January 18, 2015 - First Presbyterian Church at Caldwell
January 18, 2015 - First Presbyterian Church at Caldwell
FIRST PRESS JANUARY 18, 2015 WELCOME VISITORS! We are glad you have chosen to worship here today! Please come again! Nursery care is provided for children up to 24 months in our Cradle Room during the 10:00AM Worship Service. There is Christian Education for all ages during the 10:00AM Worship Service. The Cradle Room and Rest Rooms are located through the door to the left of the pulpit then left down the hallway. The white brochure in the pew rack will tell you a little about this congregation. An Usher or one of the Greeters that you met as you came in will be glad to assist you with more information or you can visit our website: www.firstprescaldwell.org. You are respectfully requested to turn off all pagers and cell phones. Our church is equipped with a hearing assistance system. Please ask the usher for a receiver. GREETERS THIS MORNING ARE: 10:00AM Westville Ave - Carol DeFrance & Sharon Baker Witzel Bloomfield Ave - Mark Schalles & Bill Trafton DEACON ON DUTY THIS WEEK THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION IS ANNOUNCED The Annual Meeting of the Congregation, for the purpose of reviewing the 2015 Budget, will be held in the Sanctuary following the 10:00AM Worship Service on February 8, 2015. Plan to be at this important event in the life of our church. Copies of the Annual Report will be ready to pick up at the back of the sanctuary or on the Christian Ed Desk on February 1st. Be sure to bring your copy with you to the meeting on February 8! YOU CAN BEAT THE WINTER BLUES! The Church Life Committee is offering two events to get together with friends from FPC this winter! FAMILY BOWLING NIGHT AT HANOVER LANES Saturday January 31 – 6:00PM-8:00PM Cost $15 PP (Includes Shoe Rental) Sign Up by TOMORROW, January 19 LINE DANCING AT COLORADO CAFÉ (21 AND OLDER ONLY) Cost $35 PP (Includes Cover to Enter Club, Line Dancing Class and Buffet Dinner) Additional $15 PP for bus transportation (Bus leaves from church at 5:00 PM) Saturday February 28 6:00PM – 11:00PM Sign Up by February 8 Bev Johnson - 973-364-0225 AFTER THE 10:00AM SERVICE WEEKDAY NURSERY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT TIMEI Join Michael & Lanna Lebet for coffee in Room 120 It's open enrollment time in the preschool! We have spots available in all of our classes which accommodate children ages 2 1/2 - 9 years old. We also have lunch and enrichment programs to extend your child's school day. And we also have a program called 5s Enrichment which is for those children who are old enough to start Kindergarten but whose parents would like to give them an extra year. This program focuses on developing Kindergarten readiness skills through a project based curriculum and hands-on, learn through play activities. Please contact Kathleen Carlson at 973-226-6674 for more information and to schedule a tour. SAVE THE DATE What: Family Retr eat Where: Stony Point Confer ence Center When: Apr il 24-26 Speaker: Pam Rotelle Rober tson Theme of Weekend: " Connections" Spiritual Tools for Daily Living Cost: $220 per adult - $110 per child Includes: 2 nights stay at Stony Point Conference Center and 5 meals Stony Point Conference Center is about 1 hour north of Caldwell “Connections” - connecting with one another in community, and spiritual tools for connecting with God in our daily lives. Our time together will help build community and also foster personal spiritual growth. The spiritual practices we learn together will help turn us toward places God has promised He will meet us. HAVE YOU PICKED UP YOUR PHOTO DIRECTORY? If your picture was taken for the Church Directory and you have not yet gotten your copy, you may pick up your directory from the church office today or during the week. We have chosen to create a new format binding the directories in a 3 ring binder so we can update the directories from time to time, adding pages and making this a living directory. We will notify you as updates become available. Many thanks to Donna Heun for all of her work in creating the Directory layout as well as the Church Life Committee for their work in putting this together. TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH: BECOME A MEMBER Want to meet other newcomers and find out more about us? We offer an orientation to our church called THE INQUIRERS GROUP. Save the dates: Sunday, February 15th, 22nd & March 1st from 11:30AM - 12:30PM. Gr ab a cup of coffee at Coffee Hour and then come and join us. Childcare will be provided if requested. Through fun and friendly discussion, we will explore membership questions and learn more about our denomination and First Pres in particular. Questions? Contact Dr. Richard Sommers, 973-228-0310. TIP OF THE WEEK TRANSPORTATION: The U.S. is responsible for 45% of the world’s total global warming pollution from vehicles (Environmental Defense). Purchasing a fuelefficient car is one of the most effective environmental choices you can make. When it comes time to purchase a vehicle, aim for one that is rated at 35 miles per gallon or higher. http://www.fueleconomy.gov/ Eco-tip provided by GreenFaith: www.greenfaith.org LIBRARY IN THE CORNER As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday this weekend, we hope you will check out two new books in our Library Carts. "Beatitudes: From Slavery to Civil Rights by Carole Boston Weatherford. This is the story of African American history in the United States from slavery to present day, highlighting 13 historical figures and sharing a bit about their story through the lens of the Beatitudes. This book is located in the Kids Cart at the back of the sanctuary. Strength to Love by Martin Luther King Jr. If you want to experience King's insight and power as a writer, read Strength to Love. This collection of sermons is an excellent summation of the philosophy he developed as a Christian clergyman, social critic, and advocate for the African-American community. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NOTES CHILDREN'S MINISTRY NEWS KIDS KART - We hope you will check out our new Kids Kart at the back of the sanctuary. The Kids Kart has activity books, crayons, and books for children to enjoy during the worship service. Please take what you would like, but remember to return the crayons and books at the end of the service! MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. KIDS DAY - Monday, January 19th - 9:00AM3:00PM - All children in Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to join us for a fun day celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday! We will be playing games, learning about what it means to serve others, and doing a hands on service project! There is no cost. Children should plan to bring a sack lunch. Sign up with Jaime Staehle to participate! YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS SR. HIGH FELLOWSHIP AND PIZZA - TODAY - 11:30AM-1:00PM - All 9th12th graders are invited to join us each Sunday for fellowship and pizza in the Youth Room! No need to sign up, just show up! JR. HIGH FUNPLEX TRIP - Thursday, January 22nd - 5:00-8:00PM - All 6th8th graders are invited to join us for a fun evening at Funplex. The cost is $30 plus money for dinner. Sign up with Jaime to attend. JOHN R. AND INGE P. STAFFORD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP John Rogers Stafford served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Wyeth Corp. He was an active supporter of many charitable and civic organizations. Along with his wife Inge P. Stafford, they were avid supporters of higher education and that it be available to all those who seek it. Inge started her career as a high school teacher in the Arlington public school system and derived great pleasure in helping young people recognize their abilities and prepare them for the journey ahead. Together, they were members of the First Presbyterian Church at Caldwell for nearly 50 years. On March 18, 2014 the Session at the First Presbyterian Church at Caldwell established the John R. and Inge P. Stafford Memorial Scholarship. We are excited once again to be able to offer Scholarships for the 2015 – 2016 academic school year. This scholarship is open to anyone planning to attend or who is already attending a 2 or 4 year accredited college. Application Due Date: 4:00 PM April 15, 2015 CHOIR TOUR 2015 - CHILDREN OF EDEN by Stephen Schwartz TO SEATTLE, WA Please tell all of your friends and family in the Seattle area about the Westminster Choir's upcoming performances. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15: Westminster Presbyterian Church Anacortes - www.wpcanacortes.org Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church Seattle - www.prlc.org West Side Presbyterian Church, Seattle - www.wspc.org Newport Presbyterian Church Bellevue - www.newportpres.org SOUP KITCHEN NEWS THE PANS ARE OUT and we are getting ready for another trip to Our Lady of the Valley Soup Kitchen to serve our clients with fellowship and a wonderful hot meal of Sausage and Peppers. Pick up and pan and or sign up to venture down to the Soup Kitchen to serve in his name. Call Joyce McGrath 201-738-6531 to reserve your spot to travel to OLV on January 24th. FAITH AND LIFE SERIES PRESENTS ADOLESCENCE AND SELF REGULATION Date: Time: Moderator: Presenters: February 11, 2015 7:00 PM J ames Heinegg Kr istiane Geor ge - The Adolescent Brain Mike Bruchac - The need for a Parent Inya Chehade - Community Resources (The Bridge Counseling) Anthony Amering - Student Assistance Counselor at West Essex Schools THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT CALDWELL 326 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell, NJ 07006 Office Hours: M-Th 9:00AM - 4:00PM F 9:00AM - 3:00PM Office Phone: 973-228-0310 * Fax: 973-228-0629 e-mail address: fpc@firstprescaldwell.org webpage: www.firstprescaldwell.org facebook: The First Presbyterian Church at Caldwell Stephen Ministry - 973-228-0310 ext. 235 stephen.ministry@firstprescaldwell.org CHURCH CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, January 18 OFFICER ORDINATION/INSTALLATION 8:30 AM Chapel Worship with Communion 9:00 AM Confirmation Class, Rm 121 10:00 AM Worship Service / Sunday School 11:00 AM Coffee Hour, Rm 120 11:15 AM Church Life Committee, Don Brown’s Office 11:15 AM GreenFaith Team Meeting, Library 11:30 AM Adult Education Class, Parlor 11:30 AM Sr. High Fellowship, Youth Room 2:00 PM Children of Eden Rehearsal MONDAY, January 19 MARTIN LUTHER KING , JR. HOLIDAY CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 9:00 AM Kids MLK Day Celebration 10:00 AM Children of Eden Rehearsal 7:00 PM Yoga & Meditation, Rm 120 7:00 PM Venture Scouts, Youth Room TUESDAY, January 20 9:30 AM Staff Meeting 7:30 PM Session, Rm 120 WEDNESDAY, January 21 9:30 AM Crafting Group, Rm 118 4:00 PM Youth Club 7:30 PM First Church Ringers THURSDAY, January 22 7:00 AM Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, Caldwell Diner 10:00 AM Old Guard, Rm 120 1:00 PM Women’s Fellowship Board Meeting, Crane’s Mill 5:00 PM Jr. High Fellowship leaves for Funplex 6:30 PM Chancel Handbells 8:00 PM Chancel Choir FRIDAY, January 23 9:30 AM Mommy & Me, Cradle Room 5:30 PM AA Meeting, Fellowship Hall SATURDAY, January 24 8:00 AM Dads With a Mission, Inc., Rockn’ Joe Café 8:30 AM Soup Kitchen Crew leaves First Pres 9:30 AM Presbytery Meeting at Roseville United Presbyterian 36 Roseville Ave, Newark 10:30 AM Weekday Nursery School Grandparents Story Time SUNDAY, January 25 8:30 AM Chapel Worship with Communion 9:00 AM Confirmation Class, Rm 121 10:00 AM Worship Service / Sunday School 11:00 AM Coffee Hour, Rm 120 11:30 AM Parents - Teaching Your Child About Communion 11:30 AM Adult Education Class, Parlor 11:30 AM Sr. High Fellowship, Youth Room 2:00 PM Children of Eden Rehearsal Our Staff Dr. Richard N. Sommers, Pastor/Head of Staff Rev. Don Brown, A ssociate Pastor Rev. Barbara Jo Piercy, M inister of M usic Jaime Staehle, Director of Y outh & Children’s M inistries Nancy Felter, Office M anager Lauren Restaino, Communications Specialist/Admin Assistant Chris White, Building Manager/Head Sexton Noel Piercy, A ssociate Director of M usic Kaitlyn Heun, Youth Intern Cristina Blunt, Sunday M orning R eceptionist Ray Uhlendorf, Sunday M orning Sexton Kathleen Carlson, Director Weekday Nursery School - 973-226-6674 http://www.firstpresnurseryschool.com Kenneth Kamper Superintendent, Prospect Hill Cemetery - 973-228-4410 Inspirational Phone Line - 973-228-2604 Dr. Robert R. McGruther, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Robert Pryor, Parish A ssociate Todd Slater, W ebmaster todd@firstprescaldwell.org CELEBRATE A SPECIAL OCCASION WITH FLOWERS Your Envelope # _______________ Each Sunday, we enjoy the beauty of fresh flowers at the front of the Sanctuary. It’s a perfect way to remember a special person who has left your life. It’s also a unique way to say “Thank-You” or celebrate a “Special” day! You can fill out this form and put it in the offering plate or save it for that special occasion when it comes along. A suggested offering of $30.00 can be made Payable to the First Presbyterian Church. Please write FLOWER FUND on the memo line. A donation to the flower fund is an opportunity for members to publicly express their special concerns and share their generous support. Our congregation benefits from this offering in special ways. Of course, worshippers appreciate the beautiful reminder of God’s work on earth. Also, these floral arrangements are separated into smaller bouquets which are then presented to individual church members to recognize their personal joys, sorrows and accomplishments. As you can see, a donation to the Flower Fund goes a long way toward doing God’s work in our church. Thank you for your generosity and please consider participating in this special way. YOUR NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE #: ( ) ( ) ( ) Other: To Celebrate: In Honor of: In Memory of: The enclosed donation to the First Presbyterian Church Flower Fund is given: ( ) ( ) Second Sunday ( ) Fifth Sunday ( ) Third Sunday These flowers should be placed in the sanctuary during the month of ( ) First Sunday ( ) Fourth Sunday ** Please note - there will be no flower memorials on: April 5th (Easter); November 26th (Thanksgiving); December 13th or 20th (Christmas Poinsettias) CELEBRATE A SPECIAL OCCASION WITH FLOWERS Your Envelope # _______________ Each Sunday, we enjoy the beauty of fresh flowers at the front of the Sanctuary. It’s a perfect way to remember a special person who has left your life. It’s also a unique way to say “Thank-You” or celebrate a “Special” day! You can fill out this form and put it in the offering plate or save it for that special occasion when it comes along. A suggested offering of $30.00 can be made Payable to the First Presbyterian Church. Please write FLOWER FUND on the memo line. A donation to the flower fund is an opportunity for members to publicly express their special concerns and share their generous support. Our congregation benefits from this offering in special ways. Of course, worshippers appreciate the beautiful reminder of God’s work on earth. Also, these floral arrangements are separated into smaller bouquets which are then presented to individual church members to recognize their personal joys, sorrows and accomplishments. As you can see, a donation to the Flower Fund goes a long way toward doing God’s work in our church. Thank you for your generosity and please consider participating in this special way. YOUR NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE #: ( ) ( ) ( ) Other: To Celebrate: In Honor of: In Memory of: The enclosed donation to the First Presbyterian Church Flower Fund is given: ( ) ( ) Second Sunday ( ) Fifth Sunday ( ) Third Sunday These flowers should be placed in the sanctuary during the month of ( ) First Sunday ( ) Fourth Sunday ** Please note - there will be no flower memorials on: April 5th (Easter); November 26th (Thanksgiving); December 13th or 20th (Christmas Poinsettias)