The Connection The Connection The Connection The Connection
The Connection The Connection The Connection The Connection
The Connection “Networking together…….to fulfill the Great Commission” September 2008 Creath-Brazos Baptist Association WEEK OF PRAYER FOR TEXAS MISSIONS “For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is jesus christ.” I Cor 3:11 Share Christ. Transform Lives. Touch Communities. September 14 - 21 September 21 - 28 Baptist General Convention of Texas Southern Baptists of Texas Convention CELEBRATIONS Happy Birthday! 1 Ramiro Castillo, Castillo Southern Oaks 16 Dianna Lombardi, Lombardi Living Hope 27 Scot Stolz, Stolz Community Church Happy Anniversary! … to Scot Stolz on celebrating 10 years as pastor at Community Church. … to Ross King on celebrating 10 years as pastor at Community Church. September 2008 • THE CONNECTION • Creath-Brazos Baptist Association The Director’s Brew email Ron at Mission: Dignity It’s a visit I will never forget. I was a young pastor serving a full time church. A fellow Baptist minister in the community retired after nearly 60 years in the ministry. He’d been kind to me and my family when we moved to town. I visited him and his wife in their new home shortly after his retirement celebration. Home was a small camper on a quarter acre! I was stunned. This godly couple had served faithfully for decades. He’d been the pastor of several full time churches. They had always lived in parsonages provided by the church. He’d participated in the Plan A fund of the Southern Baptist Annuity Board, $33.34 per month. Have you heard of Mission: Dignity? This is a ministry of GuideStone (formerly Southern Baptist Annuity Board) that assists retired ministers and spouses who do not receive sufficient retirement benefits. Previously, the plan was called Adopt an Annuitant. The Creath-Brazos Association contributes $200 per month through the budget. Churches and individuals may also contribute. If you’re interested in giving to Mission: Dignity, contact Guidestone at 800.262.0511 or Churches should provide adequate retirement benefits for ministers. Ministers should contribute additional funds toward their retirement plans. If your church provides a parsonage for the minister’s family, designate an appropriate amount of compensation as a “housing allowance” so that the minister can deduct legitimate housing expenses. My retired minister friend and his wife were very happy with their “home.” There are thousands of others just like them who served faithfully, but do not receive sufficient retirement. I encourage you and your church to support Mission: Dignity. Persevere! Hope Pregnancy Center Ron BIBLE DRILL 2009 United for Life Sunday ~ April 5 FBC College Station Dessert & Coffee Mark your calendars now for the CBBA Bible Drill. The suggested date for church Bible Drills is Sunday, March 29. Bronwyn Stanley, Stanley our CBBA Bible Drill Coordinator, stands ready to consult with churches about starting Children’s & Youth Bible Drill/ Speakers Tournament program. Please contact Bronwyn at 979.764.1353 or September 2008 • THE CONNECTION w/ Gov. Mike Huckabee Tuesday~ Sept. 30 ~ 7:30PM The Brazos County Exposition Complex Reservations Required Call Tracy at 979.696.9193 or visit Philippians 2:12:1-4 • Creath-Brazos Baptist Association Aggie Baptist Student Ministry Joel Bratcher, Director • • 979.846.7722 Gig’em Week Thanks to our area churches for helping welcome many new students to Aggieland! Because of generous donations from area church members, our BSM was able to assist 140 new international students with furniture and household items during our annual give away on August 13. Our American students and volunteers from Living Hope Baptist Church delivered furniture to the students’ apartments. Many of these students will become part of English classes and Bible studies. On August 18, a large number of Creath Brazos churches partnered with the BSM in feeding over 2,400 new students during the Gig’em Week Cookout. Area church members served food, grilled burgers, and hosted outreach tables in welcoming new Aggies. Our BSM continued reaching out to new students throughout the week with a lunch, coffee house, outreach tables and ultimate frisbee. Over 600 different students participated in these events. Beverly Parrish Our associate director, Beverly Parrish, has accepted a position as state associate of collegiate ministries for the state of Mississippi. Beverly will oversee the missions ministry for Mississippi BSU. We will honor Beverly with a going away party at the BSM on Saturday, September 27th from 3-5PM. Beverly has done a fantastic job and will be greatly missed! Wait! There’s more AGGIE BSM News . . . The Aggie BSM Former Student Board invites you to join in honoring Barbara Raines for 30 years of service at the Aggie BSM. From 1-4PM on Saturday ~ October 25 at the Aggie BSM Building, a “come & go” Anniversary Reception (with gift presentation at 2:30PM) will give friends an opportunity to honor Barbara for her service. For more information, to RSVP, to sign a guestbook and view pictures, visit Congratulations, Barbara -- You are a blessing! “Speak, for your servant is listening!” 1 Samuel 3:10 See You at the Pole ~ 7AM Complete the day by joining together at the Madisonville CISD Gym for a “Saw You at the Pole” Rally ~ 6:30PM JOSH CRUTCHFIELD, Rally Leader ~ B.JOLLY BAND, Worship Leader All students gr. 3-12 are invited to be part of an exciting contemporary worship experience, Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Colossians 4:2–3 (NIV) September 2008 • THE CONNECTION • Creath-Brazos Baptist Association BGCT Week of Prayer Offering for Texas Missions Discovery Ministry Worker’s Meeting ~ First CS SBTC Week of Prayer for Reach Texas Offering Children’s Ministers Fall Renewal ~ Highland Lakes CCC Details: or 888.222.3482 24 Discovery Ministry Registration ~ First CS 24 See You at the Pole ~ visit 14-21 17 21-28 22-24 Pray for our students, teachers, and schools as they begin the 2008-09 school year. September 30 Hope Pregnancy Center Event w/ Gov. Mike Huckabee October 12 ~ World Hunger Day October 13 ~ Hope Pregnancy Center Golf Classic ~ October 21 ~ CBBA Annual Meeting ~ FBC Normangee Dinner 6PM ~ Worship/Business Meeting 7PM Booth Setup Beginning 5PM . . . Around the Association Fellowship at Field Store will celebrate 10 years of ministry in the Field Store community during a 4-day Hunger & Thirst Revival Sept. 10-14. Pastor Frank Palos will be the guest speaker Sept. 10-12 at 7 PM. George Wood of Second Baptist Katy will be leading praise & worship. On Saturday, 1-6 PM, the church will offer free fun, food, games & entertainment at the Field Store Family Festival with the Toby Walters Band in concert from 6-8 PM. Join the church family at 10:45 AM on Sunday for a special worship & praise service with Pastor John Chivvis. Chivvis Following the service, remain for a BBQ meal with at all the trimmings. Also, the church is looking for a part-time Youth Minister. Contact Pastor Chivvis at 936.931.9465 or the church at 936.372.9465 for more information. Community Church is celebrating 10 years of ministry on September 20th. A special celebration & homecoming is planned for October 25th. Pastor Scott Stolz reports that the Community Church is now meeting on Sunday evenings at the Grace Bible Church Southwood Campus at 5:30PM. First Navasota has scheduled a Women’s Retreat at Caroline Creek for October 24-26. For more information, call 936.825.6597. A new Women’s Community Bible Study is beginning in the Whitehall area. By the way, keep in touch with FBC Navasota regarding a special Round Up Sunday on Sept. 28! Welcome to Christi Shreve as the new FBC Office Assistant. FBC says goodbye & best wishes to Bobbie Burns, Burns who is returning to school full-time. Trinity BC invites you to attend a youth-sponsored Spaghetti Supper on Saturday, Sept. 13th from 5-7 PM . This event will provide funds for youth activities throughout the year. Parkway BC will again be the collection site for Operation Christmas Child ~ Nov. 1717-23. 23 Volunteers will be collecting shoeboxes from 8-5 PM on Nov. 17-22. The last opportunity to bring boxes to PBC is Sunday, Nov. 23 from 12-6 PM. For more info, contact PBC at 979.693.4701 or visit First Madisonville will present The Pathway of Light ~ December 10-14. Minister of Music, Glenn Jones, invites you to take a walking tour through an outdoor recreation of the life of Christ from His birth to resurrection. All are welcome & admission is free. Please call 936.348.2686 for reservations. Coming Soon to a mailbox near you … the BGCT Annual Church Profile. September 2008 • THE CONNECTION • Creath-Brazos Baptist Association
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8 August 2010
We are receiving donations of furniture and household items to help new international students. Donations can be
brought by the BSM anytime before August 17th. Thanks for your help!