January - Second Presbyterian Church


January - Second Presbyterian Church
Second Presbyterian Church
Indianapolis, Indiana
In This issue
“Lighting the Way
to the Future”
Open House Sunday,
March 18
page 2
Habitat for Humanity
builds another porch.
page 4
January, 2007
Volume XXXVI, No. 1
Building Community...Transforming Lives...
Engaging the World
Sunday, January 28, 2007
You are invited to start the new year building
community, transforming lives and engaging the
world! At the Congregational Celebration, we begin
2007 gathering together in fellowship, worshiping
God and sharing in a brand new mission project.
The Congregational Celebration will begin at 12:30
p.m. in the Community Room, with preschoolers,
children, teenagers, new members, and all members
of our family of faith enjoying a hearty Indiana
winter picnic at tables of eight hosted by our Elders
and Deacons. Following the meal we will fill simple
“Shoebox Missions” for our deployed Presbyterian
Chaplains and for the children they visit in the field
hospitals of Iraq and Afghanistan.
A brief worship service in the Sanctuary follows
lunch. We’ll remember the saints and joyfully
celebrate highlights of 2006. You are invited to
sign up for a new, extra special massed choir,
enthusiastically gathered just for this Worship,
under the talented direction of church and choir
member, Rev. Bill Williams. To share your love
of singing, to sign up and to learn the practice
schedule, call the music office, 253-646l, ext. 309.
Following a brief biblical message on “What does
it mean to be a blessing?,” we will offer to God
our signs of commitment for 2007: our dedicated
resources, and our new officers. During this worship
time, the children will be excused to their own
mission projects, children in mission with and for
other children. They will be making International
Friendship quilts to be sent to children in Iraq and
Following the Congregational Celebration,
guided tours of the new addition will be led by
church members. Middle and high school youth
will have a special time to gather in their new
youth area with their youth leaders.
Reservations, paid in advance, are needed at the church office by
January 22. Adults, $8; children 7-11 years, $5; children 6 years
and younger, free. Family maximum: $20. Reservations close
Monday, January 22. To sign up for childcare for children ages
4 years and under, call 252-5519. Childcare reservations close
Sunday, January 22.
Unleash your Souper
Powers; help feed the
page 5
2007 Nominations
Page 6
Attendees will fill “Shoebox Missions” for our deployed Presbyterian Chaplains, and for the children they visit in the field hospitals of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Building Faithful Lives at Second Presbyterian Church
“Lighting the Way to the
Future”—Open House
Sunday, March 18
“I have called you to be…a light to the
nations…” Isaiah 42:6
Time is fast approaching when we will shine
the light on our beautiful church addition.
What began back in 2003 as a vision of Dick
McFarland in memory of his dear wife, Sally, to
expand our facilities to serve Christ, is coming
to fruition-- a brilliant beacon of hope for God’s
Mark your calendars now for the muchanticipated “Open House” on Sunday, March
18, when members will have an opportunity
to tour some of the exciting new spaces in the
building, including the bright, cheery atrium,
welcome center, informal sitting and fellowship
areas, music and youth suites and the Great
Hall, a large, open gathering room with high
vaulted ceiling, basking in natural light. A brief
ceremony will take place that morning at 10:35
Construction of the new library and mission
area continues with an overall completion date
target of May 1. Formal Building Dedication
Day will be held on Sunday, May 4.
Greeters Needed to Provide
Second Presbyterian Church is a very large, imposing
building, made even more so with the new addition. To
newcomers it might appear the congregation itself would
be daunting-- too big to approach, and that a smaller
church would be more comfortable and easier to visit; but
looks can be deceiving. Our church is actually filled with
gregarious, outgoing individuals.
The Hospitality Ministry Team wishes to make this fact
known to the public. It is striving to present our warm,
friendly atmosphere to all who enter our doors. To this
end, members who enjoy meeting new people and making
them feel “at home” are now needed to serve as greeters.
On Sunday, March 18, the church will hold its Open
House, when parts of the church addition will become
operational, including a special “Welcome Center.” Located
just inside the new north entrance under a bright atrium,
the Welcome Center will consist of a greeting station with
counter and shelving to hold brochures, fliers and other
literature on Second and its programs. Nearby, one will
find a coffee bar (proceeds going to missions), comfortable
chairs and couches for fellowship and informal meetings,
a laptop-friendly area and the soon-to-be-completed new
library (targeted for May 1). Mounted on the walls will
be LCD TVs, running continuously with current church
information and broadcasts. There will also be a new sitting
area on the third floor where people can meet and mingle.
Greeters are essential for these locations and throughout
the building to welcome and guide individuals and to
answer questions. Members of all ages are cordially invited
to help. Special training will be provided.
Greeters will be assigned to intergenerational teams,
each team serving one shift, one Sunday a month, in the
morning or for Second at Six. Shifts are as follow: 8:4510:45 a.m., 11 a.m.—12:30 p.m., and 5:45—7:15 p.m.
Volunteers may remain at their stations for their entire
assignment time or, if they wish to attend worship or class,
they may do so and then return immediately afterward to
finish their shift.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact
David McGlynn at 872-7909.
The Spire
A Letter from Lewis
“On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and
they knelt down and paid him homage.
Then, opening their treasure chests they offered him gifts of gold,
frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11
Dear Friends:
The visit of the Wise Men to the Christ child is the climax of the
Christmas story. We celebrate the event as Epiphany, the 12th day of
Christmas. Epiphany means “manifestation” or “appearance.” The homage
given to Jesus by the Wise Men proclaims Christ as the Son of God and the
Savior of the whole world. The gifts they offer him announce his destiny
and his royal status. As they placed their gifts at his feet, I imagine that
they received so much more than they gave. In meeting
Christ, they found their heart’s desire.
The Christian faith is about giving and receiving.
Or, perhaps I should say, receiving and giving. God gives
us the gift of life in Jesus Christ. We receive the gift and
give in return. Over this Christmas season, I saw time
and again how you who have received grace shared grace
Dr. Lewis F. Galloway
with others. Several weeks before Christmas, Bunny and
Senior Pastor
I experienced your prayerful support as she underwent
a heart procedure. How blessed we felt to receive the
loving care you gave. In so many ways, you comforted the grieving, gave
your time and resources to Christmas Benevolence, visited shut-ins, taught
the children, supported the ministries of the church with sacrificial gifts
and prayed for the sick. As the old year ends, I am thankful for all the
experiences of giving and receiving in our church family that have marked
this past year.
As the new year begins, I anticipate with joy the opportunities we will
have for sharing this life of faith together. At the end of January, we will have
our annual congregational “meeting.” This year, our “meeting” will actually
be a fellowship meal and worship celebration in which we have the chance to
join together in mission. We will also present our new mission statement at
the annual congregational celebration. At the end of February, our Festival
of Faith will be a time to grow in our Christian life as we experience the
gospel of John together. In March, we will have an Open House in our
newly opened building; in April, we will celebrate Easter; in May, we will
dedicate our new building and completed renovation project. All of these
events point to the truth that giving and receiving are two dimensions of
the experience of God’s grace. Having received grace upon grace, may we be
even more gracious in our giving to others.
Yours in Christ,
Lewis F. Galloway
Mission trips
for 2007
Are you looking for a meaningful
Spring Break experience?
are planning an alternative Spring
Break trip for five to seven families
March 28-April 4 at our sister church
in Nicta-Ha, Mexico (Playa Del
Carmen, Mexico). This is a great
opportunity for families to experience
a meaningful and yet relaxing Spring
Break together. We will worship, work,
play and pray together with our sister
church. Please contact John Hage at
253-6461, or jhage@secondchurch.
org if you are interested. Spots are
limited so contact us ASAP.
The devastation from Hurricane
Katrina is still very real. The
Presbyterian Church is committed to
long-term recovery in the Gulf region.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is
continuing relief work through its
Volunteer Village program. Second
Presbyterian Church will sponsor an
adult mission trip for 15-20 people at
the Volunteer Village in Pearlington,
MS. April 21-28. Please contact
David Berry at 253-6461, or dberry@
secondchurch.org if you are interested.
Deadline for registration is March 1.
It is such a joy to join brothers
and sisters in faith at our sister
church in Nicta-Ha, Mexico for our
annual Vacation Bible School Blitz.
We learn so much about the joy of
worship and service from our friends
in Mexico. This years VBS Blitz will
be July 14-21. We hope to have a team
of 15 formed by the end of February.
To register contact David Berry, 2536461, or dberry@secondchurch.org.
The Spire
Habitat for Humanity
Builds Another Porch
Shortly after I started attending Second Presbyterian
Church, Rev. David Berry announced from the pulpit that
the Church would be sponsoring a Habitat for Humanity
House in Indianapolis. I was immediately excited about the
prospect of being involved in the Habitat project.
I couldn’t wait to get home and tell my wife how the Lord
was answering her prayers. Before I tell you her response, you
need to know our family had moved to the Indianapolis area
from Anchorage, Alaska, in 2000 to be closer to our children
attending Cedarville University in Ohio. We located in
Brownsburg to be close to my wife’s brother’s family.
At that time, I was a stranger to the city but the Lord
burdened my heart for the City of Indianapolis. I would drive
the streets daily, often times getting lost in the inner-city, all
the time praying for God’s love to embrace the city. Along
with that burden, I dreamed of rehabbing an old home in
the city. Our family rehabbed a 1925 cottage in Biltmore
Gardens off of Washington Street in Wayne Township. It was
a lot of work but the Lord used that house to help me to love
Indianapolis and to pray for its authorities; the Mayor, the
Chief of Police, the Sheriff and the City County Councilors
to name but a few.
After that inner-city project my wife asked me not to
fix up any more homes on my own. She was concerned
for my safety. Prior to Rev. Berry’s announcement she had
suggested many times that I do a Habitat for Humanity
House that involved others. So, when I told her about Second
Presbyterian’s project, she was delighted. I signed up that
very week. Right from the start I knew the Church had a
heart to reach the city with the love of Christ. On the first
day of framing, many volunteers from Second turned out to
keys to their home, they were also given a Bible.
raise the walls of the new home at 1701 Roosevelt Ave. That
afternoon, the Pacers showed up to help also. It was like an
I once was a stranger who got lost in the city, but now
Amish barn rising.
Indy is my home and I am a member of Second Presbyterian’s
congregation and community reaching out with the love of
Devotions and prayers began the day as we worked
Christ to the City of Indianapolis. Today, Second Presbyterian
together to build not only a house but a community of love.
church is not only building a front porch at its location on
The bonding that took place during this project is something
Meridian Street, but front porches throughout the city as it
I will never forget. The day before the dedication, our first
partners with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Indianapolis,
grandchild was born. On the day of dedication, as Rev. Berry
“Building Hope and Community One Home at a time.”
spoke and Mike Samson led singing, our hearts were filled with
Throughout the project God was glorified.
a deep sense of community and God’s love for Indianapolis.
When Robin, the new homeowner, and her son received the
Mr. Robert Yahara
The Spire
On Sunday, February 4, the Deacons and the Youth
of Second Presbyterian will sponsor The Souper Bowl of
Caring, a grassroots, faith-based crusade against hunger
led by young people who collect donations in soup pots
on Super Bowl Sunday. Since the Souper Bowl began in
1990 with a single Presbyterian church in South Carolina,
over $33 million has been given to help those in need. In
2006, nearly 12,000 groups raised over $5 million for soup
kitchens, food banks and other helping charities in all 50
states. Last year, Presbyterian churches raised $924,000.
All members of Second Church are encouraged to
participate in this year’s Souper Bowl of Caring. Please
bring non-perishable food items to the marked collection
areas of our church beginning Monday, January 15.
Envelopes for donations may be found in the pew racks. Also, be looking
for the special Souper Bowl coin banks that will be available soon. Your loose
change quickly adds up! On Sunday, February 4, following each worship
service, the Youth and Deacons will collect your monetary donations or you
may place an envelope in the offering plate at any time.
Your gifts will support the Food Pantry at the Westminster Neighborhood
Ministries and other local hunger relief efforts. The Westminster Food Pantry
serves the near east-side downtown community and is open to area residents each Thursday. On Food Pantry Day, an
average of 150 lunches are served. Each family unit receives four to six bags of food, depending on family size. Other
toiletry and personal hygiene items are also provided.
Moms Take a Breather
Still trying to catch your breath after the holiday rush?
On Thursday, January 25, Second’s Welcome Baby Ministry
and Presbyterian Women join together to invite moms of
all ages to “breathe.” After the holiday rush you deserve
to treat yourself, your friends or even your own mother or
daughter to an evening of yummy desserts and enjoyable
companionship beginning at 7 p.m. in Room 356. Then
relax and slowly inhale the insight and humor of our own
Dr. Robin Chaddock, author of five books including Mom
Overboard, who will invite us to “Breathe: Ten Ways to
Get Energy into Your Life.” Tickets are $7 and available
beginning January 7 during coffee hour on Sundays or at the
reception desk during the week until January 22. Call Megan
Marquardt, 253-6461, ext. 325, for more information.
The Spire
Families @ Five
Second Seminary Student
The Families at Five service takes a winter break
until February 25 when we kick off Lent with
characters in costumes telling the stories of Jesus’
last days. Sundays at 5 p.m. in the Chapel.
Stacey Smith grew up in Indianapolis, graduating from
North Central High School and Indiana University. Always
a Presbyterian, she joined Second in
1991. Stacey has been involved with
the Festival of Faith, New Day, Jim
Riley’s Sunday evening Seeker class and
is very active in Koininia. However, it
was Brian Shivers and Second’s Youth
Programs that have influenced her to be
where she is today.
Save the date!
Mark a big red circle on your calendar around
July 23-27, 2007 for Vacation Bible School.
Interested in being involved? Call Rev. Tassie
Green at 253-6461 for more information..
2007 Nominees:
At the annual meeting of the congregation on
Sunday, January 28, the Nominating Committee will
place in nomination the following names to be elected as
elders, deacaons and members of the 2007 Nominating
 For Elder:
Rob Baker
Gretchen Brown
Nancy Estabrook
Charles Liles
Stan Marrs
Steven K. Miller
Scott Sandstrom
Bill Schramm
Ina Van Duyn
Christine Ward
 For the Nominating
Doris Stewart
Doug Leithauser
Doyne Swinford
Randy Clark
Anne Floeck
Lisa Enright
Ed Wall
The Spire
 For Deacon:
Becky Hertz
David Haboush
Jacob Manaloor
Jerry Collins
Steve Masuccio
Steve Wise
Don Morrison
Krista Mullinix
Steve Johnson
Cindy Swider
Nancy Maiers
Marcia Runde
Blanche Weissert
Tom Buck
Gene Eddy
Chris Melton
Jr. Deacons
Zach Smitson
Amanda Beering
Kelsey Steele
Stacey Smith, Student
at Christian Theology
Very shortly after joining, Brian
asked her to help out with the Youth
Program. Stacey laughingly admits today that her initial
response was, “I don’t really like kids!” Something, though,
nudged her to come see. She observed and helped out and,
after about a year, discovered that she was wrong. She
did like them! And ever since, she has been a regular and
faithful helper with their programs. It was during these 17
years with the youth that she began to feel nudges moving
her towards her current commitment.
She had been working in a family business. Several
years ago, she left the business and enrolled in Christian
Theological Seminary, taking classes to obtain a Masters
in Marriage and Family Therapy. That degree should be
completed by next summer. The nudges, though, have
continued these past two years and so, after discussions
with Dr. Joan Malick, Stacey came before the Session in
February and was approved as an Inquirer. She is now
on track to receive a Masters in Divinity degree in 2008,
combining this with her Marriage and Family Therapy
degree. Working towards two degrees, meeting with clients,
working at Barnes and Noble, and being a teaching assistant
at CTS would seem to fill every hour of her busy life. But
in January, a ski trip to Michigan with the youth is on her
Meanwhile, relaxation comes from Stella, her 7-year-old
Australian cattle dog mix, and having dinner with friends
on Saturday nights.
Stacey has discovered that when you are obedient to
God’s call and gentle nudges, He will direct your path . . .
Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have for you, declares
the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans
to give you hope and a future.”
Elder Link Krimendahl
In Search of New Blood
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
Two common reasons cited by people
who don’t give blood
are: “Never thought
about it,” and “I
don’t like needles.”
For those of you who
have never donated
blood, the Deacon’s Community
Committee encourages you to consider
giving a first-time donation this winter.
For our regular donors, we ask that you
set aside Sunday, February 11, as your
day to give.
Presbyterian Women’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study begins a
study of the Gospel of John on January 10, 2007, with an introductory
talk by Dr. Richard Baker. We meet at 9 a.m. for prayer in Milner
Chapel and then in Room 356 at 9:15 for fellowship and study. We
would love to have you join us. Study books are available at the meetings
and are $6. For more information, please contact Caryl Johnson
575-9332, or Carol Dominianni, 913-1553.
The Deacons’ semi-annual Blood
Drive will be held on Sunday, February
11, from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the
Presbyterian Women’s Room (Room
230). The donating process, which takes
about an hour, includes a health history
interview and a check of vital signs. The
actual blood donating procedure takes
about 5 to 10 minutes. Your donation
time may be scheduled around one of
the morning worship services. If you
have questions regarding your eligibility
to give blood, contact the Indiana Blood
Center at 916-5150. The Blood Center
provides blood and blood products to
46 hospitals. In Central Indiana alone,
3,000 units of blood are needed each
While walk-ins are welcome,
appointments are appreciated. Please
schedule your appointment on the
sign-up sheets at the Deacons’ Blood
Drive alcove in the Community Room
beginning January 21. If you have never
donated before, donor information will
be available at our booth. You may also
sign up by calling Rosalyn Beatty at
253-6461, ext. 332, or sending an
e-mail to rbeatty@secondchurch.org.
Thanks for your donation! Your gift of
blood may save a life.
Centering Prayer
Have you ever heard the phrase “resting in God?” One of the
main ways to do this is a Christian contemplative prayer technique
known as Centering Prayer. It is a way of consenting to God’s presence
and action within us. We are fortunate to have Laurel Simon to lead
us in a class on Centering Prayer. She was trained by Contemplative
Outreach, an organization started by Thomas Keating to educate
people in Centering Prayer. The class will be held on Saturday, January
27. The class will be from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with a light lunch
included. The cost will be $25. Come join us. Learn to be with God
and just listen. Let God begin to take you on a wonderful adventure.
Call Dr. Jim Riley or his Administrative Assistant, Melissa Jones, for
information and registration (253-6461).
Choir School Kick-Off on January 14
Our annual Choir School kick-off this year will feature the
Indianapolis Opera Young Artists performing “Little Red Walking
Hood,” a humorous adaptation of the classic fairy tale that is sure to
be entertaining for all ages. This special event is open both to current
Choir School families and those interested in joining Choir School
in 2007. Registration materials will be available at the performance
and the Director of Children’s Music Ministries, Gretchen Lynch, will
be on site to answer your questions. Kick-off will begin at 11 a.m. in
the Multipurpose Room. Parents are welcome to attend with their
children. Following the performance, we will have a pizza luncheon in
the common area. Coffee, lemonade and cookies will also be provided.
Please bring a dessert or side dish to share. RSVP to Gretchen Lynch
at glynch@secondchurch.org or by calling the Music and Fine Arts
Office at 253-6461 ext. 309.
The Spire
Calendar of Events
“And the one who was seated on the throne said,
‘Behold I am making all things new.’”
Revelation 21:5
January 13 and 14—Youth Ministries winter
adventure trips
January 20 and 21—Marriage Preparation
Program through the Center for
Family Life Ministries
January 25—Welcome Baby Ministry/
Presbyterian Women dessert and
program featuring Dr. Robin
Chaddock, 7 p.m.
Second Presbyterian Church
7700 North Meridian Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46260-3699
Address Service Requested
Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 1512
Indianapolis, Ind.
January 28—Congregational Celebration and
Annual Meeting beginning at 12:30
p.m. in the Community Room
February 10 and 11—“Getting the Love You
Want” relationship enrichment
weekend through the Center for
Family Life Ministries
February 21—Ash Wednesday Service,
imposition of ashes in the Sanctuary
February 23 and 24—Festival of Faith
February 24—Aspire Youth Ministries Waffle
February 28—Presbyterian Women InSpiring
Speaker Series dessert and program,
The Carmelites: “Why we Pray the
News and How You Can Too,” 7 p.m.
March 7—Wednesday Lenten Series begins
March 11—Youth Sunday; Sanctuary Choir
Lenten Concert
March 18—Open House
March 23—Men’s Steak Dinner
May 6—Save the Date: Building Dedication
Second Presbyterian Church Information
Sunday Worship
8:15 a.m.—Chapel
9:30 a.m.—Sanctuary
11 a.m.—Sanctuary
Second at Six
Casual Worship
Children’s Circle
(317) 252-5517
Childcare Reservations
(317) 252-5519
6 p.m.—Sanctuary
Center for Family Life Ministries
(317) 252-5518
Service of Communion
& Wholeness
Weekly Radio Program
10:35 a.m.—Chapel
Sunday, 9:30 a.m. on
Office Hours
Telephone/Fax Numbers
Church Office
If you have recently changed your
e-mail address, please contact
the church office at 253-6461 or
update our records!
Inspirational Phone Message
(317) 259-5715
(317) 253-6461 (phone)
(317) 252-5590 (fax)
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
9 a.m. to noon
Church news, calendar, newsletters, sermons and more
are all available on our website: www.secondchurch.org
The Spire is published monthly by Second Presbyterian Church.
Editor/Designer: Jamison Coler (jcoler@secondchurch.org), Director of Communications