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August 3, 2016 Dear Friends, I am pleased to announce David Mills is our new Interim Youth Director. His first official day will be August 8. I am grateful to Kate Franks and Mark Doderer for working with me in reviewing applications, conducting interviews, and making the selection. David is well-known to many of you. He is a member of Second Presbyterian Church and served as our Summer Youth Intern in 2012. David is a graduate of the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, and served as a Young Adult Volunteer on behalf of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 2013. He served several summers as camp counselor and assistant program director at Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center. He has experience as Youth Director at three congregations: First Presbyterian Church of Bentonville, Arkansas, Lake Murray Presbyterian Church in Chapin, South Carolina, and First Presbyterian Church, Fort Smith, Arkansas. David has excellent relational skills, and interacts comfortably with youth, parents and volunteers. He has a passion for youth ministry, and for helping young people grow in the life of Christian discipleship. Please welcome David to his new position at Second Presbyterian Church. Christ’s peace, Triennium Youth Conference Thirteen high school students and chaperones Marsha Taylor and Greg Adams, along with students and chaperones from our Presbytery spent July 18—July 23 at Triennium. Triennium is the largest PCUSA youth conference in the world, and happens once every three years on the campus of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. During Triennium, our students were able to experience worship with 6,000 other Presbyterian students and chaperones; they were a part of small groups, participated in recreation activities, ate together, learned more about the Bible and got to meet people from all over the world. Many of our students traveled from the Triennium Conference straight to this year's Youth Conference at Montreat Conference Center in North Carolina. MGM (Men’s Group Ministry) To Study ‘Throwback Special’ This Summer, Invites Visitors: Vic Fleming will lead a 4-session book study of Chris Bachelder’s novel “The Throwback Special” on July 19 & 26 and August 2 & 9 – Tuesdays at 7:00 a.m. at Rosalia’s Family Bakery, 2701 Kavanaugh, Little Rock 72205 - as part of Men’s Group Ministry (MGM). Visitors and new members are invited and encouraged to attend. The novel explores the relationships and dynamics among a group of men who meet annually to reenact the football play that ended the career of Washington Redksins quarterback Joe Theisman in 1985. The book is not about football. For more details, contact When a loved one dies, one of the most common early reactions is an intense yearning, a sense that part of you is missing, and a hunger to have that person back. Sharing stories often provides solace and helps ease the heartbreak. Our church is providing a place to share those stories. On the third Tuesday of every month, our church hosts a Faith and Grief Luncheon for the community from noon to 1:00 p.m. in Second Hall. Our speaker for August 16 luncheon will be Karen Hayes. Participants will experience: A supportive community of persons who have experienced the death of a loved one. Comfort through scripture and prayers Encouragement through personal stories Hope in sharing your feelings and experiences Registration for August 16 can be made by visiting or by calling (469) 251-9612 If you are interested in receiving more information about Faith and Grief Ministry, contact Karen Akin at (501)227-0000 or or go on line to Join us for the Summer Soci a l The Summer Social is a great time to visit with and make friends in the church; have coffee or juice and a bakery treat; catch up on summer plans and trips; and most importantly, to welcome each other to worship. It is held every Sunday between July 3 and August 21 from 9:40 to 10:00 a.m. in the narthex. Children’s Choir Schedule is Changing Children’s Choir will rehearse on Wednesday evenings this fall. More information about times and specific details on starting dates and worship leadership opportunities will come soon. Until then, please save the date for choir on Wednesdays from 5:30 - 7:15 p.m. If you have questions, please contact Mary Ibis at Online Registration and Payment is available at frmThePlaceEvent.aspx Register EARLY to get a lunch reservation: $15 per adult by July 27 (includes lunch) $20 after July 27 (does not include lunch) Childcare: $10 per child maximum $30 per family (bring sack lunch) Students, teachers, administrators, coaches, staff members, and anyone involved in education is invited to bring their backpack, briefcase or diaper bag (for little ones) to be blessed during either worship service on Sunday, August 14. This blessing is given in recognition of, and thanksgiving for, God’s daily presence in our lives. As a sign of the blessing, each participant will receive a token (along with a snack) to serve as a visible reminder of this blessing, and the prayers of the community of Second Presbyterian Church throughout the year. Please arrive at church a few minutes early so you will have time to place your backpacks and briefcases around the communion table. We will also be collecting school supplies for our school partner, Bale Elementary School, and we invite you to bring any of the following items to donate: washable markers, crayons (24 count), #2 pencils, colored pencils, glue sticks, wide-rule notebook paper, or boxes of Kleenex. Summer Gathering Presbyterian Women Sunday, August 21 at 3:00 p.m. Second Hall All Women of our Congregation are invited to attend! Celebrate former Presidents of the Women of the Church and Moderators of Presbyterian Women Explore new ways to be a part of Presbyterian Women, as Partners in Ministry at home and around the world Enjoy food and fellowship Purchase “Who is Jesus?”, our new Bible Study book ($10) Pick up your PW Yearbook with new Circle lists Make your Mission Pledge to Support the 2016 - 2017 Presbyterian Women Budget rEcess - Respite Care for Families Living with Disabilities: rEcess is changing the story of disability, loving people, and empowering others to serve families experiencing disability in their communities. The mission of rEcess is to build inclusive communities so that every person with disability and their family can live a full life within relationships, by proclaiming the worth and image-bearing beauty of each and every human being. Respite care is a strategic way to begin serving families where they need it most. Second Presbyterian Church is a host site for respite care, with training, curriculum, and consultation from the international rEcess organization. Members of our congregation volunteer their time to assist with an every other month respite night at the church (September – May). Children of families living with disabilities attend an evening of activities and programs while parents have a deserved and needed break in caregiving for their children. A dedicated group of volunteers from our congregation serve on a leadership team to oversee this ministry of our congregation. This team includes people in the medical field and those who are trained in areas of assisting people with disabilities, along with others who have a passion for this ministry. Team members include: Syd Adams, Caroline Crow, Jeannie Ford, Emily Helm, Julie Honeycutt, Leslie McCormack, Robyn Rosamond, and Lucy Thompson. If you are interested in supporting rEcess, please contact Karen Akin at or call the church at 227-0000. Our first rEcess dates are: Friday, September 23 Friday, November 4 Friday, January 20 Young Adults Explore Race and Faith: On Saturday, August 6, young adults will meet at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center (501 W. 9th Street downtown) at 3:00 p.m. Following the museum tour, we will eat dinner at Sim's BBQ on Broadway and Roosevelt where we will discuss racial justice in the context of our faith. We will be joined by Rev. Marion Humphrey and others from Allison Memorial Presbyterian. Feel free to read texts to support our discussion (Galatians 3:28, Luke 10:25-37, and an article titled "The Social Gospel of TaNehisi Coates"). Call or email Blake Tierney at 501-920-6982 or PRESBYTERY-WIDE MISSION TRIP TO MCGEHEE, AR. Who: Anyone (age 18 and older) is invited to go on this annual trip When: We will leave on Monday, August. 8 and return on Friday, August. 12. What: All the work will be indoors: replacing insulation, wall covering, sheet rock, flooring and painting inside houses affected by floods. Where: We will be working in McGehee, in southeast AR. Why: We want to help rebuild and restore hope to the people of this area. Cost: $50/week. Check with the leader if you can only help a day or two. We will be housed in a home in McGehee with showers, toilets and full cooking facilities. DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION: Thursday, August 4 Other ways to help: Share brochure immediately with others who may be interested, Lowe's gift cards for building supplies and pray for workers and those they are assisting. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Certified Christian Educator Susie Wright, Hot Springs, (501.620.3335). Connections / Young Adults Last Friday Supper August 28, 2016 - 6:00 p.m. Meet at Big Orange (Midtown) Welcome Back / Fall Kick-Off Movie Party Friday, August 26 5:30 p.m. All children 4 yrs- 5th grade are invited to join Miss Mary and Miss Jeannie for movies, popcorn, hot dogs, and fun!! Come get “re-acquainted,” make some new friends, and find out about all the exciting things that will be happening in our Children’s Ministry this fall. Watch for more information coming soon…… Childcare will be available at the church. Please call Karin Howze to R.S.V.P. (501-227-0000) Last Friday Supper is a time for us to get together and share a meal and enjoy in fellowship Friday, October 28, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. Saturday, October 29, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Lunch on your own) Save these dates: October 28-29 The Fall Second Wind event is one you won’t want to miss! Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile are recognized national experts and some of the best teachers / storytellers you will encounter. Their book, The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery, will be released in early October. The Enneagram is primarily a spiritual tool and as such is one of the clearest and most accurate methods available for understanding ourselves and those who are important to us. The insight that it gives can change our lives. Life is simply never the same. We will discover a framework for beginning to live into our more authentic selves by understanding the fundamental assumptions through which each type views themselves and the world. By the end of the conference, each participant will have identified, or be close to identifying, his or her Enneagram number. Those who already have a good idea about their Enneagram number will find their knowledge refreshed and deepened. The Enneagram enables us to emerge with a new appreciation and acceptance of others. Join us for this Friday evening / Saturday workshop that will challenge and potentially change the way you see yourself and the world. Conference Hours: Friday, 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. and Saturday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Registration will be offered thru the church website beginning the first of August. The cost is $99 per individual and $159 per married couple. Karin Howze in the church office will be available to assist with registration, or you can register online at our website ( Attention First Graders and Parents!!!!!! Two special occasions combined into one special event— Sunday, August 14 11:15 (following 10:00 worship)-1:00 p.m. Welcome to Bible Village Pizza Party And Worshipping Together Family Milestone Celebration Please join Miss Jeannie for a pizza lunch and a variety of activities planned to help our rising First Graders explore the rooms/ workshops in Bible Village and to learn more about how and where we worship together as a family of faith. Through books, art, music, and a scavenger hunt, the children will learn about our worship service and make a “worship kit” they can take to church with them. Since our Child Care program on Sunday mornings provides care for children through Kindergarten, we plan this special event to help equip children and families for meaningful worship as “big kids.” Please contact Jeannie (, 227-0000) Save the Date Sunday, August 28 Sunday School Kick-off Everyone is invited to join the celebration as we “kick-off” another great year of Sunday School at Second Presbyterian Church!! 9:50 a.m. in the Great Hall Continental Breakfast available beginning at 9:30 a.m. “Official Promotion Activities” will begin at 9:50 a.m. (Children and Youth classes and leaders will be introduced and invited to go to the classes.) An Overview of Adult Education Opportunities will begin at 10:10 a.m. (Representatives from each adult class will give a brief presentation.) Come and greet familiar faces, meet new friends, and find out how you can be involved in the many opportunities for study and spiritual growth in the coming year. Watch for the coming Christian Education for all ages!! For more information, contact Jeannie Ford (, 227-0000). Alzheimer’s Walk at the Zoo: Our Pastoral Care Ministry sponsors team Second Safari each year in the Alzheimer’s Walk at the Little Rock Zoo. This year’s walk will take place on Saturday, September 24, 2016. We sponsor a team to show our support for those living with Alzheimer’s. There is no cost to be a part of the team and entry into the zoo is free! Sign up for the walk in the narthex on Sundays in August and early September or online at Annual Second Presbyterian Documentary Film Festival Continues on Sunday, August 7 at 4:00 p.m. in Second Hall. August 7: Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising’s Image of Women At once provocative and inspiring, this film stands to challenge advertising students to take advertising seriously and to think critically about its relationship to sexism, eating disorders, gender violence, and contemporary politics. Facilitator: Karen Akin Mini Music Makers A camp for 4 year olds through 7 year olds, brings music, play, art, snacks, stories, the Bible, and fun all together for five fun mornings! The camp runs August 8-12 from 9:00-11:30 a.m. and costs just $30 per participant. There are several spots open. Please contact Mary Ibis at: for more information, or to register your young musician. (This camp replaces the Camp originally scheduled July 5-7). Usher/Greeter Volunteers Always Appreciated: Those who serve as ushers and greeters for our worship service are providing a ministry of hospitality for members and visitors to our church. Along with providing an important leadership role for worship, those who serve as ushers and greeters are also afforded a wonderful opportunity to meet and work alongside other members of the congregation. You may contact the following deacons who serve as usher captains to volunteer as ushers or greeters: August Nine O’clock worship usher captain: August 10:00 worship usher captain: Rick Owen, Sherry Shinn, August 2016 Stewpot Cook team 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Servers 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m. Friday: 8/5, 8/12, 8/19, 8/26 Our House Cook Team, 3:00 p.m. Pastoral Care Ministry delivers and serves 5:30-7:00 p.m. the 2nd Friday of each month. Friday: 8/12 Rice Depot Volunteers box and deliver food to older adults 8:15-11:00 a.m. the 4th Saturday of each month. Saturday: 8/27 For more information . . . Stewpot – Campbell McLaurin, Rice Depot – Mike Tharp, Our House– Linda Humphries, Isaac Arnold, Sage & Joe Arnold’s nephew – Air Force, stationed at Offutt AFB, NE Andrew Delo, Jeanne Lloyd’s grandson – stationed in South Carolina (Navy’s Nuclear Sub School) Martyn Delo, Jeanne Lloyd’s grandson – stationed on a Navy ship off the coast of Bahrain Taylor Douglas, son of Susan & Kevin Douglas – Camp Pendleton, San Diego, CA David Henry, son of Mary Helen & Joe Henry – at the Pentagon Washington, DC. Jonathan Johnson, grandson of Helen Scott, nephew of Clarke & Cindy Scott Huisman – stationed at Warner Robbins, GA. Daniel Jones, Jean Munger’s grandson, Marjorie Watkins’ nephew – stationed in Ft. Leonardwood, MO Jonathan Miller, son of Patrice & Stan Miller – stationed in Virginia Beach, VA Matthew Powell, grandson of Dorothy Powell, stationed in Savannah, GA Chris Rookey, son of Hallie & Craig Rookey – stationed in Ft. Carson, CO Kyle Rought, Mary Ibis’ cousin – stationed in Copperas Cove, TX Stuart Rubio, Kessler Air Force Base, Biloxi, MS Pastor Rev. Steve Hancock Associate Pastors Rev. Karen K. Akin Rev. Lindy Vogado Parish Associates Rev. David Gill Dr. Robert Williamson Church Educator Jeannie Ford Interim Youth Director David Mills Director of Music and Arts Dr. Bevan Keating Associate Director of Music Mary Ibis Organist Adam Savacool 9 O’clock Music Coordinator Sarah Jane Guzman Business Administrator Aileen Moore Director of Planned Giving Malinda Kirchner Newcomer Care Catherine Allsbury Young Adult Ministry Blake Tierney Erin Beard Facilities Manager David Beach Administrative Associates Sage Arnold Tracy May Sharon Hughes David Rey Child Care Coordinator and Administrative Associate Karin Howze Sextons Guy Howze Emily McPherson Sundays: Worship Services 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Newsletter Articles may be emailed to Next deadline: Thursday, August 11 and Thursday, August 25 Hospitalized *Discharged *Roy Colglazier, *Susan Sims, Benjamin Walker Honey, Julia Ann Williams, June Williams, *Polly Johnson, *Amanda Richardson Our Sympathy goes to Guy Alexander in the death of her husband Randy Alexander, Lorraine Hannah in the death of her cousin Carolyn Westerfield Moorman, Randy Bear in the death of his father Gilbert Bear, Ellen Russell in the death of her mother from North Carolina, Don Wardlaw in the death of his brother Dudley Wardlaw, and Fred Hunt in the death of his two younger sisters. Congratulations to Dan & Kensey Honey in the birth of their son Benjamin Walker Honey on July 25. Also, congratulations to Heather Smith and Sarah Ort in their marriage on July 29. Campbell Soup Labels Needed: Please remove entire labels, including UPC code, from Campbell Soup and bring to collection box in narthex. Campbell soup label “rewards” are now being used by the Goodland Academy in Hugo, OK. to purchase needed teaching equipment. Please continue this simple contribution for discounted equipment. We would appreciate your help…..In keeping the church office informed when there is a sickness in your family, when someone is in the hospital, or a death has occurred. Please also keep us updated on the sickness or concern so that the information we have on our Care and Concern line is accurate. Members and friends can call the Care and Concern Line, 227-6117, on weekdays to receive information about prayer concerns in our church family. We will honor all requests for confidentiality, but in order for us to offer pastoral care, we need to be aware of your situation. We also want to know about the joys, accomplishments and achievements of members of the church. Please call Sharon Hughes or Karen Akin in the church office with information, 227-0000, or email or Thanks for your help! Heritage Committee Seeks 2nd Pres Memorabilia. Do you have old certificates, bulletins, newsletter, programs, or other documents from earlier days in the history of our church? The Heritage Committee would like to copy such to help fill in some of the gaps in our church records. Please contact Pam Luther, 690-5203.
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