March 2016 - First Baptist Bryan


March 2016 - First Baptist Bryan
MARCH 2016
Spring Break
Schedule OPERATION EASTER Ministry
Check out what events are
happening during Spring Break
Learn more about this year’s Operation
Easter including volunteer opportunities
David Booth gives an
overview of Family Ministry
Tenebrae: My Savior’s Love
Operation Easter
Spring Break Schedule
RECAP: IF: Gathering
RECAP: Staff Retreat
Family Ministry at First Baptist
Staff Listings
Prayer Update
Deacon Listings
a word from Jason Dunton
he Friday before Easter Sunday is
historically known as “Good Friday”. At first
glance, this title seems inappropriate. The
Friday before Easter certainly contained a series
of events that were not good. On this day, Jesus
Christ was betrayed and abandoned by His closest
friends and followers. He was arrested, illegally
tried and beaten by the Jewish Sanhedrin. He was
handed over to Roman authorities to be tortured
and sentenced to death. Jesus, having been
cursed and reviled, ultimately died the public and
agonizing death of a criminal on a cross. Many,
including His own mother, were left devastated,
and as they wept over their loss the earth around
them quaked and a darkness covered the land.
Tenebrae is Latin for “shadows” or “darkness.”
This service is designed to remind us that Jesus
Christ, the Light of the World, was extinguished
because of God’s great love for us and His desire
for us to be forgiven and have eternal life with Him.
We would love for you to join us for this time as we
reflect together on the sacrifice of God’s great Son.
Good Friday? How?
Spring Bible Conference
Young at Heart
Join us March 13-16 for our Spring Bible Conference. Come dive deeper in the Join us Tuesday, March 8 at 11:30 am
book of Ephesians with former FBC Bryan Pastor Dr. Dick Maples. Please RSVP for our Young at Heart Luncheon. Come
to for weekday luncheons. For more information see page 6. enjoy a Hawaiian themed lunch and
guest speaker Dr. David Hackethorn.
RSVP to by March 7.
Operation Easter
We need your help to make Operation Easter a success. See page 5 for more information
about volunteer opportunities. Also, mark your calendars for Wednesday, March 16 for Tenebrae
our Egg Stuffing Party. Bring your whole family and join us at 1 pm in the Fellowship Mark your calendars for Good Friday,
Hall immediately following the Spring Bible Conference.
March 25 at 7 pm for our special Tenebrae
service, “My Savior’s Love” narrated by
Ragan Courtney.
Prayer Huddle
Join us on March 6 and April 3 at 5 pm
at the Adam’s residence (1504 E 31st St.,
Bryan) for a Prayer Huddle concerning
Family Ministry here at First Baptist.
Childcare is available at the church.
You can drop off and pick up your kids
15 minutes before and after the prayer
Ladies Craft Night
Spring Break Schedule
Mark your calendars for our special Spring
Break schedule. Join us on Sunday, March
13 for our annual Spring Brunch, followed
by a combined service. Then, on Sunday,
March 20 join us for a special Sunday
School hour followed by a combined
service. For more information see page 7.
Estonia Mission Trip
Join us on our Estonia mission trip, May
Come enjoy our craft night Monday, 11-June 3. Contact Ralph Girlinghouse at
March 7 at 6 pm. Cost is $5 and space for more
is limited. RSVP to information.
Mozambique Mission Trip
Come travel to Mozambique with us
to help spread the Gospel and provide
much needed drinking water, June
17-July 2. Contact Scott Sitton at for more info.
Germany Baseball Camp
Join us as we travel to Siegburg, Germany
for baseball camp, July 7-20. Contact
Gretchen Hanson at
for more information.
“But He was pierced for our transgressions; he
was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that
brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds
we are healed.”—Isaiah 53:5
“But God demonstrates His love for us in this;
while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” —
Romans 5:8
“For Christ also suffered once for sins, the
righteousness for the unrighteous, that He might
bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh,
but made alive in the spirit.” — 1 Peter 3:18
In other words, the “good” about Good Friday is
that Jesus Christ died the death meant for you and
me. He took our place upon the cross. This is the
gospel in four words: Jesus in my place.
On March 25, our Choir and Orchestra will be
leading a Good Friday service called Tenebrae.
Operation Easter
2nd annual
his Easter Sunday join First Baptist Bryan
for the 2nd annual Operation Easter, a
helicopter Easter egg drop featuring 30,000
eggs. This family-friendly event is open to the
public and completely free.
The eggs will fly at 10:30 am on the eastern
field adjacent to the church. Participants are
encouraged to arrive early to register and claim a
spot before the drop.
After the egg drop, children ages Birth-6th grade
are invited to join in the fun and gather as many
eggs as they can. Each egg is stuffed with a piece
of hard candy for their enjoyment.
In the interest of fairness and safety, First Baptist
Bryan will cordon off four separate zones for
four different age groups. One zone for ages
Birth-2, one for ages 3-Pre-K, one for children
in kindergarten-2nd grade, and one for 3rd-6th
Also available again this year, are four age
appropriate helicopter toys. Every participant who
registers is eligible to take home one of these
coveted prizes. In addition to the prizes, every
child who attends a worship service will leave with
bag full of fantastic goodies.
Along with the epic egg drop, First Baptist Bryan
will host two worship services on Easter Sunday.
A traditional service will begin at 9 am and a
contemporary service will be held immediately
following the egg drop. Everyone is invited to
attend either service.
Pick up your yard
signs and business
cards in the atrium!
Fill out a volunteer
card and place it in the
offering plate to sign up
• Childcare - We need volunteers to help with
childcare for children ages Birth-3 during both
worship services.
• Child Registration - We need people to ass
in registering kids ages Birth-3 for childcare for
the worship services.
• Parking Lot - We need volunteers to help
direct traffic in the parking lot and direct people
to the overflow lot in the Lowe’s parking lot.
Also, need a CDL holder to drive shuttle.
• Welcome Tent - We need volunteers to man
the welcome tents outside to help direct visit
towards the childcare registration tables and
correct age specific zones for their children.
• Field Preparation - We need a team to help
prepare the field before the event by cordonin
off each zone with temporary fencing.
• Greeters - We are looking for outgoing
individuals who will greet visitors as they arriv
and direct them to the welcome tents or
childcare registration tables.
• Prayer Volunteers - There will be prayer tent
located next to the welcome tents outside. We
need volunteers to offer to pray with anyone
who may come by.
• Stage Transition - We need volunteers to
with stage transition between worship services
and set up and tear down sound system
Spring Break Schedule
Spring Bible Conference
This Spring Break join us for our annual Spring
Bible Conference, featuring our former pastor Dr.
Dick Maples as he leads a study in the book of
A native Texan and graduate of Southwestern
Theological Seminary, Dr. Maples has served
as pastor of numerous Baptist churches across
Texas, as an adjunct professor at Dallas Baptist
University, as a trustee of Hardin-Simmons, East
Texas Baptist and the University of Mary Hardin
Baylor, and as president of the Baptist General
Convention of Texas. Dr. Maples currently resides
with his wife, Mary Jo, in Guntersville, Alabama.
This year’s conference kicks off in our combined
Sunday morning worship service on March 13 with
Dr. Maples delivering his message from the pulpit.
The conference continues with a Sunday evening
session at 6 pm and weekday luncheons MondayWednesday beginning at 11:30 am. John Mathews
and Jason Dunton will lead music throughout the
conference. A full schedule is available below.
RSVP to to reserve your spot for
the weekday luncheons.
Conference Schedule
Sunday Morning...........................“Amazing Grace”................................Ephesians 2:1-10
Sunday Evening.................. “The Doxology of Salvation”.......................Ephesians 1:1-14
Monday............................. “Paul’s Prayers for the Church”...................Ephesians 1:15-27
Tuesday......................................“The Plea for Unity”..............................Ephesians 4:1-14
Wednesday.................................. “Spritual Warfare”..............................Ephesians 6:10-20
Easter Egg Stuffing Party
With Easter only a few weeks away, Operation
Easter preparation is in full swing. We have
over 30,000 Easter eggs to stuff before our epic
helicopter drop on Easter Sunday.
On March 16, join us at 1 pm, immediately
following the Spring Bible Conference in the
Fellowship Hall for our Egg Stuffing Party. Bring
your whole family and help us stuff some eggs!
We need everyone’s help to accomplish this great
task. As of today, our church has only stuffed
approximately 25 percent of the eggs.
If you can’t make it to the Egg Stuffinf Party you
can come by the Fellowship Hall anytime during
regular office hours to stuff eggs!
Meet our ne
Business Ad
Spring Brunch
On March 13, join us for our annual Spring Brunch
at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your
favorite breakfast dish and come fellowship with us.
Then, join us for a combined service immediately
afterwards at 10:30 in the Worship Center.
One Sunday School
On March 20, join us for a special Sunday School
hour at 9 am featuring four master classes followed
by a combined service at 10:30 am. A full list of
classes is available below.
Risen to Reign
Teacher: David Booth, Fellowship Hall
Paul said that if Christ didn’t rise, then we are still
dead in our sins, even though He died on the cross
for us. Why? And what did He rise to? In other
words, what’s He doing right now? And why does
that matter? Explore with Dr. David Booth how the
Bible answers those critical questions.
Selfish to Selfless
Teacher: Jeremy Palmer, Room 136
The Great Commission in Matthew 28 details
a command to reach the world with the gospel
message. Jesus’s last words are not a new
message. They are an important culmination.
Throughout the whole bible God communicates
a desire for all nations to know him. Join us as
we explore the holistic message from Genesis to
Revelation reflected in the Great Commission.
Daniel Web
• Graduate o
f Texas A&M
• Master of D
ivinity from T
Theological S
• Five years e
xperience in c
business opera
• Married to
Raquel, three
Abigail (4), Ju
liana (4), Ben
jamin (1)
Busy but Barren
Teacher: Mikey Osborne, Room 241
Shortly after the resurrection, many of Jesus’
disciples returned to their normal lives—until Jesus
appeared to them. Come learn how to overcome
the trap of normal living in order to produce a
joyous and fruitful life in the Kingdom of God.
Resurrection: Fact or Fiction
Teacher: David Blaschke, Room 231
Come see how this unique historical approach
to the resurrection of Jesus provides us with
good evidence and reason to believe that Jesus
resurrected - even without having to refer to
the eyewitness gospel accounts. Not only will
this strengthen your confidence in the truth of
the resurrected Savior, but it will also give you a
great way to talk about the issue with friends and
Staff Retreat
Recap by Mike Ballard
Pastor of Ministries Mike Ballard
hank you church family for your prayers
last week while we were away on staff
retreat. The retreat was held at the T-Bar M
Conference Center in New Braunfels, Texas. We
drove down as a staff on Thursday morning and
returned on Saturday morning. Some of us had
to leave the retreat Friday night due to the CBBA
Spring Leadership Training taking place at our
church the next morning.
The retreat began with an encouraging word
from Pastor Jim, followed by a time of praise and
worship led by Jason Dunton, our Associate Pastor
of Worship Arts. Our pastoral sessions were led
by Dr. R. Robert Creech, the Director of Pastoral
Ministries at George W. Truett Seminary in Waco.
Prior to joining Truett Seminary, he served as the
Senior Pastor
at University
Baptist Church
in Houston,
Texas for 22
Dr. Creech
began our
time together
ministering to the staff
concerning personal and
congregational anxiety.
He shared with us ways
of recognizing signs of
anxiety and how to deal
with them. Our second
session dealt with the importance of good
communication and how to improve our skills in
that area. Third, we discussed the characteristics
of a high-functioning team. We learned the
importance of trust, managing conflict in a healthy
way, sharing a commitment to a common vision
and goal, and mutual accountability.
During our team building time Mikey showed
us his ability to solve problems using his great
engineering mind.
On Friday afternoon
we demonstrated
the benefits and
importance of playing
together as a team.
After three hours of
ping pong, volleyball and basketball we found
out who the older members of our pastoral team
are. You would have been impressed with the
basketball moves of Mikey, Pastor Jim, and Dave
Blaschke — the younger members of our staff.
Thank you church family for allowing us to enjoy an
extended time together as a pastoral team. I also
want to thank the wives who were able to join us
for a part of the retreat.
God Bless You,
Mike Ballard
Family Ministry at First Baptist
a message from
David Booth
four weeks will be geared toward Parents of
Tweens & Teens. I look forward to this time for
God to knit our hearts together around this critical
Kingdom purpose of parenting.
the 6th grade retreat wrap-up session. Slowly but
surely, I’m getting to know this beautiful family
called First Baptist Bryan.
ast month is in the rear-view mirror and
Spring is just around the corner. Since my
first day on the job on February 1, God has
been showering His blessings on the Booths. We
have been welcomed as family into Carlan and
Vicki Cooper’s home while my family remains
in Winnsboro to finish out Christy’s teaching
contract and the kids’ school year. We’ve gotten
into the rhythm of me traveling to Winnsboro
once a week, and the family coming to Bryan two
weekends a month.
I am so thankful for the warm, welcoming church
family into which God has planted us in this new
life season. We’ve met hundreds of wonderful
people who radiate Jesus in their own unique
ways. The senior adults have been so welcoming,
kind, and uplifting—it has been a treasure meeting
so many of them one by one.
I’ve also had opportunity to meet many of
them by speaking at Men’s Breakfast and the
Wednesday Night Fellowship Hall class. It has
also been a joy visiting with young couples in
homes and around B/CS—it’s been great meeting
so many over coffee or chips and salsa. I’ve been
able to meet other parents and kids by leading
The role of Family Pastor is a non-traditional role,
but it’s more important now than ever before.
Family has eroded so dramatically in our culture
and in churches that it will take a tremendous,
coordinated effort to bring them before the Lord
for healing.
I think of the paralytic in Mark 2 whose friends
tore through the roof to lower him before Jesus.
That’s how I see my role. To gather those gifted
and called at First Baptist Bryan to bring families
before Jesus for healing.
Now healing is not just for families that look
broken on the outside. Healing takes place in
families when Jesus is restored as the Lord of
every individual and every family relationship.
He brings healing and purpose to marriage
relationships and to child-raising so that Christ is
glorified and the gospel is proclaimed globally.
From the very beginning, the family has been the
God-appointed institute to raise generation after
generation to multiply worshippers throughout
the earth and before God’s throne in heaven.
The Great Commission is not just for those
outside our home, but for those in it. When
families embrace their calling to surrender all to
Christ as reigning King, homes are changed and
parents and students are released as Kingdom
ambassadors around the world. Family Ministry is
disciple-making for God’s glory and fulfillment of
the Great Commission.
Family Ministry Prayer Huddles
On Sundays, March 6 and April 3, from 5 - 7 pm,
we are offering two opportunities for anyone
in our church family wanting to seek the Lord
concerning Family Ministry at FBC. We encourage
anyone with questions, input, or a passion for
family ministry to gather together for prayer.
Nothing of eternal consequence will happen apart
from God’s leadership and empowering to fulfill
His purposes. We want to bring into the light any
factors that need God’s healing, as well as begin
charting the course for Family Ministry together.
Out of these meetings will be the beginnings of
Marriage and Parenting Teams that will advise
and coordinate these aspects of Family Ministry
at First Bryan. Both meetings will be held at Kelly
and Rae Adam’s home. Childcare will be provided
with a timely RSVP to Chandler in the church
office the Thursday before. The meetings are
designed to be redundant, so attend at least one,
or both if you like. The agenda is the same: eat,
pray, and seek the Lord and His wisdom in Family
Spring Classes
For four weeks on Wednesday nights at 6pm,
beginning on March 23, Parents of Preschoolers
and Kids will be given opportunity to meet with
David Booth for sharing, prayer, encouragement
and equipping. Couples may come with or without
their spouse. Beginning April 20 - May 11, another
“I Still Do” Intergenerational Marriage Event
Saturday, May 7, 9am - 5pm, we will be
gathering First Bryan’s married (or engaged)
couples of every generation for a day filled
with encouragement, laughter, and marriagebuilding. The simulcast event will feature
nationally-recognized personalities God has
fashioned to build up His body with biblical
truth and experiences designed to strengthen
your marriage. FamilyLife has a long history
of planning life-changing events for couples.
Christy and I can testify that it will be worth
rearranging your schedule for. The cost for the
event is $55 per couple, which includes two
couple workbooks, the simulcast seminars, food,
and a framable marriage renewal covenant that
you will want to make prominent in your home
or office. Scholarships are available. What is
perhaps most significant about this gathering is
a brief presentation about a marriage-mentoring
ministry in the fall that will be of interest to many
FBC couples of every generation. This will give
us a powerful tool for strengthening First Baptist
marriages, and for reaching out to hurting couples
in the B/CS area as well.
God has been orchestrating and shaping so
many people in the First Baptist family for such
a time as this. Christ, the Head of the Church,
is beautifully gifting and arranging us for His
Kingdom purposes and His glory. Prayerfully
consider how you might step into the mighty
stream of what God is doing by calling families
more fully unto Himself.
Love and grace,
David Booth
Jim Heiligman
Senior Pastor
Email Address
Mike Ballard
Pastor of Ministries
ext. 102
Daniel Webb
Business Administrator
David Gusewelle
Singles Pastor
Renee Brady
Children’s Pastor
Linda Litton
Interim Preschool Pastor 776-1400
David Booth
Family Pastor
Jeremy Palmer
Missions Pastor
Jim Adams
Interim Ministry Associate for Adults 55+
Mikey Osborne
Youth Pastor
David Blaschke
College Pastor
Jason Dunton
Associate Pastor of Worship Arts
Bill Wiman
Pastoral Care Associate
ext. 141
David Cooper
Media Director
ext. 142
Aaron Walling
Communications Director
ext. 102
Kay Dowling
Pastor / Membership Assistant
ext. 107
Lynn Bronstad
Financial Assistant
ext. 110
Lisa Lefler
Missions/Senior Adult Assistant
ext. 112
Liz Lindan
Worship Arts Assistant
ext. 119
Chandler Modisette
Youth, College & Families Assistant
ext. 100
Arline Aycock
Receptionist / Single Adults Assistant
ext. 137
Patsy Jones
Children / Preschool Assistant
ext. 121
Jesse Delgado
Director of Facilities
Email Address
Zerle Carpenter
Harry Hogan
Chair Elect
Russell Barrett
Jim Thompson
Lynn Branan
Hospital Visitation (weekend)
Harvey McFalls
Hospital Visitation (weekday)
Rob Brower
Dicky Herron
Derek Moore
Worship Transition
Jake Berkline
Nail Pouch
• The family of Jim Heiligman on the
death of his aunt, Susan McCracken
• The family of Jack Conlee on his
• The family of Jay Hoffman on the
death of his father, Bob Hoffman
• The family of Michal DeBord on the
death of her sister, Courtney Guthrie
• The family of Bill & Pam Maddox on
the death of their daughter-in-law,
Carla Josephine Maddox
• The family of Reida Palmer on her