Sept Kiva 2015 - Christ Presbyterian Church


Sept Kiva 2015 - Christ Presbyterian Church
September 2015
Pastor Melde’s Page
We are getting better, but CPC needs your help.
Several years ago as a part of studies on what makes
churches vital and worship experiences more meaningful, we discovered that a moment at the opening of worship where we intentionally welcome each other can create an atmosphere of openness to worshiping together that brings us closer to God.
So, we take a moment at the opening of our wor ship to welcome each other. The challenge is that new
people tend to be a bit more uncomfortable with this time.
They don’t know anyone in worship, and those of us who
are more regular tend to greet those we know.
Here’s how we need your help. Please use this time to not
only shake hands and smile at each other, but introduce
yourself by your name to each other. This will help you get
to know more people in your church family. And even
more importantly, find someone you don’t know, and welcome that
person, with your name, and asking for theirs. This way, if the person is new, that person will feel more welcome in our midst and
might just feel welcome enough to return the next week. Watch for
that person, greet that person again the next time, by name!
Look for someone standing alone in this moment,
and go to that person. Don’t let people feel awkward and left out of
the greeting. Help them feel welcome and a part of the whole community of faith at CPC.
This opening moment in our worship experience is
a really important moment for us, and it’s imperative that you help
us to welcome the people that God has drawn to our worship services. It is a sign of how God welcomes each of us: those of us
who have been around a while and those of us who are new.
Thank you for helping.
Peace in our journeys,
Pastor Steve Melde
Every Sunday morning CPC offers two
worship services. Though thematically
they are the same, the atmosphere and
music are different.
We welcome children in worship. We do have
a nursery for infants and toddlers if parents wish
to use our caring childcare workers, but please
know that we love kids in worship. Our children
love to serve as ushers and liturgist-worship leaders!
8:30 a.m. Worship in the Fellowship Hall
Our contemporary band leads us musically. Seating is around tables so you are welcome to have your
coffee (ours or the fancy stuff you bring). Some folks
even bring snacks for their children (children are always
welcome in worship)
9:30 a.m. Sunday Funday School for all ages. Classes are
offered for children, youth, and adults all over the CPC
10:45 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary
Our choirs and organist/pianist lead us musically. Our
pews are in the round so that we are always centered on
the Communion Table. And yes, children are
welcome in worship.
See what WATER can do! Stewardship 2016
Water—wonderful, refreshing and life-giving.
We see rains bring desert blooms, thriving desert creatures and the promise of seeds grown and stored for
the coming year.
Scripture offers so many stories of water’s
blessings. Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians how the
seed for a church was planted, watered with disciples’
dedication—ready for God to make it grow.
Water is naturally a fitting theme for our capital and stewardship campaigns. Making a campaign
pledge, you might think of it as water replenishing and
growing our church. Your generosity and participation could help make our worship spaces more accessible to all, spread our messages more widely through
expanded technology and increase our visibility
throughout the community.
As our campaigns begin in the next few weeks,
look to see what WATER can do!
One of our Local Tucson
CPC members is looking
for a loving home for her
two cats. These loving
cats are wonderful family
members and great cuddle buddies.
If you are able to take
them, please call the
church office and speak
to Pastor Melde.
If you know of a friend
who might be able to
adopt them, please call
the church office and
speak with Pastor Melde.
Do you enjoy the Fellowship Hour, after
each service? Then please help us by signing up to help prepare the plates and
drinks, so that we can continue the conversation after the service. Contact Ellen
Brownson at 762-8524 or sign up in the
kitchen on Sunday mornings. Thank you!
See a total lunar eclipse from
your own (church) backyard!
Sunday September 27th 5:00 p.m
– 8:30 p.m.
The eclipse begins at
5:11 pm and reaches its
maximum coverage at
7:47 pm.
The University of
Arizona Astronomy
club will set up telescopes and teach us all
about the whys and whats of eclipses.
We’ll eat Eegees, see photographs from the Hubble
Telescopes and spend our evening marveling at
God’s Great Universe.
Please join us for this very special event at St John
on the Desert: 2695 North Houghton Rd.
From our Presbytery de Cristo
Ruling Elder Andy Thomas,
from The Holy Way, Tucson, will be traveling to
Stony Point, NY next week
to begin his yearlong adventure as a Young Adult Volunteer. He will be gathering
with 90 other new YAVs
who will be serving in over
20 national and international sites. Andy will be serving at the YAV site in
Washington, DC, with three
other YAVs, beginning on
September 1. Keep Andy
and all the other YAVs,
including those who will be
serving at the Tucson site,
in your prayers. If you'd like
to follow Andy's updates,
his blog can be found
Presbytery de Cristo is looking
for folks interested in helping
coordinate PdC's Youth Triennium Team. Do youth from your
church want to attend Triennium
2016? Do they need scholarship
help? Are they willing to support
efforts to help other youth attend
Triennium? If you answered yes
to any of these questions,
please email Pastor Brad in the
PdC office.
Brad Munroe Presbytery
Casa Maria Soup Kitchen
On the fourth Tuesday of every month we gather at
8:30 am to prepare and deliver 100 sack lunches for
Casa Maria Soup Kitchen.
The congregation graciously provides sandwiches (kept
in the freezer in the kitchen). If you are able to make
sandwiches: using a loaf of bread, please prepare a
lunch meat sandwich with cheese, no mayo, place the
sandwich in a lunch baggie and then put all of the sandwiches back in the bread wrapper and put in the freezer
at church.
Kellond School “Haven Totes” Weekend
Lunch Program
Last year our Mission Team introduced us to Kellond
Elementary School Haven Totes For Kids program and
we are
continuing again this year. CPC fills tote
bags with food for the weekend for students who are
home alone on the weekend and in need of nutritional
If you would like to help, contact Rada Rich, 326-4307
The Prayer Shawl Ministry Team want to let
you know that shawls are available by request for family and friends who are either
facing a difficult time in life or are celebrating a joy. Anyone who celebrates their 90th
birthday is also eligible for a shawl. We
love to hear about the experiences you have
when you give the shawl, so be sure to share
that with us.
Prayer shawl request forms are available in the
office in the Prayer Shawl Ministry mailbox.
After completing the information requested,
please return the form to the box on top of
all folders and contact LuAnn Cobb to let
her know that a request has been made.
We have cards that accompany the shawls
which include a prayer, history of the prayer
shawl ministry and where the shawl originates (CPC). For more information or questions, please contact LuAnn Cobb at 7217338.
Oops! Correction on Prayer dimensions for
those making shawls. The guidelines that
were in last August Kiva were incorrect.
The shawls need to be a minimum of 60
inches long and approximately 18-22 inches
wide. Thank You!
Choir Calendar
Sunday, September 6 – Rehearsal at 9:30am, Service at 10:45am
Wednesday, September 9 – Regular Rehearsal at 7:00pm
Interested in joining the CPC Choir? Please contact our Music Director, Richard Hintze and/or feel free to join us for rehearsal. New singers are always welcome!
Bell Choir Rehearsals resumes on Sept 9, at 6 pm in the
sanctuary. Join us, it’s lots of fun!
Sept. 15th
at 11:30 join us for lunch at
Guadalajara Grill, 4901 E Broadway. Three ways
to RSVP: Contact Laura Stillson at 747-2626,
Sign up on Sunday at the sign up table in the narthex, or call the church office, 886-5535. We dine
together and pay separately. Invite a friend!
CPC Book Club @
On Sept. 8th the Book Club will
meet at Sweet Tomatoes instead of
in the CPC library. We will meet at
CPC monthly starting in Oct.
This monthly fellowship opportunity returns on the second Friday of each month, Noon-1:30 p.m. We ask attenders to sign up
by the Wednesday prior, paying $10 to cover the cost of a catered lunch.
September 11th: Noon – 1:30 p.m.
Welcome Back and a Look back at 9-11
Special time of praying for Peace in our world
Prepaid reservations due by Wednesday, September 9th at Noon
Men’s Breakfast, Wednesday, Sept. 16th at 7:30am.
Join us for Bible Roulette. We’ll open the Scripture, and
wherever our eyes go is what we’ll read and discuss. Men
of ALL AGES are invited to join us each Third Wednesday
of the month at Biscuits (7026 E. Broadway). We meet in
the private dining area and each has a separate check.
Bring a friend or two.
Women’s Breakfast,
Thursday,September 17th
at 8:30 a.m
Each Third Thursday of the month
ALL WOMEN are invited to breakfast at 8:30 am at Biscuits
(7026 E. Broadway). Join us for good food, fabulous fellowship, and excellent conversation. No reservations needed.
Bring a friend! Bring a smile! Bring your laughs! And even
bring your tears! Together we eat and separate we pay.
Dominoes Every
Thursday @ 1pm
Mexican Train Dominoes meet in room A/B.
NO experience is necessary. We’ll teach you the game.
Take a break from the summer heat and come enjoy the fun in the
cool rooms at CPC, all are welcome!
Adult Bible Study
Each Sunday, in Room A/B of the North Education wing, grown-up children of God are welcome to
gather together for some good, deep, Bible Study.
The group is studying the New Testament letter to the
No prior Biblical experience or knowledge
is required to attend. Just come and be with us,
on any Sunday morning, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
This series is being led by Professor Ken Friskey.
Saving Jesus Redux
Ever feel like Jesus has been kidnapped by the Christian Right and discarded by the Secular Left? Saving Jesus Redux is total revision of Living the Question's popular 12-session DVD-based small group exploration of a credible Jesus for the third millennium. New contributors including Brian McLaren, Diana Butler Bass, and Robin Meyers join Marcus Borg, Walter Brueggemann, John Dominic Crossan, Matthew Fox,
Amy-Jill Levine, and a host of others for a conversation around the relevance of Jesus for today.
"We're having a culture war and Jesus happens to be one of the
weapons tossed about by both sides." -- Amy-Jill Levine
Begins Sunday September 13, 9:30 AM in
Room E/F.
Middle School and High
School youth ministry is amazing at CPC.
Sunday mornings 9:30 a.m. Sunday Funday School Class
Middle School (Faith Trek) in Room D of the North wing
Jennifer Marshall, Nancy Schlegel, and Michelle Wik are teaching
High School/College in Room C of the North wing
Kenna Koch and Pastor Steve Melde are teaching
September 6: Combined Class: Rob Bell Nooma Video
September 13: A Study of the Lost chapter of Luke
September 20: Was J esus of Nazar eth God?
September 27: Did J esus know he was God?
2-4 Youth Fellowship
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, 6-7:30 p.m. Middle
and High School youth have a blast in fellowship! We always begin with
dinner/dessert and then have a fun/learning activity.
This year we are excited to be partnering with the youth from
St. John on the Desert Presbyterian
Church, and Pastor Lesley
September 13: Wet and Wild Night
(bring a towel and change of clothes)
We’ll be playing Slip-N-Slide whiffle ball!
(The Becks and Cechs are parent helpers)
September 27: Howl at the Moon at St. J ohn on the Deser t Chur ch
(2695 N Houghton Rd, Tucson, AZ 85749)
Houghton North of Tanque Verde
We’ll be seeing the Lunar Eclipse through some great telescopes!
(Dorothy/Craig Courville and The Friskeys are the parent helpers)
All women of the CPC congregation are members of Presbyterian
Women and are invited to participate in Bible study and learn about
local, national and international mission service projects.
First Friday of the Month
Bible Study 1—2 pm in
A/B followed by
Fellowship Circle 2 –3 pm
September 2015
PW will kick off a new study on Friday,
September 4 at 1 PM in Room A/B.
Pastor Steve Melde leads this study on the first Friday afternoon of
the month from September to June. (No meeting in December)
2015/2016 PW Horizons Bible Study
Come to the Waters
By Judith Record Fletcher
Friday, September 4, from 1-2 PM in Room A/B
Lesson one: Birthing Waters-Creation
2 – 3 in Room A/B
Everyone who attends The PW Bible Study Group is invited to stay
for a time of fellowship and continued discussion of the lesson.
Interested in more information about Presbyterian Women in CPC?
Please call either Marilyn McConnell (579-8438)
or Julia Potter (298-4415)
Thank you for your continued support
of prayer and donations for these
mission projects supported by the
Presbyterian Women!
towels, wash cloths, personal hygiene items and men's clothing.
MENAUL SCHOOL, Albuquerque, NM has need of educational
labels and Point Labels with Bar Codes attached.
RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE requests disinfectant wipes, bleach
and Chemo Caps. Don't forget the metal tabs!
There will be more information next month about the Fall Gathering
of Presbyterian Women of Presbytery de Cristo at Tortolita Presbyterian Church to be held onSaturday, October 24, 2015. Contact Julia
Potter if interested!
Women’s Bridge Group:
Every Third Thursday at 12:00p.m
We invite you to come out and join this
friendly group of women for fellowship
and great games of bridge. Bring a light
lunch at Noon for fellowship and enjoy
the light snacks and drinks that are
Please call Mary Clark at 290-2276 if you are able to attend
our game. Game time starts at 12:30 p.m.
Join Us Every Wednesday
Morning 9am– 12noon
Wednesday morning Crafts meets each week unless otherwise
stated. New members and new project ideas are always welcome. If you would like to check us out and see if you'd like to
join us, just stop by. No special skills required! We work on
various projects ranging easy to more technical - something for
everyone, we think. There are even people who would like to
join us, but cannot make the Wednesday a.m. meetings, so they
sew, crochet, do art projects from home and turn them over to
the Craft Group to sell for P.W. Mission monies.
We consider ourselves a Fellowship group, more than even, a
Craft group. We laugh and share stories and would love to have
you join us!
We meet in classrooms A/B, each Wednesday morning from
9 am to 12 pm. Those are "loosey-goosey" hours. If you can
only stop by for an hour or two...please do.
Questions? Call Pam Cullop - 520-271-6678 or email:
Monies raised from the sale of our Craft Items are
given to special mission ministries of CPC.
Flea Market 2016 Event
March 17, 18, & 19 2016
If you have questions or would like to sign up to
volunteer, please contact
Donna Kuehn PH: 520-245-3761
Pam Cullop PH: 520-271-6678
Second Hand Weekends Schedules
Items may be delivered to the church on the Second Sunday of each month. We will be pricing and sorting on those
Sundays from 9:30 am—2 pm
Pricing and sorting will also take place on the Saturday
morning prior to Second Hand Sunday from 9 am—2
pm. Bring a sack lunch and wear comfortable cloths.
Invite a friend to come along, too!
heart felt
Gwen, Jim, Terry and Linda would like to thank all
our wonderful friends and Pastors at CPC for their
love, prayers and hugs for the loss of our wonderful
Dale. He treasured his family and friends more than
anything. His last good conversation was with our
two Pastor Steves when they came to visit with him
on his last day. We are so thankful for Christ
Presbyterian Church.
~Gwen Hurst
Prayers of Thanks!
Our friends Ingrida Cazers and Karlis Valsteins
have been attending CPC since moving here
from Ireland three years ago. Karlis went up
for his citizenship test today and passed. He
will have an official ceremony in four to six
weeks. We wondered if this could be shared
with the CPC congregation .
Ingrida was not permitted to be in the room
with him this morning, but their immigration
attorney was with Karlis. According to the
immigration attorney, Karlis was grilled thoroughly throughout the procedure. Ingrida had
to be present, so they could ascertain that she
was in fact his wife.
Immediately after hearing the good news,
Karlis went off to thank the teacher who has
been teaching him citizenship classes.
Thanks! We just wanted to share this happy
news with CPC!
~Kathy & Bart Kimball
A BIG Thank You from
ICS for our ministry partnership, and financial support! Thanks for helping us
meet our summer food
bank goals! The ICS Community Partners collected
OVER 30,0000 pounds of
Please hold in prayer the families and friends
of those loved ones who have passed, as they
grieve the loss of these saints:
Dale Hurst 7/30/2015
Leita Chapman 8/2/2015
Bill Lincoln 8/22/2015
Betty Doidge 8/26/2015
Tom Riebe, 9/2/2015
Rada Rich
Gene Stough
Margaret Goodrich
Michael Rowe
Pam Elitharp
Mac McIntyre
Nancy Ward
Van Van Den Assem
Ron Morgan
Eileen Lamse
Ren Parker
John Griffin
Ellie Standifer
Genny Standifer
Diane Denien
Ginny MacPherson
Valerie Schlegel
Lillian Meriwether
Russell Clink
Bill Braucher
Michael Courville
Kitty Davis
Barbara Pattengale
Paula Draper
Gary Foxx
Dejada Sanchez
Jeanne Ringgenberg
Kristen Samoy
Kate Lagle
6565 E. Broadway
Member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) & Presbytery de Cristo
The Rev. Steven P. Melde, Pastor
Steve Brownson, CRE, Pastoral Assistant
Robin Gilbert, Director of Children’s Christian Ed
Richard Hintze, Director of Music
Dr. Kathryn Snodgrass, Organist
Cathy Grossman, Bookkeeper
Lon Bothwell, Facility Manager
Debby Anderson, Office Manager
Shirley McClain, Administrative Assistant
Church Office Hours
9 a.m.—4 p.m.
(Closed for lunch 12 —1 p.m.)
Friday 9 a.m.—12 noon
KIVA October Issue –
Wednesday, Sept 15th
Weekly Bulletins - Noon the
previous Wednesday
Thursday Blast - Noon the
Phone: 520-886-5535
previous Wednesday
Fax: 520-886-5686
Christ Presbyterian Tucson
Twitter: @CPCTucsonAZ