Dedication of the Glenn Family Meeting Room at Ferncliff Camp and
Dedication of the Glenn Family Meeting Room at Ferncliff Camp and
October 14, 2015 SECOND Press A Publication of Second Presbyterian Church In Little Rock, Arkansas Dedication of the Glenn Family Meeting Room at Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center On Sunday afternoon, October 11, members of our congregation gathered with Presbyterians from around the state to dedicate the Dr. Wayne and Mary Ann Glenn Meeting Room which is housed in the new Dining Hall at Ferncliff. This premier meeting space, appointed with the latest technology, is part of the 8,000 square foot Dining Hall, and features large windows for viewing Ferncliff Lake, and a wide wrap around porch. This room is named for our church members, Dr. Wayne and Mary Ann Glenn, who were faithful members of our congregation as well as enthusiastic supporters of Ferncliff. Dr. Glenn became actively involved as a volunteer and supporter of Ferncliff after his grandchildren started attending summer camp at Ferncliff. The view of the lake and of campers growing in faith and having fun from the beautiful windows in the meeting room will be a reminder of Wayne’s love of nature and of his children and grandchildren. Wayne loved working with wood and made at least 30 pieces of rustic furniture for Ferncliff, including a communion table, a speaker stand, and many night stands for cabins. The new dining hall is part of Ferncliff's most recent capital campaign, a campaign that our congregation generously supported through our Outreach Ministry. We are grateful for your continued support of this important ministry in our presbytery. A Conversation about Race Second Presbyterian Church October 4, 11, 18, 25 Great Hall, 9:50 – 10:45 a.m. Racism violates God’s purpose for humanity and is contrary to the gospel of Jesus. Incidents of racially charged violence across the country – from Ferguson to Charleston and many other places in between – have once again brought to light underlying racial tensions that exist in American society. During the month of October, Second Presbyterian church will have A Conversation About Race. All Sunday School classes and members and friends are invited to participate. Special guest speakers will include: • October 4 – Dr. Joel Anderson, UALR Chancellor, will talk about why and how race matters. He will share learnings from the Racial Attitude Surveys conducted by the UALR Institute on Race and Ethnicity. • October 11 – Author Grif Stockley and UALR professor Dr. LaVerne BellTolliver will offer historical perspectives on race in Little Rock. • October 18 – State Senator Joyce Elliot, Judge Joyce Warren (Circuit Court, Juvenile Division), and Dr. Joseph Jones, Professor of Political Science at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff will lead a conversation about what it’s like to be black in Little Rock. • October 25 – Ruth Shepherd, Executive Director of Just Communities of Arkansas, will lead a conversation about what it’s like to be white in Little Rock, and will offer guidance on positive steps we can take toward racial reconciliation. This class is sponsored by the Social Justice Advocacy Committee of Second Presbyterian Church. Steve Hancock will serve as class facilitator. Education Event on Camino de Santiago All interested in this topic are invited to join the Reverend Debbie Freeman, interim pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville, AR, and our Stephen Ministers and Leaders. Debbie recently walked this 500 mile trek across Spain and she will share with us the spiritual nature of her pilgrimage. This continuing education event will be held on Monday, October 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the church Library. When a loved one dies, one of the most common early reactions is an intense yearning, a sense that part of you is missing, and a hunger to have the person back. Sharing stories often provides solace and helps ease the heartbreak. Our church is providing a place to share those stories. On the third Tuesday of every month, our church will host a Faith and Grief Luncheon from noon to 1:00 p.m. in Second Hall. The speaker for the October luncheon is Laura Cook. Participants will experience: • a supportive community of persons who have experienced the death of a loved one • comfort through scripture and prayers • encouragement through personal stories • hope in sharing your feelings and experiences. Registration for October 20 can be made by visiting or by calling (469) 251-9612. If you are interested in receiving more information about Faith and Grief Ministry, contact Karen Akin at (501) 227-0000 or or go online to Bible Study for Younger Women “Come to the Waters” Wednesday, October 14 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Youth Building Beginning October 14, there will be a monthly opportunity for younger women to gather for Bible Study and fellowship. This monthly group will be led by Jessica Vaught and Jeannie Ford. All are invited to join us for this time to explore stories in the Bible related to a water theme, to grow spiritually and get to know each other better! PDA Helps with Flooding in South Carolina Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is responding to the severe flooding in South Carolina . All presbyteries in the state have requested the presence of PDA National Response Team (NRT) members to help with assessments, long term recovery planning and simply being a present witness of the larger church during this difficult time. Additionally, all of the disaster relief kits at the Ferncliff Presbyterian Camp warehouse have been sent to help with flood relief efforts. Thank you for your continued support of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance as they help our neighbors in need. Open House Heritage Room Sunday, October 18 Women of Second Presbyterian Church You are invited to stop by the Heritage Room (north hall between the Church Library and LifeQuest Office) to see the current exhibit featuring the contributions by women to the life and ministry of our congregation. Women Organize - only two months after Second Church was organized in 1882, eight women gathered to form the Women’s Society for Church Work with a focus on mission. Through the years, the women’s organizations have evolved into present-day Presbyterian Women, which still has a solid mission focus. Learn about some of their projects and how they help further mission. Women Serve – with the call of our first female associate pastor, Karen Akin in 1992, the church staff has expanded to include other female associates. We have had longtenured members of the music ministry, Christian education ministry, administrative and other support staff, Learn about all of these women who have served with a sense of calling. Women Lead – in 1967, Second Church first elected women Deacons and Elders, soon followed by Youth Deacons and Elders, the first of whom were young women. Additionally, several women have demonstrated leadership at the General Assembly, Synod and Presbytery levels of our denomination. Learn about who these people are and about the women who have chaired stewardship teams, capital campaigns and building committees. You are welcome to stop by the Heritage Room any time you are at the church; on Sunday, October 18, members of the Heritage Committee will be on hand between 9:30-9:50 a.m. and after the 11:00 a.m. service to greet you and help with any questions you may have. Pledge Dedication Sunday November 15, 2015 Stewardship Team Mark Hagemeier Larry Kirchner Mary Carole Polk Scott Polk Kathy Ransom Mickey Rigby Philip Shell Gina Terry Steve Hancock Aileen Moore Halloween Carnival Sunday, October 25 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Pirates and princesses, ninja turtles and lions, goblins and geeks, babies, toddlers, and elementary age children and their families – join us for the Halloween Carnival this year! Activities will be held in the Great Hall and a Trunk or Treat will be held in the parking lot. Hot dog dinner will be served for $3 per person. Our Youth Ministry hosts this Happy Halloween Happening! First and Third Monday Morning Bible Study - Fall 2015 Back to the Well: Women’s Encounters with Jesus in the Gospels Our fall bible study will help us delve into stories of women in the biblical world and how their lives and experiences are represented and refracted, and how their stories illumine contemporary Christian life and faith. Participants will also gain a deepened understanding of the ways in which feminist biblical scholarship engages with the stories by articulating new questions and insights for the community of faith. The author, Frances Taylor Gench, is Professor of New Testament at Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia. She also authored Hebrews and James in the Westminster Bible Companion series, as well as a recent work: Encountering God in Tyrannical Texts: Reflections on Paul, Women, and the Authority of Scripture. The study will continue on October 19, November 2 and 16, December 7 and 21. All women of the church are invited to join this study group in Second Hall from 9:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. JCA Be the Movement! Sunday, November 1 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Little Rock River Market Pavilions Second Presbyterian Church always has a great team and we want you to walk with us this year. To sign up, go to and look for our church’s team. Walkers and Walk Teams from across Central Arkansas, representing families, businesses, civic and faith groups, and every walk of life come together to celebrate the rich diversity of our shared community and the uniqueness of each person in it. There's music, activities for the kids, food, and a whole lot of fun! And afterwards, head across President Clinton Avenue to REMIX at Stickyz from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.! Bring your karaoke skills, because we‘ve got great entertainment by DJ Showtime. Admission is $15 for two drink tickets and lots of fun to keep the community feeling going! Proceeds benefit JCA's many youth and community leadership programs, which ensure that every person is valued, every voice is heard and everyone has a fair chance to succeed. Come on out and be a part of this huge celebration of the rich diversity of our state! We will have a table in the narthex starting October 11. Please visit us there or contact our team leader, Bruce Aston, for more information. Young Adult Events October 14: Bible study for younger women, 5:30 p.m. in youth building. Turkey Trot 5k for Vera Lloyd Children’s Home November 21 October 15: Pub trivia at Afterthought, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Opportunities: Join us for an Outreach Ministry fieldtrip as we visit the campus of Vera Lloyd and participate in their annual 5k and fun walk fundraiser. For more information, please contact Lindy Vogado at 227-0000 or October 22: Tap Talk at Damgoode Pies in the River Market, 7:30 p.m. Topic: Can irreverence go too far? DEFIBRILLATOR The Property Ministry has purchased two Lifepack CR Plus Automated External Defibrillators (AED). The AED is fully automated with a simple two-step process of turning on the device and applying the electrode pads to the victim. The device is designed to deliver a shock only if it determines a heart needs it. No one even needs to press a shock button. One AED will be located in a white defibrillator box above the water fountain and next to the fire extinguisher outside the Chapel. The other device will be located in a white defibrillator box on the lower floor next to the fire extinguisher and across from the elevator. Omnia praeclara rara. (All excellent things are rare.) — Marcus Tullius Cicero, De Amicitia Praeclara presents Dracula Unearthed A performing arts organization supported by Second Presbyterian Church of Little Rock Thursday, Friday, & Saturday October 29, 30, & 31, 8:00 pm Wildwood Park for the Arts $25 general admission $50 VIP tickets and parking $15 student admission Call 501.821.7275 or visit to reserve tickets What is Praeclara? Named for a passage from Cicero’s famous treatise on friendship, Praeclara (pronounced pray–klah–ruh) is a performing arts organization dedicated to offering unique and exemplary arts programming. Praeclara events mix elements of choral, instrumental, operatic, balletic, and theatric performance in ways that delight the senses and stimulate the mind. How are Praeclara and Second Presbyterian connected? Second Presbyterian Church has a rich history of fostering artistic excellence. Known for its outstanding choral and hand bell programs, the church is also a coveted performance venue for the Little Rock Wind Symphony and the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra. Praeclara builds on this tradition by adding special events such as the recent productions of Peter Grimes, Kristin Lewis: An Advent Celebration, and Dido and Aeneas. Praeclara raises Second Presbyterian’s visibility and cements the church’s reputation as a major contributor to the arts. Pastor Steve Hancock comments, “Religion is that human enterprise that 'asks terrible and wonderful questions.' And the response is often wordless—the gestures of liturgy and sacrament, music and poetry, art and silence. Such gestures can draw us into wonder, love and praise—and thus deeper into the mystery of God. At Second Presbyterian, our lives are enriched and transformed by these expressions, and it is our joy to share them with the larger central Arkansas community through Praeclara events.” Praeclara presents Kristin Lewis Opera Gala Sunday November 22 at 4:00 p.m. Wildwood Park for the Arts $50 general admission $100 VIP tickets and parking $15 student admission Call 501.821.7275 or visit to reserve tickets Stephen Ministry News Our Committed Stephen Ministry Team Our Stephen Ministry Welcomes New Leaders and Ministers For over twenty years our congregation has trained Stephen Ministers with the skills necessary for caring ministry in our church and community. This fall, six new Stephen Ministers will begin a seven month training course in October. The five trainees are Mollie Birch, Susie Cummins, Cindy Edwards, Barbara Lasley, and Barbara Vaught. These committed and caring people will join our presently serving Stephen Ministers and Leaders in offering one-onone caring Christian friendship and concerned listening to people when they need it most. Our Stephen Ministry team also joyfully welcomes two new Stephen Leaders: Kay Combs and Jana Villemez. Both Kay and Jana have served as Stephen Ministers. They attended a week-long training to prepare them for their role as leaders in this significant ministry. Kay and Jana join our other Stephen Leaders, Karen Akin, Cathy Crass, Jo Ann McQuade, Laurie Stueart and Rita Wooley. Our Stephen Ministry team is committed to providing confidential Christian care for people experiencing many different needs from job changes to end of life issues. If you or someone you know is tense, upset, worn out, needing someone to talk with, someone to care - call on our Stephen Ministry team. Karen Akin is our staff resource minister. She can help you determine if your needs can best be served by a Stephen Minister and will be able to match you with someone who will support you through your time of crisis or transition. Our congregation has greatly benefited from our 22 year commitment to Stephen Ministry both in the giving of care and in the building up of our lay ministry team. We are grateful for the support given by our congregation in carrying out this ministry of presence with those in need. There are times when each of us needs the care of another person. Stephen Ministry is a program that equips lay persons to provide confidential, Christian, one-to-one care to those who are experiencing all kinds of life needs and circumstances, both in our congregation, and in our community. Second Safari at the Alzheimer’s Walk at the Zoo Seventy seven members of our congregation attended the Walk at the Zoo to support Alzheimer’s Arkansas. This is the largest number of walkers we have had in our 9 year history of attending the walk. Our team, Second Safari, received a Grand Elite Team award for having participated in 9 walks and raising $12,560 for Alzheimer’s Arkansas. The Alzheimer’s Arkansas Walk raises community awareness and funding for vital services such as early stage patient/caregiver support groups, family education and community awareness presentations, 24-hour telephone support, and so much more. All family services are provided free of charge and all proceeds stay in Arkansas. We are pleased that our church hosts an Alzheimer’s Support group on the first and third Thursday of each month with the help of church member Janet Nelson and Associate Pastor Karen Akin. Visit Our Church’s Planned Giving Web Page Fall Happenings at SPY October 21 - Seussical Musical Auditions - 5:00 p.m. in the Choir Room. All 6th-12th graders are invited to participate. Please come prepared with a song to sing, or you can sing "Happy Birthday" on the spot. There is a $150 participation fee for the musical: scholarships are available. Everyone who auditions gets a part! If you have any questions, please see Heather Rey. to see videos of church members and their stories, see examples of estate gifts and play with the gift calculator based on your interest. For more information, please contact Malinda Kirchner in the church office or Second Readers Second Readers will meet on Wednesday, October 21, 3:00 p.m. in Room #60, to discuss Melanie Benjamin's The Aviator's Wife. The fictional biography centers around the marriage of one of America's most famous couples--Anne and Charles Lindbergh. Told from Anne's point of view and using well-documented facts, the novel gives an insight into some of the major events of the century that occurred during their 45 year marriage. Visitors are welcome. For information contact Fayrene Johnson at or call 663-2733. October 25 - Halloween Carnival and Trunk or Treat, sponsored by SPY 4:00-6:00 p.m. Bring your little ghouls and goblins, all dressed up, for games and treats and fun! We can't wait to see you all there! Preschool Story Time Wednesday, October 21, 4:30-5:15 p.m. Preschool Story Time is back!!! All preschoolers are invited to join in the Children’s Library for a Fall/Halloween Story Time event. We will have seasonal stories, activities, and snacks. Contact Jeannie Ford (, 227-0000) if you have questions or need more information. SAVE the Date for Hanging of the Greens ALL ARE WELCOME!!! Join your church family as we prepare for Advent and Christmas… Sunday, November 29 November 13-15 - All SPY Retreat to Camp Winnamocka - Join us for a weekend of small groups, high ropes course in the treehouse, games, smores, Bible Study and a time to be together. This retreat is for both Junior and Senior Highers. All 6th-12th graders should be receiving a brochure in the mail over the next few weeks. USHER/GREETER VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS APPRECIATED Those who serve as ushers and greeters for our worship service are providing a ministry of hospitality for members and visitors to our church. Along with providing an important leadership role for worship, those who serve as ushers and greeters are also afforded a wonderful opportunity to meet and work alongside other members of the congregation. You may contact the following deacons who serve as usher captains to volunteer as ushers or greeters: October 8:30 a.m. worship usher captain: Dorothy Willoughby, October Nine O’clock worship usher captain: Neil Gillespie, October 11:00 a.m. worship usher captain: Fred Fennig, Yoga at Second Presbyterian Church Church member and Deacon, Mollie Birch, is leading a Yoga class on Thursday evenings beginning at 5:00 p.m. in the Bible Village Gathering room. All levels of “yogis” are invited to join the group. Yogis will practice seva (exchange of positive energy) by bringing a canned good to share with a local food pantry. Participants will need to bring their own yoga mat, which can be purchased locally or online. The yoga class will not meet on the third Thursday of each month. Fall Sewing Beginning! Pillowcases Are Needed for Dresses for Africa Mission Project Presbyterian Women (PW) are continuing to make little girls dresses from pillow cases for the Dresses For Africa project. For information call Carolyn Wenger 8681396. Also, PW is continuing to make school bags for the school kits. We could use left-over fabric that you may have. Call Joanne Mosley at 663-5297 if you have questions! Boy Scout Popcorn Boy Scout Troop 604, which is sponsored by Second Presbyterian Church, will be taking orders for Trails End Popcorn in the narthex on Sunday, October 18, 2015. Over 70% of the proceeds goes to local scouting supporting our troop and council. In Harm’s Way • Isaac Arnold, Sage & Joe Arnold’s nephew – Air Force, stationed in Papillion, NE • Andrew Delo, Jeanne Lloyd’s grandson – stationed in South Carolina • Martyn Delo, Jeanne Lloyd’s grandson – stationed at the Naval Base in Bahrain • Taylor Douglas, son of Susan & Kevin Douglas – basic training for Marine Corp., Camp Pendleton, San Diego, CA • Sean Garrett, friend of Sandra Rogers – deployed Navy • David Henry, son of Mary Helen & Joe Henry –Joint Base San Antonio • Jonathan Johnson, grandson of Helen Scott, nephew of Clarke & Cindy Scott Huisman – stationed at Warner Robbins, GA. • Daniel Jones, Jean Munger’s grandson, Marjorie Watkins’ nephew – stationed in Ft. Leonardwood, MO • Jonathan Miller, son of Patrice & Stan Miller – Navy pilot in strike fighter squadron - USS George H.W. Bush • Matthew Powell, grandson of Dorothy Powell, deployed to Afghanistan • Matt Powell, son of Holly Powell – serving at Camp Pendleton, CA • Hank Rector, son of Dell Fogleman – serving at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq • Chris Rookey, member & son of Hallie & Craig Rookey – deployed to the Middle East • Kyle Rought, Mary Ibis’ cousin – deployed to Afghanistan • Evan Wallace, Heather Rey’s brother – stationed in Tuscon, AZ ** If you have a family member serving in harm’s way, please contact Sharon Hughes in the church office or email with new or updated information. We want to keep this list current.** October/November 2015 Stewpot Cook team 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Servers 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m. Friday, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6 Our House Cook Team, 3:00 p.m. Belonging Ministry delivers and serves 5:30-7:00 p.m. the 2nd Friday of each month. Friday, 11/13 Rice Depot Volunteers box and deliver food to older adults 8:15-11:00 a.m. the 4th Saturday of each month. Saturday, 10/24 For more information . . . Stewpot – Campbell McLaurin, Rice Depot – Mike Tharp, Our House– Linda Humphries, Support for Alzheimer's Family Members/Caregivers Thursdays, October 15 and November 5 at 1:00 in the Library This is an open group and new members are always welcome. Care-giving is an incredibly significant gift you give those you care for, and caregivers need care, too. Please consider joining this group of folks who will share your concerns and joys in care giving. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Akin at 501-227-0000 or email Pastor Rev. Steve Hancock Associate Pastor Rev. Karen K. Akin Associate Pastor Rev. Lindy Vogado Interim Associate Pastor Rev. Rachel Shepherd Parish Associates Rev. David Gill Dr. Robert Williamson Church Educator Jeannie Ford Youth Director Heather Rey Director of Music and Arts Dr. Bevan Keating Associate Director of Music Mary Ibis Organist Adam Savacool 9 O’clock Music Coordinator Sarah Jane Guzman Business Administrator Aileen Moore Director of Planned Giving Malinda Kirchner Facilities Manager David Beach Administrative Associates Sage Arnold Robin De Rossitte Sharon Hughes Tracy May Administrative Associate and Child Care Coordinator Karin Howze Sextons Guy Howze Emily McPherson Sundays: Worship Services 8:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. (Communion) and 11:00 a.m. Newsletter Articles may be emailed to Next deadline: Thursday, October 22 and Thursday, November 5 Bulletin Board Hospitalized *Discharged *Gloria Wright, *Florence Gardner, *Betsy Borchert Our Sympathy to Jai Lambert on the death of his mother, Eloise “Weezie” Carter Lukas. Eileen and Steven Denne, Julia and Callie, on the death of Eileen’s father, Robert L. (Bob) Edwards. The family and friends of Jane Starling. Bill Sigler and Beth Sigler on the death of wife and mother, Genie Sigler. Stamp Our Hunger Project: Presbyterian Women are collecting cancelled postage stamps which are in turn sold to a dealer. The money they receive is donated to Church World Service, Bread for the World and Atlanta’s Open Door Community, all non-profits working to alleviate hunger. Tear or cut stamps from your envelopes, leaving at least 1/8” all around; place stamps in collection box in narthex. Campbell Soup Labels Needed: Please remove entire labels, including UPC code, from Campbell Soup and bring to collection box in narthex. Presbyterian Women are collecting them to help Goodland School in Hugo, Oklahoma receive a free 7 passenger van once they have collected 1.5 million Campbell Soup can labels. Their goal is finally in sight so please keep supporting this simple gift. We would appreciate your help…..In keeping the church office informed when there is a sickness in your family, when someone is in the hospital, or a death has occurred. Please also keep us updated on the sickness or concern so that the information we have on our Care and Concern line is accurate. Members and friends can call the Care and Concern Line, 227-6117, on weekdays to receive information about prayer concerns in our church family. We will honor all requests for confidentiality, but in order for us to offer pastoral care, we need to be aware of your situation. We also want to know about the joys, accomplishments and achievements of members of the church. Please call Sharon Hughes or Karen Akin in the church office with information, 227-0000, or email or Thanks for your help! Heritage Committee Seeks 2nd Pres Memorabilia. Do you have old certificates, bulletins, newsletter, programs, or other documents from earlier days in the history of our church? The Heritage Committee would like to copy such to help fill in some of the gaps in our church records. Please contact Betty Jean Moore, 224-5313. Like Us on Facebook
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