June 19th - Middlebury Church of the Brethren


June 19th - Middlebury Church of the Brethren
We promise to walk in the way of Jesus’ love by: Looking for
the God seed in all people while practicing healthy processes
of inclusiveness, showing grace and honesty.
Building-up community by showing Hospitality,
Equality and speaking truth in love.
Willing to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit
with our heart, mind, soul, and strength as we grow
spiritually and are transformed in God’s love, grace
and peace.
Study, Practice, and Commitment to Forbearance* as
we search for common ground.
Joyously Celebrating Life.
Church of the Brethren
Forbearance is a biblical concept.
The Greek words in the New Testament translated as carry meanings of patience self-control, restraint,
mercy, long-suffering and the refusal to threaten (EPH. 4:2; COL 3:13, EPH 6:9, 11COR 12:6)
Forbearance does not jeopardize or denigrate individual conviction, but it does place boundaries on the
quality and character of individual responses.
Forbearance does not require one to accept what another believes, but it does require one to listen and try
to understand what another believes without demeaning, personal attacks, or acting to disenfranchise the
other person.
GROUP GATHERINGS after Fellowship
Children under 9 yrs meet in classrooms west of kitchen
Children 10 yrs and older meet in ROOM 207
Adult Group Gathering
International Bible Studies…………..Room #304 with Dana Snider
Wired Word & Sermon discussions….Room #105 with
Don Anderson or Beth Snider
Agape Class Discussions/young adults or families………Room#401
John & Carolyn DeWilde
Middlebury Church of the Brethren is a welcoming and inclusive
congregation offering Christ’s hospitality to the world.
Pastoral Minister – Janet Shaver; cell 574-214-6741
e-mail: middleburypastor@yahoo.com
Worship – 9:00 a.m. Sunday School – 10:45 a.m.
Restorative Love
June 19, 2016
“Restorative Love”
Children’s Message:
June 19, 2016
Welcome and announcements
*Praise Music:
“Praise His Name”
Dana Snider
Louise E. Stairs
“God of the Bible”
see screen
Catherine Roebuck
Children under 6 yr old can leave to attend the child care at this time.
Prayers of the People (Joys and Concerns)
While Ushers Come In
Pastoral Prayer
*Call to Worship (a responsive reading)
Leader: People of God, the Lord is merciful!
Men: God forgives our sin and pardons all our debts.
Women: People of God, the Lord is good!
“Gentle Shepherd”
Leader: God restores us to the way of salvation.
Men: People of God, the Lord is love!
Women: God revives our spirit so that we may rejoice.
Offering Prayer:
Thank you, extravagant God, for your blessings in our lives. We offer
ourselves in grateful response, seeking to live with such compassion
toward others that your blessings will flow through us to bless our
community and our world. For the sake of Christ Jesus we pray. Amen.
Leader: People of God, the Lord is faithful!
Men: God speaks so that we may follow.
Women: People of God, the Lord is righteous!
ALL: God's glory fills this place. Let us worship the Lord our God!
*Invocation (unison)
O God, whose holiness is not limited to grand cathedrals or saintly
persons, spectacular mountains or mountain-moving leaders; O God,
whose holiness is often discovered in simple everyday places and
simple everyday folks, plant your holiness in this place, in us now.
Grow us this hour that we might flower, right where we are, with the
beauty of your holiness. Through Jesus we pray. Amen.
“Great is the Lord”
*Greet Each Other in Christ's Love
Galatians 3:23-29
pew bible NT page 189
“Restorative Love”
“Bind Us Together”
Pastor Janet Shaver
sheet insert
Nelda Snider
…Beth Sholly
CHORISTER ................................... Tamra Houser
SOUND…, …………
…Mark Roebuck
ORGANIST ........................................ Nelda Snider
SCREENS…………………………………Ethan Bickel CHILDREN BELL CHOIR ............. Dalis Andrews
PIANIST………………….……………Lorie Copeland FLUTIST……………………………..Sherry Bickel
USHERS TODAY ............................................................................................. Beth Muhlnickel, Ken Abbott
DEACON WELCOMERS TODAY ......................................................................... Bev Mauck, Beverly Short
SANCTUARY GREETERS TODAY .................................................................................... Eleanor Hawkins
DEACON WELCOMERS NEXT WEEK ...................................................................... Gary & Renee Black
SANCTUARY GREETERS NEXT WEEK ............................................................... Wayne & Dalis Andrews
USHERS NEXT WEEK ............................................................................Beth Muhlnickel, Wayne Andrews
Please place music sheet inserts in the basket at the rear of the sanctuary. We can use them again.
* Congregation stands in body or spirit
June 19, 2016
Activities and Announcements
Today 9:00 a.m. Worship – Pastor Janet Shaver
Worship Leader – Dana Snider
10:15 a.m. . Fellowship time: (coffee and refreshments)
10:45a.m Sunday School Classes
Tuesday- 11:30 a.m. “Seasoned Senior Luncheon” in the Fellowship hall.
The group will be assembling Kids Snack Packs after everyone
has enjoyed a delightful lunch prepared by Pastor Janet Shaver
and Pastor Byrl Shaver
6:30 p.m. Board room rented by Steve Nisley. The group would like the
congregation to know that anyone is welcome to attend
Thursday – “Take a Break Thursday” free community meal will be
served in the rear of the church at 5:30 p.m. . There is a wedding
rehearsal using the fellowship hall. Please come and enjoy the meal and
fellowship. This is a partnership with Faith Mission of Elkhart
6:30 p.m. Book Discussion “Wisdom of the Carpenter in Church”
is open to everyone and will meet this Thursday in the Board Room.
6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. “Care Share Center” is open every
Thursday or by appointment. You may drop items off any day in the
storage ben at the west entrance.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday: the Sanctuary and Fellowship hall is
being RENTED for a wedding and will not be available for those 3
The theme for June is All Things Paper. Please donate paper products like paper
towels, napkins, Kleenex, toilet paper, diapers and paper plates. Please place the
items on the table to the left when you enter the Fellowship Hall.
Thank you for your continuing generosity!
Next Sunday June 26, 2016
9:00 a.m. – Worship Pastor Janet Shaver &
Worship Leader Dana Snider
Children’s bell choir
10:15 a.m. – Fellowship time: (coffee and refreshments)
(Cookie sharing time; you are welcome to bring in cookies to share with
others during fellowship)
10:45 a.m. – Sunday School Classes
June 27 – Room 314 rented by Tupperware
No Crystal Valley Manor ‘carry-in” lunch for the month of July
No Seasoned Senior Lunch in July
Vacation month in July – no Sunday School classes for children or
adults during the month of July
31st of July – Dedication of Children and Communion Sunday. If you
would like your children dedicated in the church, please let Pastor
Janet know.
Healthy Lifestyle Groups will meet every Thursday.
Meeting in the Fellowship Hall
Daylight - Second and Fourth Thursdays at 11:00 a.m.
Evening - First and Third Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.
May we receive blessings from the encouragement and the experience and
knowledge of each other.
Memorial Tribute
for Jan Reynolds
You are invited to attend: July 3, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. Sunday
At the Reynolds home: 53308 LaPlace Drive, Middlebury
LaPlace Drive is on Hunter Lake just off of CR43 south of
state road 120 and east of state road 13.
There is limited parking at the home place but an empty lot
close by is marked for the additional parking.
July we are in charge of Food Pantry and need volunteers to
help staff the pantry. Sign-up sheets are in the fellowship hall and
many people are needed.
Child care is available every Sunday. Children under age 6 are invited. Children can be escorted to the
children’s area after the offering prayer. It is noted on the bulletin
Tom and Marj Miller send a Thank You to the Church Family for all the
very nice things that everyone has done for them.
The card is posted on the bulletin board for all to read.

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