Our Vision: To Grow More Fully-Committed Disciples of Jesus Christ
Our Vision: To Grow More Fully-Committed Disciples of Jesus Christ
Family Connection June 25, 2013 Our Vision: To Grow More Fully-Committed Disciples of Jesus Christ Rev. Mike Pope Senior Pastor mpope@gmvumc.org Thank you for such a warm welcome to Gardendale – Mt. Vernon UMC. Our first two weeks have been a true blessing. The greatest joy of my life is to stand in God’s pulpit and to preach his word. I look forward to seeing us experience the kind of renewal that only God can bring. It can happen, just as God’s word tells us. Susan and I look forward to a wonderful time as we serve the Lord together here at GMV. As I mentioned our first Sunday, I really believe that I have been appointed to the best UMC in the North Alabama Conference. We have everything needed for God to grow the church he wants and to make a huge difference in the Gardendale area. Let’s all agree to listen as God speaks and then follow him and do what He asks. It is exciting to be assigned to a church that is ready to move forward. I want to thank Dr. Bill Bostick for the outstanding work he did as your interim pastor for the last few months. God was definitely at work during Bill’s time here to help everyone to focus on the Lord’s grace that is always sufficient. God used Bill to get us ready to move forward. That is always God’s plan, to move forward. In Luke 5 Jesus told Peter to go out into the deep water and let down their nets to catch some fish. Peter and his partners had fished all night and had come up empty. Peter was the expert fisherman and Jesus was a carpenter. I love how Peter responded in verse 5. “Master, we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let down the nets again.” You know the rest of the story. They caught so many fish that extra help was called in. I believe in this passage we see how God wants to operate in our lives. 1. Peter heard the Lord’s voice. 2. Peter did what Jesus said. 3. Peter experienced God’s power. That is a pretty simple plan. Let’s listen to what God is saying. Let’s obey his word. Then we will experience his power! I am looking forward to seeing what God is up to in the days ahead! Mike PLACES YOU HAVE WORSHIPED Bulletins have been received from... May 26- St. Simons United Methodist Church in St. Simons Island, GA- Jerry & Barbara Swafford & Randy & JoAnn Godwin June 2- Foundry UMC in Washington DC– Jerry & Margurite Craft June 16– New Temple Baptist Church in Dora, AL—Nolene Leopard 2013 Faith Promise Commitment Projected Budget: $86,000 84 pledges: $61,325 Received YTD: $47,006.42 Ministry Budget Update Needed year to date: Received year to date: $774,410.88 $692,025.96 Needed Weekly: Giving 6/16/2013 $32,267.12 $31,439.46 2013 Capital Funds Commitment Needed for 2013-2014: $255,456.96 97 Pledges: $149,880.00 Received YTD: $67,167.18 Attendance Report SonRise Celebration CROSSFIRE: Traditional Worship: Sunday School: Weeks Of: 6-16 6-23 201 180 226 204 203 198 346 410 In His Garden Golf Outing Saturday, June 29th Timberline Golf Club Cost is $35.00 per player Tee time at 10am. Only 12 spots available. All golfers welcome! Email or call Jim Jeffreys to reserve your spot jjeffreys3@yahoo.com or 960-0268. Ocoee White Water Rafting Saturday, July 13 $30 per person plus food expense Sign up in the church office by July 1 Contact Ben Hamm at benjaminhamm@hotmail.com for more information. Honoraiums Capital Funds: In honor of Wanda Waddell by the Fellowship Sunday School Class THANK YOU The Mission Team would like to say thank you to everyone who donated items, volunteered their time to setup and work at the mission yard sale and those who came to shop. We raised more than $7,000 for mission outreach. 10% of the sale will be tithed to the church, 30% will go for special projects and needs for our International mission partners and 60% will help those going on International mission trips for travel. Thanks again to this Body of Christ for making this happen. GMVUMC Mission Team Bruce & I are so thankful to our wonderful church family for all the prayers, calls, visits, meals and gifts during the last 9 months of my treatment for non-hodgkins lymphoma. Praise the Lord for his healing and mercies and for the love of our church family. I am cancer-free, my hip fracture healed to the surprise of the doctors, and I am back at work. I am very blessed and will never forget your kindness. Lynn Smith What a pleasant surprise to walk in from the hospital and see the beautiful alter flowers greeting me. It was so good to be home and the flowers brightened my day. I appreciate the thoughts and prayers of my church family. Your encouragement is a blessing to me and my family as we walk this unfamiliar road. Karen Smith Thank you to my church family for keeping me in your prayers while I recovered from surgery. Your kindness and God’s will enabled me to heal quickly. I also wanted to thank my dear friend Claire Boren for being my chauffeur each week for physical therapy. I love all of you to very much. Betty Bass WEDNESDAY NIGHT HELP REMINDER June 26: Servers: Kathy Patrick, Cathy Maddox, Joan Reynolds Clean Up: Wayne Burrow, Wayne Duncam, Ginny Hughes, Jean Higgins Cashier: Brenda Blackburn WEDNESDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP DINNER: Dinner served between 5:30pm-6:00pm $5.00 Adult $3.00 Children with a $16.00 maximum per family. Carry-outs are $5.75. Please remember to make or cancel your reservations by MONDAY at NOON. If you would like to make reservations, please fill out the green dinner card or contact the church office. June 26: Taco Salad & Tacos, chips & dip & dessert July 3: No Meal July 3: No Meal Summer Activities for July: Wednesday, July 3: No activities Wednesday, July 10: 6pm-7:30 pm-RFKC welcome posters We will be decorating posters for the kids attending Royal Family Kids’ Camp and learning more about the camp. Wednesday, July 17: childcare only Vacation Bible School https://www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/GMVUMC/ gpgs/home.aspx Wednesday, July 24: 9am-1pm– VBS Decorations Meet at the church to work on crafts to be used for VBS. Lunch will be provided. 6pm-7:30pm– Kids will help turn GMVUMC into VBS Kingdom Rock. July 28– July 31 Brynn Freihage Savannah Johnson Johnathan Harris Addison Stephens Rose Fishley Maggie Burdette Kaitlyn Anderson George Lindsey Evan Hodges Lydia Moore Matthew Lucas Kyndall Ragland Parker Porrill Bailey Gilmore Ethan Bean Abbie Bean YOUTH NEWS Lake Day July 7 We will be going to the Barber’s place on Smith Lake. We will leave the church at 11am and return around 8pm. Contact Micah for more information. August 1-4 $100 per person Grades 7-12 Deadline for registration & deposit is July 1 Contact Micah for more information. Royal Family Kids Camp is right around the corner! RFKC is a five day overnight camp for foster children ages 6-12 that have been abused. In those five days RFKC’s mission is to create life-changing moments and relationships and to teach each child about the love of Christ. Each child will be treated royally throughout the week and get to participate in many activities such as swimming, horseback riding, crafts and bible study. Please be in prayer for each child that is planning on attending along with each volunteer, counselor and the people that have dedicated their time and talents to make this camp possible. We pray that RFKC 2013 will be the “best camp ever!” OUR CHURCH IN ACTION SUNDAY, June 30 SUNDAY, July 7 7:45 am-Prayer Walk/Chapel 8:30 am-SonRise Worship Service/Sanctuary 8:30 am- Sunday School 8:30 am- Children’s Worship/Kid’s Kingdom 9:45 am-Crossfire Worship Service/Gym 9:45 am- Sunday School 11:00 am-Traditional Worship Service/Sanctuary 4:00 pm-SonRise Rehearsal/Sanctuary Holy Communion 7:45 am-Prayer Walk/Chapel 8:30 am- SonRise Worship Service/Sanctuary 8:30 am- Sunday School 8:30 am- Children’s Worship/Kids’ Kingdom 9:45 am- Crossfire Worship Service/Gym 9:45 am- Sunday School 11:00 am- Traditional Worship Service/Sanctuary 4:00 pm-SonRise Rehersal/Sanctuary MONDAY, July 1 6:00 pm-Administrative Board Meeting/Sanctuary MONDAY, July 8 TUESDAY, July 2 1:00 pm-Beulah Nation Circle/SDR 6:30 pm-Joy Circle 10:00 am-Faith Sisters Bible Study/304 10:00 am-Coffee & Christ/318 6:00 pm-Youth Band Practice/Youth Room TUESDAY, July 9 10:00 am-Faith Sisters Bible Study/304 10:00 am-Coffee & Christ/318 6:00 pm-Youth Band Practice/Youth Room WEDNESDAY, July 3 6:30 pm-RFKC Training/308 WEDNESDAY, July 10 THURSDAY, July 4 5:30 pm-Fellowship Dinner/Fellowship Hall 5:30 pm-VBS Volunteer Meeting/Chapel 6:00 pm-Trustees Meeting/212 6:00 pm-Kids’ Revolution/Gym 6:30 pm-GROW Classes 6:30 pm-360 Youth/315 6:30 pm-Elevation/Youth Room 6:30 pm-RFKC Training/308 7:30pm– Chancel Choir/Choir Room Happy 4th of July! Church Offices & FMB will be Closed FRIDAY, July 5 6:00 pm-Single Adults Game Night/FMB Lobby THURSDAY, July 11 10:30 pm-Covenant Place Hymn Fest 6:30 pm-Crossfire Band Practice/Gym FMB & Offices will be Closed July 4. Have a safe & happy 4th of July! All articles for the next Connection must be in the office by July 3 CONTACT US Ministry Staff On Call Members of our Ministry Staff will be taking turns being on call for personal or building emergencies. If you have an emergency after office hours, please contact the minister on call. See list below for a schedule. June 23 Bill Wolfe 593-4894 June 30 Micah Dormann 919-4618 Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Church Office: 205-631-7631 Care line: 205-631-0811 Family Ministries Building: 205-631-7225 Child Enrichment Center: 205-631-0433 Fax Number 205-631-8620 Website www.gmvumc.org Sunday Worship: SonRise Celebration 8:30 a.m. CROSSFIRE 9:45 a.m. Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 8:30, 9:45 a.m. JOYS & CONCERNS Prayer cards can be found in the envelope rack to make known your prayer requests. During the week, call our Prayer Chain: Anita Lake (631-0908) or Ann Wright (631-3888). Praise: Those who serve in ministry Those who invite someone to worship PRAYER CONCERNS Deaths: Jennifer Sharp Health: Jackson Nielson Ray Hambric Evalyn Lovell Birdie & Chuck Brooks Harriet Duncan Lori Ragland Vanessa Russell Gillette Harris Betty Malone Amy Hernandaz Tommy Greggs BJ & Earl Seymore Stephanie Beasley Sandra Dobbs Cameron Marsh Janet Longenecker Maree Mitchell Al Petrich Curtis Wood Beth McConnell Noah Davis-infant Karen Smith Harold & Diane Ponder Charles Monte Annette Patillo Rob Morrow Alexandra Ann Malone Geoff Nix Terrie McKinney Joyce Barron Mary Key Cecelia Van Wyk Betty Shelton Norman Lake Imogene Houston Lizz Thomas Cassie Morrow Dave Cromes Pregnancy: Heith & Kristi Lunceford Dylan & Stacey Stovall Micah & Rachel Dormann David & Tara Salters Military: Sgt. Charles Yates-Afghanistan Santiago Peralta David L. Hallmark-Afghanistan Knox Newell-Afghanistan Matthew Newton-NC Nartin Newton-Maryland Ryan Roper-Afghanistan Robbie Powell Greenwood-SC Garrett Lyvers–Marines- California Alex Hayes-Army-Ft. Campbell, KY Erin Lockridge Jason Lebischak-Afghanistan Joshua Dye– Ft. Meade Maryland Tyler Treadway-Air Force Garrett Smith John Speights Len Clark-Marines James Allen Bell– San Antonio Joseph Ellis– Army-Iraq/Iran Braxton Horton-Navy Tyler James-Army-CO Evan Hartley–Marines James Whited-Marines Andrew David Stephen Franklin-Army-TX Mark Neeley-Air Force-Afghanistan Steven Phillips-TX Jay Bice-Afghanistan Jonathan Turner-Iraq Warren Gabel-Korea Alec Williams-Air Force Ken Stenbron-Iraq If you have any updates of people on our prayer list please contact the church office or email Rachel at rhodges@gmvumc.org Gardendale-Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church 805 Crest Drive Gardendale, AL 35071 Phone: 205-631-7631 Fax: 205-631-8620 W E’ RE ON THE W EB W WW. GMVUMC. ORG Nick Jennings-Iraq Aaron Casey-Iraq Ross Cline-Afghanistan Caregivers: Rita Cromes Debbie Nix Denise Davis Kay Sparkman Wanda Salmon Kathy Flegert Chuck, Angie & Abbie Bean Arista Scott Debbie & Laura Hood Other: Family of Jennifer Sharp Family of Michael Henderson Reid Family David Keeton Dee Edwards Lydia Preston William & Susan Powell Joe McConnell Ken Deerman– job Ben & Lindee Spangler Lathem & Scott Families Brandon Thompson Brook Jones & family Joel Hodges & family Terry Greer Suzanna Greer & family MINISTRIES AND WORLD NEEDS Local Church: New Pastors & their families Area Ministries: Central Baptist Missions & Outreach: Royal Family Kids’ Camp National & World Needs: President Obama Economy and families who have lost jobs Persecuted Believers Dish Towels June Mary Rogers July Leonora Holt Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 5 Non-Profit Org. July 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Beth McConnell & Joe McConnell 2 Thomas & Marilyn McCray 3 Andy & Libby McCurry Ginger McConnell Christine McCurry Daniel McCurry Thu 4 Fri 5 Lee, Julie, Aubree & Addison McDaniel Seamus McDonald Taylor McCrary 7 8 David & Judy McMickens Thomas & Jennifer McNeil Tommy, Cece & Adam McNeil 14 15 Stanley Merrell Frank, Jill, Anna & Emily Montgomery 21 6 Darrell & Liz McGlynn Doug & Pam McKinney Sam & Kristen McGaughy 9 Ray, Stacey, Mallory, Meredith & Madalyn McPhaul 10 Renee McPherson and Reid, Riley, Rory & Ryan McPherson Mike McPherson Bill & Phyllis Meek 11 James & Mechelle Merrell Todd, Shea, Peyton & Madi Miller Rose Lee McWhorter 16 Bart, Debbie, Dalton, Bailey & Kaylon Moore Carolyn J. Moore Gene & Dianne Moon Carolyn M. Moore 22 Sue Mulroy 23 Debbie Oden Martha Musgrove Don & Shirley Nolen 17 Charles & Marinox Moore 18 James & Mary Jo Moore David, Carrie, Elijah, Emory & Natalie Moore Kelvin & Linda Moore 30 Matt, Jennifer & Samuel Overton Sam & Cassie Morrow William Owings Joan Oxley 13 Anthony, Kay, Burnon & Preston Moman Charles & Melba Millican Frances Montgomery 24 Constance Nique and Dominiqua Nique and Isiah Gunga 31 David, Laura, Malori & Reagan Padgett Howard & Sue Parker 19 Randy, Miriam & Andrew Moore 20 Haley Morris Stacie Moore Patricia Morrison Patsy Moore Cindy Morris & Jordan Morris 25 Jason, Kelly, Clay & Kyle Norris 26 Laura Olson & Ashlie, Christopher, Madison, Megan, Kandance & Samantha White Greg Moore James, Jessica & William Oldfield 29 Mike & Beth Osburn 12 Shane, Jana, Jesse & Austin Miller Randy & Paula Moffett James & Mary Naugher 28 Sat Joshua Morris 27 Ryan, Kristi, Cooper & Kate Osborn Steve & Anita Osborn