Theme Speakers - Trout Lake Camps


Theme Speakers - Trout Lake Camps
Matt Kendziera | Trek NEW!
(5th through 8th Grade) Sept 27-29 Matt Kendziera is the founder and pastor of B-Side Community in Eau Claire WI, which is a beautiful
expression of the church to a hurting and broken community. He also works as a Chaplain at the
Stanley Correctional Institution in Stanley WI a medium security prison housing adult men. After
growing up in middle class America in a comfortable environment, Matt fell in love with Jesus and his
life was radically transformed. Thoughts of comfort and security have been traded in for adventure and
obedience to God. He brings a message of hope, love and compassion to everyone he encounters and
desperately desires that all would allow God to transform their lives no matter what their current
situation. Over the past 15 years of ministry, Matt has had the opportunity to speak to and teach
thousands of youth and adults about the power of the love of Christ. Matt currently resides in Eau
Claire WI with his wife and ministry partner Suzie and his two daughters Macie and Georgia.
Greg Speck | Quest 1 & 2 and Crossing
(Junior High/Mix) October 4-6, October 11-13, and November 8-10
After graduating from Bethel University, Greg started working with teenagers and has done that
ever since. Greg has the best job in the world and that is traveling around the world speaking to
teenagers and families. Greg has been a caseworker for emotionally disturbed and delinquent
teens, Youth Pastor, Youth Specialist for Moody Bible Institute, President of Youth Ministries
International and a friend to endangered woodland animals (that was very random). Greg has led
groups of teenagers on mission trips to the British Isles and all across Europe for over 20 years.
Greg is now the "Youth and Family communicator" for Bethel University in, lovely and tropical, St
Paul, Minnesota.
Duffy Robbins | Breakaway 1 and 2
(Senior High)
October 25-27 and November 1-3
Dr. Duffy Robbins, Professor of Youth Ministry at Eastern University, St Davids, PA is a 35 year veteran
of youth ministry who is widely respected as one of the leading voices in youth and family ministry. But,
his ministry goes well beyond that. He’s in constant demand as a speaker for teenagers and people who
love teenagers (parents, youth workers, etc). But, his warm conversational style, coupled with a quick
sense of humor and a unique ability to make Scripture come alive have made him a popular speaker as
well as an author. Duffy is the author of over fifteen books and hundreds of articles. Duffy lives in Valley
Forge, PA with his wife and best friend, Maggie. They have two grown daughters, Erin and Katie.
Worship Bands
Trevor Kleinmeyer | Trek
Trevor Kleinmeyer is a talented singer/songwriter who is passionate about worshiping God and
leading others to worship Him too. He resides in the Twin Cities while attending Northwestern
College, pursuing a degree in music ministry. Trevor has a huge heart for Christ and spreading the
gospel through his music. Trevor combines a rare sense of vulnerability and transparency with
scripture. Trevor has a deep desire for the Word of God to always be the focus of his songwriting.
Trevor states “The true power of worship music is communicating the truth and power of Scripture
through song. I think of Hebrews 4:12 - ‘For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any
double-edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the
thoughts and attitudes of the heart.' I believe there is so much truth and power in the Bible and
communicating these truths through songwriting is really the heart behind my music.”
Silverline | Quest 1, 2, and Crossing Having shared the stage with some of
the top bands in Christian music (POD,
Newsboys, TFK, RED, Sanctus Real,
Hawk Nelson, etc.), Silverline has
developed a great live show. They have
also excelled on Christian radio with the
#1 songs, Broken Glass and Shine A
Light. These professional achievements
are important to the band as a door
opener to ministry because Silverline isn’t just happy with accomplishments validating their ability, but rather paving the way for
opportunities to share the life changing Gospel of Christ.
Acquire the Fire Live | Breakaway 1 and 2
Acquire the Fire LIVE (formerly School of Worship Band) is not only a band, but a
movement of equipping and mobilizing young worship leaders and musicians all
across the country. These young people are passionate about pouring back into their
generation with their music. Through songwriting, worship leading, concerts, and band
workshops, they are reaching out to see others like themselves raised up to know God
and live out the purpose God has on their lives. Their newly released sophomore
album, titled “Christ In Me” is currently available in Christian bookstores all across the
country. Just in the past two years, Acquire the Fire LIVE has toured all over America
with Teen Mania’s youth event, “Acquire The Fire,” playing in front of over 200,000
people each year. This movement is sweeping internationally as they played in Mexico,
Canada, and throughout the country of Norway. This up and coming band has had the privilege to play with respected bands such as
Newsboys, Kutless, Skillet, Leeland, David Crowder Band, Israel & New Breed, and more! Yet wherever they go and in everything they
do, their heartbeat is simply to see God lifted up…just as their song release “Christ In Me” declares, “We lift You up higher and
higher…we proclaim that You are God!”
$98 for Students (Trek - $78 and Crossing - $93) / $63 for Sponsors
Trek Registration will be open September 5th. All other retreats will be open
September 12th. Online registration is available as well as mailed registration. Most
retreats will fill very quickly so don’t wait to register!
Trek is a new retreat for 5th-8th grade students but depending on the way your
church breaks down student groups, we will allow 4th grade or 9th graders to
There are discounts for Trek and Crossing! Trek is $20 off per student and Crossing
is $5 off per student.
Please send only one check with your group registration. Make checks payable to
Trout Lake Camps. Credit Cards will be charged upon receiving your registration.
We need a medical release form for each student. If your youth group has a form
already on file for your students, just bring us a copy of what you have. If not,
please copy, distribute, and collect the enclosed medical form and bring it up to
camp. You may want to keep a copy for yourself, as well as the copy you present
to us.
These retreats have a ton of fantastic free-time activities- Football, Volleyball and
Wiffleball Tournaments, a 4 Line Zip-line, 9 Square in the air (new!), Gopher Ball
(new!), Mtn. Scooters, Paintball, Dodgeball, Ga Ga Ball, Human Foosball, a Skate
Park, Mini-Golf Course, Concerts (when available), Floor Hockey, Basketball, Pontoon
Rides, Blacklight Dodgeball, Giant’s Web and many other options!
The Fall Retreat Poster should be in your mailbox soon! To download the
promotional video for this fall, go to or play it on our youtube
If you know any youth leaders/groups that have not attended our fall retreats tell
them about us, we don’t want any beds to go empty!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Eric Olsen at