Connections - First Baptist Church


Connections - First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
Volume 18 Number 10
October 2015
Ponderings from Pastor Miller
The Changing Season
As I gaze out my office window this morning it is the first day of Fall! Even though the forecast is for a summer-like
day in the 80’s there are some beginning hues of reds and yellows breaking forth in the trees. The season is
I like change! At least periodically I appreciate positive change; change that is planned and manageable.
Sometimes change is radical and overwhelming. So, I have learned to trust God when the changes in my life are
within my box of expectation and when I don’t have a clue where things are going. I am glad that I can trust Him and
don’t have to be in control of everything. So, learning to deal with and to enjoy new things is a life long journey.
One personal change that is occurring in my life this month is that I will have one of those big birthdays. You know…
You have had them…1 year old, 18, 21, maybe 30 or higher. Of course who can keep up with Jim Myers? This
month I will hit the Big 60. I can’t believe it. The good news is that I am healthy, happy and so blessed! I am
thankful and will enjoy what God has in store. I share my birthday month with many October birthday folks, so Happy
Birthday to all my fellow October babies! My dear friend, Nelson Randolph also is turning 60 this month. He is much
older than me…at least by 4 days! Wish my old friend, Happy Birthday!
I want to share some changes that are happening at FBC. We are pleased to welcome our new Director of Music,
Dana Morse. Dana will officially start with us on Sunday, October 4 as we celebrate World Communion together.
She is already working with the choir and praise team to help us plan and grow our worship life. Dana is a graduate
(Magna Cum Laude) from Rutgers University in 2008 with a degree in music education. She is married to her
husband, Michael and has a little boy William, 8 months. The Morse family lives in Bethlehem Twp. Dana attended
the First Baptist Church of Hightstown, NJ as a young person and was baptized there by Pastor Bob Coats. Pastor
Coats is our Interim Pastor of Visitation. What a small world! Dana has been a High School choir director and
teacher. Please give Dana a warm FBC welcome!
The Search Committee for our new Pastor of Discipleship and Family Life has been working steadily over the
summer. We have narrowed our search to 5 excellent candidates. We are in the process of conducting video
interviews with them. Please pray for the committee. This has been an enjoyable journey and we are so pleased to
have 5 capable candidates. We have reviewed their resumes, received theological statements and responses to
questions, and talked face to face. It is a blessing and challenge as each candidate brings a call to ministry, gifts for
ministry and experience that can help us. It will be hard to choose. So, will you pray?
Finally, last week Jill Peters and I started the New Connections Class for new or newer people to FBC. We had a full
house and are blessed to have some excited and wonderful people connecting with our ministry. Be looking for
them, pray for them and welcome them to our fellowship. Well, as I gaze out my window at the changing season, I
realize that is a lot of wonderful change. God is Good! Lamentations 3:22-23 (Look it up!)
FBC Day of Prayer —
Tuesday October 6, 2015
is a publication of
First Baptist Church
3235 Linden Street
Bethlehem, PA 18017
Office Hours:
Mon.-Thurs. 9 am-2:30 pm
Friday 9 am-1 pm
Our Community Outreach Ministries
Sign up for a 15 minute time slot in narthex
Pumpkin Give Away
Editor and layout:
Holly Leifer
Graphics and Technical Support:
Tania Rosenberger
Copy Editor and layout:
Pam Henninger
October is fast approaching. The Bandi Farm will again offer
hundreds of pumpkins free to all, as an example of God's Love.
We need many volunteers to make this work. Friday October 2nd, we
will have 2 shifts of pumpkin pickers working out at the farm. The
first shift, noon-3:30 PM, will be cutting the pumpkins from the vines.
the second shift 3:30-7PM will be loading the pumpkins on to
trucks. Saturday October 3rd is the Give-Away, we will have 3 shifts
of volunteers. The first 7-9am, will unload the pumpkins and prep for
the Give-Away. The second 9-Noon, will assist the many visitors to
the church with their pumpkin selection. The third shift, noon- to 2PM
will be Clean up. Please look for sign up sheets in the Narthex. Thank
you in advance for your help.
John Pennington
Senior Pastor:
Rev. Dale R. Miller
Submit Items to OR
November 2015 Issue Deadline is
October 15th 2015
The summer of 2015 seems like a distant memory and we have settled into a new school
year in Avalanche Student Ministries. Looking back on the summer brings to mind memories
of vacation, a very long road trip, Merge, the Philly Project and a wedding. Yes, you read
correctly, someone in the Student Minstry did get hitched! If you don’t know who the happy
couple is, find a Youth to fill you in!
Here is our line-up for the Fall:
9:45 am: Sunday School
3:00 pm: Youth Praise Team Practice
4:00 pm: Youth Group (Middle School & High School)
Wednesday Evenings Snowball Effect (Student Leadership)
October 9
Open Gym (6:45 pm to 9:00 pm)
December 3 Open Gym (6:45 pm to 9:00 pm)
And of course we’ll see you at the Christmas Boutique on November 7.
Please sign up for our fall trip as soon as possible:
REUNION 2015 November 13—15, @ Liberty Baptist Church, Blanchard, PA
This is a combined Middle and High School event. Please see Josh Carson for more info, or
email him at .
Gary Schulze, Student Ministry Team Leader
Josh Carson, Pastor of Student Ministries
Membership Ministry
Maria Alexander during her baptism
New member receive the Right Hand of Fellowship
Donna Diaz
Andrew & Darcel Smith
Maria Alexander
October Birthdays
Dave Kopke
Emily Kopke
Martin Matula
Annastashia Cope
Robyn Harrison
Janet Schulze
Brevan Ubiles
Maya Beisel
Randy Long
Jessica Vargo
Marilyn Peters
Vaughn Hendershot
Scott Hitchings
Isabel Kopke
Edith Rider
Robert Jones
Kim Kohl
Reed Jackson
Clyde Mumma
Jim Deppen
Jeanette Hoffstadt
Dave Klock
Melanie Dziadual
Maxine Ebeling
Holly Leifer
Sara Rodgers
Our Christian love and
sympathy are given the
friends & family of Mary Starner
Vanderwal who passed away on
Dale Miller
Emma Olivia Schmauder
Bryan Deppen
Carolyn Falasca
Jean Sisson
Carline Maeding
John Galm
Richard Zart
Jeannie Agentis
Marita Perea
Emilee Strange
Marie Kaplan
Ryne Anthony
Andrew Smith
Loretta Watson
Tyler Hartranft
Emily (Heberling) Fornos
Connor Smart
Jennifer Simmons
Alex Luca
Bill Earl
Tricia Worn
Paul Fraihanzel
Nathan Myers
Gary Schulze
October Anniversaries
Gary & Karen Schulze
Dave & Kimberly Kopke
John & Joyce James
Michael & Lori Smart
Glen & Heather Maeding
Daniel & Carol Zamorsky
Michael & Mary Beth Gonya
Alan & Brenda Hittinger
Martin & Frances Matula
Brian & Veronica Taylor
Jim & Ellen Sagazio
Mark & Angela Humberson
Nick & Jean Sisson
Children’s Ministry
The Return of Kids’ Night Out and Youth Open Gym
Children ages 3-5th grade and youth in Middle or High school are invited to a night of fellowship! Mark your
2015 Dates:
October 9
November 6
December 4
2016 Dates:
January 8
February 5
March 4
I imagine you’re wandering into the library here at First Baptist if for no other reason than to
rest and/or reflect. While those are important uses I wonder will the books and study
materials 'catch your eye'?
With the Fall season upon us, education replaces vacations in advertisements and communications. We hear about reuniting with friends (or making new ones), joining groups, tackling
new activities, etc.
In that regard I'd like to direct your focus this month to the Christian Education section.
Housed by itself in the double door cabinet by the Southern window you'll find materials
suitable for either personal growth or group discussion. Many of these booklets are multiples.
Go ahead, visit this section, (dark red color coded) and hopefully something will indeed
' catch you eye '.
Jeanette Hoffstadt
First Baptist Nursery School
Our second week in and things are going so very
well. The first week we had some separation
concerns and tears, (mostly moms) but we are
happy to say we are all smiling and enjoying our
time at school. In the spring we were worried about
enrollment however, we’re happy to say that our
enrollment is growing…..God is Good!!!!! We do have a couple of
openings in our 3 year old program and our 5 year old program if
you know of a family looking for a fun adventure for their 3 or 5
year old!
And keep an eye for the November edition of Connections
to see all the fun we had at our annual
October 16th.
Dear Friends from 1st BaptistThank you for your June Mission gift. This donation will be used to support general expenses of
the agency.
We just finished up the 2015 Summer Camp. Our average daily attendance was 62. The 7-week
experience was filled with fun and enriching activities including the 1st Baptist sponsored trip to
the Iron Pigs game and attendance of some campers to Camp Ichthus.
1st Baptist supports the work of NEM in so many ways. You are truly a blessing to this community!
Thank you!
Peace Ann Gibson
First Baptist Church
3235 Linden Street
Bethlehem, PA 18017
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recently, please contact the
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