Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is
Building Relationships for Eternity…
One Person at a Time
Matthew 28:18-20
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast,
it is not proud. It is not rude, it is
not self-seeking, it is not easily
angered, it keeps no record of
Love does not delight in evil but
rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Coming up at Grace
February 13
Ash Wednesday
11:00 am and 7:00 p.m. services
February 21
Kindergarten Round-Up
6:00 p.m. in our Preschool “Is your Child Ready?”
Every Thursday
Bible Study on learning to Live Your Faith. Join us as we continue our study of Romans12-16 and learn how to
live a Spirit led life. This is a great opportunity to grow in your faith and apply God’s Word to your life. Thursdays,
7:00 p.m. in the multipurpose room.
Get involved in a small group. Contact us at pastor.jimy@verizon or and we will help you find
the group best suited to your situation.
Join us for Worship
Regular worship schedule
Saturday—6:00pm, Family Worship and Children’s Church
Sunday—8:00am Traditional Worship, 9:30am Contemporary Worship and Children’s Church
10:45 am House Church, and Latino Worship
Saved by Grace
Living by Grace
ThumbThumb-printed by Grace
“A Counter Culture Church”
February 9, 10, 2013
Project Godway- A Ministry Opportunity for Girls
Ages 11-14
Project Godway will be a fun
time of Godly mentoring for our
tween and teen girls. The focus
is on Jesus’ purpose for
women and is facilitated from
the Bible using some things
that girls love; fashion and crafts! This fun time is a
ministry of Face to Face and will be on Friday nights
from 5:45-8:00 p.m. in the Grace gym. The schedule
and a list of needed craft items (by donation) can be
found at: If you have any
questions please contact Pastor Scott at, or phone: 760-213-0854
Women's Ministry Book Club
The book we are reading is
"Redeeming Love" by Francine
Rivers - sounds like the perfect
book title for the month of
February, don't you think?
Many have said they consider
this to be their favorite book by
Ms. Rivers. We will be meeting
at the home of Judi Anderson
for dessert and book discussion on Thursday,
February 21, at 7:00 p.m. Please sign up on the
clipboard at the Women's Ministry cart if you're
interested in joining us, or call Judi at (760) 4432278. Hope you will join us!!
We have extra mid-week services that we need to
cover starting February 13th, Ash Wednesday. Also
the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday service and
Easter Sunday will have the sunrise service. There
is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Please
help out if you are available. Any questions can be
directed to Gary Madison: 760-745-6202
IT’S Easy, IT’S Fast, IT’S Safe, and IT’S
Convenient. WHAT IS IT?
It’s ON-LINE Giving and it’s here at Grace Lutheran!
Word for the Day
Sign up today to receive a Bible verse on your cell
phones. Send GLC as a
text message to 313131
and you will be signed up to
receive a daily blessing
from the Word of God.
1. Go to
2. Near the upper right side of the page click on
Online Giving
3. Read the information on that page and click GET
4. Complete the information on that page and
you’re done!
That’s IT! You’re done.
Your Grace contribution/tithing is now securely
automatic and can be modified at your discretion
whenever you want. Questions? Contact Bob Ness
at 760745-0831 ext. 110 or
You Can Always Help…..
Mary Lou, better known as “Helpful Lou” can always use your household donations for our military
families in need. If you have something to donate
contact Mary Lou at 760-419-0239 or
February 9, 10, 2013
Please be sure to register your attendance at each service on a yellow card located in the pew racks. Then
place it in the offering plate as it is passed or hand it to an usher. If you have any questions, please call
JoAnn in the church office: 760-745-0831 ext. 113.
Grace Travelers… This is For YOU!
Our 8th grade class is planning their annual trip to
Washington D.C., Virginia, etc. This year they are
offering the same travel plans to the Grace congregation.
This is a WONDERFUL trip with FANTASTIC travel
guides and Lutheran students you will be proud to be
with. Gene Bonk will again be chaperoning this trip as he
has for many years. If you have any questions you can
contact Gene at:
Here is an outline from Gene:
Trip price includes: Round trip transportation,
Deluxe bus to transport us,
Hotels - they are 2-2 1/2 star clean but affordable,
Entry into all places - Williamsburg, Yorktown,
Jamestown, Gettysburg.... And more
Guides are with us,
Breakfast and Dinners.
Grace Greeters
Saturday Frank $ Marie Caratachea
Sally Minor
Jim & Sally Warner
Ministry Opportunities…
Community Outreach. We are developing
some exciting opportunities to reach out to our
community by feeding the poor and helping
those in need by doing repairs around their
homes; coming alongside people in need and
sharing with them the amazing love of Jesus
As we prayerfully evaluate our
stewardship take some time in prayer and see
where the Holy Spirit is leading you and your
For a room of two $1750
per person.
Chinese Outreach. We are praying about
joining Lutheran Churches in North County and
hosting students from China for one week in
July. This will be a great opportunity to host
two students in your home and share Christian
hospitality and allow them to experience the
awesome love of Jesus. More information will
follow as we look for host homes. Put this on
your prayer list and see where the Holy Spirit
Trip is from September 28
to October 5th, 2013
You can arrange your own airfare or go through our travel
agent. We leave at 10pm the night of the 28th, and return
about the same time on the 5th. If you arrange your own
travel, we will be leaving Dulles International at 6:30 am,
you will need to arrange transportation.
The trip includes going to the following places:
Monticello, University of Virginia, Williamsburg,
Jamestown, Yorktown, Gettysburg, Fort McHenry,
Washington DC.
San Diego Outreach. The first Monday of
every month Pastor Scott leads a group of
students and adults to San Diego to minister to
the homeless. This is a great opportunity to
make a difference and use your gifts to bring
Jesus to those on the streets of San Diego.
Check with Pastor Scott for more information.
While in Washington we will try to see: Arlington National
Cemetery, Smithsonian's - Air & Space, American
History, Natural History, Capitol, (we try to get a tour of
the White House), tour of Lincoln, Vietnam, Korean War
Memorial, WW II, FDR, Martin Luther King Junior
monuments, Mt. Vernon, Ford Theater, and the National
Cathedral to name but a few.
The trip is intended to be an introduction into our
countries history not an in-depth study. This is a fast
pace trip. We begin each day at breakfast at 7 am and
we are out until at least 8 pm.
Holy Communion Schedule
Saturday 6:00pm Service:
2nd & 4th weekend
Sunday 8:00am Service:
All weekends
Sunday 9:30am Service:
2nd & 4th weekend
Sunday 10:45am Housechurch…All weekends
We will have a meeting for all those who express interest
in late February. There is a deposit required and there is
no travel insurance offered should you have to cancel do
to world events or personal events.
5th Weekends: 8:00am & 10:45am only
February 9, 10, 2013
Celebrating February Baptisms
Samuel Arnold
Brooke Bell
Michael Bell
Mitchell Bell
Rachel Bell
Jean Cook
John Cooper
Tracy Adams Denisac
Dakota Eckburg
Bryan Enarson
Prescott Epp
Marci Exner
Amanda Finch
JoAnn Gilliland
Danny Harris
LeeAnn Harris
Michael Hartman
MerSadies Henry
This Week at Grace
Cheryl Hernandez
Suzie Hunter
Melissa Keiser
Josh Leger
Erica Lopez
Bob Ness
Cassilyn Peetz
Sydney Polderman
Noah Reitmeyer
Chloe Richmond
Jasmine Ricketts
Lauren Sachau
Ryan Shuster
Marissa Stokes
Kim Sylvester
Christopher Wettstein
Lillian Wilson
SUNDAY – February 10
8:00 a.m.— Traditional worship
9:30 a.m.— Contemporary worship &
Children’s Church
9:30 a.m.— Bible Study in English and Spanish
10:45 a.m.— House Church in the
multipurpose room
10:45 a.m.— Hispanic worship in the sanctuary
MONDAY—February 11
TUESDAY—February 12
8:30 a.m.—Preschool chapel
12:00 p.m.— Elder Meeting
6:00 p.m.—Grace Visioning committee and
Parent/Teacher Fellowship meeting
WEDNESDAY – February 13
8:20 a.m.— K-4th grade chapel
9:45 a.m.— Adult Bible Study
11:00 a.m.—Ash Wednesday service
11:00 a.m.—5-8th grade chapel (during Lent)
5:45 p.m.— Hand-bell Choir Rehearsal
7:00 p.m.— Ash Wednesday service
7:00 p.m.— The Stand
Celebrating February Birthdays
THURSDAY– February 14
8:30 a.m.— Moms Bible Study
7:00 p.m.— Bible Study
1) Cruz Aviles; 2) Jeanette Gilliand, Jay Johnson;
3) Mary Denovitz, LeeAnn Harris, Missy Knowles;
4) Andrea Bartley, Judy Gonsalves, Christopher
Wettstein; 5) Emma DuPont; 6) Lauren Sachau;
7), Kathy Clem, Annaliese Hoyle; 8) Tarrin
Kitlinger, Marcella Martin, Brad Phillips, Chloe
Richmond; 9) Sharon Stanley; 11) Rupert
Knowles; 12) John Adams, Robert Johnston; 13)
Tony Guehl, Dan Lippman; 14) Prescott Epp; 15)
Jarred Berkel, Marci Exner, Amanda Finch,
Jayden Keiser, Bruce Pedersen; 16) Madison
Emblem, Claire Woodmansee; 17) Loren Knight,
Hunter Mitchell; 19) Gloria Carmichael, Bethany
Harris Anderson, Sandi Robinson, Jack Seliskar;
21) Kelsey McVey, Ryan Miller, John Osslund; 23)
Erica Osslund Allen, Michael DelBosque, Brian
Miliate, Suzana Warner; 24) Ken Bowers, Rick
Rieches, Janice West; 25) Dianne Cusano, Evelyn
Kroeker; 26) Andrew Digerness, Gary Kellerup;
27) Austin Knight, Elizabeth Liebscher, Jessica
Matthews; 29) Aaron Wolfe.
FRIDAY—February 15
8:00 a.m.— Admin. Council/School Board mtg.
8:00 a.m.— Moms In Prayer
SATURDAY – February 16
7:00 a.m.—Men’s Group Bible Study
6:00 p.m.— Worship Face to Face/ Lost & Found
Grace Lutheran Elders
Troy Stokes
Jack Anderson
Roger Bowman
Kevin DeCew
August Fluegge, Sr.
Chris Harris
Joe Livo
Del Morton
John Osslund
Dean Richmond
Pete Robinson
Mark Schmidt
February 9, 10, 2013

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