eMail and Diary Sheet 27 September 2015


eMail and Diary Sheet 27 September 2015
20 September
A big welcome if you are new to Emmanuel – please make yourself known to one of
the wardens or stewards and ask for a Welcome Leaflet and Response Form.
The church is fitted with an induction loop for hearing aid users and there are large
print copies of all our publications available at the back of church.
Inside this week:
Committed to One Another
Harvest Flowers
Love Northwood
Finance Update
Lighting Project
Mission Africa Visit
Youth Celebration 2015
Youth Winter Weekend Away
Worship Gathering
Steve and Sandie Davies
Committed to One Another
On two separate occasions over the past
week I have been reminded about the
difference that it can make when we are part
of a caring community. In one case, watching
people rally round someone who was in
need, offering practical signs of support and
care through food, transport and presence.
In another, stepping into a void that had
been left when there was no other family
around – and then hearing the reaction from
others from the locality who saw what was
happening, and who were clearly impacted
by what they observed of a church
community simply being what God calls us to
be – committed to one another. And, whilst
we don’t always get it right, and sometimes
people unintentionally slip though gaps in
the floor, nevertheless I know that there are
countless other stories that can be told, but
which are often under the radar, of people
reaching out to support and care for one
another in a multitude of different ways.
One phrase that I have heard repeatedly
over the years is that ‘Emmanuel gets under
your skin’. And I think there is a lot of truth in
that. It happens because people matter –
because we are family. And yes, that can
mean that at times we fall out and get
frustrated with others. Families are like that.
But it also means that, in good times as well
as in bad, we are there for each other.
Standing with our brothers and sisters as we
grow in our commitment to one another.
At last week’s PCC meeting (where we
had a good discussion around discipleship,
began thinking about the process of
searching for a new Vicar, and asked for a bit
more work to be done on the proposal to put
a new ceiling into the Westgate before it gets
the go ahead) we noted the value of
testimonies. If you have a story to share of
how God has been at work in building
community around you, please do let one of
the staff team know so that we can, if
appropriate, use it to encourage others.
-Mike Talbot
Focused on God : Committed to one another : Involved in His world
Next Sunday is our Harvest service and
this year we are giving to Watford New Hope
and to Hillingdon Food bank, which provides
resources for Emmanuel’s foodbank. We
want to bless our local community,
particularly with Love Northwood coming
up, so please give generously. A list of
suitable items can be found at the back of
-Stephen Christodoulou
Harvest Flowers
As part of the Harvest celebrations, the
church is always brightly decorated with
flowers. This year some more help is needed
so if you could help, please contact Alison
or call on 01923 451160. She would be very
pleased to hear from you.
Love Northwood is an opportunity for us as
local church to demonstrate God’s love for
our community through acts of practical
service, offering prayer and giving gifts to
those who live locally. In June we were
able to bless over 500 local residents and
we’d love to carry on serving our
neighbourhood on a regular basis. The
next Love Northwood event will be on
Saturday 10 October. If you’re interested
in being a part of a prayer team or a
practical service team please register your
interest with Sam today!
Diana Batt’s funeral will be held at Emmanuel on Monday 5 October at 12.00pm, followed
by cremation at Breakspear at 1.15pm.
Please pray for Barbara Shepherd, awaiting an operation.
Please continue to pray for: The family and friends of Diana Batt; Ann Bailey; Beryl Atkins
and her daughter Sarah.
In addition, please pray for: Paul and Lois Carter; those no longer able to come to church,
including Dora Clinch, Marguerite Aston, Eileen Basden, Peggy Edmunds, Ron and Eunice
Edwards, and Elaine Boxhall’s sister, Denyse Southon.
Mission Focus of the Month: the Morgan family
8.00 am
9.30 am
11.00 am
6.30 pm
10.00 am
11.00 am
SUNDAY 27 SEPTEMBER (Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity)
Holy Communion (BCP)
Mike Talbot
Informal Worship with Holy Communion
Johannes Roth
Living the Kingdom (Matt 13:31-35;44-46)
Mairi Johnstone
Morning Worship
Mike Talbot
Living the Kingdom (Matt 13:31-35;44-46)
Mairi Johnstone
Informal Worship
Mike Talbot
2 Timothy 3:1-9
Johannes Roth
Eastbury Morning Service
Good News for the Outsider - Luke’s Gospel:
Outsiders Brought In (Luke 5:17-32)
David Hadley
Hillside Morning Service
Living Together God’s Way: New Hope
Angela Flux
Would you like someone to pray with you in confidence for a
particular need for you or for someone you love? Members of
our prayer ministry team are always available after the
9.30am and 6.30pm services. There is also a notice board in
the chapel for prayer requests.
Non-alcoholic wine is served at the front chapel point during all 9.30am Communion
services. It is also available at other Communion services, as are gluten-free wafers.
8.00 am
9.30 am
11.00 am
6.30 pm
10.00 am
11.00 am
HARVEST SUNDAY 4 OCTOBER (Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity)
Holy Communion (BCP)
Johnny Douglas
Informal Worship
Stephen Christodoulou
Sam Buck
Morning Holy Communion
Johannes Roth
Barry Welch
Informal Worship
Sam Buck
2 Timothy 3:10—4:5
Johnny Douglas
Eastbury Morning Service
Reverse Values (Luke 6:17-26)
David Morgan
Hillside Holy Communion Service
Living Together God’s Way:
The Choice and The Plan
Johnny Douglas
2.00 pm Oyster Bible Study for Seniors
8.15 pm Social Justice Team Meeting
Betty’s Room
Moffat Cottage
9.00 am Morning Prayers
9.30 am SPACE
5.30pm Solar
Betty’s Room (also Wed-Fri)
Africa Lounge
Upper Room
9.30 am Language Café
11.00 am Holy Communion, prayers for healing
2.15 pm Wednesday Fellowship– “Southern Laos”
Rev Ken Tombs
6.15 pm Brownies
7.30 pm Deeper Cell
7.30 pm Frantic Cell
Arch Room
Chapel (Mike Talbot)
Africa Lounge
Youth Office
Arch Room
10.00 am Babies and Toddlers
10.00 am Toy Library
7.45 pm Music Makers
Africa Lounge and Hall
Africa Lounge
11.00 am Foodbank
6.15 pm GloFridays
Africa Lounge and Hall
7.30 pm Youth Celebration
Africa Lounge
Finance Update
Mission Tea
Halfway through this financial year, the
projected shortfall of £40K (which had
appeared likely after the first three months)
had reduced to £12K – which is cause for
great gratitude to God, but still presents us
with a challenge, as it would be good to
break even by the end of the year. Please
do consider what part you can play in that.
-Mike Talbot, Fanny Balcombe, Ian Frankel
Fiona Bunford from Montgomery
Heights Orphanage in Zimbabwe will be
joining us on Sunday 4 October for a
Mission Tea in the Africa Lounge at 4pm.
Please let Brian Cox know If you would like
to meet Fiona and hear all the news from
Montgomery Heights, so that he can plan
numbers for catering: / 0208 866
Lighting Project
Youth Celebration 2015
We now have the go ahead to install
new lighting into church, which will
significantly enhance the look, and feel, of
the building internally. Work will start on
Monday 9 November and take just under
three weeks. It is very likely to mean that
we will not be able to use the church itself
on Sunday 15 November and will need (like
the people of Israel) to become pilgrims on
the move. The staff team are working on
alternative plans which will enable us to
meet for our usual services of worship
elsewhere in the complex – watch this
space for more details!
Each year we like to run a Youth
Celebration to kick off the new year, share
good food, play silly games and share the
vision for the youth work for the year. This
year our celebration will be held Next
Saturday 3 October at 7.30pm.
This is an event for all youth, parents,
and youth team to come together and be
mutually encouraged. Please let me know if
you can make this date and I’ll ask you to
bring either a savoury or sweet dish to
share. Thanks.
-Sam Buck
-Mike Talbot
Solar is our new group for 7-11 year
olds designed to nurture them in their faith
and to enrich their devotional life in a fun,
informal context. We meet every Tuesday
at 5:30pm-7pm. For more information
please do get in touch.
-Stephen Christodoulou
Youth Winter Weekend Away
The days are drawing in, there’s a nip
in the air, all the months end with ‘er’ - it
can only mean one thing… the youth
weekend away is getting closer! This year
we are heading back to Rock UK Carroty
Wood in Kent on Friday 30 October until
Sunday 1 November.
Planning is under way and we can’t
wait to experience all God has for us in our
time together. Please collect a flyer from
Sam ASAP. Written consent and payment
need to be given by the end of this month!
- Sam Buck
Steve and Sandie Davies
Steve and Sandie are our Mission
Partners during October. They will be
visiting Emmanuel on Sunday 11 October
and will be at each of the three main
services. Steve will be preaching at the 9.30
and 11.00 services.
We have invited them to join us for a
tea-time update at 4.45 – 6.00 during
which there will be opportunity to hear
about how they are getting on with their
work, their family, their local Church etc –
as well as the ever exciting mission of OM.
It would be great to have you with us.
Life is worth exploring! Alpha is a great
opportunity to explore themes of God,
faith and Jesus in a relaxed, friendly and
fun environment. Our next course begins
on Tuesday 6 October and continues
weekly. Please pick up some flyers from the
back of church and invite your friends,
neighbours and colleagues!
But Alpha isn’t just for them - it’s also
an excellent opportunity for those of us
who are already Christians to refresh our
knowledge of the basics of our faith. Please
get in touch with Johnny
( or the church
office (01923 845202) if that sounds like it
is for you. Looking forward to sharing and
exploring life with you!
- Johnny Douglas
Worship Gathering
As I step into my new role, I would
love to invite everyone who is involved in
worship on Sundays at Emmanuel, whether
as service leader, musician, singer, PA or
Songpro Operator, for an evening of
envisioning, sharing and worshiping
together on Friday 2 October, with tea and
coffee from 7.45pm for an 8pm start in the
Arch Room.
- Christine Britton
- Colin Sheppard
Hillingdon Foodbank are particularly
asking for toiletries at present. Not toilet
rolls, as stocks of these are quite high, but
shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.
would be gratefully received. There is a
separate toiletries bin in the Westgate for
all donations.
Many thanks to all those who have
been helping with distribution of our
Harvest ‘Contact’ magazine around the
parish. There’s not much time left to finish
the job - please do pick up a bundle from
Reception or the Westgate if you can.
Daily Bible Readings
To grow in our Christian life we need food. Reading the Bible gives us the food that our spirit
needs to flourish. As sure as our body can’t live without food, our spirit cannot live without
the word of God.
If you read the Bible and take time to be with God each day your relationship with God will
stay fresh and alive. We hope the readings below will help in this.
Monday 28 September
Thursday 1 October
Psalm 71
Psalm 78:1-39
Ezekiel 10:1-19
Ezekiel 12:17-end
Mark 14:1-11
Mark 14:43-52
Tuesday 29 September
Friday 2 October
Psalm 34
Psalm 55
Daniel 12:1-4
Ezekiel 13:1-16
Acts 12:1-11
Mark 14:53-65
Wednesday 30 September
Saturday 3 October
Psalm 77
Psalm 76
Ezekiel 12:1-16
Ezekiel 14:1-11
Mark 14:26-42
Mark 14:66 –end
This week the Coffee Shop Specials are:
Sausage Plait with Seasonal Vegetables
Butternut Squash with Mushroom Dhal and Baked Eggs
Roasted Autumn Fruits with Cinnamon Crumb and Ice Cream
Sermon Notes
Revd Mike Talbot
01923 845203(w)
01923 828914(h)
Associate Vicar
Revd Johnny Douglas
01923 845204(w)
01923 825929(h)
Associate Vicar
Eastbury Church
Revd Helen Wilkinson
01923 829163
Revd Johannes Roth
01923 845206(w)
01923 450582(h)
Youth Minister
Sam Buck
01923 845205
Children’s Minister
Stephen Christodoulou
01923 845645
Operations Manager
Rachael Hutchins
01923 845201
Lorraine Hall
01923 845202
Emmanuel Church
High Street
Northwood HA6 1AS
01923 845200
Registered Charity Number 1132091
Siobhan Gale
01923 845202
Fanny Balcombe
01923 824426
Ian Frankel
01923 826050