A Message From God`s Word Dr. Steven K. Parker


A Message From God`s Word Dr. Steven K. Parker
S U N D AY, D E C E M B E R 8 , 2 0 1 3
Traditional - 8:20 AM Service
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” (Hymn 123)
Call to Worship
“Come, Now Is The Time To Worship”
Choir - “Joy To The World / Go Tell It”
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” (Hymn 123)
“Your Name”
“Emmanuel” (Hymn 134)
Message - Dr. Steven K. Parker
“Emmanuel” (Hymn 134)
Servicio de Adoracion - 9:35 AM
Call To Worship
“Ven Es Tiempo De Adorarle”
“Venid Fieles Todos”
“¡Oh Santisimo, Felicisimo!”
“O Ven, O Ven, Emmanuel”
Sermón - Pastor Manuel Portillo
G-Y-M Service - 9:35 AM
“Come, Now Is the Time To Worship”
“O Come, All Ye Faithful”
“Your Name”
Message - Dr. Steven K. Parker
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”
Reflection Time
Contemporary - 10:55 AM Service
Call To Worship
Choir - “Joy To The World / Go Tell It”
“O Come, All Ye Faithful”
“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”
“Your Name”
Message - Dr. Steven K. Parker
Deacon of the Week
Mike Baker
Pastor on Call
Steven Parker
Lottie Moon
Christmas Offering
Our Church Goal:
Contributions to
date: $226.00
Attendance for Last
Sunday’s Worship
December 1, 2013
English - 1st Service
8:20 AM - 144 people
Spanish 2nd Service
9:35 AM - 113 people
G-Y-M Service
9:35 AM - 49 people
English - 3rd Service
10:55 AM - 190 people
Total: 496 people
Attention Ladies:
Welcome To Our World
By Claire Cloninger & Robert Sterling
Several women from the
Presented by:
church are getting together
Baptist Church
on December 22 to put
together baskets for our
Adult & Children’s Choir
members in nursing
Sunday, December 15th
homes. If you would like
6:00 PM
to be a part of this
ministry, please call the
church office to sign up.
Free Admission
A Message From God’s Word
Dr. Steven K. Parker
Isaiah 9:1-7
What words does Isaiah use to describe the
Deliverer who the advent hymn says will “ransom
captive Israel?” How do you feel as you read these
words and think about Jesus who fulfills the
promises of God?
Why do you think Isaiah speaks of promises that
won’t be fulfilled for many years as though they’ve
already been fulfilled? What does this kind of logic
teach us about God’s promises?
In what way is faith in Christ an “already” kind of
hope? In what way is the Christian faith a
“not-yet” kind of hope? How can we learn to live
out our faith in the midst of this tension between
the “already” and the “not-yet” aspects of God’s
CYBL Devotional Leaders
A brief devotional is shared with CYBL participants before
each game, and we are in need of individuals willing to
help with the devotions. If you would like to be a part of
this ministry, please contact Pastor Joe at 534-2043.
Join Us for Children’s Church!
This Week: Sunday,
December 8th
Next Week: Sunday,
December 15th
Kimberly Warden &
Lizzie Ramirez
Servicio de Adoracion
Domingo, 8 de Deciembre del 2013
Vivir Por el Poder Del Espíritu Santo
(Gálatas 5:16-26)
¿Qué conflicto está entre ti tocante la Palabra y voluntad de Dios? ¿Qué tan
fuerte es este conflicto? ¿Qué piensas tu que va ser el resultado?
¿Qué piensas tú cuando la Biblia dice que tu cuerpo es el templo del Espíritu
Santo (1 Cor.6:19)? ¿Qué puedes hacer tú para proteger el Templo? ¿Qué
piensas tú de divisiones y que es tu parte?
¿Qué estas practicando tú en tu vida? ¿Que necesitas practicar tú en tu vida?
Dr. Steven K. Parker - Sr. Pastor
Pastores Asociados
Joe Aguilar, Jovenes y Discipulado
Manuel Portillo, Misiones y Discipulado
Raymond Sanchez, Alabanza y Adoracion y Discipulado
This Lord’s Day
8:20 AM
9:35 AM
9:35 AM
9:45 AM
10:55 AM
10:55 AM
3:00 PM
Traditional Worship Service - Sanctuary*
Servicio en Español - Santuario*
G-Y-M Service*
Sunday School*
Escuela Dominical*
Contemporary Worship Service - Sanctuary*
Deacon Meeting
9:30 AM Staff Meeting
provided for
these services.
10:30 AM
4:00 PM
5:15 PM
6:15 PM
6:15 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
Church-Wide Day of Prayer
Women’s Bible Study (FLC)*
Homework House
Children’s Choir
Awana (Check-in at 6:00 )
MOMS Group (@ Myra Belcher’s house)
Adult English Prayer/Bible Study (Sanctuary)*
Adult Spanish Prayer/Bible Study (Basement)*
Band of Brothers (FLC Conference Rm)*
Christmas Program Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Youth Group
6:30 PM
Christmas Program (Dress Rehearsal)
Next Lord’s Day
8:20 AM
9:35 AM
9:35 AM
9:45 AM
10:55 AM
10:55 AM
6:00 PM
Traditional Worship Service - Sanctuary*
Servicio en Español - Santuario*
G-Y-M Service
Sunday School*
Escuela Dominical*
Contemporary Worship Service - Sanctuary*
Christmas Program - Sanctuary
Dr. Steven K. Parker, Senior Pastor
Associate Pastors
Joe Aguilar, Youth and Discipleship
Manuel Portillo, Missions and Discipleship
Raymond Sanchez, Music and Children’s Discipleship
First Baptist Church 600 South Kansas Ave.
Weslaco, Texas 78596 Phone 956.968.9585