, 111, 112, 113
fracture closure pressure 118, 119, 122, 123,
128, 130
fracture calibration treatment 118, 119, 120
Gas metana batubara 31, 32
geomechanical 1, 3, 4, 5, 9
geomekanikal 2
guideline 80gas 92, 93, 94, 95, 96
Gas Suar 150, 151, 152, 153, 159, 160, 161, 166
G-function plot 118, 121, 122, 126, 127, 128
G dP/dG plot 118, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128,
Hydraulic Fracturing 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23
hydraulic fracture-stimulation 1, 10
Huff & Puff (RF) 48, 49
Hilbert-Huang transform 92, 96
injeksi uap 63
industrial CO2 sources 72, 77
in-situ combustion 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 90
instantaneous amplitude 92
jenis batubara 31, 33, 34, 37, 38
K-field 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10
Keekonomian 133, 136, 150, 151, 152, 153,
154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 165, 166
Kadar CO2 dan H2S 150, 159, 160, 166
Lapangan-K 1, 2
Laju Alir Gas Suar 150, 152, 153, 161, 166
LFA (Live Fluid Analyzer), 108, 109, 111, 112,
113, 114, 115, 116
mikroba 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
microbes 31, 32, 38
mineralogi air 62, 63
MDT (Modular Formation Dynamics Tester)
108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116
mini-frac 118, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128
Monte Carlo 132, 133, 134, 137, 138, 145
near wellbore 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 59
Oil Field 13, 17, 19, 22
oil production 72, 73
OBM (Oil-Based Mud) 108, 109, 112, 113, 114
OCM (Oil-Based Mud Contamination
monitoring) 108, 109, 113
Online Quick Looked POD 132, 134, 145, 146
Perforation 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46
Proppant 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 20, 21, 23
pengendapan scale 63
padatan terlarut 63
pencocokan sumber-reservoar 72
produksi minyak 72
polimer 80, 82, 84, 87, 88, 90
parametrik 80, 82, 90
pedoman 80
polymer 80, 81
parametric 80, 81
POD 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 142,
143, 144, 145, 146
Quick Looked POD 132, 133, 134, 135, 137,
138, 140, 142, 143, 144
rumen liquid 31
recovery efficiency 80, 81
Reservoir 108, 109, 110, 112, 116, 117, 119,
120, 122, 123, 124, 126, 130, 133, 134, 135,
136, 138, 150, 151, 152, 153, 156, 159, 162, 166
Skin Factor 41, 43, 44, 46
seismic attribute 25, 28
stochastic 25, 26, 29
sonic data 1, 4, 9
stimulasi-rekahan hidraulik 2
Stimulation 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 59, 60
Stimulasi 48, 49
sekitar lubang bor 49
scale precipitation 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69
steamflood 62, 63, 65, 66, 69
sumur kandidat 63
source-sink matching 72, 73, 75, 77, 78
sekuestrasi CO2 72
sumber CO2 industri 72
steam 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 90
surfaktan 80, 82, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90
screening 80, 82, 83, 87, 89, 90
surfactant 80, 81
seismik refleksi 9
seismic reflection 9
square-root of time plot 118, 122, 123, 126, 127,
step rate test 118, 123, 124, 126, 128
TCP 41, 45
two stages hole diameter drilling 98
the type of coal 31
thin-bed 25
transformasi Hilbert-Huang 92, 93
Underbalance, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46
water mineralogy 62, 63, 64, 66
wireline formation tester (WFT) 108, 109, 111
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dikaitkan dengan hasil-hasil yang pernah dilaporkan.
Kesimpulan dan Saran. Berisi kesimpulan dan saran dari isi yang dikandung dalam tulisan. Kesimpulan atau
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Ucapan Terima Kasih. Bila diperlukan dapat digunakan untuk menyebutkan sumber dana penelitian dan
untuk memberikan penghargaan kepada beberapa institusi atau orang yang membantu dalam pelaksanaan
penelitian dan atau penulisan laporan.
Acuan ditulis dan disusun menurut abjad. Beberapa contoh penulisan sumber acuan:
Hurst, W., 1934. Unsteady Flow of Fluids in Oil Reservoirs. Physics (Jan. 1934) 5, 20.
Abramowitz, M and Stegun, I.A., 1972. Handbook of Mathematical Functions. Dover Publications,
Inc., New York.
Bab dalam Buku
Costa, J.E., 1984. Physical geomorphology of debris flow. Di dalam: Costa, J.E. & Fleischer, P.J.
(eds), Developments and Applications of Geomorphology, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, h.268-317.
Barberi, F., Bigioggero, B., Boriani, A., Cavallini, A., Cioni, R., Eva, C., Gelmini, R., Giorgetti, F.,
Iaccarino, S., Innocenti, F., Marinelli, G., Scotti, A., Slejko, D., Sudradjat, A., dan Villa, A., 1983. Magmatic evolution and structural meaning of the island of Sumbawa, Indonesia-Tambora volcano, island of Sumbawa, Indonesia. Abstract 18th IUGG I, Symposium 01, h.48-49.
Simandjuntak, T.O., Surono, Gafoer, S., dan Amin, T.C., 1991. Geologi Lembar Muarabungo, Sumatera.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi, Bandung.
Marhaendrajana, T. and Blasingame, T.A., 1997. Rigorous and Semi-Rigorous Approaches for the Evaluation
of Average Reservoir Pressure from Pressure Transient Tests. paper SPE 38725 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Oct. 5–8.
Marhaendrajana, T., 2000. Modeling and Analysis of Flow Behavior in Single and Multiwell Bound ed
Reservoir. PhD dissertation, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
Informasi dari Internet
Cantrell, C., 2006. Sri Lankan’s tsunami drive blossom: Local man’s effort keeps on giving. Http://
www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2006/01/26/sri_lankans_tsunami_drive_blossoms/[26 Jan 2006]
ECLIPSE 100 (software), GeoQuest Reservoir Technologies, Abbingdon, UK, 1997.
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