February 2012 Messenger - Kennedy Heights Presbyterian Church
February 2012 Messenger - Kennedy Heights Presbyterian Church
THE MESSENGER A Publication of Kennedy Heights Presbyterian Church (khpcsharon@fuse.net) 6312 Kennedy Avenue Cincinnati OH 45213 (513) 631-1114 Our mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with all people as a racially diverse congregation, through worship, service, education, and fellowship. FEBRUARY, 2012 From Pastor Hart Edmonds, Interim: Where To Touch the Elephant The well-known story of the elephant and the blind men has several versions. One version goes like this: a group of blind men touch an elephant to learn what it is like. Each one, though, touches a different part of the animal, and, based on that part, infer a larger truth about what the entire elephant must be like. In one account, the elephant is like a wicker basket to the one who touched the ear, a pot to the blind man who touched the head and a brush to the one who touched the tip of the tail. When they compare their experiences, they discover their disagreement. Each one has his own view of reality, depending upon where he touched the elephant. Someone once said that truth is like an elephant surrounded by blind men. Picking up on this story, I heard a respected church leader remark, “I touch the elephant wherever the elephant appears.” His remark is based on the idea that the enormity of the elephant prevents anyone from comprehending the whole. One can only observe what there is there in front of him or her. The elephant is too monstrous to handle in its entirety. Let’s examine the elephant-touch dilemma as it affects the life of today’s church and even the church here at KHPC. If we think of the elephant as representing the church’s mission, do all touches have the same value? Is there a place we all must touch? Finally, can we touch the church’s mission in different places, disagree, and still work together? I believe we can. Applying the elephant rule to life, one cannot deal with everything: therefore, one must work with what is at hand or known. The same rule applies to the church. Touch whatever aspect of mission is within reach. No congregation has to cover every part of the elephant. Leaders and members of each church need to humbly recognize they are not God’s only agent of renewal in the community. As we embrace our new guiding vision, “God’s Spirit at Work”, it is helpful to know that God only expects us to touch the part of God’s wider mission that is present before us. Discerning what part of mission that we are to address is part of the fun and adventure of being church together. And yet all congregations need to touch tikkun olam, a Jewish concept that means “to mend the world.” It sums up God’s work. As respected church leader and biblical scholar “N. T. Wright elaborates: “What you do in the present-by painting, preaching, singing, sewing, praying, teaching, building hospitals, digging wells, going on mission trips with the youth to Pennsylvania or adults to Guatemala, campaigning for justice, writing poems, caring for the needy, cooking for hungry, loving your neighbor as yourself-will last into God’s future.” Whatever we do to mend the world has lasting value. Everyone contributes. God blesses each and every gift. So here’s a question for you. In the coming year, where do you feel God’s Spirit is nudging you to reach out and touch the elephant of mission and service? Pastor Hart Edmonds KHPC SESSION MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 2011 PRESENT: J. Langhorst, G. Langhorst, L. Battle, M. Highsmith, D. Ziedses des Plantes, D. Herring, B. Young, S. Roerdanz, J. Goings, W. Swormstedt, S. Imhausen, Clerk, H. Edmonds, Moderator ABSENT/EXCUSED: B. Rankin, J. Simmons GUEST: B. Kamp, Treasurer The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. A quorum was declared. Opening Prayer. Reflection and discussion: What do you mean by “missional church”? Missional Budget: Extravagant generosity stewardship campaign leads to a missional budget. Note from Pastor Hart: We must let go of our self-imposed limitations and trust God.” Presentation by Bob Kamp: - Income and expenses for January-November 2011 - Per capita tax to Presbytery of $27 – 15% received. Motion made to invite congregation to make these personal contributions. Seconded. Motion passed. - Motion made to accept report, seconded, motion passed Budget for 2012: - High estimates on costs - Lower estimate on income - At this point the church is debt free with $350,000 available in reserve - Discussion of individual items: Resources – discussed some of the repairs made and those anticipated. Congregation Needs to be kept aware of the facility as an asset Personnel – chairman, Lyn Battle suggested 3.6% increase in staff salaries. Increase largely due to the increase in Social Security. Motion made to accept recommended increases. Seconded. Discussion followed. Motion was withdrawn by consensus. Further discussion at January meeting with recommendation to freeze salaries for 2012. Also, possibly adding 2 additional days off for worship staff. Will ask Bob Kamp to provide changes for that meeting. Renewal of Interim Pastor’s contract. Moved to renew with the same compensation package as for 2011, subject to the mandatory Presbytery terms of call. Seconded. Stewardship: suggested that we continue the Extravagant Generosity program next year. A motion was made to create a process to train individuals to contact members regarding pledging periodically. Continue the story telling related to generosity throughout the year. Seconded. Motion passed. Noted: A reduction of approximately $20,000 was made to the 2012 budget from various ministries. REPORTS: Ray Schulte Workshop: Reactions by those attending. Staffing patterns will be addressed. Our financial stewardship will also be addressed. Annual Congregation Meeting will be held on January 29, 2012. All reports due to Sharon by January 13. Session agreed by consensus. Personnel: Vicki Longmire resigned. Eric Leatherwood will fill in through December. Possible personnel change after first of the year. Clerk’s Report: Minutes from November 1 meeting received with no additions or corrections. Pastor’s Report: meetings attended, Guatemala trip, Stan Lambert’s funeral. Worship proposed for Fellowship Hall on December 25 and January 1. On December 11, a blessing will be given for Rose and Christopher Che’s niece and her husband’s wedding. It was suggested that we change our meeting time to 6:30, particularly during the winter. All agreed. The next meeting will by January 10 and will focus on the budget, the Vision Statement and Group Problem Solving offered by Ray Schulte. Closing Prayer. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sue Imhausen, Clerk of Session NOTES FROM THE KHPC SESSION . . . The KHPC Session met on Tuesday, January 10, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. In addition to the regular members of Session, guests Bob Kamp, Treasurer and Sue Kitchen from the Stewardship Committee and Vision Writing Panel were present. Jan Goings and Sue Imhausen gave a brief presentation of the history of writing the Guiding Vision Statement. After reading the statement aloud, Session members were invited to respond and highlight areas which spoke strongly to them. Discussion followed. The next steps were outlined. The revised Budget for 2012 was examined. After discussion and clarification of figures, a motion to adopt the Budget for 2012 was made. The motion passed. Sue Kitchen made a report on the Stewardship Campaign. Although the number of pledging units was down somewhat, the dollars pledged increased. Mrs. Kitchen recommended beginning the campaign earlier and retaining the same stewardship committee members. The Finance Committee proposed consulting with Ray Schulte to consider the next steps in dealing with our budget deficit. Pastor Hart recommended the appointment of a committee of three Session members to meet with Rev. Edwin Goedecke of the Presbytery Committee on Ministry to discuss the expectations for the formation of a Pastor Nominating Committee. The members who volunteered were Sue Roerdanz, Lyn Battle and Janet Langhorst. The Clerk’s Report and Pastor’s Report were presented and accepted. The Youth Group has committed to a mission trip to Blue Knob, Pennsylvania, from July 22-28. Fund raisers are planned. The dates and location were approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. The next meeting is February 14 at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sue Imhausen, Clerk of Session KHPC MUSIC MINISTRY FEBRUARY 2012 *************************************************************************************************** We are in need of more Chancel Choir singers—and one or two more ringers. PLEASE contact Janet if you can help!!! FEBRUARY 5—COMMUNION/SOUPER BOWL OF CARING Today the focus scripture is from Mark and centers on Jesus’ healing ministry. Communion will be celebrated and the choir will be singing “A Promise for Strength”. After worship, there is an opportunity to be a part of healing in another way. Please come prepared to give generously to the Souper Bowl of Caring-the Youth Group will be accepting your contributions on behalf of the Caring Place, the Children’s Home and the Autism Society of Cincinnati. FEBRUARY 12—Rev. Bob Clary will be our guest preacher this morning and will focus on the story of Jesus in the temple teaching the elders. The Chancel Choir will be singing “To Everything There Is a Season”. FEBRUARY 19—TRANSFIGURATION/COMMUNION Jesus’ appearance to the disciples on the mountain leads us into the Lenten season. Communion will be celebrated and the choir will be singing “The Unclouded Day” for the offertory and Mozart’s “Ave Verum Corpus” during communion. The Adult Bell Choir is tentatively planning to play a prelude. Plan to stay after worship for the Women of Kennedy Chili Luncheon and Hymn Sing—all proceeds benefit the Caring Place. FEBRUARY 22—ASH WEDNESDAY— Tonight we will have dinner together and then a worship service to begin the Lenten season. We will remain in Fellowship Hall for the service, eating and worshipping together in small groups. FEBRUARY 26—LENT I--As we begin our Lenten journey, we will also begin a period of worshipful reflection on our Vision Statement. The KHPC Kids will be singing “God Is So Good” and the Chancel Choir offertory will be “If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee”. REHEARSAL SCHEDULE FOR FEBRUARY CHANCEL CHOIR/ADULT BELLS Usual rehearsals 2/2, 9, 16 ADULT BELLS TENTATIVELY PLAY IN WORSHIP 2/19 NO ADULT REHEARSALS ON FEBRUARY 23!! KHPC KIDS YOUNG RINGERS Rehearsal this month on 2/1,8,15, 29 ONLY. No rehearsal on 2/22—Ash Wednesday. Sing in worship 2/26. TBD. KEEPING THE DOOR OPEN AT KHPC CELEBRATING THE GOOD STUFF “Celebrate God all day, every day…..Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.” (The Message Bible--Philippians 4: 4, 8-9) Recent “good news events”: • The Vision Statement is a reality! At our Annual Meeting, we received the statement that was the work of many months and much congregational input. Thanks to everyone! • We have a new Pennies for Peace total. Our new total stand at $356.87, (that’s 35,687 pennies!) which puts us almost to our next goal of collecting $365. Thank you for all the donations so far and please keep the pennies coming. • The artists of KHPC are making their mark in the community and beyond. Hyeeun Suh will play a piano recital at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 29, at Werner Recital Hall at UC-CCM. (We will be having a group from KHPC attend—please contact Janet or the office if you would like to go.) This is a free event. Anthony Wallace will be playing Joseph in “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”, being presented at Princeton High School on March 2-4. (We will also have a group attending this show, so let Janet or the office know if you’d like to be a part of it.) There is a ticket cost—watch the bulletin and e-news for more information. Abby Langhorst has been named to the 2012 edition of “Who’s Who of American Colleges and Universities”. She was nominated by Dr. Judith Bundra, associate dean of the DePaul University School of Music. Mary Kamp and colleagues are starting a “Dance for PD” class for people with Parkinson’s Disease. Started over 20 years ago by a modern dance company in Brooklyn, these classes provide increased mobility, aesthetic enjoyment, and community for those who participate. Janet Langhorst is also the accompanist for some of the classes. • The Youth Group has committed to a Mission Trip in Blue Knob, PA in July. They will be assisting with rural ministry projects, primarily home repair and assistance. • We enjoyed hearing Tiffany Zents speak on Martin Luther King Sunday. Tiffany is the Presbyterian Representative to the board of MARCC and also spent much of her childhood in Africa with her missionary parents. Want to help keep the good news coming??? Visit the Mission Table in Fellowship Hall to see how you can help. Also, be sure and share YOUR good news. (or anyone else’s ☺) Cincinnati Opera Comes to District A SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 7 – 8 PM Kennedy Heights Presbyterian Church, 6312 Kennedy Avenue Porgy and Bess Porgy and Bess, the great American opera composed by jazz musician George Gershwin, will be presented by Cincinnati Opera for the very first time in June 2012. YOU CAN SEE IT NOW … on FEB 11th in District A. “Opera Redux: Porgy and Bess” will bring some of the best of Porgy and Bess to our community. You’ll hear such favorites as “Summertime,” “I Got Plenty o’ Nuttin’,” “It Ain’t Necessarily So,” and “I Loves You Porgy.” Porgy and Bess is not only famous for its songs, but was a landmark work for its sympathetic portrayal of African-American characters. In 1935, when Gershwin insisted on an all-black cast for the opera’s Broadway premiere, he defied the norm of white actors in blackface. “Opera Redux: Porgy and Bess” is directed by Lemuel Wade, who will also direct the Cincinnati Opera full production at Music Hall in June. A Community ARTS Gift to You. Your Admission is FREE. Brought to you by ArtsWave and District A INFO @ 513.557.3850 www.district-a.org W. O.K. Chili Luncheon and Hymn Singing (Fund Raiser for the Caring Place) Sunday, February 19, 2012, we will hold our annual chili luncheon and hymn sing to benefit The Caring Place. Tickets: $7.00 (under 12 $4.00) Contributions of all kinds of chili: (Please label the chili dishes as to type (meat or vegan) and seasoning) Meat, Vegetarian, White, Without Beans, Cincinnati, Hot, Mild Desserts are also needed, along with chopped onions, shredded cheese and thin spaghetti. Call Sue Ann Spears (751-5014) if you can bring either for this worthwhile benefit event! Tickets are for one serving of chili and one (1) refill. Pints of chili of choice will be sold for $5.00 per pint. This is a great chance to sing many of your old favorite hymns with your church family. Please let Janet Langhorst know what you would like to sing in advance if you could. HELP, HELP, HELP! Women of Kennedy Cookie Sunday February 12, 2012 is Cookie Sunday. Please bring homemade cookies to the kitchen before the worship service. The cookies will be packed for delivery to our shut-ins by Valentine ‘s Day. Please note: We need you to make them Bring them (to the church) Pack them (in the kitchen) Take them (to our shut-ins) (homemade ☺) If there’s someone you would like to get cookies that we don’t have on the list, please let Doris Herring (731-5828), and Lydia Morgan (631-7289) know if you can help. KHPC YOUTH GROUP February 2012 At our January 8 meeting, we did a lot of planning for the remainder remainder of the school year. We will be holding monthly bake sales to raise money for our mission trip and doing our usual service projects. Please continue to keep us in prayer for our trip to Blue Knob, PA, to work in rural ministry from July 222228. Our class time will be spent in studying topics relating to science and faith as well as contemporary moral issues facing young people and how to respond to them as Christians. February 5--Souper Bowl Our charities of choice this year are The Caring Place, The Children’s Home and The Autism Society of Cincinnati. Please give generously. February 19—WOK Chili Luncheon and Hymn Sing We will be assisting this event to help earn some more mission trip money. February 26—Bake Sale Please stop by during Coffee Coffee Hour and buy some goodies to take home and help support our fundraising efforts. Thanks as always for all of your support! Please mark your calendars now for the 30 Hour Famine which the youth will be doing on March 16-17. The St. Patrick’s Day Cabaret will be on Sunday, March 18. Brunch for all and entertainment too! Youth Group is open to ALL KHPC youth--and their friends--in grades 7-12. REMEMBER OUR SHUT-INS WITH LOVE AND PRAYERS, CARDS, CALLS, AND VISITS Fay Bach, Priscilla Burroughs, Lena Freudenberg, Eleanor Kirby, Arcenia Mason, Lorene Robbins, Beulah Weppler. **************************************** Directory Changes: Please correct your phone number for: Paul & Carol Davis: 731-5071 **************************************** Thank You: Dear Kennedy Heights Presbyterian Church & Members & Friends, Thank you for the monetary gift and gathering. It all is very much appreciated I enjoy working with each and every one of you. I will miss you all. MAY GOD bless and keep you all. I’m keeping all of you in my prayers. Sincerely, Vicky Longmire Dear KHPC, Thank you for singing for me on yesterday. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for the cookies, they are delicious. Merry Christmas to all. Kathy Johnson (Janet’s Mom) To Pastor Hart & My Wonderful Church Family, Thank you for the visits, and cards during and following my recent hospitalization! Peace & Joy, Sue Ann Spears Dear KHPC Family, Words cannot express the love I felt from my KHPC family during my sister’s death from this earthly life. Your cards, phone calls, and presence at her memorial will stay with Steve and I forever! Yes Pastor Hart, I feel the love and return it right to you all ☺ See you soon. Steve & Kim Larkin Dear PW of K. H., We want to thank you from the very core of our hearts for the gift to our IHN program. We would struggle mightily without your support. Your entire congregation’s support of IHN hosting at PRPC is important to our success. Thank you and Merry Christmas! Barb Duerant & Carol Burnett, Coordinators Women of Kennedy, Thank you very much for your gift to KHPC in Dad’s memory. As you know, Dad was in 60 + years member. He loved and served his church will your gift to the church is a wonderful way to help him continuing his service to the church. We also appreciate all of the help at the reception following the memorial service it was done so well and was a great help, not having to worry about keeping the tables full of food and drink. Thank you again for these gifts. In great appreciation, Linda, on behalf of the entire Lambert Family. Dear Presbyterian Women, I write with heartfelt gratitude on behalf of myself and the Women who attended the PWP Gathering to say “Thank You so much” for sharing your hospitality with us. Your sanctuary was the perfect place to focus on the spirit of the Advent Season. The Fellowship Hall was so lovely and inviting. The food was delicious! The quiche and salad luncheon hit the spot. To everyone we express our appreciation. I hope to see you all at future Gatherings of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery. Love and Joy, Laura Hovland, Moderator, PWP To KHPC, Thanks to everyone in this wonderful church family for your calls, cards, kind words, and prayers of encouragement as I recover from my recent automobile accident. Thanks to Discipleship Development Committee and the youth for the wonderful box of Esther Price candy for a Christmas treat! Mmm, Yum, especially the dark chocolates! It is a pleasure to work with all of you! Millisa B. ANNOUNCEMENTS: WISE WOMEN BOOK CLUB: The Wise Women Book Club will meet on Friday (note day change) February 17, 2012 at Janet Berger (821-6981) Please R.S.V.P. to the Host. Book: The Cookbook Collector Author: Allegra CARING PLACE WISH LIST: Your generous support of the Caring Place is much appreciated. In December, you may continue your support through contributions of: (personal toiletry items for both men and women, tooth brush, tooth paste, deodorant. Also, the clothing closet is in great need of men’s shirts and pants still, and new underwear& socks for men, women and children in all sizes. The Food Pantry welcomes any donations of non-perishable food items and monetary gifts. Our cupboards and funds could use a helping hand. Thanks for all you do, the Caring Place!!! ******************************************* ********* COMMUNITY ITEMS: HATS OFF !!! We are so proud and happy for Barry Larkin and his family for being inducted into Baseball’s Hall of Fame. He truly deserves to be there!!!! Hooray, Barry Hooray!!! Barry is connected to us by way of the Davis Family. He is the son-in-law of Michael and Gwen Davis, and nephew of Paul and Carol. Again we say how proud and happy we are for you ALL!!!! METALLIC MEN: The Metallic Men meet here at Kennedy Heights Presbyterian Church on the 1st & 3rd Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. February 3: Holocaust Survivor Speaker: Werner Coppell Center for Holocaust & Humanity February 10: Hearing Loss and Hearing Help What Can be Done? Speaker: John Clark Former Chair of the American Board of Audiology BIM BAM BOOM! PB & J WINTER CONCERTS: What’s that sound? A percussion ensemble is in town! Be prepared to be part of the action in this hands-on-concert. February 4 @ Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church, 6474 Beechmont Avenue, Cinti., 45230 February 11, FREE ArtsWave Sampler Concert @ Clovernook Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired, 7000 Hamilton Avenue, Cinti. 45231 All concerts take place on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and last about 35 minutes. Tickets are available at the door or call 513-381-6868. $5.00 for an individual ticket (child or adult) $15.00 for a Flexible Ticket Book (4 tickets, good at any PB&J concert) Under 2 are free! FREE COOKIES AT EACH CONCERT graciously donated by Graeter’s! CALLING ALL WRITERS Over the past few months, several folks have mentioned to me an interest in some sort of writers group being established here in the Presbytery. I know there are folks who are writers, who have been published; there are also folks who would like to explore that gift within them in a safe and supportive place. Most of the groups I am familiar with get together on a regular basis (monthly, every other week, etc.) and simply share what they are working on, what their interests are, informational things like how to get published, and how they write. I would be willing to host such a group here at Immanuel Presbyterian (which I think is fairly central to the churches in the Presbytery. Tuesday or Thursday afternoons are best for me, but flexibility is always the key.) If you are interested, please email me at tshuman@cinci.rr.com and give me at least two possible days / times you could meet, and I will work on getting folks together for the first time. This is a group for both clergy and lay folks. Thom M. Shuman, Interim Pastor @ Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, OH Associate Member, Iona Community 12 19 26 Paul Davis Bob Rankin Jim Walker USHERS & Greeters FOR THE MONTH OF february: 5 15 BIRTHDAYS IN FEBRUARY 2 3 4 8 9 11 12 13 14 17 18 20 21 22 23 26 28 Michael Morgan Robert “Bob” Rankin Rachel Payne Mary Frances Shea Irma Buford Gwen Keith Joey L. Patterson Timothy Sherwood Christine E. Tilford Earnesteen Long Dorothy “Dottie” Bovee Milton Goings Priscilla Burroughs Gladys Gales Dorian Ware Cyrni “CeC” Reed Richard “Dick” Hoffmann Pastor Hart Edmonds Hope Johnston-Holm James “Jim” Long Giana N. Collins Ruth Haines CHILDREN BIRTHDAYS in february 19 26 Sue Kitchen, Captain, Brittany Conner, Allison Singleton, Anthony Wallace Jan Goings, Captain, Janet Berger, Edith Patton, Wanda Smith Pat Keyes, Captain, Paul Davis, Jasmine Dreher, Rachel Smith Melba Morgan, Captain, Bob Kamp, Temple Covington, Anthony Wallace (please call Bob Kamp, 631-4924 if unable to Usher or Greet) Liturgist for february 5 12 19 26 Sue Roerdanz Bob Rankin Bob Young Rosalynne Jason Communion servers 5 Sue Roerdanz (liturgist) Karen Brown Gary Langhorst Edith Patton BEADLES FOR february 5 12 19 26 Loren Billingsley Tyler Davis Joey Furlong Hope Johnston-Holm NO BIRTHDAYS IN FEBRUARY COFFEE HOUR 5 12 19 26 Carol Hubbard Gloria Manggrum & Karen Thomas W. O. K. Chili Luncheon Hymn Sing Pat Keyes & Sue Ann Spears (if you can’t make your Sunday for Coffee Hour in February, please call Carol Hubbard @ 351-8663) Parking Lot in FEBRUARY 5 Christopher Che Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sunday 1 2 3 4 5:00 KHPC Kids 5:45 ALL Dancers 6:00 Alabama Connection – Fellowship Hall 6:30 Adult Bell 7:00 Geier Bible Study @ Geier 7:30 Chancel Choir 10:00 Metallic Men – Fellowship Hall 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. BIM BAM BOOM! PB&J Concerts @ Mt. Washington Presbyterian 8 9 10 11 5:00 KHPC Kids 5:45 ALL Dancers 6:30 Adult Bells 7:00 Geier Bible Study 7:30 Chancel Choir FEBRUARY, 2012 5 “5th Sunday in Ordinary Time” 6 9:15 Sunday School 5:30 W. H. W. – Room 7 10:30 Worship – Communion Souper Bowl of Caring 7 7:30 AA in Room A 10:00 & 11:30 a.m. FREE PB&J ArtsWave Sampler Concert @ Clovernook Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired (Youth will be collecting money) 7:00 p.m. “Porky & Bess” (sponsored by the Cincinnati Opera) here at KHPC in Fellowship Hall Lectionary Text: Isa. 40: 2131; Ps. 147: 1-11, 20c; I Cor. 9: 16-23; Mark 1: 29-39 12 “6th Sunday in Ordinary Time” 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship – (bring Valentine cookies for shut-ins) 13 5:30 W.H.W. in Room 7 7:15 The Caring Place Board meeting 14 15 16 17 5:00 KHPC Kids 5:45 ALL Dancers 6:30 Adult Bells 7:00 Geier Bible Study @ Geier 7:30 Chancel Choir 10:00 Metallic Men – Fellowship Hall 24 6:30 KHCC (Neighborhood Enhancement) – F. H. 18 7:00 Wise Women Book Club @ Janet Bergers 7:00 SESSIONKL Lectionary Text: 2 Kings 5: 1-14; Ps. 30; I Cor. 9: 24-27; Mark 1: 40-45 19 “Transfiguration of the Lord” 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship – 11:45 W.O.K. Chili Luncheon & Hymn Sing – Fellowship Hall 7:30 AA in Room A 20 “President’s Day” (office closed) 21 22 23 7:30 AA in Room A 7:30 KHCC in FH “Ash Wednesday” 7:00 Geier Bible Study @ Geier 6:00 Dinner 6:45 Ash Wednesday Service – F. H. 5:30 W. H. W. – Room 7 Lectionary Text: 2 Kings 2: 1-12; Ps. 50: 1-6; 2 Cor. 4: 3-6; Mark 9: 2-9 26 “1st Sunday in 27 28 Lent” 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Lectionary Text: Gen. 22: 114; Ps. 13; Rom. 6: 12-23; Matt. 10: 40-42 5:30 W.H.W. in Room 7 6:30 K. H. C. C – F. H. 7:30 AA in 7 29 5:00 KHPC Kids 5:45 ALL Dancers 25