LA BE L HE RE - Irvington Presbyterian Church


LA BE L HE RE - Irvington Presbyterian Church
The Irvington Presbyterian, Page 12
Dr. Galen Schwarz received a PWC Honorarium on November 21, 2013 for his dedication
and service to the church. Galen came to IPC in 1988. Galen went back to school and got his
Doctor of Ministry while performing regular duties at IPC. Galen helped get ICAN started in
1994 and serves as their Treasurer and part-time social worker screening applicants for
assistance with utility bills, lodging, rent, and school uniforms for children. He started the
Mexico Mission trips to Reynosa in 1999 and has participated every year except 2011 when he was on Sabbatical
(sending back “letters from Rome”). In 2001 the Fish Fry began as a way to raise money for the Mexico Mission
house building. Galen stepped up big last year when we lost Bill Wilkins. Galen was instrumental in establishing the
Chalice Offering which has provided over $5,000 to different mission causes. He serves as point person for the
financial aid to School 57’s music program which purchases over 100 recorders every year and also provides
replacement strings for their string instruments and 100 head phones for the learning lab. He even taught the guitar
club one year. In addition, he was instrumental in using Peacemaking funds so that the Indianapolis Peace Institute
could offer School 57 a one day retreat, and used IPC mission funds to provide weekly readers to teachers who
requested them for their classes. All this in addition to his regular duties as our Associate Pastor, which includes
such things as preaching, guidance of the Trustees and Deacons, visiting members in the hospital and home visits,
and in general a person who knows everything! Please join me in thanking Galen for all he does! (Written by PWC).
Galen has been the behind the scenes person here at IPC for over 25 years. He has quietly handled so
many problems. When Plan A doesn’t work, he always has a Plan B. We owe Galen more than words
can tell.
Jack Simpson
Please join us following worship on
Sunday, February 16th for the Annual
Meeting of the Congregation. We will
receive the 2013 Annual Reports, review
the 2014 Budget, vote on Terms of Call
for the Ministers and carry out other
needed business. All members of the
church are eligible to vote on these
matters, and celebrate another year of
ministry in the name of Christ.
VISITORS INQUIRY CLASS – Coming in February!
Our winter version of “What it means to be a Presbyterian” will take place
on the first two Sundays in February. The February 2nd class will be held at
11:15 a.m. following worship and the February 9th class will be held at
9 a.m.
Led by the pastors, these classes will cover the foundational issues of
Christianity, the church, the Presbyterian church, and we will answer the
number one question of all church visitors: “In the A postles’ Creed, why do
we say that we believe in the ‘holy, catholic church?’”
Visitors who decide to join the church will be received in worship on
February 16.
The class is open to everyone, even current church members who need a
little “brush up” on their Presbyterian foundations. We will meet in the
Parlor on February 2.
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Indianapolis, Indiana 46219-6498
Irvington Presbyterian Church
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The Irvington Presbyterian, Page 11
The Irvington Presbyterian, Page 2
Dear Presbyterians,
Earlier this month Bob and I shared in
officiating at a funeral for one of our
long-time members. During that service
his son rose to offer some words about his
dad. Now I have to admit that this is
always a time of high anxiety for me, for I
never know what someone is going to say
and I live with the burning memory of
once having heard a family member say
something that they should not have said
in church.
When this man got up to speak, he spoke
eloquently. In the middle of his words he
referred to a quote that he had seen on a
church sign. Most of us have seen some
of these signs that can be rather trite at
times. This one was not and I have not
been able to erase it from my mind. The
church sign merely said “You may be the
only Gospel that someone will read.”
John’s Gospel talks about the Word
becoming flesh, referring of course to
Jesus. But what about us?
In Memoriam
John DeWitte—December 29, 2013
Wendell D. Vandivier—January 4, 2014
The Christian sympathy of the congregation is
given to the family and friends in the death of
John DeWitte.
The Christian sympathy of the congregation is
given to Juanita Vandivier in the death of her
husband, Wendell “Woody” Vandivier.
10 a.m.
6 p.m. cancelled due to weather
10 a.m.
6 p.m.
10 a.m.
6 p.m.
The Irvington Presbyterian
55 Johnson Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46219-6498
Ph. (317) 356-7225 Fax (317) 356-7226
Rev. Robert A. Heimach, Pastor-
Dr. Galen L. Schwarz, Associate Pastor-
Jean Anne Hedelius, Church
Maureen Wilson, Director of Children & Youth
Lori Chapman, Administrative Assistant-
Velinda Secor, Organist-Children’s Choir
Amy Studabaker, Choir and Handbell
Craig Shaw, Communications Director-
Joanna Morse, Senior Services
Published monthly by Irvington Presbyterian Church
Editorial Staff: J ean Anne Hedelius, Lor i Chapman,
Ned Brown, Ruth Wilfong
Pastor: Rev. Rober t Heimach
Associate Pastor: Dr . Galen L. Schwar z
Baptized unto the Lord!
Congratulations to the Riesner family! William Charles Riesner
was born July 7, 2013 to Bill and Cara Riesner, and baptized on
Sunday, January 12, 2014.
The Irvington Presbyterian, Page 10
The Irvington Presbyterian, Page 3
A Slice of Life – 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at Jockamos
Each Tuesday evening at Jockamos, a group of 15-20 of us gather to eat pizza at
Jockamos. Rev. Heimach presents a current topic of interest in the world and leads us in
a discussion of how that topic impacts our faith. The discussion causes us to think, to
wonder and often leads to insight. We also laugh a lot!
Come and join us! You’ll get your fill of food and faith, and it’s a great way to spend
supper on Tuesday.
Ten of our young people have
started Confirmation Class. They
meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of
each month, leading to
Confirmation on Sunday, May
18th. This year for the class we
have joined with youth from St. Andrew Presbyterian
Church. The Rev. Gretchen Schneider shares teaching
duties with Rev. Heimach. One of the highlights of
the class will be an overnight retreat at Louisville
Seminary in April.
February 23rd
IPC Youth Bowling
3:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Bring money for
snacks and bowling.
The annual Love Offering for the
endowment will be received on Sunday,
February 9. All gifts will be added to the
permanent endowment of the church. The
Love Offering envelope is enclosed in your
Newsletter. Thank you for supporting the
church in perpetuity!
If you have questions please contact Maureen
“Mo” Wilson.
Mark your Calendar
Tuesday, March 4th at 5:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall join us for some Fat
Tuesday pancakes and conversation. The IPC youth group will be heating
up the griddle and creating an array of imaginative and delicious pancake
options to support their summer mission trip to Pittsburg. Bring your
friends, family and Mardi Gras spirit for an evening of fun and
PER CAPITA GIVING – W hat is it?
The support that we give to the denomination is called “per capita
giving.” For each IPC member the church provides $36, totaling
almost $18,000 for the whole church. Some of the money goes to our
local Presbytery, some goes to our Synod, and some goes to the
General Assembly. When church members contribute their $36 share,
the funding challenge greatly decreases for the church. Thank you for
considering making “per capita giving” an annual stewardship act for
you and your family.
The Irvington Presbyterian, Page 4
Our mission group of
11-13 people will be
departing for Mexico
on Saturday, March
29th spending all of
our nights in the clinic
in Reynosa. In the 16 years or so that we have
been traveling there, airfare has risen from $225 to
over $600. This has caused a significant hardship
for some of our mission workers. While the
Mission Team firmly believes that our mission
workers have a personal responsibility to
financially provide for their trip, some financial
assistance is greatly appreciated. If you are able to
provide any scholarship support for our mission
workers, please contact Galen.
The Super Bowl teams
are set and the hype is
building. The Broncos
and Sea Hawks are
making their travel plans
to MetLife Stadium in
New Jersey and the IPC
youth are polishing up the soup kettles for the 2014
Souper Bowl of Caring. In addition to accepting any
cash donations after church on February 2nd, we will
collect cans of vegetables, soup and fruit. Any funds
and food donations will go to the ICAN Food Pantry.
The Irvington Presbyterian, Page 9
Early in February the one-year
terms of our Presbyterian
Hunger Program VISTA
workers will end. Ilana
Barack will be moving to the
west coast and Whitney Fields
will be staying in Indianapolis. Both Ilana and
Whitney have been a joy to get to know, and they
have worked diligently to enhance the efficiencies
and effectiveness of food delivery systems in
Indianapolis. They were also invaluable in
helping our IPC “Dig It” Team build the IPC
Garden on the east side of the house.
Fortunately, Whitney will remain in the
Hospitality House until the summer, when two
new VISTA workers will move to Indianapolis. In
addition, we have two other AmeriCorps workers
currently living at the house, Justin Kirchner and
Jon Dawes.
For both Whitney and Ilana, we wish them the
best as they move forward with their lives. We
also thank them for being such good stewards of
the Hospitality House.
JOANNA’S SCHEDULE: 2nd and 4th Sunday for Wor ship; 4th Sunday after Worship for appointments.
Office Hours: Wednesdays. Call the church for appointments or for transportation to Doctor’s appointments.
SENIORS GONE WILD! Time for another Senior s Gone Wild! This one celebr ates love and who better
than Christians to celebrate love! Some other groups may invite couples, but all we need to celebrate Love is
each other! So come celebrate and have a blast!! Tuesday, February 11th, Valentine’s Party, FH, 5:30 p.m.,
$7/Ticket. The bus will be available to br ing the Sunday r ider s. If you need a r ide, please let the chur ch
office know when you call to RSVP by Friday, February 7th.
CARE GIVERS WILL MEET – Wednesday, February 12th, @ 6:30 p.m. in Rm. 25. All Car e Giver s
invited. This is a great time to receive and give support from/to others “in the same boat”!
– Tickets range from $35-$79.75 including fees. Call the Old National at 231-0000 to order your
tickets and then call the church to reserve your spot on the bus. Bus will leave IPC at 1 p.m.
ENERGIZING INDIANA. Even though our or iginal agr eement with Ener gize Indiana ended in
January, they’ve assured me that we can extend it if needed. So if you missed getting your home’s energy
needs evaluated for free – plus receiving goodies! – contact the church and let us know. We’ll get in touch
with EI and get you taken care of!
“The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength”
Joanna Morse
Senior Services Consultant
356-7225 or 502-1043
Are you interested in participating in a prayer shawl ministry? Prayer shawls begin
with prayers and blessings and are given to a person in need of comfort and prayer.
That could include someone with medical problems, one who has suffered a loss,
or to celebrate a life change like a wedding or the birth of a baby. For more
information about prayer shawls, there is a website you can visit: http:// If you are interested but don't know how to knit or crochet, I
can teach you. Contact me if you are interested. My email is or
you can see me at church in the Nursery on Sunday mornings.
Joyce Haibe
The Irvington Presbyterian, Page 8
The Irvington Presbyterian, Page 5
Thursday, February 20
12:00 noon
Cost is $6.00 per person
An open invitation to all PWC members and
friends to join us at our February 20
“Gathering”. Come and celebrate the ending of
winter with a yummy lunch hosted by the
Tuesday Circle and an interesting program.
Our guest speaker is Maureen “Mo” Wilson,
IPC’s Dir. Of Children and Youth Ministries,
who will speak to us about her work in Belfast,
Ireland. She worked with children and youth
promoting peace, healing, and growth. Please
make reservations by Monday, February 17 in
the church office. See you then!
February 21 at noon
the Voyagers will
meet for lunch in
Fellowship Hall.
After lunch our guest
speaker is Lt. William
Myers, 50 year IPD
legend. All are invited
to the program at
1 p.m. Don’t miss this
Meet in the East Entrance
about 11:15 to go to
February 9
February 23
Blueberry Hill
MCL Cafeteria
All meetings are at 7 p.m.
in the Parlor
February 6
February 13
February 27
Valentines Chili Supper
February 22
University of
Dinner Theater
(carpool for IPC at 5:30)
Please join IPC for our 4th
concert at 6 p.m. on
February 23, 2014 in the
Thank you for your generosity in supplying beans and rice for the Westminster Christmas Baskets.
225 baskets were filled for the families served by Westminster. IPC had nearly 60 volunteers. Over
350 bags/cans of beans and 350 bags/boxes of rice were collected. Not only were we able to fill the
Christmas baskets, we also filled the food pantry shelves of Westminster. Hunger does not go away
after the holidays. Westminster is now able to continue to serve their families due to your generosity.
~ February 2014 ~
Souper Bowl of Caring
Minute for Mission
9:00 AM Children, Library
9:00 AM Choir Practice
9:00 AM Christ Café, Parlor
9:00 AM Nursery, Rm. 12
9:00 AM Youth Sunday School, Yth. Rm.
10:00 AM Children's Sun. Sch.,2nd Flr.,3rd Flr.
10:00 AM Worship Service, Sanc.
11:15 AM Cherub and Children's Choir Rm. 32
11:15 AM Fellowship Hour, FH
11:15 AM New Members Class, Parlor
1:00 PM El Trono Bible Study & Worship, FH
5:00 PM Fitness Class, Preschool Rm.
4:00 PM Confirmation Class @ St. Andrews
6:00 PM Evening Vespers/Communion, Sanc.
“Love” Offering
9:00 AM Children, Library
9:00 AM Choir Practice
9:00 AM New Members Class, Rm. 24
9:00 AM Christ Café, Parlor
9:00 AM Nursery, Rm. 12
10:00 AM Children's Sun. Sch., 2nd and 3rd Flr.
10:00 AM Worship Service, Sanc.
11:15 AM Fellowship Hour, FH
11:15 AM Irvington Singles @ Blueberry Hill
1:00 PM El Trono Bible Study & Worship, FH
5:00 PM Fitness Class, Preschool Rm.
6:00 PM Evening Vespers, Sanc.
Receive New Members
9:00 AM Children, Library
9:00 AM Choir Practice
9:00 AM Christ Café, Plr.
9:00 AM Nursery, Rm. 12
10:00 AM Children's Sun. Sch.,2nd Flr.,3rd Flr.
10:00 AM Worship Service, Sanc.
11:15 AM Annual Meeting, Sanc.
11:15 AM Cherub and Children's Choir Rm. 32
11:15 AM Fellowship Hour, FH
1:00 PM El Trono Bible Study & Worship, FH
5:00 PM Fitness Class, Preschool Rm.
5:00 PM Confirmation Class, Yth. Rm.
6:00 PM Evening Vespers, Sanc.
9:00 AM Children, Library
9:00 AM Choir Practice
9:00 AM Christ Café, Plr.
9:00 AM Nursery, Rm. 12
9:00 AM Youth Sunday School, Yth. Rm.
10:00 AM Children's Sun. Sch.,2nd Flr.,3rd Flr.
10:00 AM Worship Service, Sanc.
11:15 AM Cherub and Children's Choir Rm. 32
11:15 AM Fellowship Hour, FH
11:15 AM Irvington Singles @ MCL
1:00 PM El Trono Bible Study & Worship, FH
3-5:30 PM IPC Youth Bowling
5:00 PM Fitness Class, Preschool Rm.
6:00 PM 4th Sunday Concert, Sanc.
9:00 AM Homeschoolers 3rd Flr.,FH,Yth. Rm.
7:00 PM Evening Circle, Parlor
8:00 PM AA (Adults & Teens), FH
9:30 AM Staff Meeting Rm. 24
10:00 AM Star Quilters, FH
1:30 PM Tuesday Circle, Parlor
4:00 PM Tutoring School #57
5:00 PM Kindermusik, 3rd flr.
5:45 PM “Slice of Life”, Jockamos
7:00 PM El Trono Bible Study, Rm. 25
7:00 PM El Trono Band Practice, FH
10-11 PM Irv. Mom’s Grp., Presch. Rm.
12:00 PM Irvington Ministers. Assoc. Mtg.
6:00 PM Fitness Class, Presch. Rm.
7:00 PM El Trono Worship, FH
12:30 PM Homeschoolers, 3rd Flr.
6:30 PM Brownies, 3rd Flr.
6:30 PM Girl Scouts, 3rd Flr.
6:30 PM Handbell Practice, G2
6:30 PM Irvington Community Council Exec. Brd., Wel.
7:00 PM Irvington Singles, Pitch-In
7:00 PM El Trono School of Workers, Rm. 24
7:30 PM Choir Practice, Sanc.
10:00 AM Bridge Club, Parlor
12-3 PM Open Minded Play Grp., Presch.
7:00 PM El Trono Band Rehearsal, FH
7:00 PM El Trono Band Practice, FH
9:00 AM Homeschoolers 3rd Flr.,FH,Yth. Rm. 11 AM Homeschoolers Girl Scouts, 3rd flr.
4:00 PM Tutoring School #57
8:00 PM AA (Adults & Teens), FH
5:00 PM Kindermusik, 3rd flr.
5:30 PM Seniors Gone Wild “Valentine Party”
7:00 PM El Trono Bible Study, Rm. 25
10-11 PM Irv. Mom’s Grp., Presch. Rm.
6:00 PM Fitness Class, Presch. Rm.
6:30 PM Care Givers meeting, Rm. 25
7:00 PM El Trono Worship, FH
12:30 PM Homeschoolers, 3rd Flr.
1:00 PM Daytimers Circle, Parlor
6:00 PM Boy Scouts Adult Round Table meetings, FH,
G-1, G-3, G-4
6:30 PM Girl Scouts, 3rd Flr.
6:30 PM Handbell Practice, G2
7:00 PM Boy Scouts Pioneer District Commissioners,
7:00 PM Irv. Singles Valentine Chili Supper, Plr.
7:00 PM El Trono School of Workers, Rm. 24
7:30 PM Choir Practice, Sanc.
10:00 AM Bridge Club, Parlor
12-3 PM Irv. Breast Feeding Group
7:00 PM El Trono Band Rehearsal, FH
1:00 PM Bus Trip-“I Love Lucy”
6:00 PM Safe Harbor@ Rock-Cola followed by
game night at IPC
7:00 PM El Trono Band Practice, FH
9:00 AM Homeschoolers 3rd Flr.,FH,Yth. Rm.
7:00 PM Trustees, Parlor
8:00 PM AA (Adults & Teens), FH
9:30 AM Staff Meeting Rm. 24
10:00 AM Star Quilters, FH
4:00 PM Tutoring School #57
5:00 PM Kindermusik, 3rd flr.
5:45 PM “Slice of Life”, Jockamos
7:00 PM El Trono Bible Study, Rm. 25
7:00 PM Investment Club, Rm. 24
7:00 PM Irvington Community Council, FH
10-11 PM Irv. Mom’s Grp., Presch. Rm.
6:00 PM Fitness Class, Presch. Rm.
7:00 PM El Trono Worship, FH
10:30 AM Thursday Circle, Yth. Rm.
12:00 PM PWC Gathering, FH
12:30 PM Homeschoolers, 3rd Flr.
6:30 PM Brownies, 3rd Flr.
6:30 PM Girl Scouts, 3rd Flr.
6:30 PM Handbell Practice, G2
7:00 PM El Trono School of Workers, Rm. 24
7:30 PM Choir Practice, Sanc.
10:00 AM Bridge Club, Parlor
12-3 PM Open Minded Play Grp., Presch.
12:00 PM Voyagers Luncheon, FH
1:00 PM Voyagers Program, FH
7:00 PM El Trono Band Rehearsal, FH
7:00 PM El Trono Band Practice, FH
9:00 AM Homeschoolers 3rd Flr.,FH,Yth. Rm.
1:30 PM PWCCT, Parlor
6:00 PM Irvington Garden Club, Parlor
8:00 PM AA (Adults & Teens), FH
4:00 PM Tutoring School #57
5:00 PM Kindermusik, 3rd flr.
6:30 PM Session Committee Meetings, FH
7:00 PM El Trono Bible Study, Rm. 25
10-11 PM Irv. Mom’s Grp., Presch. Rm.
6:00 PM Fitness Class, Presch. Rm.
7:00 PM El Trono Worship, FH
12:30 PM Homeschoolers, 3rd Flr.
1:30 PM Circle Leaders Bible Study, Parlor
6:30 PM Girl Scouts, 3rd Flr.
6:30 PM Handbell Practice, G2
7:00 PM El Trono School of Workers, Rm. 24
7:00 PM Irv. Singles, Bingo or Game night
7:30 PM Choir Practice, Sanc.
10:00 AM Bridge Club, Parlor
March 1: 12:00 PM Girl Scouts Lock-In, FH,
12-3 PM Irv. Breast Feeding Group
Yth. Rm.
6:30 PM Girl Scouts Lock-In, FH, Yth. Rm.
7:00 PM El Trono Band Rehearsal, FH