December 2014 - Carlton Hills Lutheran Church


December 2014 - Carlton Hills Lutheran Church
The Echo
No. 12-2014
Santee, CA
The Monthly Newsletter of:
Carlton Hills Evangelical Lutheran Church
9735 Halberns Blvd., Santee, CA 92071
Voice/Fax: (619) 448-1888
U.S. Postage
El Cajon, CA
Permit No. 371
Carlton Hills Evangelical Lutheran Church Council and Staff
John Sevcik
Pete Callaway
Vice President
Tammy Halloran
Bethany Timan
Financial Secretary
Rich Setzer
Belinda Karge
Children and Youth Ministry
Youth & Family Minister
John Sevcik
Pam Meyers
Laura Vaughan
Lee Strand
Steve Schmidtke
Mutual Ministry
Committee Members
Rick Schowalter
Steve Schmidtke
Amanda Botzer
Parish Education
Mary Thomas
Worship - Traditional
Ellie Timan
Coordinator-Stephen Ministry
Keri Hyles
Nathan Wentz
Mary Thomas
Jennifer Brown
Prayer Chain, 449-1645
Lynn Nickel
Marvin Hamilton
Choir Director
showers. Why not ask members of our church to
“adopt-a-college student” and open up their house
to a needy student? The Lutheran-Episcopal
campus ministry could screen the students for
adoption and we could ask the students to attend
church with their host families. We could add to
the church a group of young adults which is the
age group that is hardest to reach with the faith.
We could be like Timothy in the Bible verse above
and strengthen these students in their faith and
keep them from being shaken in their troubles.
What a rare opportunity to grow our church with
the resources we already have and to see our
church grow.
Pastor’s Page
1 Thessalonians 3:2 “We sent Timothy to visit
you. He is our brother and God’s co-worker in
proclaiming the Good News of Christ. We sent
him to strengthen you, to encourage you in your
faith, and to keep you from being shaken by the
troubles you were going through.”
The Apostle Paul wrote this to encourage the
church in Thessalonica. But Paul did more than
just write the letter. Paul also sent Timothy to
personally “strengthen you, encourage you in your
faith, and to keep you from being shaken by the
troubles you were going through”.
We recently added a 17 year old to our
confirmation class. His name is Garret and he
came to our Bible study from “One Salvation” the
youth led worship service that meets at our church
on Tuesday evenings.
I have this year’s
confirmation class meet with the adult study at
10:30am on Sunday mornings. I do this because I
had no new confirmation students this year and I
have only two confirmands returning from last
year. I wanted to multitask and get two classes
done at once. But the wonderful side benefit is to
have our adults in the class who are mostly older
generation seniors, share their faith with our
confirmands. You should have heard them
encourage Garret last week in his faith. Garret
comes from a family where he was never
introduced to a church but now he has 4 adopted
grandparents and two father figures, encouraging
his growth in the faith. I felt like I was in heaven.
The spirit was so strong as all the adults
encouraged Garret’s growth in faith.
I mentioned in my sermon last week on
November 9th that I went to SDSU to hear a group
of students at San Diego State University talk
about being homeless. The event was in part
sponsored by the Lutheran-Episcopal Campus
ministry called Agape House. I know the Lutheran
pastor of Agape House, Pastor Darren Johnson.
He invited me and the other Lutheran Pastors in
our area.
I was deeply moved by what I heard.
Students were talking about how hard it is to
make ends meets financially as a student.
One talked about needing to “couch surf”
because they cannot afford to have a place of their
own. To “couch surf” means that they find a
friend with a couch and that becomes their bed for
the night. Others sleep in their cars. Others work
40 hours a week at a minimum wage to stay with 4
others in a small apartment.
They are at college because of loans or a
scholarship, but room and board is an extra they
cannot afford. One said they are $40,000 in debt
with a 10% interest rate. One said they commute
four hours every day by the trolley to stay at home
and save money on housing.
We could do the same on a more personal level
with these homeless college students.
In my devotion from Oswald Chambers where I
took the Bible reference from 1 Thessalonians, it
A place to sleep and shower is not the only need.
Many of these homeless students are also very
hungry. They eat at best one meal a day, if you
can count a granola bar or an apple “a meal”.
“I have to learn that the aim in life is God’s, not
mine. God is using me from His great personal
standpoint, and all He asks of me is that I trust
Him.” Later the devotion says: “Because God
leads us, we don’t know where we are going”.
I went away thinking that in our church we must
have many homes with spare bedrooms and
I am sure none of you ever felt you could open
your home to a stranger and nurture them in the
faith. But I feel this is God’s idea and I need to
ask. I had two homes on Sunday say they are
interested. Are there others?
Church E-mail Mailings
Would you like to be included on the church email list? Do you want some bit of news e-mailed
to the congregation? An e-mail list is being
compiled by the church office and you can add
yourself to the group list by just dropping a note
into the offering plate or calling the church office
at 448-1888. If you would like to e-mail something
please submit the request in writing after checking
with Pastor Rick. All e-mails sent will be sent
without listing the e-mail addresses of the others
who are receiving the information. This is called a
“blind” e-mailing and is meant to protect these
addresses from reaching someone who is not
authorized to send e-mail to our church members
without permission.
I will recruit one of the homeless students I
heard at SDSU to come to our church and share
their story with us. If I continue to get families
who are interested in adopting-a-college student,
we will meet together and decide how we can best
get paired with a student and what kind of
expectations we would have for those we open our
homes up to.
Let’s see where God is leading us.
At Christmas we think of a homeless Christ
family who found room to stay in a barn. Can we
do no less for a few homeless students among us?
Daily Devotions
Pastor Rick
Would you like to be a part of our church’s daily
devotions? Just let Pastor Rick or the Church
Office know your e-mail address and you can
received the daily devotions via e-mail or stop by
the table in the back of the church and pick up last
week’s list of daily devotions. Most of the
devotions are written by Pastor Rick but some are
shared by members on the list. If you want to
submit a devotion to the list that has now grown to
over 120 participants just write to Pastor Rick at What a great way to have
Bible study a part of your everyday life a little
Scripture at a time.
Finances And Attendance For October
October Finances:
Feed the Homeless
Monday, December 1st
Senior Lunch
TACO (Third Ave Charitable Organization)
Feeds the Homeless at First Lutheran Church,1430
3rd Ave. in San Diego.
The second Tuesday of the month when you are
invited to the Senior Lunch at a local restaurant
beginning at 11:30am on December 9th at Black
Angus at 1000 Graves Ave. El Cajon.
Let Pastor Rick know if you want to help. We
will meet in the church parking lot at 2:30p.m.
Thursday Bible Studies
Thursdays in October Pastor Rick is offering a
Bible Study. The study is at the Schowalter home
at 1630 Whitsett Drive in El Cajon at 6:00am to
Come and join us!
Bible Studies for the Fall
God’s Gifts
Began Wednesday, January 21st and will meet
for the next 10 Wednesdays from 6:00pm to
We will have Bible study on the book of
Acts on the second and fourth Saturdays of
the month
December 13th and 27th
The theme for this 10 weeks series is:
“Building A Firm Foundation”
At the Kaffee Meister in Santee
At 4:30pm
Everyone Welcome!!
God’s Gifts is a children’s ministry for K-6th
graders and provides weekly lessons that can be
taken home and brought back each week for prizes
and rewards.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
With our Confirmands
Led by Pastor Rick
In the Library from 10:30am – 11:15am
On the book of Genesis
A free reward party is planned on the 10th week.
Come experience the fun and learning.
Parade of Lights
Church Council
Our Christmas Caroling boat trip is coming up
soon, on December 14th. Everyone that is going
needs to see Pam Meyers at church to give her
your check and get on the official roster.
Sunday, December 21st at 11:00am
Flowers Each Sunday
Would you like to recognize a special event,
such as a birthday or anniversary, or honor a loved
one by having flowers placed on the altar of the
church on Sundays? There is a sign-up calendar in
the back of the church. Pick the Sunday or
Sundays on which you would like flowers placed
and print your name and phone number on the
calendar. Call Jean Setzer at 619-449-0785 and
tell her if you would like to have an arrangement
for $20.00 or if you will bring your own
arrangement. The bulletin will indicate that you
have provided flowers for the occasion.
Ok... here are a few things everyone should
know. The charter is with H&M Landing in Point
Loma at 2803 Emerson Street, San Diego, CA. We
need to be there at 4:30pm. We are going to meet
at the church at 3:30pm for car pooling. We are
doing this not only to be green but also because
parking there is at a premium. There is a parking
lot available for $8 or park on a side street and do
some walking.
What to bring... The water front can get pretty
cold at night. So everyone needs to dress warmly
and bring a heavy coat. You may also want gloves,
hat, scarf, etc. Bring a small flash light to read the
words of the songs we will be singing.
Christmas Eve Worship
7:00pm - December 24th
Reception will Follow
We are not planning on having a cook on the
boat, so bring something to eat for dinner. We also
will need as many thermoses of coffee and hot
chocolate to share as we can get. If you can bring
cookies, cup cakes, ect to share that would be
great. Please do not bring any alcohol, however,
you may buy beer and soft drinks on the boat.
Budget and Elections
Annual Meeting
Sunday, December 7th at 10:30am
Christ Bearers
If you have any questions call me at (619) 4494171 or (619) 729-8114. I can't wait for us all to
weigh anchor and get under way.
Saturday, December 20th at 9:00am
The eyes and ears of caring!
Love you all,
Pete Callaway II
Women’s bible study
Children and Youth Ministry events
All women are welcome to attend the women’s
bible study on Thursday’s from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00
a.m. in the church office. The study uses the
women of faith series (cost is $10 for the book;
however, book is not required). Make time for
yourself and join a dedicated group of women to
study God’s word with discussion and prayer..
10th year Camp Reunion
Save the date! Saturday December 13th at 2:00
p.m. we are inviting the congregation, all camp
and staff alumni to a 10th year camp celebration.
We will show past performance videos, sing camp
and Christmas songs and enjoy cake to celebrate
our successful ten years. We will also have a silent
auction to raise money for camp scholarships. If
anyone wants to donate to the silent auction, let
Belinda Karge know.
One Salvation
Confirmation and High School Worship opportunity
One Salvation meets at 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
every Tuesday night. This opportunity is open to
high school youth and middle school youth who
have been confirmed or are currently participating
in confirmation.
During this time the youth
worship together, fellowship, talk seriously about
life’s events, play games, pray, and share God’s
love with one another. After this time of service,
from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. youth are encouraged
to bring their homework and receive support or
just hang out and do homework together in a
“study hall” format. Belinda Karge and Selina
Weber facilitate along with young adults Daniel
Timan and Alissa Perna. The youth will also be
ushering at the 9:00 a.m. Sunday service and for
Christmas Eve. December 30th will be a special
day for fun. There will be no gathering on January
6th due to Holiday break.
Children’s Christmas Program
This year the choir Christmas program will
include the children of the congregation. The
rehearsal will be at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday
December 13th (immediately following the Camp
reunion). The performance will be during 9:00
a.m. service on December 21, 2015.
Parent Time to Shop
Plan now to drop your children off on Monday
December 22nd anytime after 3:00 and pick them
up before 11:00 p.m. Parents you can take time to
shop, wrap Christmas gifts or just have a night out.
The One Salvation youth will be available for a
fun night of games and activities for the children
of the congregation. A donation is accepted and
will be put toward camper scholarships.
Dudley’s Sale
Thank you for supporting the Dudley’s Bread
sales again this year! The youth appreciate your
support. We will be selling again right before
High School Retreat
January 17-19, 2014
The $15.00 deposit is due to Belinda Karge
asap. We will depart Saturday January 17th at
11:00 a.m. and return Monday, January 19th around
5:00 p.m.
December Anniversaries
Thomas & Kimberly Insel
Ronald & Carole Dixon
Pamela & David Blyth
December Ministers
Coffee Fellowship: Nancy Funick,
Lector: 7- Rob Koch 14- Danil Koch
21- Randy Catron 24- Steve Schmidtke
25- Keri Hyles 28- Kathy Darland
Greeter: Ruth Schowalter & Heather Gasner
Communion Assist.: 7, 14, 21, 24- Lyn &
Charlotte Arthurton 25- Sara Paulson & Steve
Schmidtke 28- Lyn & Charlotte Arthurton
Communion Care: Lyn & Charlotte Arthurton
Stephen Minister of the Week:
S. M., Communion
Prayer Loft
7- Ellie Timan
Marian Privett
14- Kathy Darland
Carol Davidson
21- Diedra Zeller
Steve Schmidtke
24- Ellie Timan
28- Marian Privett
Diedra Zeller
December Birthdays
Abbey Hess
Royce Privett
Jack Hyles
Curtis Stark
David Huber
Grace Taylor
John Sevcik
Conrad Reid
Caleb Reid
Emily Byrd
Diana Coletti
Ron Williams
Esmeralda Chan
May Hustad
William Gomes II
Robert Webb
Dylan Grant
Jesus Cervantes
Elisa Insel
Jeff Youngblood
Zackary Stark
Kathryn Francis
If anyone was missed, please call the church office, 448-1888
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