In Touch - Grace Fellowship Church
In Touch - Grace Fellowship Church
In Touch With You A PUBLICATION OF INSPIRATION AND INFORMATION A PRIL 2015 In Touch A Message from Our Pastor Dale Campbell This weekend we will celebrate one of my favorite events, Easter! This is the time when we celebrate the resurrection of our savior. Without the resurrection, Christianity is no different than any other religion. Because our Savior lives, we celebrate the blessed hope of salvation through faith! We have a savior. His blood cleanses us from all sin and prepares us for eternity in heaven. This special season at Grace Fellowship will include a great time of worship with our newly formed “Resurrection Choir”. The entire service includes songs of the season. We will celebrate the cross, the tomb and the blood through worship. The program will include some of the old traditional hymns of the church as well as many newer contemporary music selections! Don’t miss this great event! I also want to remind you of the Grace Fellowship Easter Week Invite Challenge! I am asking all of our church family to invite as many friends and family members as possible. Your invitation could make an everlasting difference in the lives of those you bring. We will share the message of the gospel and give opportunity for people to receive Christ. As our team is preparing to share the gospel, please do your part in bringing in the unsaved and unchurched! Pastor Dale In Touch Page 2 Pastoral Staff Dale Campbell Senior Pastor Patty Campbell Youth/Co-Pastor Dwayne Brown Worship Pastor Jerry Watkins Outreach Pastor Luke Baker Intern Pastor Pam Hughes Church Secretary Church Office Hours 8:30 AM—3:00 PM Monday - Thursday Ph: (606) 864-4635 Fax: (606) 864-7711 Service Schedule SUNDAY Coffee Fellowship 9:00-9:25 AM Sunday School 9:30-10:15 AM Morning Worship Sunday 10:30 AM Evening Worship Sunday 6:00 PM W.O.W. Worship on Wednesday Programs for the entire family 7:00 PM The Awakening Student Ministry 7:00-8:30 PM Nursery available for all services Ages 3 & Under Grace Today TV Sunday WLJC 8:30 AM Church Website April Wednesday Night Sermon Series by Pastor Jerry Watkins April 1st, 15th, 22nd & 29th 7:00 PM Necessary for Spiritual Success! There will be no evening service on Sunday, April 5th enjoy this Easter holiday with your family! There will be no Wednesday evening service on Wednesday, April 8th many of our students are on Spring Break and we want to give our teachers a break too! Membership Class - Coming Soon For all those interested in becoming a member of Grace Fellowship Church, sign down at the Information Center today. Coming Soon! If you are interested in being baptized in water sign down at the Information Center or contact the church office to register for baptism. Page 3 With You Ministries List CHILDREN Sunday Morning Radical Kids Grades 1-5 Steve & Georgie Petro Rad Jr. Pre K– K-5 Pam Hughes, Ann King, Lea Oakes, Jaymee Fields, Brian & Kristy Riley P R AY E R C H A I N We are updating the prayer chain, if you are interested in being a member of the prayer chain sign down at the Information Center. As prayer requests come into the office they are sent out by email or facebook. Mobilize Members Meeting Thursday, April 30th 6:00 PM Wednesday Kinder Kollege K4 - K5 Grade Angela Allen Kids Kollege 1st - 2nd Grades Karla Smith Kid’s University 2nd - 5th Grades Jim & Regina Russell Nursery Ages 3 & under Sunday School Matt Belcher Sonlight Preschool Tammy Sturgill Grace Academy Luke Baker Celebrate Recovery Joey Shepherd The Awakening Student Ministry Patty Campbell Food Pantry Sheila Ball Jail Ministry Sue Collett Grace Girls Women: Patty Campbell Elementary: Pam Hughes Men’s Ministry Darryl Shepherd Grace in Action Lonnie & Karen Patton Media Ministry Lonnie Patton Missions Sue Collett In Touch Page 4 Interested in playing softball? The softball season is quickly approaching! For more information see Chad Roberts. If you are interested in playing co-ed softball this year sign down at the Information Center. With You Page 5 In Touch Page 6 845A South Main Street London, KY 40741 (606) 864-4635 ext. 228 Kindergarten Open House and Registration Early Enrollment for Current Students April 16, 2015 5:30p.m.-7:30p.m. The focus of the ACE Kindergarten Program is to build a strong reading foundation. The students have Pace workbooks in Word Building, Science, Math, Social Studies/Bible and English. Each of these subjects are completed lockstep with the teacher. Kindergarten students do not work independently. The classroom is set up in a traditional classroom setting. They are building a strong foundation, as they mature. ACE takes a very strong approach, which I value highly, since the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the whole purpose of learning is to honor Him. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT TO OUR ISRAEL MISSION PROJECT! “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3 Page 7 With You Kishana, Uganda Africa 2015 Mission Trip Excitement is growing as we anticipate a great move of God on our upcoming mission trip to Africa. Mark 9:23 “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” We are believing for a all the finances to complete our new church plant as well as all that is needed for each team members expenses. All airfares have been purchased, the team is working hard and believing God to bring in money needed for this mission. The 2015 mission team will build a new church another sister church of GFC. This is an unchurched area with a great window of opportunity to reach the lost. We believe that many people will be saved, healed and delivered on this trip. Please keep us in your prayers. I will be leaving April 29th and the team will be leaving May 28th. We need your prayers and people that will commit to pray for us each day that we are away! Attached are some pictures of the area where the church will be built. This church will be similar in size and shape of the church in Palissa! Right now the people are meeting under a tree and a temporary structure. Our vision and goal is to build a church for this area. There are no churches in the surrounding area for approximately 15 miles! Our budget for this church project is $14,650. Our 2015 team is 10 members, of which 9 are from Grace Fellowship Church. Although you may not be going to Uganda this year you can still be a part of the team through prayer and financial support! Prayerfully consider sowing into this project! Grace Fellowship Church Kishana Grace Fellowship Church 845 A South Main St. London, KY 40741 Nonprofit Org U.S. Postage Paid London, KY Permit No. 27 We’re on the web Return Service Requested