Sunday May 29, 2016 - Gospel Mission Church


Sunday May 29, 2016 - Gospel Mission Church
Message from God’s word:
Gospel Mission Church
Our desire is to come alive to God and His Kingdom; to be life-giving
Thank You for joining us in worship this morning
Please let us know how we can serve you.
I am a Visitor
I am a New Attendee
our Lord Jesus Christ. May God personally bless you in a real way this morning.
Grow Ministry @ 9:15 AM (ages 3 – Gr 12)
Worship Services @ 9:15 AM & 10:50 AM
I would like to receive further information
Cradle Roll Ministry
Mom’s Morning
Child Care
Prayer Summit
Grow Ministry
Partnership Class
Junior Youth
Gifts Course
Senior Youth
Encounter Weekend
Young Adults
Home Groups
Welcome to this place of worship! We are glad you have chosen to come and honor
Sunday May 29, 2016
I would like a phone call or a visit from someone in
Name: ______________________________________________
Phone # or email: _____________________________________
My Address has changed:
Name: ______________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
This week at GMC…
City & Prov: __________________________________________
Postal Code: _________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________
Partnership Sunday
Get to Know Us Lunch following the 2nd service
Monday, May 30:
9:30 AM – Women’s Morning Waffle Breakfast
Tuesday, May 31:
7:00 PM – Baptism Class
Wednesday, May 25: 7:30 PM – Sr Youth Ministry
Fri – Sat, June 3 & 4: Sr Youth Lock In
Please place this portion in the offering bag.
855 15th Street, Winkler MB
R6W 0H5
Phone: 204-325-6388 / Email: / Website:
Mark your Calendars!!
Church Dedication Service – Sunday, June 5
Guest Speaker – Ray Duerksen from Southland Church
in Steinbach; Lunch will be served following the
morning worship services
New Email addresses for GMC Staff:
Janet Sawatzky (Admin/Finance Assistant) –
Claude Lainey (Pastor) –
Brenton Friesen (Assistant Pastor) –
Micheline Lainey (Grow Ministry) –
Brad Driedger (Sr Youth Leader) –
Jonathan Wiebe (Worship Director) –
 Baby / Child Dedication – Sunday June 12 during the morning
worship services. If you would like to have your baby and or
child dedicated, please contact Janet in the church office
( or 204-325-6388), Thank You!
 Baptism will take place on Sunday June 12 at 2 PM @ Morden
 PLEASE NOTE – there is NO Church Camping for this year
Alex Fehr
Kayla Giesbrecht
Lanae Ginter
Darryl & Dina Harder
David & Tina Letkeman
Anna Olfert
Dorcas Rempel
Chuck VanDaele
Amy Walters
Ernie & Mary Froese
Ron Giesbrecht
Jon & Ashley Goertzen
Kathie Hildebrand
César & Jenniffer Mora
Adam Peterson
Stephen & Tiffany Reynolds
Dave & Marge Wall
Paul & Joanne Wiebe
For the Ladies: Come join Women’s Morning Out for a WAFFLE
breakfast on Monday, May 30 @ 9:30 AM. White sauce and all, Yum!
See you there!
Women’s Evening Out is excited to announce a service project
opportunity as part of our wind up event! All women are invited to join
us in the Fellowship Hall on Thursday, June 9th at 7:00 PM. We will have
food, fellowship and the opportunity to serve the people of Uganda by
cutting fabric for shoes. More information to follow next Sunday. Mark
your calendars and plan to bring a friend, a pair of scissors and if you
have denim, bring that as well.
Pray for those involved in the
worship services each week.
Pray for blessings on their
ministry and that it brings honor
and glory to God.
Pray that God give our Pastors
discernment, wisdom, guidance
and strength as they minister
and provide leadership to GMC: Claude &
Micheline Lainey, Brenton Friesen.
Pray for Church staff. Pray for blessings on
their ministry at GMC.
Sunday Worship Services - Worship Services are at 9:15 & 10:50 AM
Office Hours - Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Visitors - If you are at GMC for the first time, please stop by the Information
Center to receive a Welcome gift and a voucher for a free beverage from the
Coffee Shop
Childcare during Worship Services - Childcare is available for ages 6
months to 3 years during the 1st Service, and ages 6 months to 5 years during the
2nd service. If your child is crying or irritable, we invite you to worship with your
child in our spacious Nursery
Coffee Shop - No Glassware or cups without lids outside of the Coffee Shop
area. Please clean up all garbage and place dirty dishes in the appropriate bins in
the Coffee Shop
General Clean Up - Please place all garbage, used cups, water bottles, etc. in
the appropriate garbage bins located throughout the building
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Note from the Church Office:
In order to be considerate and accommodate all groups that would like to
use the church buiding/space for meetings, etc. Please contact Janet in the
church office to reserve/confirm your time and space. Thank You!
Ministry Inquiries / Contacts
 Pastor: Claude & Micheline Lainey (204-331-9385
or [Claude], [Micheline])
 Assistant Pastor: Brenton Friesen (204-384-1240
 Administrative/Finance Assistant: Janet Sawatzky
(204-362-4056 or
 Worship: Jonathan & Julie Wiebe (204-362-2176
 Sunday School/Grow Ministry: John Friesen (204325-7026)
 Junior Youth (grades 6—8): Nicole Paetzold (204312-8383) or Len Sawatzky (204-362-6953)
 Senior Youth (grades 9—12): Brad & Crystal
Driedger (204-362-8764 or
 Ladies Ministry: Helen Unrau (204-325-9963)
 Nursery / Childcare: Verna Krahn (204-325-0020),
Lydia Giesbrecht (204-343-2149)
 Home Groups: Church Office (325-6388 or
 Elder Board: Bill Unrau (204-325-9963)
 Ushers: Mark Giesbrecht (204-343-2149)
 Library: Eileen Blatz (204-325-8965)
 Custodian: Len Sawatzky (204-362-6953)