It`s Souper Bowl Sunday Again! - First Presbyterian Church of Sun City


It`s Souper Bowl Sunday Again! - First Presbyterian Church of Sun City
First Presbyterian Church of Sun City, Arizona
Volume 46, February 2014
It’s Souper Bowl Sunday Again!
Help Men’s Breakfast Fellowship Tackle Hunger
Men’s Fellowship is again this year supporting “The
Souper Bowl of Caring.” Funds raised are all spent
locally. We have supported Habitat for Humanity,
Agua Fria and other food banks, and even reached
out to Luke Air Force families in need. The first
Sunday in February you will see Souper Bowls as
you enter or leave the Sanctuary to receive your
generous cash donations. The men thank you, and
the families you will help thank you!
Did you know the Souper Bowl of Caring was started
by Presbyterians? Here’s the story of its history from
the website:
A simple prayer: "Lord, even as we enjoy the Super
Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those
who are without a bowl of soup to eat" is inspiring a
youth-led movement to help hungry and hurting
people around the world
This prayer, delivered by Brad Smith, then a seminary intern serving at Spring Valley Presbyterian
Church in Columbia, SC, gave birth to an idea. Why
not use Super Bowl weekend, a time when people
come together for football and fun, to also unify the
nation for a higher good: collecting dollars and
canned food for the needy? Youth could collect
donations at their schools and churches in soup
pots, and then send every dollar DIRECTLY to a local
charity of THEIR choice.
The senior high youth
of Spring Valley
Presbyterian liked the
idea so much they
decided to invite
other area churches
to join the team.
Twenty-two Columbia churches participated that
first year, reporting their results so a total could be
determined, and then sending all $5,700 they had
raised to area non-profits.
That was 1990. Since then, ordinary young people
have generated an extraordinary more than $90
million for soup kitchens, food banks and other
charities in communities across the country. In
addition, hundreds of thousands of youth have
experienced for themselves the joy and satisfaction
of giving and serving, inspiring people of all ages to
follow their generous example.
A Message from Our Pastor..................................... 2
Reports and Activities ........................................... 3-7
Getting to Know You ............................................. 8-9
Spreading the Word ............................................... 10
Celebrations and Updates ..................................... 11
This Month’s Calendar ...................................... insert
12225 N. 103rd Ave., Sun City, AZ 85351  Phone 623.974.3605  Fax 623.974.4893  Dial-A-Prayer 623.977.9211
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A Message from Our Pastor
Facing the Future
How do you top that? Now that we’ve celebrated
fifty years of mission and ministry, what’s next?
A recent issue of Presbyterians Today Magazine
headlined the changing face of world mission. The
accompanying photograph depicted two African
women in tribal attire addressing a gathering from
various denominations, including the Presbyterian
Church (USA).
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words
and certainly a picture of two women addressing a
crowd of African church leaders in 2014 speaks
volumes. Ethnic identity, gender roles, and cultural
expectations which previously defined the
parameters of world mission are changing as
certainly they must. What is not on display in the
picture are years of paternalism that enabled
political colonialism and created an attitude of
mission as “doing something for” the people.
What you can see in the faces of the women is
determination, confidence, and strength. There’s
one other thing you can see. One of the women is
holding a child. He or she (can’t tell) is looking
upward at the woman speaking. Is she the child’s
mother? Again, can’t tell but you can see in the
youngster’s face the gaze of respect, hopefulness,
There are two other headlines on the page framing
the women: Global Mission Partners speak out and
When canned-food drives are no longer enough.
The entire publication emphasizes the changing
character of World Mission in the Presbyterian
Church (USA). Going into the Twenty First Century,
mission has shifted from “doing for” to
“accomplishing with.” In other words, Mission has
been transformed into active Partnership.
What does this mean for a congregation of the
Presbyterian Church located in Sun City AZ? First
and foremost it means that we are more connected
than ever. We call our denomination a
connectional church. That means structurally and
philosophically we are partnered with
Presbyterians around the world. In practical terms
means we are no longer constrained by patterns of
ministry developed in the 18th, 19th, or even the
20th Century.
God is calling the whole church and our
congregation to develop new patterns of ministry
and mission that will lead all of us into the 21st
Century. Fifty years in Sun City have prepared us
for the next chapters in our history. God has given
us a wonderful foundation upon which to launch
the future. With new partners, with new vision,
with new energy and excitement, God is leading us
into the new year and into the future! Thanks be
to God!
Welcome To Staff
Sharyl Moen has joined the office staff effective January 21st. She will be working from 9:00 am–noon,
Monday through Thursday, doing the clerical duties that Norma was doing. Norma will be working noon–
4:00 pm Monday through Wednesday, doing the financial duties.
Vol. 46, February 2014
February Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
5:00 pm in Swain Hall
This month we’ll be enjoying loaded baked potatoes and a concert by our
Great Bells of Fire handbell choir. We’re also inviting our neighbors to
attend, so be sure to give a warm welcome to any newcomers in our midst!
And mark your calendar—the March Fellowship Dinner will be our annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper on
TUESDAY, March 4, at 5:00 pm. Don’t miss it!
For even more fellowship, consider volunteering to help on Fellowship Dinner night. We need two greeters
and several people each to set the tables, do last-minute food prep, clear the tables, and clean up after the
meal. A worker signup sheet will now be available every month next to the signup sheet for the dinner itself.
Health & Wellness
I wanted to let everyone know how great the class was as Dr. “D” did the presentation for our Health and
Wellness meeting in January.
I talked to Dr. “D” and he was pleased. I have asked him for a continuation of the program on stem cell
implantation. He will give us further information on the proton therapy which we did not have time for
during the January program. It will be later in February or in early Mach. I hope as many will come for this
part as did for the first class.
~Carol Arseth, Parish Nurse
February at University of Life
During the month of February, Rev. Dr. David Glenn Walker will be teaching the University of Life series on
“Lessons for Living from the Stories of the Dying.” This four-class series will be drawing heavily on lessons
learned from hospice care, from 50 years working as a Presbyterian pastor, and from Dr. Karen Wyatt, a
family physician who spent much of her medical career as a hospice medical director. These lessons are for
those who sometimes feel lost or hopeless about their lives in our contemporary world.
The classes will have the power to change the way you see everything about:
 The meaning of suffering
 Recognizing life’s priorities
 Letting go of limiting beliefs and past traumas
 The true purpose of existence
 The key to unlocking the flow of grace
 Transcending fear
There will be opportunities for discussion at the close of each class.
Deacons’ Corner
January 7, 2014, Board of Deacons Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Anita Downing, Moderator, at 2:00 pm. Dean Woeller was excused.
Joanne Clark gave the opening devotion and prayer. The minutes of December 3, 2013, were approved.
Anita asked for volunteers for the year as (1) Moderator; and (2) Secretary. Anita agreed to stay on as
Moderator and Marge Hagerman will take minutes of the meetings.
The Treasurer’s report was discussed. It was noted that the proceeds from donations for Christmas
poinsettias, minus the florist cost, were distributed equally between Agua Fria Food & Clothing Bank and
Valley View Community Food Bank.
The January 7 Statistical Report was reviewed. A Session Report for December 19, 2013, was not available.
Committees: As information for newly ordained and installed Deacons, the duties and current status of each
committee were discussed.
Communion: Mary Jo Conwell discussed the duties of preparation and clean-up of communion elements
served on the first Sunday of each month. She stated that she will be unavailable for the February 2 nd
communion, and that she and Joanne will need to train a few new people for this task.
Flowers: More deacons are needed to be trained in the preparation and delivery of the small bouquets
that are made on Mondays from Sunday chancel arrangements.
Receptions: A committee chair is needed to oversee the preparation and serving of
receptions after memorial services, now that Evelyn Thompson has finished her term.
Several Deacons offered to help when asked, but none present felt qualified to chair
the committee. It was noted that Evelyn would be willing to provide information, and
that Tina Trowbridge, a regular helper in the kitchen, would help as needed.
Health and Wellness: Carol Arseth spoke of the need for people on her committee to plan informational
events on health topics. She announced that “Dr. D” will have a talk on Stem Cell Transplants on
Monday, January 13, at 11:00 am.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Sign-up sheets were circulated for participation as: Deacon Representative to Session, communion
preparation, weekly flower list, opening devotion and prayer, and providing email addresses.
Rev. Davis reminded Deacons of the training retreat with Elders to be held on Thursday, January 9 th. He also
stated that a “Meet Your Deacon” event, such as a luncheon, will be planned.
The meeting was closed with the Deacons’ Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Marge Hagerman, Secretary
Vol. 46, February 2014
Mission Corner
Banner Olive Branch Senior Center
Banner Olive Branch Senior Center is here to serve the Sun Cities communities.
They offer a variety of services for us. Some of these services are social and educational activities, and
meals cooked on site. They offer breakfast and lunch at a nominal fee. Also, they provide meals on wheels
for those who are shut in or unable to cook.
Services also include health screenings, trips and entertainment, legal services and more. Our support to
them is greatly appreciated and we are welcome to use their facilities. Go and have breakfast there or go
online through You can also call (623) 974-6797.
Session Recap
Session Meeting of January 16, 2014
The opening prayer was given by Wanda Morrill. The minutes of Stated Session Meeting of December 19,
2013 were approved; the minutes of the Annual Joint Session and Deacon Meeting were approved with one
correction; there was no correspondence. The request to remove Arla Harvey, Affiliate #441 and the
Removal by Session for Maj-Britt Napp, Affiliate #358 were approved. Membership this date Active 184 and
Affiliate 28. Communion was served to 155 in the Sanctuary on January 5, 2014.
Reverend Davis reported after the distribution of “Deacons: The Ministry of Compassion and Service and
Ruling Elders: The Ministry of Discernment and Governance” the attendees at the Joint Meeting discussed
“Creative Leadership”. From the exercise several key words were noted. He stated these essentials are the
connective tissue that will bring the Book of Order definition of Deacon and Elder alive.
Reverend Davis reported the committee assignments for the elders: Foundation: Dean Hilst and Ruth Pruett;
Mission: Gene Downing; Personnel: Wanda Morrill, Bill Wentling, Donna Roth; Property: Bill Wentling and
Harry Wilson; Special Projects: Bob Johnson. The two elders for Nominating Committee will be announced
next month. Reverend Davis will select an elder to be the Commissioner to Presbytery.
Judy Goss, Deacon Representative, stated the Deacon minutes had been distributed. It was noted the
proceeds from the Easter lilies and Christmas poinsettias ($296.11 each) was sent to Agua Fria Food Bank and
Valley View Community Food Bank.
Norma Mack, Treasurer, distributed the December 31, 2013 financial reports. The general fund reflected
contributions totaled $197,177 vs a budget of $182,000. It also reflected the transfer from the Foundation
Fund was $89,000 vs a budget of $116,000. It was suggested to establish a Capital Improvement Fund with
the $27,000 not used for 2013 operations.
Norma distributed the GA Church Statistical report. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept
the report and submit to General Assembly.
The meeting adjourned with prayer given by Elder Ruth Pruett.
Presbyterian Women
We hosted a successful Chili Luncheon for the men of the church on January 22 nd at a
Gathering. There were 50 people in attendance to enjoy the good food. Thanks to Gail Bickel
for making the chili. Rod Beale provided an interesting program on a mission to Nepal.
For those of you who shop at Safeway stores from time to time, we are able to make money for PW from
your purchases. You need to have a Safeway Card. To sign up for this program, go to the escript website and
sign up or renew. You need to renew each year. The website is Our church number is
9605356. If you don’t have a computer, ask a friend who does, or contact Diane Nestlebush. It would be
nice to add a few more dollars to our treasury!
FOUND: After the Christmas Tea, silverware was left at the tables. There are 3 spoons, 2 knives and 2 forks.
If you are missing any of these items, they are in the church office in the PW mailbox
 There will be a PW Coordinating Team Meeting on Wednesday, February 5 th at 9:00 am in Annex 2. Team
Members, your attendance is appreciated.
 February 26th is a PW Luncheon Gathering at 11:30 am. It will be hosted by Rachel Circle #2. The
program will be our own John Szantho on “Escape from Hungary.”
 Saturday March 1st SPRING GATHERING RETREAT by Presbytery of Grand Canyon Time 9:00 am to 3:00
pm. The theme is “Fall Afresh on Me.” Registration is $15, which includes a continental breakfast and
lunch. The deadline to register is February 21, 2014. Registration forms will be available from your Circle
Leaders or Diane Nestlebush. We will carpool from the church. Please let Diane know if you register and
if you need to carpool. We are excited to have this opportunity; please join us!
 Church Women United will hold a Human Rights Celebration on Friday, February 28 th at 9:30 a.m. for
Fellowship/Refreshments. Program from 10;00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. , “Through God Our Hands Can
Protect”. Guest Speaker – Dr. Tamera Zivic, Executive Director of World Hunger Education, Advocacy,
Training. To be held at First Presbyterian Church of Peoria, 10236 N 83 rd, Peoria. Items for Doves and
Justa Center Veterans will be collected that morning. See our bulletin board for list of items needed.
I encourage to you attend these meetings and be inspired and enjoy the fellowship.
Blessings to all,
Nestlebush, Moderator
Prayer Shawl Ministry Update
The Prayer Shawl Ministry was blessed with the congregation’s most generous donations at the December
dinner hosted by the Davises. We received a total of $342.55. Now we can buy yarn to keep our hands
busy making items for the needy. Our most recent items (68 items) went to Airman’s Attic at Luke Air
Force Base and Hospice. They were very grateful. Through the year we appreciate monetary donations,
yarn and coupons from JoAnns and Michaels. If you would like to join us in our knitting and crocheting
group, we meet the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 9:30 am in Annex 3.
~Nancy Childress
Vol. 46, February 2014
Call to Annual Congregational & Corporation Meetings
Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:15 am in Swain Hall
Notice is hereby given of the Annual Congregational Meeting following 9:00 worship. The purpose of
the Congregational Meeting is to approve the reports from all our organizations, to elect members of
the Nominating Committee, and to recognize retiring elders and deacons. A Corporation Meeting will
be held after the Congregational Meeting. The purpose is for approval of minutes and to elect one new
member of the Corporation.
By order of the Session
Evelyn Haas, Clerk to Session
Hot off the Press
2014 Church Directories and copies of the church’s 2013 Annual Report are
available to be picked up in the Courtyard entry and in the Narthex hallway; one
copy of each per family, please. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Annual
Report prior to the February 9 Annual Congregational & Corporation Meetings.
Please also look at your entry in the Directory and notify Norma Mack if any of the
information is incorrect.
In addition, if you signed up to receive the booklet of Donna Roth’s 50th anniversary articles or a DVD of the
anniversary slideshow, they are now available in the church office. Stop by to pay for and pick up your
Thanks to those who helped to print and assemble the Directories—Evelyn Haas, Sharyl Moen, Fran
Kittredge, and Rod Beale.
January 22 PW Chili Luncheon in honor of the men of the church
Get ting to Know You
Meet several of our newest members!
Juanita Fay Burdick
I was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on August 5, 1932.
When I was six years old our family moved to Seattle, Washington. I went all through school in Seattle. After
graduation from Lincoln High School in 1950, I attended Linfield College in McMinnville, Oregon. I met my
first husband Bob Zuleger while attending Linfield and we were married in Seattle in August 1952. Bob and I
were married for 21 years and have five children, Kathie, Kenneth, Karen and Keith (twins) and Kimberly.
In 1966 I began working part-time, but ended up working 13 years as a Court Clerk in Milwaukie, Oregon;
then I worked 13 years as Operations Manager in the District Attorney’s office in Portland, Oregon. I retired
in 1992.
In 1982 I met George (Al) Burdick and we were married March 9, 1983, in Maui, Hawaii. Al had two children,
Tamara and Randy Burdick, now my wonderful step-children, who live in Portland, Oregon. All of my children
live in Portland, Oregon, except my daughter Kathie and her husband Dennis, who live in Tucson, Arizona.
Al and I loved to travel in our motor home with family and friends. We lived in Paradise RV Park part-time
from 1995 to 2001. We purchased our Sun City home in September 2001. We loved to play golf and tennis,
lawn bowl, and dance.
We learned in October 2012 that Al had small cell lung cancer. He went through chemo and radiation, but
sadly and unfortunately he passed away February 15, 2013.
I am a very fortunate mother, with a very close relationship with all of my children and 9 grandchildren. I
travel to Portland often to visit and stay with them and they also visit me here in Sun City. I am very happy to
have recently joined our First Presbyterian Church.
Dawn Nolan
I was born on April 26, 1947, in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, to Lloyd and Phyllis Anderson. I am Norwegian,
Swiss, and Swedish.
We moved to Phoenix in 1960—population 100,000. I graduated High School in 1965 and married in 1966.
We had two children, Denise and Brian. I worked various jobs and attended Glendale Community College
while raising my children.
My life was forever changed in 1987 when my son died. I divorced my husband and later continued my
education. In 1996, I graduated ASU West and for the next 14 years worked in the Phoenix Union School
District as a substitute teacher until retirement in 2010.
I now live in Sun City and fill my days with volunteering, tennis, and helping my daughter with her day care
business. I plan to be active and serve where I am needed most for the First Presbyterian Church.
(continued on next page)
Vol. 46, February 2014
Fred & Doris Stainbrook (as told by Fred)
Doris and I met at a dance in Beverly Hills, California, on April 10, 1952. I was in the Air Force and a buddy of
mine and I went to this Jewish center which was functioning as a service center for service men. After our
first date each of us thought the other was Jewish, and fortunately we were both Christians. God brought us
together and I asked her to marry me in 1953, before I was sent to Alaska. We were married on August 14,
1954, at the Little Brown Church in the Valley in North Hollywood. After our honeymoon in Lake Tahoe, we
began our life together in a small log cabin in Anchorage, while I completed my military obligation. We
moved back to California, where I finished college and began my 50+ years in the Life Insurance business. Our
daughters were born in Sacramento and my career later advanced requiring us to move and subsequently
reside in Bellevue, Washington. Prior to moving to Arizona we lived in Port Ludlow, Washington.
Fred Hingst
Baptism 1953 at Celtic Cross Presbyterian Church in Center Line, Michigan. Attended Gilbert Presbyterian
2003-2013 and First Presbyterian May 2013-current.
I have been married to Sherri Lynn Hingst for nine years. We have six kids between us—five boys and one
girl—and eight grandkids—seven boys and one girl—plus two on the way!
I am a graduate of Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Biology. I lived in
Saskatchewan and Manitoba and worked with Ducks Unlimited Canada from 1974 to 1986, and lived in
Michigan and Arizona and worked with Ducks Unlimited from 1986 to 2003. I am currently semi-retired.
Paul & Sherrill Tyacke
The Tyackes moved from Skagit County, Washington, to Arizona in December of 2009. Paul was warehouse
manager for cold storage for 22 years. He currently works for Sub-Zero. He enjoys woodworking and
spending time with his wife of 10 years. Sherrill has been involved with music since she was in the 4th grade,
doing plays and musicals through college and beyond. She has been ringing handbells since 1983 and started
directing bell groups and voice choirs for 15 years. God and family are our pillars and we love being with First
December 2013
New Members
Left to right: Dawn Nolan,
Carolyn Lopez, George Saltsman, Sherrill Tyacke, Joyce
Saltsman, Leila Gaines, Pat
Mills, Rosie Mills, Sherry
Not shown: Juanita Burdick,
Fred Hingst, Fred & Doris
Stainbrook, Paul Tyacke
Spreading the Word
Extraordinary Time
It’s February already – that doesn’t seem possible.
When someone mentions February, we tend to think of the
secular holidays during the month – Super Bowl Sunday, Presidents’ Day, and Valentine’s Day. OK, that last
one was originally SAINT Valentine’s Day, but the contemporary celebrations don’t have much to do with
religion. From a Protestant point of view, in fact, February is a kind of blank spot between Epiphany and Lent
– part of “ordinary time” in the church calendar.
That doesn’t mean there’s going to be anything ordinary about this February at First Presbyterian. In fact,
I’m going to go so far as to say this coming month will be extraordinary:
 I mentioned a while ago that I had set up a Pinterest account to display current and historic photos of the
church campus and events. I’ve just added another Board –From Around the Web—filled with inspiring
quotes from other “pinners.” Here’s just one example: “Find out where joy resides, and give it a voice far
beyond singing. For to miss the joy is to miss all.” ~Robert Louis Stevenson. So, visit all of our boards at if you need a little lift in your day — and if you have a favorite Bible
verse or other saying you’d like me to add, please let me know!
 In addition to being the day of “the big game,” February 2 is the date we will celebrate this year’s Souper
Bowl of Caring. See the lead story on page 1 for how you can support the Men’s Fellowship in this
worthwhile annual charity drive.
 We’ll be celebrating February birthdays on the third Sunday of this month rather than the second Sunday,
to avoid a conflict with the Annual Congregational Meeting and Corporation Meeting. Come to fellowship
on February 16 prepared to sing “Happy Birthday” to all the good folks listed on the next page!
 This month’s Fellowship Dinner should be even more fun than usual because we’re inviting the neighbors
and showcasing the talent of our Great Bells of Fire. It will be a few days after Valentine’s Day, but you
can still show the handbell choir (and any visitors) a little love. Details on page 3.
 February’s University of Life will feature our former interim pastor Rev. Dr. David Glenn Walker with a
four-part discussion of “Lessons for Living from the Stories of the Dying.” Among other things, he will be
talking about “the key to unlocking the flow of grace.” See page 3 for more about this thought-provoking
lecture series.
Love will be in the air this February, even though it may not be the kind promoted by Hallmark cards. Enjoy!
“Our love to God is measured by our everyday fellowship with others
and the love it displays.” ~Andrew Murray
Reminder—the church office will be closed on February 17 in honor of Presidents’ Day.
Vol. 46, February 2014
Celebrations and Updates
Thank you, thank you for all the cards and the praying. It was so wonderful. We had lots of prayers but
they were not answered as we would really have liked; still, we know that Bob is with God. Thank you from
the whole family. ~Carol Arseth
Please note: This month’s address and email changes have been incorporated into the new 2014 Directories.
Entering the Church Triumphant
Removed by Session Action
Removed by Request
Dorothy McLeod (January 13, 2014)
Maj-Britt Napp
Arla Harvey (moved)
Douglas Wright
Francis Sayles
Anita Downing
Al Kerr
Stewart Porter
Patricia Ronaldson
Helen Petersen
Lillian Mabee
Bob Gibbens
Joan Slauer
Judy Corrigan
Jim MacDonald
Max Clark
Lillie Duffy
We are celebrating you! Please join the Birthday Celebration
on Sunday, February 16, in Swain Hall following the worship service.
Rev. Harrell D. Davis
Parish Nurse
Carol Arseth, R.N.
Associate for Congregational Life
Beth Mabee
Admin. Assistant, Treasurer
Norma Mack
Admin. Assistant, Publications
Marjorie Hagerman
Admin. Assistant
Sharyl Moen
Voice Choir Director
Dr. William (Bill) Gleason
Handbell Choir Director
Sherrill Tyacke
Kelsey McKee
Lyle Tollefson
The SPIRE is published monthly by First Presbyterian Church of Sun City, AZ. Please call the church office
at 623-974-3605 to be added to our mailing list, or see our website at to access
current and back issues in PDF format. Items to be included in the March 2014 edition of The SPIRE should
be submitted to Beth Mabee at the church office or by email at by Monday,
February 24. (We go to press first thing Tuesday morning.)
U.S. Postage
Youngtown AZ
Permit No. 55
First Presbyterian Church
12225 N 103rd Ave
Sun City AZ 85351-3501
Sunday Schedule:
9:00 am Worship Services in the Sanctuary, Rev. Harrell D. Davis preaching
10:00 am Coffee and Fellowship in Swain Hall
Sundays This Month:
February 2, “Requirements” - Micah 6: 1-8; Matthew 5: 1-12
February 9, “Salt of the Earth” - Isaiah 58: 1-12; Matthew 5: 13-20
February 16, “Radical Love” - Deuteronomy 30: 15-20; Matthew 5: 21-26
February 23, “Radical Forgiveness” - Psalm 119: 33-40; Matthew 5: 38-48
Winter Office Hours:
Monday-Wednesday: 8:00 am-4:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am-1:00 pm
Friday: Closed