First Presbyterian Church


First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church
Mission Statement: In response to God’s Power at Work within us, The Weslaco First Presbyterian Church offers hope in
Christ through opportunities to learn and serve.
April 16, 2012
Dear Friends,
As I am writing this, I have packed boxes, open boxes, and flat boxes sitting around me. By the time you read this, I’ll
most likely be moved. It has been a lovely twenty-one months with you. We have journeyed together through the
green pastures, rested by still waters, and some have passed through that Valley of Shadows. Through it all, God has
been faithful to us, being present with us in worship, in classes, in session and deacons’ meetings, and in all our
fellowship times.
In my exit interview with the executive committee of the session, I lifted up some of your strengths:
a solid core of people with deep faith who can guide others,
the number of children and youth,
the intelligence and education of the congregation,
the desire to learn,
the generosity of the congregation,
your desire for mission,
and the added wealth of experience and enthusiasm of your Winter Texan friends.
You are a congregation poised to grow and impact the community around you, showing God’s love and compassion,
giving hope to anxious people. With your desire for mission, many of you were part of the Dream Team, bringing ideas
for mission into clear words. The session has been working on prioritizing what to put into practice. I encourage you to
continue this work. You’ve done excellent work. Don’t lose it.
As I leave, I am confident that you are on a wonderful path of discipleship. Prepare to meet and welcome your new
shepherd who will guide you forward on the path that God is paving before you.
In the words of the late Sybil Mattar’s favorite hymn, written by Fannie Crosby:
“To God be the glory, great things He hath done.”
“Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice!
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice!
Oh, come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
And give Him the glory, great things He hath done.”
It is God’s work we do. We are God’s people – the sheep of His pasture. Celebrate the work before you. It will never be
done until God tells us we are done.
May God bless and keep you, now and forevermore,
Pastor Sonja
One Great Hour of Sharing - 2012
The deacons will continue to take communion to
the homebound on the same day that we have it in
church. If you know of someone who is
homebound and would like communion, let us
know by calling the office or informing your
The Power of Hope Fund is used for helping
families in need find a sense of hope. This is
collected on communion Sundays.
Thank you for filling out the fellowship registers.
We need this for our records.
We resumed our rotational Sunday School
program. Classes for all ages are available.
We will recognize all of our Sunday School
teachers on May 22 at the beginning of the
Youth Group is meeting and is open to anyone in
grades 6-12. We meet in the fellowship hall from
5:30-7:00 on Sunday evenings. We start with a
light dinner and then have games and a lesson.
Please join us on April 29th & May 6!
We took up the One Great Hour of Sharing offering
this Lenten & Easter season. This offering is split
three ways, going to Presbyterian Disaster
Assistance, the self-development of people
(helping in places across the US and around the
world, helping people develop business and
agriculture to sustain themselves,) and the
Presbyterian Hunger Program.
Fish banks offering will go to our local food bank.
Thank you for sharing the gifts that God has given
you. You are a generous people. Sharing brings joy
to others, to God, and to us.
“A Flower for Mom”
On Sunday, May 6th and May 13th
we will have an opportunity to
make an offering for Su Casa de
Esperanza, a family ministry promoted and supported
by the Synod of the Sun, Mission Presbytery, and our
Church. You will be invited to make a contribution
either in honor or in memory of your mother. This
offering will help young mothers get support and
training in infant stimulation, child health care,
nutrition, and much, much more.
Please give generously to the “A Flower for Mom
Our pulpit will be supplied by:
May 6th:
Pastor Phyll Thackery
May 13 : Pastor Jim Rudd
May 20th
Robb Peterson
May 27 : Matthew Jones
Many thanks to these people for bringing God’s
word to us during worship!
Pastor Sonja’s Last day of ministry
at Weslaco FPC is April 29th.
Come and celebrate the ministry
we’ve done together The sermon will include pictures
of the past months activities and thank yous.
We will celebrate with a reception in the fellowship
hall after the worship service. Everyone is invited to
join us.
Thank you to everyone who
helped with youth Sunday!
First to the youth who did an
amazing job, to their parents
who bring them to Sunday
school youth group, and
practice, to Richard and
Melissa for making the
backdrop and frame, to
Mischelle and Roxie for their
assistance, to Sonja, Jeff,
Connie, Wendy and Bryan who filled in, adjusted
and helped wherever needed, and to the MidWinter planning team who allowed us to use their
Thank you everyone!
May Birthdays
Gary McLaughlin
Stephanie Inlow
Morgan King
Steve Kelly
Beverlye French
Austin Cardenas
Sharon Newcomer
David Duenas
Clem Osburn
Hugh Fairbairn
Matthew Jones
Michael Moyer
Eddie Seils
Phyllis Walker
Dallas Dorr
Dick Heller
Juanita Pointer
Thomas Sims
Margaret Perez
Nathan Aranda
Wendy Rogers
Luis Cabote
Vicki Papacek
Ellen Williams
Ruth Meehlhause
Megan King
Kathy Sornson
Lisa Finlay
Marlene Reid
Session Snippets
April 16, 2012 Meeting
The Session welcomes questions about church
activities and asks everyone to pray for our
pastor, ruling elders, deacons, congregation,
community, and the world at large.
A new vinyl sign to replace the current
outdoor sign was approved.
The sound system has been repaired so that
the worship service can be viewed and
heard in the Fellowship Hall.
Dates to Remember:
o April 29: Appreciation for Pastor
o May 6: Honoring Nicole Kelly, our
graduating high school senior
o May 20: Teachers will be recognized
during the May 20, 2012 worship
o June 3: Welcome fellowship for
McCann Family following worship
The Division of Finance provides a monthly report
regarding average weekly Sunday service
attendance and tithes.
March 2012
Average weekly attendance: 120
Average weekly tithes and offerings: $7285.07
Average Weekly Expenses: $ 5900
All financial information is available in the church
What are your plans as you
are leaving Weslaco?
First, I am moving back to
Canyon Lake and will enjoy
getting to tend my garden,
especially since it is a
wonderful year for roses and
butterflies. I will try my
hand at a bit of photography. Then, at the end of June,
I’ll be moving to Kingsville. My husband, the Rev. Dr.
Doug Dalglish has accepted the position of President of
Presbyterian Pan American School. He has a passion for
youth and is optimistic about their future.
How will you interact with those in the church after
you leave?
First, I’ll be back on June 10th for the installation of your
new pastor, Rev. David McCann. I will celebrate with
you the beginning of the next part of your journey.
After your new pastor comes, I will not participate in
any pastoral duties, such as serving communion,
baptizing, officiating at weddings or funerals, unless
requested by the pastor. It is inappropriate for
individuals to ask for this – although, since I have not
been here for a long time, I do not think this will be a
problem. I will be your sister in Christ and will pray for
the congregation and your ministry here. You will
always be in my heart. I thank you for the time spent
with you. You helped me become a better preacher
and a better pastor. Thank you.
But, what will you do when you leave? Will you have
a new church? Will you do another interim? What
are you looking for?
Truly, God has a plan for me. I am open to any of a
variety of positions. I am centering my search at
Kingsville. There will be many opportunities to serve. I
cannot even begin to imagine. My experience tells me
that God is and always has been more creative than I
am. I hope to participate in something wonderful that
God has already begun. But, first, I have to attend to
the mundane details of moving. Remember, we are still
in the same Presbytery. I’ll be seeing some of you at
meetings, conferences, and other gatherings. You will
hear what I’m doing. And I will hear about you and your
I thank my God every time
I remember you.
[Philippians 1:3]
Special Thanks To Our Recent
Hosts and Musicians
Sherri Bagwell
Chuck Hunger
Austin Cardenas
Katrina Rogers
Megan King
Ian Aranda
Alex Papacek
Jeffery Figueroa
Stephanie Inlow
Sue Peterson
Michael Aranda
Youth Sunday
Fellowship: Thank you to the families for hosting
Fellowship this past month!
Special Fellowship Events in the next month include an
Appreciation Fellowship in honor of Pastor Sonja’s term
as our Interim Pastor on April 29 and a Graduation
Fellowship on May 6 for Nicole Kelly.
We are accepting donations to stock up our pantry and
freezer of fellowship goodies. We are in need of any
cookies, chips, easy melt cheese, Rotel, large cans of
fruit, and any other item(s) that you think might be
enjoyable for a Fellowship snack. Frequently HEB has
giveaway foods if you purchase their highlighted food
item, or buy one/get one campaigns. Sometimes these
items might be just what our pantry needs! If you are
able to donate, please leave your items during the week
in the office or with Minga in the Fellowship Hall. Thank
~Blessings to all, Julie Kelly
If you would like to donate flowers for worship, or if you
would like to be a fellowship host/hostess, you may
sign up on charts located in the Fellowship Hall or call
the Church Office.
To all the members of the
Martha Hospitality
How can I ever thank you
for the beautiful reception
you held following the funeral of my husband, Art?
It is so rewarding being a member of such a caring
Christian fellowship. the reception was lovely and I
deeply appreciate it.
All the prayers, cards, and condolences have been
a great help at this sad time.
My deepest thanks, Lola Nelson.
Thank you for your support of our annual church
rummage sale on April 14th.
Thank you to everyone who brought items, moved
tables, set up, and cleaned up. Your help is greatly
A great big thank you to the following people!
Mary Ellen Beard
Marlene Reid
Polly Lovell
Chuck & Karen Hunger
JoNette Roe
Ruth Meehlhause
Phyllis Walker
Ester Meno
Camille Jones
Evelyn Nelson
Minga Salazar
We made $729.95, the proceeds will go to Camp
Thank you to everyone who sent eggs and candy
for our Easter egg hunt. Everyone had a wonderful
Su Casa de Esperanza’s mission is to support and carry the
message that parents play a vital role in the development of
their children. We teach our children about the value of
their parents in their lives. Support us in our work.
We invite you to participate in the Flower For Mom Project,
as a gesture of appreciation for mothers and to help
emphasize the important role they play in the lives of their
Please make your donation in honor or in memory of
Please fill out the information below and mail to
Su Casa De Esperanza
PO Box 1333
Pharr, TX 78577
We thank you very much for your
support and are proud to honor your
loved ones.
(Street, PO Box, Apt. #)
(city, State, ZIP)
Enclosed is my donation in the amount of
________________ .
____ in honor of ________________________
No one is more cherished in this world than
someone who lightens the burden of
another. Thank you. ~Author Unknown
____ in memory of _______________________
If you have someone you
would like to add to the Prayer
Chain for members to pray for,
please call (968-6478) or email so this
can be added to our list.
Thomas January
Connor Cruz
Ruth Armstrong
Randy Petch
Jennifer McDaniel
Amy Scott
Marti Dyrk
Raul and Carla Leal
Casey Damen
Jerri Lantz
Pamela Dueñas
Jay Tirrel (Shirley Anderson’s son)
Alan Landers (Doris’s son-in-law)
Dawn (Jo Green's daughter)
Gerardo Mendoza
(Ana Maria “Anita’s son)
Jim Simons
(Cheryl Lindstrom’s father)
Art & Cheryl Lindstrom
Margaret Housley
Margaret Perez
Dora Aldrich
Melanie Liesner
Bob Jolma
Dorothy French
D J McGroarty
Chris Anderson
David Salazar
Mary Jane Lofton
Randy Petch
Jennifer McDaniel
Gloria Serna
Beth Moore
Don Brue
Mary Vinkemulder
Clint Gebke (Polly Lovell’s grandson)
Mickel Fernández
Jim Rogers (Jim & Barbara Roger’s son)
Lucas Anderson (Orlen Anderson’s grandson)
Terry Osheim, Jonathon Osheim, Joseph Osheim
(Sharon Newcomer’s nephews)
Eric Whitaker based in Nairobi, Kenya (Carmen Whitaker’s son)
Jonita Whitaker based in Naples, Italy
(Carmen Whitaker’s daughter-in-law)
Dan & Betty Roberts (Pastor Sonja’s Parents)
Joe Perez Jr. (Rudy & Margaret Perez’s nephew)
Phil Timmer (Sherri Bagwell’s cousin)
Jerry Lohmann (Kay Gibson’s son-in-law)
Nancy Smith (Kathy Sornson’s sister)
Clayton Vicars (Linda Kopecky’s grandson)
Lois Alexander (Phyllis Walker’s step mom)
Julia Sleeth Mays (Ellen Sleeth’s sister)
Pamela Duffy (Chuck & Kathy's niece)
Janet Thompson(Canyon Lake member)
Orrin & Marilyn Ward
Johnny Long (Pastor Sonja’s friend)
Joleigh Stephenson Ares
Sharon Kopecky & unborn child
Juanita Pointer
Arlene Waughtal
Delores Rettig
Juanita Cloninger
Fran Pellett
Millie Johansen
Joe Barbee
Katie Carter
Isaac Botts
Please continue to
keep Tom & Sharon
Newcomer and their
families in your
prayers. Sharon’s mother, Shirley Boese, passed
away April 3, 2012.
Pentecost Sunday is May
27TH! We will celebrate
the birthday of the
church, the coming of the
Holy Spirit! If you are
able, please join us in
celebration and wear
something red!
New Pastor to come by June 3.
Pastor David McCann has accepted the
call to come as the new pastor of Weslaco
FPC. Come and celebrate the beginning of
his ministry. Meet David, his wife, Hannah,
and their family. Prepare to welcome them
to Weslaco and to the church.
Learning a language
Have you ever studied a place but never
been there? Have you ever told other people
about a place you’ve studied and never
In college, for 10 months I lived in
Switzerland and studied French. And believe
me, it was totally different from studying French
in a classroom in the United States. In
Neuchâtel, I was immersed in it. All the
language spoken around me at the dinner table
in the pension where I lived, on the tram going
to school, in the tea shops at the center of
town, on the airways through radio and
television… all was French. Through effort and
osmosis both – time, lots of time – I acquired
the ability to read, write, and speak French
I wonder if some Christians are hesitant
to share Christ with others because they feel
they have not acquired enough facility with the
“language.” They feel that they lack the fluency
they need and so they do not speak.
As a former language student and
teacher, I know from experience that the way
to learn to speak a language is to speak it. To
do what you can when you can. To risk not
getting it right. To risk looking stupid. To risk
looking foolish. To make the effort, whatever
you can, however you can.
One of the easiest ways to do that is to
take every opportunity to practice speaking.
And it’s the same way with learning to
speak the language of love, the language of
Christ. No, that doesn’t mean you have to learn
Greek so you can read the New Testament. It
does mean that we need to have God’s
vocabulary in our hearts and it gets there with
practice… practice being open hearted, giving
and forgiving in Christian hospitality and grace.
Theologian Brennan Manning says:
"The Word we study has to be the
Word we pray. My personal
experience of the relentless
tenderness of God came not from
exegetes, theologians, and spiritual
writers, but from sitting still in the
presence of the living Word and
beseeching Him to help me
understand with my head and heart
His written Word. Sheer scholarship
alone cannot reveal to us the gospel
of grace. We must never allow the
authority of books, institutions, or
leaders to replace the authority of
*knowing* Jesus Christ personally
and directly. When the religious
views of others interpose between us
and the primary experience of Jesus
as the Christ, we become
unconvicted and unpersuasive travel
agents handing out brochures to
places we have never visited." Brennan Manning (The Ragamuffin
Gospel: Good News for the
Bedraggled, Beat-Up, and Burnt Out)
May you have the opportunity to put
your Divine Language Study into practice every
day until the Language of Love is as easy and
fluent as the first language you ever learned to
Blessings, Grace, and Peace,
The Rev. Linda Whitworth-Reed
First Presbyterian Church of McAllen
Officers of FPC
Class of 2012
Charles Bell
Morgan King (youth)
Debby Rektorik
Eddie Seils
Linda Taormina
Class of 2012
Chuck Hunger
Bruce Walker
Contact Information:
709 S. Iowa Ave.
Weslaco, TX 78596
Phone & Fax:
Class of 2013
Camille Jones
Marvin Miller
Sue Peterson
Class of 2013
Mary Ellen Beard
Karen Hunger
*Jane Seils
Class of 2014
Julie Kelly
Melissa Jones
Todd King
Class of 2014
Ruth Meehlhause
Carmen Whitaker
Interim Pastor
Environmental: Melissa Jones
Christian Education: Sue Peterson
Property: Eddie Seils/ Marvin Miller
Worship: Linda Taormina / Bruce Walker
Mission & Outreach: Charles Bell/Todd King
Finance: Camille Jones
Fellowship: Julie Kelly
Session meets every 3rd Monday of each
month at 5:30 p.m. in the Parlor.
Next Session meeting is: May 21st at 5:30 p.m.
Newsletter articles can be submitted to the church
office by:
Phone/Fax: 969-1535
In person during our regular office hours
Deadlines for articles are 12:00 noon the Tuesday
following regular monthly session meetings.
The next date: May 22nd .
Pastor Sonja Dalglish
Connie Leyva
Church Office Hours
Monday thru Thursday:
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Presbytery Website
Synod of the Sun Website
PCUSA Website
The newsletter is also available on the web at Click on “Newsletter”
First Presbyterian Church
Is a Stephen Ministry

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