May 1st
May 1st
MIDDLEBURY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN “PROMISE” We promise to walk in the way of Jesus’ love by: Looking for the God seed in all people while practicing healthy processes of inclusiveness, showing grace and honesty. Building-up community by showing Hospitality, Equality and speaking truth in love. Willing to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit with our heart, mind, soul, and strength as we grow spiritually and are transformed in God’s love, grace and peace. Study, Practice, and Commitment to Forbearance* as we search for common ground. Joyously Celebrating Life. *Forbearance: Forbearance is a biblical concept. The Greek words in the New Testament translated as carry meanings of patience self-control, restraint, mercy, longsuffering and the refusal to threaten (EPH. 4:2; COL 3:13, EPH 6:9, 11COR 12:6) Forbearance does not jeopardize or denigrate individual conviction, but it does place boundaries on the quality and character of individual responses. Forbearance does not require one to accept what another believes, but it does require one to listen and try to understand what another believes without demeaning, personal attacks, or acting to disenfranchise the other person. MIDDLEBURY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Middlebury Church of the Brethren is a welcoming and inclusive congregation offering Christ’s hospitality to the world. Pastoral Minister – Janet Shaver; cell 574-214-6741 e-mail: Worship – 9:00 a.m. Sunday School – 10:45 a.m. Middlebury Church of the Brethren A Taste of Heaven May 1, 2016 “Now and Later” May 1, 2016 Welcome and announcements Mike Sommer Scripture: Revelation 21:10, 22-25 Revelation 22:1-5 pew bible NT page 259 pew bible NT page 260 Prelude Joys & Concerns of the People *Praise Music: “Come to the Table of Grace” “New Earth, Heavens New” *CALL TO WORSHIP: (Responsive) see insert #299 Mike Sommer Leader: Jesus Promised People: I will ask the father. He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever. Leader: Jesus Promised People: The spirit of truth the world cannot accept as they do not see or know him, but you know him. Leader: Jesus Promised: People: He lives with and within you I will not leave you as orphans I will come to you *INVOCATION: (Unison prayer) O God, we still our hearts. We do not know what words you will speak to us today, but we open ourselves to receive your truth. We want to see you, to know you more and to receive your love and to respond in worship. Our songs, our words, our actions are for you and you alone. Guide us, Spirit, as we worship today. Change us because we have been in your presence. Amen. *Hymn “Lord You Have Come to the Lakeshore” Guitar and Flute accompaniment #229 *Greet Each Other in Christ's Love While Ushers Come In Pastoral Prayer Hymn: “Praise, I will Praise You Lord” #76 Offering Prayer: In your extravagant generosity, God, you opened the floodgates of heaven to send Love to us in person. We are in awe of such a remarkable gift. We offer all that we have -- our worship, our talents, our time, our money and our lives in service to your world that Love came to proclaim. May we be useful vessels in your hands to bring your world to reality. For the sake of Love Incarnate, we pray. Amen. Scripture: John 14:23-29 Message: “Now and Later” *Hymn: “Bind us Together” *Postlude pew bible NT page 109 Pastor Janet Shaver see insert Nelda Snider CANDLELIGHTER…….……..……………………….. CHORISTER ................................... Tamra Houser SOUND…,……………Mark Roebuck & Beth Sholly ORGANIST ........................................ Nelda Snider SCREENS……………………..………Andy Showalter CHILDREN BELL CHOIR ............. Dalis Andrews PIANIST………………….……………Lorie Copeland FLUTIST……………………………..Sherry Bickel USHERS TODAY ............................................................. Beth Muhlnickel, Wayne Andrews, Ramsey Smith DEACON WELCOMERS TODAY ............................................................................ Don & Beth Muhlnickel SANCTUARY GREETERS TODAY ............................................................................... Dick & Becky Miller DEACON WELCOMERS NEXT WEEK ................................................................. Jerry & Julie Bontrager SANCTUARY GREETERS NEXT WEEK ..................................................................... Ken & JoAnn Abbott USHERS NEXT WEEK ............................................................... Don Muhlnickel, Ken Abbott, Beth Snider Please place music sheet inserts in the basket at the rear of the sanctuary. We can use them again. Children’s Message Roger Copeland Children under 6 yr old can leave to attend the child care at this time. * Congregation stands in body or spirit May 1, 2016 Activities and Announcements Today 9:00 a.m. Worship Pastor Janet Shaver Worship Leader – Mike Sommer 10:15 a.m. Fellowship time: (coffee and refreshments) 10:45a.m Sunday School Classes Tuesday- Worship committee meeting 10:00 a.m. at the church. Executive Board meeting 6:30 p.m. at the church 6:30 p.m. Board room rented by Steve Nisley. The group would like the congregation to know that anyone is welcome to attend. Wednesday – Women’s Book Study will begin 6:30 pm in the Middlebury Greencroft center. The book for discussion is “Bad Girls of the Bible” Thursday –11:30 a.m. lunch carry-in gathering will be at “Crystal Valley Manor” serving casseroles and deserts in Middlebury beginning 11:30 a.m. open to both men and women. “Take a Break Thursday” free community meal to be served at 5:30 p.m. here at the church. Please come and enjoy the meal and fellowship. This is a partnership with Faith Mission of Elkhart There is Fair Trade coffee and chocolate bars available for purchase in the fellowship hall. AND, they are ALL bargains! -- French Roast, $7.50 - (retail $11.25) -- Morning Blend, $6.50 - (retail $9.75) -- Milk & Dark chocolate bars, $2.50 - (retail $3.75) Take care of your cravings and support fair wages and fair treatment of people and the planet! FOOD PANTRY Please remember to bring in your donations for the Food Pantry. It’s April and let’s bring in cleaning items. Thank you for your continuing generosity! May 10th – 1:30-4:00 p.m. Old Timers meeting at Essen Haus Conference Center. Everyone is welcome to come; reminisce and learn about Middlebury’s yesterdays & years. Next Sunday May 8, 20116 9:00 a.m. – Worship Pastor Janet Shaver Worship Leader: Mike Sommer 10:15 a.m. – Fellowship time: (coffee and refreshments) 10:45 a.m. – Sunday School Classes May 10 – Seasoned Senior lunch by Pastors Janet & Byrl Shaver May 12 – Church Board meeting at 7:00 p.m. all welcomed May 15 – Pentecost Sunday – children’s improve drama May 15 – Deacon meeting after Sunday School May 19 – In Community Meal at 11:30 location to be determined later May 24– Worship Committee meeting at 10:00 a.m May 29 – “Story Telling” Sunday with Dana Snider and Bev Short & 2¢ meal collection May 7th - Sam Good Fish Fry at Bethany Church – with soft serve ice cream & an Amish Bake sale - will be on Saturday, May 7 from 4-8 pm. Adults $9; children 6-12 are $5.50; and under 6 free. Bethany is less than a mile east of State Route 15 on U. S. 6 south of New Paris. For more information contact the church at 574-831-4993. Proceeds to Bethany’s Good Samaritan Fund. Beth Snider and Jill Weaver invite you to their place, Friday, May 20th, 7:00 p.m. for a bonfire, snacks and S'mores. You bring: a lawn chair if you have one; whatever beverage you'd like to drink; a snack to share. Jill and Beth will provide the "fixin's" for S'mores. Maps &/or directions are available. Who would like to lead a healthier lifestyle? Who would like to eat healthier? Do you need support from others who desire the same thing? There are a group of us who would like to start a Healthy Lifestyle Group. We don't mean diet but we do desire weight loss. There are no scales and weigh-ins. But there is helpful tips, healthy recipes, nutrition and exercise conversation. We would decide as a group what we needed to live a healthier life. If you are interested, talk to Pastor Janet. We want to decide when to meet and how often. Remember we are a group that encourages each step we take towards a healthier way of living.
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