Rebuilding Hergon Mission
Rebuilding Hergon Mission Rebuilding Hergon Mission OCTOBER & NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER REBUILDING HERGON MISSION 1 Hergon Mission is one of the outreach ministries of Redeemer’s Missionary Baptist Church. Pastor Bob Carrillo is working with the mission along with Louie, Kenneth and other BMA Bible College students. They are doing an BAPTISM FOR HERGON MISSION 2 awesome job! The church building has always had a problem with flooding over the years and we have tried many things to prevent the flooding from happening with no success, we raised the building, but it still flooded. Now we are starting all over from scratch. Tearing down the old building and constructing a new one that will be raised high ORDINATION S ERVICES AT RMBC 3 NEW FELLOWSHIP HUT AT BMABC 4 CORRIDOR OF HOPE 5 PRAYER REQUEST & PRAISE 6 enough to keep the waters from entering the church. So far this is the progress we made. SPECIAL NEEDS OF ASIA-PACIFIC Please continue to pray for the work at Hergon Mission so that souls will continue to come to know the Lord. Study Bibles (Charles Stanley Life Application Daily Bible) for students Funds for special projects at the Bible School Financial Partners to help with the new mission work in Manila to begin in the new year We will give an update of the building project next month. BAPTISM SERVICES FOR HERGON MISSION As you can see, the Lord is blessing the work at the Hergon Mission. Here are some scenes from the recent baptisms of three young people from the mission. MISSION PH I LI PPI NES OCTOBER/NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER Page 2 ORDIN ATION SER VI CE FOR PASTOR ABN ER A ND PASTO R BO B AT REDEEMER ’S MISSION AR Y BAPTI ST CHUR CH Redeemer’s Missionary Baptist Church had the honor of ordaining two of our godly men as pastors. Pastor Bob is working with our mission outreach at Hergon. Pastor Abner has become our Associate Pastor at Redeemer’s Missionary Baptist Church. We praise the Lord for their faithful service to His work and surrendering to His calling. NEW FELLOWSHIP HUT A T BMABC Thank you, thank you and thank you, to all to of he churches that helped to make this Fellowship Hut a reality. There was a great need for the students here at the Bible College to have a place where they could meet together and relax, fellowship and just have a little fun. The Fellowship Hut has become much more than that to the students. It has become a place of Bible study, Small Groups, class rooms, fellowship, gatherings for special occasions, youth outings for the local churches, and yes, even sleep. It is amazing how the Lord can use a small, simple little hut to bring about the changes in the students lives. “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to t each others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2 THANKSGIVING EVENT Page 3 It's that time of the year again that the poor turkeys run and hide! They know what's going on! Ha! Yes, it is that time of the year that most people are reminded to be thankful. What they don't realize is that every day should be Thanksgiving in their lives! Amen! Our Cancer Support Group at St. Luke's Hospital in Manila has already celebrated Thanksgiving twice. On November 8 th and 15th we were blessed to have two of the Philippines top motivational speakers, Francis Kong, and Ardy Roberto. We also had Pastor Jeric Soriano, who is a well known pastor in Manila. Each of us were highly motivated as we heard words of encouragement, words of hope, and words from their own personal experiences in their lives. They also shared verses from God's Word that we can always hold near and dear to our hearts. We were all so very blessed to hear a gospel presentation by Pastor Jeric about God's plan of salvation for sinful man! There were ten souls who accepted Christ into their hearts! Now, that is something that we can be very thankful for. For many of those present, this was the first time they had ever heard God's plan of salvation. So, we have much to be thankful for! Chapel Hour at the Bible College MISSION ASIA -PACIFIC TEAM Johnny Salas, A True Disciple By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35 Doyle & Linda Moore Johnny Salas was one of the cancer patients at St. Luke's Medical Center. He always had a smile on his face and a kind word of encouragement for all he came in contact with. We became very close to Johnny and his wife, Annie, during our time together. This gathering was a Thanksgiving, Christmas celebration for them in honor of his testimony and love he shared with all of us. He battled for a long time. He fought hard and never gave up. Johnny is now with the Lord and is suffering no more, for that we praise the Lord! Don Newsom Danny & Rita Ballard Alicia Ramshur & Katrina Ballard Doug & Diane Lee Doug & Myrna Kiper Partner with the Ballard’s If you would like to partner with us, Danny, Rita & Katrina and become a member of their team, funds can be mailed in to the BMAA Missions Office P.O. Box 878, Conway AR. 72033 You are missed Or donate on-line at my friend Danny, Rita and Katrina Ballard Block 10 Lot 6 Bloomsbury Sq. Town & Country Subdivision, Talisay, Negros OCC. 6115 Republic of the Philippines Emails: PRAYER REQUEST & PRAISE Prayer Request: Ministries – Redeemer’s Missionary Baptist Church (its outreach missions and Bible studies in Hergon, Busay and San Jose) As I serve as Campus Pastor (discipling, training, counseling students) As I am teaching the 1st year students “The Essentials of Discipleship” VSM Group called the Superfriends (prayer and planning for the upcoming mission trip in May) Music Ministry (as Rita continues to teach and disciple the piano students at the Bible College) Future Ministries in Manila Katrina’s ministry at the Bible College Clinic (pray as she continues helping Alicia with the clinic and the development of the BMMP (Baptist Medical Missions of Philippines) Good health of all and continual healing of Rita Our financial support (salary and work funds) Pray that God would be glorified through all that we do and say Praise Items: Rita has now completed all of her treatments For His provisions this past year for all of our Ministry Team Members (Prayer & Financial) For the souls that were saved at the Corridor of Hope Thanksgiving Services For the baptisms of the young people from Hergon Mission For His love, grace and mercy that He displays to each and everyone of us everyday The Essentials of Discipleship Class