The Crier from: Covenant Presbyterian Church


The Crier from: Covenant Presbyterian Church
The Crier
Vo lum e
I s su e
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Au gu st ,2 0 15
Dear Friends,
Pastoral Ponderings
“Summertime and the living is easy…”
Front page
p. 2
p. 2
p. 3
New Address
p. 3
p. 4
In Memory
p. 4
Quest for
p. 5
Save This
p. 5
Our Mailbox
p. 6
Go Fish!
Birthdays and
p. 7
I’m not sure that song really tells the story of life at Covenant this summer, but I love
the words and the tune!
We actually have been busy around the church and if you drive by you can’t help but
notice some changes:
A new roof and AC units are complete on Covenant Hall; a new parking lot is
being enjoyed by everyone driving onto our property [but it doesn’t mean you should
speed now just because you won’t loose your car in a pothole! :-)] Trees that were lifting the sidewalk have been cut down — and plans are being made to replant that area
in the near future.
Days at 1226 Salvador Ave are busy as our commercial kitchen is being fully used by
some great artisans! On Wednesday evenings our front patio has been the place to
gather around “Theology and Wine” and some stimulating conversations ensued as we
read and conversed about “Memoir Of A Soul” by our own Dick Heinzelman. Thursday afternoons have seen the Sunday School Classroom filled with budding young artists, expressing their talents and gifts! Our Table Crew continues to provide amazing
hot meals on the 4th Friday afternoon of every month, and are enjoying growing relationships with one another and the regular guests at The Table.
A new sound system has just been installed thanks to a special gift - you will notice the
difference right away. This has been a project that has been on the “hope for” list for
years. Many thanks to Worship Commission for their leadership in this area of our
church life!
Sunday School teachers are going to begin the fall with a new curriculum that should
be a wonderful match for our church and our young people! I’m excited to learn about
it and watch the kids grow.
Choir people are already thinking about getting back into their “regular” seats and begin
singing some old favorite anthems, even as they begin learning new ones! And plans
are in the works about planting and creating a welcoming area behind the sanctuary just
out beyond our Sunrise Worship space. Watch and see…
Who ever said a church slows down in the summer, anyway?! If God isn’t slowing
and challenging us along the way of discipleship and loving, caring ways of living, I
am not sure why we would ever expect to “slow down…”
By the time you receive this edition of the CRIER Jan and I will have begun a month
long vacation to Scandinavia and Scotland. In all my years of ministry I have never
- continued on pg. 3
Volume III, Issue 8
Page 2
August Calendar
Worship at 10:30 am ea. Sunday
Communion Sunday, 10:30 am
Bible Study, 10 am
Art for Kids, 3:30 pm Cl. Room
N.A. meeting, 7 pm
N.V. Quilters, 9 am
Worship, 10:30 am
8-11 Bible Study, 10 am
8-13 Art for Kids, 3:30 pm
Cl. Room
8-14 N.A. meeting, 7 pm
8-15 N.V. Harmonizers Fund Raiser Hall
8-16 Birthdays & Anniversaries, 10:30 am
11:30 am Mini Deacons Meeting
The Session
Clerk of Session
Deana Reed
Paula Jones
Com. Life/Evangelism/Membership
Bob Sandberg
Jennifer Winegar
Life Long Learning
Diana Greenwood
Kathryn Tiberend
Property/Bldg. Use
Special Projects
Steve Miller
Bev Penry
Stewardship/Finance Cal Groeneweg
Barb Pahre
Bill Lockhart
8-17 Property Commission, 7 pm
8-18 Bible Study, 10 am
Covenant Presbyterian Church:
A Welcoming Community
Mission/Outreach, 3 pm Parlor
8-20 Art for Kids, 3:30 pm
8-21 N.A. meeting, 7 pm
8-23 Worship, 10:30 am
8-24 Quest for Knowledge, 7 pm
8-25 Bible Study
8-27 Art for Kids, 3:30 pm
No Session meeting this month
8-28 N.A, meeting, 7 pm
8-30 Hymn Sing Sunday, 10:30 a
Covenant Presbyterian Church is a fully welcoming
which invites all to life and leadership
regardless of age, race, gender,
sexual orientation or any other worldly condition.
We pray, as those who follow Christ,
for the capacity to envision life as it could be
and, with the help of our loving God,
to unite ourselves across our differences
and to treat all with respect, dignity, love.
The Crier
Reporters: Church leaders, members and friends.
On-Going Exercise Classes:
Tai Chi = Will not meet in July or August
Yoga = 5-7 pm, Mon.
Zumba = June 9, 6-7 pm (Resumes)
*Get schedule from Teacher
Sue Harrison ( )
Church Staff ~
Music Staff:
Rev. Dr. Deana Reed
Mark Osten,
Ted Lassagne, musicians
Mark Teeters, Music Director
Administrative Assistant, Sue Harrison
Pastor Emeritus. Rev. Dr. Bob Grove
Volume III, Issue 8
Page 3
Pastoral Ponderings ~ continued
taken this much time in one block, but as you know
priorities and plans change when one faces life altering
news. Jan and I are moving some of our “bucket list”
up and hoping to travel as much as possible in these
early stages of my ALS diagnosis. I am grateful to our
session, personnel committee and a team of partners
who are coming alongside to keep everything running
smoothly. The chief person at the helm of course is
Sue Harrison in the office — be in touch with her and
session members and your Care Group Deacon with
any needs you have.
As Deana is away on an extended vacation, we have an amazing line up for Worship
Leadership and Preaching. Our Worship Leaders and Worship Commission members will be
watching over the weekly worship, and here are
your visiting preachers:
I have never taken a formal “sabbatical” — it is a common practice for pastors to take an extended time away
every 7 years to renew and refresh for the ministry
they are engaged in. I will consider this time away a
‘mini-sabbatical’ and am sure I will come home with
insights and ideas to share as the fall unfolds. I can
hardly wait to visit Scotland, a place of our Presbyterian beginnings!
As I am away I carry you in prayer. I know that you
will care for and support each other in wonderful ways.
May God bless you and keep you. Grateful am I to
serve with you here at CPC.
Always in Christ’s Care,
August 2: The Rev. Dr. Doug Huneke,
Retired - former pastor of Westminster
byterian Church, Tiburon, CA)
August 9: The Rev. Don MacInnes,
tired, Stated Clerk Emeritus,
of the Pacific.
August 23: The Rev. Elizabeth Mc Cord,
Associate Dean for Vocations,
Francisco Theological Seminary
August 30: Summer Hymn Sing!
Please welcome these guest preachers
as you welcome one another—
with the love and joy of CPC hospitality!
We are looking for someone who can lend a hand
and a few hours at the church - hopefully
before school starts!
And, while you have out the red paint, maybe
someone could touch up the red flames on our
Please Contact:
Call Steve Miller, 235-0770
or the Church Office, 255-9426
August 16: The Rev. Dr. Jana Childers, Dean
of San Francisco Theological Seminary; Vice
President for Academic Affairs; Professor of
Homiletics & Speech Communications.
Can you Help??
We need someone to paint red the new “buffer
curbs” in the Parking Lot.
New Address:
Geri Bonds
903 Saratoga Drive
Napa, CA 94559
Volume III, Issue 8
page 4
Pam presented the Priority Projects Cost Summary Report as well as the year end financials
from June 30, 2015.
The session approved the Preliminary 2016
Budget with adjustments. It will be brought to
the Annual Meeting which will be held on Sunday, September 27, 2015.
The new sound system is up and running in the
church. Soon the speakers will be replaced and
the project will be complete.
An AED Machine will be purchased and placed
on the Covenant Property and there will be a
training session held once it is in place.
Sunrise Montessori will be pouring cement
on the last classroom patio that needs it.
Session members have selected their
commissions are prepared to step into their
new roles.
There will be a new Sunday School curriculum
for the fall. “Growing in Grace and Gratitude”
An officer retreat is scheduled for Elders and
Deacons on October 16 & 17, 2015 at CPC.
There is no Session meeting in August ~ The next
scheduled meeting is September 24, 2015
at 7:00 pm in the Parlor.
Paula Jones ~ Clerk of Session
Save the Date!
Deana and Jan are going to join
in the Ride/Walk!!
We hope many of you will join us.
Napa Valley RIDE to defeat ALS
September 26, 2015~ Yountville, CA
Starts at the Vet’s Home
Bike: 100 miles, (62 “light’/ 62 challenge) 28
miles, 12 miles + a short walk
In Memory of
Rev. Gene W. Burris
The Rev. Gene W. Burris died on July
28, 2015, at home, surrounded by his wife
Lynda Hyland Burris, his daughter, Susan
Burris and his beloved pups, Gilligan and
Gene attended Multnomah School of
the Bible and Seattle Pacific University.
His first call was at age 19, before he even
went to seminary, as pastor of Hope
Chapel in Seattle, WA. Gene graduated
from San Francisco Theological Seminary
with a Bachelor of Divinity in 1959. He
was called as associate pastor at Mountain View Presbyterian Church, where he
spent two years before moving back to
Marin to serve as pastor of the Sleepy
Hollow Presbyterian Church.
served his entire ministry in the Presbytery
of the Redwoods, except for three years
in Southern California in the Presbytery of
the Pacific. He was active in Presbytery,
serving on Committee for Preparation for
Ministry, which he chaired for two years,
and Committee on Ministry.
He officially retired in 2001, but continued to serve in part-time and interim positions until 2007. When Lynda retired in
2010, the Burris’s moved to Napa, Lynda’s
home town. A Celebration of Gene’s Life
will be held on Sunday, August 9th, 3:00
p.m. at the St. Helena Presbyterian
Church, 1428 Spring Street.
If you would like to send a message
to Lynda and family, the address is:
26 Glenwood Drive
Napa, CA 94559
Volume III Issue 8
Page 5
The Stewardship/Finance Commission
Quest for Knowledge
Donna Kadel, Moderator
We will next meet on August
24th at 7 pm in the Parlor of CPC to discuss
Jimmy Carter’s book:
Call to Action:
Women, Violence, and Power.
In last month’s article, Moderator Donna Kadel asked that participant’s consider taking over some of the facilitator’s duties. After many years, a partner in leadership
would be very welcome. Call Donna to find
out more and, perhaps, begin a new chapter
in your own life!
You may reach Donna at 252-7228.
Our CPC Serving Team has standard
staples they use to prepare the meal they
serve at The Table on the
fourth Friday of each month.
While you are shopping, pick up ‘extra’:
Ranch Dressing Picante Sauce
Canned Corn (not creamed)
Jarred Jalapeňo Peppers
Canned (Pitted) Olives Enchilada Sauce
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Pasta noodles (Not spaghetti please)
The Stewardship/Finance Commission
of Covenant Presbyterian Church and Session
have been working on finalizing the 20152016 budget. Our pledge drive resulted in 63
pledges totaling $145,000.
Although we have NO plans to use
monies from the Covenant Fund to balance
this year's budget, we are still short $5,500 in
an already 'tight' or 'bare bones' budget. Our
current budget accounts for the increase in
rent from Sunrise Montessori which will assist
with meeting our budget goals and session
will continue to work on ways to close this
We continue to have many reasons to
celebrate as our list of priority projects at Covenant have all been completed. Our dependence on the Covenant Fund has finally taken
a back seat. We have strong pastoral support,
great music programs and we are working on
great youth outreach programs.
If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact the
Stewardship/Finance Commission,
Cal Groeneweg and Barb Pahre, Co-chairs
Bring your gifts and put them on the shelves of
the House that Bob Built, located in the
fellowship Hall.
Our next Annual “Summer Fling” at Zephyr Point will be held Friday -Monday,
July 8—11, 2016!
Thank you for your on-going support !
Don’t miss this great weekend…
Please submit articles for
The Crier
on or before the 3rd Sunday of the month.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *
Our CPC Kitchen is looking
forward to a HOMECOMING (of
sorts!) If you have accidentally taken a CPC
kitchen towel home, or intentionally taken a
few home to wash, now is the time to bring
them home! All towels are needed on site.
Volume III, Issue 8
Scrip Needs a Coordinator!
So did we just misspell the word script?
What is SCRIP?
Why does it need a coordinator?
Scrip is a free program that CPC has participated in for years. It involves "reward money"
for shopping at certain stores and using certain
store and credit cards that you have linked to
our own Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Even without a coordinator, SCRIP sends CPC
$1000 a year. It's FREE MONEY, folks, that
we fold right into our budget to support the table, to support Sunday School, to support the
music program, to support worship, to support
the Food Bank, and, yes, to keep the AC,
lights, and heat on.
The GOOD NEWS is that the potential for
even more FREE MONEY is unlimited. With
someone who is willing to keep track of our
cards, make certain we renew each year, reminds us to use the cards ........ we can aim to
double our SCRIP amount. Some local
churches bring in $10,000 a year of this FREE
MONEY. Stores participating in SCRIP do
NOT add additional charges either to the items
you purchase or the use of your card.
Here are the skills you need to be the SCRIP
1. Basic computer skills (the reports and registrations are on line - not complicated)
2. Willingness to spend a hour a month
monitoring the program (it's easy SCRIP does it for you for the most
art and you look it up on-line).
Like to be organized
Ability to convince 2 other people to
help you re-register CPC members
during coffee hour two Sundays (of
your choice) per year.
Desire to smile when we double our
Page 6
Desire to smile when we double our
SCRIP FREE MONEY for this budget
No prior experience necessary!
Interested? Talk with Cal, Barb, or Deana
From Our Mailbox
A note from Marlene Zimmerman:
“Thank you and all my CPC family and friends
for the lovely card from Zephyr Point. Love
you more, “
“I don’t think Prayer is merely a sociological
phenomenon. I don’t think it is something
we do just to fit into a community, or when
we’ve exhausted all other options.
I think it is hardwired into our spiritual DNA.
God is the inevitability of humanity’s search
for true meaning.
- Jared Brock, A Year of Living Prayerfully
Let’s go fishing! Saturday, August 8th
Meet at the church around 10:15 am—
Carpool or Convoy, leaving at 10:30 am.
Destination: Smith Family Mt. Trout
Pond and Hatchery
Bring a picnic lunch; plates, table ware
The facility has Weber BBQs, picnic tables,
restrooms—but no blankets allowed on the
lawn. Cost: based on # and size of your
fish!! Call Steve Miller if you’d like to go:
Volume III Issue 8
page 7
Marge Ernest
Carla Yost
Pam Kindig
8-15 L i z
Lenore Land
8-18 Cy Pearson
8-19 Ken Eckhardt
8-10 Katie Osmond
Judy Sargent
8-22 Bette Ann Hindes
8-25 Cathy Floyd
8-12 Joan Eckhardt
Ron Ripley
8-28 Debbie Burger
Join us on Tuesdays
10 am ~ Church Parlor
Lively Discussions,
appreciation for God’s Word.
All are welcome!
is published on or
about the 1st of the month.
Deadline for submissions is the
3rd Sunday of each month.
Cal and Kim Groeneweg
Visit our Website!
Find us on Facebook:
Communion is served
on the first Sunday of the month,
10:30 a.m.