The Lamplighter September 2016 - Ward`s Chapel United Methodist
The Lamplighter September 2016 - Ward`s Chapel United Methodist
The Lamplighter September 2016 “Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.” ― Maya Angelou, Celebrations: Rituals of Peace and Prayer “If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” ― Meister Eckhart I have been reflecting on gratitude and what it means in my life. I decided to work at improving my attitude with gratitude being at the forefront of my mind. This all started when I was waiting at the dentist’s office, and I started reading a magazine article about how to improve one’s health. The article suggested that an attitude of gratitude could help one sleep more, exercise more, be more grounded, and even lose weight! After reading it, I was struck that I would need to be reminded of this, since experiencing the world with an attitude of gratitude seems so obvious to me as a person of faith. However, I apparently needed the hint, and I am grateful for the reminder. Having an attitude of gratitude is an amazing ability. I used to think it was one of those things that some people are just naturally gifted with and that they automatically experience life and process events with gratitude -- isn’t it nice that they think that way? What I have decided is that those folks have developed a healthy habit, an exercise that reaps the gift of hope and peace; in a sense they are light bearers in this hurting world. I believe that all of us can be light bearers if we work at it and desire it. Gratitude might come easier to some people than others, and so we must constantly be mindful to practice gratitude in our thinking, in our prayer life, and in our actions in order for gratitude to become part of our natural way of handling life and what it throws at us. It is so easy to jump to a place of frustration and negative thought; it is all too human, and as the people of God, we are called to rise above negativity and cynicism. Gratitude is a building block of our faith: we are taught that God is the giver of all gifts, the foundation for our thankfulness, and God’s grace-filled generosity provides us with the model of how we are to treat one another. In the gospel of Matthew 22:34-40, it is written: 34 When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, 35 and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. 36 “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” 37 He said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” In response to the question presented to Jesus by the Pharisee regarding what was the most important commandment to honor, Jesus responds with the above, one of the most well-known and memorized scriptures. People with even just a slight understanding of the Christian faith can usually recognize this teaching of Jesus, and because of this, we, the body of Christ, need to strive to model this behavior. Jesus directs us to have a heart of gratitude and thankfulness and to exercise and demonstrate this by our loving actions towards others. As we are wrapping up the summer, may we desire to be a people of faith with grateful hearts, and may we see it as our calling to model gratefulness. In Christ, Pastor Lisa Greetings Church Family and Friends, A thought-provoking little piece: An Open Invitation: Don’t stay away from the House of God… …because you are poor. (There is no admission charge.) …because you are rich. (The House of God can help you cure that.) …because it rains. (You go to work in the rain.) …because it is hot. (So is the golf course.) …because it is cold. (it’s warm and friendly inside.) …because you don’t like the preacher. (He or she is human like you.) …because there are hypocrites. (You associate with them daily.) …because you have company. (They will admire your loyalty if you bring them alon.) …because you need a little weekend vacation occasionally. (If your soul takes a vacation from God, it is not good.) …because you have plenty of time ahead of you to become religious. (Are you sure?) Peace and Blessings, The Churchmouse ****************************************** ADMINISTRATIVE MINISTRIES FINANCE Please see the full page chart near the end of the newsletter. Bill Showman, Chair TRUSTEES Although we didn’t meet this summer, the Trustees hardly took the summer off. There were some improvements made this summer; some you’ll notice, some you may not. If you’ve driven by at night, we hope that you will have noticed that our new monument sign is lit. By the time this article comes out, we also hope to have the path lighting completed along the sidewalk. A new light has been installed above the pastor’s emergency exit door. The recessed lighting in the sanctuary will be replaced. Although we continue to have the insulation moved from around the light housings in the attic, it seems to migrate back into place causing the housings to overheat. This is a potential fire hazard. The new LED lights have been donated by Philips (Dan Wetzel). We will also have the attic fans looked at as well. In the narthex, Star Fellowship donated the beautiful bulletin board. It will be maintained by the church secretary. If you wish to have something displayed on the board, you must see Clarice Thresher in the church office. The air conditioning units for the sanctuary both needed uncovered repairs this summer. One had some loose wiring, the other needed a switch replaced. I know everyone was indisputably thankful when it was finally working! We are looking into internet capability for the Sunday School office as well as the Fellowship Hall. We have different options available and are looking at the alternatives. What you may not have directly seen is that we had the drainage system scoped and mapped for the west side of the building prior to connecting a new drain to it. Once that was completed, Cedarbrooke Masonry excavated the section of ground between the handicapped ramp and the building wall to eliminate the water seepage we have had on that wall. New drainage pipes were installed and a concrete surface replaced the river rocks and soil. Finally, the roof on the Fellowship Hall had some repairs. The corner gutter was repaired. Hopefully we will not have any leakage and ice patches this winter. Also, there were several places around the roof where the flashing overlapped that were leaking. All the joints were properly sealed and we hope that this will eliminate the leakage in the ladies room especially. Please feel free to contact me if you know of something about the building that needs to be addressed. Baltimore County Christian Workcamp: Thanks to Rich Englar, Bill Ellis, Susan Farnum, and Matthew Younkin (Susan's grandson) who volunteered with many others during the week of July 18-22. Ward's Chapel members worked on teams building ramps for two handicapped homeowners in Baltimore County - one on Summerfield Road in Gwynn Oak and one on Old Court Road in Woodstock. Monies raised during the spring Mission Auction help to support these efforts. Bridget ****************************************** PROGRAM MINISTRIES MISSIONS West Virginia Flood Report: Thanks to everyone who contributed. Two trips were made to the conference center to deliver donations from the congregation: 15 cases of water, 4 shovels, 4 packs of diapers, 10 packages of wipes, some baby formula. Since our original request, the West Virginia UMC Conference has set up a specific fund Disaster Response #935. The $100 received in cash will be sent to this fund. More than 4,000 homes and businesses were damaged or destroyed and at least 1,800 West Virginians were left without homes. Thirteen United Methodist Churches and two parsonages have been identified as having sustained some level of damage with three deemed catastrophic. For more information or to donate directly, see or you may send your check to WV Conference Treasurer P O Box 2469, Charleston, WV 25329. Please put #935 flood relief in memo line on the check. Every dollar goes directly to flood relief. Remember, the recovery phase will take a long time; this is a marathon, not a sprint. 2016 Auction Evaluation: The Missions team spent some time at our April meeting reviewing the feedback received regarding the March auction and sharing our own thoughts. We appreciate the 21 people that turned in the evaluation sheets or provided verbal comments. There were mixed reviews with many liking the table arrangement for the live auction but missing the silent tables and/or white elephant. (We held a Yard Sale in May that raised $1,000 to add to the $6,600 from the auction.) The team itself liked the new format which maximized the use of our time and brought higher bids for some types of items that hadn’t sold well in the past so we will be including an online component next year. It was clear that we need to do a better job of explaining the online bidding and how it interfaces with the live auction. Some decisions regarding next year’s auction will depend on the quantity and type of items donated. There will be a lot more information about 2017 towards the end of the year. Volunteer(s) are needed to help visit or write to businesses requesting donations for next year. We will be starting this in the late fall so please contact Susan Farnum or Pauline Reisberg to find out more about it. Also, feel free to send any additional feedback about the last auction to me. Susan Farnum, chairperson NURTURE Summer Refreshments: Thank you to everyone who brought in refreshments, served them and cleaned up. I especially want to thank Barb Charnock for organizing them and the following people who provided them this summer: Barb Charnock, Tricia Ward, Kim Winand, Joy Dryer, Kathy Dell, Keiler & Mattie Brian, the Thresher family, the Sundberg family, Gloria Onejeme, the Palmer family, the Maclary family, the Polikoff family, Wendy Miller, Florence Miller, Bert Rushing, Susan Farnum, Betty Ann Feezer, Carol Wuenschel, Shirley Tucker, Kathy Blank, Judi Snyder, Beth Sandifer, Diana Balick, Pam Horn, Pat Ellis, Pauline Reisberg, Joy Dryer, Brandon & Jill Feezer, Cindy Reisberg, the Oakley family, Sharon Cowart, Lisa Potochney, Patrick & Cindy Chambers, the Weller family, and Cathy & Donald Woodruff. Church Picnic: Our next covered dish will be the churchwide picnic following our last single service on September 11th. This will also give us a chance to officially welcome Pastor Lisa and give everyone a chance to informally talk with her. We will supply the chicken, paper products, and beverages. Plan to bring your favorite covered dish to share with everyone. A sign-up sheet will be in the narthex to help us plan for the luncheon. Ladies Night Out: The Nurture committee would like to announce that we are forming a book club. The first meeting will be on Wednesday, October 5 at 7:00pm in the narthex room. Please bring a book to recommend as a book club choice. We will provide snacks, feel free to bring something to share. This will be a planning meeting for our new book club. Questions? Contact Tricia Ward. Ward’s Chapel Family Stories: Please check out the Ward’s Chapel Family Stories page towards the back of the newsletter! Nurture Members: Barb Charnock, Joy Dryer, Tricia Ward, Jeannine Hale, and Carol Parker Stephen Ministry Training Class to Begin October 6: Stephen Ministry is our congregation’s one-to-one care giving ministry. God works through Stephen Ministers to plant a seed of hope and healing in a person whose life seems barren and forlorn because of some crisis or tragedy. This October, we will offer another training class for men and women of our congregation who are willing to become a part of our Stephen Ministry team. Stephen Ministry training is a 50-hour intensive program in Christian caring skills. The training will be conducted under the guidance of Pastor Lisa and our trained Stephen Leaders, and will include a wide variety of topics that aid persons to care for the needs of persons who are experiencing a variety of different crises and problems in living their lives. Classes will run from October 6 every Thursday evening 6:30-9:00pm through November 17. We will pick up again in January and February to complete the training. We ask that you prayerfully consider joining this ministry. Contact Wayne or Pauline Reisberg for any questions. PRESCHOOL It’s hard to believe that summer’s almost come to an end and that the children will be arriving in full swing after Labor Day. Themes for September include apples and discovering what it is that makes me, me. In developing the children’s self-concept, we’ll explore our feelings, how God made us special, and our senses. The three-year-olds will attend a field trip to Carolyn’s Orchard in Finksburg in September. The Brothers’ family gives us the occasion to pick apples, see the cider press, the walk-in cooler and tour the vegetable garden and store. All classes will make applesauce with the apples we have gathered. The four-yearolds will be attending a field trip to the Ladew Topiary Gardens in Monkton. This is a new field trip for us and the staff is really looking forward to it. We are eagerly looking forward to another exhilarating year at preschool! Please, as always, let me know if you ever have any concerns pertaining to the preschool. The door is always open. Fondly, Ms. Bridget ____________________________________ STAR FELLOWSHIP The Star Fellowship will meet at Bob Evans at 6pm on Tuesday, September 27 at 6PM. Please join us! SUNDAY SCHOOL Our last single service will be Sunday, September 11 and it will be followed by our annual Rally Day Church Picnic! The children will have an opportunity to check out their Sunday School room with their teachers during the service. Come join us for fun, food, and fellowship. We will provide the chicken and we ask that you bring a side dish or dessert to make our meal complete. The following Sunday, September 18, we will begin our new Sunday School year between services at 9:45. We have Sunday School classes for all ages, so if you are ready to join us and have not done so in the past, please let me know. We are excited to see everyone and continue our Faith journey together. Julie Weller UMYF A reflection on Camp Hope: This was my second year at Camp Hope, and it was just as good as the first. Camp Hope is such a great experience, it helped me to make new friends, be closer to my friends from my church, and closer to god. And I loved helping my homeowner and seeing her smile at the end of the week. I love Camp Hope! Madie R. Upcoming UMYF info: Join us in a celebration of a new year on Sunday, September 18th from 6:30-8:15 . We welcome all middle and high school students entering 6th grade or above. Come ready for games, fun , food and new friends. We will be voting on our theme for the year and talking about some fun changes we will be making to our room. Meetings continue throughout the year on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 7:00pm8:15pm. Hope to see you there! Worship Schedule On Sunday, September 18th, we will resume our regular worship schedule. Join us at 8:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. for worship in the sanctuary. Sunday School for all ages will be held at 9:45 a.m. ****************************************** MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Please pray for those who are not able to join us for worship, due to health issues. You are encouraged to send them a note of encouragement or call to let them know you are thinking of them and keeping them in prayer, along with those caring for them. Jack Balick – at home Barbara & Carl Hartman – at home Bill Feezer – Fairhaven Donna Gregory – at home Dorothy Miller – Constant Care at Winfield Hilda Reisberg – at home Janet Feezer – at home Judy Slonaker – Lorien Mays Chapel Lillie Veise – Sun Valley Margaret Hare – at home Millie Reisberg – at home Naomi Sellman – at home Varina Smith – Sun Valley at the Homestead ****************************************** SEPTEMBER GREETERS & USHERS 9/4 & 9/11 10:00 a.m. Greeters: Ushers: Mattie Brian Keiler Brian Jillian Feezer Brandon Feezer 9/18 & 9/25 8:30 a.m. Greeters: Ushers: Mattie Brian Keiler Brian Jillian Feezer Brandon Feezer 11:00 a.m. Greeters: Ushers: Carol Parker Ron Weller Carolyn Sundberg Anshelm Sundberg ~ to Greg Stacho for weeding the flower beds. ~to Dwight Gill & Robbie Meadows for installing the bench on the porch at street level. ~to Bridget Wetzel for her efforts as a Trustee at keeping the various building systems maintained and repaired when needed. ~to those who have helped fill in for the last hymn on various Sundays this summer. SEPTEMBER COMMUNITY NEWS: Thank you: Dear Friends, Today I read through the many cards and notes that we received wishing us healing and calming peace. Our entire family has felt your prayers for us and that has kept us going. We are so grateful to belong to such a caring church family. I am finished my radiation and am doing well. Butch is still having some ups and downs as Alzheimer’s is a difficult disease to understand and to manage. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Love to all, Carol Parker The Upper Room, a daily devotional guide, is for sale in the Narthex. It’s published every two months. The large print version is $1 and the small copy is 60 cents. Purchase your copy today! Revised Directory: An updated address directory has been emailed out. If you did not receive one and would like to, please call the church office at 410-922-6556 or email There will also be copies available in the narthex. Mission of Mercy Volunteer Opportunity at Reisterstown UMC: Reisterstown United Methodist Church has been partnering with Mission of Mercy (MOM) by providing one volunteer interpreter, space for the mission, and meals for this ministry. This ministry serves the medical mission that treats our neighbors who do not have access to health care, about 50 to 80 people each time they are here, and the ministry requires numerous volunteers to do all the normal “doctor’s office” tasks as well as caring for the guests while they are in the building. All of the medical staff – doctors, nurses, dentists, assistants, pharmacy – are volunteers, as are those who check people in and care for them. Nurses come from all over. At this time, there is a need for additional volunteers: · Spanish to English Interpreters Some of our guests do not speak English and have a difficult time communicating with the staff and the doctors. Interpreters need to be adults with enough skill in Spanish to be able to describe medical needs. · Data Entry Support - This position requires an adult who has enough computer skill to take basic information and enter it into the database. The volunteers will be trained in the software used. Mission of Mercy (MOM) is usually at Reisterstown UMC twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays, between the hours of about 8 am and 4 pm. If you feel called to participate in this ministry, please call or email Robine Rahley in the church office (410-8335440 or, and she will direct you to the appropriate MOM coordinator. Join Calvary in the Community! Calvary UMC in Finksburg invites everyone to a different kind of worship experience! The second Saturday of the month at 6:30 pm, there will be food, games and a relevant message. From April-October, this gathering will be held at Deer Park/Smallwood Park in Westminster and from November-March, the gathering will be held at The Mid-Atlantic Gymnastics Center located at 5320 Enterprise Street #E in Eldersburg. For more information call or email at (410) 795-9343 or Praise Worship Service: Saturday nights this fall beginning September 17th at 7:30pm, join Calvary UMC in Finksburg for Live Music – Professional Praise Band for praise and fellowship in comfort! Cold-Cut Sub and Ice-Cream Sundae Sale: Deer Park UMC (6107 Deer Park Road, Reisterstown) invites you to participate in their sub and sundae sale! Subs cost $4.50 and Sundaes cost $2.50. Phone Dolores at 410-8333535 to place orders. Payment to be made in advance. Make check payable to “Deer Park Methodist Women”, mark “Subs/Sundaes” and mail to Dolores Owings, 13211 Maple Grove Ave, Reisterstown, MD 21136. Deadline for orders & payments: September 6. Subs and sundaes are available for pick-up in the church’s fellowship hall from 12 Noon to 1:00 pm. You have the option to eat in or take out. We hope you will choose to stay and join the group for a time of relaxation and fellowship. Thanks for your support! Ward's Chapel Family Stories We are hoping to compile a church family story. Each of us is an important member of the Ward's Chapel family regardless of the length of time we have attended. We will collect your story during the months of September and October and hope to have our church family booklet together to give out to share in the month of December. Here are a few questions that may get you started to tell your story. Please don't be limited by our starter questions, you may add any information that you would like to share. Questions? Call Carol Parker 410-833-1703 or ask a Nurture Committee Member 1. When did you begin to attend Ward's Chapel? 2. Do you have relatives who attend? Tell us about your family. 3. Have you participated in any church activities? Have you worked on any committees? 4. Do you have special memories of any events at Ward's Chapel? Thank You from Ward’s Chapel VBS Ward’s Chapel VBS would not be possible without the help of many individuals. Many hours go into all of the prep work. We depend on the youth of our community to help us create everything from scenery to stuffing envelopes. The following people have either worked on prep, given their time during the week or both. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your time. Addison Stacho Aiden Hale Anya Polikoff Ben Thresher Beth Smith Brett Maul Cami Miller Charlie Ritter AKA “Discovery Boy” Chase Maul Connor Lyons Beth Houck Bert Rushing Carolyn Sundberg Cathy Gauthier CJ Winand Clarice Thresher Connie Veise AKA “Discovery Woman” Youth Volunteers David Palmer Delaney Maul Elliot Stratton Eve Overton Hailey Seaton Jacob Miller Jenna Winand Justin Rushing Kevin Rushing Liliana Palmer Logan Jaeger Adult Volunteers Florence Miller Gabriella Palmer Hannah Miller John Veise Judi Snyder Karen Jaeger Kim Winand Lisa Ruff Madie Reiter Marissa Coghlan Morgan Reiter Munya Mangwende Noelle Thresher Olivia Hale Peyton Jaeger Rumbi Mangwende Ryder Jaeger Tino Mangwende Zachary Jones Pauline Reisberg Rachel Miller Shirley Tucker Stephanie Shwartz Wayne Reisberg Wendy Miller Thank you to the preschool for allowing us open usage of materials that we need such as paints, brushes, paper, overhead projector, toys and outside equipment. Thank you to our church family for donations and prayers! SAVE THE DATE! We hope you will join us next summer July 10 – 14 for Hero Central! September 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday PICNIC 5 Labor Day 6 7 First day of Preschool 1 2 3 8 9 10 Bible Study 10 am Feed My Sheep at Wesley Freedom UMC 4-H 7pm 13 14 Worship 10:00 am Church Picnic 15 16 Trustees 7 pm Church Council 7:30 PM 19 20 Worship 8:30 & 11 Sunday School 9:45 AM Choir Practice Liberty Goodtimers 11:30 AM 21 22 23 29 30 Bible Study 10 am 12:15pm UMYF 6:30pm 26 27 28 Bible Study 10 am Choir Practice 12:15pm Star Fellowship 6:00 PM at Bob Evans 17 Fellowship Hall in use Bible Study 10 am Oakland Manor 2 PM 25 Saturday 10am-1pm 12 18 Friday September 18 Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Canned Food Collection Worship 10:00 am followed by Fellowship Time 11 Thursday Fall Worship Schedule begins Sunday, September 11 following worship 4 Wednesday Charge Conference at Pine Grove UMC in Parkton 24 WCUMC Operating Fund Summary July 2016 YTD Offerings and Gifts Supporting Operating Fund 19,399 Operating Fund Cash Balance YTD Gifts Received by Source Offering Operating Fund 136,719 Pre Parsonage School 7,500 Total 3,500 147,719 Operating Fund Actual Receipts/Expenses vs. Budget Requirements Category Actual 2016 Budget Var to Bud Operating Gifts 147,719 165,478 -11% Blding/Grounds 39,980 44,595 10% 4,079 4,572 11% Ed./Ministry Capital Fund 2,750 2,750 Apportionments 18,818 18,818 0% Building Fund 9,882 9,882 Pastoral/Staff/Off. 96,479 97,493 1% Heritage Fund 1,095 1,095 Total Expense 159,356 165,478 4% Outreach (missions, etc.) 4,269 4,269 Surplus (Deficit) (11,637) - Financial Highlights to Report • • • • Operating Fund cash balance remains strong with $19,399 surplus. $11,637 of the 2015 surplus cash has been used this year towards 2016 expenses. The remaining cash surplus will be required to cover short offering months in 2016 and several large expenses (approximately $19,000) due later in the year. The deficit shown for Actual vs. Budget ($11,637) should be eliminated by December when traditionally receipts increase significantly. 100% of all expenses paid including apportionments and Trustee budget funding. Overall the financial picture at WCUMC looks good. Thank you for your continued support. Ward’s Chapel United Methodist Church 11023 Liberty Road Randallstown, MD 21133 ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC SEPTEMBER 11 following Worship Regular Worship Schedule September 18 8:30 am Worship 9:45 am Sunday School for all ages 11:00 am Worship