OUTREACH TO ASIA NATIONALS PO Box 2440 Winchester, VA 22604 (540) 665-6418 THE CHANGING COLORS OF MISSIONS What changes, what stays the same... ORGANIZE OR AGONIZE BRIAN PAUL “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans” (Pr. 16:3). All successful businesses begin with a solidly defined strategic plan, business plan, and marketing plan. I am pleased to work with Dr. Chris Gnanakan on defining OTAN's strategic plan. This is an exciting time for the organization as there are numerous ways which OTAN can help support pastors, missionaries and provide discipleship to the community of new believers in Asia. As part of the planning process, we will be seeking input from all those associated with OTAN to seek candid opinion, guidance and perspective. The outputs of this planning process will be to develop a written, defined 5-year strategic business plan. The plan will include a proposed organizational design, a 5 year financial plan, and funding strategy to meet the specific goals and objectives. Continue to pray for God's direction and providence for the future of OTAN. Exciting times are ahead. Newsletter Editor: Dr. Chris Gnanakan Editing Team: Kimberly Sorensen, David Stansbury, Luke Shope, Dorothy Gnanakan, Sandie Powell FALLING FOLIAGE AND SOARING SPIRITS SANDIE POWELL Autumn is all about change:…the leaves take on a color pallet of their very own, the air takes on a crispness, even the sun decides to set at a new time, changing our daytime routine. Most of us enjoy the vivid drama and color-ama put on by nature. Not so with famous songwriter, Fanny Crosby. Because of her blindness, she despised the fall. You see, fall is beautiful to look at, but only if you can see it. To Fanny, it reeked of musty, shriveled leaves, dampness, and decay. She did not like the change, at all. It reminded her of death. Fanny is not the only one who struggles with change. Many of us know the pain of change we never would have chosen in our lives. It hurts more than we feel we can bear. It is costly, requiring an investment beyond our capacity to give, and it takes time, much more time than we feel we can spend or sacrifice for the process. Change defines missions in essence. “Missions” is a change of perspective from inward to outward. “Missions” is a change of priorities from local to global. “Missions” is a change of purpose from getting to giving. As the world Henry Powell went to be with the around us changes in sync with God’s divine Lord on August 3, 2012. Sandie cycle of nature, may we be motivated to change Powell now writes about coping with change without her husband of 40 the world around us according to God’s Divine years. Plan for World Evangelization. B-OTAN: LOCAL CHAPTERS LOIDA RUANE In July 2012, the Bangor members of OTAN (B-OTAN) started to meet together every month. As OTAN moves from “Good to Great,” a sense of community is essential for encouragement, nurturance, and celebration, hence, the monthly fellowship. It is our plan to sprout many such focus groups in different parts of the country. At each gathering, we share 3 B’s – Blessings, Burdens, and Breakthroughs. The stories I hear during our monthly fellowship provide me with glimpses of the wonders God is doing in and through OTAN. As I participate with the B-OTAN community, my appreciation of individual members, the different countries we serve, and OTAN as a movement increases. Our interaction helps my heart sustain the freshness of our mission: doing what others don’t, won’t, and can’t. info@outreachtoasianationals.org • www.outreachtoasianationals.org • Tel: (540) 665-6418 OTAN WOMEN’S RETREAT 2012 "BACK" OFFICE CHANGE & CHALLENGE Left: Women’s Retreat 2012 in front of OTAN headquarters. Right: Roxann Goodwin, OTAN Women’s Ministry Leader ROXANN GOODWIN OTAN’s women’s ministry hosted its first annual Women’s Retreat in August. Seventeen women from all over the US attended at the OTAN headquarters in Winchester, Virginia. Each of the women shared their testimonies and the “focus country” that God put under their feet as expressed in Psalm 47:3. The nations represented were as follows: China, Vietnam, Laos, Nepal, Bhutan, Russia, Indonesia, Cambodia and Myanmar. Dr. Gnanakan led sessions on the mission and vision of OTAN, policies and procedures within the organization, curriculum, and teaching methods. We were also blessed to have Dr. Wally Saunders challenge us to use the “Tools at Hand for Witnessing.” Many thanks to the OTAN staff for their willingness to host this event and for the men who gave up valuable time to do the cooking, serving, and cleaning up for the event. . RETREAT REFLECTIONS Being that our OTAN team members are spread out around the world, I had not met many of the women involved in the organization. This women's retreat allowed me to learn more about them personally and their specific ministries. - Christen Cascella The Women’s Retreat was a time of spiritual refreshment for me. Hearing the testimonies of each of the ladies who attended revealed more of God’s love and mercy as we heard how He has and is working miraculously in our lives. - Shirley Eldridge DAVID ALLEY Office staff are essential to getting the work done and the word out about the needs of the least reached in Asia. Unless there is an office support team working in the background, teams would not be able to travel to Asia to train the nationals to reach their own people. As the OTAN office support, we experience a lot of blessings, challenges, and opportunities. The opportunities lead to challenges, which are many: paper work for coordinating teams, travel plans, scheduling, acquiring visas, etc... The challenges, however, lead to blessings in the ministry: seeing nationals come to Christ and reach out to their own people. This is a wonderful work and we are truly blessed to have a small part in reaching people with the gospel. OTAN AND THE LOCAL CHURCH SUE BITNER About 25 years ago, Otis and Roxann Goodwin went to a small church in central Pennsylvania to conduct a mission conference. They taught about the essence of what makes a successful conference. Since then, the church has continued to give faithfully to support the cause of Christ around the world. In September, Dr. Gnanakan was our guest speaker for th the 17 mission conference at Myerstown Baptist Church. Together, we went on a journey with Jesus as He ministered to hurting people while traveling the road that led Him to the cross. We were encouraged to follow Him – simply and completely. In the details of our daily lives, it is so easy to lose focus Myerstown Baptist Church Mission Conference and forget what it is that God cares about most: “For God so loved the World...” Mission conferences bring the needs of the world blatantly in front of our eyes so that we cannot ignore them. God ordained the local church to be the avenue through which missionaries are launched and missionary work is cultivated. What greater privilege and responsibility can there be? Global Alliance on Church Multiplication CHANGE AND RE-CALIBRATING – OTAN [Est. 1986] DR CHRIS GNANAKAN We’ve had that feeling of working harder and longer and not getting things done better! If there was a smarter way to achieve greater results together, would we want it? Of course! Insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the result to be different!” If we are to move “forward together” “from Good to Great,” the only constant we will find is… change! We serve the Lord of all creation who makes all things new! Yet, change for the sake of change is worthless. The Fall season is breathtaking as leaves change their colors! But the trees don’t change their roots. No! Likewise, there are core values that give the Church her Biblical identity and stability for her mission in our meaningless world. These timeless virtues or Christ-like graces anchor faith in a reliable God whose nature and word do not change! (Mal. 3:6) Some methods OTAN must cultivate, others we must eliminate, still others, create! What Plato said of life, is a truism for missions: “an unexamined ministry is not worth keeping!” Jesus asked, “If you want to build a tower, will you not first sit down and estimate the cost?” (Lk. 14:23) Evaluation of policies, processes, and priorities matter! We can know if we are successful, only if we have specific goals that are set and proven ways to measure our progress, over a period of time! Our North American Mission Leaders conference Missio Nexus at Chicago was entitled: Recalibrate: Adjusting Missionary Methods to Today’s Reality. The CEO roundtable had helpful topics such as: Relating to the Majority World, Recruiting and Hiring the Next Generation, Funding the Great Commission, Bringing Fundamental Change to Missions… We all felt the need to ensure that nationals take ownership and that US organizations have a definite exit strategy! OTAN is moving forward and upward with greater responsibility! It’s a privilege and honor to be invited to serve on the Mission Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance that provides a platform for multi-cultural voices to advance God’s mission with global leaders. OTAN is also a vital, contributing member of the Global Alliance on Church Multiplication with bi/multilateral partnerships aimed at planting at least 5 million multiplying churches and leaders by 2020. It’s time to change and recalibrate! Let’s refocus on a Christ-centered mission that’s geared to the least reached, resource appropriate training of national leaders and re-tool with empowering partnerships that maintain credible stewardship to get the Great Commission done! Dr. Chris Gnanakan and Steve Moore, president of Missio Nexus Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Winchester, VA Permit # 247 Outreach to Asia Nationals PO Box 2440 Winchester, Virginia 22604 Phone: (540) 665-6418 Fax: (540) 665-0793 E-mail: info@outreachtoasianationals.org Address Service Requested BRING THEM ON! DR CHRIS GNANAKAN Christian Education is “loving God” with all one’s mind; ministry is demonstrating this love on others; and mission is channeling this toward the unreached and unchurched! Today, this calls for a particular mindset and skillset. OTAN is “reaching out” to equip and recruit visionaries! Leaders with a deep faith and character, who with high energy can leverage technology, use social media, and forge partnerships that efficiently implement our mission. But, where can we find them? OTAN has the opportunity to “launch out” and catch them alive! We teach at institutes where graduates yearn for the exposure and experience to gain expertise in doing missions in challenging contexts. Dates are set to teach at the Word of Life Bible Institute (NY/FL), Grace Evangelical College (ME), Outreach Training Institute (DC), Trinity Baptist College (FL), Lancaster Bible College (PA), and New Brunswick Bible College (Canada). Will you pray and join us in redeeming all three: the time, scholarly minds, and souls?! BHUTAN’S NEW MINISTRY MANAGER ADAM MARQUIS In October 2008, the call to missions became clear to me after listening to Dr. Chris Gnanakan share about missions at Bangor Baptist Church. At that precise moment I stepped from bridge to shore on realizing my important roles to expedite the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 18-20)! After prayerful consideration, an opportunity appeared to join Outreach to Asia Nationals (OTAN) in April 2011. I was willing to go wherever our Lord wanted me to serve! Bhutan needed a Ministry Manager to launch a new and overdue ministry! Serving in a restricted access country to create a church planting movement by targeting unreached people groups has its challenges. Our heart was for God to grant us the “man of peace” (Luke 10:6) to enter Bhutan and begin Appointing, Training, and Mentoring [ATM] national pastors! After months of prayer, God delivered! Being a U.S. citizen comes with a price: $250 per day is the tariff imposed for a Visa to enter Bhutan. Thankfully church small groups clamored and raised a $1000 for me to go to Bhutan and begin developing this new and over-due ministry! A three-day survey trip has been planned and organized to meet with and enlist at least 12 church planters to be trained with OTAN’s curriculum! Pray for Bhutan in partnering with churches to support national pastors in getting the job done at any cost to save the lost!