EMMANUEL UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Cambridge @ Trumpington Street @ Cherry Hinton Road October 2014 No: 61 1 LANCE’S FAREWELL WEEKEND It's rather difficult to sum up Lance's final weekend in a few words. Where does one start? With the celebration on Saturday evening, when Emmanuel folk brought contributions of food, resulting in a splendid feast for all? Or the sight of so many who have come to know and appreciate Lance in all his roles in Cambridge, working for the wider church as well as our two congregations? It was so good to see the church packed with people sitting round tables in a relaxed atmosphere, listening to Mark Dawes playing gentle jazz numbers on the piano and meeting contents lance’s farewell weekend 2-3 those coming to wish Lance well for his new emmanuel—the next steps 3 life of ministry in Amsterdam. calendar 4 So, after all had eaten sumptuously, the music in emmanuel 5 entertainment began, put together almost emmanuel forum 5 single-handedly by Jane Bower, though helped commitment for life 6 and advised by others. ‘earth connect’ display 6 Stephen Thornton (a very polished and CHR tuesday fellowship 7 accomplished MD, dressed in his dinner suit) regular meetings 8-9 and led us through the cambridge area meeting 9 introduced visitors from zimbabwe 10 proceedings. bible society 10 There was a lightning trip through Lance's life, hila rious a nd innova tive peter kardos 11 providing ‘awayday’ report 12-13 interpretations of various photos dug out from pastoral and prayer news 13 family albums. These were mounted in a house groups 13 wonderful book for Lance, supplemented by road peace service 14 many contributions from friends and members advent miscellany 14 of Emmanuel, which Jan spent many hours castle end mission 15 2015 URC diaries, etc. 15 putting together. personnel 16 Then we had the “interview”. This was text for the year 16 conducted by David Reynolds (not actually present) but recorded apparently interviewing Lance, who answered the questions with choice words which had been extracted from his sermons. How long that took to put together can only be imagined. It has to be heard to be appreciated! Lance and Sally were invited to come up and receive some gifts. Rather than speak, Lance brought out his guitar to sing his farewell- a very touching number in the style to which we have become accustomed. Lance and Sally thought that was the end of the evening. But no, there was the song, written by Jane, substituting new words to a compilation of well known tunes (The times they are a changin', A mouse lived in a windmill, Tulips from Amsterdam and Let's face the music and 2 dance) which I'm sure most of you knew about, having been urged to practise it at home. After the choir began, all were invited to come up and join in. A wonderful end to the evening. **** Sunday was of course very different, with a welcome to Imke Esmann, our new Time for God Worker from Germany; the induction of 4 elders for a further term of service; admission of new members Richard Bowman, Beth and Mike Humphries; and communion. The sermon should be read by those who couldn't be there (it is on the Emmanuel web-site) as it fitted perfectly with our time together as a community of God's people. A time to be so thankful for all that Lance has brought to this community. We were all invited to stay for coffee and a piece of Liz Barrow's fantastic cake. William McVey asked Lance to come and say some final words to those there. The whole weekend was a fitting tribute to Lance's ministry and I hope that he will take away very happy memories of it. We know that a group will be going to Lance's induction, (Johann Friedrich will also be there) sending him on his way with many blessings for his future ministry. Huge thanks should go to those who gave so much time putting the weekend together: Jan, Jane, Mark, Liz, Margaret, David, Stephen and many, many more. Pippa Jones Emmanuel— Emmanuel—The next Steps After bidding Lance farewell, we enter a period of reflection and planning. The elders have met with Paul Whittle to discuss the processes followed by the United Reformed Church when a new minister is being sought. These involve the appointment of an Interim Moderator, a Vacancy Committee, and the drawing up of a pastorate profile. Scoping is not yet known - it may be that the minister whom we call will serve Emmanuel and another congregation. It would be very helpful for members and friends to discuss informally what they would like to see happen, both in terms of the personal qualities looked for, (don’t say someone just like Lance!), and in thinking outside what may seem to be a very comfortable box. How might co-operation develop across the city of Cambridge? Above all, please pray for the congregation and those responsible for nurturing it. Margaret Thompson, Secretary to the Church meeting 3 CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER Sunday Morning Worship at Trumpington Street (TS) at 10.45am. And at Cherry Hinton Road (CHR) at 10.30am. Nursery (TS) from 10.30am. Choir practice (TS) Sundays at 9.30am Wednesday 1st Sunday 5th 1.00 Lunchtime Concert. See p.5 7.30 Elders Meeting TS Morning Worship with Communion. Revd Elizabeth Caswell. CHR Alison Smith. Wednesday 8th Saturday 11th Sunday 12th 1.00 Lunchtime Concert. See p.5 Eastern Synod at Witham URC. TS Morning Worship. Revd Pat Heap. CHR Chris Wright. Communion. Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Friday 17th Sunday 19th 7.30 Worship Group. See p.8 10.30 Ferried Friends. See p.8 1.00 Lunchtime Concert. See p. 5 7.00 Bible Society Autumn Meeting. See p.10 TS Morning Worship. Revd Michael Jagessar. CHR John Boocock. Monday 20th Tuesday 21st. Wednesday 22nd Sunday 26th 7.15 for 7.45 Cambridge Area Partnership Meeting. p.9 7.30 Emmanuel Forum. Dr David Reynolds. See p.5 1.00 Lunchtime Concert. See p.5 TS Morning Worship. Revd Ian Randall. CHR Maureen Kendall 7.00 Taize Service at TS. Monday 27th Wednesday 29th 2.30 New After Eights. See p.9 1.00 Lunchtime Concert. See p.5 Sunday 2nd November TS Morning Worship with Communion. Revd Chris Baker. CHR Revd Peter Peirce. Communion. 4 WEDNESDAY 1 OCTOBER Jennifer Bastable contralto Ian de Massini piano WEDNESDAY 22 OCTOBER violin Mifune Tsuji Paul Jackson piano Jin Theriault saxophone WEDENSDAY 8 OCTOBER Matthew McCombie piano WEDNESDAY 29 OCTOBER Christina Stuart cello and piano Patrick Hemmerlé piano Bach WEDNESDAY 15 OCTOBER Katy Edgcombe alto Antony Warren tenor Matt Kelly viola John Richens piano Britten "Lachrymae" and "Abraham & Isaac" and songs by Frank Bridge for alto, viola and piano Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue Chopin 2nd Ballade Schumann 3 Fantasiestucke Shostakovich Cello Sonata. EMMANUEL FORUM Making Peace with the Great War Professor David Reynolds This year has been pre-occupied with the centenary of the outbreak of World War One. Is this good or bad? What are our debts of remembrance to the dead? Are we too obsessed with past wars? What can we learn from the ways we come to terms with death and bereavement in family life? These are some of the issues David Reynolds will raise in asking how we can make peace with the most costly and problematic war in British history. Tuesday 21st October at 7.30pm Followed by discussion—ending at 9.00pm 5 SPECIAL CAUSE FOR OCTOBER COMMITMENT FOR LIFE (FORMERLY THE 1% APPEAL) Commitment for Life is the world development programme of the United Reformed Church. We encourage participating churches to take action, pray and give for people across the world but especially in our four partner countries/region of Bangladesh, Central America(Honduras, Guatemala. Nicaragua and El Salvador), Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory and Zimbabwe. We work in partnership with Christian Aid and The World Development Movement raising over half a million pounds a year In Emmanuel the focus is on Israel and the Palestinian territories, and after the recent conflict, there is an urgent need for prayer and reconstruction. There is more information on the insert distributed with this newsletter. Please leave your contribution in the collection plate any Sunday in October, using the envelope enclosed with this newsletter (cheques payable to Emmanuel URC, Cambridge). If you pay tax, please complete the declaration on the back of the envelope, which adds 25% to your gift. Owen and Pat Saxton Spirit of the living God, Come afresh on your holy land. Help your people to restore broken relationships. Give them patience to break down barriers of suspicion and mistrust; ability to discern personal prejudices and the courage to overcome fear. Teach them to respect each other’s integrity and rights so that your kingdom may be established on earth. For Jesus’ sake. Amen. Rt Rev Riah Abu El-Assal, from In God’s Hands, WCC EARTH CONNECT A display for those who care about Planet Earth Tuesdays to Fridays 10.30am to 3pm until 10th October 6 CHERRY HINTON ROAD TUESDAY FELLOWSHIP October 7th Anne Disney and Valerie Cooper with some ‘Local Cambridge History’ 14th A.G.M. 21st Penny Milsom tells about our Autumn charity Action Aid 28th Jan Nicholls and Friends “ SHALOM” Our first Tuesday in September entitled ‘Interesting Books’ brought forth a great variety of books – and some surprises! A delightful and amusing story about a cat who wangled his way into getting daily dinners from six unsuspecting neighbours suggested the moral “Know your neighbours”! There was a book about two sisters with an interest in archaeology; another by someone who had come to live in Cambridge long ago and who were bemused by some of the traits of local inhabitants. Of surprise to many of us were two botanical books of a very technical nature translated into English from their original German by Clive King – Margaret’s late husband. Margaret told of the long hours she herself had spent on proof-reading (for which she received a mention inside the book – well done!). Asher Smith, a representative of Camfed, came to update us on the work of the charity for which we have been collecting over the past year. (Camfed is the “Campaign for Female Education” and makes a big difference to the lives of girls and their families in some very poor parts of the world.) Asher showed us some video clips of a girl who was physically disabled and could only get along with a kind of crawling action. Other youngsters cruelly discriminated against her – “They wouldn’t call me by my name” she said. “They called me ‘Cripple’ which hurt me very much”. But wonderfully, with help from Camfed, she is now able to walk with crutches, attend school and enjoy her transformed life. Harvest is always a lovely time. Members brought all sorts of items for the Harvest table. Some had decorated little baskets very beautifully and filled them with flowers, fruit or sweets. Some of these were taken to friends who would appreciate ‘a little ray of sunshine to cheer them’. Other members brought along a good supply of non-perishable items for a local Food Bank. Harvest readings, prayers and hymns made the afternoon complete. 7 Julia Stone MEETINGS IN OCTOBER Church Prayers Emmanuel’s Choir Every weekday morning 10.15am in church meets on Sunday mornings at 9.30am in the church, new singers always welcome Requests for the Prayer Circle contact: Mark Dawes, organist 01954 212514 contact: Mary 501355 Young Adults’ Group Worship Planning Group All are welcome to meet at 7.30pm on Tuesday, 14th October in Olive Darke’s home, Mackery End, Gazeley Lane to meet with Revd Terry Oakley to share in the planning of Emmanuel’s worship. meets on Monday evenings 7.30pm at the church for a varied programme of activities. contact: Emmanuel Office 351174 contact: Liz Barrow 369212 Cherry Hinton Road Tuesday Fellowship Ferried Friends meet at 10.30am on Wednesday 15th October For coffee and conversation. venue to be announced meets in the Hall at CHR every Tuesday From 2.30 to 3.30 See page 7 Men and women welcome. contacts: Liz Barrow 369212; Penny Flynn 515815 Contact Revd Julia Stone 01954 781297 8 Emmanuel Band and Singing House Group meets on Thursdays at 7.30 9th and 23rd October praise and fellowship at 1, Topcliffe Way Knit Café Knit Café meets weekly in the Café on Thursdays from 2-4pm contact the church office 351174 contact: David or Penny Flynn 515815 KNIT ONE, GIVE ONE! a knitting café New members welcome New ‘After Eights’ Come and meet Peter Kardos, our John Hall Fund Scholar on 27th October at 2.30 At Olive Darke’s, Mackery End, Gazeley Road. CB2 9HB contact: Liz Barrow 369212 Ruth Blackman 248344 Val Cooper 276857 Cambridge Area Partnership Meeting Bar Hill Church (Hanover Close, CB23 8EH) 20th October 2014 7.15 for a 7.45pm start. Scoping, Mission and Ministry: Deployment, churches and ministers. If you were the Pastoral Committee—what would you do? Be here, be heard! Led by the Moderator Presented by your Area Partnership Pastoral Advocates Bruce Waldron: 07814 920187; Catherine Ball: 01480 352058 9 Visitors from Zimbabwe From 2nd to 12th October six members of the Zimbabwe Presbytery of the UPCSA will be visiting the Eastern Synod. This is the Synod’s Global Partner, under the Belonging to the World Church programme, Those of us who visited Zimbabwe in December 2012 will be looking after the group, with support from others, particularly in the three churches which have twinning arrangements, The Cornerstone, Southend, Epping and Rayleigh. One or two will be staying in Cambridge and so might be worshipping at Emmanuel on 5th or 12th October. The visit has been arranged jointly with the Greenock & Paisley Presbytery of the Church of Scotland which also has a partnership with Zimbabwe, and the group will travel on to Glasgow for the second half of their visit. We are delighted to know that all six have been granted visas and so plans are being finalized. They will visit the 3 twinning churches, though unfortunately none of those selected to come actually belongs to a twin congregation. The Synod Moderator will take them to several churches and see projects in the Synod and they will also visit Church House in London and Westminster College. We will bring them to the Café after that visit. On Saturday, 11th October the group will be welcomed at the Synod meeting at Witham URC. We extend a very warm welcome to our visitors. Chris Wright, ‘Belonging to the World Church’ Synod Co-ordinator Bible Society Autumn Meeting Just Desserts in the Old Testament: How God serves up justice at meal times. Speaker: Dr Nathan MacDonald Friday 17th October, 2014 At Queen Edith Chapel, Wulfstan Way at 7.00pm Tickets £6 from Pat Heap patheap1@gmail.com 01223 248509 10 Peter Kardos, John Hall Fund Scholar I was already preparing my sabbatical leave, when I saw the news of JOHN HALL FUND on the website of the Hungarian Reformed Church. It was February and, after thinking and praying for a while, I wrote an email. More than 2000 ministers, Religious Education teachers and churchworkers could have read that call - all over the Carpathian Basin. I thought lots of them would answer, though some do not know the language or some - having young children - are not interested at all. Still, I believed there must be hundreds of applicants. After the exchange of emails, I was invited for an interview at the beginning of June. Instead of an official testing we had very relaxed talks. When I asked the number of applicants – ‘seven or eight’ was the astonishing answer. And among these, I was chosen... Thanks God - I arrived safely on September 11th. After spending four really lovely days with Roger and Anthea, I moved into Westminster College to a quite comfortable room. When I write these lines, I have not yet spent one week in England, but I have already a lot of experiences: the ‘Awayday’ at Houghton Chapel, the Sunday service with Richard Lewney, the visit to the Round Church, the fellowship meeting at Cherry Hinton Road, lunches in the Café, a lunchtime concert, and several conversations with new friends. I am so grateful to the John Hall Fund and its Convenor for the chance to be here for three months. And I gladly hear about my unknown pathmaker, Krisztina (this is how we spell Christina in our language). I did not know her, but everybody speaks of her with real enthusiasm and love. I asked nobody, but I suspect, she must be the reason why the Fund advertised a post of bursary for a member of the Hungarian Reformed Church... Thanks a lot! My sabbatical leave is for six months. I happily spend three months of these here, in Cambridge. I do not have fixed plans for the rest of it but God will sort it out. Glory be to Him forever. Peter Kardos, Minister, Hungarian Reformed Church Pax intrantibus, salus exeuntibus Peace to those who enter, health to those who depart Béke a belépőknek, 11 Drawing Breath at Houghton Chapel: the church away day remembered No Bible study, no seminars, no committee meetings, no deep discussions about the future of the church now that Lance has gone. So what did we all do at last Saturday’s church away day? Well, we simply ‘drew breath’. And what a perfect time to do this. There will be plenty of time, as late summer turns to autumn and winter to address the big questions. What we all needed now more than anything was the opportunity to come together, to get to know each other better, to reinforce the unity and togetherness of the fellowship before moving on to new and hopefully better things to come. So, in that spirit some 40-odd members and friends of Emmanuel gathered at Houghton Chapel, a stone’s throw from the National Trust’s Houghton Mill amidst the beauty of the meadows dotted with thatched cottages. It was a simple, modest place, yet also homely and welcoming. But unlike past Emmanuel away days, we were left to our own devices, including the catering. Confidently, yet very sympathetically and warmly led by Liz Caswell we began with a short, simple act of worship. As we sang together we soon all realised that we had a common need, simply to be together and to share our common bond. That said, it was not long before the remarkable reservoir of creative talent that is Emmanuel emerged. Appreciating and writing poetry were the centrepiece of two sessions, one led by Alison Binney the other by Ann Phillips. Meanwhile, Penny Milsom coaxed still life pastel drawings from another group while Jane Bower helped others to design and then make their own books. Maureen Kendall led a group exploring the startling realities of living in the Holy Land today and all this while Anna McIvor was leading an exploration of Taize style music, the sound of which wafted around the building. But in the meantime there was food to prepare. So, some of us, led by master chefs William McVey and John Kendall, set to in the kitchen chopping onions, leeks and potatoes and boiling up two huge cauldrons of freshly made vegetable soup. What better way is there to enhance the sense of togetherness than to sit and eat simple, fresh, wholesome bread and soup around big tables buzzing with lively conversation? Well there is a way. That is to do the same with Liz Barrow’s freshly baked scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam which we all did in 12 the afternoon after some of us had walked over the meadows in the emerging, warming late summer sunshine. If heaven is half as good as this, I’m up for it! As someone who simply showed up on the day, I want to say, on behalf of us all, a massive thank you to all those who shaped and designed the event and those who actively contributed on the day. As Lorraine said to me as we drove home, “with a fellowship such as that, I am sure that even with Lance departing, this church will have a positive future.” Stephen Thornton PASTORAL AND PRAYER NEWS We were sad to learn of the death of Heather Cubitt earlier this month, and we remember her sister, Sheila, at this sad time. Heather and Sheila were members of Emmanuel for many years, and it was just in the last few years they decided to worship closer to their home in Girton. Sheila Cubitt would like to thank all at Emmanuel for their very kind messages and letters regarding Heather’s death. These were all very much appreciated. It was also with great sadness that we learned of the death on 23rd September of Ruth Blackman in Addenbrooke’s. Ruth has been Emmanuel’s chief steward for a long time, as well as being an elder and in recent years a regular volunteer in the café; she will be greatly missed. Our prayers go to Ruth’s family and especially Margaret Todman. We also remember Lawrence and Moyra Laidlaw, as Lawrence is slowly recovering after two months in hospital; and it is good to see Christine and Roger Sansom more regularly in Emmanuel once again. We remember Lance as he starts his new ministry in Amsterdam and we are glad some Emmanuel members were able to go and support him at this exciting time. Look out for photos in the Garden Room! Emmanuel-St. Columba’s House Groups in November Preparing for Advent—looking at issues in Mark’s gospel. There will be four groups: two evening, one afternoon and one morning . . It is hoped members from both churches will be represented in each group! Details of venues and dates in the Notice Sheet and November Newsletter. 13 N.B. VENUE St Luke’s Church is in Victoria Road, CB4 3DZ parking available An Advent Miscellany Friday 28 November For all the family 6.30 - 8.30pm Book this Date! An opportunity for friends and members to meet together and share songs, music and readings over a glass of nonalcoholic mulled punch and home made mince pies. If you have an item to share, add your name to the list in the Garden Room or speak to Jane Bower who is co-ordinating entertainment; and if you can offer to make mince pies, please sign the other list! Jan Nicholls 2015 Reform subscriptions Subscriptions for Reform, the magazine of the United Reformed Church, for 2015 are due soon. Only £25 for 10 copies for one year. To all existing subscribers, I hope that you continue to enjoy the magazine and anyone who would like to know more about Reform, please contact Andy McKenzie. 14 CASTLE END MISSION, POUND HILL, CAMBRIDGE Contacts: John and Maureen Kendall Tel: 500593 Evening Worship at 6.30pm shared with Castle Street Methodists. October 5th 12th 19th 26th November 2nd Wendy Roe At Castle Street Methodist Penny Flynn Castle Street Centenary Anniversary. Circuit Service at 3.00pm. Margaret Cooper. The Harvest Offering for the Seed Project raised £111.60 from the sale of produce and the free-will offering. Many thanks to all who joined us! URC Prayer Handbooks and Diaries for 2015 Prayer handbooks: ‘Listening for the Whisper’ £6.00 Now available to order . . . URC 2015 Diaries: Hardback in midnight blue or green or purple; Only £7.00 Softback in royal blue or red; Orders with cash to Ted Dennison by 12th October to avoid disappointment—stocks are limited! Cheques payable to ‘Emmanuel Bookstall’ Notices for each Sunday’s sheet should reach the church office by 9.00am on the previous Wednesday [by paper, ‘phone, or email]. Contributions for the next issue - November 2014 - of the Newsletter (named or initialled) should be with the editor— in the Newsletter pigeon hole in the Garden Room or emailed to mauken17@gmail.com by Sunday October 19th Thank you. 15 CHURCH OFFICERS AND PERSONNEL Minister: Vacant Organist Emmanuel TS Mark Dawes 01954 Community Development Director: Jan Nicholls Time for God Worker: Imke Esmann Office Assistant: Anne Field Secretaries: Church Secretary: Margaret Thompson Elders Secretary: Liz Barrow Convener of Finance and Management Committee: Mark Reader Secretary to Finance and Management Committee: Stephen Thornton Finance Officers: Receiving: Church Office Disbursing: Church Office Envelopes: Church Office Gift Aid: Elaine Proctor Junior Church & Young People: Pat Saxton Library: Diane Saxon Bookstall: Ted Dennison Newsletter Editor: Maureen Kendall REFORM distributor Andy McKenzie Church Church Church Church 212514 351174 351174 351174 362500 369212 337163 506306 351174 351174 351174 741092 359983 527890 354282 500593 213527 office: 01223 351174 email address: emmanuelurc@btinternet.com website: http://www.emmanuel-urc.org.uk address: Trumpington Street, Cambridge. CB2 1RR Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge. CB1 7AJ Text for the Year ‘For in Christ all God’s fullness chose to dwell, and through Christ to reconcile all things to himself, making peace 16