in touch booklet JULY - AUGUST 2016 NO 18
in touch booklet JULY - AUGUST 2016 NO 18
JULY / AUGUST 2016 EMMANUEL METHODIST UNITED REFORMED CHURCH, ORMSKIRK Message from the Manse Friends, So this is “Goodbye”! After 15 years as a minister in the Circuit and as the minister in pastoral charge of two of the Circuit’s churches I have been involved since September in leading and attending (or will be soon) a number of “lasts”: the last Carol service, the last Christmas midnight communion, the last Lent course, the last Holy Week and Easter services, the last baptism, the last wedding, the last funeral (hopefully), the last communion service, the last Church weekend, the last Church Meeting and Church Council, the last collective worship in school. And now, with this July and August issue, the last Newsletter and so a “Goodbye” Sometimes that word seems so final. Indeed, I have sometimes heard the word used in a manner reminiscent of the slamming shut of a door! Other languages have expressions that seem more hope-filled and open: The French have “au revoir”, the Italians – “arrivederci”, the Germans – “auf Wiedersehen”, in Afrikaans there is “totsiens”. All of these expressions seek to emphasise that the parting is simply “until we see each other again”. So much less final sounding than our own “Goodbye”. Other expressions of farewell are more prayerful. The French again say “adieu”, the Spanish – “adios”, the Portuguese – “adeus”, and the Italians again – “addio”. These parting words all translate as “to God” and are prayerful farewells committing the one leaving or the one being left into the safety of God’s love and care. It was in the context of a funeral service held here at Emmanuel a few years ago that I came to realise that in fact our word “Goodbye” is not so final as some would make it sound. It means, of course, simply: God be with you. It is a prayer like the French “adieu”. It is fitting for a funeral conducted in the Christian hope of resurrection and of being safe with God even in death. It is fitting too for this newsletter because, since the Kingsford singers were here the other week, I now hear the word with an added ellipsis. “Goodbye” means “God be with you…” 1 “…till we meet again.” So as Karen, Naomi and I say our “Goodbye” to you all please hear it as an “adieu” and an “au revoir”. And hear it, as well, as that rich word of greeting and farewell that we borrow from the Hebrew heritage of our Christian faith: “shalom”. “Peace!” Goodbye and Peace be with you! With our love and prayers, Melvyn, Karen and Naomi Pastoralia Baptisms On Sunday 17th July Mike and Katherine Parr will bring their daughter Caitlin May to be received into the family of the Church by baptism. Weddings On Saturday 25th June James Champion and Hannah Green were married here. We send them, Alfie and their families all good wishes for the day itself and for the future. We shall uphold them in prayer as we welcome them back into the Church family as newly-weds! Funerals On 26th May, after a service of committal at the West Lancashire Crematorium, we gathered here at Emmanuel to celebrate the life of our dear friend Gordon Kingston. We remember Gordon fondly and with gratitude for his many years of dedication to the life of our church. We continue to hold in our love and prayers Barbara, Graham, Fiona and the wider family. On 15th June I led a funeral service at the Crematorium for Lesley Warner. We remember in our prayers her husband Reg, her son Antony, her sister Margaret and all the family. 2 God and Poetry Poetic responses to the call of God upon our lives. This one from Rabindranath Tagore. It isn’t a Christian poem. Tagore was not a Christian writer but his heritage was in the spirituality of Hinduism. I found the again in a book of poetry that I recommend to you called “Poems that make Grown Men Cry”. It is an anthology of poems chosen by various men in the public eye. This poem was chosen both by the Secretary General of Amnesty International Salil Shetty and by the film director David Puttnam. In making his choice Setty reflects that the final words could just as well read “let the world awake”. Let my country awake Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls; Where words come out from the depths of truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action – Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake. As you read this you will recently have been to the polls we shall know which campaign has prevailed. Whatever the result, this poem can be, I think, a commentary on the way the world is in contrast to the way God calls us to make it. Let’s never forget as Christians that Jesus calls us to love our neighbour as ourselves and to seek first his kingdom. 3 Vision for Worship – Refurbishment scheme approved by Committee. In January the Listed Building Advisory Committee considered our revised plans and approved in principle what is proposed. This was the first sign we had had in a long time that our plans for refurbishment of the worship area might soon receive full approval from them. Our architect has been working tirelessly on our behalf to amend our proposals so as to be acceptable to the Committee. I can confirm that today (June 22nd) I received a copy of signed approval from the LBAC subject only to the need to submit and receive approval for design details for various stages of the work that we have not yet finally agreed on. This is great news! Most of those matters that will require involvement of the Conservation Officer relate to standard matters like the specific details of redecoration, heating and lighting scheme, of the replacement chairs, of any new doors and the sliding screen, of the audio visual equipment, of the floor construction and of the ventilation. We shall also be required to create a photographic record of the way the Church looks now and we shall be required to offer the pews that come out for sale or reuse elsewhere. In January the Conservation Officer concluded her letter giving limited approval in this way: “We hope this now gives the church confidence to proceed with the next stage of their project, and we wish them well with their fundraising for what is a very exciting scheme.” As you now embark on the hard work of moving the scheme forward you should hold on to these words. There is still much hard work ahead of you but at last you have been provided with a green light to move the scheme forward! I am sad that I will not be with you as Vision for Worship finally comes to fruition but Karen, Naomi and I will eagerly await our invitation to the grand opening! 4 Ormskirk Methodist United Reformed Church exists to promote the worship of Almighty God, to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and, in the power of the Spirit, to serve neighbours in Christ at home and abroad. It seeks to play a part in transforming the unjust structures of society and promoting strong communities based on Christian values. As part of the World Church, it will strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain the life on earth. ‘O God, make the door of this house wide enough to receive all those who need human love and a heavenly Father’s care, and narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hatred. Make its threshold smooth enough to be no stumbling block to children or straying feet, but rugged enough to turn back the tempter's power. Make it the gateway to Thy Eternal Kingdom, through Jesus Christ. Amen. Taped Services If you would like to receive a taped copy of the Sunday morning service, then please contact Ynyr Jones on 423474. 5 Barbara and family would like to thank friends at Emmanuel for their kindness and support, for donations and the many cards of sympathy they have received during the sad loss of Gordon. Barbara Kingston You are invited to a Coffee Morning on Thursday, 18 th August, 10.30 – 12.00 in the Church Lounge Come along to meet with friends and bring friends with you Organised by Emmanuel Fellowship Proceeds will help us to pay for speakers, support the work of Emmanuel and various charities. 6 BOYS' BRIGADE We are facing an exciting time of change and challenge. First of all we are preparing to go to our Summer, week long, Camp At Dyffryn Arduddwy. Once again we will be running the Camp at a loss. We expect to take 10 teenage boys for an uplifting and inspirational week’s Camp with nightly epilogues. This year two of our stalwarts, Rob Langdon & Ron Mathers, are unable to come with us. Rob because he is off to Africa with his Africa rewired project, and Ron because of work commitments. So our young Officers are going to have to step in and fill the void, which I am confident they will do! Secondly we are restructuring our Staffing. I have decided that it is time for me to relinquish the role of Captain. I have done this job for many years now and, having reached the age of 82, feel that we should organise the future of the Company in an orderly manner. Accordingly at the Company AGM at the end of August, I will resign as Captain. Rob Langdon has agreed, subject to ratification by Church Council, to take on the role of Captain, and Ron Mathers has agreed to take from him the role of Officer-in-charge of Company Section. Keith Graham has agreed to become Treasurer. A number of other duties which I had formerly performed have been shared out between the officers. I will remain an officer in the company and help with the Company Section. I would ask you to give Rob and the other officers the kind of support you have given me. Please pray for them as they undertake their changing roles. I am sure the changes we are making will enable the Boys' Brigade to do a more effective job in future of maintaining their work of Mission to Boys. Bob Graham 7 Services for JULY / AUGUST 2016 3�� July 10.30 a.m. 6.30 p.m. The Revd Melvyn Kelly - Holy Communion The Revd Melvyn Kelly 10�� July 10.30 a.m. 4.00 p.m. Mrs. Joyce Cundall Afternoon tea service led by Melvyn 17�� July 10.30 a.m. 6.30 p.m. The Revd Melvyn Kelly - All age worship The Revd Stephen Foster 24�� July 10.30 a.m. 6.30 p.m. The Revd David Reynolds Circuit Service of farewell to Melvyn here at Emmanuel 31�� July 10.30 a.m. 6.30 p.m. Mr. Malcolm Roxburgh The Revd Michael Tindsley 7�� August 10.30 a.m. 6.30 p.m. The Revd Sylvia Jacquest - Holy Communion The Revd Barbara Banton 14�� August 10.30 a.m. The Revd David Reynolds 4.00 p.m. Afternoon tea service led by Joyce Cundall 21�� August 10.30 a.m. 6.30 p.m. Mr. David Allen Evening Circuit Celebration Service at Upholland 28�� August 10.30 a.m. Own arrangement 6.30 p.m. The Revd Michael Tindsley 8 Re-Wired Project in Zambia As you may be aware this Summer I will be joining a team from Rewired Africa to work on computer projects in and around Lusaka, Zambia. Rewired Africa focuses on enabling African children to share in the Information Technology revolution which has transformed society here in Europe. My skills will be put to use setting up computers in the local schools and training local people to use and maintain them. The Re-Wired Project works in partnership with Mission Direct who support a variety of local projects helping to alleviate the poverty in and around Lusaka. We will be guests of the local churches and during the trip and I will be invited to see some of the local projects in action and they have suggested some practical things I could bring with me to help out. I’m not asking for donations but rather your prayers and practical items. Here is a list of things I could take, if you feel like contributing please feel free (I have a large luggage allowance!): · Wool, knitting needles, crochet hooks, patterns and material of any length for the tailoring class to use. · School supplies such as pencils, rubbers, pencil cases (they have large classes of about 60 pupils) · Shoes and trainers for teenagers. · Balls, Bubbles and skipping ropes. Thank you for your continuing support. Rob Langdon 9 Boys Brigade recycling I have found 2 new outlets for used printer cartridges and old mobile phones. Original manufactured cartridges only but not copies or remanufactured. Last collection raised £44.00, these cartridges are the ones collected over the last year or so while finding the other outlets. Please pass your cartridges/phones to Ian Price or place them in the church porch recycle box. Kindest regards, Ian Price Boys Brigade recycle. 10 11 Sunday Tea services:July 10th led by Melvyn August 14th led by Joyce LUNCH CLUB Second and fourth Wednesdays of each month 12.45 p.m. A home-cooked lunch - 2 courses plus drinks Additional drivers and helpers also needed A recent delicious meal was: Hotpot with red cabbage or beetroot, followed by fruit crumble and custard Please contact Bob (576703) or Roy (573372) 12 Guild Queen’s Birthday Celebration When 14 ladies dressed up in all their finery, we celebrated the Queen’s birthday in Sylvia’s garden. We had a delicious tea and such fun. Tuesday July 5th 2pm AGM with a surprise item All are welcome to come and help us to plan for the future. We are considering changing to Monday Guild if the meeting agrees. Tuesday July 12th at 12.30 Summer Lunch please see Les to book a place Guild will start again on September 12th (all being well) Joyce Cundall Les Eves GARDEN SUMMER PRAISE ! Saturday 9th July at Holmeswood Methodist Church at 6.30 with Holmes Brass Band Faith Supper Collection for ALL WE CAN This circuit event will replace the Safari Supper All welcome Joyce Cundall SUPPORTING CHARITIES THROUGH RECYCLING POSTCARDS - for Missionary Aviation Fellowship Picture postcards - old or new, used or unused are welcome. Please retain at home until September when the collecting box will again be in the foyer. STAMPS - for Methodist Homes. This is an ongoing collection. Stamps should be trimmed 1/4 inch (not from the postcards) and can be given to Elizabeth at any time. Thank you 13 Saturday Coffee Shop 10.30 to noon Closed during August Volunteers wanted for a Few Saturdays per year Please contact Pat Loch ROOM AND HALL HIRE AVAILABLE AT THE CHURCH Contact :- Lyn Jenkins 01695 422573 Items for the September edition by 5p.m. 17th. August please to Nigel Cann 24 Dyers Lane, Ormskirk L39 4RW Tel: 01695 580270 Email – Closing date for material with photographs one day earlier. Any material containing artwork/graphics in pdf format please. 14 REFURBISHMENT FUND - January to June 2016 As we are almost halfway through the present calendar year I give the situation as it is for the middle of June. During the 5 1/2 months the fund has increased by £4,185 to a total of £237,748. This figure is made up by : Donations - £480, Efforts - £1,951, Interest - £556, Monthly envelopes £1,099, Copper jar - £99 The “Efforts” have been gratefully received and the four main contributions have come from : Saturday morning coffee - £843, The Tea Dance afternoon - £410, the Aughton Male Voice Choir - £476 (net) and a “Brunch” morning - £177. We thank all who have contributed financially and all who have helped in any way. (I would point out that we have not had any account from the architect for his work, so there must be a large bill waiting somewhere!) Roy Cumberlidge Looking ahead to Autumn : As you enjoy your summer holidays or break you are reminded that we will,once again be supporting the Shoe-box Appeal. It is not too soon to be looking out for suitable gifts for the children. Details will be given in the next In Touch 15 November 2014 Colour it 16 Dear Melvyn, When you and Karen arrived at Emmanuel back in 2001 there were two in your family. The arrival of Naomi changed all of that. We remember well Naomi's first visit to Emmanuel, at a Christmas Carol service, as a baby in Karen's arms. At the start of your ministry at Emmanuel, you were promised the support of a lay assistant. However, within 2 years of your appointment, circumstances changed and regrettably, that support was no longer available for you. Your meticulous planning and excellent administration skills came to the fore. This has been evident in many ways; at the annual Church weekend away, you withdrew from the fun activities on a Saturday evening in order to quietly prepare for worship on the Sunday which reflected the content and events of the weekend. The worship that followed has always inspired us. There have been so many Emmanuel meetings that you have attended over the years; we have appreciated your adept skills at chairing those meetings and allowing everyone to have their say. This attention to detail contributed to sermons which stirred and challenged us. We will miss your Bible studies which have strengthened our faith and provoked us to broaden our thinking. The many people, of all ages, associated with Emmanuel and the local community have appreciated those skills and your care for them. This includes work with young people at Edge Hill University, Greetby Hill school, the Brigades and your involvement in holiday clubs. Some of us recall the occasion when you arrived at the holiday club dressed as Postman Pat! There have been many services of celebration such as baptisms and weddings. Sadly, over 90 members of Emmanuel Church have passed away since Melvyn's arrival in Ormskirk. Melvyn has led the majority of the funeral and thanksgiving services for those members. They have been conducted with great sensitivity. In your first Pause for Thought in October 2001, you told us that you were settling in. You also reminded us that discipleship is about 17 moving and journeying is at the heart of the Christian church's story. Your hope was that Emmanuel would be a Church that is moving. Indeed it is. Soon after your arrival, you were greeted by members of the property committee who shared their vision for the refurbishment of Emmanuel. You have been with us through that long process but it will not be complete before you leave. We look forward to inviting you back to share in the fruits of that vision. The journey continues for you and us. As you anticipated at the start of your ministry at Emmanuel, you would be called again to move on in your ministry. Now that time has arrived. As you are looking forward to fulfilling your calling in another place and role, we thank you for all that you have given to Emmanuel over the past 15 years, a lot of which is unseen, we will miss you, Karen and Naomi and we pray that you will all soon "settle" in Leeds whilst continuing to journey. From all your friends at Emmanuel Church FAREWELL TO MELVYN - SOCIAL EVENING An invitation to everyone come along on Saturday 23rd July with bring and share supper 18 Welcome There will be a circuit service led by Sheryl Anderson the chairman of the District In which we welcome Sue Guenault as our minister. Saturday 3rd September at 7:30pm This will be preceded by a bring and share tea. 19 AND FINALLY….. The Sunday School teacher was describing that when Lot's wife looked back at Sodom she turned into a pillar of salt, when Bobby interrupted. "My mummy looked back once while she was driving," he announced, "and she turned into a telephone pole." Another Sunday School teacher said to her children, "We have been learning about how powerful the kings and queens were in Biblical times. But there is a higher power. Who can tell me what it is?" Tommy blurted out, "I know, Aces." 20 SYLVIA’S GARDEN PARTY to celebrate the Queen’s 90th. birthday On a sunny June afternoon thirteen Guild ladies enjoyed Sylvia’s hospitality in her beautiful garden. It was a pity the Queen could not see us in our posh frocks and hats! There was plenty of relaxed chatter before a lovely afternoon tea with Sylvia’s best china. A birthday cake was lit with 9 candles and we sang “Happy Birthday your Majesty”. After tea we were surprised with ice-lollies, thoughtfully provided by Sylvia to cool us down. HALL / ROOM HIRE AT EMMANUEL Langham Hall Is available for hire and has tables and chairs which can comfortably accommodate approximately 95 people. In addition we have a wall projector screen ready for your talks and such like in the hall. There is also a kitchen which can be used by arrangement, next to the hall, that is well equipped and for many years has received the 5 star award for hygiene . Lecture room Has seats for some 40 people, is set up with a wall projector screen and is carpeted. Lounge 24 seats are kept in the carpeted lounge which is ideal for a small meeting. Enquiries to:Lyn Jenkins 01695 422573 Or Bill Jones 01695 574268