At First - First Presbyterian Church Bloomsburg
At First - First Presbyterian Church Bloomsburg
At First January 2015 A Monthly Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church, Bloomsburg Happy New Year! From the Staff at FPC: Steve, Helen, Lisa, Holly, Harry, and Joyce I N S I D E T H I S ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING ON February 1 I S S U E : Happenings at First 1 From Pastor Steve 2 From the Nominating Committee 3 Church Calendar 4 Mission News 5 Presbyterian Women 6 Staff and Church Duties 7 Birthdays and Anniversaries 8 There will be a congregational meeting immediately after worship on Sunday, February 1, 2015, for the purpose of: receiving the 2014 Annual Report; receiving the 2015 budget; hearing an update from the Temporary Supply Pastor and the Pastor Nominating Committee; election of deacons to fill unexpired terms and any other business for the good of the congregation and corporation. Please be sure to attend. Thank you. WINTER BLUES? ATTENTION ALL MINISTRY CHAIRPERSONS! ANNUAL REPORTS ARE DUE BY JANUARY 8. THANK YOU! Looking for a fun night out in January to beat those winter blues? Then please come join us on Saturday, January 24, at 5:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall for some soup, sandwiches and a few games of Candy Bar Bingo. In addition, a member of the Pastor Nominating Committee will be there to give us a brief update. Soup and sandwiches will be provided by the Fellowship Ministry. To play bingo you will need to bring a canned/packaged food item to donate to the local food cupboard. Each food item can be exchanged for a bingo card. The more food items you bring, the more cards you can play. Hope to see you there! “WANT NEWSY EMAIL UPDATES? From time to time the FPC office sends out news of soon-coming events or new prayer concerns. If you do not receive these currently and would like to, please send Joyce Rex your email address and request to Additionally, if you receive your At First in standard mail but would prefer to get it emailed to you, please also let her know that. Also, if you have a new phone number please include that too as we update our files. Thank you for your help! Remember to turn your pledge forms in for the 2015 Stewardship Campaign. Pledge cards are in the back of the sanctuary and in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you! Page 2—January 2015 Newsletter Article January 2015 congregation informed on where they are, what they are doing, and what the next steps will be. 2015 has arrived! We are leaving Also, later this month, we will begin behind a year of ups and downs, highs the process of forming a new and lows, events that took us by surprise Confirmation Class for those teenagers and others that were a bit more 14 through 18 years old who wish to predictable. Losing Pastor David so soon begin the journey of confirming their after his arrival was hard for the congregation, baptismal vows, joining the church and but I have been truly impressed by the many exploring where they are in their own faith individuals who have volunteered to serve and journey. I hope and pray this will be a very fill in the gaps. Thank you all for your service rewarding and growth-filled experience for all and dedication this past year. involved. As we look ahead, I’d like to share what is in Looking down the 2015 road, we will have the works for the coming year. First, the work more exciting worship experiences, education of the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) classes, fellowship events, and spiritual growth continues. While we move through this inopportunities. between time of searching for a new pastor, I am I look forward to sharing this all with you. very excited about the members of the PNC – they are very capable and dedicated and I have Blessings, full confidence that they will do an outstanding job. Throughout this process, they will keep the Pastor Steve, Temporary Supply Pastor Christmas Eve Service with Harry Lighting the Candles Christmas Eve Service Christmas At First Presbyterian Church Patrick Krupp lighting the Happy Birthday Jesus Cake A Beautiful Service Page 3– January 2015 FROM THE ALL-CHURCH NOMINATING COMMITTEE The All Church Nominating Committee is seeking suggestions for nominees to the officer of Elder or Deacon and to the role of Trustee, Auditor, and AtLarge Nominating Committee Members to be elected in 2014. Any nominee must already be a member of First Presbyterian Church or have become a member by the time of their installation. Nominees ought to exhibit an active faith that seeks to grow in God’s word, that prays with and for others, and that serves others by sharing in their sufferings and joys. Nominees should be regular, active attenders at First and be able to express love for our heritage and hope for our future. Nominees must be team players with a cooperative spirit, openness to new ideas, ability to follow-through on commitments, and wisdom in judgment. For specifics regarding the different roles being filled see below. To make a nomination, simply fill out the bottom of this form and place it in the offering plate by January 11, 2015. Nominations may also be placed in Marilyn Witherup’s mailbox in the Fellowship Hall or given to any member of the Nominating Committee. Thank you for your prayerful enthusiastic recommendations! Kathy Baker, Jim Burrows, Michael Fritz, Christine Fuller, Judy Hunchar, Jim Lapinski, and Marilyn Witherup. **********************************************8********* Suggested Name of Nominee: _________________________________________________________________ To be nominated as: Elder ________ Deacon ________ Trustee ________ Auditor ________ At-Large Nominating Committee Member ________ Elders are called to provide for and to nurture the congregation in carrying out our mission to the Gospel. To this end, elders often lead the specific ministries of the church as related to discipleship, evangelism, missions, fellowship and stewardship. Elders are responsible for the operating budget and, along with the Trustees, make financial decisions for the future health of the church. Deacons serve in the ministry of compassion and service by helping to provide for the needs of our congregation and local community. Trustees oversee the endowment fund and make recommendations for long-term growth and financial stability. Auditors review our yearly financials and must have an understanding of spreadsheets and budgets. At-Large Nominating Committee members are responsible for discerning those who might serve in these various leadership roles. MEMORIAL FLOWERS Thank you to all who continue to donate Sanctuary flowers in memory of, honor of, and to the Glory of God. After each Sunday service, the flowers are delivered to shut-ins, hospital patients, and people with birthdays and anniversaries. It helps to brighten their day. As of January 1, 2015, the price of the flowers will increase from $24.00 to $26.00. Please help us continue this ministry to so many of our church family. Thank you! Page 4 - January 2015 January 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday Saturday 2 3 9 10 16 17 Church office Closed 4 5 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship followed by Fellowship 18 6:30 PM Bell Choir 7:30 PM Sanctuary Choir 12 13 14 4:30 PM Public Worship 9:30 AM Quilters 6:30 PM Bell Choir 6:00 PM Fellowship Ministry 19 9:30 AM - Grace Circle Meeting 4:30 PM - Eve Circle Meeting 15 Presbytery Meeting in Watsontown 7:00 PM Womens Civic Club 7:30 PM Meeting Sanctuary Choir 20 21 22 23 6:30 PM Bell Choir 7:00 PM Seasoned Sounds 7:30 PM Sanctuary Choir 24 5:00 p.m. Bingo sponsored by Spiritual Life and Fellowship - Soup and Sandwiches 6:00 PM Deacons Meeting 25 26 9:15 AM 4th Sunday Breakfast 6:00 PM Session Meeting 10:30 AM Worship followed by Fellowship 8 ANNUAL REPORTS are due 7:00 PM Ministry Meeting Night 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship followed by Fellowship 7 11:30 AM—Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Seasoned Sounds 6:00 PM Trustees Meeting 10:30 AM Worship Service of Hymns and Readings followed by Fellowship 11 Communion Intinction 9:15 AM Sunday School 6 27 28 29 30 31 6:30 PM Bell Choir 7:30 PM Sanctuary Choir The February At First Newsletter Deadline is Monday, January 26, at noon. It will be mailed out on Friday, January 30. Page 5 – January 2015 GATEHOUSE REQUESTS FROM THOMAS DOUGHER Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Gate House Shelter. Your support for our mission has been very much appreciated. Our primary needs at this time are paper products: Toilet paper Paper towels Napkins Tissues Cleaning supplies Floor cleaner Toilet bowl cleaner Comet cleanser Tub cleaner Laundry detergent and bleach Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated. Thomas M. Dougher Jr. Executive Director, The Gate House Hall. Watch your bulletin for information about the menu. This is a great time to visit with church family and enjoy a good breakfast too! 4TH SUNDAY BREAKFAST Come join us for 4th Sunday breakfast on January 25, at 9:15 a.m. in the Fellowship PASTOR NOMINATING UPDATE Here is a quick update on what the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC) has been doing. We met with Rev. Bill Knudsen from the Presbytery to get information on the search process and elected officers for our committee. Officers are: Co-chairs - Gene Alwood and Bonnie Crawford, Secretary & Internet Liaison Beth Larson, Chaplain - John Polhill. We had 2 meetings in December where we SNOW POLICY When the weather outside gets frightful, here is what we’ll do. When Sunday activities need to be cancelled or delayed tune in to one of the following for information. WHLM – Radio 930 AM Salvation Army Service Unit volunteers pack boxes in the church gym with Christmas gifts for needy families. discussed the qualities we would like in a Pastor and worked on completing the Ministry Information Form (MIF). The MIF is used to describe our church to potential candidates. It is similar to the CIF that was used in the past. We took a break for the holiday but will resume meetings in January. We will try to keep the congregation updated with our progress as time goes by. If you have any questions please feel free to talk with any of us Gene Alwood, Kathy Baker, Bruce Bowman, Bonnie Crawford, Beth Kline, Beth Larson and John Polhill. WFYY – Radio 106.5 FM WBRE 28 – Television WYOU 22 – Television You can also call the church office and check the church website for updates. Hopefully, we will not have to use these services. Enjoy the winter season! Salvation Army Service Unit volunteers from Benton High School for the Christmas Distribution Page 6 - January 2015 PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN NEWS By Christine Fuller, Moderator Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves: to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom. For more information, speak to a member of the Coordinating Team: Martha Manning, Ruth Bennett, Janet Locke, Carolyn Baillie, Aileen Sorber, Arline Johnson, Emma Ross, or Kathy Baker. KEEFER TRUST FUND By: Martha Manning First Presbyterian Church received a bequest from the Keefer Trust Fund when the estate was distributed due to some changes in its management. Elinor R. Keefer specified three areas of importance: the work of the deacons, the care of the building and the women of the church serving the poor and the elderly. Session Presbyterian Women always keep this statement of purpose in their sights, wherever they distributed a third of the funds ($9,848.93) to are found. Recently, the Coordinating Team voted each of those areas. Elinor Keefer was a librarian to send $600 to support a transition home for girls at the University working in the children's at risk, The Foyer de Dibindi in East Kasai, Congo. library. She served as the treasurer of Dr. Frank Dimmock showed slides and described Presbyterian Women for years and although she the ministry of The Foyer. PW responded. You did not encourage free spending her legacy can read more about The Foyer on the bulletin speaks to a generous spirit for those in need. board in Fellowship Hall. Elinor was an active circle member and is La Iglesia, a Presbyterian church for Hispanics remembered as a very prim and proper lady. near Toughkenamon in Donegal Presbytery, Presbyterian Women have been considering minsters to children of workers in the mushroom how we might share this wonderful gift while farms. Rev. Nering Huete works to unite honoring Elinor's request. After hearing Frank immigrant children with their parents and to Dimmock, PCUSA World Mission Catalyst speak assure that the children have access to schooling about the home for girls at risk sponsored by the and the necessities of life. PW has responded to Presbyterian Church in Congo, "The Foyer de the needs of this ministry by giving $100. Dibindi " home became our first recipient. The microwave in the kitchen here at First is Presbyterian Women have been standing against weak and small. Various cooks and users of the kitchen complained about the inefficient microwave human trafficking and this effort to provide education, good nutrition and a safe haven meets and wished for a new one. PW responded and that goal. Our second recipient is a project closer Session accepted the offer of a gift of a new to home. The Presbyterian Church for Hispanics appliance. known as La Iglesia in Toughkenamon, PA is Women from all over the world will gather in Minneapolis in June for the triennial Churchwide helping immigrant children who are coming to Gathering to worship, attend workshops, learn the U.S. to connect with their parents who are about mission, and build relationships. PW is working in the mushroom farms. The Pastor and responding by budgeting money to help women small congregation have struggled financially to from our church and/or presbytery to attend the support this effort but they are hearing God's call gathering. in this ministry. For more information check out We take our purpose seriously. Don’t you the Synod of the Trinity website and the PCUSA want to be a part of the action? Circles meet Mission for information on the Congo project. We for fellowship and Bible study on the second are so grateful to Elinor Keefer for remembering Tuesday of each month. The next meetings those who are less fortunate in her will as well as will be here at the church on January 8 at those of us at the corner of 4th and Market in 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. You will find not only Bloomsburg. Praise God for her faithful giving friends and information but also inspiration and legacy. for new ways to serve our Lord and grow in faith. Join us! Page 7 - January 2015 First Presbyterian Mission Statement: “Proclaim the grace of God; Share the Word of God; Serve the Children of God.” CHURCH STAFF JOB TITLE NAME EMAIL ADDRESS Temporary Supply Pastor Administrative Assistant Financial Secretary Director of Music Organist Sexton Rev. Steve Cureton Joyce Rex Lisa Padner Holly Lapinski Harry Martenas Helen Fester SUNDAY SCHEDULE - See Calendar Insert for more details January 4 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Morning Worship Service of Hymns and Readings followed by Fellowship Morning Worship followed by Fellowship January 18 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Morning Worship followed by Fellowship January 25 9:15 4th Sunday Breakfast 10:30 Morning Worship followed by Fellowship Moderator, Rev. Steve Cureton Millard Manning, Clerk Jason Bombard Velma Burrows Brian Johnson Bob Koval Jim Lapinski Martha Manning John Polhill Megan Prezioso Brenda Rupert Marilyn Witherup Debra Yablonski Craig Young Trustees William Baillie Bruce Bowman David Boyd Larry Mack January 11 Communion 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Dave Yablonski Deacons Mod. Jan Rynhart Gene Alwood Jim Burrows Joan Cole Lillian Fields Kim Hill Judy Hunchar James Lapinski Carol Laudermilch Chuck Laudermilch Larry McGurl Lisa Padner Jim Patterson Helen Patterson Terry Rynhart Albert Schutz Karen Thrasher Church Duties January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 Liturgist (s) Beth Kline Ruth Bennett Virgie Bryan Janet Locke Greeters Jim and Helen Patterson Dave and Janet Boyd Susan Webster and Richard Smith Jan and Terry Rynhart Flower Delivery Susan Webster and Rob Woodley Tom Davies and Jean Underwood John and Jeananne Scrimgeour Emma and Robert Ross Deacons Lisa Padner and Judy Hunchar Helen and Jim Patterson Chuck and Carol Laudermilch Lillian Fields and Joan Cole Worship Workshop Noah Crawford Mac Seidel Madeline Polhill Jonah Crawford M4YD Diane Baker Dennis Pastor Steve Christine Fuller Velma Burrows Nursery Jonah Crawford and Kathy Lincoln Madeline Polhill and Adult Needed Olivia McGaw and Bonnie Crawford Nathan Lincoln and Lydia Acolyte Joseph Polhill Hope Lapinski Levi Fritz Brian Prezioso Fellowship Hour Patterson/Baker Fellowship Ministry TBD TBD Ushers January – David and Janet Boyd, Lillian Fields, Bill Hunchar, David and Diane Lackner, and Diane Baker Dennis February - Christine Dotterer, Dick Butcher, Chuck Laudermilch, Larry Mack, Sue Lewis, Karen and Wayne Creasy. Page 8 - January 2015 First Presbyterian Church 345 Market Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-2322 OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Worship Hours Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. followed by Fellowship Bloomsburg Presbyterian Church hosts several AA/NA Meetings on its property every week. For Information on area Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, Please call (570) 387-4940, 24 hours a day. For Information on area Narcotics Anonymous meetings, Please call (877) 501-1246, 24 hours a day. 10TH ANNUAL MARTIN - LUTHER KING, JR. COMMUNITY PROGRAM AND DINNER AT THE CALDWELL CONSISTORY Sunday, February 8, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. Watch your church bulletin for more information Sponsored by: The MLK Planning Committee THE 25TH OF EVERY MONTH IS ORANGE DAY! The Presbyterian USA Mission Agency is asking people to wear orange on the 25th of each month to take a stand on ending violence against women and girls. Orange ribbons are located in the back of the church sanctuary and in the Fellowship Hall. So that you can respond factually to questions about your ribbon, please go to the PC USA website and go to the Mission Agency page. Happy January Birthday to: Kim Hill, Randall Presswood, Deb Zollmann, Gabriel Bennett, Erick Lewis, Clara DeRose, Randy Bond, Jean Underwood, Cindy McBryan, Lois Barral, Martha Johnson, Paige Dwyer, Sandy Davis, Tara Varner, Jeff Davis, Diane Lackner, David Yablonski, Mary Ridgway, Brooke Keister, and Carrie Broadt. Happy January Anniversary to: Jeanie and Mark Golden