from the - - Riverland Hills Baptist Church
from the - - Riverland Hills Baptist Church
Happenings at Riverland Hills This Week 55 + Adult Ministry Visit our website at JOY Club with Soul Revival - October 8 6:00 p.m. (Doors open at 5:30 p.m.) in the Fellowship Hall. A full meal is served with great Christian fellowship and entertainment. Cost is $3. This group sings beach music to Christian lyrics. JOY Club Day Trip: Carl Sandburg Home Tour - October 22 Trip will leave at 8:00 a.m. from RHBC for Flat Rock, NC. Cost is $3 for tour. Lunch is Dutch Treat at Cracker Barrel. Contact Debby Alcorn at 315.1876 for more information. 55+ Fall Retreat at Lake Junaluska - October 12-14 Led by Dr. Phillips. Our theme this year is “Ready for Battle” - Ephesians 6:10-20. Cost is $190 (2 Per Room). A non-refundable deposit of $30 is due at registration. Register at Oasis or in the Church Office. 55+ Fun Fest: Carolina Memories - October 27 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Admission is free! There will be an inspiring program, games, relays, cakewalks, great food, and a special musical program led by Bob Michalski. Wear your favorite costume to commemorate living in South Carolina. Missions Visit our website at The Irene Wright Women on Mission Group - October 5 9:30 a.m. in Room B201. Please join us as we learn more about Wounded Women of War: Identification, Challenges, & Education with Sylvia Charton. Any questions, call Alice Edwards at 960.7949. Children’s Ministry Visit for all the details! Join us Sundays and Wednesdays! We would love to get you plugged in! Join us for Awana on Sunday nights at 4:30 p.m. On Wednesday nights, join us for Children’s Choir at 6:00 p.m. & Missions at 6:45 p.m. Check out the website for all of the details. Student Ministry Visit for all the details! Middle School Fall Retreat at Camp McCall - October 16-18 For Grades 7th and 8th. Cost is $100. Register online or in The Attic. High School Fall Retreat at Look Up Lodge - November 6-8 Join us at Look Up Lodge in Traveler’s Rest, SC. This is a great time for students to recharge. The cost is $125 and includes meals, transportation, recreation, lodging, and paintball. Register online or in The Attic. Young Professionals Ministry Pre-Fair and State Missions October 11: Home baked goodies are needed for the SC State Fair Pre-Fair Ministry. Bring items to the RHBC Kitchen on October 11. Sign up to indicate your participation in this ministry in your WMU Group or ABF Classes. Items Needed: Rice Krispy Treats, Cookies, Brownies, Pound Cakes, etc. Please put cookies in individual bags (3 per bag) and individually wrap pre-sliced cakes. October 12-13: Pre-Fair ministry volunteers needed to prepare & serve lunch on-site at the State Fair Grounds. If interested in serving contact the Church Office at 772.3227. October 14-25: SC State Fair opportunities are available. If interested, contact Kristin Fish at the Lexington Baptist Association at 356.2543. Widows Ministry Anna’s Tea with Valerie Rumbough - October 12 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. in B201. This is a ministry of encouragement and inspiration for widows. Learn what’s needed in dealing with financial issues as widows. Recreation Ministry Visit our website at Children’s Basketball & Cheerleading Evaluation - Oct. 13/14 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the Atrium for on-site registration, uniforms, & pictures. This is for ages K5 through 6th Grade. For more information contact the Church Office. CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY FROM THE MINISTERS, STAFF, AND CHURCH FAMILY TO: Kim McPherson and family on the death of her father, Odell Keisler, on September 7, 2015. Amelia Woodson and family on the death of her daughter-in-law, Beth Eads, on September 12, 2015. CONGRATULATIONS FROM THE MINISTERS, STAFF, AND CHURCH FAMILY TO: Heather and Clay Vassey on the birth of their son, Hudson Vassey, on September 13, 2015. Jay and Lauren Brown on the birth of their daughter, Olivia Grace, on September 17, 2015. Brian and Megan Mahoney on the birth of their daughter, Lexie Rose, on September 21, 2015. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Riverland Hills Day School Substitute Teachers needed morning and afternoon for the 2015-2016 school year. Food Service Worker (PT) Love to serve? Enjoy cooking? This position is 10 hours a week - Tuesday a.m., and Wednesday p.m. Nursery Worker (Part-Time) Please contact Bobbie Kelley at or 772.3227 for further info and qualificiations. Please visit our website at SPECIAL ASSISTANCE For your convenience, special equipment for hearing assistance, as well as large print hymnals, are available at the Information Center in the lobby of the Worship Center. THANK YOU... Connections - Every Wednesday 6:00 p.m. in B201. This group is for ages 21-39. Connect with others and understand how God’s Word connects to you! Visit to find out about this ministry. Special Notes You’re Invited! Come speak with us about your desire to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ, join the RHBC family, or share your prayer concerns. Worship West: Hospitality Room Worship East: Connect Center Creating a Worshipful Environment We request two things: 1) Silence cell phones 2) Use our wonderful nursery ministry during Worship. We have prepared a special place for children of all ages at 9:00 a.m. & 10:15 a.m.; at 11:30 a.m. just for age 5 and under. Thank you for your consideration. If you need assistance, our ushers, greeters, or staff will be glad to assist you. for not bringing beverages into the Worship Center & Multi-Purpose Center Wednesday Night Meal September 30, 2015 Chicken & Rice Casserole, Tossed Salad, Steamed Italian Blend Vegetables, Chocolate Eclair Dessert, Roll, Coffee, Tea Kids: Mac & Cheese Welcome from the Pastor God is doing a great work in and through the people of Riverland Hills. Whether this is your first visit here or you have come searching for answers, or you have been on your Christian journey for years, God knows the needs and circumstances of each of us. The good news today is that He is ready to provide the wisdom and instruction you will need for any issues you may face in the days ahead. God loves you and He has a marvelous plan for you personally. I pray you will allow Him to work in your life, giving you direction from His Word on how to live a satisfying and significant life. His plan for your life is a home church. Let me be one of the first to invite you to become part of our congregation. Let us know how to get in touch with you, and we will try to answer your questions. Blessings, Added to The Family Barbara Weir Notes from the Sermon Keith and Leigh Bradsher Deacon Ordination - September 15, 2015 Congratulations to Don Brandon, Brad Mathis, RJ Lavigne, Bruce Harbaugh, and Josh Puryear Visible Results Month of August 2015 Financials Worship Total Sunday, September 20 1804 (Financial Year Runs January to December 2015) General Operating Fund: Received Year to Date: $ 2,978,517.40 Expenses Year to Date: $ 2,998,014.95 Update Information We are currently updating our systems with your email addresses and contact information to send electronic giving statements. Please use and tear off the Communication Card to update your information and place it in the offering plate or visit CONNECT WITH US To see previous newsletters OR sign-up for our monthly electronic newsletter, Insight Expanded, visit VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT RIVERLANDHILLS.ORG Calendar • Registrations • Online Giving Staff Listing • Menu • AND MORE! MINISTER WEEKEND ON-CALL NUMBER 803.386.7201 Riverland Hills Baptist Church 201 Lake Murray Blvd., Irmo, SC 29063 803.772.3227 SEPTEMBER 27, 2015
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