flood relief update - Riverland Hills Baptist Church
flood relief update - Riverland Hills Baptist Church
Table of Contents Staff ListingPAGE 5 Message from the PastorPAGE 6 Message from the Executive Committee PAGE 7 Financial ReportPAGE 8 Membership PAGE 9 Education Ministry: Sunday School/Groups PAGE 10 Education Ministry: ABF Class Listings PAGE 11 Education Ministry: ABF@HomePAGE 12 Preschool MinistryPAGE 13 Children’s MinistryPAGE 14 Youth MinistryPAGES 15-16 College MinistryPAGE 16 Young Adult MinistryPAGE 17 Singles Ministry PAGE 17 55+ Adult MinistryPAGE 18 Music and Worship MinistriesPAGE 19 Worship EastPAGE 20 Administrative MinistryPAGE 21 2016 Committees at RHBCPAGE 22 Benevolence Ministry & Flood Relief Update PAGE 23 Communications MinistryPAGE 24 Riverland Hills Day SchoolPAGE 25 Deacon Ministry PAGE 26 Facility ManagementPAGE 27 Food Service MinistryPAGE 28 Grounds and Transportation MinistryPAGE 28 Media MinistryPAGE 29 Mission and Purpose of Riverland Hills Baptist Church PAGE 29 Member CarePAGE 30 Missions MinistryPAGES 31-32 Recreation MinistryPAGE 33 Campus MapPAGE 34 Staff Listing Senior Pastor Dr. Ed Carney Senior Pastor’s Administrative Assistant Mrs. Donna Brickle Minister of Education Rev. Tim Hawkins Education Administrative Assistant Miss Chris Lockwood Executive Pastor Rev. Wayne Cole Executive Pastor’s Administrative Assistant Mrs. Pam Lovin Minister of High School and College Rev. Bart Cook Student Ministry Administrative Assistant Mrs. Meghan Jacocks Communications Coordinator Mrs. Kelly Robertson Financial Coordinator Mrs. Denise Crum Minister of Middle School Mr. Zakk Rohrlack Student Ministry Administrative Assistant Mrs. Meghan Jacocks Accounts Receivable Mrs. Sara Gainey Facilities Maintenance Manager Mr. John Crum Food Services Director Mrs. Donna Gunter Human Resources/Benefits Director Mrs. Bobbie Kelley Media/Technical Director Mr. Duane Burkholder Media Administrative Assistant Mrs. Pam Lovin Sunday Production Assistant Mrs. Abigail Johnson (Worship West) Receptionist Mrs. Danielle Noble Associate Pastor Dr. Tim Phillips Associate Pastor’s Administrative Assistant Mrs. Donna Brickle Associate Pastor, Minister of Worship Rev. Stuart Condra Worship Administrative Assistant Mrs. Terra Kelly Children’s Music Ministry Director Mrs. Suzanne Lee Instrumental Ministries Director Mr. Neil Nelson Organist Mrs. Lucinda Brandt Pianist Mrs. Cindy Burn Minister of Children Mrs. Christy Todd Children’s Administrative Assistant Mrs. Angela Daniel Children’s Associate Mrs. Kaitlin Tew Preschool Associate Mrs. Lea Hardy Preschool Associate Ms. Teresa Hayes Minister of Young Adults Rev. Doc Hanberry Young Adult Administrative Assistant Mrs. Meghan Jacocks Recreation Ministry Director Mrs. Barbara Kirby Recreation Administrative Assistant Mrs. Danielle Noble Recreation Assistant Mr. Clayton Simmons Riverland Hills Day School Director Ms. Judy Tinder Day School Assistant Director Mrs. Kari Burdette Worship East Director Mr. Josh Dry Worship East Associate Mr. Eric McCoy Please visit our staff page on our website at http://riverlandhills.org/staff.asp. Page 5 | riverlandhills.org Message from the Pastor It is your call! Wouldn’t it be something if you were selected to make the decision for who would win the World Series or the Presidential Election?!! One decision can change families for generations, influence financial success or failure, and change the course of history. What a privilege and responsibility. You might think you would never be in the position to make any important decision about national or world events, but you would be wrong. You can help change the world, have an impact for eternity, and make the call! One of the most astounding verses in all the Bible is one of the simplest verses, “Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.” (Jeremiah 33:3, The Msg) We have a direct line to God. If you pick up your end, God is on the other. He will talk as long as you want to talk. There are no “time” charges, it is absolutely free. In fact, He says that what happens in our nation is “your call.” Talk to Him about it. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV) Dr. Ed Carney, Senior Pastor Page 6 | riverlandhills.org Message from the Executive Committee Dear Riverland Hills Church Family, As I stop and reflect, I cannot help but be amazed at how God has continued to pour out His blessings on our church. He has blessed us with Pastors and Staff who have faithfully answered the call of God on their lives and continually serve both God and our church family with competence, grace, and compassion. He has blessed us with worship leaders, musicians, and singers that not only exhibit professionalism in craft and performance, they lift up and exalt the name of Christ in such a way that thrills our souls, while at the same time preparing our hearts and minds for worship. He has blessed us with ministerial staff, teachers, and educational materials that keep us grounded in sound doctrine and a biblical Christian worldview. He has blessed us with members who freely give of their skills and their time in medicine, finance, law enforcement, legal, and engineering fields. He has blessed us with safe, beautiful, comfortable facilities in which to worship, and has allowed us to grow as our numbers and our needs expand. My prayer is that as we acknowledge and give thanks for such great blessings, we will join together in even greater commitment to faithfully worship, pray, serve, give, and love in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you, on behalf of myself and each member of the Executive Committee, for the opportunity to worship and serve alongside each of you. Sincerely, Len Bell, Chairman 2016-2018 Executive Committee Members Sam Ayers (16) Len Bell (17) (Chairman) Robin Cathcart (17) Nancy Caughman (16) Wendell Clamp (16) Johnny Cooley (17) Jeanie Feaster (18) Dianne Sibley (17) Marti Simon (18) Rick Toburen (18) Jack Wolfe (16) Page 7 | riverlandhills.org Financial Report Riverland Hills Baptist Church (“Riverland Hills”) remains in great financial shape. During 2015 our net equity in the Lake Murray campus continued to grow, increasing by 6% (from $17.1 million to $18.1 million). Plus, our unrestricted cash balances totaled a healthy $1.6 million at year’s end. The church continued aggressively paying down the $13 million of debt originally taken on so we could relocate and build on the Lake Murray campus. During 2015 we made special principal payments of $700 thousand. Today, the loan stands at $8.4 million. Riverland Hills plans to continue to pay off this loan as fast as possible through both regular monthly and periodic special loan principal payments. Realistically it looks like we should be able to fully pay off this loan well in advance of its maturity in 2025. Looking at some shorter-term metrics, Riverland Hills generated a budget surplus for each of the last three years, and for the first three-months of 2016. Budget revenues have continued their upward trajectory. Budget revenues were up 3.4% for 2014 and 1.0% for 2015. More recently, revenues were up 2.9% for the first 3 months of 2016 as compared to the same period of the prior year. During early 2016 Riverland Hills appointed a new auditor, McGregor & Company. We are happy to report that their annual independent audit did not identify any material problems with our 2015 financial statements or financial controls. For 2016 our plan is to invest the financial resources which God provides through you in ways which help us to fulfill our purposes: Growing in the worship of God, Living by God’s Word, & Contributing to God’s Work. Doing all these things which promise to impact God’s World for the better! Let each of us consider the part God would have us play in delivering Christian ministry to today’s world. Steve Herbert Chairman of Finance Committee SELECT KEY FINANCIAL INFORMATION Total Church Budgets 2015 BUDGET MARCH 2016 ACTUAL MARCH 2016 BUDGET $ 5,281,549 (4,272,600) (1,008,949) $ 1,288,456 (1,013,725) (242,182) $ 1,309,113 (1,216,302) (240,000) $ $ (147,189) (Includes Day School & Music School) 2016 BUDGET Budget Revenues Budget Expenses Debt Service Surplus (shortfall) Page 8 | riverlandhills.org 2015 ACTUAL $ 5,407,334 $ 5,092,080 (4,447,334) (3,955,588) (960,000) (1,049,456) $ - $ 87,036 $ - 32,549 Membership Any person who has personally received Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and who has received baptism by immersion as a testimony of their salvation, may become a member by doing the following: • Approach a minister, staff member, deacon, or other ministry leader and share a desire to join Riverland Hills Baptist Church • Complete an age appropriate New Member Orientation Class • Participate in a personal interview with an appointed ministry leader • Sign the Riverland Hills Membership Covenant • Upon completion of the membership process, the individual’s name will be presented to the Executive Committee for approval The New Member Orientation Class is Class 101, Discovering Church Membership. This two-hour class, a requirement for church membership, is offered monthly and provides new members with basic, yet essential, information about the life and ministry of Riverland Hills Baptist Church. The class covers four vital areas of church life: Our Salvation • What it means to be a Christian • The symbols of salvation: Baptism and Communion Our Statements • Our Mission Statement • Our Vision Statement • Our Values Statement • Our Faith Statement • Our Lifestyle Statement Our Strategy • The Riverland Hills Story • The Five Circles of Commitment • The Power of Priority Living • The Riverland Hills Strategy Our Structure • How our church is structured • Our Core Ministries “Anchors” • Our Affiliations • What it means to be a member • What now? Riverland Hills University Class 101 is offered for children, youth, and adults. The total membership of Riverland Hills in April 2015 was 4,701. As of April 2016 the total membership is 4,745. In this period of time, 48 individuals received Christ and followed in believer’s baptism, 45 individuals joined by transfer of letter, and 36 individuals joined by statement. 85 individuals were removed from the membership due to requests for transfer of letter, erasure, or death. Page 9 | riverlandhills.org Education Ministry: Sunday School/Groups Sunday School is designed for everyone! All ages, backgrounds, and levels of spiritual maturity have a place in Sunday School. Sunday School is a living expression of the church working together to reach people, build community, learn God’s Word, and minister to each other’s needs. That’s because Sunday School organizes the church into smaller groups, and these groups matter – a lot! Why? • Groups are the most effective way for the church to fulfill the purpose of making disciples. This was Jesus’ model of disciple making. He chose twelve, a small group. His model of disciple making must be ours. Jesus, God on earth, understood that spiritual transformation is not an individual effort, but a small group exercise. Our greatest potential to grow in Christ is realized in community. • Groups provide an environment for every member to be a minister, as well as for leader discovery and development. • Groups provide the structure for us to accomplish three important tasks: 1. Reaching people for Christ by inviting others to Bible study. 2. Teaching people to know and live by God’s Word. 3. Ministering to people by personal need within the context of relationship. • Groups keep the church small enough for us to live out the “one anothers” given to us in Scripture. o “Love one another” (John 13:34-35) o “Accept one another” (Romans 15:7) o “Instruct one another” (Romans 15:14) o “Serve one another in love” (Gal. 5:13) o “Carry each other’s burdens” (Gal. 6:2) o “Encourage each other” (1 Thess. 4:18) o “Pray for each other” (James 5:16) Our group ministry at RHBC is most often referred to as Sunday School. Groups are available for all ages. • For youth, this ministry is called Youth Bible Fellowship (YBF). • For adults, this ministry is called Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF). An extension of our group ministry is called ABF@Home. These are small communities of faith that meet for Bible study any other time or place than Sunday morning on campus. ABF@Home groups typically consist of 8-12 members. Relationships, proximity, or common interests are usually what brings people together for an ABF@ Home group. Groups may be specifically for couples, women, men, single adults, parents, newlyweds, etc. For those within the group, the purpose is to grow in relationship with Christ and one another. For the church, the purpose of all ABF groups, whether meeting in a home or on campus, is the same: to intentionally reach people for Christ, teach people the Bible, and minister to people by need. ABF@Home groups are flexible. Group leaders and hosts set a schedule based on what is best for the group. Also, group semesters run 8 to 12 sessions, with studies beginning in September and January. To allow time for fellowship, study, and prayer, meetings last about 90 minutes to 2 hours. All ABF@Home groups need just two volunteers to begin – a host and a leader. Anyone may volunteer to host a group in their home. Bible study leaders must 1) be a member of RHBC; 2) complete a short application; and 3) sign the Leadership Covenant. Rev. Tim Hawkins, Minister of Education Page 10 | riverlandhills.org Education Ministry: ABF Class Listings 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., & 10:15 a.m. DESCRIPTION CLASS LOCATION TEACHER(S) 60+ Ladies Faith 8 Mona Beitz /Sherry Ward DESCRIPTION 25-35 Single CLASS Salt & Light LOCATION 6 TEACHER(S) L. Cogdill/W. Holliday/D. Lockwood 25-35 Married Young Married PROS 3 Marti & Kim Simon 35-45 Married 55+ Married 60+ Married 65+ L:3 Learning-Loving-Leading Serving Our Savior Koinonia Friendship B202 B201 9 11 Justin Jones Jerry Stuckey Charles Shaw Emery Smith All Adults All Adults 50+ 9:00 a.m. 30-45 Married 3 Gary Hogue HomeBuilders B206 Lamplighters Agape New Beginnings 5 1 B204 Maxine Ackerman/Charlotte Caldwell Ken Davis/Jerry Hodges Frontline Servers 8 Chapman/Hinnant/Humphries CLASS LOCATION TEACHER(S) 35-45 Single 45+ Single 40-55 40-55 Married Young Single Adults Singles United for Christ Singles 2 Connecting Parents Seekers of His Heart B202 9 7 B203 B204 Tim Young Phil Cumbee Jim Griffin Roger Spires/Tom Syfert Rick Toburen 45-55 Married 45+ Families for Christ The Jesus Touch B206 B201 Cindy Hawkins/Terry Strickland Dr. Don Hamilton 55+ Married Christians Revitalizing Couples 55+ Truth Seekers 1 Jack & Paula Wilson All Ladies All Men All Adults Dorcas C.A.M.O. Choir/Orchestra 65+ 65+ DESCRIPTION 18-25 25-35 Single 10:15 a.m. Bethel 50+ College Fellowship 207 11 5 3 8 Choir Room David Gilliam Len Bell Bart Cook Barney & Nancy Corbett Randy Volters Roberta Hartman Bobby Jackson Mark & Kaye Chambliss Page 11 | riverlandhills.org Education Ministry: ABF@HOME PURPOSE: To grow in relationship with Christ and one another. • SPIRITUAL GROWTH: To pursue Christ-likeness as the prize and to help others in the group take the next step towards spiritual maturity. • RELATIONSHIPS: To invest adequate time and energy to build community, as this is a vital element of group life. • SCRIPTURE: To value and encourage thoughts and opinions, but to ultimately rely on the truth of Scripture as the final authority. • SAFETY: To create a safe place where people can be transparent and respected. No quick answers or judgments. • CONFIDENTIALITY: To keep anything that is shared strictly confidential. What is said in the group needs to stay in the group. • ATTENDANCE: To give priority to group meetings and, whenever possible, to let others know in advance about any absences. • MINISTRY: To spend time together in ministry, to the group and others, as an important part of accomplishing goals and building relationship. • GROWTH: To keep the door open to others in the church and community who need a small community of faith. • MULTIPLICATION: To seek to multiply by releasing new leaders and starting new groups. Rev. Tim Hawkins, Minister of Education Page 12 | riverlandhills.org Preschool Ministry “My children, come. Listen to me. I will teach you to have respect for the Lord.” Psalm 34:11 It is exciting to be a part of the Preschool Ministry at Riverland Hills! Hundreds of volunteers serve every week so that preschoolers experience the love of God in order that they may one day know HIM as Lord and Savior and grow in their relationship with HIM. In order to accomplish our mission, we provide several programs on an on-going basis: • We provide Sunday School classes at 9:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. for infants through K-5. At 11:30 a.m., we provide childcare for infants through kindergarten. • On Sunday evenings, from August through April, we offer Awana for 3 to 5 year olds. In Awana, preschoolers learn Scripture and do activities to earn awards and badges. • On Wednesday evenings, from August through May, we offer our preschoolers Mission Friends, where they learn about missionaries, customs, and cultures around the world and how to personally be involved in missions. We offer Mission Friends for children who are 2 years old through kindergarten. • Our Preschool Choirs (Ages 3 - Kindergarten) meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. until 6:40 p.m. during the months of September through May. The summer also offers an opportunity to have fun and develop spiritually: • Vacation Bible School is normally held a week in June, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Last year we had over 1745 children and workers in attendance. This year’s Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 13-17. • Preschool Playdates for our children ages 2 – 4 are offered during the hot summer days. • We offer childcare on Wednesday evenings during the summer (6:45 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.) while parents are in Adult Bible Study and Connections. • Kids for Christ is held one week for our 5K during the summer. Kindergartners have the opportunity to learn Bible stories, play games, and go on outings. Another facet of our Preschool Ministry is our special events. Throughout the year we have a Christmas Birthday Party for Jesus, a Children’s Christmas Eve Service, Family Easter Celebration, Muffins for Moms on Mother’s Day, and Donuts for Dads on Father’s Day. The Preschool and Children’s Ministry is also about helping parents. Mom’s Time Out is designed to help meet the specific needs of mothers who have preschoolers and grade school children and to allow them to experience God’s love, care, and compassion. In the Preschool Ministry, we strive to follow the example that Christ set for us by laying spiritual foundations and being a blessing to the children and their families that we serve each week. Mrs. Christy Todd, Minister of Children Page 13 | riverlandhills.org Children’s Ministry “My children, come. Listen to me. I will teach you to have respect for the Lord.” Psalm 34:11 It is exciting to be a part of the Children’s Ministry at Riverland Hills! Our mission is to cultivate in the heart of each child a passion for God. In order to accomplish our mission, we provide several programs on an on-going basis: • On Sunday mornings our children experience DIG for grades 1-5. The children participate in a rotation to learn God’s Word and learn to put it into practice. We also offer Precept Studies for children at various times during the Fall and Spring. • On Sunday evenings, from August through April, we offer Awana for grades 1-6. In Awana, children learn Scripture and do activities to earn awards and badges. • On Wednesday evenings, August - May, we offer programs where children learn about missionaries, customs, and cultures around the world and how to personally be involved in missions. We offer Girls in Action (GA’s), for girls who are in grades 1-6, and Royal Ambassadors (RA’s), for boys who are in grades 1-6. • Our Children’s Choirs (Grades 1-6) meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. until 6:40 p.m. during the months of August through May. The summer offers many opportunities to have fun, grow, and develop spiritually. • Vacation Bible School is normally held a week in June, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Last year we had over 1745 children and workers in attendance. This year’s Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 13-17. • Kids for Christ is held 3 different weeks during the summer for children in kindergarten through fifth grade. Children have the opportunity to learn Bible stories, memorize Scripture, play games, and go on outings. • Music Camp takes place during one week of the summer for first through sixth graders. Children learn a musical that is presented at the end of the week, as well as participate in special interest classes during the week. • We offer childcare on Wednesday evenings during the summer (6:45 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.) while parents are in Adult Bible Study and Connections. • GA Camp is offered each summer for our girls at Camp LaVida, and the boys can attend RA Camp at Camp McCall. • There are several sports camps available to Grades 1-6. Check the recLife page for more information. Other special events are offered through the Children’s Ministry such as a Family Easter Celebration, Christmas Birthday Party for Jesus, a Children’s Christmas Eve Service, Muffins for Moms on Mother’s Day, and Donuts for Dads on Father’s Day, and other special activities especially for children. Crossover 6th Grade Ministry • We offer 6th grade Sunday School for students at 9:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings. • We offer Precept, Awana, RA’s/GA’s, and Choir for our sixth graders as well. (See above for details.) • Our 6th graders participate in special activities designed just for them throughout the year such as an Etiquette Dinner, Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas Party, and more. These students also begin serving in our church by helping with our preschoolers at the Children’s Christmas Birthday Party for Jesus, Easter Celebration, Preschool Playdates, and VBS. Mrs. Christy Todd, Minister of Children Page 14 | riverlandhills.org Youth Ministry Riverland Hills Baptist Church provides many opportunities to prepare our youth for a lifelong, fully devoted relationship with Christ. It is our passion to challenge our youth to grow in the worship of God, live by God’s Word, contribute to God’s work, and impact God’s world. We accomplish this vision through the faithful and strategic teaching of God’s Word. Our youth have the opportunity to connect with one another, dive into Scripture, and interact with caring adult leaders through our weekly events. Here are just some of the opportunities we provide each year for our students: YBF: Grades 7-12 Every Sunday Morning - 9:00 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. for Middle & High School in the Attic. Our Youth Bible Fellowship classes offer an opportunity for our youth to connect with one another and learn about Scripture. Led by caring adult leaders, our YBF classes are a wonderful environment for students to feel welcome, connected with the Youth Ministry, and learn about the Bible. Crave: Grades 9-12 (August - April) Sunday Night - 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. in the Attic. Every week, high school students gather in the Attic for worship and Bible study. They come at 5:30 p.m. to begin the night with a light meal and an opportunity to catch up with friends. Merge: Grades 7-8 (August - April) Sunday Night - 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. in rooms 203/205. Middle school students have a chance to connect with others and deepen their relationship with Christ. We do this in a setting that is both comfortable & fun. Students arrive at 5:30 p.m. to begin the night with a light meal & a chance to hang out with friends. Table Groups: Grades 7-12 (August - April) Wednesday Night - 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. This is a small group experience where they can dig into God’s Word. Table Groups are about discipleship and intimacy with God. Along with weekly activities, we have special retreats and events every year. They are a highlight of our students’ time in the Youth Ministry, because of the eternal impact on their lives. They remember for years to come what they learned about God and develop friendships that can last their entire lives. Some highlights of the year are: September: Middle School Fall Retreat October: High School Fall Retreat January: Middle School Winter Retreat High School Ski Trip March: Disciple Now (Middle and High School) April: High School Senior Retreat Middle School Passage Trip May: High School Graduate Recognition Service and Luncheon June/July: Middle School Beach Blast and High School Beach Blast Middle School Mission Trip and High School Mission Trip August: Youth Baptism Page 15 | riverlandhills.org Youth Ministry (Continued) Riverland Hills Baptist Church not only cares for our students, but also their families. Our goal is to equip parents to raise their teenagers, and to encourage our families, as they face the challenges of the teenage years. Here are some of the opportunities we have for our parents to get plugged in: ABF Classes: Sunday Mornings at 9:00 a.m. or 10:15 a.m. For a complete list of classes see page 11. Parent Seminars: Throughout the year we provide several parent seminars to help equip them in raising their teen. We deal with various topics, including how to handle a crisis situation, how to have a normal conversation with their teen, and how to be encouraged as they face one of the most difficult times in the life of their family. Parents in Prayer: A team of parents committed to praying for our youth, youth leaders, parents, and staff. Rev. Bart Cook, Minister of High School and College Students Mr. Zakk Rohrlack, Minister of Middle School Students College Ministry Riverland Hills Baptist Church offers many opportunities for college students both here in Columbia and away from home. Our desire is to provide a place for college students to grow in the knowledge of their faith, be able to defend it in a difficult college environment, and be prepared to share it with others on campus. We are committed to developing fully devoted followers of Christ who are prepared for the challenges of future careers and marriages. College Bible Fellowship: On Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m., our college students gather together for a time of prayer and biblical teaching. This time provides an opportunity for us to pray for one another’s needs throughout the semester, and to check in with students who are returning from colleges away from Columbia. We also spend time in the Word of God; growing in knowledge of the faith. Fellowships: College students long to find a place to belong and build deep relationships. Our fellowships are an exciting time in our College Ministry. Every couple of weeks, we build friendships by coming together for a time of fun and fellowship. From movie nights to Ultimate Frisbee, every activity provides a new opportunity to take a break from school and meet new people. Annual Retreats: Several times throughout the year, our college students gather together for overnight or weekend retreats. Our retreats provide opportunities to build community, reflect on the semester, and challenge students in their relationship with Christ. Every time we return from a retreat, our students return with new friendships and a renewed commitment to their faith. A highlight each year is our annual Mountain Retreat in Maggie Valley, NC. Rev. Bart Cook, Minister of High School and College Students Page 16 | riverlandhills.org Young Adult Ministry The Young Adult Ministry at Riverland Hills can be summarized in three words: Relational. Biblical. Practical. Our desire is to foster authentic relationships as we strive together to live lives worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We currently offer three Sunday morning small group classes. Young Married Adults meet at 9:00 a.m. while Young Single Adults meet at 9:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Connections is on Wednesday nights from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. We offer a relaxed environment where people can connect relationally and discover how the Bible connects to their lives. Rev. Doc Hanberry, Minister of Young Adults Singles Ministry There are many single adults in our community who are looking for a place to connect, and our Singles Ministry is the place to do just that. Whether they are established in a career, never-married, widowed, divorced, or just need a fresh start, this is a place for single adults to get involved on three levels: Spiritually - Through leading a community of single adults into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, we are committed to giving them the best opportunity to become fully developing followers through small group Bible study, prayer, retreats, and other special programs. Socially - We believe connecting with other singles and building quality friendships is very important for encouraging a positive Christian life. Our Singles Ministry offers a variety of social activities to develop those deep personal relationships. Service - Serving is an opportunity to contribute to God’s work, impact His world, and give Him glory. Our Singles Ministry encourages involvement that makes an eternal difference, both local and in short-term mission trips. Two Single Adult Bible Fellowships come under this ministry: Singles United For Christ meets each Sunday morning at 10:15 a.m. in Room 9. This group is designed primarily for singles 35-45 years old. Singles 2 meets each Sunday morning at 10:15 a.m. in Room 7. The mission of this group, designed for singles 45 and up, is to reach, teach, equip, serve, and nurture singles for the purpose of leading them to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Rev. Tim Hawkins, Minister of Education Page 17 | riverlandhills.org 55+ Adult Ministry Our vision for 55+ Ministries is to encourage senior adults to “Press On” for Jesus Christ and to finish well in the life of faith (Phil. 3:14). Our desire is to invite senior adults to be devoted to Christ, to demonstrate His love, and to duplicate their lives in the life of others. We call it “3-D” living. We have a variety of ministries that express this vision and commitment to finish well for Jesus Christ: • Oasis: A weekly luncheon and Bible study (every Tuesday, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall) • JOY Club: A monthly event (Second Thursday) that includes a meal and program • JOY Club Day Trips: Monthly trips to various locations throughout South Carolina • Annual Retreats: Spring (Myrtle Beach, SC), Fall (Lake Junaluska, NC) • Fun Day at Saluda Shoals: A fellowship time of games, food, and entertainment • Fun Fest: Fall outreach event that includes great food, games, and a gospel message • Homebound Ministry: A ministry of encouragement to those unable to attend services • Mission VBS: Leading VBS in local retirement facilities (summer) • Widows Ministry: Anna’s Tea (monthly), Annual Widows banquet, yard work, & light home repairs • Worship Teams: Worship teams lead services in local retirement facilities • Evangelism/Discipleship: Various training events to help seniors share their faith and grow in Christ Our 55+ ministries continue to have a great impact throughout the life of RHBC and in our community. To all our seniors let me say thanks so much for your faithful service, and for the difference you are making for the cause of Jesus Christ. Keep pressing on! Dr. Tim Phillips, Associate Pastor Page 18 | riverlandhills.org Music and Worship Ministries Believing that “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it,” the Ministry of Music and Worship at Riverland Hills Baptist is continually being built upon a biblical/theological foundation encompassing our threefold purpose: to glorify God, to equip and edify believers, and to witness to the lost. All of our traditions, practices, and tastes must submit to the instructions given to us by the Holy Spirit and by His written Word. We endeavor to continue growing in Him, and music helps us all do that. The Ministry of Music and Worship takes the lead in teaching Christians about worship and providing opportunity and encouragement to worship. The ministry is designed so that each member of the entire congregation has the opportunity to participate, by means of music and the arts, in God’s work through our church. We want worshippers at RHBC to be participants, not spectators. All organizations in the Ministry of Music and Worship endeavor to be organisms of affirmation, teaching, and equipping. Through music, we are helping Christians complete the race by being disciples, not just converts. We believe in theologically strong and biblically correct music. We are highly committed to quality music and church music education, as well as proper training in musical skills. Just as Christians individually are called upon to be witnesses, one of the roles of our Music and Worship Ministry is to share the gospel through music in a variety of styles and locations. To this end, we participate in and support music mission endeavors locally, domestically, and internationally including 2015 Dominican Republic (Youth), 2016 United Kingdom (Adult Choir), and 2018 TBA (Orchestra). The Music and Worship Ministries plan and lead five services each week: two traditional (Worship West), two contemporary (Worship East), and one midweek. Leadership is also given to many special events throughout the year including concerts, annual meeting, seasonal celebrations, weddings, and funerals. Each week at least 20 separate rehearsals take place. Current average in weekly worship attendance (5 services) is over 2000. The music staff is led by Stuart Condra our Associate Pastor, Minister of Worship at RHBC and includes the Worship East Director, Director of Instrumental Ministries, Director of Children’s Music Ministry, Music Ministry Assistant, Youth Choir Director, Organist, Pianist, & Assistant Pianist. Current Groups in the Music and Worship Ministries : Adult Choir Orchestra Worship East Band Youth Choir Koinonia (Youth Ensemble) Adult Handbells Youth Handbells Children’s Handbells Tone Chimes Choir Preschool Choirs (3 separate choirs) Children’s Choirs (3 separate choirs) Joyful Praise Ladies Ensemble 4 Heaven’s Sake Men’s Ensemble Rev. Stuart Condra, Associate Pastor, Minister of Worship Page 19 | riverlandhills.org Worship East Worship East is a modern worship service that began at Riverland Hills in the fall of 2012. Comprised of a band and a team of vocalists, the Worship East team seeks to lead a time of worship that is glorifying to God and celebratory of what Jesus Christ has done for us. The style of music is consistent with current trends in worship music. The Multi-Purpose Center (Gym) is set up every week for two services on Sunday morning (10:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.). We have seen an incredible amount of growth in these services as new families come to call Riverland Hills their church home. Worship East presented its Christmas Worship Experience “The Offering,” in December 2015 and held our D-NOW Youth Weekend in March 2016. On Easter Sunday 2016, Worship East had a three-service weekend with about 1200 people in attendance. We continue to be thankful for all those who God is bringing to be a part of His church here at RHBC and invite you to join us in worship. Mr. Josh Dry, Director of Worship East Worship at Riverland Hills Baptist Church Worship West in the Worship Center Sundays at 9:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Worship East in the Multi-Purpose Center Sundays at 10:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Page 20 | riverlandhills.org Administrative Ministry The Administrative Ministry of Riverland Hills Baptist Church is in place to serve as the liaison between the body of the church and all the necessary day-to-day business that comes along with being an active church in today’s world. This team of individuals and volunteers is responsible for making sure the “business” aspect of the church is conducted in a way that not only protects this congregation, but also does so as an ethical, moral, and professional witness in the business community. Because of the many individuals who give themselves to God’s calling in their lives, it makes me realize that Riverland Hills Baptist Church is a very gifted and talented church. Along with the Administrative Teams, there are five vital committees manned with members of the congregation that take on the role of leaders in the business of the church. The Executive Committee serves as administrative overseer with the power and authority to govern the church. The four additional committees comprised of the Finance Committee, the Facilities Committee, the Nominating Committee, and the Personnel Committee report directly to the Executive Committee. The Finance Committee has the primary responsibility of overseeing approved financial activities. The Facilities Committee assists with maintaining all church properties for ready use and recommending policies regarding use of properties. The Nominating Committee coordinates the staffing of all church leadership positions for the Finance, Personnel, and Facilities Committees. The Personnel Committee approves final hiring decisions for all non-ministerial staff upon receiving the recommended applicant’s name with accompanying information to support that the candidate is the individual best suited to the Church’s needs. The Executive Pastor serves as the primary administrative liaison between committee communications, staff members, and the body of the church. Ministry teams serve additional administrative needs in the body of the church by addressing specific issues individually. Teams are assembled to assist with the following needs of the church: • Baptism • Benevolence • Bereavement • Counting • Flowers/Decorations • Greeters • Lord’s Supper • Medical • Missions Development • Parking • Safety • Ushers ...and many others. Rev. Wayne Cole, Executive Pastor Page 21 | riverlandhills.org 2016 Committees at RHBC FINANCE PERSONNEL Steve Herbert (17) Chairperson Theresa Holland (16) Chairperson David Gilliam (16) Beth White (16) Ernie Mathis (16) Chuck Williams (16) Cynthia Silverio (16) Pete Charton (17) Valerie Rumbough (17) Wendy Franklin (17) Mike Sharpton (17) Sheila Robinson (17) Ted Hewitt (18) Debbie Kennedy (18) Mary Love (18) Kim Sharpton (18) Greg Malcom (18) David Yohan (18) FACILITIES NOMINATING Tom Syfert (17) Chairperson Lee Wolfe (16) Chairperson Gary Hogue (16) Mel Love (16) Elizabeth Smith (16) Millicent Sease (16) Mel Stubbs (16) Caroline Bland (17) Keith Hinnant (17) Brenda Mathis (17) PJ Tompkins (17) Greg Wallace (17) Larry Echerer (18) Kaye Chambliss (18) Erik Miller (18) Bruce Davis (18) Chris Partrich (18) Gary Watts (18) Page 22 | riverlandhills.org Benevolence Ministry In our obedience to God’s command to love our neighbor and our own believers in Christ, Riverland Hills has a Benevolence Ministry to provide for the members of our church body, as well as the people of our community. The program is designed to provide aid to people who are in need and comply with the guidelines of the church program. We provide basic needs to almost everyone that makes a request for help. During our first contact with the individual, we have an opportunity to share Christ. At times this has been the only time they have ever heard the good news of the gospel and how Christ can change their lives. We receive offerings throughout the year and during our Christmas Choir programs, Worship East Christmas programs, and Christmas Eve Services. In 2015 members of Riverland Hills gave a total of $73,354.26 to aid with needs in our community. There are numerous stories of how our assistance has helped individuals and families. Remember the words of Jesus: Matthew 25:40 (NASB) “The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’” Rev. Doc Hanberry, Minister of Benevolence FLOOD RELIEF UPDATE In October 2015 our area was affected by flooding. Riverland Hills came together to help and support our church family and community during this hardship. Our church was able to be a central hub, for the Red Cross and Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief in South Carolina, to assist our community. We had many volunteers who helped prepare food, collect water, put together disaster relief buckets, clean up houses, and offer assistance to those affected. Riverland Hills had an offering, in which a total of $87,367.32 was donated to help those who were affected by the floods. Page 23 | riverlandhills.org Communications Ministry The Communications Ministry works alongside all the ministries at Riverland Hills. We strive to create and communicate the church’s heart for Jesus Christ and people in all that we do. We communicate our purpose and vision with strategic planning, technology, and media tools to reach our members, non-members, and those in the community, by using creative and innovative ways. The main areas that this ministry covers: • Insight Weekly (Worship Guide on Sunday Morning) • Insight Expanded (Electronic Newsletter) • Brochures, Booklets, Manuals, & Postcards • Banners & Posters • Social Media • Special Event Promotions • Websites • Weekly announcement slides (Worship West and televisions around the church) Mrs. Kelly Robertson, Communications Coordinator Page 24 | riverlandhills.org Riverland Hills Day School Riverland Hills Day School has been a part of the community since 1967. The Day School is currently licensed through South Carolina DSS for 120 students per day and we offer preschool for children ages two to four. All of our classrooms have a teacher and an assistant during preschool hours. All of our staff members participate in a variety of workshops, conferences, and seminars for professional development throughout the year. The Director has earned her certification to train staff on site. The staff receives CPR, first aid, and bloodborne pathogen training, and is required to have background and fingerprint checks through the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. We currently have 26 staff members. We are thankful for the opportunity to teach Christian principles as an integral part of all activities. Each classroom has learning centers and provides children the opportunity to learn through play. We have added technology into our curriculum through the use of V-Tech and Leap Frog games. A partnership has been developed between Lexington/Richland School District 5 and Riverland Hills Day School. Literacy and special service experts from the district have been involved with planning and training sessions. We offer Extra Curricular activities such as Hip Hop, Soccer Shots, His Steps Ballet, Unlimited Science, and Gymnastics. We offer picnics, parades, a Fall Festival, Things That Go Day, and a Thanksgiving Feast to involve families. Mothers are involved in a Mother’s Day Tea and Fathers have a Sports Picnic. Programs are presented at Christmas and in the spring. We are proud to offer some of the lowest student/teacher ratios in the area and Extended Care for working parents (7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.). This makes us unique since many of the church preschools do not offer these hours. We now offer two Summer Day School Sessions. Currently our enrollment for summer is up compared to the last few summers. We offer a safe and secure environment for our children. Our doors are always locked and access is given to parents and staff by using a pin to enter. We are in the process of adding security cameras to each classroom. We believe each child is a special and unique individual. We are grateful to be a part of this ministry! Ms. Judy Tinder, Day School Director Page 25 | riverlandhills.org Deacon Ministry The Deacon Ministry of RHBC is biblically mandated to lead, shepherd, and care for the spiritual condition, and minister to the physical needs of church members. Deacons support the Senior Pastor and his staff, and minister in a servant leadership role to the church family. Deacons are nominated by the church family. Once nominated, candidates for the office of Deacon must meet the biblical and spiritual qualifications for the office. Those who do are then elected by the church and ordained in a formal worship service to serve a three year term. A deacon is a minister to the church family. He ministers to the Riverland Hills family through an Adult Bible Fellowship or Sunday School department (Preschool, Children, or Youth). A deacon models prayer and worship of the Lord Jesus Christ. He leads by example during the called prayer time in morning worship and coordinates a Worship Prayer Team. A deacon is a servant to the congregation. He assists in serving the Lord’s Supper which proclaims our Savior’s death, burial, and resurrection until He comes again. A deacon is an informed and trained servant-leader. The RHBC Deacon Fellowship meets bimonthly for ministry updates and training. Mr. Jason Koon, Deacon Chairman, 2015-2016 Currently Serving Deacons 2019 Rotating Deacons will be voted on at our Annual Meeting on May 15, 2016. Rotating off in 2016 Rotating off in 2017 Rotating off in 2018 Lowell Andrews Mitch Branton Jeff Brockelsby Mike Caughman Bruce Davis Barry Edwards David Gainey Bill Haselden Robert Holland Jason Koon Danny Lynch Eddie McWhirter Erik Miller Lou Norris Ron Palmer Russell Patterson Ellis Reeves Gabe Saleeby Charles Shaw Tom Syfert Eric Taylor Gary Watts Ed Younginer Mike Bamonte Jim Baughman Barry Bell Len Bell Russ Bell Chris Cathcart Wallace Chapman Bradley Cogdill Larry Dennis Denny Gibbons Billy Gibson Van Gulledge Keith Hinnant Gary Hogue Chris Kirkpatrick Doug Lawhead Bob Maddox Mac Renew Tommy Sanders Oscar Stewart Chuck Williams* Gary Williams Don Brandon James Caldwell Lloyd Cogdill Johnny Cooley Dean Crabtree Edwin Davis Richard Delk Fred Dyches Ron Feaster Jon Fisher Herb Griffin Bernard Gunter Jimmy Gunter Bruce Harbaugh Mitch Hardwick Carl Hust RJ Lavigne Scott Leslie Mel Love Tommy Magruder Greg Malcom Brad Mathis Josh Puryear Don Shumpert Bruce White * = Incoming Chairman Page 26 | riverlandhills.org Facility Management It is the responsibility of the Facility Maintenance and Management team to provide a clean, well maintained, and properly set up church for its members. This task is never ending, because the church is constantly in use. We must have all rooms set-up for use during all of the different activities that happen here on a weekly basis. A clean church building is inviting to our members and visitors. CHURCH WIDE HVAC: Maintain heating and cooling system to provide both comfortable, yet affordable facilities. DAY SCHOOL: Requires daily cleaning during Day School off hours, setup for Sunday School on Sundays, and emergency service for “accidents.” FACILITY MAINTENANCE: Maintain entire facility including repairs, upgrades, and painting. Daily cleaning of all buildings, restrooms, hallways, and stairs. Clean field house restrooms and concession area. Maintain elevator maintenance agreement and yearly elevator inspections. Maintain water system including back flow required inspections. Clean carpets, windows, and floors in all facilities. Replace bulbs and lamps in facility light systems and parking lot lights. FELLOWSHIP HALL: This multi-use facility is used for ABF classes, Oasis, Wednesday Bible Study, Outreach, Mom’s Time Out, Home Schooled Children, ABF Groups, Class 101, meals, and many other events. It must be cleaned several times a week and has multiple setups. Yearly floor stripping and rewaxing are required. FIRE PROTECTION: Maintain fire protection system to ensure safety of all members, Day School children, and church facility. Also must meet requirements of fire departments, DHEC, and other regulatory agencies. Monthly fire drills are required for the Day School. Continued maintenance agreement for fire protection system to certify and maintain UL label for system required by fire code. MULTI-PURPOSE CENTER (GYM): Worship East requires weekly setup and tear down of carpet, chairs, drapes, and stage. Maintain for use as a basketball facility, ABF and AWANA use on Sundays, and Day School use during the week. MUSIC SUITE: Maintain Choir Suite for rehearsals and choir music storage. OFFICE: Daily cleaning during week days. WORSHIP CENTER: Make ready for Sunday Worship Services, Organ Rehearsal, Piano Rehearsal, Orchestra Rehearsal, Day School Chapel, Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, and other special functions. YOUTH: Maintain youth area for use on Sunday mornings. Mr. John Crum, Facilities and Maintenance Manager Page 27 | riverlandhills.org Food Service Ministry The Food Service Ministry at Riverland Hills continues to grow. The kitchen is constantly being used by all of the ministries of our church. We serve approximately 400 people per week. Wednesday Night Meal Oasis Tuesday Lunch Ministers’ Lunch Wednesday JOY Club Meal Men’s Tuesday Golf Meal Serve 200-250 People Serve 150-180 People Serve 25-30 People Serve 180-225 People Serve 50-75 People Weekly Weekly Weekly Monthly Quarterly We also assist with Ladies Night Out, Children’s Ministry events, Youth events, Adult Bible Fellowship, and Mission luncheons. We provide support and organizational staff for many events including catered meals, while cooking for other events. We provide these services using a part-time staff. God’s hand is truly in this ministry of food and fellowship. Mrs. Donna Gunter, Director of Food Services Grounds and Transportation Ministry God has blessed us with 62 beautiful acres. With it comes the responsibility of maintaining a tremendous piece of property. There is still a great deal of work to be accomplished to fully develop this property. God has provided us with an excellent location and facility, and it is our prayer that we will use it for God’s Kingdom work. Our Transportation Ministry provides two mini buses and one van for transporting our church people. The buses and van are provided for the use of our church ministries. They transport people on many different projects, activities, and mission opportunities in our area and surrounding states. We know that this ministry will continue to grow as time passes. We consider this a blessing that only God has made possible. Mr. John Crum, Grounds and Transportation Ministry Page 28 | riverlandhills.org Media Ministry We live in a media driven society and are bombarded each day with all sorts of messages crafted to make us feel a certain way, think a certain way, or to buy a certain item. The saving grace of Jesus Christ is the greatest message ever shared and it is the purpose of the Media Ministry here at Riverland Hills to ensure that the message can be clearly communicated through our services each week and through all of the avenues of media/technology. Whether that be Sunday morning worship, podcast, or video on the web, The Media Ministries mission is to minimize anything that would take attention away from the message of our Savior. From Worship East to Worship West, to Children’s Ministry and Students, the Media Ministry of RHBC is constantly adding to our volunteer lists and looking to train up the next generation of media ministers. We currently enlist 10-20 volunteers each week to make all of our services and ministries run smoothly, and we are always looking to add more team members to our family. Mr. Duane Burkholder, Media/Technical Director Mission and Purpose at Riverland Hills Baptist Church Mission Statement God has called Riverland Hills Baptist Church to share His love with the lost people of our community and the world in such a way that they, and all Christians, have the best opportunity to become fully developing followers of Christ. Purpose Statement The purpose of Riverland Hills Baptist Church is: To grow in the worship of God To live by God’s Word To contribute to God’s work To impact God’s world Page 29 | riverlandhills.org Member Care One thing is certain about this great congregation. It’s made up of people who care! Every week members are involved in providing encouragement and care to those going through tough times. Paul writing to the Thessalonians reminded them of their responsibility to care for each other: “And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.” (1 Thessalonians 5:14 ESV) In Member Care we seek to be faithful in fulfilling this biblical admonition. Here are just a few of the ways our congregation ministers to others regularly: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hospital Care and Follow Up Deacons ministering through ABF groups ABF groups ministering to those experiencing tough times Crisis intervention Divorce Care: 13 week video/small group seminar Divorce Care 4 Kids: 13 week video/small group seminar Griefshare: 13 week video/small group seminar Biblical Counseling Ministry (Professional) Bereavement Care: Funerals/follow up Help & Hope Groups: Bridge of Hope (Card ministry to cancer patients) Informal Ministry: Members offering encouragement in a variety of settings Card Ministry: Members sending cards of encouragment to members in need Referral Ministry: Counseling referrals to local professional counselors Member Care Training: Periodic training events for deacons, ABF leaders, and others (basic care giving, depression, anxiety, fear, anger, marital issues, etc.) • Biblical Counseling Certification: Assisting members in completing certification as biblical counselors • Resources: Available online through Pastoral Care website and office Let me express my deepest appreciation to all those who serve so faithfully in caring for others. Your ministry is making a difference in the lives of those journeying through the tough seasons of life. It is truly an honor serving with you! Dr. Tim Phillips, Associate Pastor Page 30 | riverlandhills.org Missions ministry Locally, around our country, and around the world, the members of Riverland Hills are coming together to make an impact by spreading the gospel. From the youngest to the oldest in our family, Riverland Hills provides numerous opportunities for missions education and involvement. The Woman’s Missionary Union (W.M.U.), Baptist Men, and the Missions Development Team help keep missions a priority of Riverland Hills. Many Adult Bible Fellowships, Youth Ministries, Children’s Ministries, and countless individuals are also engaged in missions activities. Our W.M.U. is consistently recognized as one of the most outstanding in South Carolina. Some of the church-wide mission events sponsored by the W.M.U. are: • International, North American, and South Carolina The Missions Missions Offerings • State Fair Ministry Development Team • World Hunger Relief Offering also administers mission scholarships • Christmas Packets for Prisoners to assist members of Riverland Hills • Ministry Health Kits going on mission projects around • Sharing God’s Love Food Drive the world. Contact any of these team • Back to School Supply Drive members to learn how you can get • Women’s Prison Ministry Picnic involved. • Annual Ladies Night Out • Sewing Ministry for Missions • LBA World Changers (Hosts) Dr. Tim Brown, Chairman • LBA Christian Ministry Center Laura Mohr, W.M.U. Director • Good News Clubs Chris Partrich, RA Director • Campbell’s Soup Labels Denny Gibbons • Ongoing support at the Dept. of Juvenile Justice, local Jim Griffin women’s shelters, apartment complexes, and Seaman’s Ministry Allen Horne Missions Offerings for January - December 2015 • North American Missions (Annie Armstrong) $27,663.43 • South Carolina Missions (Janie Chapman) $22,819.06 • International Missions (Lottie Moon) $53,095.59 • Souper Bowl of Caring $4,003.60 • World Hunger $1,155.43 • Benevolence for Flood Relief (October 2015) $87,367.32 Deborah Kelly Jan Mathias Lee Safley Keely Steyne The Missions Development Team is charged with providing leadership for the enlistment and support of mission volunteers throughout the church. In doing so, the team strives to keep Riverland Hills a vibrant and dynamic “Acts 1:8” church. An “Acts 1:8” church is committed to a comprehensive missions strategy that spreads the gospel throughout the community (Jerusalem), the state (Judea), the continent (Samaria), and the world (ends of the earth). To accomplish this, we partner with other churches, the Lexington Baptist Association, the SC Baptist Convention, and entities of the Southern Baptist Convention. Rev. Tim Hawkins, Minister of Education Page 31 | riverlandhills.org Missions Ministry (Continued) THROUGH THE MINISTRIES OF OUR CONGREGATION OTHERS KNOW “God really cares!” • 2015-2016 International Mission Trips o England & Scotland (Choir) o Ethiopia o Haiti o Japan o Mexico o Middle East o Moldova o Peru o Romania • 2015-2016 U.S. Mission Trips and Projects o Anchorage, Alaska o Atlanta, GA, Connect Church o Cherokee, NC o Lynch, Kentucky o New York City, NY • New Day Church • SC Disaster Relief Teams • Prison Ministries o Worship Service at Stevenson o Bible Study at Midlands Evaluation - DJJ o Men’s Fraternity at Broad River, Stevenson, Walden, Kirkland, & Manning Correctional Inst. o Cookies for the Prisoners o Christmas Worship & Program at Stevenson o Christmas Packets for Prisoners (W.M.U.) o DJJ Christmas Eve Program o Camille Graham Women’s Prison Picnic o Camille Graham Women’s Prison Bible Study • Health Kit Collections • Campbell Soup Labels for Missionaries • Back to School Supplies for Local Children • River Springs Elementary Good News Club • Harbison West Elementary Good News Club • State Fair Ministry • Providence Home Men’s Shelter • Truck Stop Ministry • Sterling House Worship Team • Agape Worship Team • Lowman Home Worship & Bible Stories • Holiday Nursing Home Ministries • 55+ Ministry Missions Projects • Homebound Ministries • Helping Hands – light construction • Widow’s Home Work Day • Salvation Army – homeless meals • Apartment Ministry o River Oaks o Birthday Party for Jesus o Back to School Bash o Woods Edge Elderly Recreation • Serving Our Seniors at Christmas • Food Pantries/Clothes Closets o Sharing God’s Love o Christian Ministry Center o Harvest Hope Food Drives o Snack Packs for School Children • Women’s Shelters o Hannah House o Sister Care Christmas “Adopt-a-Family” o The Women’s Shelter • The Gideons International – Bible distribution • Seafarers’ Ministry – knitted/crocheted caps • Hems of Grace – sewing projects for missions • Operation Shoebox – Samaritan’s Purse • Homeless Shelter – soap & underwear collection • Homeless/Needy Student Support • World Changers – host church lunches • High School Missions Summer Trip • Middle School Missions Summer Trip • Iron Man Ministries • Off-Campus Bible Studies o Caddy Shak o Ascension o Brian Center o Men’s Fraternity at Panera Bread • Fellowship of Christian Athletes • Missions Offerings o International – Lottie Moon o North American – Annie Armstrong o State – Janie Chapman o World Hunger Relief o Lexington Association • Benevolence Ministry Please contact Tim Hawkins, 772.3227, if you have any additions or want to get involved. “If we knew everything going on, there wouldn’t be enough going on.” Recreation Ministry I am excited to be a part of a church that believes in the impact a recreation ministry can have on our community. Recreation is a universal language that all understand, but, it is only a ministry tool if we are intentional in making it one. It is not enough that we have recreation if we are not going to intentionally use it to serve, disciple, and evangelize those involved. Such ministry happens when group leaders and coaches build purposeful relationships and create an environment for the Holy Spirit to work through devotions, prayer, and authentic testimonies. Our recLife Ministry had over 2,100 participants this past year. We continue to be blessed with new ministry opportunities. The recLife Ministry partners with coaches to build relationships and provide spiritual leadership for participants as they support, teach, and serve the teams. I have seen firsthand the impact this ministry has had on our members, as well as non-members throughout the community. Our Recreation Ministry is a mission field of its own. It allows us to reach both the believers and non-believers of our community by providing the comfortable and inviting atmosphere of athletic fields or courts. These controlled atmospheres then allow our coaches to plant seeds in every participant’s heart. We are currently sharing Christ’s love through the following ministries: Children Basketball & Cheerleading (Winter) Basketball Camp (Summer) Soccer (Fall & Spring) Soccer Camp (Summer) Sports Camp (Summer) Tee Ball (Fall) Youth Middle School & High School Boys & Girls Basketball (Winter) Middle School Boys Basketball (Summer) Volleyball (Summer) Adults Coed Volleyball (Summer) Coed Kickball (Summer) College Basketball (Summer) Devotion in Motion (Foot Movements) (Weekly) Devotion Ministry (Seasonal) Leadership Seminars (As Needed) Men’s Basketball (Spring) Men’s Golf (Weekly) Men’s Softball (Fall & Spring) Women’s Softball (Spring) Run for God Ministry (Fall & Spring) Thursday Morning Open Basketball (Weekly) 55+ Pickleball (Weekly) Mrs. Barbara Kirby, Recreation Ministry Director Page 33 | riverlandhills.org Campus Map Page 34 | riverlandhills.org Please visit our website to find our OFFICIAL CHURCH CALENDAR. There you will find our complete daily schedule, all of our upcoming events, and current online registrations. http://riverlandhills.org/calendar.asp Riverland Hills Baptist Church 201 Lake Murray Blvd. Irmo, South Carolina 29063 803.772.3227 www.riverlandhills.org
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