Lebanon First United Methodist Church
Lebanon First United Methodist Church
Lebanon First United Methodist Church 415 West Main St. Lebanon TN 37087 615-444-3315 IMPORTANT NOTICE: To ensure the deductibility of your church contributions, do not file your 2013 income tax return until you have written acknowledgment of your contributions from the church. Some contributions may not be tax-deductible if you file prior to receiving a written acknowledgement of contributions from the church. Year end statements will be mailed next week. EMAIL: lisa@lebanonfumc.com WEBSITE: www.lebanonfumc.com Jan. 8, 2014 Next issue Jan. 22 Golden Agers, Jan. 9,12:00-2:00 come join us as we celebrate our January birthdays, lunch and short program. Game Day, Jan. 23, All Adults Invited- 10–2, Fellowship Hall. Come for a fun time and $5 lunch. Volunteers Needed Prayerfully consider assisting in the needs of these areas: January 14, Tuesday Trip to the Frist Center to see the Norman Rockwell exhibit. We will leave church at 9:00 am. Lunch will be Dutch treat. Children’s Church, Ushers, Greeters, or Family Care Ministry Call the church office to Volunteer 615-444-3315 Pickle Ball Clinic Sat., Jan. 18, 9:30-10:30 am If you are interested in learning how to play pickle ball, join us for a morning clinic on rules and scoring. All equipment will be provided. This is a fun way to burn off some of those holiday calories!! Questions? Call or email Ruth Cardwell 444-4320 or ruth@lebanonfumc.com Sit n Stitchers Saturday group will now be meeting at 9:30 to 11:30 on Saturday mornings in the Family Life Center. Please come join us for fellowship and stitching of any kind. All are welcome, men too! W orship and Pot Luck with Pickett-Rucker UMC on Jan. 19 Our 8:30am service will be held as usual. We will be worshiping at 11:00 am with the members of Pickett-Rucker UMC on the Sunday of the Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend. Our choirs will sing. Our preachers will preach. We'll have a potluck dinner in the FLC together after the 11:00 am service. So bring your favorite dish. Snow Policy… In the event of substantial ice or snow, early service and Sunday school will be canceled. For those who are able, we will have one worship service at 11:00. For last minute information, please call the church office. If lines are busy, feel free to call a staff member at home. Weekday activities follow the public school schedule. If schools are closed, other activities may be canceled. Check Facebook and Twitter February 14, 9:30 am-Tour/lunch of Second Harvest Food Bank. Our church is a member agency of Second Harvest We purchase our food for the backpack program from them and some items for our pantry. It is amazing to see how they keep track of all the donated food they receive with the assistance of a large group of volunteers. The café is staffed by volunteers who create a wonderful all-you-can eat buffet. The buffet costs $12, Dutch Treat. Sign up in the Church Office. "Recommended Resolutions" Early in the morning I work out "religiously." So do several other church members. As they say, "Whenever this many Methodists are at the same place at the same time, take up an offering." The time is so early that the numbers are small enough that you know who the regulars are. New persons are easily detected. Over the years I've observed a rush of new persons after January 1. There's no mistaking the the fact that beginning a physical fitness program was on the list of New Year's Resolutions. Changing old habits and forming new ones requires intentionality, willpower, discipline, commitment, dedication, and perseverance. Inner resources and character traits that most of us find in short supply. If you've made some New Year's Resolutions, I'm sure it's because you believe they'll be good for you. Exercise, a balanced diet, rest and recreation are good for you. Will you allow me to add to your list? You would expect a pastor's recommended resolutions to be "churchy." I won't disappoint. 1. Simplify your life, so that there is time and space in it for rest, reflection, and re-creation. God rested after six days of work. So, even if we think we're God, it's OK to rest and observe sabbath. 2. Spend time each day in prayer. Jesus had a habit of leaving the crowds who needed him in order to honor his own need for time with the Father. However you pray, just do it. 3. Practice the attitude of gratitude. Each week write letters to 5 persons. Express that who they are and what they do blesses you. I gave you this assignment in my sermon on Thanksgiving Sunday. More than one person has told me how much receiving such a letter meant to them. Practicing gratitude will help to create a culture of gratitude in our church. When we are grateful, we're usually humble, positive, respectful, forgiving, and loving. Gratitude affects the way we treat others as we want to be -- and have been -- treated. 4. Find a Spiritual Friend or group of Spiritual Friends. Jesus needed a group of friends to travel with him on his faith journey. By ourselves we are susceptible to skewed thinking, loneliness, discouragement, and self-righteous pride. Study with them, share with them, serve with them, pray with them--be real with them. Let them be Jesus for you. 5. Do something that brings you joy--something that you've been putting off. Jesus knew how to have a good time. That he had the reputation of being a glutton and a drunkard is proof. So do what enlivens your soul and confirms God's goodness in your life and in the world. You know what it is. Just do it. Security on Church Grounds Security & Safety is always a concern in our buildings, especially when only one person is in that building. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but when no one is in the FLC the doors will be locked. You need to check in at the main office for a key and return the key when you are finished walking. This eliminates walk-ins or anyone who does not have a reason to be in the building. There may also be times when the main doors are locked, especially when only one woman is in the office. If the lights are out, the office is closed. We try to keep regular office hours but sometimes closing the office is unavoidable. . Rainbows support group assists children and their families who are grieving a death, divorce or other life-altering crisis, meeting in the Spain House at First United Methodist Church. Check out www.rainbows.org. Contact Brenda Gill, bpgill@mindspring.com, 444-7321, Teresa, teresa@lebanonfumc.com, 444-3315, or Bucky, pastorbucky@lebanonfumc.com, 444-3315. Offering Envelopes: Please complete an envelope from the pew or use the envelopes you receive in the mail. It is very helpful to our volunteer counters. Thank you in advance. Electronic giving, www.lebanonfumc.com, Click to give Thank you notes: Thank you everyone who is a part of the Family Care Ministry. I so appreciated each of you that took time from your own preparations for Thanksgiving Dinner to prepare and serve a delicious meal to my family. My Mom would have been awed by your caring spirit and so was I. Sincerely, Beverly Long and Ellen Bobo’s Family; -First UMC, I want to express how appreciative I am to have such a caring church family. From the sweet service that Mike and Bucky conducted for my Mother. The delicious meal prepared and served by the Family Care Ministry, and the visits to the funeral home, cards, food and memorials. All were greatly appreciated by myself and my family. We are blessed to have First UMC as our church family. Beverly and Larry Long and Ellen Bobo’s Family. -On Behalf of Wilson County Christmas For All, I would like to thank you for your donation of toys to the 2013 campaign . Your donation helped us provide gifts and food to over 2,500 children and elderly residents of Wilson County this holiday season. Thank you for making the holiday season a special one for so many Wilson County citizens. Alan Ricketts, President, Wilson County Christmas For All -Dear Church Staff and Members: I want to thank you all for what you do for me. I really enjoyed the Ann and Jim Harper family for coming to sing Christmas Carols and the poinsettia the church sent me. I always enjoy “Bucky” visit, particularly because our families go way back to when I was a child. Wishing the best for the church in 2014. I wish I could attend, but I just can’t make it. Sincerely, Estelle Jewell -Prayer Ministry, I was expecting that my blood numbers would be down to where the doctor ordered chemo the week before Christmas, and lo, it came not to pass. The numbers improved slightly and allowed me another 2 month reprieve. Thank you for your prayers and my stubbornness to improve my leukemia, if that is His will. Thank you, unknown people, who bless me with your prayers and awesome support! May God bless you all richly in your ministry. Sincerely, Bob Capes (Em’s Dad) Survivor because of your prayers and hope in Him. Visitors: Dec. 15-Jessica Cowan, Kristy Leach, Terrell and Judy Key, Alex Cope, David Balsbaugh, Carson McCrae, Shim Jesai, Noah Chance, Abby Chance, Jerry and Barbara Christenburg, Sue and Galen Lester, Amanda and Olivia Lester, Tina Dyer, David Lampley, Vickie Bowman, Dick and Jan Lufkin; Dec. 22-Darla and Carey Smith, Sabrina Fava Coby Campbell, Ron Nokes; Dec. 29-Alissa Benhane, Rev. and Mrs. Mark Locke, Nathaniel and Jonathon, Mrs. Gene Bain, Kenneth Hughes, Harry, Louise and Katherine O’Brien; Jan. 5-Sarah Carpenter, Neal and Kim Nevenschwander Memorials given for: Ruth Wilfong UMW Groups: Jan. 20, Ruth Group will NOT meet this month, Martha Group will meet 6:30 in the Parlor. UMW Bake Sale Huge Success! Thanks to all you bakers and buyers, we netted $512 from the pre-Thanksgiving sale. This will be helpful in meeting our missions giving goals. LFUMC can always be counted on to support extra-mile efforts by all our groups. The UMW are very thankful for all of you who helped!. UMM We will be having our meeting on January 19 at 7:30 am. We plan on going over several things including activities for 2014 and a planned new President election. Everyone is welcome. As always, a good breakfast will be provided. Women’s Bible Studies: Sunday Night, 5-7 pm, begins again in January with Beth Moore’s “When Godly People do Ungodly Things”. Monday Morning Bible Study/Prayer Group 9-11 am. A study of James will begin Jan. 27. Both studies meet in the Thackston Classroom. Preschool would like new or gently used 2nd or 3rd generation IPads for instructional purposes. Please contact Erin Stone, erin@lebanonfumc.com for details. Nursery worker needed for Wednesday night choir practices. Hours are 5:15 to 8:15 pm. Contact teresa@lebanonfumc.com or 444-3315 for more information. We are in need of fitted sheets for pack-n-play for our nursery. Free Dementia Workshop Jan, 14, College Hills Church of Christ, light dinner at 5:00, Training Worship 6:15, Call to make reservations at 444-3568. Provided by Senior Helpers Caregivers. DON’T MISS OUT! Bi-monthly newsletters and weekly email updates are sent to members and friends. Read the newsletter and weekly e-mails to stay informed! If your address changes inform the church office. How to Become a part of First Church Forever… A Legacy … Our Endowment Fund Only the income is available to spend. The principal is protected so it can continue to produce income yearafter-year and grow as gifts are added to our Endowment Investment Fund. Where can you start? Careful estate planning requires the advice of a professional. Your gift can be a tax-wise investment. Living gifts and bequests can help us now, as well as future generations. Call 444-3315 for more information. 2014 Schedule: UMYF will resume on January 12th. 5:00 pm PULSE Wednesday evenings 5:00 pm You can still register for Warmth in Winter Registration for Warmth in Winter there is a link on the website for forms. Date: Jan. 31-Feb. 2. Address Service Requested Dated Material Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Lebanon TN 37087 Permit No. 94 Worship with us Sundays 8:30 & 11 Fellowship Time 9:15 Sunday School 9:45 Ministry Staff of Lebanon Firs t Attendance and Offering Report Dr. Mike Ripski, Pastor Rev. David Hesson, Minister of Discipleship Programming Staff: Ruth Cardwell, Adults; Emily Capes, Youth; Teresa LaFevor, Children; Music/Worship: Charles Overton, Minister of Music and Worship; Joseph Walker, Accompanist; John Oakley, Sound & Media; Administrative Staff: Lisa Durham, Business; Pam Vandever, Communications; Cori Brantley, Congregational Care; Patty Caldwell, Finance Facilities Manager: Larry Talley Children’s Staff: Jennie Howell, Parent’s Day Out; Erin Stone, Director/Preschool 4 Teacher; Danielle Pruitt, Preschool 3 Teacher December 15 Worship 740 (8:30-354; 11-386) SS-n/a Budget $13,866; Building $884 Communion $30; Memorial $100 Brooks House $50; UMCOR $270 December 22 Worship 449 (8:30-267; 11-182) SS-217 Budget $;15,902 Building $2,860; Friends of Music $1500; Pre-school $250, Communion $70 December 29 Worship 372 (8:30-183; 11-189) SS 211 Budget $22,531; Building $470; Communion $370 December 31 Budget $7140; Building $340 Alicia Stephens $3000; Columbarium $10,054 January 5 Worship 513 (8:30-273; 11-240) SS 303 Budget $13,572; Building $605 Friends of Music $420; UMCOR $100; Brooks House $25; Pre-school $200; Memorials $250 Lebanon First United Methodist 415 West Main, Lebanon 37087 615-444-3315 Fax 615-444-3385 lisa@lebanonfumc.com www.lebanonfumc.com Join us on Facebook Church debt for capital improvements $43,900 Monthly Electronic— General $15,036, Cap. Imp. $1408; Communion $100