Prince of Peace Lutheran Church


Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
April 2013
We Are in God’s Hands
Prince of Peace
Lutheran Church
Wuthrich Hill
3101 CR 417
P.O. Box 1182
Taylor, Texas 76574
Phone 512-365-6155
Web Site
Rev. Kerri M. Veit,
Lutheran Congregations in
Mission for Christ
LCMC Texas District
One can’t watch television for long without seeing an insurance commercial. If
you need insurance there are many companies out there wanting your business.
The “Geico” cavemen used to be my favorite but then they switched format and
it no longer holds my interest. Anytime “We are Farmers . .dun dun dun” comes
on I have to sing along, much to the grimacing of my husband. Then there is the
“Mayhem” guy. I think this concept is interesting and I enjoy seeing what next
disaster he is part of. Of them all however, the one that would sway me most is
the “Allstate” guy. You know . . the one where the insurance holder’s voice
becomes the spokesman’s voice, the deep, strong voice that resonates security
and reliability. “You’re in good hands” he says. Isn’t that the bottom line (well,
besides a good rate) that we all want when it comes to insurance . .knowing we
are covered when disaster strikes?
We ARE in good hands. Those of us who have been baptized are in good
hands because we are in Jesus’ hands. Hands that healed the blind and the
lame. Hands that stilled stormy seas. Hands that held little children. Hands
that wrote in the dusty Galilean dirt. Hands that were wounded for our
transgressions. Hands that were nailed to the cross for our salvation.
We have these words in John 10:28, “and I give eternal life to them, and they
shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out of my hand.” When life
presents circumstances that are not in our control, when there are difficult
choices to be had, we are not left alone. We are in good hands – we are in
God’s hands.
Praying with you,
Pastor Kerri
Sunday Schedule
9:00 a.m.
Sunday School
10:15 a.m.
“Hitherto hath the
Lord helped us.”
1 Samuel 7:13
Youth Bake Sale
The Youth will be holding a Bake Sale on Saturday, April 20th, from 9:00 a.m.
until 1:00 p.m. in front of the Tractor Supply Store in Taylor. All parents and
youth are encouraged to participate. If anyone would like to donate cookies,
pies, and cakes, etc, to this cause, please contact Gem Naivar. Baked goods
should be delivered no later than 8:45 a.m. so that pricing can be completed
before the sale starts. This is a fundraiser to help fund the 2013 camp fees.
Council President’s Notes
Hallelujah, He has risen! I can’t think of a more joyous celebration than Easter! He died for us, now
we must live for him.
On 16 March, seven members from Prince of Peace attended the Church Council Workshop led by
Mark Vander Tuig, LCMC Service Coordinator. Mark is a tremendous teacher, full of wit and
wisdom and great stories from his life experiences as a pastor. His in-depth understanding of the
Bible provided us with a refreshed perspective on our purpose as a congregation and as individual
Christians, which is to love God, love people and fulfill the Great Commission. He compared the
church to an “airport” with our mission being to get people from where they are today to where God
wants them to be. What a great visual! The Council will be using the lessons we learned in this
workshop to ensure we set the right example, lift each of you up as our brothers and sisters in
Christ and guide our congregation in the way God intended.
Get ready for a lot of activity over the coming months! Our projects for the year have been
determined, our schedule tentatively mapped and the resources for the needed funding identified.
Our goals are grand, and we will need the involvement of every member to bring these endeavors
to fruition. However, while we are making improvements to our buildings and grounds, we must
never lose sight of the fact that the church is a spiritual enterprise and physical things must never
come before the ministry of Christ. As Mark Vander Tuig noted, “We sometimes spend so much
time doing the “necessary” that we fail to consider the “important.” We must ensure that our physical
activities are always rooted in the same mission…to ensure our doors are always open and the
invitation extended to everyone to come and worship Christ the King!
Yours in Christ,
Beth Walker, Council President
“I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore, there can be any kindness I can show,
or any good things I can do to any fellow human being, let me do it now and not defer it or neglect it,
as I shall not pass this way again.”
~~~William Penn~~~
Pictorial Directory Update
Everyone should have received their photos by now. There are some that have been delivered
to the church and will be given to those people as soon as possible. Megan Medford and Beth
Walker have been busy working on the different activity pages, and the project should be ready
to proof soon. We look forward to receiving the directories in a few weeks.
Member Phone Directories
These are ready, and some have been handed out before worship services the past few weeks.
If you haven’t received your copy, it will be mailed after April 1st. If you notice any corrections
that need to be made for future reference, please contact Maxine Schroeder.
Youth Fundraiser Schedule
The fundraising events to help pay for the 2013 Camp Fees are as follows:
1. Hamburger Meal on the last Lenten Wednesday. — Thank-you to all that participated.
2. Easter Lilies—Thank-you to all that ordered Easter Lilies. We sold a total of 25 plants.
3. Easter brunch—The Youth will be servers to replenish drinks and serve desserts, etc. for donations.
4. Bake Sale to be held in front of Tractor Supply in Taylor on Saturday, April 20, from 9:00 a,m. to
1:00 p.m.
5. Mother’s Day Carnations—More info available as the time approaches.
6. Spaghetti Lunch—May 5th. This will be in lieu of First Sunday Fellowship. Tickets will be $8 each.
The meal will consist of spaghetti, green beans, garlic bread, salad, & desserts.
7. Raffle—Each Youth Family will donate an item for the raffle. The drawing will be held at the Church
Picnic on June 16th.
8. First Sunday Fellowship in September for donations toward the 2014 Camp Fees.
Let’s all help support our Youth as they try to raise funds to attend Camp Lone Star .
To everyone that showed up to help with work Day on
Saturday, March 23rd. Those helping were Brian
Neidig, Harvey Laake, Steven Patschke, Tony Gage,
Shawn Gage, Brianna Sumbillo, Charlotte Vrana,
Maxine & Bobby Schroeder, Wayne & Linda Limmer,
Beth & Tim Walker, Barbara Kuhl, Barbara Neill,
Barbara Nygrin, Betty Warren, Pastor Kerri Veit, and
Eric & Cole Kennedy. We especially thank Bobby and
Steven for bringing their tractors to help in pulling up
bushes and leveling some high spots along the fence
line and to Brian for providing the plumbing supplies.
Other projects included cleaning the inside of the sanctuary, raking and bagging the oak leaves from the
flower beds, mulching the rose bed, repairing the sewer line and replacing the toilet in the Ladies bathroom.
Tony & Shawn also took apart the church model he built and used on the Christmas float and moved and
reassembled it on the south side of the Fellowship Hall. It will be used as a gazebo during the rest of the
year. Lastly, we also thank Steven for bringing his trailer and hauling off all the debris. It turned out to be a
very productive morning.
Recently, Pastor Kerri received a call from Morgan Jackson, who is with an organization
that does Military Outreach. outreach produces portable MP3
players with ear buds that contain the New Testament. The purpose of these is to allow
soldiers in combat situations to be able to hear the Word of God. The sticks are provided to
military chaplains and military personnel must request them. If a soldier listens for 28
minutes each day, he/she can hear the whole New Testament in 40 days. The chaplains
have more requests for these than they can provide and are asking for monetary help. The
cost for each Bible stick is $25. An offering jug will be provided in the Fellowship Hall for
those wishing to donate and all donations collected will be sent to this organization to help
support the Bible Stick effort. All donations will be greatly appreciated—let’s fill the jug!
April Worship Leaders
May Worship Leaders
April 7 Mallory Randig
May 5 Shawn Gage
April 14 Morgan Schmidt
May 12 Andrew Houghtaling
April 21 Madison Talley
May 19 Dallas Meiske
April 28 Brandon Kuhl
May 26 Caleb Naivar
April 7 Magen Bork
May 5 Gem Naivar
April 14 Jean Daniels
May 12 Brian Neidig
April 21 Anthony Gage
May 19 Paulette Patschke
April 28 Megan Medford
May 26 Macey Randig
Jean Daniels
Cindy Anderson
Beth Walker
Justin Anderson
Tim Walker
Curtis Neidig
Communion Assistants
April 7 Charlotte Vrana
Communion Assistants
May 5 Betty Warren
April 21 Beth Walker
May 19 Gem Naivar
Altar Guild
April 7 G. Naivar, C. Eiben, B. Warren
Altar Guild
May 5 G. Naivar, C. Eiben, B. Warren
April 14 G. Naivar, C. Eiben, B. Warren
May 12 G. Naivar, C. Eiben, B. Warren
April 21 B. Nygrin, B. Neill, P. Patschke
May 19 B. Nygrin, B. Neill, P. Patschke
April 28 B. Nygrin, B. Neill, P. Patschke
May 26 B. Nygrin, B. Neill, P. Patschke
Church—Barbara Kuhl (352-7957)
Cemetery—Paulette Patschke (365-8421)
Prayer Chains
Barbara Nygrin (352-6617)
Paulette Patschke —
Council Members
Beth Walker-Pres.
Cindy Anderson
Anthony Gage-V. Pres.
Wayne Limmer
Brian Neidig-Sec.
Curtis Neidig
Barbara Kuhl
Jason Talley
Harvey Laake
“We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill
April 4
Kaitlyn Hartnagel
April 19 Courtney Schmidt
April 7
Rodney Neidig
April 24 Chase Waid
April 11 Donna Stauffer
April 26 Randy Hehmann
April 15 Shannon Hartnagel
April 11
April 22
Douglas & Donna Stauffer
Kevin & Janet Preuss
31 years
16 years
April 29
Steven & Paulette Patschke
40 years
Make an appointment for you and a loved one today.
Where: Taylor—The KC Hall
When: Thursday, May 2, 2013
Pre-registration is required. Call: 1-800-324-1851 Priority Code: HSC7668
To register on-line go to
Complete flyers will be available in the Fellowship Hall.
April Flower Chart
April 7 Gem Naivar & Dorothy Walther
April 14 Anthony Gage, Shawn Gage, &
Magen Bork
April 21 Open
April 28 Open
Flower Chart Dates Available
The 2013 Flower Chart is available in the Narthex.
If you would like to provide the flowers on a certain date or dates,
please sign up as soon as possible or contact Barbara Nygrin,
and let her know which dates you would prefer.
L.A.F. (Lutheran Adult Fellowship)
Don’t forget—Easter Brunch on Sunday, March 31st will be held after the 9:00 a.m. Worship
Service. Everyone is invited to provide a brunch-type dish of your choice. Juice and coffee will
be provided. Invite your family and friends.
On April 14th, LAF will be sponsoring a “Dutch Treat” Lunch at the Downtown Café in
Thorndale at 11:30 a.m. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall through Sunday,
April 7 so that seating arrangements can be reserved as a group. Everyone is invited to attend.
WinGS News
The monthly Bible Study and General Meeting are scheduled for Tuesday,
April 9th, at 7:00 p.m. Pastor Kerri will be leading the Bible Study.
One Month Away
Coming up on May 4th, will be the Taylor Zest Fest. WinGS will once again be participating with
our Bake & Plant Sale, so find those favorite bake sale recipes and get those plants started. It
will be here before you know it. This is the only fundraiser that WinGS holds each year to fund
our activities , the Bereavement Fund, and the Scholarship Fund. All help is greatly appreciated.
WinGS is for ALL women at Prince of Peace. Each of us can use our spiritual gifts for the glory of
God and the encouragement of one another. WinGs is a growing ministry that welcomes your
participation, questions, and ideas. It is the purpose of WinGs to promote lasting friendships
through fellowship and service to our church family, our community, and other meaningful
outreaches. Let us join hands and hearts in the accomplishment of this purpose.
All women of the congregation, along with spouses and/or friends
are invited to participate in any or all of the Circle activities.
First Sunday Fellowship
Hosting First Sunday Fellowship on April 7 will be
Melissa Randig, Tammy Talley & Linda Limmer
May 5, 2013—Youth Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
The 2013 Sign-up sheet is posted on the kitchen bulletin board in
the Parish Hall. Dates still available are June, July, & August.
Your help is always appreciated.
Sunday School
10:15 a.m. each Sunday morning
If you would like to help, please contact Gem Naivar,
Steve Patschke, Sr., or Pastor Kerri.
I know God loves me because
He has given me ears to hear and eyes to see.
The Bible teaches us to pray. Bus sometimes we may wonder, “Does God really hear my prayers?
Does God really see me? Does he really hear me? Psalm 94:9 tells us that God has given us ears
to hear and eyes to see. Without ears we couldn’t hear a bird sing or a friend laugh. Without eyes
we couldn’t see to read a book or work a puzzle. Is it possible that the One who created our eyes
and ears cannot see and hear for Himself? Absolutely not! He hears every prayer and sees every
“Does he who implanted the ear not hear? Does he who formed the eye not see?”
Psalm 94:9
The Story of Mary Magdalene
From 100 Bible Heroes
“Mary Magdalene was committed to Jesus.”
Mary Magdalene was a woman whose life had been changed. Jesus had saved her! After Jesus
saved her, Mary Magdalene followed Him for the rest of her life. She followed Jesus during His
ministry. She followed Him to Calvary to witness the crucifixion. She followed Jesus to His tomb.
She was among the first to hear the angel say, “He is risen.” But perhaps her greatest joy was
seeing the risen Savior!
“He is not here; he has risen.”
Matthew 28:6
Youth Bible Class
The Youth Bible Class will be held on Wednesday, April 3, at 4:15 p.m. (after school) at the
Prince of Peace Fellowship Hall. This class is designed to help prepare the children
for their future confirmation classes. Snacks will be available.
Confirmation Class Schedule
Confirmation classes are held on Monday afternoons at 4:15 p.m. (after school)
at the Prince of Peace Fellowship Hall. Dates are subject to change.
Monday, April 8
Monday, April 22
Please keep these listed and those you hold dear to your heart in prayer:
Martha Wagner
Florence Kruse
Werner Stauffer
Lillie Krieg (Pflugerville Care)
Dorothy Walther
Phillip Gage
Lee Schaefer
Karrie Oertli
Marjorie Harris
Pam Walther
Clarence Nygrin
Malinda Houghtaling
Zack McDonald
Raeanne Jones
Violet Naivar
Ida Watkins
George Bergquist
Ricky Meiske
Jacob Koenig & parents, Amy & Josh Koenig
Lord, look upon us with eyes of mercy, may your healing hand rest upon us, may your life-giving
powers flow into every cell of our bodies and into the depths of our souls, cleansing, purifying,
restoring us to wholeness and strength for service in your Kingdom. Amen.
Parish Hall and Church Rental
If you wish to rent the Parish Hall or the Church for some occasion such as birthday parties, showers,
family reunions, weddings, etc., please contact Maxine Schroeder for rental information.
Phone: 512-862-3347 Cell: 512-269-8405
May Newsletter Articles
All articles for the May newsletter are due to Maxine by or no later than
Tuesday, April 23rd.
Newsletter Delivery
For everyone who has an e-mail address, the newsletter will be e-mailed to you. There will be some
printed copies available at the church on each 4th Sunday of the month for the month following. The only
exception will be in months with five Sundays. Copies will be mailed via USPS to the shut-ins, those
without e-mail (unless you pick up a copy in church), or to those who request it to be mailed. Let us know
your preference. We do not want to exclude anyone.
If you have an e-mail address, but have not been receiving any of the e-mailed notifications, and would
like to be included, please send your address to:; or to Your e-mail address will be kept confidential. If
you know of anyone that would like to receive the newsletter, please send that name and address as well.
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 1182
Taylor, Texas 76574
April Newsletter
Address Label
Mission Statement
Our mission is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, as it is revealed
through our heritage and reflected in our hope for the future.