Shepherd of the Hills Evangelical Lutheran Church Keep In Prayers


Shepherd of the Hills Evangelical Lutheran Church Keep In Prayers
Shepherd of the Hills
Evangelical Lutheran Church
November 2, 2014
Keep In Prayers
Dove Mountain and Pastor
Jacobson on their recent
decisions. Pastor Jacobson returned the call to serve in Fort
Wayne, Indiana. For the past
two weeks, he has been deliberating a second divine call to
Grace in Glendale, AZ.
Redeemer and their recently
called pastor, Benjamin
Schaefer, from Manitowoc,
The teachers’ in the
WELS AZ-CA District who
are attending the Teachers’
Conference this week at
Our Christian missionaries
and families in Northern
When a plan comes together
Last Sunday was a very
blessed day. The grace of God
and his faithfulness was central. In additional, so many
gifts of God were displayed in
Word, music, worship, and
festivities. And that large javelina tasted great, didn’t it?
So now what? Now we plan.
Jesus gave the church our
plans in a great mission—and
it was even the gospel lesson
from last Sunday. We have a
mission to rally around the
Word and sacraments. We
have a mission to hold out the
Word to the world. Simply
put, we are to grow in the
Word, glow with the Word,
and go with the Word. That
foundation is what sustained
us up to today. Let that foundation move us forward for
another 40 years. Plan time to
personally read your Bible.
Request Bible studies at
church where you see personal
room to grow. Let the word of
Christ dwell in us richly!
Then, together, we are planning with God to succeed.
Bible Study Opportunities
Eckert: Hebrews 11
Terrell: How to live my faith
Mueller: OT Bible Stories
Mueller: Afternoon youth
confirmation classes
Eckert: Once a month women’s
study, topic: Facing
Eckert: 6:30 Contemporary
Mueller: twice a month, mom’s
class at 9:00 am. Topic:
Terrell: SaddleBrooke women’s
study on Colossians.
Eckert: every Thursday, 9:00 am on
The House of the Lord:
Eden, the Tabernacle, the
Temple, Jesus, the Church,
Ephesians 4:11-12
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching
them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Keeping God’s people connected:
Tucson Area Reformation
The Reformation Service for
the Tucson area is today at 3pm
at Grace Lutheran Church (830
N. First Ave) The theme is
“Your Word Is A Lamp For My
Feet And A Light For My
Path.” There will be joint adult
and children’s choirs and musical ensembles. Liturgist will be
Pastor Adam Mueller from Redeemer Lutheran Church. Pastor Eric Hartzell - Cross &
Crown; Georgetown, Texas,
(former missionary to Africa
and Apacheland) will be the
guest preacher. Please join us
for this festive service to celebrate confessional Lutheranism
that stands firm on the foundation of God’s Word! Fellowship and snacks will follow.
The Grace church parking lot
will fill up fast, but the U of A
Main Gate parking garage is
located across the street to the
east of Grace and is free on
weekends. If you are able,
please consider parking there
so those who struggle walking
can park at the church.
Open Congregational
Meeting & Voters’ Meeting
Pat Weber Retirement
After serving as our Office Administrator for the past seven
years, Pat Weber has elected to
retire effective November 13.
We sincerely thank Pat for her
faithful service and pray for
God’s richest blessings for she
and Chuck, wishing them a
long, healthy and happy retirement.
DVD of 40th Anniversary
We have a few DVD’s burned
of the entire service from last
Sunday if anyone missed the
service or would like to view it
again. Our recorded audio of
the service did not turn out
well, but our video/audio of the
service did work. You can
watch the sermon video and the
history video from our website.
Rick Street
Our pig roaster from last week
is a WELS member from
Grace, Tucson. He stayed up
all night on our campus to prep
the pig for roast—and gave us
a very good deal on his cost.
He did a magnificent job, and
we sent him a thank you this
We will be having an open con- past week.
gregational meeting next SunFood Fund Drive
day, November 2nd during the
We are collecting monetary doBible Study hour. All are encouraged to attend. The follow- nations for Interfaith Community Services through Sunday,
ing Sunday, November 9th we
will have a Voters’ Meeting at November 23. All donations
will go directly toward food
11:40 am following the worpurchases for local individuals
ship services.
in need. If you are interested in
donating, make a check paya-
ble to Shepherd of the Hills,
put it in your yellow special
offerings envelope and place it
in the offering plate. Write
"Food Fund Drive" next to
Other on the front of the yellow envelope. Thank you!
Redeemer Installation
Pastor Wayne Mueller was installed today during their
morning services. He began his
part-time work with Redeemer
on November 1st and will be
there until April 2015. He will
be concentrating on the seniors
at Redeemer, Bible classes,
shut-in visits and preaching.
Girl Pioneers next meeting will
be on Saturday, Nov. 8 at 10
am in Fellowship Hall.
Michelle & Oscar Durazo will
be giving the girls a presentation on CPR and first aid. Parents are more than welcome to
Boy Pioneers will meet next
Sunday, Nov. 9 after the 10:30
am services. All boys are encouraged to attend and new
parents are welcome to join us.
AZ-CA District Teachers’
This week, November 6-7, approximately 100 teachers from
our WELS AZ-CA District will
meet at Redeemer to grow professionally and spiritually.
There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer. If you are interested in helping please call
the Redeemer office 572-8136.
Those serving the Lord—November 9
8:00 am Traditional
Ushers: ................................... Steve Gunn
Chris Scheel
Coffee Help ......................... Oscar Durazo
Michelle Durazo
10:30 am Traditional
Ushers: .................................. Dick Dobias
Terry Winslow
Nursery .................................... Jody Pepin
Sara Daer
Important Upcoming Events
November 2 — Tucson Area Reformation Service, Grace Lutheran Church, 3 pm
November 9 — Open Congregational Meeting, 9:15 am
November 14 — Friday Night Seminar & Supper– The Homosexual War, 6:30 pm
November 16 — Voters’ Meeting, 11:40 am
Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries: 11/2—11/8
Birthdays this week:
Flowers on the Altar:
Pat Weber 11/3
Rachel Mueller 11/5
Gene Saucerman 11/5
Catherine Zadvydas 11/5
Caleb Anderson 11/7
Tori Kalmi 11/7
Are given to the glory of God
by Mr. & Mrs. Milt Hage on the
occasion of their 39th wedding
Anniversaries this week:
Alan J. Eckert, Pastor
520.909.3776 (Cell)
Aaron T. Mueller, Pastor
520.820.6487 (Cell)
Brian S. Terrell, PhD
520.297.6366 (Home)
Pat Weber
Office Administrator
Lorisa Terrell
Technology Secretary
Shepherd of the Hills
8799 N. Northern Ave
Tucson, AZ 85704
520.297.5710; 520.297.8710 (fax) (web)
The Coming Week at Shepherd of the Hills
Monday ........... 10:30 am — Mountain View Bible Study—Stress Management
Tuesday ............ 6:30 am — Men’s Bible Breakfast—Contemporary Catholicism
7:00 am — 7:00 pm General Election Voting in Fellowship Hall
Wednesday ........ 9:30 am — SaddleBrooke Bible Study @ Patrice’s—Colossians
6:00 pm — Handbells
6:30 pm — Choir
Thursday ........... 9:00 am — Bible Study—The House of the Lord
Sunday............... 8:00 am — Traditional Worship Service
9:15 am — Sunday School/Open Congregational Meeting
10:30 am — Traditional Worship Service
Lutheran Contemporary Worship
12:00 pm — Confirmation